
Gay Pride 2023 Parade DC - Man Spits on Preacher Sharing Gospel 

Mark Lovett
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25 окт 2024




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@GreatApeOfTheNorth Год назад
As a Muslim, I respect this man for standing up for what he believes in and not selling out to the liberal agenda. 👍🏼
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you sir. God bless you.
@lovejesus7775 Год назад
Liberal agenda is the satanic agenda. They are now attacking our children with their lgbtq nonsense
@SmokeyMcb Год назад
@@markelovett 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. James 2:19 What that devil possessed Man did was assault which is a crime punishable by law. That devil possessed Man will end up in prison due to the demons in him leading him to go out to commit acts of violence that leads to him murdering Christians because that devil possessed Man has been given over to a reprobate mind because Romans 1:18-32 says: 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Romans 1:18-32 It's just like it was in Genesis 19 before God destroyed and burned up the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and all that was in them with brimstone and fire that fell from heaven as God's righteous judgment upon those evil cities and all that dwelled in them.
@rusokana3642 Год назад
As a muslim you should be ashamed, the quran forbids taking jews and christians as allies 5:51 in quran but of course ur a woke muslim , like to coddle up even when ur god is against it
@Muhammadallahhubarbar Год назад
There is no god but Jesus, Allah is anti Christ, you are no different from World ideologies such as Islam and LGBT are the same
@slbfiel8203 Год назад
That "man" spitting on the preacher just commited a hate crime
@cloudb.1071 Год назад
I think you meant "demon."
@talialynn41 Год назад
I'm sure a judge would say the hate crime was the man preaching I wouldn't be surprised anymore So backwards but that's just the end days we live in.
@chrisclark7170 Год назад
The preacher is a pedophile that deserves much worse done to him.
@chrisreber2516 Год назад
YES, many demons roaming around at the "PRIDE" PARADE. Satan the father of Lies is the author of Pride
@chrisclark7170 Год назад
@@chrisreber2516 no such thing as God or demons. The only thing that is real is the hatred and ignorance you christians spew.
@kamilzabiegala1649 Год назад
That spit was seriously a demon.
@chrisclark7170 Год назад
The preacher is a hate mongering pedophile that deserves much worse done to him.
@bmac_xxx207 Год назад
@adjeiboateng6720 Год назад
He is
@TheK2TheC479 Год назад
This is a showing of how inclusive these people really are.
@Rockyo1 Год назад
It’s good that there showing how filthy they really are .
@rusokana3642 Год назад
Inclusive to what? Old man is literally here saying you're attraction is a sin , basically excluding them yet you want to be coddled up? Like how mental are you guys? Would you stay still if someone punched you? No most of you will defend yourself. Its the same thing. Its one thing being against promiscuity or thing like that, but when you tell people that they can do something that almost everyone else is allowed to do, its basically hypocrisy
@jakesthebeast1497 Год назад
If i stood right at the pulpit in the church and started teaching basic stuff like the Fact that things evolve or that Homosexual and Transgender People are perfectly normal i would probably have the police called on me and be escorted off the Ground, yet you Christians get severe backlash for hatespeech on a gay Pride event and suddenly we are the baddies?
@holyrabbit2121 Год назад
How mental is the gen z lgbtqia and feminists? Oh right...Satan rules the world and minds.
@holyrabbit2121 Год назад
I'm not forgetting straight people. But we're not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but we fight against demonic princes, darkness, rulers of this world, principalities, and spiritual wickedness in high places
@Jay-sg2ko Год назад
So tolerant…. So loving…. So accepting
@MavTheAlpha Год назад
Why would anyone be so angry to spit on someone like that? Especially with such a loving message.
@markelovett Год назад
God bless you!
@BPierce777 Год назад
A wicked heart.
@chrisclark7170 Год назад
Why do you bible bigot insist on preaching hatred and bigotry in public? World went to shit when we stopped feeding lions a steady diet of christians.
@IanTaylor_1 Год назад
Alphabet demon cult is full of hate and violence.
@charmainemiles4089 Год назад
They know they are disgusting people and hearing the word of God makes them angry.
@trade5374 Год назад
How inclusive, how tolerant, how oppressed, how marginalized, how loving, how accepting, those people are.
@LATVERIAN1 Год назад
These are not people.
@rusokana3642 Год назад
You do realize that just because a guy spit on you doesnt mean they are automatically lgbt.
