
Fr. Gerald Murray on the Upcoming Synod and the Eucharistic Revival 

St. Paul Center
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@JamnaKayster Год назад
I hope and pray the Holy Spirit will lead our Pope and bishops, leading them in the right direction 🙏
@sylvia54lobo76 Год назад
60 plus years.... Wake up Murray's &co.
@joelobe187 Год назад
great... 60 plus ywars gallen satanic mafia rule.. fruits... vocations????? scandals monetary, pedofille., etc. pity lipservers to God so called university godless ilk cannot...
@crushtheserpent Год назад
Loved the shout out for the Latin Mass at the end! Was the biggest factor that caused me to become Catholic!!
@wendyfield7708 Год назад
Becoming a Catholic because you like a language is not the right reason! +
@el-sig2249 Год назад
The TLM is not about the language. It's about accuracy in the Apostolic Canon, which has been obfuscated in the Novous Ordo. It's about worshipping as our Lord taught us, rather than using a masonic liturgy (yes there's hard proof, Bugnini was was freemason). It's about reverence, so stop this silly talk about Trads thinking that Latin, for it's own sake, is better!
@professorg1440 Год назад
Why recite in a language you do not understand. 99.9% of catholics can't read or write or understand Latin.
@Winston-op5de Год назад
@@wendyfield7708 In his case I don't think that was the only reason. And the more time he spends in the Church the more he would love it.
@Bhaleri6 Год назад
To Wendyfield, you obviously do not realise that the language is only a part of what the Latin Mass is about. Have you ever compared the Latin Mass with the Novus Ordo? No, I guess not. If you did you would see how changed the New Order Mass is, how it is lacking in so many beautiful biblical passages, how different it is in terms of reverence. It’s what our famous saints were brought up with!
@nickstone3113 Год назад
I am Orthodox greek in Bulgaria and i understand all you say about Euchsrist and worship. God bless.
@Winston-op5de Год назад
@nickstone3113 - Greetings to our Orthodox Christian friend. Both, the Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church share the believe in the Holy Eucharist and worship that we have received directly from our Lord since he was here on earth. Unfortunately our Protestant brethren changed everything including the sacraments. Let us ask our Lord to guide them back to the true meaning of Christianity. God bless all Christians.
Well commented
@veronicaf9444 Год назад
So much respect for Fr. Murray! A canon lawyer with common sense.
@geneschreiner8267 Год назад
Why is it a simple lay person - me - can see the untruth of what the pope is promoting?
@tgriffin3059 Год назад
@@geneschreiner8267 It seems to me that the liberal Catholics suffer the same tendency as other liberals...the tendency to act like high school kids following various and sundry trends rather than being grounded in things of substance and depth. Any Church teaching that is regarded as 'unhip' will simply have to go. I truly believe that liberal Catholics would prefer to disobey Church teaching over remaining faithful, if that faithfulness were to lead them to be associated with the unwashed rubes out in the Heartland that they regard with such contempt...
@wendyfield7708 Год назад
@@geneschreiner8267 Because you are misunderstanding the Pope! Do you listen to or read everything he says or writes, rather than just reports and commentaries which are often biased or just wrong?
@geneschreiner8267 Год назад
@@wendyfield7708 Can you tell me where the writings are that pope Francis clarifies his position with James Martin. Or why he put Cardinal McCarrick back into active duty. I’d like to read what the pope has to written about these two men.
@michaelspeyrer1264 Год назад
Except he hasn’t got common sense and he is a terrible canon lawyer.
@cliffbarber1642 Год назад
I appreciate the hopefulness in this conversation that no matter the storms, God is in control. The Catholic Church is His Church!
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@SBL19681 Год назад
@@lufhopespeacefully2037 Genesis 18 The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. 2 Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.
@Eternally_Catholic Год назад
​@@lufhopespeacefully2037 In the very first sentence of the Bible, the Holy Trinity creates time (beginning), space (heavens), and matter (earth). A trinity of creation. Each of these has a trinity of dimensions to them. Time has past, present, and future. Space has length width and height (a 3 dimensional universe), and matter has 3 states. Solid liquid and gas. God made everything good therefore it must point us toward Him because He is good.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
@@Eternally_Catholic ,ty for replying,, as far as i know trinity is an old worshipping for some an egyptians who have worshipped ezice,authorice&hurce ,on the hill of that,the church hijacked the notion&also The concept of a trinity predates the Bible.. The much older Hindu Vedas had a holy trinity.Called the trimurti, it was Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer, three individual deities that are also a single deity.peace.
