
FREE Sad Story Type Beat " HARD TIMES " - Emotional Piano Instrumental 

Magestick Records - Rap Beats | Hip Hop Instrumentals
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1 окт 2024




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@Jurrivh 6 лет назад
This is sick!! Really liking the piano melody :)
@Limitless_wav 5 лет назад
ur beats also uffff
@alangreyes1472 4 года назад
Letter to my daughter Yeah Aye This ones for you baby I love you Listen Dear Valerie It’s me daddy speaking upon the mic I know you know I’m your daddy right I know you see me everyday and Night Everything was great in the beginning before your mother and I started to fight Had a couples problems that we had to just leave our side I never wanted for us to be apart but I guess that’s life I tried my best to make things right But I’ve seen too much with my very own eyes And a nights I wouldn’t be able to sleep cause of the imaginations on my mind I tried so hard to erase it and just leave it behind But in every try we tried I felt like I was living in lies I know they say a man never cries But I guess I deeply expressed my feelings from the inside Cause I shed some tears and just let them slid down like a slide I know your only 2 years old and don’t understand what’s going on around your life But eventually you’ll grow up to ask things like Why isn’t daddy around at night? Or why isn’t daddy around at this time ? Or when your with me you’ll be asking questions like Daddy when is mommy going to arrive ? Or saying daddy let’s go out and hangout with mommy at the park while I ride my bike All these memories are the ones going to keep daddy to feel alright And to help daddy to keep fighting to survive And to keep pushing him to work harder even if I have to do some over time All I want is for my baby girl to grow up and have a better life I promise Daddy will never leave your sight I’ll always be around for you even on the days your not spending time with me at my house I still remember the day we walked in to hear your first heart beats on that ultrasound That was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt I was very proud Regardless of the things that happened between your mother and I I’m still going to love her cause she gave me my first born Child I just wish we could of been long terms but the world is like a jungle and it does get wild But while Daddy is around he going show you how to make it around It don’t matter if one of us is rich or poor Living in this life comes with struggles And daddies been through it all so I’ll teach you how to fight these battles A father is what I represent Cause I was there when you took your first breath And your first steps And when you started to say your first words Man those were beautiful moments in my life that I will never forget So baby Valerie I hope you when you get older you get to read this letter to help you understand that daddy tried his best And that I will always love you forever until they lay me to rest
@EntertainmentWorld17 4 года назад
Can I use for non profit use?
@saskia2737 6 лет назад
That fits in perfectly with my current situation... 😔
@kalocgh5267 2 года назад
Keep ur chin up
@juejsheh8188 5 лет назад
Ich schreib diese Zeil'n für meine Mutter, ja, es tut weh Ich will doch nur, dass es dir gut geht Doch ich verkack alles, mach alles falsch Mann, ich bete zu Gott: Kannst du diesen Schmerz still'n? Mit deinen Tränen, Mama, könntest du ein Meer füll'n Und mein Vater? Er ist querschnittsgelähmt Und na klar, kamen da vor Schmerzen die Trän'n Kein einziger Freund, aber du hast gewartet Ich stehe nachts auf und guck' nach, ob du atmest Diese Zeil'n, ja, ich schreib' sie für dich Wie schlecht es dir geht, Mom, begreif' ich noch nicht Doch ich greif' zu 'nem Stift, ich greif' zu 'nem Blatt Nur für dich schreibe ich hier diese Zeil'n auf den Takt Mama guck, ja, ich will, dass es dir gut geht Weil es dir zusteht Weißt du noch, als wir damals im Heim war'? Ohne Perspektive, ohne Glück, ohne Einnahm'n? Der kleine Junge auf dem Dreirad Doch ich kenn' es nicht anders, wenn ich seh', was die Zeit sagt Meine Träne, ja, sie fällt und sie fällt Schau sie dir an, meine Welt ohne Geld Und die Zeit vergeht schnell Irgendwann geh'n wir alle, egal, ob's uns beiden gefällt Ich hab' mich nicht einmal im Leben gefreut Doch wie oft wurde ich jetzt schon im Leben enttäuscht Ich bleib' ein Ausländer, im Heim aufgewachsen Wie viele Menschen haben mit der Zeit mich verlassen Mama guck, ja, ich will, dass es dir gut geht Weil es dir zusteht Ihr seid zu zehnt und du holst noch Verstärkung Wir sind fünf, vier sind türkischer Herkunft Und alle fragen wieder, wann deine Lieder komm' Eine Träne fällt für die Jungs da im Istanbul Und was ich mache, nennt sich Ausländer-Rap Ja,ich bleib' der Türke, der für die Türken rappt Ich geb' den Türken die Stimme, die ich hab' Ich bin die Stimme der Turkei, mal seh'n, ob es klappt Ich blick' nach vorn, weil ich ein Ziel hab' Gespielt wird Fußball, draußen auf dem Spielplatz Mama guck, ja, ich will, dass es dir gut geht (gut geht) Weil es dir zusteht
@kerovic4574 4 года назад
Bro heftiger Text man merkt dass es aus deinem Herzen kommt. Geht aufjedenfall unter die Haut! Ich weiss ja nicht wie es jz so ist,aber bleib stark. Ne mutlu türküm diyene..
@aland.1459 2 года назад
@@kerovic4574 ist der Text von Azet- Mama (2009)😅 trotzdem nice
@Yeyzo 6 лет назад
Sehr toller Beat, erinnert mich an triumph von Savas.
@MRX-mm3jk 6 лет назад
same haha, trotzdem sehr nice
@dannybarba1271 6 лет назад
Mich erinnerts an Serenade von Rf camora
@alessionoto3466 6 лет назад
Jaman haha
@FFDK589 5 лет назад
Stimmt gutes Gehör du Fuchs
@FFDK589 5 лет назад
@LineupLARRY-69 3 года назад
Left home alone as a kid Because of my mom committing sin People asking me how I've been because they dont know where I've been But still I dont know how to bend These lyrical words within Yet I don't intend to go down the same path as my mom and then, Inject myself with some heroin No time for sterilene Gazing through this peephole I'm staring in Still no care in the wind Taught myself to make a PB and J Didnt want my sister starving today I was just simply afraid Of what my mother would say But I knew it would be over soon Just gotta wait a couple more noons Or a few more moons To break out of my cocoon Maybe even have my own room to vacuum From my birth I needed help My lungs, barely in health Grew up, with little wealth My little sis couldnt take care of herself So from a young age it became clear I needed to persevere For my home problems were mere-ly An illusion for confusion, left assuming, slowly moving, barely zooming, result of consuming stupid movements But this music is soothing my ears The only thing left keeping my tears From falling out I need this sound, I need this now I only count, 1 opportunity Its right in front of me Eyes wide open to see And understand what's beneath my feet The things I have built upon The things I use to write this song It's in my past My mother and fathers hard relapses Back to addiction Which I've fled from and started my ascension To a new direction So you know the only thing I'ma be injecting or projecting, is my soul To help kids understand the toll Experiences have on your mind Only that calms them are my rhymes Without this musical shit I'm not sure if I'd be this high No I'm not talking about weed I mean the ability to breath So clearly and see Just where I would like to end up and be I'm just trying to say I'm unstoppable Lyrical thoughts, unpopable Even if it is improbable I can still dream impossible Things and reach my full potential, my destiny Which I probably will never get to. Because it just gets higher Even more than the empire So then i have thoughts to retire Maybe I have reached the end of my wire Everyday the same attire As in, I'm getting tired Cause of all this weight I carry on my shoulders May not be a boulder but it sure has an impact on my body or the verse The same ones I tend to rehearse Maybe add some reverb Or say, "fuck it" and reverse slash revert Back to the old days. Which brings me back to my mom. Who would rather hit bongs or drink a beer then sing me a song which I needed so dear. But honestly I dont care anymore. I'd rather focus on my life, focus on a car, focus on a wife, focus on a star, focus on a light Whatever it may be, as longs as it keeps me on my feet.
