
Gen Z’s Escapism Has Gone Too Far 

Misha Petrov
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28 сен 2024




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@ladyangelsongbird Год назад
I'm a big daydreamer and do it nearly every day, but I usually stay grounded in reality and don't forget my standing or situation that I'm in. I love fairytales and reading stories and while they comfort me in my everyday life and make me happy, I don't dictate my life around it or pretend that reality doesn't exist or that I secretly disconnect from real life and go to a fantasy world. That's how it should be
@Jurassicat_ Год назад
Same, some people just daydream more than others, or are more creative than others. Roleplaying and daydreaming isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as you can still live in real life and know your imagination is not reality. That’s where it gets dangerous.
@chloedemure Год назад
100% agree its normal to daydream i do it too since i was little but not like this trend. Everything is at 1,000 today no middle ground
@Jurassicat_ Год назад
@@outlawsyl What do you mean exactly?
@TheGlory16 Год назад
Same, I daydream everyday and it just makes me happy. And even though I know when to stop sometimes it's difficult to concentrate when I'm in class. For me personally daydreaming is just so good and most of the time I wish to live in my created world cause it's just so much better than reality.
@Jurassicat_ Год назад
@@TheGlory16 Uh, my mate, I hope that was sarcastic cause that’s exactly the problem we were talking about
@GLPS2020 Год назад
I was always under the impression that self-care meant going to therapy, fixing your sleep schedule, lessening caffeine, etc, aka adopting responsibility. Holy cow how things have changed in 10 years
@woobiefuntime Год назад
Caffeine is part of my self care . It keeps me from wanting to nap all day
@ElinWinblad Год назад
@@woobiefuntimecaffeine is part of my self care it helps keep my brain calm and get good sleep.
@DarthLesbian Год назад
@@woobiefuntime Well true but to be fair they did say lessening caffeine not quitting it 😂 Some people do drink too much and that can have health issues.
@highlandsprings5752 Год назад
I think your impressions now make you a 1930s German, so yeah things have gotten extremely bizarre.
@johnjamele Год назад
@@robertpembroke8902 I'm going to take your life as none of my business, and ignore the link.
@NormanF62 Год назад
If you daydream or you imagine you’re in a beautiful place where you’re safe and loved, that’s fine. If you allow that to take over your life, you have serious issues to address. There’s a fine line between wanting to get away from things for awhile and avoiding reality altogether.
@GIJane-nr2xm Год назад
Yeah that's why social media and pornography are the two worst factors that play a role in all this. Social media you only ever upload the positive things about your life, well I thought that until people are now apparently flaunting their ailments and afflictions. And pornography is a way to tap into any and every little sexual fantasy you may or may have had. So easily and readily available that it's become something to discuss with groups of people instead of something you do in private and keep to yourself. I guess that's why we have a whole generation focused entirely on sexuality.
@rachelward4325 Год назад
I used to daydream a whole lot, i still day dream quite a bit, its not an escapism thing for me, i just have an over active imagination so when im bored I imagine a little tv show in my head with characters i created when i was like 8
@AnastasiaBvrhwsn Год назад
Are we creating "social schizophrenia"? 🥴🥴
@rivendells_shona Год назад
I agree. Daydreaming has values most art and fictional stories begin with daydreaming. CS Lewis was a notorious daydreamer. Pretty sure all the Inklings were. Pretty sure Van Gogh and Monet were. My favorite contemporary author has admitted that his stories manifested out of these two characters that “showed up” in his head one day and have been constantly ribbing or arguing with each other for decades. But these artists were constructive with these daydreams. They were self-aware that their imaginations were separate from reality and instead controlled those fantasies to create great stories and works of art to share. It’s weird to think that if my favorite author were a teen today, social media would be convincing him that those characters in his head are alters. I suffer Tru maladaptive daydreaming and work to control it. My outlet is turning them into fanfics to explore ideas. Now I can either dismiss the daydream if it supports the story, or jot the idea down to return to when my tasks are done.
@johnjamele Год назад
These people need to watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, one of my favorite films- about a guy who lives a very boring life that he spices up through daydreams-- but then he starts actually doing things, and the frequency of those daydreams diminishes dramatically until they cease altogether because at the end of the film he doesn't have TIME to daydream- he's too busy LIVING HIS DREAMS.
@snakstix87 Год назад
I think I've heard Jordan Peterson speak of his theory that this type of thing happens because people of this generation never developed their imagination because they grew up watching screens...and never were able to be bored. To me, this "reality shifting" is just the delayed development of imagination that is so needed for us as humans. It's so sad. Many kids don't know how to play and fantasize anymore, and all of this "reality shifting" seems to be their natural, suppressed childhood playtime exploding out of them...albeit in a harmful way.
@ElinWinblad Год назад
This does seem like an accurate way to describe it. Natural but not natural because it’s delayed developmental stage
@MRW21783 Год назад
Exactly why parents need to be enforcing regular down time from any screens and making them go outside, reading, socializing and getting into some sort of physical activity.
@SeasideDetective2 Год назад
But why is this only happening now? Haven't kids been regularly "watching screens" since the 1950s? My parents are '50s kids and they watch TV a lot, but they aren't divorced from reality.
@kawansiesquad6659 Год назад
@@SeasideDetective2 I highly doubt that toddlers were handed iPads during the 1950s. There is a whole generation of parents who either couldn’t be bothered or just did not have the time (cause of work) to actually play and interact with their kids, so they handed their toddlers iPads to distract them. Those devices practically raised some kids. Of course they have no imagination. I also think that’s why so many kids are so rowdy and disruptive nowadays. I look at the younger grades in my high school and they’re actually feral. They start fights every week, their attention spans are shot. It’s all probably repressed energy from their childhoods that they were never able to express as toddlers, so they’re letting it all out as teens
@SeasideDetective2 Год назад
@@kawansiesquad6659 It's hard for me to be very alarmed, though. The "TV-rots-your-brains" argument has been around for several decades now, and I also remember the panics over video games and Internet porn. It's been pointed out, though, that before television and video games came along, society was actually MORE violent. The nineteenth century was nowhere near as civilized as it's often portrayed.