@Eternally_Catholic Год назад
@lufhopespeacefully2037 I was not aware of that. But exorcists will tell you: pagan gods are demons. So it doesn't surprise me that they've been trying to mimic the Almighty in so many ways. God is love. satan tries to spread lust. We are created in God's image and likeness. satan is trying to make us resemble him. An evil, prideful thief, murderer, traitor, blasphemer, ect. Many times, possessed people slither on the ground like a snake. Here, satan is trying to degrade us the way he was degraded, mock us, and again make us resemble him.
@butterflybeatles Год назад
Bring back beauty in the Mass and people will come back automatically.
@marcokite Год назад
in other words; bring back the Traditional Latin Mass
@butterflybeatles Год назад
@@lluchadden4040 If Jesus were there He would be surrounded by the best that mankind has to offer.
@SonOfThineHandmaid Год назад
Our faith shouldn't be so weak in the first place. If we leave our dearest Jesus as soon as the liturgy changes, our heart does not have good soil. Pray for faith. Liturgy and everything else will automatically follow.
@glorybe7500 Год назад
@mafakefoot Год назад
Suggest return to genuflect whenever crossing in front of the tabernacle (Reserved Sacrament) every time every child and 22:24 22:24 adult human (including all clergy!) Smoke and Bells! Love the Latin but English fine if Mass rituals and manners resttored
@1951kvk Год назад
Fr. Murray has great integrity and knowledge. I just found out my bishop is invited to this Synod, God give me strength.
@geraldinemurphy6385 Год назад
The synod is about more than gay unions and women priests. Ther entitled to be heard .all people. .it's trying to make future safe for Catholics..listeing to ideas .it's not changing 10 commandments.. ...the laity has a contribution to give..Rome is hub..locality in parishes.has shrunk since COVID....numbers.. The future will be smaller Christians .....have got thin on ground..it's young is future snowflakes. .youth .geraldine
@JCdevoss Год назад
All bishops are invited to the synod
@phyllisgibson1328 Год назад
Love Father Murray. So clear in explaining the faith and problems we are facing.
@carvilldublin Год назад
Super interview, full of hope!
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@SmithsnMoz Год назад
​@@lufhopespeacefully2037... Same reason you can't find the word "BIBLE" in the Bible..😊
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
@@SmithsnMoz ,that`s against not pro smith,,ty beth for replying,, as far as i know trinity is an old worshipping for some an egyptians who have worshipped ezice,authorice&hurce ,on the hill of that,the church hijacked the notion&also The concept of a trinity predates the Bible.. The much older Hindu Vedas had a holy trinity.Called the trimurti, it was Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer, three individual deities that are also a single deity.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
@@SmithsnMoz .jesus is the main central figure of bible,didn`t agree with me we have find a bible with his name,where does jesus talked about trinity,please answer me to have a healthy conversation
@JW-kx4qp Год назад
Thank you, Fr. Murray ❤for your expertise in our Holy Faith.
@therese_paula Год назад
God bless you, Fr. Murray! Lord, send us more priests like Fr. Murray!
@egyaackon7318 Год назад
May God bless you both for standing up for truth
@Wonderpattypatty Год назад
Praying for the Warning / Illumination of Conscience to come soon. Jesus, I trust in You! ❤️🙏
@KW-mz4pn Год назад
I love Fr. Murray! Met him at the National Association of Catholic Nurses event! He signed my book! It’s an excellent book!
@andy41417 Год назад
Ralph Martin has connected the dots and even Barron questions a recent cardinal appointed. More good people need to speak out.
