
Gay Community in Lebanon and the Arab World 

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The Beirut Apartment: A closer look into the suffering of the gay and lesbian youth in Lebanon. The documentary is by Danielle Salaris, produced by Gavin Hallier and Popular Production, with the Don Quixote collective.



12 дек 2007




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@satoofi93 14 лет назад
To all offenders and haters: I am a straight Arabic-speaking guy, and I get offended when you don't accept other gay people from any culture!
@p.rabbitt4914 7 лет назад
I pray for the LGBT community in Lebanon. May it grow and flourish in the light of love, peace, and understanding. Massab tafe'oul.
@SugerDodi 14 лет назад
In Lebanon u can see the most beautiful Arab guys
@khwlel 14 лет назад
When i was not Muslim, I was not happy at all, but when i became muslim i found out that Islam is the religion of truth and happiness, I advise you to experience islam it is good
@espio872 13 лет назад
An excellent video, it's wonderful to see the LGBT of Lebanon speaking out and lifting the veil on this taboo topic, that shouldn't even be taboo. It's a shame in this world that people still find it more socially acceptable to beat each other up and kill each other than to love each other, but things are changing and that's what matters, thank you for posting this video, truly wonderful:)
@jam4lifeus 15 лет назад
Thanks for sharing this vid, it proves that you are intelligent and open-minded and for those people who delivering negative comment for arabs and third sex, just leave them alone with their minuscule-minded thoughts and they just lacking of knowledge of everything.
@xplosivelilly 11 лет назад
actually Islam is growing stronger and stronger everyday in the muslim world. even in secular islamic countries like Albania people are becoming more religious. I think the solution is to give gay people asylum refugee status in gay friendly countries such as holland or canada; it's a win win situation IMO. Secular or religious, i dont think the Muslim world is ever going to be tolerable towards it.
@alexcheetah79 16 лет назад
that beat in the beginning is sick....
@espio872 13 лет назад
@lebo2nvme It's wonderful that you support lgbt rights, my hats off to you. We need more supporters like you, but this isn't unique to :Lebanon or Islam, there are still over 60 countries that criminalize homosexuality in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas, the legislated homophobia crosses all religious and continetal barriers, but things are changing, even in Lebanon where conflict is rife. Again, it's awesome to see an lgbt supporter, best of luck to you and take care, Greetings from USA
@pinangjawa 14 лет назад
I hope someone can do documentary on Malaysian gay & lesbian community as well. :)
@chadibellan 16 лет назад
Thank you
@TarikMaurits 15 лет назад
Thats very nice brothers!SALAM!Here in Holland we are gays and Muslim and I do believe that in other countries as well! GO LUBNAM...allez mon Liban!
@mysteriouscow 16 лет назад
How long is this documentary ? Cause i'm interested in everything talking about being lesbian and gay in the arab world :) It's refreshing to see people who care.
@abuliberalee 12 лет назад
Okay, where can I find the whole film? I would even pay for it. That's how intrigued I am by the trailer.
@AndySandbergSM 12 лет назад
I am going crazy trying to find a copy of this, does anyone know anywhere I can buy it or rent it?
@bighummus 15 лет назад
It seems like the only interview that pertained to gays in the Arab world (which is what I thought this film was about) was the first interview. I think a more appropriate title for this film should include the world "Islam". Good luck!
@MOpO87 16 лет назад
Thats how they r. We need to learn to respect everyone. Respect and religions and all ppl!
@illiumm1100 7 лет назад
It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Muslim, - please. I have had two Arab boyfriends. One Lebanese, (Libnani) and one who was half Lebanese and half Filistini, (Palestinian). I know the culture so well, I ended up majoring in it at the University I went to... I, myself am not Arab, nor Middle-Eastern. Do I prefer Middle Eastern guys over other nationalities as a 'blue-eyed light skinned American. YES! Why? - - - Of course a huge part has to do with the culture. They have (the men) have charisma and manners, and a sense of chivalry - I have been in relationships with two very good looking guys (who I am speaking of as above) - One for 3 yrs and (CON'T D Next Post)...
@iguanna9 15 лет назад
I would like to get in contact with any of these assoiations in order to share experiences and provide support. I myself am gay and would like to really find out how it is lived in these muslim countries and see how I can support them. W are all in the same boat and we have nothing but support each other no matter where in the world we may be. Hope someone can help me?
