
Free Morgan PSA! 

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In 2011, I was moved and honored to create this short environmental documentary to help bring awareness to Morgan, a young female orca taken from the wild and still to this day, has not been returned back to her family. Originally she was being held captive at Dolfinarium Harderwijk and is currently (2015) in a horrid Loro Parque, off Spain. All financed by Sea World.
A number of animal activists and ocean advocates thankfully came together for this PSA to help free Morgan.
A month after making this video, with tears in my eyes, November 22nd, 2011...
"Despite overwhelming evidence provided by world renowned orca researchers, scientists and advocates, Morgan has been designated that she will be sent to a life of permanent captivity in a barren concrete tank @ Loro Parque. Realistically this is nothing short of a death sentence for Morgan as orca in captivity only live an average of 8.5 years, compared to more than 50-80 years in the wild."
Please help Morgan by supporting the continued advocacy work at: / thedolphinsmile
Or visit: www.gofundme.c...
Not only will you be making a difference in Morgan's life, but in the future generations of humans & cetaceans' lives!
Let's put her back in the wild where she belongs, so Morgan can be reunited with her family!
Heartfelt gratitude to all who helped make this video possible, and a special tribute to Mike deGruy
Ocean love,
Dolphingirl (Dove Joans)
Director and Producer
All rights reserved © Luckydove Productions



12 сен 2024




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@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
Morgan is still in a very inhumane sea~park, "Loro Parque". For current news and updates, please go to the freemorgan org site. Thank-you for caring!
@VEGANSAM 8 лет назад
Very well done PSA, Dove. But it was particularly sad to see Mike...what passion...& what a loss.
@dolphingirldove 8 лет назад
+VEGANSAM Thank-you Sam and yes, such a great loss. Mike was a dear mentor to me... his life has been inspiring and motivational in continuing to be a voice for nature, animals, and the environment!
@NikkiesMommy2008 13 лет назад
Awesome work...I'm working along with other activists to help release her. Please Harderwijk Free Morgan. Please donate to her legal counsel in the Netherlands. Thank you great wonderful video.
@JST-bc5te 3 года назад
Do they still have the legal counsel for her in the Netherlands. Thank you.
@mizsmooey 13 лет назад
great job to all helping, i am so glad that they were unable to transfer her to loro park, but now thanks to you guys she still has a chance!
@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
Yes Jens, Mike is very missed and all I can say is that he's an inspiration to me and to so many others! Each day, reminding us to follow our passions and speak up for those things that need our protection and help! Hopefully, enough people will catch the fire that Mike always had burning, and the world and oceans will become a bit better because we cared a bit more.. xo!
@codkiller100 12 лет назад
No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal. Jacques Yves Cousteau
@comeacomeacomeleon 11 лет назад
Morgan is not SeaWorlds property to be making money from. She was born free, she should be living free. That Seaworld still has her captive is an utter disgrace to the European "Justice" system. I urge anyone who can make it to Brussels on the 28th of June (2013) to come & raise your voice in peaceful protest against any cetacean being held captive in Europe. Ric O'Barry the legend that is, will be there, Please help spread the word :)
@amandamalmsten5241 8 лет назад
They are so right!
@dolphingirldove 13 лет назад
Thank-you "agnernai"! The more people that pass this PSA along and "share it", the better chance Morgan will have in seeing her family again, and live the "orca life" she was meant to live! In peace & gratitude!
@54marguerite 13 лет назад
I hope she can be free soon to be with her family.
@kipper5973 Год назад
11 years ago. breaks my heart
@dolphingirldove Год назад
why continuing our outreach and education is crucial! #setthecaptivesfree
@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
The truth is the truth... whether we choose to look at the cruelty and stupidity of captivity, or choose to ignore it. Hopefully, the truth will set us all free, including our dear orca friends! Much dolphin gratitude to those who care in actions, as well as in words!
