
Gastroparesis, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. 

Medical Centric
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0:00 Introduction
0:46 Causes of Gastroparesis
1:55 Symptoms of Gastroparesis
2:13 Diagnosis of Gastroparesis
3:13 Treatment of Gastroparesis
Gastroparesis (gastro- from Ancient Greek γαστήρ - gaster, "stomach"; and -paresis, πάρεσις - "partial paralysis"), also called delayed gastric emptying, is a medical disorder consisting of weak muscular contractions (peristalsis) of the stomach, resulting in food and liquid remaining in the stomach for a prolonged period of time. Stomach contents thus exit more slowly into the duodenum of the digestive tract. This can result in irregular absorption of nutrients, inadequate nutrition, and poor glycemic control.[2][3]
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, feeling full soon after beginning to eat (early satiety), abdominal bloating, and heartburn. The most common known mechanism is autonomic neuropathy of the nerve which innervates the stomach: the vagus nerve. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is a major cause of this nerve damage; other causes include post-infectious and trauma to the vagus nerve.
Diagnosis is via one or more of the following: barium swallow X-ray, barium beefsteak meal, radioisotope gastric-emptying scan, gastric manometry, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Complications include malnutrition, fatigue, weight loss, vitamin deficiencies, intestinal obstruction due to bezoars, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
Treatment includes dietary modifications, medications to stimulate gastric emptying, medications to reduce vomiting, and surgical approaches.[4]



21 июл 2024




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@NickedOff 2 года назад
I've been struggling with stomach issues for almost 2 years now. Seemed to have happen basically overnight. My ascending colon isn't emptying correctly as shown on xrays but am still not officially diagnosed with anything because they keep scheduling all my tests 2-4 months apart. Idk how they can let people endure this type of pain for this long without any treatment. I've just been told to reduce meat consumption and increase fiber, and take stool softeners as needed. I've been vegetarian for 2+ months now (plenty of fiber) and I took Miralax everyday for an entire month (sometimes doubling the dose) without any noticeable changes. Aside from just the stomach and bowel movement issues, my body feels jacked up constantly (low back, hips, joints hurt) and my mental health has been suffering. My quality of life has tanked compared to the activities I used to do (long backpacking trips and kayaking). The stomach controls so much of the body's overall health, I wish they could resolve it so I could stop feeling worthless, unable, and unstable. I have endure worse pain, however, not a level of pain and discomfort so consistently over 400+ days, that's enough to drive about anyone insane... Good luck to anyone going through this, and may luck and swiftness find you more immediately than it has me.
@BWizard1 2 года назад
Yea I’m kind of in the same boat as you. I was pretty normal before too. I was very athletic I played sports year round and got great grades. Once I hit puberty it was like my whole life flipped upside down. I was very sick every single day, I couldn’t eat, had terrible motion sickness, and regular abdominal pain. I went to the doctor and they sent me to a pediatric G.I. And they told me it’s stress from my parents getting divorced 3 years beforehand and that I should grow out of it. 6 months later I went back bc it was only getting worse and they tried to ask my mom if she had MSBP which means they thought she was making my problems up. Bc I had no diagnosis my school didn’t believe I had a problem either and my principal would see me in the halls and have a “talk” with me about how bad I’m making my mom look pretending to be sick like this. We ended up switching to 2 other G.I.s and did our research on both to make sure they were good doctors and they were much more helpful but all they did was order a couple base level tests like a endoscopy and colonoscopy drinking that chalk shit etc. that should’ve already been done. Then they just started handing me medicines for my random symptoms and left it at that. All they found from the tests they ran is that I had gurd and burns in my esophagus and stomach from it. Other than that they said I have cyclic vomiting syndrome and abdominal migraines. Meaning they don’t know what it is and gave me a diagnosis so I could leave. I got zofran for nausea and only 12 per month which is not real helpful when you have nausea every day, put me on an anti acid for the gurd and another medicine to help with my appetite which didn’t work. 6 almost 7 years later I’m now 19 still have all the same issues but am slowly starting to figure them out now that I’ve switched to an adult G.I. So far I’ve been to a vascular doctor, had a stomach emptying test, and had a ct scan and every single test they’ve found something new. I have something called nutcracker syndrome which is a rare vein compression disorder which I found out from the vascular doctor after it was noticed on the ct scan. Found out I have gastroparesis from the emptying test. And my liver is double the size it’s supposed to be and they believe that’s bc I have Gaul bladder issues. I’ve still got a lot of places to be sent to but it’s FINALLY being figured out. I also got my medical marijuana card so that helps with my appetite a ton and helps a little with nausea severity. Ik what you mean though man there is no reason for them to drag their feet like they do especially for people with life changing issues. The longer they’re left the more it fucks our lives up. My life is completely different from how it was before all this. I don’t go anywhere or do anything really. I mostly just play video games and try to help out around the house bc that’s all I can do. It bothers me I’m not a productive person like I was anymore. Especially coming from a family not that well off I wish I could’ve done more with my life. It makes you feel like such a burden on your family and it sucks. Not only that but our physical appearance is taking a big hit from this too. My problem is consistent but has waves where it gets much worse. At my biggest I was 165 with a 9% body fat. I was having a brief period where I felt like I could finally catch up and felt like I was learning to live with it but I ended up getting much worse again and having to restrict my diet even more and just lost it all gradually. Which is why I got the card. I dropped all the way to 120 and have slowly had to build back up to 135. If I didn’t exercise before I would weigh nothing. All that’s left of me is what little muscle I used to have. And it’s hurts to look at. If they had taken me seriously a couple years sooner my life and my family’s life would be completely different. And if the time between tests wasn’t months apart I could have this figured out by now and either learn to live with it bc I’ll know what it is or if it’s fixable I can be fixed. I’m sorry you’ve had to feel the way you have. Most people don’t know what it’s like to be sick all the time like this. I really hope you can have whatever it is corrected so you can get back to having a normal life.
