
Full interview with Nicholas Elliot 

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Elliot was sentenced to life in prison for the Atlantic Shores school shooting.



27 сен 2024




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@pen8101 3 года назад
Just watched a documentary about school shooters, included in which was the parent of Dylan Klebold. This fellow's sentence was life plus 114 years; another school boy shooter (Andy Williams) got 50 years, reduced to 25 and is now due for parole in 2025. This fellow seems to have no chance of being forgiven, educated or released in America. Like many people, school shooters, any shooters raise hackles and make me angry. However, prison should be about rehabilitation and education wherever possible, especially when someone was so young and in this case had been bullied relentlessly. Clearly, he isn't evil like some killers. It seems to me he was in no way equipped to deal with the bullying, either mentally or in getting help from those in authority who should have dealt with the situation, helped him and sorted out the bullies. They should be trained to see the signs of bullying and bullying should be dealt with effectively. This man should be re-trained into society. In America, he's got no chance.
@joelgoldsmith4747 3 года назад
America holds two laws: One for Black, another for White. The history alone of the legislation is most appaling. Intimidation on a daily basis, on the color of skin is diabolical. What psychological impact condoning taking The stressful effects of "Racism" have always been overlooked in the USA. The youngest person ever to be executed was "George Stinney" in 1944. Another Young Black male of 14 years of age.Have you ever watched the "Green Mile" ? I'm certain that the story of George Stinney, inspired Stephen King to write the novel. 😔😔😔
@pen8101 3 года назад
@@joelgoldsmith4747 Horrific. African Americans have faced and some still do face being terrorized. It's only now that this terror is being recognised. Shameful and unevolved.
@pen8101 3 года назад
@Miles Yes, happy to disagree with you. Condescension wasn't in my mind when I suggested you read around this particular subject. Children's books are also read of course but yes, I accept you read plenty. All these comments were supposed to be about the man above, who you vehemently condemn without any sense of the real story here. I see him differently to you but in no way excuse his killing of that kindly teacher. Clearly he wasn't mentally equipped to deal with that vile bully and lashed out at those in authority who couldn't see his pain. You appear to know very little about the history that put him there for many lifetimes (and yet give white shooter fewer years don't forget), but still pronounce 'Give him the f***ing chair!'. Furthermore, to try to strengthen your argument, you widen the debate to rapists and other killers and now even paedophiles. Why not throw Hitler and Stalin in for good measure? None of these criminals are involved in this man's story. t seems to me you have to do this to justify your first stance, flailing around for any argument that can possibly justify your strident viewpoint - to which, of course, you are entitled! I too sometimes feel there are people who are so evil they are beyond redemption..... this guy isn't one of them. Have a good day.
@pen8101 3 года назад
@Miles No problem. Copy and pasted from my original comment follows: ''Just watched a documentary about school shooters, included in which was the parent of Dylan Klebold. This fellow's sentence was life plus 114 years; another school boy shooter (Andy Williams) got 50 years, reduced to 25 and is now due for parole in 2025.'' I'm sure it can be argued that they were sentenced in different counties, but that's just fluff. The multi billion dollar imprisonment system needs urgent reform. The documentary was Storyville: Raising a School Shooter. It was on your BBC Four.
@pen8101 3 года назад
@@joelgoldsmith4747 A 14 year old killed by electrocution rang a bell with me. Absolutely medieval and backward. Yes, I didn't know his name but I saw Caroline Skeletons a while back. Disturbing viewing! But more disturbing are some of the victim's elderly relatives who weren't even alive at the time, still trotting out the same flimsy hearsay evidence against this boy. It's obscene what they did to him. I see no difference between them and Isis. It may be more refined but that cruel and unusual punishment is sickening. What decent person would do that to a child? Without a fair trial there is no case to answer and no amount of tittle tattle and gossip changes that.
@aqilaali2354 3 года назад
His crime was bad but compared to the other people who were in the same documentary he got such a harsh sentence and it does seem very unfair
@leahf.1020 2 года назад
he murdered 1 person and injured 2 other
@frantic5799 2 года назад
Right, he does not sound like a threat to society, unlike a lot of people that are roaming the streets at this very moment.
@brexitannia9703 2 года назад
I just watched his father on the BBC, what a lovely man. I hope Nicholas is one day set free. He was a child who was bullied am not condoning what he did was wrong maybe evil but he was obviously hurting and decided to make a bad choice and now his poor father and him are paying a heavy penalty.
@OLDTYMERLOC 3 года назад
I served time with him in south Hampton he is a very smart person he was screwed by the school system they helped him with none of his pleas for help smh people don’t down this man he is a good hearted soul period he called me Sea Hag
@youssarianwhisker2679 3 года назад
I am firmly convinced that the judge has set his prison sentence as high as he is black. I saw an interview with his father and believe that he acted in need.