@almatedder2911 Год назад
I used to pretend I was a character or in a different universe as a kid. It’s normal for children to play fantasy games, but for adults who actually believe that’s real…it’s weird. If you want to escape, just go read a good book.
@ElinWinblad Год назад
Another commenter described it very well like a delayed childhood stage they never got due to growing up with screens
@beigepiano-du5dk 4 месяца назад
dangerous coping mechanism
@BigHomieSteveTheMetalHead Год назад
I'm a 31yo Millennial and I was a Progressive Democrat since the first time Obama ran for president, I made the decision two years ago to leave the left because the left is marching down a very destructive path that is up-ending every foundation that keeps a society stable. The tranz issue was the final straw for me, I'm not going to allow these people to tell me my own eyes are lying to me (figuratively speaking). They think that all "progress" is good "progress" when that couldn't be further from the truth, the changes these people are pushing are destabilizing society and encouraging people to indulge in self-destructive behavior. I could no longer tolerate this nonsense and it led me to becoming socially conservative on most cultural issues at this point, social conservatism is the only side that's still grounded in objective reality at this point. I never thought I would become a social conservative, but these far left extremists pushed me here.
@zachouellette4583 Год назад
The problem is that the progressive left has gotten so progressive that they are actually regressing. The problem is that progressives view progress as a constant upward linear motion, the reality however is that progress is more like a hill, and if you go too far you end up falling off the other side into the abyss.
@josiaghylnd2024 Год назад
The same thing happened to me during Obama's first run in 2008. I saw the media literally taking John McCain videos and cutting them up and lying about what he said. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. My reality was shattered. And I thank God it was.
@jzen1455 Год назад
I'm a liberal too and feel politically homeless. I'm not a fan of the democratic party having been infected with the co-dependent people-pleasing woke disease. However, I'm not a fan of the religious right (that make up a large chunk of the republican party) who believe in legislating with the bible and oppressing people.
@demongo0 Год назад
Well, I am not from the US but before I used to associate myself with democratic and liberal agendas, but the ideas called now with these words have drifted somewhere so left that I am now a centrist or even conservative on the present day political spectrum. Jusrt like you, I guess.
@dr.coomer9750 Год назад
I've done this since I was a little kid, didn't realize there was a name for it lol. I'm a filmmaker now and it helps me with screenwriting. Having this ability can absolutely be channeled into productive activities, I didn't realize people were using it to roleplay mental illness and neglect their lives though. Society does a piss poor job of teaching creative people how to channel their talents and use them to contribute to the world somehow. Edit: Point being, having a powerful and vivid imagination is a gift, not a curse, but (like anything else) it has to be utilized in an appropriate context.
@davidschmidt6013 Год назад
Retired Science teacher here. Genuine, authentic dinosaur. You mentioned 'Lucid Dreaming'. That is a fascinating state of consciousness I looked into in my undergrad studies. Often also referred to as the 'hypnogogic state', it CAN be a VERY effective tool for therapy, using goal visualization, or (what I've always called ) PPEs (past positive experiences), and a series of gently positive reinforcement suggestions for 'adjusting' problematic behaviors and/or attitudes. But yes, if folks (especially teens) forget the methods (time/cognition management and SUPERVISION) and just abandon themselves in this practice, it can be VERY de-motivational, and I wouldn't hesitate to say that it could lead to a habitual cognitive state similar to paranoia.
@theinnercircle5820 Год назад
Whether you are Liberal, Conservative or Independent, Change is forever an inevitable thing - John F. Kennedy
@eleanorburnham3713 Год назад
Hi Misha, I think it would be really interesting for you to talk about the "DID" community on Tiktok, which is (mostly teenage) young people pretending to have multiple personalities which they call "alters", often based on fictional characters. I find it fascinating and frightening in different measures. In some ways I think it's a natural progression from saying you're multiple genders at once -- saying you're multiple people.
@jazzmyne6881 Год назад
I know someone like this unfortunately.
@kawansiesquad6659 Год назад
There’s a big difference between actual DID caused by trauma and repressed trauma, and then there’s kids who do it for attention or inclusion😭😭😔 There are undoubtedly some kids in that community who genuinely have DID, because abuse in families is rampant now, so that’s bound to cause trauma in many young teens. But there are also definitely some fakers who are doing it for validation and attention. I do believe that many of the kids on tiktok may have some complicated home lives, which is why they use tiktok as a form of escapism. It’s still very sad tho
@SilverSurfer5150 Год назад
Misha’s videos should be required viewing!
@Lamamsl Год назад
Hey guys! This is a really important topic that I think should be discussed more, I remember back in 2017-2019 when faking disorders were super common. Not as common as they are now though, but I remember everyone would call out those assholes that would fake those illnesses. I thought we all moved passed this horrible phase of pretending to be mentally ill. But I guess we haven't, which is very, very sad. I'd also like to point out how much of an issue this is on Pinterest, Pinterest has so many "whispers" people make (whispers being text you add to a "aesthetic" background) about suicide, depression, hating their parents, etc. Its absolutely revolting to go on Pinterest for inspiration only to be met with "star gender" people wishing their parents were in a fucking coma. It's awful, and I wish more people would talk about how much this is on every social media platform, and not just on Tiktok, Tumblr, and Twitter. It's nearly everywhere, and it's really really revolting. Also by "star" gender I mean how these teenagers on Pinterest always have those weird ass pronouns on their profiles. I also almost always see the biological girls that say they're boys do the fucked up whispers. We need to address this now! Thank you for the video, Misha, and you're so right about everything in this video! If you want to fake a disorder, just by default, you're not an okay person. Seriously, get some fucking help or something, don't just sit around or it'll be too late.