@lovelife83 13 лет назад
I have such huge respect for those young guys and girls, I really do, and am wondering how do they do it, how do they just come out? oooh, go people, I personally learn alot just watching you, and I hope oneday I can be this brave. love.
@eroz99 16 лет назад
how can I find this organisation?
@theodensonofthengel5787 6 лет назад
Much love to the LGBT community.
@blainebill39 14 лет назад
@satoofi93 Salaam Aiaikum, Thank you my friend. I do find it sad that for all the oppression we have endured, many of my gay brothers and sisters can be remarkably intollerant! I am truely sorry for this.For all of its faults multiculturalism has been the one of the wests' greatest achievements! From ancient citys like Alexandria at the mouth of the nile, many cultures were able to come together. We all should strive toward love and mutual respect for one another!
@alialdado6006 5 лет назад
@xplosivelilly 11 лет назад
christian arabs are deeply traditional and conservative. christians in the east are very different than that of the west.
@SugerDodi 13 лет назад
Being gay in our Arab World is very hard, It's unacceptable!
@TarikMaurits 16 лет назад
Liban est le pays qui nous pouvonz choisir.Nous somme GAYS et LIBANAIS!Lebanon is the country we can choose.We are GAYS and LEBANESE!they cannot do anything against it!
@alialdado6006 5 лет назад
@faRahGT 12 лет назад
power to the people, secular state's the answer.
@AgiosGiorgios 15 лет назад
i would try to be unbiased here, but the fact is that in most christian nations, homosexuals are less oppressed than in islamic countries. In europe and north and south america, homosexuality isn't a crime, but in all islamic nations excluding secular turkey, homosexuals are punished by the death penalty or jailing. Lebanon would considerably be more tolerant towards homosexuals if it remained a christian nation, and didn't have to fight syria, its followers and the palestinians for 30+ years.
@mrtuckeverlasting 14 лет назад
not d lack of women but islam forbids gf/bf relationship. men mostly are single until the arranged marriage.
@12041976 15 лет назад
i am not gay to be clear bout it, but my heart goees for all of those people in those countries where your sexual orientation can be the reason of your death !!
@SaeedMartinezRivera 11 лет назад
I lived there for 2 years with my step mother is a Yemenite/Persian jew, were we lived it was horrible, im not saying every place is bad btw
@Zdem0Z 12 лет назад
1/3 christian actually. But yea it should be secular, EVERY nation should be secular. Shame that being a secular country doesn't change the community's attitudes, at least very quick. Iraq, which is a secular country and where homosexuality is legal, discrimination against gays is gazillion times worse than for example in Lebanon
@1016Sammy 12 лет назад
@timetochilli i think its more like 30% not half
@xplosivelilly 11 лет назад
why was it so bad? i thought the racism towards the mizrachi/sephardim was gone?
@xCUBITUSx 16 лет назад
yes this video is a piece of work , but instead of feeling pitty why don't you help them living a pieceful life , everyone can do something , after all this part of the world is supposed to be the homeland of all the humanity.
@randomv3iwer 16 лет назад
please don't be a narrow minded. we have our own way of life we love it as much as the west has its own and protects it. is there a crime if someone wants to preserve whatever left of their culture and value. I don't have a problem you are gay or not. but please remember that you have a choice. chose which culture suits your needs and move to it with heart and soul. to change ppl idials is to attack the very thing they are. I hope this can explaine
@illiumm1100 7 лет назад
one for almost two yrs. One was in college, the first one and the last one was my last serious relationship where I cld honestly say I was in love with him and he was in love with me. What tore or took us apart? Visas, and he had to return, no choice - I don't want to go into detail. I think we are still heartbroken over each other. Lets be honest though its not all roses. They can be very dominant, (which at first, I admit, I like(d) as well as TOO Overbearing and Jealous. It's the culture. Always has been and always will be for 98% of Arab guys, which I can accept, but, physical violence is out of the question... At any rate I couldn't see myself moving to such a religiously intolerant (Including Chistians, Muslims, Jews, Secular/Agnostic - its the culture. However, behind closed Doors Men are having Large amounts of "Sodomy" --- because women are tucked away - hidden, and it's just a topic I can go on and on about. Closed minds are sickening. Here - is a great quote from Imam Ali: "Knowledge that does not go beyond oneself, IS Far worse than Ignorance" - May the gays and lesbians have the freedom I have here in California and may their Oppressors Learn SOMETHING! Its not 1100 anymore!