@deb9806 Год назад
who did he question. Bishop isn't one to gossip
@Seliz463 Год назад
@@deb9806the new archbishop Aguilar. He didn’t “question” Bp Aguilar per se, but he assertively made a statement where he said he has a very different approach to the necessity of evangelization than the approach recently outlined by Bp Aguilar
@joelobe187 Год назад
deb..... judgemental, gossip, climate change, poor, poor, humble, etc.... pity these forked tongued hypocretes..... jesus ourKing and God called them CHILDREN OF BEELZEBUB packed like sardines in today's ROMAN COMMUNIST CHURCH of obiden, pelosi, trudog, faushit.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
hy does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@jimmu2008 Год назад
​@@lufhopespeacefully2037the Trinity is all over the New Testament. It's only the word Trinity is not in the Bible. One place the Trinity is revealed is at the baptism of Jesus. Jesus, the Son, is baptized by John. The Holy Spirit descends on him, and the Father speaks in a voice from heaven that sounds like thunder to some. So you have all 3 persons of the Trinity revealed in this event.
@Westyrulz Год назад
I do think the old Mass helps with belief in the Real Presence.I will be getting Fr's book that's for sure.
@rebeccaharrah7827 Год назад
Father Murray is amazing
@franinator9849 Год назад
You are so right. I can testify that the number of youth in one TLM surpasses their number in 3 NO Masses.
@thomasgiovacchini55 Год назад
Thank the Lord for priest like you. God Bless
@sandraelder1101 Год назад
I wonder how many will listen to the Bishops now telling us how important the Eucharist is when these same Bishops considered the Eucharist expendable a short time ago.
@MariaMater Год назад
The Sacrifice of the Mass used to be the sum and summit of Catholic Life. As a woman, I have neither the strength nor the inclination to lift a 33 yr old man above my head in offering. I can prepare for the sacrifice through confession, I can stand, I can witness, I can love and this is appropriate. I can’t pretend, however, that the Eucharist is NOT a real person, a real man. The Eucharistic Revival is not a big tent come-n-get-it. But it has that ring to it. It might be better to stop watering down what Christ said, what He did. The Mass is the Mass. a sacrifice. Real flesh. Real blood. Catholics were expected to GROW UP, and should still be expected to GROW UP, vertically, toward the Goal, not horizontally, dissipating and dissolving Truth as we accommodate and accompany illusions, sin, and stupidity.
@joandempsey4652 Год назад
@ceciliawarero8214 Год назад
Thank you Fr. Murray
@Mr80jb Год назад
I will listen to and follow Father Murray
@robertajaycart3491 Год назад
Cardinal Robert Sarah wasn't invited to the Synod, that should tell you something.
@paperclip612 Год назад
Why has he to be invited. As a CARDINAL of the Catholic Church he has the automatic right to attend.
@deb9806 Год назад
He stepped after prostate surgery, didn't he?
@robertajaycart3491 Год назад
@@paperclip612 The Synod is by invitation only
@s8henry50 Год назад
Love Fr. Murray. Always speaks the truth
@benitaponciano412 Год назад
Thank you Fr. Murray! GOD BLESS!
@treeannie8831 Год назад
Father Murray, I would’ve loved watching your new Communicants! ❤They just make me feel that all is okay, or will be okay, with our Church. God bless you all! Teresa from Texas
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@siena4ever751 Год назад
Eucharistic revival needs proper indepth Catholic catechesis, Adoration and the reintroduction of communion on the tongue. All else is words, words, words.
@josephinemarino389 Год назад
We lost sacred space and sacred silence. No respect no beliefs in real presence
@finallythere100 Год назад
And, as Fr R would say, emoting.
@daviddragona1853 Год назад
@CherubChick1221 Год назад
That was a very enjoyable, comforting talk. My part-Irish blood is now at a low simmer instead of boiling over when pondering the goings-on in Rome. Thank you, good Gentlemen. 😁🙏💪💞
@Gpacharlie Год назад
Up the Irish, but don’t get your Irish up. ☘️😉
@michaelkeane8508 Год назад
The Holy Spirit has never supported sin .You cannot receive the Holy Spirit if you have sin .Now if you have a selection of people who support Homosexuality and you select them to vote they will get what they want.Father Murray you are so right on everything you said .