@sebomusic3261 6 лет назад
Der beat ist voll heftig Probs an dich dazu werde ich ein text schreiben deine beats inspirieren mich 🎶🎤
@jack8698 5 лет назад
Life has tough times, when I think about freestylin', I think about rhymes Spend time with the pen, I might begin to cry, don't know why Feelin' like I'm gonna die, life's not worth to just live and lie I got reasons and pieces of skeletons around me I'm actually dyin' when people said I was overweight, still fightin' for rights I'm standin' in shit tonight, try not to care what people say Why you always gotta diss me for the way I look? You cannot even rap or anything, the whole world gets shook You don't really look alive - a zombie You prolly wish you could have shot me with a shotty Hit my stomach, scream, but you would never tell your momma you was sorry Shut the fuck up! Pretendin' to be friendly when we're lonely, but an inner demon or an enemy You're actually killin' me lyrically, ironicly Let me tell you a story, listen... We were brakin' windows outside my house Our parents found it out, and you just lied and cried We were too young to understand the shit we've been through Now you're drivin' a tractor, yeah, I'm talkin' about you! The colour is blue so you know who you are The trophies, my dude? Nah, you're too far To achieve a mothafuckin' trophy, just ruinin' everybody's lives Not your friends, but their okay? Fuckin' lies... What you gonna do when trouble comin' at you? Cannot even face 'em, lyin' through it ain't gonna help You just a fuckin' selfish prick, you're in my class, but I don't give a shit Do you think I give a shit? Nah, man This beat is kinda feelin' fire, like your face when I am lightin' it up like my tires Fightin' my dreams and shit, desiding to kill you with this storytellin' rap A kid asked me if I liked you, bitch, I said no
@slzarvevo6781 5 лет назад
اشتقتلك كل ثانية انتي ببالي, اشتقتلك كل ليلة عم اتخيلك قبالي , الحدود بكو عيونك, سلاكون تحت جفونك, الحرب بعدتنا, الغربة قتلتني بدونك, اول لحظة شفت الجنة جواتهون لعيونك شفت شو حلوة هالعتمة الي كانت بين رموشك بشعرك شميت ريحت ياسمين الشام قدس صوتك و ضوء القمر بدونهم مابعرف نام حطيت ايدي على خدك معقولة انا حدك لمحتك, حضنتك قلبي همسلك بحبك كنت ناطر تجي اللحظة الي حط راسي على كتفك كنت ناطر يرجع ينبض قلبي وقت شمو لعطرك بعيوني, باحلامي طول الوقت كنتي فيهون سوا رح نحرق حدود البعد و ندفي حبنا عليهون بتعبي, بشوقي, بقهري, بالحسرة لندفى انا و قلبي كنت محتاج منك غمرة انا تعبت من دونك, بعدك عم يحرقني روحي سرحت, الحدود عم تمسكني كلما دق جرس الكنيسة بدعي لربي و بصليلو يجي يوم ولد منك, و انتي ماما تناديلو كل يوم على مخدة القهر عيوني...؟؟ بقرب صورتك علي تمي, على جبينك عم بوسك من بعد ما بعدتي, بعد النوم من عيوني ملائكة الحب....؟؟؟ عم تبتسمي وساكتة ضحكتك عم تقتلني شوقك بيخنق عيوني, من النوم عم يفيقني كلما عم شوف اثنين, بتذكر بيناتنا كل شي صار وقت قلبي شاف عيونك رجع ياخد قرار جفى روحي برد السما بدهون ايديكي يكفنوني تحت تراب قلبك اذا فكروا عيونك ينسوني هالغنية رح تسمعيها و عيونك رح تلمع رح نتزوج و رح ذكرك و نحطها و نسمع دقات قلبي..؟ ليشوفوكي...؟؟ لهيك دموعي....؟؟ عذاب صدفة جمعتنا و بعدنا القدر ببعدك بردت غيوم السما فبكيت مطر بعرف بردانة و بدك ايدي مارح تدفي لحالك ملامحك بعيدة عني بس متمسك بخيالك بوعدك مهما طال غيابك بقلبي رح تضلي ياعمري البسي ابيض, انطريني و ضلك صلي ( بحبك و اشتقتلك و رح نبقى طول العمر) و ثانكس على الغنية الي
@lostsaga352 5 лет назад
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
@sjjjjjjjjin 6 лет назад
"another one?" relax its fine, play it twice ill body nice hit rhymes in time aligning mind en beat its prime divine I fly with truth my guide en thoughts in line I start to write I tell it like, Pete its fine, beathe alright?, really nice when flowing tight but when you wrote no show in mind your flows inconstant sow it right, take a sec to breathe don't fight it doesn't mean don't speed ignight it pace I mean keep rhythmic writing, keep breathing syncing timing, keep reaching inking eyeing, keep thinking feeding frying lryic sit there wit here hear it? writtens speaking vision teaming t perceiving beat beat beating while I'm craving flow awaking satisfied as bodies pile will my writings be worthwhile, thanks to those up breathing styled simple for the reading Wish you luck ducking and weaving through the love dollars policing, its hard to stay up breathing challenege staying straight n speaking, keeping jobs while freaking use is beaten brainstorm seeking Better ways to earn a dime its never fine so needly try
@LineupLARRY-69 3 года назад
Good flow and rhymes. But I'd work on making it make a little more sense. Maybe have some themes or ideas you want to talk about
@Daeividbo 6 лет назад
Text wird geschrieben. #ZukrasserBeat
@michaelhobbins8602 5 лет назад
I will use this beat for a rapp 👌🏽💪Thx Magestick
@matthewquintero1958 5 лет назад
Michael Hobbins did you have to pay ? On any beats on RU-vid do you have to pay they won’t reply so do you just use it?
@burkteacher 5 лет назад
You can use it just don’t upload it
@tyleredwards2100 4 года назад
Imagine a world where nobody holds any grudges, Where love is always shown and nobody passes any judgement, You gotta learn how to forgive and how to move on, the biggest person you gotta forgive is you for what you did wrong, Yeah I know it’s hard to admit it then ask yourself for forgiveness, After all the pain you inflicted you feel like you don’t deserve it, But in the end your the only person that you keep on hurting, Your the one who decided to flee from love and leave it deserted, Yeah, I know you ain’t perfect, we all have our flaws, Pain doesn’t make or break a person it’s determined by how it’s resolved, Don’t fall like when it’s autumn you gotta stand tall, Solve your problems before they blossom and pin your back against the wall, We all have sinned filled with pain due to past mistakes made, Pain and regrets engraved in hearts like words above a grave, How come love seems to fade but pain always leaves a stain, I’ve seen days where pain takes sunny days and then turns it into rain,
@CarlCBeats 4 года назад
@DizangelMusic 5 лет назад
Could I use this beat and give you credit? I will not be making any money off of it.
@youngkc4004 4 года назад
I’ve been in these awkward fazes with some awkward faces They minds is brainless in the hood how could I escape this I wrote so many mistakes in my life I’d like to erase this But I write to the melody murder beats catch a felony It’s a hard life full of hard times check the story line I’m putting on for mine no matter the cause And I can feel it in my soul I could feel it in my veins That I should introduce myself and let these people know my name I put my bars up at a young age how did I get stuck on this page How you gonna put a combatant lock on my cage And exspect me not push myself to this final form on this stage It’s insane
@CarlCBeats 4 года назад
@pjvocals414 5 лет назад
This society that undeniably requires me to be the man that I can’t find in me, I feel so detached from reality, Why don’t you see the good just the bad in me, Why are my views and dreams laughed at, In this society’s normality Why is this society’s acceptance of behaviour based upon the success of the wealthy, Whys there so many tragedy’s too many enemy’s too many people struggling to make ends meet, Too many goodbyes not enough hellos, Too many times have I been lost at the crossroads, Stranded not knowing how to get home, Fighting my demons , Doing it on my own, Is this talent or a voice that will be left unknown They won’t ever pick me up they just kick when I am down So i might as well remain behind the tears of a clown
@simeonkolev3899 5 лет назад
yo dude that is actually pretty good if you make it a full son it would be a banger... and sorry for how you feel
@pjvocals414 5 лет назад
simeon kolev thanks man , I wrote this a long time ago thankfully I’m in a much better place now , but yeh thanks dude
@simeonkolev3899 5 лет назад
much love stay safe and stay happy
@adonispreston5314 4 года назад
@nadiaxvv 4 года назад
Loving the lyrics.
@CosminHolos 6 лет назад
Noapte bună suflet cald Acoperă-mi tu mie corpul Fă-mă să simt căldură În tot frigul tu-mi ești antidotul Sunt antitotul ce mă înconjoară Tu-mi ești scutul meu ce ma bandajat pe rana Atâtea gânduri ce incep si se adună ce rapid trece timpul Azi e soare ieri era furtună Ce fascinant e Cum devii din nimic totul Ce al dracu de greu Da peste tine norocul Trece timpul tu tot lângă mine ești Trece timpul si noi scrie povesti Trece timpul pana la adânci bătrâneți Trece timpul tu tot mai frumoasa ești! Trece timpul important e ce rămâne Și vreau sa-ti spun ca mă bucur ca încă ești lângă mine Mă bucur Ca tu n-ai plecat cum au făcut-o restul Că tu ai ales sa rămâi ca sa-ti completezi versul Sa colorezi zilele să le dai culoare Sa-mi topești inima de gheata Cu vorbele tale Buzele tale două petale de trandafir Dar doar la tine am gasit miere La restul ură si venin!