@jzen1455 Год назад
If you call out fake disorders, you're demonized as a ______ist or ______-phobe. We're just enabling a culture of cringe sad behaviors that will eventually lead to people being worse off, single, and childless. But hey they'll have fur babies whom they'll claim are better than humans to comfort them.
@kitalalaris 9 месяцев назад
I feel like this was Tumblr getting revenge on the rest of us, because I've been around since the early days of Tumblr and this trash used to be contained to there. Suddenly Tumblr banned s*xual content and the flood gates opened. Stuff I'd only ever seen on Tumblr (your whispers being one of them) were all over everywhere that allowed image posting. Twitter, multiple art hosting sites, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, the list goes on and on.
@MrMetallidude Год назад
I'm with you. Being autistic I can comfirm that it's something I'd rather be without. Because I've continued the trend of allowing myself to be weak and not better myself as a person from my childhood (my mom's contribution in form of coddling), I ended up getting a psychosis in 2014 and getting burnt out about six months ago. I just turned 35 and I can sit here and blame everything around me, but I'm an adult and I need to take responsibility of my inactivity. In addition, this is my 18th year of depression and I despise when weak minded, delusional people use that as a badge of honor. Real depression is easy to sink into and I have allowed that to dictate my actions. No one else to blame, but myself.
@Lavender_Chan Год назад
I have manipulative daydreaming disorder and I say it should not to be normalized but seek help by a professional. It's not a blessing, It's a curse.💔😞
@PepperPlay5 Год назад
About this whole imaginary gender controversy, ChatGPT once answered to me(a center-leftist South Korean) "...It's important to remember that language is constantly evolving and changing, and the use of neopronouns and xenopronouns is one way that language is adapting to better represent and recognize the diversity of gender identities. While it may take some time for some people to become accustomed to using these pronouns, it is important to respect individuals' choices and use the pronouns they have specified." I had this to say... "Evolving and adapting? Well I'm not very certain about that, but I sure think the entire idea of neopronouns overcomplicated and frankly, more regressive. Heck some could go as far as saying it's even narcissistic and hypersensitive in a way. So yes, I argue the so-called language *is* changing, for all but better. A slope towards chaos and dissociation if you will. People who unironically want to identify as a microbe or whatever are literally asking for oppression. Sadly enough, those trapped in their make believe worlds won't find it unless they experience Soviet/North Korean labor camps or Nazi concentration facilities."
@myspleenisbursting4825 Год назад
language does evolve but this is just changing language to fit a certain agenda. its not evolution, it's literal 1984 Also ChatGPT seems to be biased, you can ask it to make a joke about Jesus but not Muhammad
@PepperPlay5 Год назад
@@myspleenisbursting4825 😅 Right? As I already stated, just the opposite of progressive. Like I can stand a trans-man who wants to be labeled 'him,' but I won't call someone a f*cking tree. Though I'm interested in poetry-inclusion is one thing; delusion is another. That bit about religion jokes is intriguing by the way.
@myspleenisbursting4825 Год назад
@@PepperPlay5 It certainly is. I'm Muslim though and we recognise Jesus also so I wouldn't want someone making jokes about both but if you're going to be offensive don't pick sides smh
@ArgentWolf95 Год назад
I can say that chatGPT is not a good source for info, it's programmed with biases towards the politics of it's creators, which happens to be marxism, which this whole identity stuff is a part of. Neo-pronouns and Xenopronouns are not natural evolutions or adaptations of the English language, these are marxist subversions of the English language, as this explains. It's really called Demoralization: “What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.” "“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.” "“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore,” said Bezmenov. “A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fat-bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.” - Yuri Bezmenov. "“[T]he useful idiots...when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies...obviously they get offended-they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.” - Yuri Bezmenov. Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet KGB propaganda officer in 1983 who defwcted to the west. It revolves around this concept of identity and Marxists (Socialist, so far left)change language to create identity groups so they can control people.
@demongo0 Год назад
You are right. Not every change is progress. Koalas became dumb to save energy from their scarce food sources (eucalyptus). By evolution. Idk if it is a progress :)
@nataliedokter8159 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for being grounded in reality and having the courage to talk about it.
@torakuro1444 Год назад
I am autistic, and shifting reality, I did it from a really young age, but for myself, it is a necessity and how I am. (Not because I don't want to live in reality, but because I was made this way) But I am still doing right, I am still good and have a lot of resilience. The life of everyday don't cope from it, it is how am I, and actually save me more than anything else. A lot of people in my life were trying to change me to be ''like them'' because being in my world was not normal for them, but the reality is, I am more than fine. I am so used to it that I can easily be in the 2 worlds at the same time. It doesn't affect my mental health, it help it, doesn't affect my everyday, doesn't affect my relationship. I can't live without this world of mine and I am perfectly happy with it. I am not avoiding reality, I am embracing the reality and my world at the same time. But sadly, it is true that a lot of people are addicted to their world, and when I say addicted, I mean a real harmful addiction, when you absolutely want to avoid reality, boring, what is painful, etc. At this moment, it became something bad, because an addiction can be really harmful. It can impact on the mentel health, relationship, everyday life. At this moment, something bad is going on. And help is recommanded, and never try to self-diagnosed yourself! Human psychology is really complexe and self-diagnosing yourself can do more harm to you and to the people who really suffer of this condition. But we have to be careful, like I said, as myself, my own world help me and it is not harmful to me, but people need to recognize when their mental health is degrading, and if you can't connect with the reality, or try to avoid by going back in your world, then, something had to be done with your life, you need some help.