@LuciaAbundo Год назад
❤ We will pray that the pope will not success in changing our doctrine , dogmas and teaching in our church especially in terms of moral and faith (homosexual, sodomy and other blasphemy or demonic and satanic teaching ) May the intervention of the Holy Spirit will prevail to restore the purity and hollyness of the church founded by Jesus Christ and the successor of St. Peter.
@marnatz5 Год назад
​@@LuciaAbundoThe Holy Spirit will prevent infallible Dogma being changed But the craftiness of the Vatican may say to bless sodomy unions because " it's the pastoral thing to do." However a priest cannot bless Mortal Sin!!
@stayhal Год назад
@laurenrouten1168 Год назад
Thank you both for this calm and focused overview of the current state of Gods Holy Church. May God bless you and all His faithful shepherds and have mercy on us all.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace
@karenbrooks4189 Год назад
Excellent interview! We need to keep these faithful men in our prayers! 🙏✝️
@nicodeja1542 Год назад
@pegprice5160 Год назад
Every day, every rosary!
@doreenmaier7908 Год назад
Fr. Gerry for pope! Amen 🙏🏼 19:35
@psmamere Год назад
Thank you Father Murray
@Wonderpattypatty Год назад
Can’t wait for the Warning!! Lord, pls intervene SOON!! 😢🛐
@lorenzolocoteshuffle Год назад
What warning?
@margaretahorzic3071 Год назад
@gollum19671967 Год назад
Me too. Hurry up Lord!!!
@Wonderpattypatty Год назад
Garabandal, Padre Pio, and many other mystics and saints!! ❤️🙏✝️
@Wonderpattypatty Год назад
@@gollum19671967 Amen!!! 🛐🙌
@helenakonjir4402 Год назад
Eucharist is the most beautiful and precious Treasure of the Catholic Church.
@MsHumble4 4 месяца назад
Be back later… Thank you for this video. Just yesterday, walking past the COE, I thought it would be very nice to have a Catholic Church where I could go and do my talk to God… I haven’t been to Church for a very long time… and I miss it a lot.
@sharondragan6611 Год назад
God bless Father Murray
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
u too sharon,Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@onwukachidi Год назад
I just finished reading his book. It's absolutely beautiful. ❤
@preema1231 Год назад
Sooo glad I am done with this..
@JamnaKayster Год назад
Love Fr Murray
@stevebohlin7245 Год назад
there are many spirits seeking to influence us, but only one Holy Spirit who seeks our sanctification.
@deliadeitz Год назад
3 Hail Mary's for Father Murray anf the St. Paul center. 🙏🙏🙏
@margaretoconnor874 Год назад
Great talk, but toward the end you mentioned about Catholic schools perishing and I think one of the reasons is cost. In the 60s and earlier tuitions were much less because nuns and brothers taught the students. Not many salaries to pay outright. It was a big sacrifice for us to send our kids to Catholic schools and still pay school taxes. I do not regret it but it was still difficult! Good Bless families who still do it!
@aidac7983 Год назад
Reverence in the Eucharist to confirm our belief in His real Presence. Eucharistic Adoration leads to conversion!
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace
@JJ-ki2mw Год назад
@catholiccrusaderfilms3974 Год назад
If Amoris laetitia is not enough to wake people up, nothing will ever be enough.
@Auroradiluculum Год назад
Yes, we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to be at this Synod.
@laurarocha9272 Год назад
👑✝️🛐priest lead us to JESÚS CHRIST ❣️
@joemccullough3458 Год назад
Fr Gerald, the Holy Spirit is leading the church. You are invited to enter into a discernment and listening to this. From small acorns great Oak Trees grow. The Church is not going to be served by any human interpretation that we have here!!
@fastdadws4985 Год назад
Thank you, Father Murray! I read your occasional column in The Catholic Thing. I vividly recall meeting you for the first time, with my mom, in the early 2010s at a Haitian Catholic parish in Chelsea, Manhattan. 23rd Street, I recall. St. Vincent perhaps...? My mom and I went to your parish to hear Mass in French, and the Haitian choir was wonderful! I'll look out for more videos featuring you, and maybe you'll be back on Raymond Arroyo's EWTN show soon.
@ellen5596 Год назад
May God protect our very traditional and conservative Fr. Murray from attack by the pope.
@phoenixaz8431 Год назад
''Faithful'', in other words.
