
Georg Complains: Psychics 

Georg Rockall-Schmidt
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Happy birthday, belated or early, to you or someone you know! I'm still waiting for the three short blasts indicating the All Clear, due around Easter 2020, and so have been watching a lot of TV lately and my brain has been turning into grey fetid mush. So I'm talking about psychics this time.




19 авг 2021




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@sevendeadlysquids404 2 года назад
Read the title as "Georg Complains: Physics" as if he'd become incredibly upset by the laws of physics recently lol.
@mrmorganiser 2 года назад
I did the same thing and I was intrigued.
@wayner396 2 года назад
Haha same
@residentelect 2 года назад
@@mrmorganiser To be fair that Isaac Newton was apparently a complete and utter bastard to work for, so I could see why Georg may well be upset at physics in general...
@bigratkiller1 2 года назад
Me too
@superjoeyman1 2 года назад
@@residentelect 2022: georg cancels sir isaac newton
@Provigilman 2 года назад
"A regular evil Mike Stoklasa" This implies the Mike Stoklasa from Red Letter Media is somehow the GOOD one. Have you seen the shit he's done to Rich Evans?
@dawgwiddaglasses 2 года назад
What he does to Rich Evans is an objective moral right.
@VargVikernes1488 2 года назад
Guy is senile with dementia, give him a break.
@runevi 2 года назад
The man made Rich Evans talk about Star Trek: Discovery under threat of releasing the Dick The Birthday Boy photo to the public, Rich did the review with him and he released it to Ellen anyway! Julia Roberts has never looked so horrified...and she's seen Lyle Lovett naked!
@ok-consumer 2 года назад
@@BobKalmbach The good one actually has a comical moustache and monocle, you know.. to subvert tropes.
@TheFilmFatale 2 года назад
Oh!… my 2 favorite YT creators gently pass in the night
@briangarrow448 2 года назад
My former boss was a psychic. He told me one day last year that I was going to have a financial struggle in the near future. Damned if he wasn’t correct. I got laid off two days after he pointed out my future. Talk about creepy accuracy.
@hakancarlsson2881 2 года назад
Hot reading!
@DarthPerkins 2 года назад
Was he the boss who shortly before also psychically sensed 250 reams of photocopier paper in your car boot?
@itzybitzyspyder 2 года назад
That's a cold read, brother...
@heroino89 2 года назад
@@itzybitzyspyder What? How?
@itzybitzyspyder 2 года назад
@@heroino89 play on words.
@pentelegomenon1175 2 года назад
Orson Welles learned the ability of cold reading, but stopped using it immediately when he started to realize things about people that he practiced on, without understanding why. Not because he was afraid that he might have paranormal powers, but because he was afraid that he was cold reading unconsciously, which is a common result of frequent cold reading and often leads to delusions of having paranormal powers.
@RCAvhstape 2 года назад
I'd be afraid it would work on people I know and make me lose respect for my friends and family when they fall for it. Or that they'd realize what I was doing and get rightfully cross with me over it.
@pentelegomenon1175 2 года назад
@@RCAvhstape maybe that was his fear
@oanaalexia 2 года назад
Very interesting.
@burningmisery 2 года назад
Welles was a very smart & talented man. One of the greatest.
@Kittysuit 2 года назад
once i was in the train and this random girl started talking to me. she said i had this "aura" and that i should tell her about herself. i felt very awkward and refused but she insisted. i made some casual observations about her personality based on her attitude and she was in absolute awe "are you psychic or something?". it dawned on me how brain dead most people really are or maybe it was just an interaction with an NPC who knows.
@MatthewHallesq 2 года назад
"What if Sherlock Holmes was shit at making his conclusions?" - The entire premise of psychics.
@jpaulc441 2 года назад
Holmes proved that taking cocaine and heroin recreationally still makes you more coherant than psychics! (yes I know he was fictional)
@residentelect 2 года назад
@@jpaulc441 Ahhh yes, I remember as a boy my favourite Conan Dolye novel being "Sherlock Holmes: The Speedball of the Baskervilles"
@costadinover 2 года назад
Regular Mike Stoklasa has been scamming a old man from his savings with promises of being able to fix his vhs player so he can watch nightcourt. Imagine what Evil Mike Stoklasa is capable of.