@BWizard1 2 года назад
Jesus I didn’t realize how long that was don’t feel the need to read that whole thing. I got excited seeing a similar story and accidentally put my whole life in there 😂
@NickedOff 2 года назад
@@BWizard1 Thanks for sharing your story, it definitely helps hearing other's experiences to see what helps/what doesn't, and what to expect. Hope they take care of your issues and get you back to comfort soon!
@Victorcharlieone 2 года назад
I’m in the same boat as well. I’m a soldier and fire fighter and have had this for about 2 years now, a little more. I’ve been misdiagnosed a few times until the past few months.
@Blackjesus560 2 года назад
@@NickedOff idk if hiatal hernia cause these problem. Cause it never happen to me before
@meghamehra3777 2 года назад
I havent consulted doctor yet but the symptoms do match. I'm under weight, always nauseous can't even eat one chapati properly. Even if I do, I puke. Always feels like vomiting. Dehydrated most of the time. I don't remember when was the last time I ate properly. This really sucks. People say don't lie down after eating, but if I walk after eating I'll vomit straightaway. I don't feel good,don't feel active, always lying on bed. 😭
@shireenkhan9614 2 года назад
How r u now.
@up-to-date1877 2 года назад
Abhi kaha se medicine le rahe ho
@IdkIdk-gw3qo Год назад
how are you now?
@IdkIdk-gw3qo Год назад
any update megha i am also indian and wanna know which treatment helped you if any?? Please reply
@meghamehra3777 Год назад
@@IdkIdk-gw3qo I did changes in my lifestyle. I ate vegetables without tadka for two months. No spicy food, no cold drinks, only ghr ka khana. Mild exercise every alternate day and lots of water. ( i never used to drink enough water). I decided that if this doesn't change anything, I'll visit doctor. But surprisingly it worked. My eating habits improved. Slowly i startes eating to my fullness level. After two months of this routine, i started having banana shake everyday after exercise becoz i was trying to gain weight also. I can properly now. I gained 5 kgs in 3-4 months. Gaining more weight is still a long journey for me. But the rest is fine. 🤗 you can try this, but if u think your health is Detrioting, u should visit doctor.
@nothanks1239 2 года назад
I hope I don't have this. Had a meal yesterday at 5pm, got full very quickly. At 3am I was still feeling very full and was close to vomiting. Now, at 1030am, I still feel like I have food in my stomach, though no longer feel sick. Already called the doctor and will be doing tests. They said it could be a bacterial infection that can be cured, so I'm hoping it's that. I feel for anyone suffering with this.
@karengomez4182 2 года назад
Did you get any answers?
@rachanapandya7223 2 года назад
@@karengomez4182 you also have:(
@lvvelver5783 Год назад
How are you now??? ...am in same case 😢
@nothanks1239 Год назад
@@lvvelver5783 Whatever it was never seemed to affect me again. It just went away. No idea why it happened in the first place. Hope you can get sorted, as I remember it not being pleasant.
@user-ox6rw2gl3z Год назад
@@nothanks1239 كيف تخلص من هذا المرض اخي
@Ruhailzy 3 года назад
this is one of the worst illnesses i have experienced. I litrally thought i’m going to die. Stomach pain is one of the worst pains a human body can endure
@terrortubbie3603 3 года назад
Same I thought I was just sick because I couldn’t keep anything down and I would just throw up for like two almost two weeks it was the same thing every moring wake up sip water eat some toast while pacing to distract myself and then I just waited until the pain went down it either settle or I threw up usually just had to throw up because how sick I felt. I got some anti nausea meds and these anti acid meds that helped me get out of that state and keep food down and feel a lil better still not 100% but I’m still so happy since it’s improvement
@Ruhailzy 3 года назад
@@terrortubbie3603 i pray you get better bro
@ryanjohnjohn3015 3 года назад
Well I’m under that umbrella rn. 1:30 am can’t sleep. Feels all like I have is stuff in my stomach. Every time I lay up I have to burp. I feel so weak and can’t sleep. I just wanna dieee
@pokemercenary6511 3 года назад
@@ryanjohnjohn3015 please see a doctor if you're hurting. I may have this illness too. I'm seeing a specialist on Wednesday. Peace, bro
@ryanjohnjohn3015 3 года назад
@@pokemercenary6511 I definitely want to. The morning passed and I’m feeling a bit better. My sister was thinking that it may be heart burn on top of it for me
@rainbowzebraunicornpegasus2962 2 года назад
It find it interesting that you look up causes of GP Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is never mentioned. But look up EDS and you see it is a very common comorbidity.
@michimelody4036 Год назад
💜 hugs fellow zebra
@HOWCANIMISSYOU 2 года назад
I have been suffering from it the you can't cure it but excersise and long walks can help a lot, whenever I stop excersing for days or a week it happens.