@dolphingirldove 12 лет назад
@armandm85 Well, Keiko's, aka "Free Willy's "release" was a success - He lived for 4 yrs in the wild, compared to almost 20 yrs in captivity... I'm sure his lifespan was shorten from the many years of confinement. Morgan was and still is very young, making her an excellent candidate in being "RELEASED BACK TO THE WILD", as well as the fact that the researchers found a 89% match w' her family pod off Norway. Thanks again for caring about this important issue
@samypowerlocke 11 лет назад
I hope Morgan will see Freedom soon! :)) GOOD LUCK :))
@dolphingirldove 2 года назад
Wanting to respond to BERNADETTE, Yes, agreed, and it's up to all of us to ONLY support #wildandfree, PLUS products that are #crueltyfree Together, WE CAN STOP THIS SENSELESS HARM & SLAUGHTER! Cause that's what happens to dolphins and whales when one family member is captured for the #entertainment industry. Others are brutally killed and injured! "Let's put the humane back into the word humanity!" A slogan I made up in raising awareness about this worldwide #animal #abuse issue and others! Essentially, captivity is reflecting our own states of mind that would accept harming and dishonoring a life! Thank-you for all that are taking actions in changing that mindset and awareness! Let's keep on keeping on!!! @BERNADETTEMEACH comments: The only time Morgan will be free is when the pour thing will be dead even well before Morgan's time that's the way it is for sealife that is taken from there home just like all the rest of the sealife that are captured and put in stupid swimming pools and sealife centre's brainwash people into there lies that's the bottom line and it's all for big money sealife centre's is just a big businesse for profit end off and sealife centre's still get away with the cruelty
@Armachillo 13 лет назад
I also put it on FB... it makes me so mad to see people playing a merciful role when all they do is cause pain, sadness and havoc in an orca's life...
@agnernai 13 лет назад
I'm spreading the word via Twitter and facebook and word of mouth because of a life-long appreciation for the fragile ecosystem that is the ocean.
@dolphingirldove 12 лет назад
I'm finding out the truth for you, Morgan's current state of being, and will update the page as soon as possible. Thanks for your concern & care!
@Gatewhale 13 лет назад
this video is amazing !
@Norwegian733 13 лет назад
@Texelorca87 13 лет назад
Great video, I have shared in on FB, and I hope many people will... Orca captivity is nothing more but making money out of the most intelligent and beautifull creatures of the 'ocean'
@scrubjay93 13 лет назад
If they exhibited a lion in a bare cage that small, the outcry would be horrendous!
@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
Thank-you for the posting Shariana! AND there's also a petition people can sign to close all dolphinaria in Europe on avaaz.org, /All_dolphinaria_must_be_closed_in_Europe/ BIG dolphin gratitude!!
@dolphingirldove 9 лет назад
Amber J & K, your comment about Morgan the FEMALE Orca being deaf.. Did you know that dolphins speak and communicate "holographically", and that we humans and cetaceans hear "holographically"... in our biological design. To say she will die in the wild, atleast she'd have a life with her family swimming naturally and not tortured everyday in unnatural cement captivity. Maybe it would be helpful if you looked 1st at the plain facts about cetaceans in captivity. FACTS ~ Sickness, suicide, grief, ulcers, stress, and living only a 1/3 of their lifespan they'd have in the wild. Not much of a life, taking away everything that makes them a dolphin! WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH, MORGAN WAS PURCHASED INTO SLAVERY BECAUSE SEA WORLD WANTS TO USE HER AS BREEDING STOCK. BASICALLY A TEENAGE PROSTITUTE IN JAIL!
@FreedomForOrcas 13 лет назад
Great video. It's a disgrace how marine parks continue to treat these animals. They are disgusting and all parks should be shut down.
@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
Dani, thank-you for your concern and sharing the video. Whatever excuses Loro Parque (SeaWorld) is using to keep Morgan captive is a cover-up to the fact that she's worth millions in her breeding stock alone, and that's the real motivation for not setting her free. Yes, a form of education is happening with marine parks... yet unfortunately, it's more along the lines of deception and cruelty.
@dolphingirldove 13 лет назад
Yes Matthew... it's time Morgan's put back into the wild, so she can actually have a life Being in prison is not a life, no matter how much some people candy-coat the illusion that dolphins & whales love doing tricks for humans, going around in circles 24/7. The only signs that have been shown of how cetaceans have truly "felt" in captivity is sadly from the intentionally deaths of humans. I hope many more people will speak up to the Netherland goverment, so Morgan will be set free!
