
GERMAN Reaction to How Poland is Preparing for War 

Chris discovers Poland
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8 сен 2024




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@rademenes1754 5 месяцев назад
I'm answering your question, old post Soviet equipment, tanks, fighters, rifles, howitzers, etc. Ukraine received from Poland for free, unlike the German Chancellor, Poland had no intention of making money from this war, contrary to Russian propaganda in Germany, Poland did not give up tanks for Lviv . At the beginning of the war, Germany wanted to send 500 helmets, when old Polish tanks and self-propelled howitzers were already fighting in Ukraine, when Poland sent weapons, the German authorities, like a child in the fog, picked at the note, wondering whether to send something else. This is my opinion about the German authorities
@januszbieszczadzki2060 5 месяцев назад
Bingo 😮
@user-hg9ut3nh8j 4 месяца назад
I potem zmienili w końcu kanclerza i wysłali ekwipunek jak byłby Tusk to jeszcze ruskim byśmy pomagali xD
@BlueRTheOnlyoNe 3 месяца назад
yeep mate , those germans helmets turn out to be ...for contruction workers ..
@user-hp6ge8dz1t Месяц назад
Martw się lepiej o wladze "polskie". Przyjdzie godzina, że zesrasz się że leku w gacie. Tak, to będzie atak paniki, a nie jakiś śmieszny strach😮
@GM-zb7ht 5 месяцев назад
Ja to powiem w prost. Umiesz liczyć licz na siebie.... .
@Mania26 5 месяцев назад
Jak co do czego dojdzie to i tak się na nas wypną jak kiedyś. Takie mam przeczucie.
@marczuczyn1984 5 месяцев назад
@@Mania26 Dokładnie od jakiegoś czasu panuje chora narracja, że jesteśmy potęgą w europie. Zachód chowa się za naszymi plecami. Szukają frajerów.
@marczuczyn1984 5 месяцев назад
Szukają kozła ofiarnego. Ta gloryfikacja w mediach nawet zagranicznych jacy to silni jesteśmy. Cwane bestie.
@deemen193 5 месяцев назад
@@Mania26 Oczywiście , że tak bo przepis NATO nie mówi w jaki sposób artykuł 5 ma wyglądać. Mogą tylko ammo wysyłać i pomoc a my nawet własnej fabryki amunicji nie mamy i będziemy czekać na dostawy z Zachodu jak Ukraincy.
@spisk199Podcast 5 месяцев назад
@@Mania26 już zmienili artykuł 5 na "jak coś pogadamy o tym w Jałcie"
@bohomazdesign725 5 месяцев назад
Poland acutally produces their own military hardware like light armoured vehicles, self-proppeled howitzers, small range anti-air systems, military drones and small arms. Systems that are used in Ukraine praised by the Ukrainian army: - AHS Krab - self-proppeled howitzer - the Ukrainians call it their workhorse. Even tho the German PZ2000 is an excellent and more advanced howitzer the Polish Krab needs much less maintenance and has a higher quality extremely robust barrel that holds the record of most shot shells without breaking (over 6000 rounds while other systems only do 3000) and the banger is that it can shoot with dirt - low quality flawed shells of different productions. - Fly-eye - rather small 300 km range surveillance drone almost immune to all en-masse used electronic warfare interruption methods - Piorun - handheld anti-aircraft rocket launcher - almost immune to all currently used by air-crafts deception methods - Warmate 1 - another drone, but this is mostly used as an attack drone (Turkey and United Arab Emirates operate those) - similar to the Fly-eye drone its almost immune to all en-masse used electronic warfare interruption methods - Topaz - its an electronic command, surveillance and fire system or in other very oversimplified words - all vehicles equipped with this system have real-time access to battlefield data and that enables artillery batteries act independent from the central command and therefore shortening to a minimum the time frame fire missions are conducted - even the Americans dont really have anything like this which is also the reason why Americans are immensely impressed with it
@pl-hq5hr 5 месяцев назад
Hello, German friend. Look at the 1920 battle of Warsar. It was a single country defeating entire Red Army. Devastating it. 😊
@levy02497 5 месяцев назад
It wasn't. Generations change, not people. In 1920, Poland was Europe's buffer against Russia (just like Ukraine now) and we were strongly supported by France and Hungary. It was in their interest. This bothered the British because a strong Poland meant increased French influence in Europe. The Germans were offended that we did not help fight Russia under the German banner and in 1917, after establishing the administrative structures of the Polish state, we separated from them. Geopolitics is inexorable. We will always be a pain in the ass for Germany and Russia, and allies should be sought in France. Just as we are now throwing a lot of weapons to the Ukrainians, the French have heavily equipped us when we face the Bolsheviks. Anglo-Saxons cannot be trusted. They will help, but in a moment they may be on the opposite side if it is profitable. It is worth looking towards China.
@EzzEssa699 5 месяцев назад
XD X D Polska była tak wiele razy pod zaborami ruskich a ten coś gada ,że raz wygrali i się pdnieca.Smieszne
@pl-hq5hr 5 месяцев назад
@@EzzEssa699 po ile u was w Moskwie benzyna 92?