@josefstalin7799 5 лет назад
Diese Producer Tags zerstören immer alles 😬
@charlieking9684 5 лет назад
Yeah, stress made a mess in my mind 13 on meds that the doctors prescribe Lonely at best with a pill by my side Tell my mum that I'm taking just one every night Started with 2 turn to 3 turn to 4 Now my mums on my case cuz I'm asking for more Mums in my face cuz she knows that I'm smoking I tell her I'm not but she knows that I'm joking The pills got me mad I don't know where I'm going Barely a teen and I copped an addiction I'm honestly tripping I start reminiscing on times that I almost got put in the system The schools on my back and my vision is dazy Cops in the office I feel my heart racing I could be the pills that I start taking daily suspensions put tears on the women that made me
@musicmusic170 4 года назад
can I use this please ?
@treezyhighfam9474 5 лет назад
Before I go at peace I think about the one that I lost this year my sister she killed herself I'm so sad I can't think straight I loved her so much my feelings come first sister comes first I love you sissy R.I.P
@burkteacher 5 лет назад
I’m so sorry god bless her in heaven
@havershamjoe6782 5 лет назад
Same thing here bro it gets easier I promise
@darrianwall4513 5 лет назад
I literally freestyled about your comment over this beat with my eyes closed man.. it's gets better I promise, killacity been deadly lately, lost so many homies to the streets, 1 drop, 2 drop, 4 drop then more drop. only thing you can do is push through the dirt.. and listen to these beats..
@xaycapalot 5 лет назад
Damn rip 😢😔
@Zuxitivity 5 лет назад
I know how you feel i lost my brother to a man with a gun
@gabehines6557 5 лет назад
I swear this life is an illusion, somedays i wake up and say screw it other days i dont know how to do it my last relationship i blew it
@cesar_yf2637 3 года назад
You say this life is an illusion, I have come to this conclusion, living life locked away in seclusion, I feel like I'm locked in a cell, locked away and slowly my sanity fell, I'm tryna figure if this reality or am I dreaming, that can't be I'm kept awake by my thoughts screaming, all the doubt and hate, I built a wall they let themselves in through the gate, where do I begin? I'm in a battle with my mind, how do I win? Last year I had it all, a job, a house and a girl then covid came and fucked up my world, first went the job, I still had my girl and house, so I was still feeling like a god, then I lost it all, texts and messages turned to missed phone calls, then I came home one day there was nothing but her ring and a note, as I sat there taking it all in, with an empty bottle of gin, i slowly loaded the bullet that would take my pain, finally I thought I'd be free again, as I pressed it against my head ready to unload this gun, when suddenly my phone rings I looked and it said mum.
@jackcha5651 5 лет назад
Through all this darkness, silently i suffer Because my skin is tougher than any kind of armor You tried dragging me down to the pits of hell You failed to do so by taking this L You left a scar on me though So get ready to catch this flow I ain't gonna slow it down So open your ears and listen cause your worlds about to get turned upside-down. You put me in the ground Turned me into a fucking monster Turning me cold and bitter Hating the world Hating these girls Wanting to drag them down to the under- world Even if they shine like god damn Pearl's In my eyes the twinkle has gone and turned to flames Cause I'm so fucken done with these god damn games. You can go out and hoe around Not like you give a fuck about me You ain't gotta stay bound You've gone and done enough for me to see. Our love was your way to get over him Now I see how useless our time meant to you. Guess our love was too dim Guess your feelings were never true. You left me here in agony While you go out and fuck these dudes Calling them your baby boo Going out making making all this noise And I hear about from them boys So fuck you and your feelings All those talks we had about getting rings Was all made up to just comfort me So here I am alone with feelings nobodies gonna see.....
@uzmusofirtv1470 5 лет назад
Ha Yana Men aybdor... Ha Yana Men gunohkor. hamma uchun aybdorman Hammasida qo'lim bor, San uchun O'zga G'aribman Bitta sanda Ko'nglim bor. Sanga Berganimda Shans Bilmading g'alamus, Uni Puli ko'p ekan Xatto otasi Rais. Bizda Pul Yo'qro Bosayam Zato Bermadik Foiz. BUNI TAQADIR deb Ataymi ?.. yoq Xiyonat deganim Joiz, Pul Uchun sotmasdim sevgimni Xatto Qolsamxam Joysiz. QARA TRIK MURDAMAN GO'YOKI TANAM JONSIZ, Sotilgan Sevganingni So'yib qo'yding pichoqsi. Xayot xam Chorne Beli xechnimada qolmadi rang, Eshtganim Monde Liusi Negadir Asablar tarang. Manda Tuyg'ular O'lgan U Buni Pulga sotdi, Sanda Xammasi Qotgan Sani Boylik yo'qotdi. Be ayib Bu Yuragimni Nafrat va g'azab bosdi, Yolg'on Sevib Ishontrib So'ngra Kim bilan yotdi?. kuzzzz Fasli O'rtasi Osmonda qarg'alar , Ular xam xayot uchun Tinmay qanot qoqar. Niqobing ortida Ko'zlaring Yaltirar, Men bilmadim BU alvasti Negadir Qaltirar. Men Bilganim u sotildi Yuragimni qotili, Sevishimni Bilib Ham Begona bag'riga otildi. U sotildi 5 minutda 5 yillik sevgimiz O'ldi, 5 sonyalik Huzurni deb Hammasi Xazon bo'ldi.. Xa Ketardi U quvonib Kunsayin Turli sovg'alar, Sizda Mashina Yo'q deya kun Sayin Qovoq Solar.. Xarxil Kafe Diskoteka Alkogol Ajib salatlar, Ertalabdan Boy Yigitdan Kelardi Savatchalar. Uni Uzoqdan bo'lsada Kuzatardim Men sekin, Bu yuragim Yonib Kuyib ololmas edi taskin. Birkuni Sms Keldi Salom Bormisiz Qoyil, Nega Sms Yozdi O'sha Lanati qotil. Senga yana Nima kerak Qani Tezroq Gapir, Yomon Ko'rsamda Xatto Olardim Xovotir. Uni Unutish Kerak shunga Munsib Bo'lgan, Mayli kechiray desam Davno yurak o'*lib Bo'lgan. Unda ne umidlar bordir Manda Xammasi So'nga, U uchun Urgan Bu yurak Xiyonatidan Singan ..... Xiyonatni kechirmiman Ketish Uchun xaqliman, Oradan ikki yil o'tdi qara Bugun Baxtliman.
@domeniclacelle200 5 лет назад
Going out of my mind, feeling like I want to cry. So much hate, carrying all this weight, feeling like I want to break. But I don’t want that to be my fate, I can’t keep going at this rate, my life in the midst as I contemplate. Would you believe I was sorry if it was the only thing I continued to say? Or would you still push me away? This feeling won’t leave I think it’s here to stay, it’s stuck in my head on replay I wish there was some other way I wish could fix stuff and everything would be okay
@ShubhamSingh-tt3kz 5 лет назад
You Keep This High I Love the Beats..The Tune All Really Awesome Can I use It For My Song...answer Pls
@Fat_jesuss 3 года назад
@ShubhamSingh-tt3kz 3 года назад
@@Fat_jesuss Hmm..
@FFDK589 5 лет назад
Ja TRIUMPH KOOL SAVAS - NICE ONEE !!! One of the Best Beatmakers in my Life - and I heard a looooooooot in my long life - maybe you type me for a feature
@procaineimvu1355 5 лет назад
I don’t know how to say this, you’re my girl u ain’t one to play with I understand your reason even though its hurting all i’ve ever dealt with is vermin so i’ve always felt so undeserving of love anything close to happiness but I love you so much its difficult to progress to move on cant deal with fucking stress
@zinorv9938 5 лет назад
you make nice beat but please try not say your name so much
@prestnkeyz7782 5 лет назад
Run like the wind &sting like a bee, I can never change homie I was meant to be, if you ever switch up on me, boy I will pull up on you,
@teystii6336 5 лет назад
Ich bin aufgewachsen hier in Frankfurt in 'nem Dschungel aus Beton Um hier herauszukomm', meinten viele, gibt es kaum 'ne Chance Doch hab' den Fight dann aufgenomm' und weiter aufgenomm' Habe kein' Applaus bekomm', nur eine drauf bekomm', doch stets alles in Kauf genomm' Ich schrieb 'n Haufen Songs und hielt dran fest an meinem Glauben, daran War 'n harter Weg, auch wenn es viele nicht von außen wahrnahm' Es war laufend Drama, all die Jahre, die so grau und hart war'n Bis der Traum dann wahr war, mussten viele Steine aus der Fahrbahn Gab nie auf und war damit beschäftigt, meinem Ziel zu folgen Blieb stabil und wollte nicht mehr Krisen, sondern viel Erfolg hab'n Sah 'n Deal und konnt' dann endlich alles in die Tat umsetzen Dank an Moses Pelham, denn er gab mir den Vertrag und setzte Auf den Jungen aus den dunklen Straßen einer miesen Gegend Ihr habt Nieselregen, bei uns hagelt es mit Niederschlägen Bleib MC mit Seele und gebe sie für die Kunst Bin geboren, um zu scheitern, doch lebe für den Triumph Ich bestimm' mein Schicksal!