@luciangagliola5979 Год назад
Misha, one caveat about mental health. I have a medically diagnosed ASD. If I could stop being autistic, I wouldn’t. It would erase my identity and everything that makes me unique and has some benefits too. I’m a functional person who’s in law school. Who has a normal social life and has worked full time before he was in law school. I do have other issues, like anxiety though, that having kind of sucks.
@petermeier7149 Год назад
Yo the only thing i shift are the gears of my car😂
@MissKateKatie Год назад
As someone who is bipolar and has OCD. DIAGNOSED. This crap angers me so much. Bipolar has been stigmatized for a long time as just mood swings and being crazy. Like no, I'm depressed more often than not and then I have about 5 days a month where I'm like on crack. But it's not fun crack. Because I'm horribly irritable. And OCD. Omg it DRIVES ME NUTS that it's become this 'obsessive cleaning' or alphebetizing things. Like no. Mine is more sensory triggered. I have to constantly lotion my hands. Just my hands. And if my hands don't 'feel' a specific way they will literally stop working OR I will literally tear my flesh off. It's NOT cute. It's not a quirk. It literally impacts my life.
@off6848 Год назад
I'm glad someone addressed the self love bullcrap. I've been saying it for a decade that it's a stupid concept? Why should I love my self so much? For being born? How is that unique, I don't love myself even if I accomplish something tbh I love what I accomplished. Self love doesn't actually mean anything to me "its about putting yourself first" ok well I got selfishness in spades already I don't think I need anymore of that
@CIA_Agent007 Год назад
I practice this thing a lot and i have no fu*king idea this was a metal illness, this video is best recommended video i ever had this video is completely out of content i watch daily and i love it
@Izzy-pf9tn 8 месяцев назад
I’m a teenager and I don’t have any friends because everyone in my school is just like you are describing 😢 they dye their hair and want the teachers go along with their stupid trans gender names and they fake tics and ADHD and abuse depression medications and perm their hair and vape and are on hormone stuff and the rest who don’t like that stuff are the goody two-shoe sporty girls that gossip and give dirty looks and stuff and I hate all of that…they’re just like the mean girls from that movie. I wish there were more people like me and my parents and siblings and you Misha. It’s good to know that there are at-least SOME people out there like you, thanks!
@CrazyAboutClassics 9 месяцев назад
I have OCD and it is awful. I hate how people try to fake mental ilnesses just so they can be "special" and "trendy". People go to therapy for a reason, to change their problems, but now people use their "disorders" so other people can change for them. That's backwards.
@anzuimi Год назад
Hey! I'm one of those people who does the maladaptive daydreaming thing. I nearly spat out my coffee when you said "people throw on headphones and walk around their room" because that's LITERALLY what I do. Have since I was a small child. However, I will say that I guess mine is more "under control"? Or at least I manage it. I only do it really late at night before bed. It helps me burn out any extra energy I may have and helps me get ready for bed. This way I don't sacrifice my social life or miss out on much. Staying out late doesn't appeal to me so at night my options are to daydream and walk around, or do something productive like art. Sometimes though, my daydreaming does get bad when my mental state is terrible. That's when I'll start daydreaming in situations I shouldn't (outside or at work) and that's when it gets in the way. Really interesting you brought that up though!
@AmberCommentsThings Год назад
I'll admit this one hits closer to home, given I was previously a part of this community (albeit before it become popular on Tiktok) and saw it as a solution for personal issues. I can't help but cringe whenever I hear the terminology they used like "shifting" or whatever
@shadw4701 Год назад
If you haven't already I highly suggest dream incubation or lucid dreaming, all the positive promises of shifting (aside from actually traveling the multiverse in real life) without any of the negative mental health effects. Plus there's more benefits and it still feels exactly like real life, sometimes even more real
@countdracular6204 Год назад
I work with gen Z and am blown away at their blatant disrespect for protocols, established rules of civilized engagement, personal effort and commitment. The lack of responsibility but demands for acknowledgement.
@jonathanctay7422 Год назад
You’re right about the loss of respect and how that deepens the self-obsession of the current generation.
@abrilakgun Год назад
And here I am having had maladaptative daydreaming as a teenager and I had to work so hard NOT TO have it and to this day it is where my brain goes when I'm having a hard time in life and it takes a huge amount of effort to pull myself away from it. It is not normal, it is not cute and it should not be glorified. We need to stay in reality.
@Mysticmegster1 Год назад
I'm an older Millennial and I think the paranoia brought on by the bad side of #Metoo has led to people not trusting one another. Sadly it s not just rejection: a guy could face legal consequences if he approaches a woman who doesnt want to be approached. Hook Up Culture, and Only Fans have also made it too easy to pursue sex and relationships online. Actual reality is hard. But we should still try
@rattales58 Год назад
Correct ✅
@Healer.moebius 5 месяцев назад
Someone applied to our company and stated in their application that they're [quote]: "non-binary" and need to be addressed as "they/them" . (It is interesting to note that the individual used 'non-binary' and the pronouns 'they/them', even though the application wasn't written in English and we don't even live in an English-speaking country.) They also mentioned the category 'Illnesses and Disabilities'. In this section, they listed the following conditions: depression, panic attacks, social anxiety, allergies, borderline personality disorder. There were more conditions listed, but I don't remember them all. Additionally, they wrote that they don't want to make phone calls and to not be contacted via phone call. Making phone calls makes up approximately 50% of the job. I've never seen a job application like this.