@trade5374 Год назад
@@rusokana3642 you telling me that guy isnt lgbt during an lgbt parade with a hair pin in his hair
@jakesthebeast1497 Год назад
@@trade5374 You telling me that a Hate preacher getting spat on for preaching hate at a gay pride event is not perfectly fine?
@trade5374 Год назад
​@@jakesthebeast1497 Those pride people are the most hateful people Ive ever met and no its not fine to spit on someone preaching. Nothing he said was hateful. Quite the contrary. But youre just like the pride people, too hateful to see your own projection. Keep in mind im atheist
@GuatemalantopG24 Год назад
I would have knocked him out for you
@rafelgraciegraciee6313 Год назад
I wash he spit in my face like that Poor with trash liberal What of got his as kicked 🤏🏾 No questions asked 🤏🏾🤏🏾🤏🏾
@markelovett Год назад
We would have both ended up in jail and on the news!
@Vaahteranlehti Год назад
The education of that disgusting man went very wrong. He wasn't taught to respect anyone, not even a preacher. So unbelievable.
@ryan-el9er Год назад
ah, yes, the ol claim of how anyone taught something early in life will automatically believe that thing for eternity. see how ridiculous your thoughts sound when broken down? you’re literally saying that because someone is taught something early enough in life, that they will stick by WHATEVER it is they were taught. which is a contradiction to your own belief system because christian’s believe it is their job to evangelize which suggests someone can change their ways from what they were initially taught. but here you are suggesting he wasn’t taught something as if he somehow didn’t have the choice to disregard what he was taught.
@Vaahteranlehti Год назад
@@ryan-el9er If a person is taught as a child not to spit on people or to respect people in general, he/she won't spit on people in his/her lifetime. Christians don't mean anything bad with the evangelizing. That man who spit that preacher wanted bad for him. We just want to spread the gospel. It's comforting and safe to believe in Jesus. He helps us in difficult times. Reading Bible really helps.
@ryan-el9er Год назад
@@Vaahteranlehti my point is just that sometimes you teach a child, and they grow up and do things different.
@yngmf1364 Год назад
@@ryan-el9er That's because you weren't strict enough.
@ryan-el9er Год назад
@@yngmf1364 i don’t even have kids. lol. but i do now realize you do or will beat your children when they don’t listen.
@dylanbunting5352 Год назад
I'll gladly be enemies with the world to be friends with my lord and savior
@homerojimenez9533 Год назад
"Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the forces of evil that control them" ... This man had the courage to hold back, im not sure i would be able to bare with that ...
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you! God bless you.
@stephlon6757 Год назад
And to add cherry on top , he said God bless you 😩😭 God give me that kind of grace lol . I’d be sooo upset. Spitting on someone is worst than any name callings. It’s such a disgusting, classless thing to do.
@Jackk.A Год назад
I’ve never seen such a large group of people get so triggered by something that they paint out to not be real
@samaxechuckfinley3593 Год назад
It is Not Easy to speak GOD'S TRUTH To Demonically Possessed Individuals!!!
@str8rzr145 Год назад
They spit at Christ while he was on the cross and he said father forgive them for they know not what they do. Grace is poured out for us all. Thank God for that!
@Johnged15 Год назад
That dude should get arrested.
@okedokeerolchoke9929 Год назад
Isn’t that a hate crime?
@cloudb.1071 Год назад
No, coming from the LGBT it is all about love, acceptance, inclusivity, stunning, and brave. ❤
@okedokeerolchoke9929 Год назад
@@cloudb.1071 all of a sudden one belief trumps all the others….you know somethings up when Muslims, Christians, Jews and atheists all have the same views on something 🤔
@LexxGee1234 8 месяцев назад
​@@cloudb.1071 think again buddy
@jessicaw692 Год назад
Well done faithful servent.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words Jessica. God bless you.
@servantgeorge1700 Год назад
These people show themselves to be so loving and kind, and of-course tolerant: I Am talking about the Preacher; I have been known to not be so cheek turning, especially when it come to satans kids.
@markelovett Год назад
Yes sir, it’s a challenge, but Holy Spirit showed up.
@defenseandgeopolitics Год назад
I am a Muslim but i respect you for defending your faith. We have one common enemy and it is these fascists that are against freedom of speech, science, biology and logic. Even our prophet once predicted that one time Muslims and Christians will stand side by side to oppose nonsense and tyranny. Don't let anyone divide us, we lived together in harmony for hunders of years in the golden age. In Syria where my grandfather lives, Muslim and Christian neighbors treat each other better than some westerners treat their siblings. Nothing but love.