@cyril4046 3 года назад
@youssarianwhisker2679 3 года назад
@@cyril4046 Yes ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cpvKPFLmWd4.html
@Lex12102007 3 года назад
@Miles Your language is lovely!!!
@pen8101 3 года назад
@Miles The chair? The one that shoots high voltage electricity through your body, ripping your skin apart - and at that young age too? We're not living in medieval times. What he should get is rehabilitation. Obviously he did wrong and he should get a sentence; a long one but this sentence with no rehabilitation is obscene, vindictive and evil in itself.
@pen8101 3 года назад
@Miles You're making a false equivalence between Usman Khan and this man to further your agenda of killing people. There is a world of difference between the two. You're simply choosing not to see it. You say 'give him the chair!' like the leader of a lynch mob in the old days would yell. The family of Jack Merritt, who was killed by Khan didn't want people who think like you to use his death in this way. Usman Khan should never have been let out but using one man to prove your point of killing several people is blatantly ridiculous. The system is at fault. Improve the system rather than killing people because you can't be bothered to improve the system. rehabilitate
@tessthomas8606 3 года назад
So sad. It’s also unfortunate that prominent artists can’t get together and lead an appeal to support this young man get a reduced sentence like the other young man in the documentary.
@San-eh8do 3 года назад
He was just a kid beeing bullied! Here in Germany the maximum would be ten years, in this case maybe just a couple of years with mental threatment, he would have a chance to live a responsible life. But infortunality he is a black person living in the USA. Congrats USA for your human rights (Sarkasmus off).
@resonancebody8380 3 года назад
jeder soll und darf seine Meinung haben. Aber du meinst doch nicht echt, mit deinen Argumenten irgendwas rechtfertigen zu können, die Komplexität der US Waffenlobby im Ganzen zu erfassen. Ich denke auch nicht, dass du Rechtswissenschaftler bist und hier eine Expertise abgeben kannst, was in Deutschland oder sonst wo mit einem Mörder passiert. Und was irgendeine Hautfarbe damit zu tun hat. Schau dir die Erzählungen des Vaters nun nocheinmal an und versuch mal einen anderen Blickwinkel. Quälereien sind in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen oft im Leben zu finden, aber man wächst daran, und tötet nicht deshalb. Oder quält jemand anders. Man findet stattdessen zu sich selbst. Ja, das Leben ist nicht immer fair und man bekommt selten, was man wirklich möchte. Aber es beginnt immer bei einem selbst. ps. die dramonischen Strafen, als auch das Waffengesetz der USA sind verachtenswert, z7mindest für den durchschnittlichen Demokraten und friedensliebenden Menschen, der nicht denkt, es zählt immer das Recht des Störkeren. BS schaukelt sich auf dieser Basis auf und unsichere, ungefestigte Menschen begehen Fehler, die nicht mehr gut zu machen sind.
@San-eh8do 3 года назад
@@resonancebody8380 Ah ja. Du denkst also, dass ein 16jähriger in Deutschland mehr als 10 Jahre bekommen würde? Und dass es nicht von der Hautfarbe abhängt, dass der eine für 50! Jahre verurteilt wird (Andy) und Nicholas für 100+14? Zeige mir doch bitte ein Fall, indem ein Minderjähriger für eine Ersttat in Deutschland mehr als 10 Jahre Haft bekommen hat und bitte noch die mildernde Umstände des Mobbings berücksichtigen. Bin gespannt auf deine Antwort und das dazugehörige Beispiel.
@San-eh8do 3 года назад
@@resonancebody8380 und by the way, ich habe rein gar nichts zu Waffen oder Waffenlobby geschrieben! Bist du psychotisch veranlagt oder kannst du mein Kommentar nicht richtig lesen? Dein Blablabla kannst du dir sparen. Er war 16! Nix mit sich selber reflektieren, oder bei sich die Gründe suchen. Er war mitten in der Pubertät. Genau deswegen gibt es bei uns Jugendstrafrecht!
