
Gavin Ortlund  

Chris Plance
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Gavin Ortlund has, over the years, made his case for Protestantism. In a recent video interview with ‪@GospelSimplicity‬ he makes his case, yet again. As we try to make sense of what his positive case for Protestantism is, we are left with a host of questions having to do with Protestantism's exact identity, and the evidence we have for it from Scripture itself.
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3 окт 2024




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@catholicismwow5406 Месяц назад
It's really difficult to give Gavin the benefit of the doubt anymore. He's been caught too many times cherry picking and misrepresenting the Church Fathers in ways that just don't come off as honest mistakes
@EpoRose1 Месяц назад
I’ve been in online groups where several converts have said they don’t like Dr Ortlund because he comes off as “charitable” but he actually knows the truth and lies. I was surprised by that.
@kynesilagan2676 Месяц назад
I noticed that, too. When Dr. Gavin debated Trent re: Marian Dogmas, Dr. drew a line about > 300 is an accretion and earlier isn't. This is where I learn that if you're cherry picking you'll have to have these mistakes sooner or later. Fullness of Truth survives >2000 years of criticisms and the immense memory of RU-vid collective viewers, inversely converting them, I should say
@brianh2477 Месяц назад
If Dr. Gavin didn’t cherry pick, then he wouldn’t have any historical evidence to support Protestantism. Church history is undoubtedly Catholic.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
Such as? It is easy slander to hurl, but more difficult to back up. Which Church Father says there are only 7 sacraments?
@josiahalexander5697 Месяц назад
I completely agree. I’m currently Protestant and he was someone I was following pretty regularly but the more I analyzed his arguments and narrowed in on some of his specific viewpoints, (for example, sacraments) the more I saw how completely subjective and individualistic his interpretation of “Christianity” is. The more I analyzed the more and more respect I lost for his position. Thankfully he is very polite, but, at the same time, his manners do not excuse what is either a dissonance or intellectual dishonesty.
@YuriBoechat-ef8ts Месяц назад
00:27:10 - I really liked the explanation of the difference between dogmatic and systematic theology. God bless you!
@DarkHorseCrusader 29 дней назад
I get a sense that they want to be "catholic" without becoming Catholic.
@Azkahamm Месяц назад
You know, I used to appreciate the “gentle” approach of Protestants like Gavin or even Austin but over time, I’ve started to see it as a sort of passive-aggression. & whereas Catholics can point to numerous sources for their arguments & criticisms, these types of prots say things like, “yeeeah, I’m just not convinced.” Not an argument.
@vinciblegaming6817 Месяц назад
Many definitely confuse soft spoken with gentle and humble.
@AnselmInstitute Месяц назад
Bingo. Great comment.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
It is a podcast. If you want sources, buy the book. It will have a reference list and bibliography.
@TheMhouk2 Месяц назад
it's fake humility/piety signalling basically
@Azkahamm Месяц назад
@@TheMhouk2 what I’ve always suspected.
@jacobwoods6153 Месяц назад
As a former Protestant it's basically Christian relativism. To say as a Protestant, "this is Orthodox, this isnt" is really arbitrary because there's no way to universally bind the faithful to the correct doctrines; you just hop to the church that fits your preferences/theology... The biggest problem is the epistemic issue within their paradigm.
@swilliams7850 Месяц назад
What about a systematic, repeated, and repeated response to child sexual abuse incidents? Hide/move priests, declare bankruptcy at a parish or diocese level to prevent legal discovery and pretend the Roman Catholic church as a whole doesn't have the assets to pay such claims? That's just one example of the RCC as a whole that falls short also. Do individual laity and priests find this response to the abuse claims horrible? Yes, but what good does it do? They still do the same thing over and over. It's really a sinful response to sin. So, Catholics are in the same camp for different reasons. Every Christian institution has problems. Protestants included, but it seems at least some protestant teachers admit we are in need of continual reform. I see too many Catholics feel that the whole house of cards will fall if you ever admit that an official action or teaching of the church was wrong or sinful. It won't. Doing so will not allow the gates of hell prevail.