@User-pz4re 2 года назад
Mine happens regardless
@integralogic 2 года назад
The reason exercise works is because walking is therapeutic to your posturw (its hard to move and have bad posture at the same time) Root cause of this is your vagus nerve havjng issue betweem brain and stomach. Go see a chiropractor and practice better posture especially if you had a previous neck injury .
@User-pz4re 2 года назад
@@integralogic what posture should I use? I can't see a chiropractor at the moment because it's hard to find it where I am, can you tell more on this
@themistocles2618 2 года назад
It is curable. I had it severely about four years ago. I was at the point where I would vomit my own saliva mix with my stomach acid since I couldn't keep anything in my stomach. I went from weighting 167 to 89 lbs 5'9 in 5 months in a hospital. Until i received God mercy and he sent me a doctor that cure me from it. He gave me this medication that comes from Mexico and is illegal in the United States (what he told me) that went directly into my IV and in a couple of days i wasn't vomiting anymore and had my first meal (soup) let me tell you, i cried when the soup when down my throat and i didn't vomited right away and remained in my stomach. I was at the hospital for another two days until my "special" IV finished. Now I'm here back to normal like nothing happened, sure i lost a lot of weight but I gained it back by eating healthy meals and protein. PS. I'll look for Doctor name that treated me and I'll update my comment so you can contact him.
@User-pz4re 2 года назад
@@themistocles2618 Low fiber diet helped my stomach but it's still kind of slow
@nkadimashiane 2 года назад
Neurofeedback and biofeedback might be able to help if damage to the autonomic nervous system is in the brain, which is usually what happens. I would also recommend the Comra laser therapy to heal any tissue or nerve damage.
@melissapadilla9628 Год назад
Who does this work? I live in NM and doctors say there is nothing. I've had problems since 2015 after Gallbladder surgery
@lauramichaelidou3268 8 месяцев назад
Seeing this video is like seeing my life in front of me. I have gastroparesis and 2 years ago. I kept eating and vomitting. Lost 3 and a half stones in 7 months. I did the things you say like eating small portions and avoiding some foods all by myself. No doctor explained this to me. I am hindered by the language living abroad. So thank you for this video which gave me answers. Now I will go challenge doctors and get some help..
@MedicalCentric 8 месяцев назад
I'm so glad to hear that this video resonated with you and provided some answers and insights into managing gastroparesis. It's a testament to your determination and resourcefulness in addressing your health concerns, even in challenging circumstances. Seeking medical assistance is an important step, and I hope you find the support you need to improve your well-being. Your proactive approach and perseverance are truly commendable.
@amazingman63 2 года назад
Struggled with this for over a decade. Pain and discomfort are a part of my life. Im typing this from a bathroom floor vomiting
@integralogic 2 года назад
Bad neck curve can cause this. Go see a reliable chiropractor, fix your posture and take care of your neck especially if you injured it when younger. Reconnect stomach to brain (vagus nerve)
@User-pz4re 2 года назад
@@integralogic Can sway back also cause gastroparesis? My back is in a weird shape
@anuoluwapoomotayo7433 2 года назад
You are healed in JESUS MIGHTY name amen.
@joseskoolii2761 2 года назад
@@integralogic Now that's cap
@eagleone5456 Год назад
@@joseskoolii2761 damage to the neck is possible. I was in a car accident years ago and now suffer almost daily woth this.
@panchukollam7411 3 года назад
Best about gastroparesis
@cyberla 7 месяцев назад
These cartoon slides are very very educational on the condition. Thank you!
@MedicalCentric 7 месяцев назад
Glad you like them!
@marcossoria2148 Год назад
I have nausea for 1 year before all these symptoms started currently working with GI specialist haven’t been able to diagnose me yet. This maybe it. I had bad acid reflux since August 2022 to today November 2022 2-3times a week vomit now down to 1 a week
@stateofdisorder1 10 месяцев назад
I had symptoms before the undigested food and vomiting. GERD was an everyday thing for me since I was 19 (46 now). So was extreme stomach cramps that happened occasionally. I had bad vomiting from the GERD because I would actually inhale acid, i digested just fine. Didn’t become lactose intolerant til about 2013 after I had a 12lb tumor removed and an extreme hysterectomy. Found out I had a hiatal hernia while in hospital (was told it wasn’t bad enough to cause my paresis but the tumor and hernia were the only things that made sense). That was around the time of the diarrhea, started taking lactaid or drinking almond milk, helped some but was still there for about a year. Then turned to IBS. Cramps started getting worse where tummy would cramp at LEAST once a day and so severe my mouth would water or make me vomit. Then about 2 yrs ago I started to throw up any type of vegetable or fruit, completely undigested and sometimes it would be days after I ate it. So stopped eating them til I could get to a gastroenterologist, he also sent me to a gastrointestinal surgeon who did an emptying test. After 4hrs I still had 40% in my stomach. BAD gastroparesis though they don’t know how I got it. Actually became diabetic AFTER because of the food I could digest which was mostly carbs. Also became EXTREMELY anemic, needed 3 bags of blood and a night in the hospital. Now my doc is trying to get my insurance to approve Zenpep for me which in an enzyme that helps you digest with the hopes of eating fruits and veggies again.
@michaelkamau7804 Месяц назад
Am so sorry for your suffering..... Could u keep us updated plz
@stateofdisorder1 Месяц назад
@@michaelkamau7804 thank you so much hon, I really appreciate that 💜💜 it did actually get a little better with the samples of Zenpep the doc gave me! I actually ate carrots, green bean, pickles! But unfortunately I can’t get the insurance to cover it. Also developed a few more ailments to my list (non gastro). But if people can, they should try and get it approved. It helped me to digest faster too!