@lina9183 Год назад
I used to do this a lot I'd spend the whole day in my bedroom just daydreaming,I'd wake up in the morning bathe eat breakfast then proceed, the same cycle everyday, I didn't realize just how badly it affected me till I suffered some of the worst anxiety attacks of my life,everything just felt so off I didn't feel like myself,luckily I worked through it, I still have my moments of day dreaming but never on that level I started getting more productive spent more time in living interacting with my family,and started taking up different hobbies like art, reading and games.
@queenofqwerty Год назад
I did the maladaptive daydreaming / living in fantasy for about a year (age 11-12) before my mom died of cancer. It was an escape from the horror of a parent dying. I outgrew it. Thank god there was no tiktok back then.
@hamburgertime709 Год назад
Seeing how most of Gen z are trying be "special" or "unique" by claiming to be mentally unstable or whatever. Is pretty lame and sad. Just shows you their rather make fool of themselves. Then actually making effort to do something about it. I like how she points out, that most of them are social awkward. And are pretty boring. Which is true. I've noticed that with many kids at rocks shows or public events. Last thing the daydreamer stuff reminds me. That one Simpsons episode when Lisa befriend a girl who had pretty serious mental disorder. And wanted to escape real world by living fantasy world in abandoned store.
@imnotreal62949 11 месяцев назад
i’m an autistic who found out at 19. for that i couldn’t eat MANY things which actually caused me health problems. as i knew about being autistic (not self diagnosed lmao) i took it as a restart for my eating habits and i’m slowly eating better and better because being autistic does NOT make me free to mess my body. it annoys me how tiktok uwus take it as an excuse to eat like a child at 42
@Mindgoop Год назад
In the mid 1980s sci fi books ... especially by Ray Bradbury... were all about this. W didn't believe them, thought they were a bit far fetched yet here we are.
@KrsKristian Год назад
Hey, I daydream when Im bored (for example where as I wait for smthng) or before falling asleep. But I dream about characters I've seen recently (comic, book, cartoon) and think what would the do in different situations. Is it also strange and unhealthy? I just found this theme really relatable so I spoke out.
@kerrypoppins5388 Год назад
Maybe a *little* strange, but not unhealthy. And there's nothing wrong with being a little strange, we all are! Honestly I think that's a good use of your imagination. You're actually thinking about something while you're in a waiting room rather than scrolling? I call that a win!
@roxanagabriela4906 Год назад
I agree with kerry here. People have imagined, told and written all kind of stories since the beginings of history, is very human and natural! I think the issue comes when people use fiction to avoid reality, or lose the ability to differentiate one from the other. (Sorry about the english, it's not my mother tongue)
@KrsKristian Год назад
Phew, thank you people for your comments. I'm calm now😊
@demongo0 Год назад
I think it is ok until you become disfunctional. Most people dream, imagination is a natural tool. Just don't forget that inherently we (people) are balancing on the verge of addiction with EVERYTHING. Mindlessly overuse anything - fantasizing, eating, playing, drugs, obsessions and you are addicted and then that addiction influences your life. This is like surfing between waves never letting them to control you.
@JTguitarlessons Год назад
Man, people really need to learn how to dive into their own psyche and analyze it instead of being afraid and trying to bend the world to their anxiety or whatever it is. We all have issues, but the goal should be to find a way to contend with it and rise above. We have to move on with life, people!
@scarlett4417 Год назад
i have severe depression and c-PTSD (diagnosed by a psychiatrist). it sucks. i couldnt leave my house for six months, i had to drop out of school, i mutilated my body. girls who feel a bit sad are not depressed. i want to get better, i am starting new hobbies, i am leaving the house more, i go to school at least 4 days a week. i hate anyone who romanticises my pain
@chrishenniker5944 Год назад
I wonder how much of this is down to the lack of youth subculture, such as mods, goths, emo, punk, or the rockers/ton up boys.
@scottmcneely1927 Год назад
I can, however, understand not wanting to socialize because most people suck! And I am not young. I do leave home a lot other than work because I like being out in nature. But I dont talk to people very much. Never have.
@dubs3432 Год назад
It started small with a sudden surge of people having celiac disease and since that blew up something else had to be done to maintain uniqueness.
@astrelize_ Год назад
I do maladaptive daydreaming but it’s not to imagine myself living a better life than the one I live now, I do it for my writing. It helps a ton and when I’m trying to think of new ideas, scenarios, or to develop my character’s personality. I think depending on what you do it for, it could be a good or bad thing.
@sgm.1566 Год назад
I have to agree with you around 6:49 alot of true people that has these problems wont kinda tell you or flash it around on tiktok they will usually keep it to them self and continue on with life and sometimes seek for help eventually. .