@zeektm1762 Месяц назад
@@swilliams7850I see no reason how the sexual abuse cases would impact whether the Catholic Church is faithfully representing Christ’s teachings. The New Testament warns us that strife would enter Christ’s true Church, and it has since. But strife is not the same as false teachings. The debate should be over whether their authority, teachings and doctrines are historically, theologically and logically veridical. The sexual abuse case argument is really an emotional argument. Protestantism has problems doctrinally, not just with the behavior of its followers. There is no purpose in focusing on the behavior of the followers, but what the teachings are they should be held up to. Remember - Even one of the 12 was corrupt. This doesn’t mean that the system is.
@Metanoia000 Месяц назад
@@swilliams7850those are unbelievably low level talking points. Corruption is a bad argument, you falsify all of Christianity by your own measure.
@jacobwoods6153 Месяц назад
@swilliams7850 You've forgotten all of the saints as well. You also do realize that the pedophilia issue is worse in Protestantism and Judaism than Catholicism, right? And really its not even close... The reason why you, nor Judaism, get the publicity that we get is frankly because attacking us is a much bigger deal than Pastor Bob's 20th Baptist Church or Ben Steins synagogue. People know that the Catholic Church has the biggest target on its back; I saw this as a Protestant and started asking the question, why? Maybe because it is the true Church established by Jesus and, therefore, will be attacked much more than Protestantism or other religions?
@swilliams7850 Месяц назад
​@@Metanoia000 I'm not talking about the abuse incidents . I agree those are corruptions. I'm talking about the systematic and repeated RESPONSES BY THE FULL LAYERS IF THE MAGESTERIUM to the abuse incidents . Do you think that popes and bishops and cardinals are not involved in the responses? I guess another way to look at it is that Catholics rightly show that a proper faith will demonstrate itself and not be just a mental ascent. How are the responses I've mentioned not in fact now an actual Tradition? A Tradition that should and I think will be reformed. If you divest those actions mentally from who the magesterium IS (in part of course- they are mostly good), then you are church hopping in your head. You are choosing to pretend that only the things you agree with are the church, when corruption, albeit a small aspect of the church, is in fact part of the church. It needs to be reformed. Protestants admit such - or most do. So should Catholics. All I'm saying is that some Catholics need to drop the veneer that you've been on the right track from the yr 33. It's simply not true. It goes to the heart of what confession is. We ALL sin - sometimes as an institution. If I wasn't clear, I know most Catholics are rightly disgusted by the abuse claims and the responses. It wasn't meant to slight Catholics. It was meant to show that you also have broad flaws - just like EVERY Christian institution. I'm sorry if it came across otherwise.
@1984SheepDog Месяц назад
He is doing a bunch of interviews on protestant channels about his book, someone should have him on to provide some pushback
@kevinmc62 Месяц назад
Great analysis. The ever reforming part of his belief could prove his current stance invalid in future. Even the ever reforming view will result in low bar relativistic equality that we all have Jesus so we’re all in which gets closer to universalism. How do we know that Joel Osteen and the prosperity gospel isn’t the ever reforming part that trumps Gavin’s beliefs and that Osteen isn’t akin to a modern Luther? The “beauty” of sola scriptura will be each groups ability to deny any true reforming part of Protestantism while claiming it’s also an authentic part.
@ThruTheUnknown Месяц назад
Exactly, protestantism effectively becomes a form of postmodern Christianity.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
St Aquinas did not affirm the Immaculate Conception. He is a saint. Now he would be damned. Papal infallibility dates to 1870 and the last Marian dogma was 1950. No guarantee there wont be another one. Vatican I and II are completely opposed. You could have Vatican III which changes everything again.
@DarkHorseCrusader 29 дней назад
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to read the Bible so they can join the denomination that best agrees with their own understanding.”
@johncollorafi257 Месяц назад
One need only compare the simple explanations of apostolic succession in St Ignatius, or St Clement, with the tortuous opinions and arbitrary distinctions of Gavin Ortlund.
@ThruTheUnknown Месяц назад
Not just arbitrary but ambiguous, who constitutes being part of his form of Christianity and what are reasons why or why not?
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
It was simple because they were so close to the Apostles. Now? Did Francis study under Benedict? No, their ‘Apostolic succession’ was just baton passing, transferring an office. In the 2nd century it involved a succession of teachings. Not anymore 1800 odd years later…
@EpoRose1 Месяц назад
@@clivejungle6999If passage of time means it doesn’t matter anymore, then why trust any denomination? And if you don’t trust any denomination (since they can’t even agree on basics like if baptism actually washes away sin) why be Christian at all?