@WCiano 5 лет назад
Wow krass viel Erfolg dir noch aber ich selber will auch Rapper werden mit relativ guten Texten
@Zuxitivity 3 года назад
This beat explains why I hate myself
@therebedragons2653 6 лет назад
99,998th subscriber haha
@carriedarkpoetry9751 4 года назад
{Interlude:} They Say The Hard Times Make You Stronger And it’s True.. Im Getting Alot Smarter Don’t Abuse But Im Getting To The Border She Has Anxiety But I still Love Her And I’m Talking About me Im Talking About The Only Person I believe The Only Person That Was.. There For me!
@yunussekerci5394 4 года назад
Zor zamanlar atlattım zor zamanlar İnan benim halimden hayallerinden korkan anlar Kol kanat aç yok hayatta kalmak için bir umudum Herbi kederden tahriş oldum çok Bırak ben olayım
@lulushosha7077 4 года назад
All this music I listen to makes me go in deep thoughts and I dont know how I do this but your music helps me concentrate on school work... My school work had improved cause I can concentrate I just want to say thank u so much From 60% to 80%
@DCAGUA 6 лет назад
Muy buen Beat 😍con este voy a escribir un tema🎤
@little_lord_tam 5 лет назад
Warum lese ich bei vielen Beatmakern deutsche Kommentare? Sind wir etwa die einzigen guten ?
@TheRealLalit 3 года назад
I am using this beat for my Rap Song ... I am giving all credit to uh ☺️ Thnkuh for making such type of great music ❤️
@bridgetbrii6169 5 лет назад
life is harddd money so tight i cant get this shit right sleepin on the floor cant say more im just really poor but i got big dreamss y they hating on meee tryna get the money nd help ma family i miss my brother tho he pased away from being alone not even picking up the phone now hes all long gone
@Funkshway 6 лет назад
Is it ok if I use this in one of my future videos possibly. I will have a link to it in my description if I were to use it?
@amirulhakimi4963 5 лет назад
Mana keadilan?Waktu diperlukan Hilang jauh tiada dalam pandangan Kau butakan mata,tidak lupa hati Bila ku dh pergi baru kau mencari Baru aku tahu masa senang tumpang Bila tengah susah aku dibelkang Macam lah aku ni setiap masa senang Aku tiada apa memang susah menang Mana ada org mahu kalah Walau setiap nafas aku semakin lelah Terus berjuang even perlu korban darah Terus betulkan kalau aku ada salah Talk about time,its will never waiting Rest of your life kita mesti hardworking Fuck negative thing kita buat something Yang perlu orang fikir "waw they have everything" Keluarkan aku dari dunia fantasi Sudah puas aku berhalusinasi Kejut aku jangan tinggal sendiri Aku tidak mahu lagi berimaginasi
@steveflanagan2736 5 лет назад
Piano sheet music?
@Louis-pt9il 5 лет назад
No, one knows what it's like? Behind these eyes, behind this mask I, wish we could rewind, and turn back time To correct the past Oh, baby, I wish I could tell you How I feel but I can't 'cause I scared to Oh, boy, I wish I could say that Underneath it all I'm still the one you love Still the one you're dreaming of Underneath it all I'm missing you so much Baby, let's not give it up Now, I'm lost in my mind Don't want to hide, but I'm can't escape I, I wanna a new start 'Cause you're my true heart, no more masquerades Oh, baby, I wish I could tell you How I fell but I can't 'cause I scared to Oh, boy, I wish I could say that Underneath it all I'm still the one you love Still the one you're dreaming of Underneath it all I'm missing you so much Baby let's not give it up I don't wanna give this up So I'm putting on a show 'Cause what we have it's true And I don't want to let it go I know that you feel in love Keep it if you can't see I know one day you will discover Underneath it's me Oh, baby, I wish I could tell you How I fell but I can't 'cause I scared to Oh, boy, I wish I could say that Underneath it all I'm still the one you love Still the one you're dreaming of Underneath it all I'm missing you so much Baby let's not give it up Underneath it all I'm still the one you love Still the one you're dreaming of Underneath it all I'm missing you so much Baby let's not give it up Let's not give it up
@prodbyKZN 5 лет назад
Schreib doch wenigstens das du dich inspirieren lassen hast von Kool Savas - Triumph... schade für so eine große Reichweite, und dafür noch Geld zu verlangen Trotzdem viel Erfolg weiterhin und alles Gute.
@theaslishot 3 года назад
Sjna ye tera kesa insaf Yad aye teri jese ata azab Baate teri mujko lagti saza Juda hein hum aur tu hi hai waja Rab se dua ha tu yad hi na aye Dhundne nikle tou muje dhunde hi na paye Dil ko jo tune zakham ha lagaye Pyar ko tu mere smhj hi na paye Chora tune mujje is bat ka gila ha Beqasor ko q milti saza ha Ankhiyo ki nami ki tu hi waja ha Gilo ke ye jaal bilkul bewaja hain Sapno mein aati hai jane jahan Dhudu tuje phr mile na nishan Oh sajna tu ha kahan Q de rhi ha mujko saza Sjna ye tera kesa insaf Yad aye teri jese ata azab Baate teri mujko lagti saza Juda hein hum aur tu hi hai waja Rab se dua ha tu yad hi na aye Dhundne nikle tou muje dhunde hi na paye Dil ko jo tune zakham ha lagaye Pyar ko tu mere smhj hi na paye Yado mein hum teri ab rote nai Tere khabo ke liye hum sote nai Khab jo dikhaye pure kr na sake Mithe gham ko ab tum mere bhar na sake Shuru se hum kabi khush thy nai Hum ek dosre ke thy hi nai Khushi mein bi hum dukh thy dhundte Yehi hai waja jo nai bolte Sjna ye tera kesa insaf Yad aye teri jese ata azab Baate teri mujko lagti saza Juda hein hum aur tu hi hai waja Rab se dua ha tu yad hi na aye Dhundne nikle tou muje dhunde hi na paye Dil ko jo tune zakham ha lagaye Pyar ko tu mere smhj hi na paye Ujalo mein diya andhere hein Jhute thy wade jo tere hein Pyar ki ksm tum tor gye Bech raste mein hi chor gye Dil se hai bas ek ikhtilaf Ya kru tuje ya kru na mein yaad
@MerdoooTV 5 лет назад
hat KC R. nicht nen Song auf den Beat ???
@alkomtv3859 4 года назад
Pourquoi tout l’monde veut finir riche Alors qu’l’argent fait pas l’bohneur Ils ne savent pas certains principe Et n’connaissent pas leurs propres valeurs On m’a toujours dis de me battre Et de ne pas baisser les bras Je lache mes pensées dans le rap Et j’prends la plume quand ça va pas Quand ça va pas moi je médite Je pense au succès qui s’merite Et j’vois la vie comme une étape Mais chaque échec est prévisible Alors faut garder la tête haute Pour pouvoir combattre l’impossible Mais l’impossible n’est pas français Donc au finale tout est possible Y’a trop de pauvreté dans l’monde Et trop de personne en détresse La vie serait belle sans toute ses bombe Encore plus belle sans fausse promesse Faut arrêter ces mauvaise chose On pourrais changer notre planète On ferais mieux d’se j’ter des roses Au lieux de se casser la tête ...
@davidkzudemiraly128 5 лет назад
Miguel Pablo so
@danielstack5205 4 года назад
I don’t i don’t wanna lose Too many gone too soon Gods knockin on the door He’s comin To claim more Praying knees on the floor Hands together too morn See you gone my heart is torn Heart is torn Seen many good souls leave People all start the teasing Tell me for what is the reason Santizo my brother spread his wings Racing was his favorite thing Losing people everyday G hadda impact on me Now it’s full send till I see you homie Lost our brudda Phil That’s real We gon ride to show you we care Lost too many this year It’s the drugs wanna be thugs and even the guns Jus know ya mama gon miss they son So imma tell everyone Live ya life to the fullest Shouldn’t worry bout dodging bullets Brudda waitin on da opeal Believin somebody will feel this Seen the truth from the badlands to the burbs Seein half it hurts I don’t i don’t wanna lose Too many gon too soon Gods knockin on the door He’s comin To claim more Praying knees on the floor Hands together too morn See you gone my heart is torn Heart is torn My mind took me onna walk Haven’t been the same since Every time it’s jus the same shit People on the same tip They ont know what pain is Haven’t seen my brothas since Grew up since we was kids Made a circle kept within Sum people remain distant That’s jus how life is Cheever was jus in da wrong place He worked and kept da peace The shit we see in deez north philly streets we all felt da loss Can’t wrap my brain across what happened today Maddy was the face we would all see Still think it’s a dream I won’t forget all that you did for me You’re strive pushed me To become a better me This is reality Seen the news on t.v. Jus know you meant so much to me Losin too many so young Felt like our lives jus begun We all gotta stay strong I don’t i don’t wanna lose Too many gon too soon Gods knockin on the door He’s comin To claim more Praying knees on the floor Hands together too morn See you gone my heart is torn Heart is torn
@nick0lasjonas64 5 лет назад
I love this beat but tell me where i can contact you so i can tell you something
@speedybikelife7475 6 лет назад
I lost my job i lost my own place Shit isnt straight My gf is acting strange she s keep telling me to find a job But i really dont know how I got a feeling someone else got her heart and she isnt telling the truth mabey its just me and cant handle the truth, But for now i stop fighting Pauze a patt in my life and. End the bad timings, All my friends told me you deserve better she isnt the one who is gonna make you happy She is gonna break you down like before, they are telling me she is just one of those whores. This is my hard time i stop complaining so does the fight Im getting sick of getting sick to her Besides for what am i fighting more?