@VargVikernes1488 2 года назад
Evil Mike Stoklasa is just regular Mike Stoklasa without a debilitating dementia.
@tony2888 2 года назад
So happy to see regular evil mike getting some traction. Fiuck you rich and jay.
@beatrixwickson8477 2 года назад
Evil Mike would be exactly the same but with Laserdisk instead of VHS.
@MichaelSullivanPhoto1985 2 года назад
Poor old Mr. Plinkett just wants to watch his night court... 💔
@jacquiecotillard9699 Год назад
Look how much chaos he caused with a wood chipper and a couple uh cans of acetone?
@captainmarbles 2 года назад
I believe that the job of "Evil Mike Stoklasa" has been filled.
@Flint-Dibble-the-Don 2 года назад
Oh my god
@archlich4489 2 года назад
Now we need "Evil Rich Evans."
@MyNamesNotLars1 2 года назад
@Arch Lich Guru Larry Bundy Jr.
@kyleminard8157 2 года назад
@@archlich4489 Mr Plinkett is evil Rich Evans
@thomasgambroadamsson3650 2 года назад
Reminds me of when I first noticed anyone at RLM mention MST3K (fairly recently, i think). Props where they're due.
@novelezra 2 года назад
I think you will appreciate this anecdote Georg. So a work colleague of mine went to see a psychic and at the last minute decided to bring a friend. When she arrived the psychic said "Oh! I didn't expect two of you". If that had happened to me, I would have turned around, got in the car and drove away.
@pentelegomenon1175 2 года назад
Maybe they have to expend mental effort to access the power, the insights don't just pop into their heads unbidden.
@novelezra 2 года назад
@@pentelegomenon1175 Maybe they didn't unlock it yet on the skill tree.
@Nananki 2 года назад
“I shall simply say that those who offer false consolation are false friends.” - Christopher Hitchens
@chainedlupine 2 года назад
Someday I expect Georg's video to just be 20 minutes of him face-planted and snoring, next to an overturned lava lamp and an empty bottle of whiskey.
@sonjebianca2483 2 года назад
I’d watch that …
@piotrmroczkowski2324 2 года назад
I would watch it to the end and like it
@oanaalexia 2 года назад
Me too.
@vulgarmilitiaghost499 2 года назад
Happy birthday to you too
@JMD501 2 года назад
I would wish you a happy birthday also but since I haven't had one in many years, and I don't want to put unreasonable expectations on you.
@vulgarmilitiaghost499 2 года назад
@@JMD501 oh no! No birthday? Buddy get yourself a beer and a cupcake and I'll sing.
@MrBendybruce 2 года назад
We had a popular show here in NZ called "Sensing Murder" (or as I liked to call it, Sensing Bullshit). It was a state funded program that involved re-opening unsolved cold cases, and brining in local celebrity Psychics to see if they could shed any light. It was straight up exploitation of vulnerable victims, still looking for closure. The problem with this show, is that it was so well done, that it had many advocates, and so criticizing it was almost taboo, in the sense that you could esily find yourself accused of being a closed minded insensitive asshole. I always found such opinions to be the height of irony, but some battles are just not worth fighting, and are even worse than a zero sum game. I was very happy when the show finally ended, and always enjoyed TV shows like "Lie to Me" and "The Mentalist" which often did a great job of exposing the bullshit of these exploitative con artists.
@AnthonyFlack 2 года назад
That damn show used to make me furious that our tax money was being spent to facilitate those scammers. What's the point of having a state broadcaster if it's used to make the population stupider?
@PhyreI3ird 2 года назад
@@AnthonyFlack Stupid people are easier to manipulate, and most politicians are probably too dumb to see what a double edged sword that is.
@supertouring22 2 года назад
Out of interest, what was the successful conviction rate on that show? I assume if there was a conviction that it was not based on the psychic evidence alone?