@marvalice3455 21 день назад
​@@clivejungle6999 no. I don't accept any of that, and you are not capable of proving it. This is nothing more than an appeal to your own feelings. Which by definition I do not share
@clivejungle6999 20 дней назад
@@EpoRose1 Because I believe in God as revealed in Scripture through Christ Jesus. Why are you putting all these other hurdles in the way of that...
@Kyri33leison Месяц назад
I enjoyed this
@peter_hobbs Месяц назад
Really informative! Thanks Chris! Just two questions. You say at one point, more or less, that the Catholic Church doesn’t try to solve all the “tensions”. Her genius is she just lets all these passages be without trying to build a system that forces them to mean something they don’t, just in order to make the system work. However, from my experience, as a convert, the Catholic Church (plus her defenders and teachers) were able to give very technical and nuanced (as well as reasonable) explanations, as to how all these “tensions” and apparent contradictions in scripture actually do fit together and make sense. So while she (the Church) rightly says “yes, yes, yes” as you say, she has, in having to counter the errors of the Protestants in their theological systems, resolved these “tensions”. Would you agree or not? Or would you say the tensions still exist, at least in part? Examples might be the distinctions the Church makes, in her theology, with the three types of merit (condign, congruent and strict) where Protestant theology might have none; or the distinction between concupiscense and sin where Protestants make none; or between works of the law and good works where Protestants have historically conflated the two; or the distinctions between initial, ongoing and final justification where Protestants have typically only recognised the former. I could probably go on, but you get the idea. Thanks again.
@philme2631 Месяц назад
Needs part 2! Good analysis
@John_Six Месяц назад
Ephesians 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit-just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Philippians 2 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. John 17 11 And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. Ortlund is against all of these verses. Division is not what the faith teaches.
@jonathanstensberg 6 дней назад
There is no strong case for classical Protestantism; it is baseless. This is why classical Protestantism has collapsed into liberalism, fundamentalist-evangelicalism, spiritual-but-not-religious-ism, and atheism-or else reversion to Catholicism.
@inspiringsophia96 Месяц назад
The norther kingdom is more akin to papalism because of the clear golden calves and invented man made religion in papalism as opposed to sola scriptura of the reformed
@1984SheepDog Месяц назад
Hell is listening to gavin go on about how his nondenom church is really a part of the one true church
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
Smoke machine = Hell! Why do you add things on to the Gospel? Where does it say ‘Thou shalt not listen to CCM.
@dynamic9016 26 дней назад
Very insightful.
@aaronwolf4211 Месяц назад
80% of Gavin’s arguments are fallacy of incredulity. He essentially flips the script because he at some level knows his case is weak, so he tries to put the burden of proof on Orthodox and Catholics by defaulting to an argument that amounts to “Well I just can’t believe the Church would ever be a single institution”. Which is why he keeps using that word. He’s using it constantly to further emphasize this framing. He needs to be called out on it moving forward.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
The ecclesia doesn’t mean a single institution. So yeah, the burden of proof is on you.
@josiahalexander5697 Месяц назад
An excellent example of this was in his informal debate with Fr Stephen De Young. The topic was supposed to be on Sola Scriptura. Instead of positively asserting a strong case for Sola Scriptura, Dr. Ortlund changed the conversation to icon veneration and put the burden of proof on Fr Stephen. I had to watch it a couple times in order to really catch this. It was a very underhanded maneuver on his part. I think he's good at bringing up legitimate concerns but following his logic through to its end ultimately leads to a post-modern relativism. For example, he says he doesn't believe the Church is a single institution, he can just as well say "I actually don't believe in a table. Are the legs of the table the table? No, those are the legs (and so on) ... therefore, the table is truly invisible. It exists only in the realm of the ideal".
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
@@josiahalexander5697 The Church isn't a single institution. The word ecclesia doesn't denote a single body with a post code and a CEO (Pope). Also he affirms both a visible and invisible Church but rejects Ecclesialist claims of extra īnstitūtiōnem nulla salus...