@ziggysapion9926 6 лет назад
really liked ur lyrics bro awesome work, i took em and put my own toughts/twist to it hope you enjoy // I lost my mind i lost my own grace, Shit isnt straight, My gf is acting strange she keeps telling me to find a new way, But i really dont know what to say, I got a feeling someone else got her heart, and she isnt telling the truth,on that part mabey, or is it just me ,cant i handle the truth and see, But for now i, stop fighting,and wrighting, Pauze the pen and pad in my life, and. End the bad timings, All my friends told me to keep on rhyming, she isnt the one who is gonna get you down man, dont break down and,be less or more they telling me she, just one of them whores. This is my last roar, i stop constraining so does the raining, Im getting sick of getting sick to her complaining, Besides what am i gaining?
@agedmoon3366 6 лет назад
VoxMortem XII sorry bro 😢😢
@DeejayKamiKazi 5 лет назад
atleast u still have a gf... lol
@jaejecoblivion8972 5 лет назад
Its called toughing up. Hearts belong to da tru one
@rosashthapamagar7324 5 лет назад
@ev5780 5 лет назад
This is what I have been looking for the intro on my album
@nabilaryan4251 4 года назад
I lost my best friend Daymund who was 13 years old, to a bullet, and im outta words, i dont know how to take it, RIP daymund lamell johnson
@estebanrocamora7529 Месяц назад
Not good with apologies I’m not good with big apologies You know I’ve always been better When I was lying I don’t know where to start That I’m sorry from tearing you apart? For Breaking your heart apart? Or just for playing with your heart like I was playing with cards? Yeah I’m sorry Cause you were everything I needed and I couldn’t see it I was blind and I’m sorry Now let me tell you my own version of the story When I met you, I wasn’t sure what I wanted And for sure, you were not what I needed You were scary How can I be up to you When I’m nothing? When I’m nothing? I don’t know who I am and I don’t know how to love You taught me this but I didn’t listen Yeah I say it You were smart, you were true, you were everything I never met someone like you so I never thought you were interested And it all happened too Fast before I realised That I was into you and you were into me And It was good, it was amazing But I felt weird like I didn’t deserve it To be honest I missed something I’m not confident so I needed something From many man attention When I have one, I want another person Yeah I’m sorry I lied to you Too many times Because I knew you were going to leave me Because I never understood why you picked me So if you had to leave, I wanted to be the guilty So you leave me not for who I am but for what I did And I tried, I swear I tried To be good enough To tell myself you were enough But my demons always came back and I’m sorry you had to witness it firsthand Cause you gave me all you could and I know that You love was precious and I didn’t give it back I know I was lucky and I failed you I hope you’ll find a girl that deserves you Cause I know I didn’t always say the truth But no matter what you say I loved you You’re not good with big apologies You’ve always been better at lying This is what I think you’re thinking Cause you can’t say it then I say it You’re not good with big apologies You’ve always been better at lying This is what I think you’re thinking Cause you can’t say it then I say it
@IHATETHEARBITORtoo 5 лет назад
Fallen on some hard times so im gonna spit some rhymes ktown is where im from the dudes be acting dumb, never knowing what its like to have your hands on a gun, knowing your the one to make a choice.
@عدنانحوراني-ه2ق 2 года назад
 إضافة تعليق علني...  تم تثبيته من قِبل Mark Alhosh - مارك الحوش Ghazal zeقبل سنتين اشتقتلك كل ثانية أنتي بالي شتقتلك كل ليلي عم اتخيلك قبالي لحدود بكو عيونك اسلااكون تحت جفونك الحرب بعدتناا الغربة قتلني بدونك اول لحظة شفت الجنة جواتن لعيونك شفت شو حلوة هل عتمة يلي كانت بين رموشك بشعرك شميت ريحت ياسمينة للشام بقدس صوتك وضو القمر بدونن مابعرف نام حطيط ايدي ع خدك معقولي اناا حدك لمحتك حضنتك قلبي همسلك بحبك كنت ناطر تجي لحظة لحط راسي ع كتفك كنت ناطر يرجع ينبض قلبي وقت يشمو لعطرك بعيوني بأحلامي طول الوقت كنتي فيهن سوا رح نحرق حدود البعد وندفي حبناا علين بتعبي بشوقي بقهري بل حسرة لا ادفى انا وقلبي كنت محتاج منك غمره ريحت ياسمينة للشام انا تعبت من دونك بعدك عم يحرقني روحي سرحت لعندك لحدود عم تمسكني كل مادق جرس كنيسة بدعي لربي بصليلو يجي بيوم ولد منك وانتي ماما تناديلو كل يوم ع مخدة قهر عيوني تعد رموشك بقرب صورتك ع تمي عجبينك عم بوسك من بعد مابعدتي بعد نومي عن عيوني ملائكة الحب عبت ملكتن ف باركوني عم تبتسمي وساكتي ضحكتك عم تقتلني شوقي بيخنق عيوني من نومي عم يفيقني كل ماشوف تنين بتذكر بيناتنا كلشي صار وقت قلبي شاف عيونك رجع يدق اخد قرار جفى روحي وبرد السماا بدن ايديكي يدفوني تحت تراب قلبك اذا فكرو عيونك ينسوني هل غنية ح تسمعيهاا وعيونك رح تلمع ح نتجوز وذكرك ونحطا ونسمع دقات قلبي الثواني ليشوفوكي عم يحسبو لهيك دموعي نزلت وايدي عم يكتبو عذاب صدفي جمعتناا وبعدناا القدر ببعدك بردت غيوم السماا فبكيت مطرر بعرف برداني وبدك ايدي مابتدفي لحالك ملامحك بعيدي عني بس تمسكي بخيالك بوعدك مهماا طال غيابك بقلبي رح بضلي ياعمري لتلبسي الأبيض نطريني وضلك صلي بحبكك وشتقتلك ورح نبقى مع بعض طول العمر
@mr.rapperlife5977 5 лет назад
true story of my suicide attempt feeling low with every step my hands getting sweaty my mind complaining wanting to leave me all out the hope walking down the empty halls hoping no one saw the tears that ran down my face in my hand was a sharp part of a paper clip sat on the top of the stairs crying sobbing wanting to quit trying to slice away at my throat like fresh meat luckily it never cut deep enough and thats how i bare my scar of sorrow it still follows me till this day and the reason why i keep my neck down is cos of the scars that remain love yall allot keep living your life as beautiful as you byeee
@jutwrightkreeplyfe560 2 года назад
Ever felt like u just really don't have nothing left. 🕸️And It would be understatement just to say that ur depressed.🕸️ Life's a mess, no it's worse than that it's like a train wreck.🕸️ Head on collision , plus all the stupid decions🕸️, just like a intense game of chess played by dyslexikkz get it mate check.🕸️
@HamzaTNT 3 года назад
Juda juda sho rana khalak juda mi sho ror, Awaal lag shan ti khafa wm os khafa shoma nur Panah panah darna ghwrm zama raba befanah, Ruswa ruswa krama khalku aw verses pa jarha Khanda khanda bayi kawala charta lara di khanda, Khandagani bai kawalay garzida ba pa khanda Os jarha ti shwa jorha aw nishta agha khanda, Sumra lari za da khalku garzam, aw na warkom left, Sumra zanla chi sham zanla dumra za yam khushala, Qisy mi shwe yaday pakha shwala da shpa Os bala Za shoro kam ya pora kama da? Za kenama zanla ya record kam da rap, Ya ojaram khuday ta ya okama peghor, Ya khalako ta nizdy sham ya lari sham ti nor? Ya khalak ozorama ya ozaram zan aw da zone, Ya hustle kam shoro ya yi khtm kama dlta ror Bas zama qisa shwa khatma rasha khpal zra di ka tash, Kash ka da cgrt na aw chaal yi ka mta lg nur mi ka high Tonight munga dwanra nast yu like TA TY. Jawab di ranakaro ulta di rakro ghat peghorr, Sumra qadar mi wo kri tala os di nakwoma nur, Pa soor bandi yi awra charta nashe ta besoor, Tul tul okra da lafzo aw heavy zama flow like bhol, Im in into the zone you wanna try smoke, Yo bro lets make it more happy like song, People speak some shit everywhere we go, Dumb motherfucker we're getting bore, Da rap sumra heavy de heavy yi ka nur Za impressed da khalak like 9mm zone, Yasar khan on the beat badal kra da song zone, Beat hard nady hard da yasar flow hard zone, Shpa shwa drana aw yasar sho pa soor, Don't miss with us, we're one and heavy like woor.