@elitisthavoc3949 Год назад
“For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬ ‭ ‬‬ “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.” ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭20‬:‭13‬ ‭ ‬‬ “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. That is what some of you used to be; but now you have had yourselves washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. Sexual Immorality. “Everything is lawful for me,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is lawful for me,” but I will not let myself be dominated by anything. “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food,” but God will do away with both the one and the other. The body, however, is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body; God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take Christ’s members and make them the members of a prostitute? Of course not! [Or] do you not know that anyone who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For “the two,” it says, “will become one flesh.” But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Avoid immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭20‬ ‭‬‬
@michaelkeane8508 Год назад
Father Murray when he speaks he speaks with the power of the Holy Spirit I cant explain it but other than it makes me feel good inside and gives me peace and that is our Catholic Faith .I get the same feeling when I receive the Blessed Eucharist without mortal sin .This is what the Pope and some Cardinals and Bishops and Priests don’t understand .Once sin is allowed then it keeps going and it’s really bad for the sinner .Homosexuals can go to confession go to Mass receive the Blessed Eucharist and receive the Holy Spirit the same as anybody else .
@821andrews Год назад
Homo can go to Mass but should not receive Eucharist as they are under mortal sins. Leviticus 18:22 states "No man is to have sexual relations with another man. God hates that" .
@marycurtis4210 Год назад
Thank you. Very encouraging.
@chorjennie4038 Год назад
Fr Murray has raised very valid points.
@bethluther3950 Год назад
Thank you for this !!!!
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@veronicarowe3960 Год назад
My Sunday mass is the Latin mass .
@821andrews Год назад
Is it the SSPX mass or under the Catholic?
@peggybruening4415 Год назад
Thank you…it helped clarify the Synod to me. Unfortunately I have run into too many unfaithful shepherds😢
@richardbayer5702 Год назад
Good to hear this (right wing) perspective. I definately think "lay" people (such as "lay" women with PhD's in theology!) should have a say at the synod.
@Mr80jb Год назад
This is the ultimate test for all the true priests, bishops, cardinals invited. The true Catholics are listening, watching and waiting for the confirmed truth of the Word of Jesus. Not the pope, not lgbt, not the woke society. We want to listen to the Word of God and witness if our Priests are true followers of Christ. Please Lord Jesus, put a stop to all this modernism, tolerance and bring down of our church. Protect the Faith!
@MrKev1664 Год назад
Christ be with you it is simple things that build strength in the belief that it is God in the Eucharist. It starts with how we are expected to dress when we go to Mass. How should we present ourselves before the King of Kings The its how we receive him. It should be on our knees on our tongues to show that respect for him. It is how we treat the tabenacle While Christ us present we should genuflect knee to the floor, only those through the honor of age or infirmity should do different. Those who are not priest should not touch the tabernacle as reflection of the old testament and Holiness of God. the preist should not turn his back to the tabernacle. All are simple things that show we believe and provide ab example to others God bless you
@MrKev1664 Год назад
@@lluchadden4040 Christ be with you. It appears you want an excuse to not do your best for God. That is so sad. I have seen people in poverty still do their best to present themselves as good as they can. If you show up to mass but don't believe you may not show up. When going to Mass the girl you speak of and anyone else should be thinking how they affect others around them. In 1 Corinthians 8 St Paul tells us how what we do can affect others. I hope one day you will see how great it is to do even the little thing for God. God bless you
@johne.8939 Год назад
I facilitated the early listening sessions….. what was passed on to Rome was NOT the issues I heard in the sessions. The top concerns of the people were: 1. Our children have left the faith 2. Our bishops are not leading 3.illegal immigration is redefining our parishes
@joandempsey4652 Год назад
What does no.3 mean?
@johne.8939 Год назад
@@joandempsey4652 it means everything we do in parishes has to be both in English and Spanish …..doubles the work I guess to have two RCIA programs etc
@elitisthavoc3949 Год назад
Jesus Christ will be back soon to sort out this mess… “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord; the Lord will be their trust.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬ ‭‬‬
@billschwab9996 Год назад
I was taught that the priests hands were concentrated for the transubstantiation to take place that being the case why do we received by hand. Where is the main reason? People do not believe that it is the true body and blood of Christ!