@ddzl6209 Месяц назад
Ever since the satanic cult of sola scriptura a man made tradition invented by a devil possessed man was introduced five hundred years ago many idiots like Calvin Smythe Zwingli Henry Ellen Knox Wesley Russell etc started to interpret the Bible on their own wild imagination and even adding their wishful thinking or twisting historical facts and this madness go on and on and on and on after five centuries about fifty thousand heretic idiots like McArthur Benny Copeland Crepo Osteen Todd Hagee Ortlund etc are doing all sorts of nonsense and all are contradicting each other all the time bringing chaotic anarchism into Christianity.
@TheMhouk2 Месяц назад
@@clivejungle6999 invisible/visible church distinction is an accretion, according to gavin's own epistemology
@claybody Месяц назад
He refuses the Church established by Christ. May God have mercy on his soul.
@jellyphase Месяц назад
He’s more Catholic than you are.
@jordand5732 Месяц назад
I see channels like this make similar claims about Gavin not making a strong case for protestantism. But I truly disagree, I think the case is actually really strong and his book is a driving force. I converted to catholicism in my twenties and then just left 2 years ago after being catholic 6 years. I find his arguments about marian assumptions, icons, and sola scriptura very convincing. I will admit here that this comment is just making claims, not arguments, but i urge people to take Gavin much more seriously than they do. After reading Feser, Pruss, Levering, Akin; Horn, and countless catholic answers articles, im really left with the fact that Protestantism is more convincing in most areas. I think Orthodoxy is harder to deal with than Catholicism but still falls short. Just one mans journey. May we all seek the truth with every fiber of our being.
@EthanMiller-ul9sp Месяц назад
These reply videos are chalk full of cope. Gavin's positive case works for the classical reformation traditions.
@EpistemicAnthony Месяц назад
I believe that only the gospel of John and book of Isaiah are divinely inspired. The rest are all accretions and are not actually scripture. I agree; Protestantism makes the most sense and that is why I am a Protestant Christian.
@Vigula Месяц назад
Interesting that your journey has led you to believe in division and not the authority of the one true Catholic church but Protestant 'authority'. Protestantism says I don't agree with the church Christ instituted so I will create another that embraces Sola scriptura, once saved always saved, abortion, divorce, female priests, IVF, contraception, etc, etc, etc. That makes sense to you, does it? AS you say, seek truth with every fibre of your being and, if I might advise, lean not to your own understanding but pray for grace to be as charitable as you can be, God bless, V
@jordand5732 Месяц назад
@@Vigulayikes. If you think Protestantism requires belief in any of those things thats really silly. All the conservative protestants i know are against all of those things. They are also against the liberalism brought about by “saint” thomas more’s utopia, the liberalism from fiducia supplicans, the liberalism from Vatican 2 which says we worship the same God as muslims, and the big government policies from catholicism that are leftist totalitarian.
@lhinton281 Месяц назад
The Church is Mt Zion and the highest of all mountains; the Gentiles go to her the New Jerusalem to learn “Torah” and know the living God. Jesus’s Kingdom is here and it has no end. (Isaiah 2, Daniel 2, Luke 1-2, Hebrews 12, Rev 21). My challenge to Gavin when he talks about “the church”… Where is THE Church and what does she believe? Please give examples of local churches/parishes in 300AD Carthage, 500 AD Rome, 1000AD Asia Minor, etc? Who can bind and loose for the entire Church? How does someone fall into heresy or schism from the Church? We must evangelize Protestants too It would great to have a 2hour convo with Gavin to really press him on this, right @Chris Plance?
@kevinmac8629 Месяц назад
Any who reads Ignatius's Letters to the Churches, written 70 years after the crucification of Christ, will stop being a Protestant very quickly.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
Got the dual language version. I dont get why he keeps going on about bishops when he could just say ‘Follow the infallible Papacy in Rome which has universal jurisdiction.’ Why does he use second person plural commands in his letter to the Romans? Doesn’t he know there is a singular authority in Rome?
@kevinmac8629 Месяц назад
@@clivejungle6999 No, I don't think he'd agree that would be the case.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
@@kevinmac8629 Ignatius is writing these letters on his journey to being killed. I dont get why he doesn't just encourage all these churches to look to Rome and the Bishop of Rome who has ultimate authority. Who would have more authority in 2nd century Anatolia? A local bishop or Rome's bishop?