@jazminegrueso18 5 лет назад
2 something in the morning yu out wilidin with your homies Ian tripping cause I’m thinking You know better than to be The type of guy on his creep Fuck yu thought I wouldn’t peep All the pics they sent to me Of yu and her roaming on the streets I keep it real when others lied Would never fold when others tried I can’t put up with it no more I’m all cried out A bitch is tired Learn to man up for once Stop acting like a child How yu mad when yu the one on sum nut shit How yu fuck up what we had for dat bum bitch I treat these homie like they bitches That exactly how they act Y’all homies been bitch made And that’s a well known fact I admit yu caught me slipping But yu you’ll never see me trippin Over you After this Best believe I’m on some shit Tell yo friend I said wassup He been lurkin from the jump Waiting for the perfect moment To swoop me in when yu fuck up My fault I’m on the wrong cause that’s your homeboy right The same home boy that be rapping in my dms on a late night Ima sit back and do me I wish yu luck when yu do yu Cus you’ll never find a bitch to stay through half of the shit I stayed through Karma is a bitch And yes yu did some grimey shit imma let her do her thing Cause when she shoots she never miss Trynna hold back in my tears Hide the fact I’m really hurt Hope ya opps catch yu lackin Put yu 6ft on the dirt Never gave yo pussy up Do yu see the bitch yu fucked I should get you popped right now For disrespecting me that much
@anonymtv7663 5 лет назад
Willkommen in meinem Ghetto in GreenCity Warten auf eine Rettung hier in GreenCity (City) Die Stimmen schreien „helft uns im Green City“ Greencity, ey, ja (prra) Willkommen in meinem Ghetto in GreenCity (pow, pow) Warten auf eine Rettung hier in GreenCity (City) Die Stimmen schreien „helft uns im GreenCity“ (ja) Greencity, ey, ja Haben so viel gesehen (ja), haben so viel erlebt (Birro) Es ist wie Treibsand: Bist du drinne, wird's noch tiefer gehen Berichten so vieles im Fernsehen über unsern Straßen Wisst so vieles über uns, aber kennt nichtmal unsren Namen (poah) Mit acht, elf haben sie große Brüder gesehen Die mit Handschellen und blauen Personen rübergehen Hier hörst du Bücher reden, guck wie sie uns übersehen Keiner will uns hören, normal, dass wir wie Verrückte leben Willkommen in meinem Ghetto, verlorene Menschen Werd' bis nach oben kämpfen, doch nicht die am Boden vergessen Können lächeln ohne Ketten und kaputten Hosen Du würdest zusammenbrechen wärst du hier, darauf kann ich wetten, yeah Ich werd' niemals meine Fresse halten, sage, was ich denke Versuchte alles, ihr könnt mich nicht mal in Ketten halten (Birro) Wir können nichts dafür (nein), ihr Wichser macht uns so El Meros, Hände hoch, die neue Generation (ey) Willkommen in meinem Ghetto in GreenCity Warten auf eine Rettung hier in GreenCity (City) Die Stimmen schreien „helft uns im Green City“ Greencity, ey, ja (prra) Willkommen in meinem Ghetto in GreenCity (pow, pow) Warten auf eine Rettung hier in GreenCity (City) Die Stimmen schreien „helft uns im GreenCity“ (ja) Greencity, ey, ja Ich nehm' dich mit in meine Welt, Birro, halt dich fest (poah) Gucken zu als wären wir Kino und gar nicht echt (Birro) Auch wenn sie wissen, dass wir Hilfe brauchen, machen sie uns giftig Und genießen es wie Kippen rauchen Birro, dennoch lieben wir es hier Wir schießen garantiert und schreien laut „7-4“ Wir kriegen gar nichts von der Sonne ab, drüben hat der Bonse Spaß Während wir hoffen, dass unsere Mama zu Hause genug zu kochen hat Abis, die untergehen, weil sie der Hunger quält (Birro) Während die andere Seite sich fragt, ob einem die Klunker stehen Was für Mercedes Benz, mit innen Weißleder? Hier bist du heftiger Mann mit neuen Nike-Tretern Im Hinterraum Haare schneiden lassen für einen Zehner Wir sind für sie 'ne Leinwand, ja, wir haben es nicht einfach Uns hier wegzukriegen ist unmöglich, Birro, jeder weiß das
@speedyweedy8530 4 года назад
Sztoss bit od razu napisałem numer pod niego jaa 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@x-con4life286 2 года назад
I'm evil some say I'm the devil I'm on a level that makes me hate so I cant say I love her to much pressure I'm under I grieve while i feed this is about the best i can be or at least that I can see I'm an MC a lyricist that can succeed but can barely read but writes the rymes I write the truth because it matches how I feel on the inside why? The truth is I wish I could die but god cursed me to live a life deprived I cant diversify the difference between some of your lies but I can see how you can be on the inside the truth is your better at what I do than I am you twisted my reality made me think we could make a family then started dippin now you think of me like someone you used to mess with so how is it possible your still someone I'm missing it's been eight years I'm still a victim here trying to forget now I've become a even bigger threat and now it's not just myself I have to protect everyone run because somewhere in me I want you to be safe I dont wanna see you slayed but its stuck in my brain when I go off I forget what it's like to take a breathe I was right but turned straight left now nothing's left everyone was taking like straight theft now everyone I get with cant stand me and I cant stand shit now that it's over what's next Its kinda cold runny nose gotta take some mucinex because I'm a mess I want my thoughts to be a bit less to cause less stress to be happy or maybe i cant be or maybe I'm just a pessimist but it seems realistic I cant take nothing and make that make sense we will see later what I'm leaving with stay out the business but here is the feelings.
@kevinnyembo6383 2 года назад
wonder if I should wake up for the day I role my eyes but can't not figure out the way I put on thoughts but it's always on delay I close my eyes so I can put it all way I wonder if I can I make it one day It's all for the loss for the bigger outcome I wonder if i
@MrSiDLifestyle 5 лет назад
Please tell me if I can use your music on my rap song?
@johnnysmiith3666 5 лет назад
14 fucking birthdays without you dad and you jus don’t how much that fucking makes me sad , cos I need some good shit in my life cos my mum fucked of and that made me use a knife , and it doesn’t help that your not here in fact makes me shed another tear and it’s jus so clear that maybe u don’t want me here and I think I think I think the same so sick of this sadness sickness and the shame every day I hurt so bad without my parents it makes me mad maybe I jus wanna die or go into a forever high ,
@mysteriousg8103 5 лет назад
Xan I use this beat for my song reply bck please
@beneda9570 4 года назад
Yaktım sigara Olmayan bu dünyaya Geçtim soğuk bir balkona Düşledim,ama yoksun yanımda Ayaklarım soğuk zeminlerde Aklımsa sende Üşüyorum bak yine Gel ısıt beni sevginle Olmayacak bir hayal ile Uykusuz kaldığım gecelerde Hayalimdesin sadece, Olsun sevdim ben Sensizken Umutsutsuzken Unutmuşken Sevdim hep hayallerini O sevimli hallerini Belkide güzel kalbini Yazdığım şiirleri Yaktım saatleri Seni beklerken Beklemeyi sevmiştim ben Acıtan şey yokluğunda Sarıldığım yorganımda Bıraktığım göz yaşlarında
@danschaadanjiah4977 6 лет назад
Der is Hammer kann ich kaufen ?! Würd ihn nehmen
@kevinzority6032 5 лет назад
Uhm yeah.. its started 5 years ago when i was a little boy.. my mum left me like i was a pice of paper then she showed up like i was a muffin .. this is just the start of my life . 6 years later i found out that my dad was a criminal . He pulls up front of my mums house then he shoots her .... ALONE
@kevinzority6032 5 лет назад
Iam joking its not done il was living woth my grandma she teached me every thing.. i was a proffessionaal loser they beat me up every day then i go home with a purple eye.. grandma said hit back but i was to scared ... next morning i woke up and thought about my mum...