@MrBendybruce 2 года назад
ZERO. Nada, Zilch, I think they suggested they may have gleaned one or two possibly useful leads. After that, complete radio silence.
@Mooondoggy 2 года назад
State-funded as well? crikey
@CatsMeowPaw 2 года назад
I like psychics in movies. They're brought in when the director is out of ideas and the main character needs to suddenly be told what to do next or where to be, even though it doesn't make sense. All prophesies by psychics in movies always come true, which is also incredibly convenient for the MC.
@HEDGE1011 2 года назад
“Who shot JFK? Where do all my socks go?” I cannot imagine any other creator on RU-vid who could have those two questions back to back and have them be sensible in context.
@RCAvhstape 2 года назад
Some years ago I went with my sister and friends on a "ghost tour" in a local town that has lots of American Civil War history. One of those things where the "ghost hunters" walk you around the town and show you "haunted" buildings and sites. It was just for fun as far as I was concerned, but I was surprised at what a thriving business this was for these guys. People moving into old houses and properties would pay these dudes good money to investigate possible paranormal activity, which of course, they would sometimes "find". He took us into his office, where he and his partner had all kinds of odd electronic equipment, old 1970s reel-to-reel tape decks, oscilloscopes, and a bunch of homemade stuff like an "energy detector" that was like a couple of square planar antennae made with tinfoil on metal rods. It was total BS, of course, but I thought the old analog electronics was cool, anyway. Of course my sister and her friend got caught up in the ghost stories and were terrified. For me it felt like being in an episode of In Search of with Leonard Nimoy in the 70s.
@birdrustler 2 года назад
That ... actually sounds fun. I appreciate the idea of vintage electronics as props. It's better than a guy just swinging a lantern around, wearing a hat and telling stories.
@_0______00__________0_______0 2 года назад
"An evil Mike Stoklasa..." The algorithm is beginning to show its pattern to me...
@jackwalters3928 2 года назад
I was watching a documentary series about psychics. There was this woman who would let spirits possess her and speak in a voice, as if it was the spirit talking to her. At some point, she was talking to a guy who had a german father and she starts saying "bita-bita, does that mean anything to you?" and the guy says yes, that's "father" in german. Of course, she could have googled that. The funny part is, that's where the conversation ended. The spirit of his dead father supposedly came into the room and the son "felt him" or whatnot. At that point I said to myself, I bet if it was an english speaking ghost, it would have a whole conversation with his son. Lo and behold, not a few minutes later and there's another american family whose dead father was also american and only spoke english. That ghost had an entire conversation with his family. The german ghost, conveniently only said one word through the non-german speaking psychic. The american ghost had a whole conversation through the same psychic. Man, I fucking hate these people so much. Another funny one is there's this channel here on youtube called "jubilee". They have a series where they get I think six or seven people who all belong to a certain group (they're all gay, they're all jews, they're all fans of the same TV show, they're all parents and so on and so forth) except for one of them. They have to ask each other questions and every few minutes will vote one out. The one that they think is the mole (not the gay guy, not the jew, not the fan of that TV show etc). If they manage to find him, the remaining ones win a money prize. If they don't and the mole is still among them, he or she gets all the money. Generally, they find the mole like 9 out of 10 times. It's very rare that the mole will manage to make it to the last round where there's like 3 or 4 people left. Well in one of these episodes the theme was "psychics" and one of them wasn't one (or, he wasn't LYING about being one like they do, more accurately). They failed to find her (I think it was a woman) and she won the money. Keep in mind, some of the groups are children who are all fans of a certain band or cartoon show or whatever, and those kids still manage to find out the mole among them. But not the fucking psychics! It was hilarious.
@axelprino 2 года назад
If they had the capability and interest in coming up with detailed lore in how the afterlife functions they wouldn't be "working" as psychics, they'd be writing novels, or just go all the way in and properly start an actual cult.
@TiffyVella1 2 года назад
Yep you are spot on. And they'd be making their marks pay for self-improvement lessons, in preparation for leaving the planet, and calling it a church.
@calmexit6483 2 года назад
Both of which sound like a lot of work.