@EzzEssa699 5 месяцев назад
@@pl-hq5hr nw nie pytaj nie jestem z RoSSji ale co do moskwy poziom zycia jest znacznie wiekszy niz w takiej warszawie ino inne czesci roSSji sa biedne i dzikie
@mountainman42 5 месяцев назад
ile ty masz lat?@@EzzEssa699
@DariuszCzarkowski-le4dn 5 месяцев назад
Kilka słów prawdy. Po 1 jakoś niemcy mocno się wzbraniały by pomóc ukrainie, przeszkody dostarczenia broni przez Wielką Brytanię itp., opóźnienia w dostarczeniu amunicji itp. zagrywki. Jak wiem z historii nie raz a kilkakrotnie były działania podejmowania by podzielić Polskę między państwo Rosja - dawniej państwo Moskiewskie a między niemcy. Taki nieznany fakt że habsburgowie i państwo moskiewskie dogadało się by podzielić Polskę - tylko wcześniej bitwa pod Orszą w 1508r i łomot zadany ruskom popsuł szyki danym przyjaciołom. Jak ktoś twierdzi że wcześniej krzyżacy to nie niemcy to podaje pełną nazwę zakonu - Zakon Szpitala Najświętszej Marii Panny Domu Niemieckiego w Jerozolimie", podkreślam słowo Domu niemieckiego. Kolejny aspekt ile razy niemcy napadali na Polskę? bitwa 972 Cedynia; 3 wyprawy przeciwko Polsce za Bolesława Chrobrego i dalej nie będę podawał bo troszke tego jest i na odwrót ile razy Polacy napadali na niemcy??? I dalej nas krzywdzą w UE jak ktoś nie widzi cuż głupota nie boli. Ostatnia najważniejsza czy chcecie ginąc na obcej wojnie na obcym terytorium za Co ??? Do wojny wchodzi się w dzień przed zakończeniem i do ekipy wygrywającej. Nasz naród mnóstwo krwi przelał za nasza i waszą wolność jakoś nam nie podziękowały obce kraje za wysiłek wojenny tylko oddały pod but moskwy i teraz znowu mamy ginąć za holdingi zbożowe na ukrainie które mają obce państwa jak holandia, i inne kraje niech wysylają swoich żołnierzy a nie nasze bo my z teo kasy nie mamy
@sylwiatime 5 месяцев назад
Ehh, I always wonder who makes those videos. They seem like such a propaganda. BTW Poland's first semi-free democratic elections were in 1989, and fully free elections in 1991 but still months before the dissolution of the USSR. Saying that Poland regained its independence only because the USSR broke down is unfair to all the people who fought for it for decades. What's more, Poland's first elections created the domino effect after which various USSR republics and Soviet satellite states strove for independence and that led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the USSR. So the USSR democratised because of Poland, and not the other way around. Poles feel more responsibility for their country. That's due to our centuries long tradition of direct democracy. Poland, for example, was the only country in the Soviet Block where the communist party membership wasn't obligatory. Simply, so few people joined they had no way to force the others. You can jail thousands of people but not the entire country. That is the opposite of the attitude of Russians who believe they are impotent against their leaders.
@xxxxxx4908 4 месяца назад
Dobrze napisane, też mnie wkurza to odwracanie kota ogonem. To od Polski zaczął się upadek reżimu w Europie środkowej i wschodniej, gdyby nie Polacy i Solidarność, mur berliński stałby do dziś!
@walterweiss7124 3 месяца назад
if you don't know the truth -this Polish hero told it before his death : Ten Człowiek Zdradził Kto NAPRAWDĘ Sprzedał Polskę [USUNIĘTY FILM]
@user-sc5uh5jy3l 4 месяца назад
Poles fight not out of fear, but for freedom. Not only for freedom of our country, as the history shows from the Middle Ages all around Europe to the present days around the world Not knowing the history of Poland, few people know, for example, that if it weren't for King John III Sobieski, half of Europe would now be Turkey Proud to be Polish
@user-pz8mv9bn5t 5 месяцев назад
Poland has centuries of experience in the war military in the 17 century we occupied Moscow which didn't manage Napoleon and Nazis Germany . With some breaks in 19 and 20 centuries we have freedom to be armed as we want.
@cogoniema 5 месяцев назад
Napoleon managed to occupy Moscow. Not so long but yes, he did. Three nations occupied Moscow: the French, Polish-Lithuanian and Mongolians.
@sylwiatime 5 месяцев назад
@@cogoniema Actually, Poles occupied Moscow twice: in 1610-1612 and 1812. During the Napoleonic campaign it was the Polish Hussars Regiment to enter Moscow first. Did the Mongols occupy Moscow or was Moscow a Mongolian state?
@cogoniema 5 месяцев назад
@@sylwiatime The state of course. Does it matter the state or people? :) And hussars in the xix century? Explain. I am interested in it.
@sylwiatime 5 месяцев назад
@@cogoniema At the beginning Muscovy was created by the Mongols as a vassal state. Being a vassal state in a feudal system doesn't mean occupation esp when the state didn't exist before at all. It was rather a collaboration. When the Mongols were attacking other countries Muscovy often took part in it. There were various hussars regiments till the WW2. It doesn't mean the winged hussars, of course.
@cogoniema 5 месяцев назад
@@sylwiatime But the city existed earlier than Mongols captured it.
@wojtekd8090 4 месяца назад
My Polacy wyciągnęliśmy wnioski z historii. Pozdrawiam wszystkich Niemców.
@jacekjacek5469 2 месяца назад
A niby to kiedy wyciągneliśmy wnioski?armia pożal się,wydaliśmy wszystko bandero,wcom to co kupiliśmy to pikuś jak mawia Ferdek Kiepski. Co do Niemców to mają takie fabryki że w mig przestawiają na fabryki wojenne a ty co przestawisz?No tak pozdrawiasz Niemców,nie zapomnij pozdrowić premiera Tfuska,Volksdeutsche
@prototyptaranton6659 5 месяцев назад
Polish President Lech Kaczyński warned against Russian aggression already in 2008, during a speech in Georgia. The war in Ukraine is no surprise to us, nor is the fact that we might be next.