@kevinzority6032 5 лет назад
Yeah.. hit me up on instagram gy_k_dh and i tell the full story 💛 .. i was a little boy with big dreams but i got what i deserve thats hurts... love you guys stay strong 💛
@lt8263 5 лет назад
@rj_8088 4 года назад
Lately I've been feeling depressed Way too stressed But I've got a roof on my head So I'm blessed But on the inside I'm hurting My bro's in jail for what we call working He's jus praying that he buss like a virgin Until then he's on the wing like sterling We ain't never waved no sticks like Merlin But we were selling rocks on the block and it was cops we were curvin I didn't run the drugs so I could have nice stuff Tried to pay the rent so I could show my love I'd be lying if I said that my mum was the greatest She slept all day and didn't work no late shift consumed by the drugs yeah my mummy was a fene To live a normal childhood man I couldn't even dream But i Couldn't show my pain I had to stay strong for my sister Taught myself to be a man cos my dad weren't in the picture By 14 I was kicked out of school Bunning crow with the olders cos I thought it was cool I swear every single night I'm not sleeping when I blow watch all the fake ones they'll be leaching Acting like were friends there's a difference were jus from the same ends Matter fact fuck that I don't rep an area Say your on to me blud my little sisters scarier Go get a life You ain't bad with your mum's kitchen knife You're insecure can't lie I am to Everywhere I go I feel like it's all eyes on the yute Maybe I'm paranoid maybe I'm jus buggin Got the heart of a soldier you can't tell me nuttin Cos if you knew what I been through youd wonder how I smile I jus wanna be loved man I guess it's been a while Sometimes I think the anxiety might takeover Until I think about when I'm older Your gonna see me whipping in a Merc or a rover There ain't no such thing as luck fuck a 4 leaf clover If I make it's cos I put in hard yards Leave the fake ones in the rain cos our friendship was half assed Couldn't give a fuck about the fame I jus wanna be wealthy An it would be a plus if Im healthy But I'm still blazing the chronic It takes away the pain so y should i stop it Not a day goes by where I don't think about the profit Know I’m going to the top so I do not dream They don’t wanna see me make it so they plot schemes But could they ever get me down na that’s not me Why can I’ve got a different mindset Gonna see me whipping in a Merc not a pyrex Can't lie man I have a lot of dark thoughts But I ain't no mug I won't get shot like the picture on a passport Wise words of wretch there ain't a rapper that can mirror me That lyric hit hard cah trust me I feel you g Throw me in the booth an I will kill a beat Gonna go down in history As one of the greats Fam I always keep it real I could never be a fake I'm feeling like Chris cos everybody shows me hate When I was shotting rock I was out till late Selling food to the kitty's to put food on the table When I'm in my best mood I'm still not mentally stable But the show must go on I ain't talking bout cable Always independent so won't sign to a label Hopefully my heart stays pure Had a love for rap since the age of like 4 When the headphones go on the pain goes away Tryna make it out but I don't know the way Guess I got to create My own path You could never get me down are you daft Say there sick of living shit get an opportunity an then say they can't be assed You silly little pricks make me laugh I stay down to earth but I'm a star And I'm gonna make it far Gonna see me whipping in a 100k car
@rj_8088 4 года назад
Matthew Boyd thank you bro that means a lot and don’t be sorry things are getting better now I’m probably gonna release this on Instagram so follow me @young.sage_2k20
@rj_8088 4 года назад
Matthew Boyd thank you bro means alot
@davidmachtl3332 5 лет назад
Richtig geil kann man voll gut drauf rappen
@lyricsbysii4988 5 лет назад
(LYRICS) Living on the edge Man its hurt'n me bad Looking at all this famous shit That I wish that I had. But you dont know all my feelings And you dont know my thoughts.
@Transport-Coolfunr 5 лет назад
not bad not bad at all
@lazr_squad5478 4 года назад
Ik zit in moeilijke tijden bro ik weet ni wa ik moet doen maar ik heb hier veel te weinig tijd voor
@ruyainaion2322 6 лет назад
Yeah Its B Whack Living rough through this hard times All alone waiting as time flies I'm just another witness of goodness fall and crime climb I'm a solidier of the front lines Since an infant every night I just sit crying A girl breaks my heart I see her sober and tell her don't worry I'm still fine So many tragedies fate keeps kicking me down but I just get back up and I keep trying She says I took her advantage But all I ever did was secretly pray that her wishes be granted To get her back I'd toss a bag full of gold coins into some magic fountain If giving my everything would get her back I'd give everything without even counting I'm stuck thinking how could she ever doubt me I love her but does she love me back My heads fucked up I'm just wasting time tasting crack Used to be the type of guy who in crystal lake would ask where Jason at Never feared facing threats But now I'm just broken Hoping death comes nah I ain't joking Cried a lot in tears my clothes are soaking I suffocate without my love I try to breathe but I always just end up choking I tell her I'm okay But my situations just rotating
@peen1157 5 лет назад
Hey could I use ur lyrics for one of my songs I'll give u full credit
@FainaMusic 2 года назад
Beautifull piano action! Big like and +1 subscriber❤‍🔥❤‍🔥🔥🔥
@saudinso 5 лет назад
Bro is this beat for free?
@RYEM 4 года назад
Writing to this about the youth and how they’re corrupted by fake pills.
@eliesbenchikh987 3 года назад
93 Komm Ich Erzähl dir Story Von Straße Pack Ott Auf Wage Das Ist Kein Frage. Kuck Ich War Schon immer Allein niemand hilft Wenn du Schreißt
@abdullahalsroujiofficial8436 4 года назад
نايم على تختي براسي الف كتاب جو بارد غرفة عتمة كنك بسرداب مافي ايد تدق بابك كنك بغير بلاد بغمض عيوني بقوة مو قادر اغفى حوليي غراضي المكركبة والسيكارة الناطرة لفا الهوا مع كل نسمة بيطير البرداية انا بين اربع حيطان مافيها اي حماية بكل بلوكة بهالحيطان في الف حكاية مش قادر تترك هالتخت كنك فيه مكبل روحك بلشت تتلاشى بس مجبور هالواقع تتقبل بكل بساطة انت استسلمت وهربت من كلشي برا انتا بحالة موت بطيئ فهي حقيقة مرة احلامك اسا ما ماتت قدامك خيار واحد تطلع برا هالبلاد حتى ما تكون مغلوب وتضل دايما غالب بس بلادك ما بتساعدك حتى انك تتركها بتبلش تبيع غراضك واسعارك تنزلها حتى تأمن رحلة بقارب _ ياخدك لغير جانب
@bethdeluca33 6 лет назад
Have you ever had em friends who you never let die and the. Never let you die and you cry and they cry Have u ever had em friends over the internet and 1 day all of em are gone We started out as 2 friends 2 country’s 2 people fighting there own battles I come from a distorted broken home you come from the place the devil once burned Our friend ship is firm I would turn and see your eyes I never saw and realize I’m on my phone I can’t get sleep lately My tone has been done Shit from the house is harder the. It’s ever been I made a lot of friends and I remember a time you said you wanted to book a flight to see me Trees are down I don’t think jerseys your place Let’s face it I was born here I ear sleep and breath crime every day America is not ur place chase is on We had the biggest laughs joked about that yellow hard bitch who is tarring down the country we fought for we some hardcore People and Oh I wish jack came back to us he was too funny to leave But the community so toxic I don’t dough em Chorus:My stupidity let me it out friend ship go Now I. Talking to low I don’t know my friends from foes Hit hard when I typed and you didn’t answer it said you were online I tried. To text you I can picture sittin next t you Al I’ve said was true And together we fought that bitch who get in my way I feel like dovey come up in. This shit that dick We gave him 1 more shot he. Insulted me I shrugged it off and he insults my family the last 3 words u herd were *censored* went offline
@zinorv9938 5 лет назад
say it just on the beginning
@Koleto00 6 лет назад
@eunicechoi5988 5 лет назад
The drum is not dramatic can you remake this?
