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Give Me An Answer with Stuart & Cliffe Knechtle
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Cliffe Knechtle has a good dialogue with students at Northern Illinois University. Recorded in October 2012.
The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This was an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.



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@brianbeck2865 9 лет назад
I Love all these kids that saw zeitgeist or read some other related nonsense that attempts to state that Christianity is based on Egyptian Mythology. Zeitgeist has been debunked thoroughly and those who have done serious study of Egyptian religion and other claims of Zeitgeist know it's well, nonsense. Most religions that do have any similarity to Christianity developed after Christ walked the Earth and that is because Satan is the Father of lies and knows that the best lie starts with a scrap of truth at least and is then distorted.
@jimmybone5128 8 лет назад
+Brian Beck Man Zeitgeist messed up a LOT of people.
@holayou2241 3 года назад
It’s kind of funny, once you hear their arguments you understand they bought into that “film” They have no faith in God, but they believe some “documentary”
@BrockJamesStory 2 года назад
I watched that a long time ago thought it was eye opening, now that I’ve came to Christ it’s a horrible representation of Christianity
@dennis87885 Год назад
​@@BrockJamesStorybud, same.
@mitchwatson6787 4 месяца назад
The intellectuals who write literature supposedly exposing the bible end up given huge amounts of exposure in the media, while any refutation of said literature never gets seen.
@Jaryism 3 года назад
immediately looked up Horus and Osiris... Cliffe was 100% correct about the Ancient Egypt, this kid had no idea what he's talking about /facepalm
@rkish1969 11 лет назад
Why do they have or need college professors when these students already know everything and refuse to even consider a different point of view
@holayou2241 3 года назад
They take one class in college an then believe they contain all knowledge 🤣🤣🤣
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
Michael Banks, thank-you for not showing any malice towards me and may god bless you and fill you with springs of love. we know that god is all loving and this is what matters, as Jesus gave us a new commandment, and said; "love on another as I have loved you". a good chapter is 1corinthians chapter 13
@paulmacarthur6948 8 лет назад
Saten knows the Holy Spirit Bible from cover to cover but he will have no place in heaven. If you never say a prayer in Jesus name hell is waiting for you.
@user-cu3xn4xj3i 3 года назад
No one is born a Christian. We are born again.
@jelly7310 3 года назад
Exactly, we're born sinner's
@diybunny 9 лет назад
Cliffe has an air of authority, the little chubby dude has an air of arguing that is weak...
@MoralDecay 11 лет назад
Cliffe is so Good ! So knowledgeable
9 лет назад
And, this guy in the green shirt is not as smart as he thinks he is.
@jelly7310 3 года назад
Lol. But he studied some stuff. He studied talking points that we hear all atheists repeat time and time again.
@JoshuaHults 11 лет назад
This guy is good. I think you can stun an atheist very quickly however with 1 simple argument, why do they believe in truth ? If they admit that they do not than their whole argument falls apart, if they admit that they do, they have to admit they just assume it. With Christ we do not have to assume it, we have grounds for believing in truth.
@1godonlyone119 9 лет назад
Christianity is not Egyptian, no.
@Naisneru 11 лет назад
one of the best conversations I've heard with stubborn people
@1godonlyone119 9 лет назад
All persons think that their particular worldviews are correct -- that is not a valid objection to Theism.
@1godonlyone119 9 лет назад
"Pretty positive" is *not* positive. "Positive"is a superlative, which means that you are either positive or you are not positive -- there are no degrees.
@Jaryism 3 года назад
Some of these kids argue like children, it's unreal. The whole "if you were born somewhere else" argument is something that I'd expect a 12 year old to bring up, not an academic scholar...
@holayou2241 3 года назад
He is definitely not an academic scholar.... although he probably believes he is. Hehehe 🤪 That’s what college does to some people:... to think very highly of themselves despite the evidence to support the contrary
@ShibuGeorgeMac 5 лет назад
Thanks for this video. May God bless you abundantly, Pastor Cliffe.
@shannonsmith7201 4 года назад
I'd love to do what he's doing.🙏🌎✝️
@jelly7310 3 года назад
If green shirt dude would learn to listen his parents would get more for the money they spent on his college education.
@russellkumar1177 8 лет назад
Jesus Christ talked about the creation of the male and female and also the most important old testament characters like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon and queen of Sheba. The world was formed through Jesus Christ. see Gospel of John Chapter 1. Sin has deformed us but Jesus came to transform the body, soul, and the spirit and our twisted minds too. The character of God is Holy and righteous, just and eternal. God's will was revealed through his son Jesus Christ. see www.gotquestions.org
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
We Christians must respect each other, no matter what denomination we belong to, and we must remember that Jesus's words are eternal. To understand what I am trying to say is written from the words of the messiah. Mark 9;38 ada2step I respect you you and love you for you are my sister in Christ, because i love you I will correct you when you speak evil which comes from the world, god bless you
@1godonlyone119 9 лет назад
Any and all similarities among the various Theistic traditions lend credibility to those traditions -- they do not by any means take away from their credibility.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
I believe that Jesus, the Father and the Spirit are one but that does not make Marry the mother of God. Was marry important? Yes. Was she just a sinful, un-perfect human like we are? Yes. Did God show her mercy and grace by choosing her anyway? Yes. If Marry was so important I think her role in the Gospels would have been more. The Qur'an talks about Marry more then the Bible does, that was written more then 600 years after the fact. By then the myth of Marry had grown.