@AWRUK84 5 месяцев назад
And for that speech they kild him
@walterweiss7124 3 месяца назад
because of this Georgia visit he was assassinated by putler
@user-hp6ge8dz1t Месяц назад
Szkoda, że ostrzegł przed potomkami upa
@mrflopper7064 5 месяцев назад
Poland isn’t 20th place anymore in military ranking, it’s got to 14th. 🇵🇱❤️🎉
@danielj8730 5 месяцев назад
hej, mógłbyś podać źródło?
@robertklimczak5630 5 месяцев назад
zeby cokolwiek produkować trzeba produkować silniki I przekładnie do czołgów I bwp. Jak rakiety to silniki do nich. Przykład krab dostajemy 30 sztuk silników rocznie od Republika Korea . Więc zwiększmy produkcję do 120 sztuk rocznie? Czego,skorup?Czy da się zamówić wiecej silników? Bez fabryk amunicji od a do z robimy armię na parady. I pikniki .Przypomne ze batalion czołgów szykuje się i 2 lata zanim będzie zgrany.i gotowy do działań. Miejmy to z tyłu głowy. Dlatego mowi teraz minister od armii że będą zamówienia dla wojska do firm prywatnych I cywilnych. Tam najczęściej nie ma burdelu który wprowadził pis.wsadzajac totumfackich na stołki.. pamiętamy fabryke amunicji hala stoi maszyny czekały aż gwarancja się skończyła są do złomowania. I co ,trzeba znowu kupić maszyny ,kilkaset milionów, pytanie ,a zaloga do fabryki wyszkolona? Nie!. Dlatego szybciej prywatna firma zbuduje rakietę wsadzająca ładunki na orbitę niż PGZ . To co pamiętam co najmniej jedna firma ma silnik rakietowy wielokrotnego użytku. I pracuja nad wielostopniowa rakieta.
@mrflopper7064 5 месяцев назад
@@danielj8730więc z nowymi czołgami Abrahamy które doszły do Polski tydzień temu oraz z całym sprzętem od korejy Polska dostała 14 miejsce.
@mrflopper7064 5 месяцев назад
@@danielj8730więc na youtubie trzeba obejrzeć nowe videa o polskiej armii, bo te stare pokazują dwudzieste miejsce ale to było przed tym sprzętem który już dostała Polska.
@robertsami 5 месяцев назад
@piotrnotecki6196 5 месяцев назад
This is how Rokosowski is known in Poland, he was a marshal in Poland and the USSR. He was of Polish origin, but the Poles did not recognize him as a Pole. He was the commander-in-chief of the Polish army until 1956. He was called an acting Pole. This war with Russia is still unlikely, but not excluded. We have stopped being afraid and that is why we are arming ourselves. As for the weapons transferred to Ukraine, they are transferred and that's it. In addition to the donated weapons, the Ukrainians also buy from us, but these are still being produced. As for the weapons we are now buying for ourselves, they are primarily intended to deter Russia. That is why we recently signed an order with the USA for almost 900 air-to-ground missiles with a range of 1,000 km. The Russians know that in the event of war we will not hesitate to send them towards Moscow and this gives them food for thought. To avoid this war, we must contain Russia, just as the US did during the Cold War.
@piotrsodel3077 5 месяцев назад
This is the future, but it is probable. I think a lot will change in this army. The growing number of weapons in private hands is also important.
@robertklimczak5630 5 месяцев назад
Dzierzynski też był polakiem.. Nie ma się czym chwalić.
@azazeldemon7779 5 месяцев назад
@@robertklimczak5630 "co ty do mnie masz, przecież żaden Polak nie wybił tylu Moskali co ja" XD
@azazeldemon7779 5 месяцев назад
Rokosowski pod tym względem po ludzku miał trochę przekichane. W ZSRR czego by nie zrobił to zawsze był Polakiem, a w Polsce zawsze był ruskim.
@piotrsodel3077 5 месяцев назад
@@azazeldemon7779 Rokosowski był przede wszystkim zdrajcą. Tyle czasu spędził w Rosji, że pewnie już nie mówił po Polsku. Rosjanie bali się polskich dowódców w swojej armii, nawet w LWP dowódcami byli Rosjanie przebrani w polskie mundury. Do historii trafił razem z Dzierżyńskim i dobrze.
@KonradNiemonski 5 месяцев назад
Poland follows old interwar BUL doctrine. It states that independent Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania (Baltics now) are a "must be" for Poland to be safe from Russia. Polish saing "there's no free Poland without free Ukraine and no free Ukraine without free Poland" comes directly from this doctrine. With the big arms contracts they are divided into parts, first where we're taking stuff of the shelf that will be delivered very fast and then the second part of contract where the provider is required to set up it's manufacturing in Poland. So in example of K2 tanks ~300 will be delivered from South Korea and ~700 produced in Poland.
@antyPiS_and_Po 5 месяцев назад
Nie jest Polacy nie chcą iść na wojnę bo to nie nasza wojna politycy tylko tego chcą ale to są zdrajcy Polski ci sami ludzie co dogadali się z komunistami w 89
@accipitris9250 22 дня назад
co mine obchodzi ukraina ??? wcale ! pokazali co mysla o Polakach w Wolyniu ! karma wraca
@lordpazo6784 5 месяцев назад
With the korean purchases poland will build their own factories of those vehicles and we will start building them in a partnership with hyundai (k2 manufacturer) in Poland to sell on the european market. Very lucradive deal for both Korea and Poland. There are already plans for polish K2PL upgrade
@Maddog-xc2zv 4 месяца назад
True. Investment on South Korean Armored Vehicles was very intelligent. They'll be producing in Poland tanks (k2PL Panther), howitzers (K9 Thunder), and rocket MLRS (K239 Chunmoo), in agreement with companies like Hyundai, Kia Heavy Ind., Samsung Aerospace, Agency for Defense Development, Hanwha and Hanwha Aerospace. SK can't produce by itself all systems bought by Poland, so most of them will be produced internally, as said with agreements with all those major companies, and thus providing their own economy and also the military with inevitably tech transference. Great move by Poland, just don't know why almost all other NATO countries in Europe are lagging in provide themselves with the means necessary for mutual defense maybe for a long period of time, as I don't believe this menaces from Russia/Iran/North Korea and mainly China will settle down in the next four decades or more and they've being preparing for war for a long time now beating the western world - China, as an example, does already have a bigger navy then the US in number of available war ships.