@paperclip612 Год назад
Quite correct ! Not to mention that Communion is being 'dispensed' by different members of the laity.
@marnatz5 Год назад
Vatican II did not even stipulate Communion in the hand. The practice came from worldwide disobedience from the priests. If the Bishops really want to ignite their teaching on the Holy Eucharist, let's start with receiving only on the tongue worldwide. But with the wolves heading the Vatican Dicasteries these days, I'm not holding my breath. But I/you can do your part by never receiving in the hand again. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said this is the most important tradition to return to: Holy Communion on the tongue.
@dianedohman1807 Год назад
When I occasionally go to the novis order Parrish near me there are many who receive communion on the tongue which surprised me . Was there when the children making first communion and all were dressed in white dresses and boys in black pants and white shirts . Wish there was a Latin mass there . I have to go to a different city for the beautiful latin mass .
@cecilebulva1027 Год назад
God is in control and leads his sheep - who is not listening?
@maryanne5610 Год назад
Thank you for this interview. It actually lifted me up. God is Good.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
hi mary,Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,
@maryanne5610 Год назад
Matthew 3:16-17
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
@@maryanne5610 ,ty mary for replying,, as far as i know trinity is an old worshipping for some an egyptians who have worshipped ezice,authorice&hurce ,on the hill of that,the church hijacked the notion&also The concept of a trinity predates the Bible.. The much older Hindu Vedas had a holy trinity.Called the trimurti, it was Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer, three individual deities that are also a single deity.peace.
@maryanne5610 Год назад
I don’t know about them. I do know there are many things that can be considered a trinity. Like a clover maybe? But there is only One Blessed Trinity. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. To Whom I will love, reverence, and serve for all eternity. Blessed be God!!! ❤️
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
@@maryanne5610 ,oikay baby face mary,why there is no a bible with the name of jesus,isn`r he the central figure of bible
@catarinasm741 Год назад
Pray, pray, pray. That's the best one can do. The Church has to undergo a purification process similar to the cross of Our Lord's. With Mary we will triumph with her Immaculate Heart.
@micook3204 Год назад
SO SAD ✝️🙏
@papadan3 Год назад
I am the skeptic of this synod and I truly believe through the popes final document he will somehow do as he does best make it so ambiguous that any priest or bishop can grant the sacramental of same sex blessing .. As for women priests he already said his mind on that.
@mirajimenez5954 Год назад
Lord,, may You protect us from the wolves in sheep's clothing scattered all over, strategically located... Help us in this confusing times....
@david-nt3cz Год назад
Why worry about the October Synod? Let the holy spirit take care of it.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@underdog578 Год назад
Interesting video, with respect I suggest that it could have been better if there was more discussion and explanation on why Mr Corzine or Father Murray advocated for certain points. For example, we need to be more aware of the miracle of the eucharist, but I doubt saying the mass in latin would achieve this. I think sharing the research Carlo Acutis did would help, and especially celebrating the mass with the devotion that Padre Pio had - of course we are not all saints, but it is so easy to forget that something truly miraculous is happening every day in every church and sometimes we can do better reminding each other of this. Maybe mass attendance will improve if we look for ways to re-invigorate our faith in general. We are not Christians for one hour a week, we need to live our faith all the time. I read somewhere that Christianity took off within the Roman empire when non believers noticed that during epidemics, Christians would rush to the care of those afflicted at great risk. I know I can do more for others. Finally, I don't understand why it is settled truth that women cannot be priests. The explanation I heard from our priest, a very good priest - was that Jesus only had male apostles, but Jesus came to us during a time where roles and norms were much more rigid with regards to gender than they are today. I can see how it would not be practical for him to name some of his women followers to go to villages and towns and proclaim his message. However, he did have women follow him and play important roles, like Veronica, Mary Magdalene, our blessed Mother. When Jesus came, religious leaders rejected him because his message and manifestation did not conform with their expectations. I hope we are not making the same mistake and once again think we know better, instead of always looking for His truth with an open mind.
@johnschuh8616 Год назад
Our minds should first of all be open to the Holy Tradition. Too few Catholics have more than the most naive notions of it, or the extent to which the manners and mores of our times are simply opposed to it.