@jennygibbons1258 2 года назад
@MedicalCentric 2 года назад
@rgg.x1 3 года назад
Idk what to do to help it I feel like I'm going to die
@terrortubbie3603 3 года назад
Go to the doctor get anytime nausea and anti acids. I recommend the nausea meds where they dissolve under your tongue. These meds won’t cure you by any means but it will still help
@cinemax9100 2 года назад
Azithromycin helps a lot
@kimwarner1681 Год назад
@@cinemax9100 isn’t that also called a z pak? Antibiotic?
@petnaby 2 года назад
I was diagnosed with which probably resulted from elevated blood sugars for an extended period of time (A1C is currently 5.7-5.9) last year. My symptoms so far are upper backpain, chest pain, heartburn, and a whole bunch of bloating. I had contracted h pylori last year and had covid and also had damage from elevated blood sugar so who the hell knows what exactly caused it. It really fucking sucks.
@yophone3109 Год назад
Azithromycin is equivalent to Erythromycin in accelerating the gastric emptying of adult patients with gastroparesis. Im also going to acupuncture. A 1 second pinch is way more tolerable than this stomach issue affecting my life.
@muffinfluff2476 2 года назад
What happens in Vagus stays in vagus
@brandymoore6599 2 года назад
Ha! Touché
@dany1654 Год назад
you can heal your vagus nerve, theres exercises and if it has to do w posture you could see a physical therapist for that
@user-wh5ir4fo4r 11 месяцев назад
LOL I should've expected this joke. I spoke to text on my phone earlier and it spelled Vegas but corrected it to vagus for me.
@richendamosena2615 2 года назад
I get full just seeing the food, nausea, vomiting bloaded, dehydrated I don't have energy all the time I don't eat properly I need help
@syphouseng 2 года назад
Gastroparesis it in my body more year about 7 year, I Resist difillcule and not solution for me
@EMRU.03 2 года назад
I wonder if this is what I have but I’m not sure, the comments kinda reassure me that this isn’t what I have bc they seem more intense than what I deal with. Current diagnosis of IBS, on a high dose of Linzess I am constipated for multiple days and then have diarrhea with intense nausea and for a while I have not being able to eat as much as I used to. I’ve lost some weight, I was unable to fit into a dress I got 5 months ago that fit very tightly. I used to be a BIG eater, now It doesn’t take much for me to feel full and nauseous. Before I started the Linzess I was extremely constipated, I took a powerful laxative and ended up vomiting 6 times with intense stomach pain in between each bout of vomiting. Haven’t had that since changing my diet and getting medicated
@susansirrs2328 Год назад
there are varying levels of gastroparesis. you could still have it
@XSlimSxadyX Год назад
This is what I’m going through rn minus diarrhea it varies but it’s hell. I hope we are both able to find out and treat what we have, whatever it may be. Best of luck to you :)
@brittanyeyrich2360 3 года назад
Also what's best test to diagnose this
@N8kedCrusader 3 года назад
Gastric emptying study
@lunawolfheart336 Год назад
Idk what it's called but they made me eat food with a special dye so a machine could track it then I was stuck laying in this thing for a few hours
@beautifulisyoursmile3955 Год назад
Can this condition be confused with food poisoning? I haven't been okay for two days now. All I noticed quite some times my digestion was slow and I keep on my normal meals but cut down in quantity. And I'm also lactose intolerant. The day before all started, I had some porridge with milk and later bread with cup of milk. The next day, I found myself pooping and vomiting until I was all empty. I felt better. But when I hate some pasta, everything came out, undigested. To sleep today, my stomach had to be empty again. I can drink water and I only had a biscuit in 14hours. I'm fine so far. I can experience stomach pain here and there but i can manage. Any suggestion other then hospital?
@mariawhite7337 Год назад
Lucky devil. I literally can't even keep water down right now. I can only suggest eating some meals lacking fat and sugars. Sometimes it's caused by diabetes. I am not experiencing nausea at all, but I feel full even with just water. It's terrible. Even without the projectile vomiting.
@stateofdisorder1 10 месяцев назад
I had symptoms before the undigested food and vomiting. GERD was an everyday thing for me since I was 19 (46 now). So was extreme stomach cramps that happened occasionally. I had bad vomiting from the GERD because I would actually inhale acid, i digested just fine. Didn’t become lactose intolerant til about 2013 after I had a 12lb tumor removed and an extreme hysterectomy. Found out I had a hiatal hernia while in hospital (was told it wasn’t bad enough to cause my paresis but the tumor and hernia were the only things that made sense). That was around the time of the diarrhea, started taking lactaid or drinking almond milk, helped some but was still there for about a year. Then turned to IBS. Cramps started getting worse where tummy would cramp at LEAST once a day and so severe my mouth would water or make me vomit. Then about 2 yrs ago I started to throw up any type of vegetable or fruit, completely undigested and sometimes it would be days after I ate it. So stopped eating them til I could get to a gastroenterologist, he also sent me to a gastrointestinal surgeon who did an emptying test. After 4hrs I still had 40% in my stomach. BAD gastroparesis though they don’t know how I got it. Actually became diabetic AFTER because of the food I could digest which was mostly carbs. Also became EXTREMELY anemic, needed 3 bags of blood and a night in the hospital. Now my doc is trying to get my insurance to approve Zenpep for me which in an enzyme that helps you digest with the hopes of eating fruits and veggies again. So unless you have had some kind of injury recently to your abdomen (I think mine was the tumor and/or hernia) you most likely don’t have it unless you took one of the meds he mentioned but it is a rare occurrence. Dropping milk from your diet or taking lactaid will help you IMMENSELY! If symptoms onset quickly you are most likely fighting food poisoning or a stomach irritation (we call them stomach bugs in my family). Don’t scare yourself watching vids like this. Only see the doc if it’s persistent and you don’t start to feel better after a week or two. Talk to your doctor also if you start any new meds. Found out Zoloft made my stomach hurt so bad I cried, could eat ANYTHING and couldn’t sleep. Called doc who told me to stop it, symptoms were completely gone in 3 days. Good luck!