@forexscalping_pl 5 месяцев назад
Both - we don't want to have Russia to close but also support Ukraine which can be free nationa is also important. Please remember Russia has Obwód Królewiecki Between Poland and Litwa.
@jopun3691 4 месяца назад
I think more bcs of hatred towards russia. Some poles still dont like ukraine because of the wolyn massacre
@user-hp6ge8dz1t Месяц назад
U....... ukradli powiedzenie z czasów wojny polskie powiedzenie "walczymy za nasze i za wasze"
@mariuszkacperek9808 4 месяца назад
Kocham Polskę
@_EgzotycznyChleb_ 4 месяца назад
My older brother is in the army in Warsaw😶
@Admarek77 5 месяцев назад
History of Witold Pilecki
@its3milia 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, better have us on your side bc we're ready 🙈 Good reaction, keep it up! ❤️
@introwertyk6720 4 месяца назад
Polski żołnierz, nie pyta - ilu ich jest, tylko gdzie oni są. Nikt nam nie da rady, dopierdolimy każdemu.
@barbararykala4206 3 месяца назад
Witam serdecznie wszystkich Rzeszów pozdrawia! DOKŁADNIE, tak!
@Midaiel 3 месяца назад
projekt "Tytan"
@VashDs 5 месяцев назад
14:00, it actually does. Discipline and collectivity affects morale.
@pogrom_MC 5 месяцев назад
Za Polskę Walcząca! Pamiętamy, więc jesteśmy gotowi.
@Mania26 5 месяцев назад
G zrobisz jak ci dron spuści bombe na łeb albo chate xD
@rotarota5845 5 месяцев назад
Chyba ty! Mądrzy ludzie nie pójdą na Wolne przeciwko Rosji.
@EzzEssa699 5 месяцев назад
walczc za pis i koalizje z tuskiem rozumiem chcesz xDD moze to lepiej jak bedzie ta wojna bedzie was mniej
@sochaoracza1506 5 месяцев назад
1:58 Rokossowski Polish national born in USSR, devoted communist. At the end of WWII, assigned by stalin as a Polish Minister of Defence. Returned to the USSR in 1956, and never was accepted as a Pol. He represents the interest of the soviets in Poland. Here is a joke. Rokossowski is leaving Poland, at the border he turned his head back and said: at least I took down the crown of the white eagle (before communist time the Polish eagle had a crown-like today). At that moment an eagle showed up and said: You can rip all my feathers off my ass, but you never will make me a red star.
@walterweiss7124 3 месяца назад
he was older than you think: he was born in Warsaw when it was part of Russian Tsarist Empire
@edim108 3 месяца назад
Part of the reason Polish gov't went for the Korean K2 tanks is that the deal includes joint venture manufacturing, research and repair center for them so by the end of it Poland will be able to design, produce and maintain its own tanks as well as possibly export them abroad. And as far as tanks go, K2 is a contender for the best there is, though it hasn't been battle tested yet.
@mrflopper7064 5 месяцев назад
@TheFifthHorseman_ 5 месяцев назад
1:25: "Doubled" after the war losses. When you account for these, the population increased by about a third compared to the pre-war levels. 2:02: More along infamous. Rokossowski was a Russian of Polish descent but thoroughly Sovietized. Think of him as a reverse Unrug. 2:20: "Grudzień" = "December" 2:45: There technically were parliamentary elections after the war, but they have been heavily manipulated by the Soviets and local Communist element. 3:45: The Gulags were labor camps, not concentration camps. Given the treatment of inmates and the conditions inside, getting sentenced to one was likely to result in death by forced labor. 4:22: Not just because of that. Germany did not take part in the Polish-Soviet War or the Deluge, and was an active participant against Poland during the Partitions and the beginning stages of WWII. We have a shitload more experience with how Russians treat civilians, and 7:10: I think it's more because our government wants to keep Russia away, TBH, but mileage may vary. Polish-Ukrainian history is long and sometimes bloody - suffice to say, decades after WWII was over my grandmother still experienced PTSD flashbacks upon hearing Ukrainian language. On the other hand, the existing historical disputes (hello, exhumations of Volhynia Massacre victims?) can be resolved in a civilized manner between Poland and a free Ukraine. 13:20: Look, many of us have grown up knowing survivors of WWII - either in our own families or among family friends - and the idea of another Russian invasion is a very personal motivator. If I wasn't categorized as unfit for military service I probably would have signed up myself too. 13:57: It's not about the marching, it's about discipline and control. 17:24: Remember they were saying that Putin is not dumb enough to attack Ukraine. Then 2014 happened...
@darr473 5 месяцев назад
Gdansk was also completely destroyed, but no one talks about it because it was bombed by the Soviets while fighting the Germans. The truth is that Gdansk, not Warsaw, experienced the greatest reconstruction of old streets and houses. It is here in Gdansk that what we see today has been rebuilt from scratch.