@roger4roger Год назад
funny that you talk about opposing tyranny when the implementation of your belief system leads to mass murder and oppression.
@dansaber4427 Год назад
You can be LGBT and Muslim 👨‍❤️‍👨
@skuastone9698 Год назад
​@@dansaber4427 Says who?😅
@dansaber4427 Год назад
@@skuastone9698 God
@skuastone9698 Год назад
@@dansaber4427 Verse please?
@sweetlinggacha67 Год назад
I've seen videos like this the more i learn about god. They way these people at these parades or even at public events react to the gospel or Jesus shows their true character. I feel like these preacher's genuinely threaten the public, satan.... I believe he comes in many forms. HE'S NOT EVEN HIDING ANYMORE! i pray they all open their eyes and realize the path their pride can take them.. Ik im still learning as a baby Christian but i feel god has reached out to me these last few months to warn me and others. Heavenly father please have mercy on us all. God bless Amen❤
@markelovett Год назад
I pray God comforts you in your walk with Him building your faith. God bless you.
@Obeijin Год назад
Spitting on someone is a crime !
@chrisreber2516 Год назад
YES it is a crime, but not to the wokesters and perverts who are currently in power. The day of their visitation is coming!!!
@HS-zk5nn Год назад
@Obeijin Год назад
@@HS-zk5nn Exactly...and they have a clear video of this creep .
@robertschultz9623 Год назад
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:10‭-‬12 KJV
@markelovett Год назад
Amen. Thank you Robert. Praise the lord.
@mirzafatic1663 Год назад
That man who spat better get good with God, otherwise no Heaven for him. What a disgusting cowardly act.
@debrajane9610 Год назад
Spitting on someone is absolutely vile!! Just shows a dark soul!! We have free speech, don't like what someone is saying just keep walking !!
@markelovett Год назад
Amen Debra!
@jamesrivera4947 Год назад
There's a long-running debate as to whether the constitution allows for free speech as much as restriction on what government can prevent us from saying 🤔
@karenpearson6991 Год назад
A perfect response from the preacher: meeting cursing with blessing.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for you kind words. God bless you.
@ptwevangelism Год назад
God bless you brother! Blessed are you for persecution for Jesus' sake! Keep preaching the word of God!!
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you brother Duane. Your ministry is powerful for God. Keep fighting for the Kingdom laying up treasures in heaven!
@StrangeSkies1111 Год назад
You are amazing man. I strive to have that kind of peace in my heart. I pray for it daily. All glory to God in Jesus name
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. You are so kind. God bless you.
@ritadokus2874 Год назад
Oh the tolerant left some day they will come face to face with our lord
@jamestempleton553 Год назад
Man that spit could literally be charged with assault, no?
@conniesmith5161 Год назад
If they had spit on a police officer they would have been arrested
@markelovett Год назад
@Abracadavero Год назад
Thank you for being tolerant to those who parade and claim tolerance! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ You said “God bless you!” That was very wise!
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you! That was the Holy Spirit, in my flesh I would have punched him, praise the Lord!
@davidjackson1634 Год назад
GOD is watching, GOD knows everyone's name.
@ducati3241 Год назад
Love is love??? 😂😂😂😂 By using vulgarities and spitting?!! Seriously??? That says a LOT.🤣 He got such a sad soul…. Pls brother..u can use this as an evidence coz he just ‘assaulted’ u like such. Report him to the police & do not let him get away. As a Muslim..we too do not support or participate in their s^ck delusion. Be strong thou.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤓🤓🤓
@Baxicle Год назад
wow, a "loving" man spits on a guy preaching the truth, so loving frfr
@TheEnglish-Saxon Год назад
The power of christ compels you...! ✝️
@nuclearwinter4621 Год назад
"Tolerance " for ME. But...Not for you.
@foreverfrass6736 Год назад
To spit on someone is one of the most disgusting acts you can do. It’s truly horrific that you can not speak about GOD without inciting such violent reactions. GOD bless you…
@chrisclark7170 Год назад
God is fairytale bible bigots use to sanctify their hatred.
@markelovett Год назад
So true. Thank you for your comment young lady. God bless you.
@elvix6291 Год назад
Keep going man ,all of this is nothing to the lord
@EricSolo24 Год назад
Amen brother
@lonewolfx499 Год назад
Great to see how loving the LGBT community is. God bless you and all you do!