@arempy5836 2 года назад
Cults, where the real money is made.
@Saka_Mulia 2 года назад
I would love to see a super intelligent kid being brought to a psychic to get in touch with their recently departed professor parent, and asking the psychic some deep scientific ideas that they'll be entirely unprepared for.
@flyingnone633 2 года назад
wait for it..
@seresimarta4436 2 года назад
It's always the psychic who is asking. Never the client.
@kirbymarchbarcena 2 года назад
Now you did it, Georg, no one will invite you to a Seance party
@sensibleshews 2 года назад
“We’re so sorry, uncle Albert. We’re so sorry if we caused you any pain.”
@rooseveltbrentwood9654 2 года назад
Admiral Halsey notified me, had to have a berth or he couldn’t get to sea.
@kevindoran9389 2 года назад
@burningmisery 2 года назад
I wanna see a TV show where regular "good" Mike Stoklasa drives around town & snatches up people to tell them about Star Trek TNG 🤘😎🤘
@dcanmore 2 года назад
"Notice: due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no psychic readings today, we apologise for any future inconveniences."
@halfabeet 2 года назад
I'm picking up strong vibrations that Georg will soon be joining Red Letter Media
@HappyCynic 2 года назад
God, I'd pay to see that.
@burningmisery 2 года назад
We can only pray Rem Lazar grants our wishes 🙏🙏🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
@fall190 2 года назад
only if they make fun of his movie
@BillNuvo 2 года назад
As a magician, "psychics" have always bothered me. I have to be 100% accurate in my predictions and these people only have to be 30% correct to be deemed a miracle. Maybe I'm just working too hard lol ;)
@Kevin_Street 2 года назад
And you have to be genuinely entertaining. With the psychic the client is doing most of the work trying to figure out how the predictions apply to them.
@bigratkiller1 2 года назад
There's no such thing as magic. It's stylish tricks. Still an honourable profession unlike psychic scammers
@lordtachanka903 2 года назад
And the fact that you don’t try to pretend it’s real and you’re giving us entertainment, and that “psychics” say it is real and not for entertainment but to see into the future as like an investment or something
@ghiblinerd6196 2 года назад
“Magic is just another word for lying.” -Penn Gillette
@TiffyVella1 2 года назад
Never thought about it that way before, and it's a great point. You only have to fudge it up once, and you're done, despite the fact we all know you are never claiming to be doing anything supernatural in the first place. Psychics benefit from the gullibility of their targets. Anyway, here's hopefully something to help make up for it; your audience is potentially anyone who enjoys being entertained whilst their audience is limited to the stupid.
@maxxam3590 2 года назад
4:55 "Evil Mike Stoklasa"? Isn't Mike Stoklasa already evil?
@kyleminard8157 2 года назад
Chaotic neutral
@nikital.6523 2 года назад
No, no, he's a caustic hack fraud, which means that the evil version of himself is basically the same only he makes fun of evil Jay instead of evil Rich.
@goodlookingcorpse 2 года назад
There are also some things psychics can say which sound very specific, but which are likely to apply to lots of people, including "a box of old photographs, most not in albums", "a drawer that is stuck or doesn't slide properly", "a white car", and "keys, but you don't remember what they open". People also tend to remember what a psychic said as being more specific than it really was. So if a psychic says "I'm sensing some sort of ongoing conflict with an older person", they might say "well how did they know that I fought with my father over going to college?"
@MrAdamFC 2 года назад
imagine dying getting up to the pearly gates and St peter looks at you and says '' I sense you have suffered a loss is it a sadness or something similar . Does your name begin with a T I'm seeing a T here or maybe its one of the other 26 letters ''
@TiffyVella1 2 года назад
Great complainy video. Loved that one of my favourite people, James "the Amazing" Randy, got a guernsey. RIP Mr Randy, you left the planet too soon.
@DawnSuttonfabfour 2 года назад
Or did he..?
@TiffyVella1 2 года назад
@@DawnSuttonfabfour Oh Gawd...did Mr Randy run off to Celebrity Island too? Is he huffing down mocktails with Michael Jackson and Terry Pratchett on some remote cay? I really really hope so :)
@madman407708 2 года назад
I knew you'd upload this.