@annapietrzyk7889 5 месяцев назад
ale Warszawy i Wrocławia praktycznie nie było ,tylko same gruzy
@darr473 5 месяцев назад
@@annapietrzyk7889 Tak ale tylko mówimy o odbudowie identycznych starych budynków w starych częściach miast. Polacy największą prace w odbudowie i restaurowaniu starych obiektów włożyli w Gdańsku. Nie wiem dlaczego o tym się nie mówi. Gdy zobaczymy zdjęcia Gdańska tuż po wojnie to włosy się jeżą.
@miwoj 5 месяцев назад
Si vis pacem, para bellum
@walterweiss7124 3 месяца назад
ulitma ratio regum (written on Richelieu's cannons)
@mystoganyt4130 5 месяцев назад
hello just to understand, if it comes to Krean equipment, we will produce it in our country because the agreement is with the license for the product itself and the improvement of this equipment for our conditions
@ZbigniewMac-tb7qn 3 месяца назад
Hello, As a Pole, I will say that a lot of us died in our history. We saved one thing, we captured MOSCOW on September 8, 1610. Żółkiewski, at the head of the Polish troops, entered Moscow,
@filipmisko9363 5 месяцев назад
The problem with how much military equipment Poland has donated to Ukraine is that the Polish government does not admit to a large part of the supplies. from what we know, Poland gave Ukraine 350 tanks 62 SPG 155mm from 30 to 200 122mm SPG from 30 to 600 IFV BMP-1 200 wheeled IFV, most of the Polish anti-aircraft defense. in addition, Mi24 helicopters and MiG29 planes, large quantities of small arms and ammunition.
@piotrsodel3077 5 месяцев назад
I'll tell you straight. Germany has the most developed defense industry in Europe when it comes to heavy weapons. But for years they did not develop their army very much due to savings. Poles have been preparing for war with Russia for 10 years. The Polish defense industry is chasing the German one, and innovation and quality make us proud. We slowly have, for example, the most modern equipment in Europe, but because until now what we had was scrap. We ourselves start doing something that is the best in the world. For example, PIORUN launchers caused the Russian air force to stop flying over Ukrainian trenches. 18 KRAB howitzers stopped the offensive in Bahmut. What WB elektronic provides is a world league. Most of the former Russian weapons known to Ukrainians were transferred, as well as some modern equipment. As for the quality of the army, in a few years it will be the strongest army in Europe. As for the invasion, I don't know how Russia wants to go through Masuria - it was there that the German army was based there during World War II. Check out the "wolf's lair".
@MrArekW 5 месяцев назад
Really? WB drones is in fact loitering munition, not Bayraktar type of drone. Piorun is as I remember upgrade of Soviet system (they just added some modern electronics). We do not have own designs, only some upgrade or license based builds (Patria/Rosomak; K9/Krab).
@piotrsodel3077 5 месяцев назад
@@MrArekW You don't know much, buddy. WB Elektronic also makes other drones and their advancement is enormous, e.g. "Flyeye". The drone can glide without an engine and was the only one designed to work with the TOPAZ fire control system. Currently, PIORUN has little in common with the needle, and if you were at the fair in Kielce, you would already see new systems. Its class is proven by the fact that Americans buy it because they don't have anything better yet. What about Krab, Grot or preparation for the production of Badger?
@Oninomura 5 месяцев назад
@@piotrsodel3077 GROT C16 FB-M1, jeden wielki niewypał (to moje zdanie i prawdopodobnie całej naszej Brygady (14000 żołnierzy)). GROT C16 FB-M1, one big misfire (this is my opinion and probably that of our entire Brigade (14,000 soldiers)). GROT C16 FB-M1, eine große Fehlzündung (das ist meine Meinung und wahrscheinlich die unserer gesamten Brigade (14.000 Soldaten)).
@adrianmachnacz9394 5 месяцев назад
Was du tust, ist gut, mein Freund. Zeigen Sie es auch Ihren Freunden. Ich hoffe, dass dank Menschen wie Ihnen die Spaltungen enden und es zu einer Verständigung zwischen unseren Nationen kommt. Herzliche Grüße und viel Glück
@WinterMute_df 2 месяца назад
3:40 you can say that. My Polish grandfather once made a comparison: "Nazis were monsters. Soviets were animals".
@monikaolfier556 7 дней назад
Ten "równy chód" istnieje aby utrzymać dyscyplinę oraz pokazać zorganizowanie i zgodność wojska. Posłuszeństwo jest szczególnie ważne w takiej instytucji, a takie poruszanie się pomaga w jego zachowaniu i w tym aby nie zapomnieć o dyscyplinie.
@stefanbombowiec3214 5 месяцев назад
Currently, Poland has a larger army than Germany, but Germany may have more than us in less time, Germany has improved economies and technology, not to mention production lines which intak makes Germany stronger btw, Poland spends 4% of GDP on armament and Germany 1.8%, but it 1.8% in Germany is like 3% for Poland, which shows German economic power
@Patorc1 5 месяцев назад
But Polish soldiers make way less than German soldiers. So Germany uses way more money for soldiers paychecks. Besides Poland makes much equipment in it's own country so money doesn't really leave and actually helps economy. For example Krabs, Rosomaks and some firearms.
@PrzemysawPustuka 5 месяцев назад
@@Patorc1 Tak słodko nie jest. Jednak zamówień na Kraby jest jak na lekarstwo a większość samobieznych dział 155mm to będą jednak koreańskie K9 produkowane w Korei. O produkcji K2PL to narazie nic pewnego. Do tego kupujemy sporo sprzętu z zagranicy które sami możemy produkować.