@susanziemek7355 Год назад
Why does it get bad all of a sudden it’s to the point. I’m almost close to having a feeding tube. I’ve had it over 10 years. Why or what makes it worse.
@sarakrause7864 Год назад
Stress makes it worse. I am also getting a G-J feeding tube soon. down to skin and bones, have no appetite, and too weak to function. It has been 5 years of fighting. I am scared to get the feeding tube, but if I don''t I am going to die soon. I am down to 114 lbs from 187 lbs. I am scared.
@Hammers-Mikey 11 месяцев назад
Hi i have just had fundplication surgery for a giant hiatal hernia. Can this cause Gastroperesis?? As my doctor cannot diagnose me and i seem to have all the symtons of it. I have been out hospital 8 weeks now but symptons started 2 weeks ago. I feel depressed and fed up with it .😢. Any advice would be helpful please. Thanks
@Ishonchmotors 10 месяцев назад
Здравствуйте! Да после операции у меня тоже такая проблема получается!
@michaelkamau7804 Месяц назад
​@@Ishonchmotorsit is a possibility I think.... Have a similar issue although it started b4 I had a nissen fundoplication
@michimelody4036 Год назад
Other condition dysautonomia.
@brittanyeyrich2360 3 года назад
I swear I have this dude the doctor said he can't find anything wrong with me but Im always sick. I take Gabapentin for my back which is a nerve pill would those cause this
@imtheboss1826 3 года назад
Look it up.
@SC-ut2dn 3 года назад
Replenish your potassium levels. Potassium helps send the signals and is one of the reasons people go from diarrhea to constipation.
@brittanyeyrich2360 3 года назад
@@SC-ut2dn thankyou so much I'm definitely gonna give that a shot
@ItssaLyssa96 3 года назад
Make an appointment with another doctor.
@DopamjneRush 2 года назад
No opioids can tho when I take em it flares it up more Gabapentin wouldent that relax the muscle ?
@luisvalera2753 Год назад
I’m losing my mind over this. This is pretty much one of the things the doctor told me I could have, and I got tested for diabetes today and won’t know the results until Monday. I’m only 23, I hope this isn’t the case
@MrElectroManRBX Год назад
Did you figure out ?
@Riyaaaa__621 Год назад
How are your results
@yazswag8523 3 года назад
Does the endoscopy show severe gastroprasis.. but the GES can show moderate and severe?
@meltheofficegamergirl9772 3 года назад
I have the condition and it didn't show up at all in an endoscopy test :(
@yazswag8523 3 года назад
@@meltheofficegamergirl9772 exactly that’s why I want to get a ges
@meltheofficegamergirl9772 3 года назад
@@yazswag8523 I think that doctors should start with that rather than an endoscopy, especially if people's insurance doesn't totally cover a procedure. So much time and resources could be saved if that were the case. Much easier to diagnose with ges
@yazswag8523 3 года назад
@@meltheofficegamergirl9772 I agree!
@taylordubose6841 3 года назад
Should i ask my doc to do a ges?
@AbdulJabbar-vh6fh 2 года назад
HEY I NEED HELP , HELP ME so on 4 Nov someone I know drank "battery water'' accidentally ..n almost died , n now she is fine mane I shouldnt say fine , any ways so the doc told her to get a drip every week to help with maybe stomach pain n vomit n for energy , aside from that she isn't able to eat much she was told to eat mashed food n ice creams basically cold Iteams as the acid in battery water has damaged her inner stomach n throat so to cool it off they told to eat cold things she did now its been more than a month she can't digest well n keep on throwing up after she eats anything , She drink a lot , like drinks tea , juice n milk to help her n at least have something in stomach , I help her a lot in eating like I do some massage on her stomach to help with pain n digest sometimes it works other it doesn't , what to do now ? WHAT TO DO? I'm really worried for her , she is losing weight n is a lot slim now she has always been slim n now its a lot slim , help please ! She can't eat spicy food as reaction of drinking acid but I give her food like oats in milk, fruits, cereals, bread or rusk with butter n honey , spice less food still most of the times she vomits it out n has abnormal stomach bloating like it bloats on near her navel n on small section ,like small section is bloated other stomach looks fine then it changes place like that ,....so PLEASE HELP ME , ILL BE GREAT FULL!!
@AbdulJabbar-vh6fh 2 года назад
Medical centric help!?
@Levernis 2 года назад
Wish I knew what to do.. What's her condition now?