@seankiziltan5382 Год назад
This is depressing
@shallyhutch4032 Год назад
THIS IS SO EVIL AND DISGUSTING OF THEM TBH . WANTING TO HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS IS JUST EVIL . and then there’s people that are actually physically sick and then dismissed by doctors who think they are just “depressed” and not very physically ill , then don’t receive diagnosis treatment and die . ITS THIS SERIOUS, THIS EVIL , THIS DISGUSTING 🤢 🩸🩸🩸🩸
@CosmicPotato740 Год назад
It’s Satan’s perfect weapon is a victim complex. And Mischa explained perfectly how it destroys people. 😣 I’m so thankful for being a Christian
@mesholberatsonallibi Год назад
i’m a gen-z and i used to be a little ducked up almost like them but luckily i’ve grounded myself again,i still am accepting mostly but i’m so glade i’m not being pulled down this crazy ,detached from reality ,life ,these kids are VERY sick
@okami5540 8 месяцев назад
Daydreaming is normal, to a certain extent. It is when it starts to occupy most of your life that it becomes a problem (known as maladaptive daydreaming). I've suffered from it since childhood (accompanied by vivid dreams, episodes of sleep paralysis and rarely even some auditory hallucinations), as I have a very vivid imagination and spent hours reading or playing alone with my toys as a kid, imagining very complex worlds and adventures. It is like an addiction, and I often find myself completely detached from reality, sometimes for hours. With time, though, I learnt to control it, and I also use it to be somewhat productive, like reasoning on some mathematical problems or trying to come up with something good for the next RPG session. What's important, if you have this condition, is to be able to separate reality from fantasy. This can be done as maladaptive daydreamers, unlike those who suffer from heavy hallucinations, know that their dreams aren't real. You can absolutely live a normal life if you don't barricade yourself in your fantasies: I went to school and are now in university and have no problems whatsoever, but I do understand it can be difficult, as fantasy is way better than reality.
@iammwh936 Год назад
Modern society has forgotten how to go touch grass.
@joeyz9738 Год назад
This is why we need to get kids in stuff like Scouts and Girl Guides. Give them a sense of community with the same gender, get them outside, physically fit, and give them skills and get them to strive for skills rather than oppression points.
@jonathanctay7422 Год назад
Victimhood makes you feel powerful and mental illness makes you feel special. Insane world.
@An3moLexi Год назад
im a maladaptdive daydreamer and id like to say, It really sucks and isn't something to flex. it makes you overly distracted, extremely introverted and hating being around people, and it was a coping mechanism i developed as a child after being pretty much ignore by my parents and was basically raised by myself. btw, i dont dislike my parents, they had to work a lot to support me and my sister but that just means i hardly saw them. But i do complete agree, people shouldn't be turning things like these into a flex or aesthetic.
@mikegeld1280 Год назад
Great job misha as usual,keep making the videos 🤓
@Teshiro Год назад
I’m one of those who don’t have any friends and don’t go outside but that’s because I’m very sick and can’t go to school I’ve been homeschooled for years but hearing about people who are like that who picked to live like it and stay home watching TikTok makes me upset and sad they don’t know what they’re missing. Staying at home is horrible
I spent an excessive amount of time daydreaming (ai companions, specifically character ai really worsened the situation). Had to admit this was a problem and it definitely felt like an addiction, spending 11 hours a day at my phone cause it gives you all these fun emotions that you have to work for in real life. Currently working on breaking the cycle and living in reality. Hope that everyone else struggling with this get help cause it ain't healthy
@yugeno Год назад
i really agree with this video except the part at 7:28 where you said 'no, you just have social anxiety'. when you said that you made social anxiety seem kind of trivial when it is also a serious mental disorder which needs treatment. i have it and it's completely ruined my life. also, these people you're referring to probably don't have social anxiety either. literally everyone on tiktok self diagnoses with social anxiety just because they feel discomfort sometimes in social situations, but in reality social anxiety is so much more than that.
@ankavoskuilen1725 10 месяцев назад
That is really weird. I am 66 now but in my teens I have also done that maladaptive daydream thing. Of course it wasn't called that back then, but fantasizing. I stopped it myself when I was 19 because I thought it took too much time and I had to go and find my place in the real world. I went cold turkey and I was sad for months because I missed it.
@desmondkan6039 Год назад
please make a podcast fr id listen to it the whole day
@imgiratina4083 Год назад
no, OCD is not fun, bipolar is not fun, depression and anxiety are not fun, and BPD is especially not fun and is an upward battle every day to say the absolute least. no mental illness is anywhere near fun, i just listed the ones that i have, im aware there are so many others that are also not fun but i would never want this, i would never want any of this, i would never want anyone else to have any of this either, now i only really focus on my mental illnesses and my symptoms in order to figure out solutions for myself
@celloj3703 Год назад
Our generation is WAY too soft. I can't understand how this is affecting these people so detrimentally
@MioMillefeuille Год назад
You know, the Reality Shifting sounds like something I used to do as a very young teen every night before going to bed or whenever I can't go to sleep at all because I used to get really bad insomnia and what I do is I just close my eyes and pretend I'm in the world of Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy or Naruto or something like that. Basically, it's just my own kind of "x reader fanfiction" back then but instead it's just in my mind and my imagination back then was quite vivid. It kinda keeps me entertained instead of staring at the ceiling or wall alone with my self-deprecating thoughts hours and hours on end. I still do that now as an adult because I took that with me until my adulthood.
@mandas_wild_world Год назад
Thank you for saying what needs to be said....
@markbreitenbach5083 Год назад
A lot of Gen Z want to be Famous. But there's limited room for Famous People. Sadly , most are ordinary. That's reality, live with it.
I used to excessively daydream when I was in high school and even for a time after. The reason was I, along with other students at the small church school I went to, were emotionally abused by our teacher/pastor. I mean this guy would humiliate students in front of others, pick favorites and flaunt that favorite in front of everyone, serve unbalanced punishments to the ones he didn’t like for tiny offenses, and lie to the parents by twisting the situation so the student was the bad guy no matter what. It really screwed with my head so I started retreating to my little fantasy worlds to cope. It actually did start taking over my life to the point where I was too distracted to even hold conversations with people. Seeing people acting excited about mental illness is creepy.
@zoieaaliyah Год назад
I’ve been maladaptive daydreamer for 3 years now ever since Covid started. Cause I was lonely,had no true friends/friends betraying me,and other stuff that goes on with me irl. At first I only daydreamed at night but now I daydream every day 24/7. I’m trying to stop daydreaming, but nothing helps 🥲 I tried to tell my mom about it but she think I’m lazy or I’m very creative.