@radfwsrf7612 5 месяцев назад
1,8% for germany is like 10% for Poland, i dont know who was teaching you math
@stefanbombowiec3214 5 месяцев назад
@@radfwsrf7612 nope
@walterweiss7124 3 месяца назад
thanks to green party german economics are now in free fall
@kzysztofklos404 3 месяца назад
Mój dziadek spędził 20lat w gułagu. Dużo nie opowiadał bo miał traumę, opowiadał że po kilku latach jego koledzy nie mogli już znieść pracy i chorób, wypili zupę z papierów po której już się nie obudzili. Od tamtej pory został sam bez nikogo ze swojej wsi
@robmoris 3 месяца назад
Za poprzedni film gdzie wyłączyłeś komentarze polubiłem cię 🤩 Masz poczucie humoru i dystans. Wszystkiego dobrego.
@user-mt8xv5jm7n 5 месяцев назад
Konstantin Rokossovsky - Russian marshal. He became a "Pole" on Stalin's orders.
@knvb1977 4 месяца назад
Poland doesn't need your thanks Instead, report you, German to the Bundeswehr
@ronaldostrowski4014 5 месяцев назад
Konstantin Rokossovsky was a Soviet General who was born in Warsaw to a Russian mother and a Polish. He lived for most of his life in Russia and hardly spoke Polish.
@PANCERNY87 5 месяцев назад
Fun fact. Drill and marching in formation and maintaining it while maneuvering in the field were one of the most important capabilities of the army long before Egypt was founded. Today he seems to have no interest in anything except parades, but in fact he still teaches discipline, coordination and orientation of one's position in the unit. This helps develop this reflex in situations such as: You are traveling with your friends in an armored personnel carrier. Suddenly you hear a muffled explosion and the cracking of bullets against armor. The commander shouts "Get out of the car!!! Defensive positions!" The ramp descends, you run out and take a defensive position. Normally you're pissed in your pants and lost, but thanks to the marches in the square of the companies you hated, now you're pissed in your pants, but you know perfectly well where your colleagues and commander are.
@Beczu638 5 месяцев назад
Hi Chris,will you make a video in which you try to read Polish language breaks? Many of tchem are difficult even for us,Polish people so I am curious if you read at least one well.
@wilk505camciaru6 5 месяцев назад
I'm writing like that around, becouse censorship removes com 7:15 We are helping them becouse it's a better option to "sending love" to our russian"friends" on ukr lands using ukr people than to spill the "fluids" of our sold..."volunteers" again on our lands
@dzikbyk9298 Месяц назад
Polacy są takim narodem, który rzuci wszystko dla obrony swojego kraju. Nie ma innej możliwości!!!
@ireneusz-u9i 5 месяцев назад
Konstanty Rokossowski - Polish and Soviet soldier, commander, Marshal of Poland and Marshal of the Soviet Union, two-time Hero of the Soviet Union, politician, member of the Sejm of the Polish People's Republic of the 1st term, vice-president of the Polish Council of Ministers (1952-1956), member of the Polish Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party (1950- 1956), Minister of National Defense of Poland (1949-1956), Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR (1958-1962), deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd, 5th, 6th and 7th terms. Builder of People's Poland.
@pusiacupcia6205 2 дня назад
I 100% komunista. Dobry dowódca, jak na sowieta oszczędzający żołnierzy
@joshuatreeinternational31 3 месяца назад
This is good question 240 tanks - PT-91 Twardy - polish tank
@QuiteQuiet_ 5 месяцев назад
Germany when Poland starts spending more on their army: Good job Poland! Poland when Germany starts spending more on their army: Oh shit, here we go again.
@skylash2691 5 месяцев назад
You Have right xd They try twice make own country bigger and they getting Wpi*rd*l machen twice WW I and WW II. Even blitzkrieg doesn't work
@tomaszpankowski8903 4 месяца назад
France - kimchi nonono, buy baggiette and cruasuant si vu ple ;)
@kamil1059 4 месяца назад
You said at the end that you don't believe Putin will attack NATO. In 1938, no one in Poland believed that Germany would attack Poland because it was in alliance with England and France.
@OwoJawi 4 месяца назад
Wie einer Ihrer Philosophen sagte: „Träumen Sie vom Frieden? Bereiten Sie sich auf den Krieg vor!“
@CzerwonaCzapka-HackingSecurity 5 месяцев назад
In addition to the purchases listed here. Poland also has its own production of weapons, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, ammunition, rifles, guns, drones, and armored vehicles.
@G4nd4lf 4 месяца назад
16:00 Yes, and Poland actualy does this. We produce IFV Borsuk on our own, and from K2 tanks only this 180 first patch was send from Korea, while the rest will be produced in Poland as K2PL version adjusted for poland enviroment.
@ZiobroV 4 месяца назад
Rokosowki is famous to any history buff. Born Polish, hardline Stalinist, suffered trough political terror during purges but still maintain loyal to Stailin. He was one of the top Soviet theather commanders, exceptional general, comparable only to Zukhov. After the war he was apointed high possitions in both Polish civilian as well as military brass.
@kamilpustula2454 5 месяцев назад
Gulags. Watch any of documentaries about Siberian weather conditions, and then imagine that there were build camps similar to Dachau or Treblinka.
@Regent79 5 месяцев назад
Poland’s latest attack helicopter purchase was for the Boeing AH-64 Apache, not the Leonardo which is a larger, multi-role helicopter.
@Matt-rc5hf 5 месяцев назад
marching shows discipline in the most simplest of forms if you cant march, can you shoot?
@craigelliott7286 3 месяца назад
I find it rather interesting that the commentator is not aware of recent history.
@JesusMagicPanties 5 месяцев назад
Si vis pacem, para bellum. You want peace - prepare for war.
@user-tl2iu1zy7p 27 дней назад
Polska Górą
@TK2236 4 месяца назад
13:45 that makes you work together. As funny as it sounds, such small things learn you to work as a team/brothers.