@JensEser 11 лет назад
R.I.P. Mike deGruy - this guy is a huge loss
@Spaghetti-tacos 13 лет назад
I do believe she should've been free already.. Been there long enough
@jakewalter2728 11 лет назад
You can get updates on orcas in captivity and news about morgan at @OrcaRights on twiter. if you follow it tells you how you can help save morgan and other orcas. please follow orca Rights they are one of the greatest ways orcas can be helped!!!
@TedTraver 11 лет назад
It is sad how often companies try to justify unacceptable atrocities by spinning the truth. It is worse that there are so many people in this world that simply accept what society tells them to believe without doing their own research into the matter before making an informed decision on the topic. Mother Nature can be unkind, and maybe Morgan would have died in the wild. At least she would die free. At the very least Kaylin Williams if you know not about captive Orcas watch Blackfish.
@jakisong 12 лет назад
Wild orca Morgan's shocking new wounds at Loro Parque, Morgan the orca 'attacked' in Tenerife amusement park!! P;ease tell us what is being done about this?
@shawnbutchko456 Год назад
Free him immediately!!!
@lanaleinn 3 года назад
I know that I'm ten years too late, but I still want to say something. Morgan currently lives at Loro Parque and to bring her back in the ocean would be really stressfull and confusing for her. Also she is deaf, and that means that she probably wouldn't survive. Her home is the Loro Parque, she is ok and if you really want to help her, then inorm yourself before donating for this. It won't help her.
@cloedythemedium 3 года назад
Morgan is depressed. She beaching herself and slamming her head against metal gate also she lost her calf this year just can imagne, how worster she must feel now. Morgan could go to a sea pen sanctuary better than in a bathtub. This needs to stop such parks!
@dollycau9099 Год назад
@dolphingirldove Год назад
Yes, yes, and yes... always and forever, let's keep on raising our voices with art and actions towards love and freedom!
@Spaghetti-tacos 13 лет назад
As much as I love animals, some are better off in captivity.. They are there for a reason.. I wanna see Morgan free and roaming the ocean with her family.. But why was she put there in the first place? Was she injured? Was she sick? Is it for study? I really hate seeing animals taken from their homes.. But I'm unaware of all the facts as well as all of you.. Unless you're there.. She does need a much bigger tank.. That one is way too small and is cruel to keep her in such a tank.. I pray that s
@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
Sad indeed, no education in this.. besides learning that Morgan is being tortured in captivity while her family waits.. naturally wild in the Norwegian seas.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
May I please borrow some footage for a project I'm making? I promise to give full credit!
@dolphingirldove 4 года назад
Haven't yet seen your project yet, please forward to me at: dovejoans@gmail.com
@dgxbvc 12 лет назад
@armandm85 oh yeah just that you'd know, the beloved Keiko's reason of death was the disease that he got from captivity :)
@DaniTrueartgirl 11 лет назад
Is that a fact? Would like a researcher outside of SeaWorld or any of the like to confirm that. Otherwise, how would we know? Have you seen SeaWorld with all the rides and the loud music that could make any Orca go deaf? Rather her be in a better-educational facility with an open water pen, since she's use to the ocean and people can be better educated if she's really deaf.
@user-jj4bh6vt5r Год назад
Бедная косточка, заточили тебя в тюрьму(((
@dolphingirldove 11 лет назад
Well Kaylin, it seems you've been misinformed.. Leading scientific evidence show that reseachers have already found her family in the wild, and oh yes, she wasn't "captive born", as well as when she was found, she had perfect hearing before she was put and has been kept in inhumane conditions. Maybe her hearing is failing, due to the many attacks she's been receiving since they put her @ Loro Parque? Please try & get your facts, before commenting on a subject it seems you know little about.
@lisakazmierczak9060 Год назад
This makes me mad and sad 😢 why do they do this shit to these orcas 😤 please don't go to sea world or any or place , shut them down , free all them orcas . 🐳🐬🐧 I hate people . But love animals and mammals ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏 for Morgan .😇
@irenemederos7741 2 года назад
Ella era feliz y ahora lo es más en loro parque en Tenerife recomiendo que vayan y no va a volver porque es sorda
@torontostreetcars 2 года назад
Let me understand this right: Save an animal's life and you are horrible Let an animal die and you are horrible Either way, you are horrible.
@TheAustinb123 11 лет назад
I am pro-cap , but DEF not full pro-cap. I HATE LP and Dolphinarium Harderwijk . Poor Morgan. I mean , the whole plan was to have her released again.
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