@megansellke Год назад
Making all these serious illnesses trends is sadly negatively impacting those who are actually struggling with the illness. Being depressed or anxious is not cool, they are serious illnesses that people struggle with; They are not the same thing as being worried or stressed or sad. I struggle with these (professionally diagnosed) and am getting help. I wouldn’t wish this diagnosis on anyone; although maybe one day for those who want to pretend to have it so they can see what it’s actually like.
@andysalter7192 Год назад
I am so glad i grew up in the 80s snd 90s ! Its nothing more than wanting internet validation and attention. Just another reason why the internet was the worst invention of all time!
@wergserium7515 Год назад
I always try to escape reality. My greatest goal in my life is to literally open a portal to another universe and jump into it. But before that i will pray in order to the other reality that i jump into be better than the reality that i actually live. xD
@GirlWithThePlumbobTattoo Год назад
Im legitimately terrified of the day gen z begins to run the world
@mia699 Год назад
as someone who used to be a firm believer in reality shifting- it truly takes over your life, i was so delusional and dissociated from life. it made me crazy.
@NicoHeinrich Год назад
The section about self love is brilliant!
@stephtastrophe Год назад
I just had a quick Google and on one website an actual hypnotist says they are basically hypnotising themselves 😂 article is on okaybliss. How can they think they are shifting realities when they are going to see the Harry Potter characters? Spoiler, they're fictional and not real so that alone tells you it's day dreaming or hypnosis.
@spectralight8412 Год назад
I do this (But never called it shifting) to cope with the constant stress and anxiety I felt at home and at school growing up. I was very introverted and used it basically to train myself to interact with other people since I was always very shy. I was constantly dealing with a mom who breathed down my neck about housework, baby sitting, and grades, I was yelled at and criticized a lot while my siblings older and younger were all coddled. Day dreaming/reading/drawing was the only escape I had to feel happy. I was depressed because I had no friends/social life (in my defense interacting with others always brought drama, stress, and bullying into my life) I learned to live with myself and my lack of social life, but it was definitely a coping mechanism in the end. I learned how to interact with people, but was never good at building genuine relationships (I felt like I could never escape fake people).
@kathycoleman4648 Год назад
Also, since it always seems to come back to Harry Potter, let's take a quote from Dumbledore: "It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry." That was from when he found the mirror of erisid.
@thegreenphantom4304 Год назад
It looks like Ganser's syndrome as defined by Taber's digest of medical term from 1934, the definition of Ganser's syndrome, "Nonsense Syndrome" Absurd acts and speech seen in prison psychosis, hysteria, and other states.
@jamesmedina3297 Год назад
people like you make me feel like the world has a chance
@Airachnid6 Год назад
I am a maladaptive daydreamer and it's not because of social media. (ye and I never "wanted to be sick" but I agree there is a horrible trend) I'm in my 20s, am not on tiktok and when it started in primary school I didn't even have a phone. I socialise, as a kid I played outside for majority of the day. It is a stress relief I suppose for me. If I imagine myself venting out, then Im calm, and can approach people with no frustration. It is an interesting civilizational occurrence I have to say. Specialists say it's not an illness but rather an addiction! I feel that way too. It's just a way to get comfort and it is fine as long as it does not dominate or impact your life too much.
@BillyFlower-d7r Год назад
Look ill confess I've day dreamed before thinking "what if I was a character in _____" but the whole shifting thing Is really concerning
@luther1546 Год назад
If everyone is special, than nobody is.
@chibicat13 Год назад
Gen X here (or elder millennial depending who you ask) I was diagnosed with autism at 3, and daydreaming was a large part of my life. However I had to adapt to the world to get by, and I was smart enough to know that I had to all the work, I can’t expect the world to adapt to me. I support awareness, but the onus is on me to meet everyone most of the way. Most people can’t even tell I am autistic, so I’m doing a pretty good job so far, though the occasional slip up still happens. I always this: The condition may explain the behaviour, but you can’t use it as an excuse.
@smolcutie1773 Год назад
I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, OCD and AHDH. One of the symptoms I'm showing is maladaptive daydreaming, I've been doing it for as long as I can remember myself and it has reached a point where I spend more time daydreaming than in reality. I know it's not healthy but it makes me happy. Also I know that all these stuff I'm imagining are just fantasies and not some kind of alternative reality.
@smolcutie1773 Год назад
Because most of my daydreaming involves content that I consume, from movies, books, TV series, comics etc my psychiatrist has suggested that I should limit the content I consume but I can't spend my life not reading books or watching movies. Despite the fact that I acknowledge that it's not healthy it doesn't effect my day to day life, I still go to college, have a job, have friends etc.
@chrismiller3369 Год назад
Lucid dreams during the day? 0.o
@kaelynn4744 Год назад
That’s not what lucid dreaming is, this is just daydreaming
@user-ue9bi2ui2q Год назад
It’s called playing pretend, something most children used to grow out of
@Chris-2-of-3 Год назад
Internet exhibitionists. But what is happening here is what we all did as small children, play make believe. It's a vacation in your head, or time off to isolate and decompress. I think this is normal behavior. It's only now being exhibited on social media.
@rolandnegrei1427 Год назад
Ouch. What a cascade of... feelings.😮
@cainabel6356 Год назад
I am fine with people doing this on their own free time and stuff, but they need to come back to reality because that is where everyone lives. You have to live in reality. If you want to stay in the daydream or that kind of reality, you have to be rich and successful in actual reality. Wow, what a mouth full.