@AbdulJabbar-vh6fh 2 года назад
@@Levernis thanks for asking ..n showing concern ,I tried a lot to help her....went another hospital with her ,did endoscopy n get to know that her inside of stomach is closed the opening from where food goes to body so the food never reached her stomach n stay outside of it that why she vomited it out ,it wasn't reaction to food (as we thought it was) stomach got its lining closed as a reaction to acid....they said an surgery would help she was admitted in hospital for 3 days ,they were giving her drips n all n she was in icu but could still talk n we meet her on meeting timings ...but at 4 day after surgery she was in a lot of pain..n maybe becoz of pain...she died...we couldn't save her...I failed her....she was a beautiful soul...hope she goes to heaven n rest in peace till then .......😢😭
@Levernis 2 года назад
@@AbdulJabbar-vh6fh oh my gosh... That's really terrible man. She needed better help and better doctors. The world is so cruel.
@Levernis 2 года назад
@@AbdulJabbar-vh6fh you did everything you could and you were there for her the entire time. That's just everything. You didn't fail her. I'm sorry for your loss tho. You can talk to me if you want. Sharing helps.
@cinemax9100 2 года назад
Azithromycin is the closest thing to a cure at the moment. After a few days of using it your symptoms would pretty much disappear and your tummy would feel new again.
@BlinkPS2 2 года назад
What exactly is this Erythromycin??
@mochipau8578 2 года назад
What is it?
@Sk.128 2 года назад
@@BlinkPS2 its is medicine.
@VictoriaLepantoFatima 2 года назад
Where do you get it ? Is it prescription only?
@user-ox6rw2gl3z 2 года назад
هل يعالج خزل المعده وكيف اتناوله اخي ارجو الاجابه لان حيل تعبان
@theresahunt9082 Год назад
I have been having problems since 2014 since then it has been all downhill I can only poop now if I take ducolax laxative or drink a tea called smooth ease, my gastro doctor won't help he gave me a colonostopy and that's it .
@melissapadilla9628 Год назад
Same here in take miralax daily since 2017. And now calm gummies to go to the bathroom. They should have never taken my Gallbladder all down hill after
@thesteve9825 6 месяцев назад
​@@melissapadilla9628was your gallbladder removed?
@ryanablett4479 2 года назад
I think a good cure buts inhumane is open the stomach and make the entrance and the exit of the stomach larger via surgery
@Hopeandpeaceinjesus 2 года назад
But it’s paralysed so it’s not really the hole size it’s a motility issue- they have started using a type of pace maker to stimulate the nerves… but I dunno how common it is to be given that, and i know they tend to give it to people who have had a really long gruelling process with no success.
@lunawolfheart336 Год назад
That would course more issues. This is when the stomach is partly paralyzed or not moving correctly cutting a hole and it is not going to do anything but make condition worse. Best management is taking meds on time,drink lots of water, and exercise. I've lived with this condition and got to the point where I'm not puking every day like I used to. I still have issues but it's manageable
@user-ox6rw2gl3z Год назад
@@lunawolfheart336 صديقي ماهي لادويه اني أجريت تفيغ المعده في الساعه لأول التفريغ طبيعي في الساعه الثانيه فقط فرق درجتان في الساعه الثالت فرق ٥درجات لكن خلال ٤ أشهر تفاقمت الحاله احس معدتي توقفت عن العمل هل التوتر يضعف المعد اماذا ارجوك مساعدتي
@dukedex5043 2 года назад
I do everything in the treatment part of this video and it doesn't work.
@user-ox6rw2gl3z Год назад
السلام عليكم احس رخاوه في معدتي هل هذي من أعراض كسل المعد ام لا تجد عندك رخاوه
@carlt9265 2 года назад
I have it its ruined my life id sooner be dead
@user-ox6rw2gl3z Год назад
أخي هل تحس في رخاوه في المعده وضيق نفس
@traeye1292 Год назад
I seriously hope I don't have this.. Have drank lot of alcohol and 2 of these symptoms match im seriously scared
@MedicalCentric Год назад
Please visit a doctor.
@DSGxTennessee 2 года назад
Still don't have a diagnosis for my issues. I lost 100 pounds in 8 months. I stay between 130 and 140 now depending on how good the month is. Lost my insurance and have been dealing with it for around 5 years now. Finally just come to terms with this is just life now.
@luisvalera2753 Год назад
Did u get checked for diabetes?