@kevinmac8629 Месяц назад
@@clivejungle6999Why don't you just tell me your point?
@kevinmac8629 Месяц назад
@@clivejungle6999 I'm not Catholic, so not my argument.
@Theresa-gz8gq Месяц назад
Results in 44,000 Protestant denominations. Well done.
@EpoRose1 Месяц назад
Yes, the sarcastic part of me wants to say “The Case for Protestantism is that you can just pick whatever denomination agrees most with your personal interpretation of Scripture. And if not, just start your own church!” Yes, I know sarcasm isn’t a virtue, I’m working on it
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
If you use that number, then there are also hundreds of RCC denominations counted.
@DarkHorseCrusader 29 дней назад
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to read the Bible so they can join the denomination that best agrees with their own understanding.”
@PracticalChristianLessons Месяц назад
Hey brother, just a few quick notes on the opening (I'm sure there will be plenty of comments from others). First, I do greatly appreciate that you are being respectful in tone, even if there are disagreements. A respectful tone is much needed in these discussion. 1 - So in some sense, your statement "what would be a positive case" is something we'd agree with. However, the criteria put forth is something Gavin does hit across many videos, and more importantly is not Gavin's intention in this video. So sure that's good criteria, but doesn't really address this video or Gavin's work at large. 2 - You say you think it's a misrepresentation to say that Roman Catholics & Eastern Orthodox limit the Church to one institution. Well that's not really true. It is true not of Rome or the East do this, but many do & historically that was universal position of both groups for almost a full 1000 years. And Gavin using institution to mean papacy or apostolic succession. Across his work, he means what the word says. The Roman Catholic church officially, is a single "unified" institution. Where for us Protestants we are not. Baptist are a separate institutional group from Methodist, and so on. 3 - "He wants the authority of the lay person in his local congregation to be recognized as having the same authority as the men the apostles chose." This is just not true, nor does Gavin ever say or hint at this in any of his work as far I'm aware. Gavin does have a genuine respect can at multiple points over the years has even called out the Western Church (as in western culture, such as here in America) for not enough respect for Church authority noting how historically the Protestants have did. And to be fair in many non-American places, this respect for authority is still very much in place, and for many in the American church at large this is starting to return to how it has been historically.
@lhinton281 Месяц назад
I don’t understand the focus on institution. Jesus instituted one Catholic Church. The Catholic institution is the one Bride of Christ is the fullness of Him who fills all in all is the papacy-clergy-laity assembly. The Catholic Church is absolutely an institution because we are organized by Jesus with unified Kingdom ethic, dogmas, authority structure, Petrine chair, etc. Even the 24 rites/churches are all in communion with the Successor of St Peter and have the same dogmas and moral teaching though other traditions differ. Each Individual Protestant branch is an institution and they cannot all be one institution because different people in the 1500s and after organized them and those churches rally around different dogmas and morals.
@PracticalChristianLessons Месяц назад
@@lhinton281 I have a video on my own channel (under the playlist "What is the Church"). Yes Christ founded one Church, we just disagree that Church is bound to a single institution. In that video I make a much larger case, but the heart of it stands on God never restrained His kingdom in such even when Israel was a kingdom proper. When Israel divided into two, did he only speak to one of the two? No He sent Prophets to both kingdoms. Did Jesus come to the Jews first? Then how do we factor the first group He went to started with a Samaritan woman (who the Jews did not consider Jewish) and then to her town? For us the reason a single institution matters is two fold. One, we aren't saying it's restricted to such. And second, we are often critiqued as if we are a single institution. A critique against Baptist is raised as if it's a critique of Anglicans, etc.
@EpistemicAnthony Месяц назад
Regarding number 3, any argument Gavin makes as to why the average layperson should not have such authority will also end up disproving his own authority and the magisterial Reformers' authority. That's why his argument is inconsistent.
@PracticalChristianLessons Месяц назад
@@EpistemicAnthony So because laity, are laity, that somehow disproves Gavin's position & the reformation?