@denise-kc6lk Год назад
Face the east and lead us towards Christ.
@taylorhughes59.5 Год назад
With so many bishops being caught up in corruption, I think it is good to have some lay experts involved in the Synod on Synodality. Humility.
@francesbernard2445 Год назад
My own understanding about Synod is that although lay people have a voice to share their concerns ahead of time before the day a formal Synod takes place when that formal Synod takes place they don't have a vote only because that wouldn't be practical and it would cost way too much money when then having to hire pole clerks; pole clerk supervisors; I.A. technicians to double check the tally in each voting place for lay people too etc. etc. etc. Money which could be better directed into helping to maintain not only our church buildings and rectories and mission outreaches too. Only to maybe make each and every single simple change which needs to be made which any parish priest has the right to decide is best for people in his parish already. Imagine if every single time someone contacted their local government representative about one or more of their personal concerns which has nothing to do with ongoing wrongs which could not be first addressed in any other way then a referrendum and people voting on it would have to take place. Like for example that one fellow at a synod meeting for lay people in the church I go to who wanted to pointy out that a lot of Protestant Christian organizations do many good works which they are not getting recognition for in the Roman Catholic church. That was a valid concern that wasn't un- Catholic nor would taking that concern into consideration be something that would need a referrendum there among church officials in the later formal Synod where it is decided that maybe Protestant deacons and ministers who choose not to marry should be treated the same way that any single person gets treated instead of labelling him too as being part of the LGBQT+ crowd too now while he must openly identify as being only Asexual to satisfy the curiosity of any Roman Catholic priest who happens to be wondering why he is going to the same seminary they are and any Roman Catholic priest who starts wondering why after he gets hired on to be a minister somehwere he happens to be showing up too in a public place outside with his own outreach handing out free clean water or whatever too during a national emergency. I agree the whole LGBQT+ thing is getting out of hand. However how much should all of us Christians allow that kind of woke ideology to take up our own mental space?
@effygram8159 Год назад
In Ireland lots of young people are flocking to Latin Mass.
@poetmaggie1 Год назад
The Holy Spirit has lead us, why do we refuse to follow.
@butterflybeatles Год назад
Unfortunate that many men have abandoned the tie. It is the only fashion statement a gentleman has. Plus it is more modest and respectful of your audience.
@pavelrazamazov2672 Год назад
You are really bothered by no tie? Dont you think that they may be uncomfortable for some guys?
@Marcia-fw3wz Год назад
@@pavelrazamazov2672 So offer it up. Would you prefer to wear a hairshirt?
@butterflybeatles Год назад
@@pavelrazamazov2672 I would imagine that roman collars are uncomfortable, too.
@marya9039 Год назад
MODEST?! Because 1 BUTTON is open around his neck? Weird. Hope you were listening besides being so critical. I had to go back and see what you were talking about.
@paperclip612 Год назад
Couldn't agree more, about the tie. It IS the finishing touch.
@marydewar5675 Год назад
I, as an ex anglican was suspicious to begin with when I heard about synod on synodality, so not surprised about this latest involvement of lay people in the voting taking place this October.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace
@johnhawkins3597 Год назад
Meditatio by John Joseph She is there... she is always there From the absolute abandonment of the Cave To the absolute abandonment of the Cross She is here... she is always here
@leorenier1 Год назад
Did you ever hear about LUMEN GENTIUM? Is this document of VAT II part of the development of the doctrine of the church? Or does the devopment ends in Trente?
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,.;
@MrEnniscorthy Год назад
The Hierarchy of my church is grievously in deficit. The child sex abuse and its attempted cover up is at the feet of the bishops. What a catastrophe. And so far no repentance. Repentance is a corner stone of Christian life. So if bishops wont repent, bring in somebody who will. After all the church is the people and the laity's time has come
@maryr7627 Год назад
My pet peeve is that the uUS Catholic Bishops added to this crisis by their failure to fight to make Eucharist available during CoVid. Thus they validated the governments judgement that Eucharist is a non essential service. Mass became a boring and optional tv show or RU-vid video. Now these same bishops can’t figure out why faith in the Eucharist has been further diminished.