@silasgroenning 11 месяцев назад
This condition has ruined the majority of my life the last 4 years… for me its like i get massive amounts of air stuck with eating my one meal a day. The only thing i can do, is to go for a long walk, and get those air pockets out. Its abolutely insane. Vomitting out in the streets, in bushes and down the sewerdrains, while trying to burp out the captured air, so i can feel abit better, and not like i want to kill everyone out of irritation and anger. Only solution is excercise and strict diet. I am so thin, with very low fat percentage. All day i am fighting… have to get enough nutrients, without beeing to full, and having to keep all my muscles active for not loosing the little i have.. its soooo frustrating, and in the worst times it makes me hate everything about life, death, God, creation, universe, existence.. i abolutely resent every part of this exsperience of beeing alive, when its the worst (after a meal). I lost all my social life. Havent seen friends in years, since i have to tend to fighting this 24/7 … it is slowly getting better, and that is the only thing that keep me staying in it. If you read this and are in the same exsperience, its like this…. Your nerves /veins are blocked by gas/inflammation/whatever.. its like a puzzle, you have to solve, one piece a time.. you might have lived life with to much unhealthyness, and suddenly you where in this mess.. ultimately i think it will kill you, if you dont fight it. Fight it means, giving up on all the things, like coffee, sugar, grains, alcohol etc.. use a foodprocessor for the food, to make everything chopped in as small pieces as possible, to make digestion easy, get supplements, eat once a day, drink sodium, stay hydrated, protein powder, fats… a multivitamin, b12, d vitamn.. oliveoil/coconut oil… possible make bonebroth from a good source, organize the kitchen, have a stock, …. Get a white board.. put everything in scheduel, concerning workout routines… see it like this.. the nervers that are blocked, may only be cleaned, after alot of other nerves that lead to them are cleaned first. That means, its not just about finding one golden excercise, or go running, thinking circulation will do enough.. you might want to think of you having to reclaim your entire body from beeing blocked( or whatever many % in your case), and so you want to do as much different exercises, for all the muscles groups as possible.. not just crunches for the abs, also side crunches, and lower stomach crunches, and twists, and legraises.. while breathing heavy into your nerves and mucles, to put oxygen into your system, its the oxygen and burning sensation that will cause new blood to flow into that local area, and clean those nerves, arteries, lymphs, muscles, tissue etc. Do alot of isometric breathing exercises (holding tension and breathing for as long as you can withstand). I have been forced to build my entire apartment to a full homegym, going on 5th year now, living with alot of exercise equipment, spending all the money i have on the next piece of equipment, just to have the oppertunity to do that next key exercise, when i need to, from my home. Combine this with good sleep, and consistency, and micro ajustments all the time, everyday, to make thing better and better, is the way to fight it.. i know that not all will have such an exstreme case to deal with.. perhaps…but atleast i can say that ive had tremendous improvement overall. i dont have acid reflux anymore for instance and alot of pains have gone away.. i have a somewhat calculation, that i am currently regaining about 2 % improvements per month, if i started from 0, and 100 is healed ( i think i am about 70 % healed).. I hope my hard earned experience may relief you in this hard condition. I dont think you can rely on a diagnosis, or some prescribtion, because it its a health issue from start, that happened because of to much bad habbit, and to little good habbit, its about responsability and action. That is my very hard earned truth. I think Its a VERY VERY hard fight to battle, but perhaps not for everyone, because we are as individuals differently wired, and some may find that they get back to normal, with minimum ajustments.. So, my story is, i guess, in the hardcore end of the spectrum, and has been an totally exstreme battle (still is), and something that requires so much energi, when you at the same time, have very limited energi output because of a “small stomach”. atlast i will say, that if you cant go to toilet, because its to hard, and wont come out, i would highly recommend getting an ennema kit, and start using one, every 3 days. After you initially have removed the block, with maybe 2-3 flushes in a row for getting it cleaned. I would have been dead if not exstremely sick, if i not have had that. I would say good luck, but luck has nothing to do with with it. regaining life in this situation requires a warrior mindset. Stay strong and diciplined. And stay off unhealthy food.
@silasgroenning 11 месяцев назад
Basicly do as much healthy as you possible can. Dont be to softcore.. lift some weight, push proper. Jump, run, sweat, feel it burn.. stay in The burn.. embrace the hurt.. stretch.. and in this you will gain muscle, and have some more stored energy deposit to fight back. I have tons of good advice, so feel free to ask.
@MedicalCentric 11 месяцев назад
I'm truly moved by the strength and determination you've shown in facing such a challenging condition. Your resilience and dedication to finding ways to cope and improve your situation are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing
@silasgroenning 11 месяцев назад
@@MedicalCentric thanks, i think. I just hope my advice reaches someone in despair, because of how complicated life can be in this situation. Also, ive only covered the basics, and scratched the fundamentals on the subject.. but it runs so much deeper thou… thanks for comment. ✌️🙏🏻✌️
@thesteve9825 6 месяцев назад
​@@silasgroenningI am 14 years old and suffering from almost same issues. Bloating,gas,belching and constipation from 2 years when puberty hit. I cannot eat my favorite foods, fats and even little bit of protein. I can only eat fruits but still a bit of bloating . I am homschooled from 2 years. Went to more than 10 gastrointelogists but nobody could help me. Life has become so much helpless. Haven't seen a friend from 2 years. No hopes of getting better. As you mentioned you've healed 70 percent , God has mercy on you but I don't think he prevail mercy on me. I don't know what to do in life. Please help me if you can. I beg you
@thesteve9825 6 месяцев назад
​@@silasgroenningI have also lost 25 pounds in 2 years
@PineapplePizza-ou4ij 2 года назад
im in my late teens, im a little concerned because i have that full stomach feeling, im scared to eat more food, i just don't know, i don't want to be a pessimist, but help me God. Most likely people who are commenting on this are a little scared like me, and are ready to change their eating habits.
@karengomez4182 2 года назад
I’m scared as well I was diagnosed with GERD but now I don’t even know. Did you get tested?
@PineapplePizza-ou4ij 2 года назад
@@karengomez4182 i did, im feeling good and i really hope you feel good too.
@karengomez4182 2 года назад
@@PineapplePizza-ou4ij did you find out if it was gastroparesis?
@PineapplePizza-ou4ij 2 года назад
@@karengomez4182 no it wasn't gastroparesis thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ who died for the world's sins.
@karengomez4182 2 года назад
@@PineapplePizza-ou4ij what did it end up being?
@kernailsingh1314 3 года назад
Not worried about death but need to know if can be cured or not
@suzanneholka7860 3 года назад
No it cannot I’m sorry to say. I’ve got it and it’s long term.