@freedomfighter84 16 лет назад
if people don't accept gay people in Lebanon that does not mean they discriminate. its a religion thing. if you are not from there you might not understand the people's mentality there. gays in the western countries are accepted by the governmental laws but not by all people.
@twiztidtwiggy69 14 лет назад
@nyscholartist 15 лет назад
It's strange that some comments here say that it is impossible to be both gay and Muslim in response to this video. The participants in this video appear to accept that being gay and being Muslim are mutually exclusive of one another. At any rate, as an ex-Muslim and a gay man, I applaud them for rejecting the unconvincing doctrines of organized religion and for attempting to live according to the values they deem sound despite innumerable obstacles.
@TheMun88 14 лет назад
what dose he mean by islam ,islam.. being a real muslim dose not include terrorism or gay or... islam is biger than what he can understand so just do not talk about it okay? ..and gay ,lesbian is something i would not be proud of but all what i can say may allah help you all and direct you to the right way.......
@freedomfighter84 16 лет назад
i think she is , because her accent in English is French. not Lebanese or middle eastern.
@ibrahimabdullah7793 5 лет назад
Shame on them, they forget people's of prophet Lot pbuh,
@marioshriver 16 лет назад
you can have the both...some respect is needed also...
@1978Autodidact 13 лет назад
@azlwuu oh no. I don't say that to just anyone I disagree with. This isn't a debate. You live in a fantasy land, know no actual gay people, while I sit here- perfectly happy- in no way sick in the head like you, and observe you like a specimen. oh and calling me a girl is not an insult. Misogyny is at the root of homophobia, and even though you'll never be able to wrap your head around that, I thought I would add that since other people with an actual brain might.
@phoney98 12 лет назад
can i just say arabic women..offtt! ^.^ probaly a prime reason why i'm bisexual
@filmhitsmodel4679 6 лет назад
Libanon cute salam indonesia
@fsa369 16 лет назад
Good! Pride gay!
@runawaylo 14 лет назад
@h3mmod1990 16 лет назад
thanx god we have islam :)
@arabiandevil 14 лет назад
even in AMERICA,except for NY & San Francisco>helloOo,having a gay child is not a thing 2 be proud of & u live in the ME so get over it..
@4200224 13 лет назад
@headk85 you dont speak arabic wow and i dont feel like talking bye
@xplosivelilly 11 лет назад
secularism isn't going to change anything. Many secular people still despise gays. Some of the most secular Muslim countries still have deep hatred towards gays; Turkey, Azerbaijan, Albania, to be out in those countries is like a death wish.
@4200224 13 лет назад
@azlwuu true my friend lol
@xCUBITUSx 16 лет назад
hum i was merelly referring to the wars lol anyway gays are not really suffering over there , they can have a quiet life if they hide their orientation but still do we want that ? no ! PS : You're cute in that hat in the hong kong video of yours ;-)
@pri22v11 12 лет назад
the guy speaking at 355 has a handsome profile bet hes hot! :P
@arabearabe4820 5 лет назад
@xCUBITUSx 14 лет назад
can you stop commenting on EVERY video treating about lebanese homosexuals ?!!! l3ama shu ennak tene7777
@sisoso 15 лет назад
al 3alam i5tarab 5alaa9
@xHASSUNAx 14 лет назад
lol i think those would be Israelis >_>
@freedomfighter84 16 лет назад
If you want to be a gay, OK - fair enough. its your life and you are free to choose what to do and how you be and how don't want to be. BUUUT please do not criticize the Lebanese people for not accepting you. its the culture of the country and the religion. i would like to point out that most gays became gays to attract peoples' attention. and its been proved at kings college in London that there is no such a thing called genetics that make you a gay. but its your own choice and influences do.
@TarikMaurits 15 лет назад
Vive la liberation sexuelles du Liban! pourquoi coucher le sentiment si beau si nous pouvons montrer ?I mean ALL other Arab countries as well!
@the1andonlyMizMoon 14 лет назад
@DonLebanon1984 Oh, Honey. Come here. (pat pat on your back) When you come out of the closet, you will feel so much better !!!! It's okay. Cry if you want to. It's alright.
@ramzi45 16 лет назад
lol +1
@blockstv7632 15 лет назад
there is no such thing as "Gay" or "Lesbian"
@eroz99 15 лет назад
First of all, I am middle-eastern. Secondly, you don't seem to solve your problems very good, do you? Perhaps you should mind your own business and concentrate on being a good person.
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