@VariantNode 2 года назад
lmao "a regular evil Mike Stoklasa"
@zombrero7870 2 года назад
Is there a "good" Mike Stoklasa?
@BlazingOwnager 2 года назад
That was hilariously accurate.
@jmaster2855 2 года назад
Perfect description
@augustgreig9420 2 года назад
It's not gravity that keeps him here, it has more to do with electromagnetic energy which allows them to maintain their position on earth. Obviously. Haven't you ever seen ghost hunter shows? They always have electromagnetism detectors, and those devices pick up ghost activity. It's really simple.
@syeoak 2 года назад
Absolutely - like the broken shitty wireless radios the same Ghost Hunters use to talk to them. Pretty sure ghosts have progressed beyond VHF frequencies to 5G by now......which in itself explains a lot!
@V742 2 года назад
@@syeoak I dunno... I'm trying to imagine my late grandparents using 5G when they could barely figure out mobile phones while they were alive. At least one would be stuck on AM
@Games_and_Music 2 года назад
@@V742 Haha Yeah, i love how ghosts suddenly become tech-savvy
@jcse16 2 года назад
This explains why all my magnets are haunted!
@jenniferjack2888 2 года назад
Hang in there 😉 love. Just got home from work, and I'm binge watching your channel. Thanks for the escape. Much appreciated.
@Ryan-vl2nn 2 года назад
Always happy to see a notification that you’ve uploaded a new video. Always fascinating topics hilariously discussed.
@johnjohnson8575 2 года назад
The ending had me thinking of a long line of dead people redoing the I Love Lucy translation skit.
@josephrous4250 2 года назад
SUPERB. My thoughts exactly and so many more that I will lovingly adopt.
@cordatusscire344 2 года назад
As always, a delight to have a video from you.
@RagadabahCoUk 2 года назад
I think the 'world building' not being completed works to the advantage of the 'psychic'. The customer has to bring their own ideas to the the table which gets them a little invested in the idea straight away.
@joelsmith5613 2 года назад
This went a bit "Just a Thought" towards the end there, got a bit nostalgic for the stop-motion frame rates and high paced ranting
@MyNamesNotLars1 2 года назад
Thanks, Georg! Happy Birthday to you, as well!
@inventsable 2 года назад
I took a girl to a tarot reader on a date once in Sedona, AZ. The psychic told the girl she loved to travel (a cliche) and then me, that I would be successful at business. Go figure that a girl would want to travel and a guy wants to make money lol. It was clearly not paranormal but it gave us a lot to talk about the rest of the date, you basically pay someone to relentlessly compliment you, bullshit and grief conmen aside.
@adampeters7947 2 года назад
There is no need to see a tarot reader. It is quite a simple thing to do your self. I have always taught people how to do it themselves. It's not difficult. No one should charge for it. It's unscrupulous. It sound like that person was a right arse hole. PS using Tarot does not mean you're a psychic. It's a completely seperate thing, mainly about using intuition really.
@inventsable 2 года назад
@@adampeters7947 I'm well aware. It seemed like a novel thing to do during a date, that's the only reason I did it. My date enjoyed it and that's the point of a date imo. Tarot readers may not all be psychics but this one certainly claimed to be, had a crystal necklace she rubbed throughout saying that angels were talking to her.
@adampeters7947 2 года назад
@@inventsable Sounds like a dubious lady. A funny story though.
@zzzzzz-ti2rv 2 года назад
pretty much. I watch tarot readings and this lady started one saying "I see someone in a office cubical with headphones" and I'm like..... thats a pretty common human experience. And I'm not sure what the "spirit guides" would be trying to convey with that.
@SmileAndWave 2 года назад
The ending made me laugh so much
@dyotoorion1835 2 года назад
Love your channel bro -- good work! :-) Keep it up!
@emectric1455 2 года назад
So many excellent questions were asked in that last section
@geraldd9738 2 года назад
Such wise questions.
@stranglewankhitman4936 2 года назад
Aw, this actually was uploaded on my birthday! Thanks, Georg!