@zeuslyyt8007 4 года назад
Meuda - Lettre Pour Papa Maman Et c'est trop tôt pleins de choses qu'on avait à vous dire Et sur ce morceau on se pose et on contemple votre sourire.. La vie est rose mais difficile à vivre Elle nous pique et c'est trop tôt Le temps nous fait souffrir On pense à vous et on as les yeux qui brillent.. Sa vire au noir Ouai sa s'assombrit Et qui sont beaux tout nos souvenirs On profite de la vie avant que la mort arrive.. Vous avez du partir et c'est dur à l'accepter C'était pour le meilleur et pour le pire mais le pire est arrivé.. De l'autre coté de la rive c'est bon tu y es On prie et on espère que vous nous écouter de la que vous êtes.. On s'y attendez pas mais c'est bon on as plus de parents.. Le temps passe et le monde s'intensifie On fait tomber des larmes Il a fallu que vous partez Pour ajouter dans nos vies plusieurs soucis .. Et on repense à vos vies et la mort frappe oui comme un tsunami.. Et ça fait mal.. Mais adisson est ici.. Et vous nous manquez à nous aussi.. Elle ferait tout prêt a tout perdre elle prend des risques.. C'est mon ange mon exemple a suivre ma grande soeur que j'aime.. Sachez que pour elle je suis prêt à mourir a mourir.. C'est pour la vie pour le meilleur et le pire.. C'est pour la vie pour le meilleur et le pire.. Il a fallu que vous partez reposer en paix.. Inch'allah un jour on se reverra.. De : @Mehdi Relm | Emmy_GsC
5 лет назад
Please bring it out on spotify
@colesworld3496 4 года назад
Every part of the world has its own type of struggle. Every person deals with there on trouble. So why the hatred and racism? Why hate someone when you share the same things that’s in them. We all bleed blood and we all cry tears. We all have love, family and fears. Over the years we’ve become to comfortable with the gap in our world. We need a better future and example for all the boys and girls. And just know there’s more problems then racism and that’s facts. But I hope you don’t mind that I had to speak on that.
@itsmeenofficial_2203 4 года назад
Topeng Cinta - @aminwhuut lirik- @aminwhuut music- @aminwhuut penyanyi- @aminwhuut ----------------------------- ( hook verse ) Janji mu hanya seberkas angan Luka derita, saat ini ku rasakan Kau pergi tinggalkan semua kenangan Yang dulu kita telah jalani bersama ( verse ) aku tersenyum bila bersama , Teringat saat dan Detik kita bahagia , bagaikan hati dipenuhi pelangi, bersama orang yang sangat aku sayangi dikala aku bersendirian , kau mula muncul didalam ingatan , Jujur, hati ini sangat merasa rindu , Air mata perlahan mengalir ke pipi ku, (tengah) beribu, topeng yang kau sarungkan , beribu harapan palsu yang kau berikan , Terkilan, kau sering berikan beribu alasan, Adakah hati ini sedang dipermainkan? (chorus) Dengarkan, Kisah cinta ini realiti, bukan ilusi, Benarkah hubungan ini tiada lagi solusi, Kerana kau semakin menjauhkan diri, hati sudah terbelah dan tak dihargai lagi, aku tersenyum bila bersama , Teringat saat dan Detik kita bahagia , bagaikan hati dipenuhi pelangi, bersama orang yang sangat aku sayangi ( verse ) Sangat mudah kau berubah , setelah datangnya dia orang ketiga, sanggup kau tinggalkan aku hanya kerana harta Sumpah, dengan sekelip mata semua yang kita bina habis hancur musnah ( hook verse ) Janji mu hanya seberkas angan Luka derita, saat ini ku rasakan Kau pergi tinggalkan semua kenangan Yang dulu kita telah jalani bersama ( verse ) Sungguh sakit hati amat lah pahit Luka yang kau berikan kini sulit terhimpit Ku coba untuk bangkit dari hatiku yang sakit Namun terbelit dan serasa aku terjepit Cuba kau rasa apa yang ku rasa Sakit hati ku kecewa diriku tiada daya Tak pernah mengerti slalu aku di salahkan Terlena cinta seakan engkau acuh kan Sia-sia aku menyayangi mu Bila engkau bersama ku, perasaan ku membeku Hati ku terasa pilu tersirat karna racun mu Terhempas semua dering air mata ku Sudah cukup aku rela tuk bersabar Menghadapi ego mu dan aku takkan mengalah Meski kau telah ingkar Tapi ku tetap tegar dan semoga dirimu sedar
@thetruth1822 3 года назад
How much would you sell this beat for bro? I have some FIRE I wrote to this beat, if not I guess I can always buy one elsewhere, please let me know and keep up the great work!
@retro.sky_x 6 лет назад
I've just been steady riding these waves I am took ahold as a fucking slave Yea im too tired where is my grave Maybe there will be a day when im free But i just feel like a trapped bottled genie Not even these three wishes will help me Not even the sacred keys to let me breathe freely Frequently its been happening daily Trapped in my conscious weak as a baby Delicate lil lotus flower business stays shady Yet loathe of pesterin faculty's Name me Aphrodite deity of music for all eternity Its actually the only thing helping my brain get out of reality and sleep Stuck daydreaming about making it but that'll be false eventually A broken peace treaty Tormented and ripped by family Trust issues high, melancholy Felt destroyed stray further looking for a pure necessity But apparently my brains dexterity stays fortified Broken hearted keep playing charades An endless hopeless evergoing parade of uncertain change I desperately need a angels help in aid But i guess i have to make sure i dont bury my grave deeper then i already engraved
@iamtoby2k 3 года назад
Just today Tell me it’ll be okay Hold me close and let me lay I never want you away and I’ve broke so many times but this one time can’t get off my mind You left a spell now it’s on rewind and I can’t leave I need you tonight Yes oh yes Call on my phone take off your dress Do it one night we can make it the best Only want love right now more than the rest and if you goin leave i’ll be better off dead Stay or out my head
@2perkk.trxpstar 3 года назад
FYI this isn’t for this beat this is a no beat free style Starts now Ayy yu when u passed away I carried all those memories I knew I could’ve done so much instead I didn’t react for yu yeah all those memories of the times we had together but still we had some rough times together yeah everything just ain’t the same I feel like I just wanna aim at my head then kill my self I will be dead then I will see you I really really need you yeah all those times I cried thinking that I wanna die then the next day I forget of all those rouph times yeah all I hear is a voice saying do it but still I hold back from it can’t hold that from me I ended up getting mad I smack someone they smack me back all of those alarms going off you know it’s me just holding off I can’t even think straight I rlly made a big mistake I wish I could’ve made a new way to see you again yeah memories all of yeah yeah
@illuminatiplayz362 5 лет назад
I dont have money to pay for beats
@Billy.Travels 4 года назад
This society that no doubt requires me, To be the man that I cant find inside or see, I feel so lost and far from reality, You never see the good but only the bad in we , So why are my dreams and views always laughed at, We all know where you stand yh i thought we was past that , I wanna make it far with out working on coal tracks, imma push through so I can look the coldest
@Billy.Travels 4 года назад
Just focus
@DerielVEVO 6 лет назад
BOOM HERMANO: Un tema hermoso : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ehtLxRBLdik.html
@atomicvisuals5198 5 лет назад
Who else smoking to 420k views?
@monahinds4084 4 года назад
Da sky is a spring board dats what he said for he dipped and took a detour couldn't say nothing song is my recourse......cause I'm heartbroken
@murklowkeyz8063 4 года назад
Am i the only one who is over and hurt am I the only one who's tired of being shoved in the dirt had to cut some people of because they didn't notice my words it's nothing againagainst the people I just know that they worst taking doses after doses I'm defying my fate people never eat with me unless I'm supplying the plates my depression catching up I need to find an escape I'm alone if I don't get it so it's time to be great but wait I gotta be here for the ones that need me most in life never know if somethings real I just hope it's right if I don't see it than it's dead just like a pultrigis I gotta heart but it won't chill until it's over ice yeah I know it's life so go with the flow coulda made it outta here if they opened the door than you walked up out my life and left it open some more yeah it hurt to see you leave I wasn't hoping you'd go picture life without the ones that really love you the most freind that say they care about you but shove dove you a does quickly talking behind your back but than be hugging you close
@mohamed-amineguenfoudi2601 3 года назад
Les sales histoires toujour impliqué Par la rue jai ete balafre Trop d'action j'ai regretté Les soucis d'hier j'ai oublié Jamais j'me plirai pour une gadji Grandi sans chance Fais belek si tu fais la balance Jentend les sirenes lambulance J'vien des paquis Toi t'es qui? Parle pas trop betement on te fusil J'ai qu'un but c'est le paradis Moi Jamais j'ai menti Touche a un des notres on tplie Sans pitax comme brulux Jamais connu la vie de luxe Tu craches sur mon dos En plus pour des go Mi amigo ton corp se retrouvera dans leau Une passe a gauche une passe a droite Tellement dans l'haram j'reconnais plus ma droite Fait belek que tu me tende Ton equipe on la met a l'amende Tu parles trop j'aime pas Fait belek a tes pas J'ai peur que du tout puissant Me fait pas le mechant J't'ecrase comme une fourmi Sois disant vierge comme mary Et tu mfais la gadji Faut que tu fasses belek on a lsang chaud S'qu'on vas t'faire c'est inexpliquable Devant la judge jamais coupable J'veux que des euro Keske jmen blc de ton dos Tu m'fais l'chaud t'as pas l'niveau retourne faire le bandeur de go
@kendramusiclove6088 5 лет назад
I’m gonna write a song to this!! I love it
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