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for the encouraging words! God bless you.
@caneast99 Год назад
Thank you sir for spreading the word of God and being more patient than I could have been. Keep up your good work.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your kind words, may God bless you.
@caneast99 Год назад
God bless 🙏
@victoranderson2868 Год назад
Let’s all pray for that young man. 🙏 He is lost… I loved your response brother, rejoice!!! God bless you and keep up the good work 🙏
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words Victor. God bless you.
@MrRRHHMM Год назад
evil vs the Divine and Humanity, only ever one outcome and May Gods Pure Love Bless Us All..
@Quasimotoflaps Год назад
Remember, we must not hate these brothers and sisters, but pray for them. Do not be angry with them.
@markelovett Год назад
Amen. This is a spiritual battle against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places.
@JesusisSavior21 Год назад
God bless you thanks for spreading the word
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you.
@carlosjalvaradog2961 Год назад
Oh my……if that man don’t repent for what he did to Gods son…..on the day of judgment it will be horrible horrible for him lord forgive him 😳🫤🤦🏽‍♂️
@markelovett Год назад
Amen. God bless you
@FranciscoRodriguez-be6ik Год назад
God bless this man!
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you. God bless you too❤️
@DFSLJC Год назад
Demons manifest quickly. I’m sorry you were attacked. Blessed are you when they persecute you for my Namesake. I’m sure hope he (and it is he no matter what he pretends) realizes he’s the monster and the Knotsee. Not Christians
@markelovett Год назад
Thanks for the encouragement brother. This was our 2nd time sharing the gospel on the street, so we still have a lot to learn. The Lord protected us. Nobody got hurt. My shorts will be washed clean tomorrow.
@DFSLJC Год назад
@@markelovett you just keep doing it the way you are called. I admire your bravery because our world hates people that look like you and me. I’ll keep watching maybe and maybe I’ll get brave but you doing this matters to people like me and it matters to God. Be blessed.
@markelovett Год назад
@@DFSLJC Thx so much brother. May God bless you and your family!
@karilkayedaguimol4341 Год назад
I'm always happy and proud for every preacher who share the gospel despite of the reality that it will be against the world and there is a possibility that you will be harmed or even persecuted, God's calling never fail to you, keep it up brother.
@markelovett Год назад
Thanks for the encouraging words. May God bless you.
@lobservateur107 Год назад
Job well done sir in sharing God's precious words and love to the lost. May The Lord God Almighty bless you more
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your kind words sir. May God bless you and your family.
@samaxechuckfinley3593 Год назад
If the world Hates You remember that it Hated me first... If you belonged to the world it would love you as it's very own. But you Do Not belong to the world for I have chosen you out of this world and that is why the world Hates you. If They Persecuted Me They Will Persecute You... They treat you like this because of my name, because they do not know the one who sent me and so whoever Hates Me Also Hates My Father... However this also Fulfils what is written... "They Hated Him Without Cause!" John 15:18-25...
@Silvercrypto-xk4zy Год назад
there should be enough to get facial recognition on this guy and arrest him for assault and battery. thank you for speaking the truth in the facecof adversity
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you.
@katenangariame1648 Год назад
Sir our heavenly Father will reward you in heaven , God bless you ❤
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for the kind words. God bless you Kate.❤️
@Rolkey Год назад
On everything, god himself knows I would’ve beat the breaks off that dude. The lord put tolerance and contempt in that man’s heart and I sadly do not have that. God bless you ❤
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you! the Holy Spirit must have come over me because my flesh would have punched him.
@dodido101roblox5 Год назад
God bless you my good sir we must unite to save our country from this plague and not let our children become indoctrinated.
@markelovett Год назад
Amen! Stand against evil and shut it down.
@tonyfox7510 Год назад
The demon spit on you because he knows a Christian would not fight back. If he had done that to a non-Christian he would have his teeth knocked out.
@markelovett Год назад
@BornAgainOfficial7 Год назад
praise the Lord Jesus Christ
@jak6744 Год назад
How disrespectful hope you are ok sir! You truly are a man of god I would have be pressing charges 😡! God bless you and stay safe out there it’s a scary world!
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for the kind words. God bless you.
@youngpiece9173 Год назад
Amen 🙏
@Crafty.Veteran.Survival Год назад
You're doing good stuff Mark. Hats off to you sir 👏
@markelovett Год назад
Thx much brother.