@hazardeur 2 года назад
"Sheisters" LOL, that world alone made it already worth to watch this vid
@skepticalbadger 2 года назад
Shysters. Not sure the word means what you think it does.
@hazardeur 2 года назад
@@skepticalbadger Indeed, I didn't. As someone with german as mother tongue, I just thought it sounded funny because it sounded like some americanized german word derived from "scheisse" so I thought it probably means somebody who is bullshitting other people. Turns out that wasn't even far from the real meaning haha
@TiffyVella1 2 года назад
@@hazardeur When my nan called someone a "shyster" (which for some reason she did fairly often) my child-ears heard "scheisse-ter" so I always thought she was calling them shits. It was an Australianised version of the German, from a German settled part of the country, I guess. Confabulated by the confused mind of a very young child.
@smithesque 2 года назад
'socrates, what do you think about bitcoin?' this is where i lost it.
@taffwob 2 года назад
Yep, it broke me too and the coup de grace was "Can anyone speak Greek? . . . . . . And English"
@ottebya 2 года назад
this is the culmination of everything your show was meant to be, you can retire, this is perfect. "Socrates what do you think of bitcoin?" like how do you top the savage dismantling of the afterlife/spirit domain? 😂
@VargVikernes1488 2 года назад
However entertaining was the video, the topic itself has been done to death.
@ottebya 2 года назад
@@VargVikernes1488 its never bout who does it first, its about who does it with PINACHE' (also "done to death" I see what you did there hehe ;)
@funwithpliers 2 года назад
It really is my birthday today! Amazing! And Thanks!
@tashuys 2 года назад
Your best work yet.
@shavemangin 2 года назад
Love you're channel and videos
@brushfuse 2 года назад
Thank you! It was a very nice birthday.
@guypierson5754 2 года назад
"... AND English!" Is a fucking amazing joke Georg.
@parsoniareigns 2 года назад
GRS. Ameobi with souls. Classic. Witty, insightful and thought provoking as always.
@ToumalRakesh 2 года назад
4:54 "A regular evil Mike Stoklasa" - That got a good chuckle out of me.
@jcoutelier 2 года назад
I remember a documentary with Derek Ogilvie - aka The Baby Mind Reader - when he took the James Randi challenge. He failed to prove his psychic powers in every test devised for him, but there was a telling moment when he was left alone with a baby and became frustrated as the infuriating infant wouldn't talk to him. But as soon as the baby's nanny entered the room, suddenly he was getting all sorts of vibes. Anyway, it ended with him getting a brainscan showing he did have slightly higher than normal activity in the bit of the brain responsible for communication. He took this as proof of his powers - I took it as proof that he's just really good at reading body language.
@DolanOk 2 года назад
Wait this was on my birthday! Thank you for the present!
@wickedgrinaz 2 года назад
Every video a treasure
@MrShanester117 2 года назад
That was a deep loving intro. Happy whatever to you or whoever too. Also I thought the video was about physics lol
@v8matey 2 года назад
I like to knock on a psychics door. And if they ask "Who is it?" I leave.
@dropkicksmurfy8144 2 года назад
I love your channel.
@joebleasdale5557 2 года назад
My favourite psychic is Raymond Day from the hit BBC Scotland show Paraside. He’s a bit brutal but at least he’s honest.
@ut2k4wikichici 2 года назад
This is the best content I've seen on yt which is like a mix up of Garth meringues dark place bts Charlie brookers screen whipe
@lumpchunker5516 2 года назад
It's my birthday in 2 hours! Thanks, Georg!
@augustgreig9420 2 года назад
Hey! That one psychic lady is the Sam lady who starred in that "Walls Fall Out" music video that you can watch here on RU-vid. So cool.
@btraxdnb5604 2 года назад
God I love your wit. You sir are sharp as a nail 😅
@brokengirlsrus 2 года назад
Good stuff as always
@daniellejoiner4929 2 года назад
I didn’t know I needed this video…
@cugan83 2 года назад
"an evil Mike Stocklasa" ..brilliant!