@EpistemicAnthony Месяц назад
@PracticalChristianLessons No, that's not what I mean. Just so you know, I'm interested in having a genuine discussion with you, I don't want to debate you, nor do I think that you are certainly wrong. Let's have a friendly chat about it, and I am very open to being shown incorrect. (Our Lord knows it has happened mamy times before.) Just for mutual understanding, I am Eastern Orthodox, not Roman Catholic. What I mean is that it seems to me that the Protestant position on this is self-refuting. Let's suppose that one of the people in Dr. Ortlund's congregation said "Pastor, I have considered all the research, and I do not believe Revelation or the books of James, Hebrews, Romans, or 2 Peter are divinely inspired. We can agree to disagree on this; we are both still Christians." Do you think Gavin would be okay with this? I think not, and rightly so. However, as far as I can see, any argument that Gavin gave as to why this person is not okay in doing this would also refute his own position. For example, "No friend, the Church has accepted this canon since 1500 years ago, so we must follow it." This same argument could be turned around to refute many Protestant positions just as easily. (That's just one example of a potential response.)
@lorenzoabellana1881 Месяц назад
His theology and belief depends on his job as a pastor. If he accepts the TRUTH he will lose his job, friends and his church. Mostly Pastors teaches half truths to people that didn't know Church Father's teachings.
@ThruTheUnknown Месяц назад
Its interesting in a way that Gavin wants to assume that the catholic faith isnt the correct form of faith but then seeks affirmation from the historic catholic understanding of the boundaries of what constitutes the church to validate his own church.
@kynesilagan2676 Месяц назад
a.k.a. cherrypicking
@roddumlauf9241 Месяц назад
I'm an Anglo-Catholic (The English Expression of the Catholic Faith). I once was an Evangelical but was persuaded by the Early Church and the Apostolic Tradition that Protestantism is false. However, Gavin has been one who has come to come to the same conclusions as I have, that Rome has made innovations to faith and morals which are not in line with the Early Church.
@ThruTheUnknown Месяц назад
All churches have innovations, youth pastors, Sunday school, symbolic baptism, symbolic eucharist, woman pastors, tongues, accountability partners/programs, worship bands, Christmas trees 🌲, no Confession at all to *anyone,* laws closing businesses on Sundays, marriage not as a sacrament but as a...?...a....? institution (what the heck that even means), self-appointed ministries, self-started churches, self-baptism even if you're john smyth etc I could probably go on. Accretions pointed at the catholic church only is a hypocritical double standard and misses the obvious point who actually has the authority to do so?
@zeektm1762 Месяц назад
Accretion of teachings is not a bad thing false things are.
@gnomeresearch1666 Месяц назад
Not submitting to the Bishop is an innovation.
@vinciblegaming6817 Месяц назад
@@zeektm1762what judges it false?
@John_Six Месяц назад
​@@zeektm1762We can be safe by simply saying all protestant denominations are false.
@CleavetoAntiquity Месяц назад
Gavin makes excellent points, if you aren’t consistent with the early church, and your dogmas are accretions. YOU do not have the faith of the early church. Simple as. And if you bind peoples consciences to apparent accretions, why should we be intellectually dishonest and submit to false teaching.
@retrocalypse Месяц назад
Accretions such as scripture alone, faith alone, symbolic view of the Eucharist, the church as an 'invisible' body of believers.
@CleavetoAntiquity Месяц назад
@@retrocalypse every single one of those views can be found in the early church, not by all, but by many church fathers. What you don’t see by even a single author prior to the 4th century is any mention affirming the assumption of mary and yet it’s dogmatically enforced in the Roman Catholic Church.
@retrocalypse Месяц назад
@@CleavetoAntiquity that's nonsense and you know it. You have to cherry pick quotes to make that happen. None of the Church Fathers would have dreamed to believe any of those things outside of the bounds of the Church.
@CleavetoAntiquity Месяц назад
@@retrocalypse “any church father statement that doesn’t agree with what I believe is wrong.” Basically.
@EpoRose1 Месяц назад
Since Jesus didn’t tell His apostles to write anything, and the Bible wasn’t canonized til the 5th century… is the Bible an “accretion?” 🤔
@Theresa-gz8gq Месяц назад
Yeah, there were Protestants at the Last Supper with the followers who didn't accept the Body , Blood Soul, and Divinity of Jesus.
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
Romans didn’t even give the Chalice until the Reformation and Real Presence is a Protestant phrase.
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