@talialynn41 Год назад
This man will be honored in heaven for this and that man does not even realize by hating and spiting on this man preaching the gospel he just blessed him. To suffer for jesus is truly being blessed ha ha These street preachers are awesome all the respect for them may god bless them and protect them 🙏🙌 in jesus name
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. Gave me goosebumps. You are much appreciated Talia! God bless you.
@dr.cornboy6577 Год назад
Wow! So much peace and faith with this preacher. It would appear he is willing to suffer for Christ.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. God bless you!
@jessicaw692 Год назад
I think im most taken back by the young lady smiling at the actions. Thats almost worse than the actions themselves but I'm not sure why. It's interesting that I'm told these precious words are inciting violence against LGBQT but i only ever see violence perpetrated against Christians.
@TheSaintFrenzy Год назад
They planned it together no doubt. The street preachers reaction was absolutely super-natural.
@kevinfitzsimmons1258 Год назад
"young lady" Uhh that's a guy...
@markelovett Год назад
So true. God bless you.
@Ibis-of-Equilon Год назад
Press charges . That's a high form of assault.
Praise the Lord brother for your perseverance through the persecution. Rejoice, be exceedingly glad for great is your reward when men hate you leap for joy!
@markelovett Год назад
My brother in Christ Carl, thank you for taking the time to comment. You help me so much. God bless you.
@@markelovett Praise Jesus brother! Looking forward to laboring with you all in the future, Lord willing.
@sallyrickerson9139 Год назад
God bless you Sir for spreading the Gospel. I am so sorry you were met with hate, but as Christ said, they will hate us for loving him. May our Savior protect you on the streets spreading the Holy Book.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for the kind words. God bless you Sally.
@kat-ee5wt Год назад
God bless you Mark, if that is your name❤️ this made me so sad. But happy you’re out there!!! I wish I could’ve been there standing beside you and with you. Jesus sees you and is so proud of you!!!🙏
@markelovett Год назад
Thx so much for your kind words. God bless you
@kat-ee5wt Год назад
@@markelovett thank you God bless you as well❤️ and stay strong! Your work is not in vain💪✝️
@silentminority2342 Год назад
@Gadfly333 Год назад
So stunning..... so brave...... so tolerant....
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you.
@Gadfly333 Год назад
@@markelovett lol, no I meant the horrible person who spat on you (I was being sarcastic) You behaved marvellously, you didn't even react. Very Christ like indeed :) xxx
@markelovett Год назад
@@Gadfly333 Thank you
@angelogomez4487 Год назад
Respect the word of God convicts angry sinners Hallelujah in Christ
@onlyonelord5877 Год назад
2 Chronicles 7:14-"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
@markelovett Год назад
@NoName-zb1op Год назад
unreal ....I pray for the safety of all who preach the word of god.....the devil is a liar and we need to repent and get saved and speak the name of Jesus over all this evil.
@markelovett Год назад
Praise the Lord Jesus mighty name!
@Quasimotoflaps Год назад
Handled like a real gentlemen.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you sir and God bless you.
@j.7701 Год назад
Ahhh the tolerant left so accepting of various lifestyles
@emmapeel8163 Год назад
Loving & Tolerant ideology.
@kingfishcl8083 Год назад
Christians "turning the other cheek" is getting mighty old. Remember that Christ threw the moneylenders out of the temple and whipped and scourged them. Don't be trampled on
@chrisreber2516 Год назад
Good point, there is a time to every purpose under heaven and in this case I think the preacher acted accordingly
@VIEWITIS Год назад
In this case they're not defiling a particular place like the temple, they're just out and about exercising their free will. A comparable situation would be if the preacher was peacefully studying in a library then saw a Drag Queen Story Hour starting up and began chucking the queens into the street.
@botbeamer Год назад
@@chrisreber2516 Not fighting the fruity loop eater is not righteousness it's cowardice
@botbeamer Год назад
@@chrisreber2516 Look at prophet Lot
@botbeamer Год назад
@@chrisreber2516 I would have fought that hoe moh idc what happens right of self-defense
@mattweiss3637 Год назад
I can feel the love
@gordonschedel368 Год назад
That man should not have been there I have some degree with what you’re saying, but he’s putting himself in danger
@ArmorofGodandTruth Год назад
The spirit of rebelliousness and depravity was evident. Keep doing God's work and God Bless you always.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you.