@user-gh6ct5hn7e 4 месяца назад
Niemcy, wy z tą swoją pomocą Ukrainie jesteście śmieszni
@arcaine3907 2 месяца назад
dude we were one nation for a long period of time. Ukrainians are our brothers and sisters in need. We WILL help them. We forgave them what they did since they were never independend we hope thye will be as we are
@slawomirguzik 4 месяца назад
You are right, that it is better to produce weapons yourself. Poland produces modern armored personnel carriers, howitzers, and modern drones. Hand-held anti-aircraft launchers. However, a country of this size cannot produce every type of weapon itself, and it wouldn't be profitable.
@annapietrzyk7889 5 месяцев назад
nie cieszyłabym się tak bardzo na twoim miejscu,ponieważ gdybym była Putinem poszłabym na zachód,a więc na Niemcy nie przez Polskę ,która jest duża i przygotowuje się na to ,a przez Słowację i Czechy poprzez zaskoczenie /słabo uzbrojone i ze znikomą ilością wojska/ prościutko na was,Polska nie jest celem samym w sobie ,ale zachód i zagłębie Ruhry,szybki marsz przez Czechy spowodowałby też okrążenie Polski,gdzieś to czytałam jak się jakiś ruski generał wypowiadał
@PiotrPilinko 5 месяцев назад
Rosja i szybkie marsze? Nie przy ich logistyce: pokazali dwa lata temu, co się dzieje, jak armia bez wsparcia zagalopuje się za daleko (w zasadzie "pukali" do drzwi Kijowa i dostali wtedy potężne baty a odwrót był kosztowny). Jedyną współczesną armią, która może się poważyć na takie działania (dzięki perfekcyjnie działającej logistyce) to armia USA.
@adambarski7958 4 месяца назад
Też tak uważam.
@Annamilgreen 5 месяцев назад
On the russia-ukraine issue, i think it’s a mix of both. From my experience from Warsaw, so the biggest city, the attitude is very much „we want to help ukraine”. A lot of Poles did a lot to help ukrainian refugees, and it’s a solidarity thing as well. The russian invasion of ukraine reminds a lot of people of our own history with russia. So i would say most people just want a free Ukraine for the sake of Ukrainians. But even those who are not fans of helping ukraine are mostly on the „fck Russia” front and want to keep it as far away from us as possible, so the vast majority of people are in agreement about sending help for one reason or another.
@user-gb9dg6jn2n 4 месяца назад
If Hitler had been challenged on his re-occupation of the Saarland, and/or stopped from claiming the Czech Sudetenland, WW II may have been avoided. Instead, for the sake of 'Peace in our time', it emboldened Hitler to further aggression. Had Putin Putin been stopped from annexing the Crimea, would we be where we are today? And Russian officials claiming Poland will be next must surely be taken seriously, and Poland has. Learning to march is the first step in teaching military discipline, acting as a unit, a team instead of a chaotic gaggle.
@MK7357-mk 5 месяцев назад
5:33 and that's them smiling for a photo... :)
@maciekszymanski8340 5 месяцев назад
Si vis pacem, para bellum - Want a peace, be prepared for war.
@RadosawBatrukiewicz 5 месяцев назад
Poland makes a lot of weapons on their own: BMP Borsuk, Anti air missles , actually tanks and other equipement from Korea will be modified in Poland as part of offset deal. We are producing radars , electronic equipement, drones and a lot of stuff in PGZ - Polsa Grupa Zbrojeniowa. You can investigate on that topic if You are interested.
@indianajonedv3910 4 месяца назад
In regards to allies, we trully never had any true ones. We can only rely on ourselves really
@martini1179 21 день назад
Poland is helping Russia because we like the Ukrainian people, and hate, not fear, Russia. But there's also a large element of "the enemy of the enemy is my friend."
@zubi9995 5 месяцев назад
16:04 all small arms apart from some launchers that we use are made in Poland, we make IFV's, drones, training aircrafts, artillery, transport vehicles etc. The only thing we are not making now are tanks and fighting aircrafts/helicopters. Our military industry is not big enough to produce all of the stuff that we need so we bought some from other countries
@Maggia1981 29 дней назад
The marching is about discipline!
@gcugcugcu 4 месяца назад
Nocny Kochanek Tribjut❤😂 And stay calm😅
@gungan5822 4 месяца назад
Marching is for unit cohesion and discipline. Obviously.
@nataliazachariasz9427 5 месяцев назад
Helo Chris how are you ❤❤❤❤ i love your video's ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@szymon1370 5 месяцев назад
It's propagenda. Poland will be prepared in 2035.
@bork.2973 5 месяцев назад
As a Pole, I'm proud that my country supports the defence of our eastern neighbours and that it faced the challenge of accepting such numbers of refugees within our borders, however I can see why so many of us are becoming less welcoming towards Ukrainians. About a month ago, I saw an Instagram post presenting the process of dicarding spoiled corn imported from Ukraine to Poland on a massive scale without concent of our government. There appeared individuals naming it a crime and an attack against their national good. It's a bit ungreatful of them to say the least in my opinion.