@resonancebody8380 3 года назад
@@San-eh8do Auch wenn das eventuell mit dem Strafmass in unseren Breiten, wie du es sagst, vermutlich sogar passieren könnte, kann man dass eben nicht vergleichen. Und es spielt auch an dieser Stelle für mich nicht die Rolle. Ich versteh schon, dir geht es darum, dass man mit 100 Jahren Strafe 0,0 Chancen hat, nur irgendeine Art an Frieden zu finden und etwas aus seinem Leben machen zu dürfen. Und man von einem16 jährigen grundsätzlich nicht verlangen kann, keine Fehler zu machen. Unter gewissen Umständen gibt es das Mittel, wo sich geschädigte Opfer mit Tätern auf Wiedergutmachung einigen. Auch gibt es was ich weiß in USA für minderjährige Täter das Mittel der Anfechtung, weil lebenslänglich als ein nicht anwendbares, probates Mittel bzw. Strafmaß herangezogen werden darf. Recht neue Gesetzauslegung. Aber ich kenn mich da auch nicht weiter aus. Wie auch bei uns, läuft bei den Amies viel falsch, sehr sogar. Nicht erst, wenn man den Eltern in diesem Film zuhört und auch zwischen den Zeilen ließt, merkt man, dass die Dinge früh innerhalb und auch außerhalb der Familie schief laufen und sie selber auch schon in Zeiten, wo es scheinbar in Ordnung lief, rückblickend völlig überfordert waren. Dazu kommen falsche Entscheidungen, die Dummheit und falscher Stolz, wie man sie uU in diesem Alter haben kann, schlechte Aufklärung etc. Wenn so unverzeihliche Taten stattfinden geht es um eines: Es geht um Schuld und Sühne. Weniger Jahre Strafe führen in meine Augen aber auch kaum zur Bewältigung von solchen Taten. Ich schau mit solche Dokus, die aus dem Leben gegriffen sind und viele Aspekte beleuchten auch hin und wieder an und komme für mich immer wieder zum Schluss, dass ich meine, für manche würde die 2. Chance, die du wohl angesprochen hast, funktionieren. Und vermutlich sind da Menshcen dabei, die ein werterfüllteres Leben führen würden, als so mancher, der nie mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt war. Das Problem ist aber, Gesetze grundsätzlich für alle gelten. Wer sein Recht auf ein freies Leben durch so massive Taten verwirkt hat, hat grundsätzlich zurecht keinen Spielraum mehr. Der Gesetzgeber bei den Amies wie auch bei uns arbeitet in meinen Augen hart und stetig an dieser Problematik. Manche Dinge entwickeln sich dabei zu einem zielführenderen, intelligenteren Umgang mit der Problematik. Aber die Fehler im System werden wohl gleichzeitig gleichermaßen gemacht oder sogar noch weiter kultiviert. Leider.
@resonancebody8380 3 года назад
PS. Dann lies mein Blabla halt nicht oder spring zum vorletzten Satz. Ob dir eine Ausleuchtung von anderen Seiten, als deiner Perspektive passt oder nicht. Nicht die Hautfarbe oder das angewendete Gesetz zählen in erster Linie, wenn es um Schuld und Sühne für Verbrechen und Verbrecher geht. Um Vergeltung für die Opfer geht es und dann erst um Resozialisierung. Und darum ist dein Kommentar von A-Z irrelevant.
@kkrwazie 2 года назад
Just watched Storyville on BBC. I understand what he did, but he was very young. Interesting to note the white school shooter got a reduced sentence. Can’t help but think this man’s colour has something to do with his long sentence, and 6 rejected appeals. I hope he gets released at some point.
@jeromeganivet2698 3 года назад
Seems so unfair!!!
@hannarice3007 3 года назад
Try being one of the parents
@serenityinside1 3 года назад
Unfair that people’s lives were snuffed out ? Including his teacher that was kind to him ? You mean that .. right ?
@jeromeganivet2698 3 года назад
@Miles i mean the men seems really aware and guilty and ashame of what it he did when he was a kid and judge as a men. the prison sentence is really out of line . life time plus 102 years some like that. you will not see the same trial when it s a white kid boy. and without comparaison, for me it's seems not fair, im sad for the loss, but im also sad for the kid who used to be bullied and make a terrible decision, which make him is loss, but im convinced that he need to have fair trial and more chance.
@Browny241422 2 года назад
He's taking full responsibility for the shooting and not blaming anyone including his uncle. Sorry, but he was still a child and those were the adults. They helped him kill. Many of his statements in this interview isn't really helpful on his behalf and his father. He also didn't blame his bully who constantly made his life shitty. I'm OK that he takes some responsibility. But it wasn't entirely his fault to have a gun when he wasn't thinking right. Bullying drives people to madness or death. May his victim rest in peace ❤️
@paulx873 3 года назад
The question how many years someone should go in prison is unnessesary a punishment is always a symbolic act, because no one will ever chanche what happend
@sarahk.6115 3 года назад
I don't care. Here is an idea, don't take another life and then your life won't be ruined. He can use his life behind bars to tell other victims of bullying that it's not worth it. He was just lucky his gun jammed otherwise he was shooting at all the kids. Actions have consequences.
@shukriaawale1099 3 года назад
Astonishing that he’s sentenced to 114 yrs ..it’s all about his colour….sad
@leahf.1020 2 года назад
Don’t forget about how he opened fire in a school and killed an innocent teacher…
@brianlynch5112 2 года назад
114 years does seem exorbitant?
@Treny5000 4 года назад
I was in prison with this guy 23 years ago at Southampton Correctional Center. No Cap. 💯
I was in reception across the street with him his cell was next to mines in 1990
@nicolaselliot352 2 года назад
The convicted killer seems remorseful, he wishes it never happened. He doesn't have the vocabulary to express it because he ruined his life at 16. But that interviewer is only really interested in responses he thinks will please his audience and more than once you can observe him steering it into religion.
@alexandramorel9068 Месяц назад
His daddy breaks my heart 😢
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