@devilstyle1161 3 года назад
@@suzanneholka7860 please i need your help. How were you diagnosed with gastroparesis? I feel like i have it due to my chronic nausea and feeling fullness and pain while eating. Could you also please explain your symptoms
@madrox4132 3 года назад
​@@devilstyle1161 I was dx with gastroparesis in 2007 at 17. I had food still in my stomach after a 12 hour fast before an endoscopy. Symptoms started in 2001. Nausea, gas, bloating, reflux.
@devilstyle1161 3 года назад
@@madrox4132 so you cannot take out poop in toilet? How is the food released?
@madrox4132 3 года назад
@@devilstyle1161 Huh?
@izumii8163 2 года назад
is it good if you vomit?
@User-pz4re 2 года назад
Yea, all that food is undigested, might aswell vomit it out to find a relief
@lunawolfheart336 Год назад
Not when you're puking every day to the point we're you puke up stumich bile every morning. Yeah been there done that not fun
@gurugamer8632 Год назад
What causes gastroparesis?
@thotmagnet3336 Год назад
Most cases the cause is unknown I just got diagnosed randomly I’m 16 🤷‍♀️
@renji2600 2 года назад
@cakewaa8887 2 года назад
I only bloat and get full after very few bites. I could be hungry and eat like a bite of a apple and be full. Idk what my problem is
@sneaky_hannah 2 года назад
Same!!! I started eating one meal a day just cuz I wanted to diet eat fewer meals and then all of a sudden I’m hardly eating anything and I get full fast and bloating and idk 🤷‍♀️ I skipped dinner last night and then this morning ate a few bites of oatmeal and I’m like so full 🤯
@arielleguerra 2 года назад
Did you ever figure out what you have?
@anathaone3313 2 года назад
@anathaone3313 2 года назад
@@sneaky_hannah hi omg how are you now?
@arielleguerra 2 года назад
@@anathaone3313 Girl, I’m struggling really badly with stomach issues.
@brandymoore6599 2 года назад
I range anywhere between 1 to 2 1/2 months without using the bathroom. It’s utterly agonizing.
@kayleewright8830 2 года назад
Hi Brandy Moore, I’m so sorry you suffer from such terrible constipation. I have severe gastroparesis and had to get colonics every two days because I could not pass any bowel movements. As you know, it is absolutely agonizing to not be able to poop. I tried everything possible and by the grace of God found a natural supplement from a line called Modern Manna called Bowel #1. This legitimately changed my life and I now have 1 bowel movement a day. It took about two consistent months of taking it every night before my body switched to the consistency of once a day BM’s. I tell everyone I know with life altering constipation to give this one a try. I have no affiliation with this brand and gain nothing from telling other people about it other than hoping it helps set other people free from life crippling constipation which is a normal effect of gastroparesis. If you try it I hope you find relief. God bless you.
@IdkIdk-gw3qo Год назад
@claireskochinski7700 11 месяцев назад
Gosh that sounds deadly
@theathomas3008 2 года назад
had appendix before and I am eating takis and my tummy is rumbling
@mariawhite7337 Год назад
I think i have this. My stomach isnt emptying at all, even with water. I literally have puked 3 times today. Pause this and puked again. Literally cant even keep down water. If my stomach doesnt let me drink water ill have to go to urgent care tomorrow.
@MedicalCentric Год назад
Please visit a doctor
@mariawhite7337 Год назад
@@MedicalCentric My parents are both nurses, I ate a smoothie today its still taking hours to digest. I've told both of them the problem, I can get water down at least, stomach still feels full though I ate the smoothie in the morning. I'm hesitant to head to urgent care since it could be norovirus induced and I don't want to get someone else sick.
@flowergirl5739 Год назад
How are you today?
@mariawhite7337 Год назад
@flowergirl5739 better than that. I had about a weeks worth of the worst acid reflux ever. But now I feel a lot better. Haven't had a problem since then. The reason why I refused to go to urgent care was because this is the norovirus and I really hesitated because I could get other people sick. I think doctors really need to tell people about this side effect of the norovirus. Cause this came out of the blur for me. I had two seconds to make it to the toilet. I suppose I'm thankful on knowing my body as well as I do cause I sensed it coming. Was not pleasant. But I've been thinking of trying to make my favorite meal "chili rellenos" GP friendlier. Cause technically it is just cheese, chili, egg whites and a bit of flour. You don't have to fry them.
@godseeseverything_1 Год назад
Cheese cause constipation!! 😣 I wouldn’t if I were you
@justaregulardumbass 3 года назад
Well this sucks
@_VISION. 3 года назад
@hech1013 2 года назад
I'll jump in a grinder before i give up cigarettes and alcohol
@thesteve9825 6 месяцев назад
Dude what
@50shadesofhappinessoffilip33 2 года назад
I hope that I didn't eat that 1 fried chicken leg.
@the_brick_bali9956 Год назад
im pretty sure i have this and im only 15
@MedicalCentric Год назад
Hi, before you can confirm this, its strongly suggested you visit a doctor for proper diagnosis. Rooting for you to beat this
@the_brick_bali9956 Год назад
@@MedicalCentric i know that this is a chronic condition and it needs more of a professional diagnosis but i’m trying to believe it’s just indigestion. thank you so much
@lxury5757 Год назад
Hey any update what was it? Im also 15 im scared fr
@the_brick_bali9956 Год назад
@@lxury5757 it turned out to be acid reflux but i had a very severe case. it goes away but can flare up again but i would definitely check w a doctor asap
@thesteve9825 6 месяцев назад
How are you now. I have same problem I am also 15
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