@Wokerr 5 месяцев назад
Ukraińcy pomimo wielkiej pomocy Polski i zwykłych Polaków dalej walczą żeby nie Polska pomoc Ukrainy by poprostu już nie było to są fakty. Najgorsze jest to że w większości przypadków są niewdzięczni tylko daj i daj nic od siebie nawet przepraszamy za Wołyń 1943- 1945 gdzie zostało w bestialski sposób zamordowanych ponad 100tys. Polaków w większości przypadków kobiety dzieci i starców 😢 z rąk UPA i miejscowej ludności ukraińskiej. To są fakty to boli i to bardzo pomimo tego im pomagamy i najwyższy czas żeby wkońcu coś od siebie dali nawet zwykły gest przepraszamy za Wołyń 😢😢
@Wokerr 5 месяцев назад
Większośći są niewdzięczni to prawda tylko daj i daj ani słowa o Wołyniu i przepraszamy 😅
@loganitor2696 5 месяцев назад
The nation is fortunate whose thoughts during peace time revolve around war
@Ulfhednar90 5 месяцев назад
Many countries sell equipment to Ukraine. Poland gifted 1/4 of all army equipment we had, we also sell more on top of that
@TheRezro 5 месяцев назад
It is worth to mention that in Iraq, US called impossible to capture Iraqis oil rig without damaging it. Poles agree to try it anyway and they did it without a shot. They basically go full Solid Snake Commando Style. US Seals consider GROM as one of few forces equal to them and one they can work without any issue.
@mrrrglllrrr 5 месяцев назад
13:56 But helps you go into battlefield with an order, not in a mess.
@user-vv5se7yc5i 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Chris, many facts from this video are new to me. ❤❤
@mickpeterson3722 5 месяцев назад
As a Pole; extremely well trained?? Please, Poland is rushing training and doing it so badly that at least 5 recruits died before war even started! Why is the training so poor and rushed? Because we are extremely well trained I bet. We should be talking about peace not war
@dusk8031 3 месяца назад
Peace is good, but we have a large "mad bear" on north-east... And he already atacked my country, and what if i personaly fall, whos next?
@pusiacupcia6205 2 дня назад
Z kim mówić? Orkami kiblokradami?
@Tha-King-Arthur 5 месяцев назад
As a Dutchman, I like to go shopping in Germany at the Kaufland in Emmerich and Kleve, and recently went to the Christmas market in Oberhausen. Germany is truly a fantastically beautiful country with very nice people. The Netherlands and Germany also work together militarily. Hopefully Germany will soon bring a large army and it will become the largest in Europe again.
@alh6255 5 месяцев назад
Yes, the Polish army is much stronger than the Ukrainian one (much better equipped and trained to use many types of modern weapons), although at the same time it has fewer soldiers. Many commanders also have solid war experience gained in Iraq or Afghanistan. Moreover, Poland has much more money and is a member of NATO. Attacking Poland would be foolish, especially since even the much less equipped Ukraine is able to face Russia, even when Russia has started to learn from its own mistakes. You are right: Poland has a much shorter border with Russia than Ukraine (even if we include the border with Belarus as an enemy border). At the same time, Ukraine is larger and has a specific shape, making it difficult for Russia to penetrate deeper into its territory.
@zck5555 5 месяцев назад
180 K2 Tanks we buy from "shelf" but rest of from 1000 tanks we want to produce here in Poland. Korea share with us their technology. US don't, even when we spend billions dollars on thier equipment.
@jarekkociok1463 5 месяцев назад
Niemcy też nie chcieli się dzielić technologią no i czas oczekiwania na czołgi ?
@ChaCha-co4gz 11 дней назад
cześć kolego się z tobą zgadzam że zamiast wydawać i dostarczać części do uzbrojenia na przykład z Korei północnej czy południowej zaproszeniem jeden chuj. tu lepiej by one były produkowane u nas bo wtedy jej nie zostaje w kraju. ale też doskonale wiem że my jako Polacy jesteśmy zdolni tak jak Chińczycy że potrafimy zrobić inżynierę wsteczną. zobaczyć jak coś było zrobione nawet to ulepszyć. przecież wiele światowych wynalazków o których się często już nie pamięta była wynaleziona przez Polaków i Polki. pierwszy przykład z brzegu nie pamiętam nazwiska ale światowy hit wynalazł Polak z drugim Polakiem kamizelkę kuloodporną. owszem udoskonalił ją amerykaniec ale wynalazek był całkowicie Polski
@Wszystkojedno-ig5nx 5 месяцев назад
I think they were given these tanks without secondary conditions. We should have more of our own production. I agree with you. Primarily we should establish a joint venture with Germany and US which owns an impressive military production base.
@piotrsarnowski4824 5 месяцев назад
Świetny materiał, pozdrawiam serdecznie 🙂🙃🙂
@cogoniema 5 месяцев назад
One more comment. Do you realize that we did not have any wars against Germany from xi century to xvii? Yes, we fought against teutonic knights but it is not the same. The west was a peaceful border.
@walterweiss7124 3 месяца назад
si vis pacem, para bellum... or how it was written on Richelieu's french guns: ultima ratio (regum)
@armys3546 4 месяца назад
Poland it,s Ok !
@yapanm 14 дней назад
my to mamy najlepszą obronę na świecie. Pies zaszczeka i polityków nie ma.
@TheKawalerzysta 5 месяцев назад
Regarding marching and drill and ceremonies. It teaches you discipline and attention to detail.
@leszekstreibel3634 5 месяцев назад
Poland will never be poor again.Great🇵🇱
@vognoth9643 5 месяцев назад
in the camps they killed people, in the gulags they made them work until they died, the same effect, other methods
@Heincze 5 месяцев назад
There is a saying, that I suspect is also true in other countries: "If you want peace, you must be ready for war." All these purchases, recruitments and training are intended for this purpose. We want peace, but we are afraid of an unpredictable neighbor, and it's always nice to poke Russians in the eye and help other countries. :) Two birds with one stone.
@TheRezro 5 месяцев назад
It should be clarified common misconception in many RU-vid channels. Poland did plam military reform from long time. It just happen it take place at exact same time when Putin attack Ukraine. Poland don't buy from shelf, those deals were already in negotiations. Fact that Germany stop sabotaging it, was just nice bonus.
@Matt-rc5hf 5 месяцев назад
Poland makes their own light vehicle weaponry light vehicles. the 8x8 you see is Poland's
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