@doreeseglassel1057 Год назад
Pray for those that despitfully use you
@deepakkhosla4444 Год назад
Jesus love you ❤
@scruffdog347 Год назад
God bless you. I loved that
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you
@GoogleAccount-u1x Год назад
Im so sorry this happen to you sir, keep the faith my brother, love you ❤
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your kind words. God bless you.
@TheBibleExplorer Год назад
You handled that well brother... Keep fighting a good fight, finish the race,stay the cause & keep the faith... For one day soon we'll be with our Lord Christ Jesus... but until then,we must continue to share the truth of scripture...
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you so much for the encouraging words brother. God bless you.
@TheBibleExplorer Год назад
@@markelovett keeping you in prayer brother, please do likewise for me as well as all our brethren out there sharing the truth... 🤠👍
@markelovett Год назад
@@TheBibleExplorer Ok will do. What’s your name and where are you located?
@TheBibleExplorer Год назад
@@markelovett mid-Missouri & I'm just another voice in the wilderness
@markelovett Год назад
@@TheBibleExplorer I don’t understand hiding behind anonymous personas
@kindatim1798 Год назад
How dare he do that to a man trying to save his soul!
@m.jministry356 Год назад
Hey brother i was there as well God bless you
@markelovett Год назад
Thx for reaching out brother. Where were you?
@m.jministry356 Год назад
@@markelovett we were in Dupont circle you might have saw a bunch of preachers holding up signs 🪧 and using speakers
@markelovett Год назад
@@m.jministry356 No I didn’t see you. We were next to DuPont circle too, but we were there only from about 2:30 to 3:30, then we left headed up 17th st.
@jonnyboat2 Год назад
Good thing for that little girly boy that you're not a Zealot.
@markelovett Год назад
@Melanie_44 Год назад
God Bless you Brother Mark 1Cort 15:1-4 (The Gospel of Jesus Christ) Eph 2:8-9 Believe in Jesus 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Praying for all my Brothers and Sisters
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words Melanie. God bless you.
@Melanie_44 Год назад
@@markelovett God Bless You Brothers in Christ bring the Gospel to those who need to hear the Good News of Salvation. Many Blessing to you in Jesus's Name.
@angelogomez4487 Год назад
God bless you for being humble my brother in Christ Hallelujah Amen 🙏💗
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words Angelo. God bless you.
@angelogomez4487 Год назад
@@markelovett these people are angry cuz they don't have the spirit of God in them I encountered Christ Hallelujah they don't know what they're missing so sad
@markelovett Год назад
@@angelogomez4487 Amen. It’s their choice. We pray they make the right one before it’s too late.
@dustinberthold962 Год назад
Great is your reward in the Kingdom of God.
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you.
@bmac_xxx207 Год назад
His demon full spat on the preacher
@melanies6775 Год назад
God bless you brother and give you strength!
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you.
@tgriffin3059 Год назад
That's them...crude, coarse, vile...How the normal people ever allowed the fringes to get to this point is beyond me...
@markelovett Год назад
Exactly. The church has been infiltrated and they are sleeping with veiled eyes.
@etibarqafqaz9824 Год назад
im muslim and its very sad to see a bad person like him....... maaann..... shame on you.
@fieryphoenix586 Год назад
These people prove they don't stand for Love. Just Lust.
@nuclearwinter4621 Год назад
"Tolerance. " "Tolerance. "
@dylanbunting5352 Год назад
But i say unto you love you're enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you Matthew 5:44
@markelovett Год назад
Amen. Truth
@melvincj838 Год назад
Praise o loard from India Tamilnadu Ooty. He will have higher thing in your life pastor. Don't be ashamed because those who betray us and the word of the truth they should be really ashamed and be shame on them.
@aymarrah Год назад
Wow god bless this preacher 😥🙏
@markelovett Год назад
Thank you. God bless you too.
@foxboy123ification Год назад
But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. Luke 6:27‭-‬29 Stay encouraged brother. I pray by the power of the Holy Spirit I can get to that place you are! 🙏🏾💪🏾
@markelovett Год назад
Thanks so much for the kind and encouraging words. The Holy Spirit over powered me at the time. Thank the Lord. The next day when I saw the video and read some comments I started getting a little angry. I need Jesus every day or my will, which is not good, comes back.
@resetsetmefree478 Год назад
​@@markelovettyou and me both my brother 🙂. They did the same and worse to Jesus Himself 🙏
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