@AshenedSimp Год назад
My maladaptive day dreaming is a constant, I don't have to lock my self away to do it. It just is, and keeps going forever. But im not slow enough or dumb enough to NOT be able to manage it
@hhd307 Год назад
I am a gen z teen myself and am going to 10th grade this year. I have been struggling with mental health issues for quite a long time now and my main issue is that I am more ' old fashioned'. your videos have given me hope that there are more youngsters out there like me.
@VV15555 Год назад
I had maladaptive daydreaming since I was 10, now im 27 and I still have it. Im trying my best to leave this coping mechanism and slowly getting out of it. It infuriates me when this Gen Z making a tiktok video about it like its something normal. Its not! Ive wasted most of my life runjing around circles daydreaming.
@Tryan66H8A Год назад
Hi, I don't know that I have maladaptive daydreaming, but in my younger years I definitely spent too much time just blocking out the world to entertain these other fantasies. I started channeling it into creative writing and that helped. I mean, I was still spending hours locked up in my room or, later, spend every day off from work (sometimes for weeks) without leaving my apartment or even turning on the TV. But I have a sense of accomplishment from it. Sometimes it's just a short story, or even just a collection of unrelated scenes. Or descriptions of experiences I've had like the time I lived in a literal shed and the noise of the neighbor's diesel generator just 10 feet away, and the smell of the fumes that would seep in sometimes and the feel of the cot I slept on. I still find some of my old daydreams coming into my mind at times, sometimes distracting me a little, but it's easier to redirect my thoughts now. I wonder if something like that would help. Although I can see how it wouldn't too, but I just thought it was an idea maybe worth considering.🤷‍♀️ Edgar Allen Poe did the same thing. Who knows, maybe you could be the next super author.
@annamariacantamessa5358 7 месяцев назад
Yes I have maladaptive daydreaming and is really difficult for me to socialize I am shy and I be tried to fight it but my therapist think is coused by the fact that I don't do sports
@johannsaintbirne5598 Год назад
I thought this whole thing of genZ's feeling lonely and having no friends was mostly a Brazilian thing (I live in Brazil), now that I know that it's like a worldly issue things change A LOT! I talked about this all the time with a friend of mine, we've been friends for a decade now since we've met each other during college, I think people don't understand that in order to maintain a relationship, be it friendship or romantic you gotta put effort and accept that people are different than you AND THATS OKAY! People don't have to agree 100% with you, that's actually toxic, because if people don't call out on your bad behavior that you think is okay, you'll be forever someone who's a loner that think people are horrible and hate you because of this and that. Surrounding yourself with people from different religions, cultures, even sexuality is great to expand your horizons and then you can get a different perspective in life and understand more about humanity
@artsyfartsynerdywordy Год назад
As a millennial I actually used to “reality shift” all the time. It was definitely a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that I had a terrible home life. I was really into anime and would constantly daydream about living life as my favorite character or originally made character. I used to listen to music in my bed for hours, lying still while imagining myself living all sorts of adventures as a different person. Therapists called it “dissociating” lol it’s definitely not a healthy thing to do, and I knew that very well, I felt such shame when I would just slip away from the world around me instead of interacting with it, but as a teenager it helped me escape my very crappy reality. I eventually grew out of it with a lot of therapy helping me realize that I can now forge my own path and didn’t have to dissociate in order to feel better, as an adult I could actually make all my own choices! I feel for these poor kids, they obviously feel like their real lives are sub par and think that living in a fantasy land would be much better. I pray they will grow out of it like I did and realize it’s not a healthy way to cope with hardship.
@enigmaticallis3110 Год назад
I have always had an issue with excessive daydreaming.. mainly rooted in medical trauma at a very young age, it was a coping mechanism to deal with the pain.. My method for pulling myself out of it is to always be doing something, even if it's tedious like household chores, JUST STAY ACTIVE!!!
@criticalspectrum8383 Год назад
Oh boy this reminds me of Chris Chan the dimensional merge 🤣🤣🤣
@Teabazile Год назад
Maladaptive day dream, before said trends, is a medical diagnosis.
@Caribbeannking1011 Год назад
I agree with the self love thing. A lot of people are using self love as an excuse to be conceited and I don’t like it. No one is perfect and we all have to do things in order to improve ourselves. Self love is important but that is not an excuse to not improve yourself. We are all a work in progress
@duskhorizon4791 Год назад
Having a mental illness has become a popularity contest these days. A lot of them who weren't struggling with anything at all are now having all sorts of issues just by watching other people's TikTok. Social media is literally creating mental health problems. It's the same phenomenon that occurs when people read about diseases and their symptoms. And because they recognize some symptoms within themselves they start to believe they have them too, and they are going to act accordingly and as a result they are feeling worse and worse. The biggest cause of most mental health problems these days can be traced back to the fact that we taking ourselves way too seriously these days. It is the psychology of subjective individualism on steroids. The behavior and belief that objective reality no longer exists and that all that matters is your subjective feeling about something. Social media has played a major role in this. It has made everyone a little celebrity. "Whoever knows how all fame comes, will also be suspicious of the glory which this virtue enjoys." - Nietzsche I'm not saying mental health problems don't exist I just think it became worse due to social media.
@tsrocks2029 Год назад
Social media especially tik tok gives people these horrible ideas. I haven’t used Instagram or tik tok in years and this stuff seems to bizarre to me when I hear about it. If these kids just turned their phones off and spent time with friends and family they’d be much happier. So glad even despite some internet use in my teens, I mostly have memories of hanging out with real life people doing fun things. Not whatever this crap is
@NotPalliot 10 месяцев назад
One time I dreamed that I had blueberry pancakes. It was a wonderful dream! When I woke up, I was devastated to find there were no pancakes. I got over it eventually, because it was completely ridiculous, but as a 7 year old, it was devastating.
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