@jgm_mackmen 2 года назад
I loved GRS' ruminations on the nature of spirits
@broadsword6650 2 года назад
I knew you were going to release this video.
@Football__Junkie 2 года назад
I’m a psychic. I foresaw myself laughing during this video once I clicked on it.
@hailbopthecomet 2 года назад
Hey thanks for the birthday wishes man
@bandygamy5898 2 года назад
@dimplesd8931 2 года назад
My mom died in 2013. I don’t believe she’s watching over me. I hope if there’s a afterlife that she is having more fun than watching me brush my teeth and sit in traffic all day. The afterlife has got to be more entertaining than this one or I’m with Georg… can I just be dead
@santiagogryphon3009 2 года назад
You have asked all my questions...
@Mercurius34 2 года назад
You're my favourite Georg
@EpifanesEuergetes 2 года назад
You're my favourite Prince of the Dark Arts.
@normdeeploom5945 2 года назад
I knew you were going to post this
@YTWanderer 2 года назад
@tjlpancake 2 года назад
Thank you
@SzymonAdamus 2 года назад
:D That was great! I laught out loud. Thanks!
@devekut2 2 года назад
"...a regular evil Mike Stoklasa". I'm ded.
@femmedracula6857 2 года назад
"I've got access to every dead person who ever existed." This is the premise of Necroscope.
@drewlittler6794 2 года назад
Georg hits on the premise of the Necroscope book series
@frozenbinarystudio 2 года назад
"I am being contacted by... They ate food... And breathed oxygen... They had letters in their name... And was a baby at one point..."
@girlspooptoo8567 2 года назад
Thanks again
@MrHEC381991 2 года назад
Anyone that makes money on "talking to ghosts" should be ashamed of themselves.
@wilsoncalhoun 2 года назад
I used to do this in highschool and college as a party trick. It's ridiculously easy to surprise and impress people by making a bunch of broad, general statements followed by a few specific, informed guesses.
@oanaalexia 2 года назад
Comment for boosting the algorithm. Great, amazing content, as usual.
@andrewlawless9796 2 года назад
mike stoklasa
@VariantNode 2 года назад
@andrewlawless9796 2 года назад
@beef business it broke new ground
@Relentless_Venture 2 года назад
Man this video made my day. 🍻
@Psychoclaw 2 года назад
"a regular, evil Mike Stoklasa" I screamed 🤣
@burningmisery 2 года назад
@matthewbolding4328 2 года назад
This guy is the best guy on the internet!
@skazdal 2 года назад
So many questions.
@numinous2506 2 года назад
I'm not psychic about other people, just myself. I always know what I'm thinking. It's weird and quite frankly an oppressive slog of a life, constantly knowing exactly what I'm thinking at all times.
@jmalmsten 2 года назад
The funny thing about prophecies and psychics is that not only do they keep it infuriatingly vague, it's that vagueness that makes it so compelling. And since they rarely set deadlines, you can have a vague claim and the longer it takes for it to be fulfilled then makes it even more incredible. The psychic could say "I see you'll have trouble with the lower regions the body body."... 50 years later that person has trouble with his knees. He thinks back to that prediction and wonders "how on earth could she have known?!" Not realizing that eventually most people have stiff joints and it could just as easily have been an ingrown toenail or erectile dysfunction and it would still fit the prediction. Heck, his son could go to war and have his legs blown off and it would still fit the prediction. If a psychic does give a deadline or a specific. It's always wrapped up with details of stuff that the target can fail to do. So if it doesn't come true, then it's never the fault of the prediction. Oh and that's not even mentioning that a willing target will conveniently forget all the misses and duds in the reading. So they only remember where she got it correct, not counting ahe probably got there by essentially playing battleship with a mind that wants to lose. Oh the money one could make if it wasn't for these pesky morals I was brought up with.
@jacob7027 2 года назад
I had a feeling you'd make a video like this
@LuCet21 2 года назад
it's 2:15 am where i live and these are the questions i ask myself every time i can't sleep.
@idontneededgrammarlurlylol9671 2 года назад
i had a feeling you'd upload this video 0 _ 0
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