@mardelleferguson989 Год назад
What’s the name of the book. I missed that.
@theoldman947 Год назад
What happened to Father George Rutler?
@sinfall5280 Год назад
Has anybody else ever imagined life as a TV show with many seasons and episodes? They're talking like that show that talked about the Walking Dead did. Except it's real life and we're all the actors. Even them. Whatever season we're approaching, it's gonna be a cliff hanger for sure. Spoiler alert tho: GOD wins
@luisbergantino Год назад
I don't need anything more than any bishop in the Catholic Church, than to contradict the Teachings of the Church, to know that God is not speaking through him.
@JamesVideoCollection Год назад
The Latin Mass helped me understand the Mass so much better - plus, the Eucharist gets the reverence it deserves. Awfully narrow-minded of Pope Francis to try to supress growth in the Church. The Novus Ordo really should be ad orientem too; the priest united with the congregation in facing the same way makes a big difference.
@andrejgrebenc3235 Год назад
The problem of the Church you did not mention is a lack of teaching. Focus on the Eucharist is only for those who believe. Majority of people are ouside of the Church. Teaching rightly does not happen in the Eucharist. We need separate gatherings for that. We need to teach the young adults to observe Gods dids in their lives and withness this to nonbelievers= evangelization. Each parish needs an evangelization action plan. The Church is to clericalistic. Medevial approach : pay, pray and obey does not work any more. Paradigm shift is needed. Holy Spirit will support this.
@michaelspeyrer1264 Год назад
11:54 “I’m a canon lawyer.” Yeah a Canon lawyer who thinks the SSPX is not in schism which is ridiculous. If someone is that off on canon law why would I trust that person on their other opinions?
@eugenebelair4163 11 месяцев назад
the fact that homosexuality, ordination of women and communion for divorced couples , shows how low we have fallen. These questions should not even be discussed . When the Church starts looking like the World, we are in trouble .
@shimmyhinnah Год назад
“Causing concern?” Maybe the word consternation would be better used.
@ChristineBridges-eh5cx Год назад
So instead of conversion, sealing their fate??????
@MEGA1FILM Год назад
There is a place reserved for unfaithful shepherds
@carmendestefano1780 Год назад
PS...I was there when you celebrated the High Requiem LATIN Mass for Alice Von Hildebrand. She deserved it. So did my father. He couldn't have one, right Father Murray?
@papadan3 Год назад
A stacked synod will drown out the entire purpose of a synod as a synod of bishops should be; the protectors of our faith handed to us from the apostles… this pontificate seems to believe the apostles are now name only and a no name brand is better..
@johnfisher247 Год назад
I think the interviewer is confused about the role of the Pope. The pope cannot change church teaching and cannot express personal opinions with the weight of his office. We listen but are free to disagree with his opinions. Popes are limited by their intelligence, formation and choices and can fall into heresy as St Robert Bellarmine wrote about. God's permissive will allows popes to make choices. Of course they are restrained and should be formed by the scriotures tradition and precedent. Bergoglio is trashing these by seeking to camoflage his departures by saying the "Spirit" did it....not him. I coild see this coming as Paul VI started this process...JPII and Benedict tried to resist it intellectually but the actual practice of the Faith and changes to the Sacraments represented and enforced the very things they spoke against. JPII fell flat with the Assisi religious syncretism and approval of liturgical abuses...also appointing dubious men as bishops. Bergoglio is far worse. We need to prepare ourselves for a shocking failed synod that will require our obstruction and opposition.
@paperclip612 Год назад
The problem is that most people nowadays are shockingly ignorant about Catholic teaching so all pervasive has been the protestantisation of the Catholic Church with the willing assistance of the Vatican.
@marnatz5 Год назад
This Synod needs to fail since the goal is to create a Counterfeit "catholic" church.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 Год назад
Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,
@sharonstout7802 Год назад
Cannot hear you
@fernandosaludes4515 Год назад
Intensive Catechism wjll improve church attendance regardless of the language used in the Mass.
@knightsrepose9448 Год назад
What happens when the unstoppable force of Synodality meets the immovable object of Church Teaching. I'm guessing, a lot of destruction.
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