@George040270 5 лет назад
It is spelled "Mary", not "Marry". Also, if Mary is not the mother of God, then Jesus is not God. How was Mary a great sinner?
@thywillbedone3334 4 года назад
Can someone from Pakistan who is a Christian... Please stand up!!
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
We can agree on that point, God's decisions are always just and perfect. The Bible says, there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Why would you pray to anyone else but God the father in Jesus name or to Jesus himself. The Bible also says, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Can you please show me in the Bible where it says to pray to "saints" or anyone else but God?
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
Following the logic of what you just said, all Christians, alive or dead, are filled with God's Spirit, and because God loves all of us, then there would be no problem praying to any dead Christian for help.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
"Is not this the carpenters son?Is not His mother called Mary,and His brothers,James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?" In this verse, mother here refers to Mary.The carpenter is Joseph. These are literal.Yet,the Catholic theologian will stop there and say Though carpenters son refers to Joseph and mother refers to Mary brothers does not mean brothers but cousins. This is not a legitimate assertion.You cannot switch contextual meanings in the middle of a sentence unless it is obviously required.
@George040270 5 лет назад
You would have to historically prove that the opposite is true and that everybody prior to the Reformation was wrong about Mary. You would also have to say that the Reformers were also wrong about holding up Mary's virginity.
@nerdnul 11 лет назад
This is American college level students? No wonder you're plummeting as a Nation. The rest of the world is clinging to the Holy Word of God. The Christian people who are serving the globe are a light to the world. Thank God for Cliffe and his ministry. Your poor country needs him.
@1godonlyone119 10 лет назад
There is only one God. Hinduism is not a religion; it is an ethno-geographical designation: There is no scripture on the planet that ever once mentions the word "Hindu"or the word "Hinduism," not in any country, not in any language. Hindus follow many different religions. Some religions they follow are Monotheistic, some are henotheistic, some are polytheistic, some are non-Theistic, some are atheistic. The Vedas and Upanishads are not "mythology." They are historical accounts and spiritual teachings. Krishna's Avataras are more real than anyone in this video. Also, Vaishnavism has a strong tradition of accepting God's grace, coupled with proper behavior.
@zakariyarazi4256 8 лет назад
So, Christianity is also a part of Hinduism?
@thecatfelix2988 6 лет назад
Is so awesome to see and hear how ( Phil ), Kung fu the mental gymnastics of atheists and agnostics. Is just so satisfying. God bless everyone!
@rusellkumar7011 8 лет назад
If you were raised on a pig farm you don't become a pig! The world was made through Jesus Christ. see Gospel of John Chapter 1. Sin has deformed us but Jesus came to transform the body, soul, and the spirit and our twisted minds too. There are too many false gods. The Wikipedia and Holy Spirit Bible are trustworthy. All other religions are false! see www.gotquestions.org
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
if She is the mother of Jesus! then who is Jesus?? Are not Jesus and the father who is God "ONE" and another question, would you think that Mary would want to have other Children after Jesus?? or how could Joseph even contemplate laying with Mary after what has happened?? when Jesus at age twelve and his Mother and "Father" were at the temple, why did Mary and Joseph take the other children with them??? if they had other children? and if as you falsely claim they did have other children...cont
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
stop trapping yourself, Luke 1;43 Why should this great thing happen to me, that MY LORD'S MOTHER comes to visit me? and in regards to other Children you think she may of had, you are wrong, you must understand the language of Aramiac before you make such claims. an example; there is no such word as cousin in the language the only single word is brother and when referring to a direct brother then the fathers name must be mentioned like e.g - Chris son of tom
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
I want all Christians to remember what Jesus said "if the world hates you, just remember that the world hated me first. If you belong to this world, then the world would love you as it's own. But i chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; That is why the world hates you: No slave is greater than his master, if they persecuted me, then they will persecute you too; if they obey my teaching then they will obey yours too.being hated in this world means something "Catholics are hated"
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
Hi ada2step, I am very surprised with your comment about Catholics and this is against Christ's teachings, please i advise you read your bible correctly and remember that the new testament is true Christianity, remember that Mary is blessed amongst all women for no one can carry the name of mother of god but her, we do not pray to Mary but we ask Mary to pray for us. now in regards to confession, I would like you to read John 20;23. god bless all Christians for there is only one Christ
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
cont... if they had other children then they would of been younger than Jesus and tell me which parents would leave their young ones and leave on a long journey? Think about it. another is, when Joseph/ Mary and their son Jesus left Egypt where were the other Children??,, what will be your answer! oh! she could not have children until twelve years later??
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
you are so wrong, God's friends are also my friends and these friends of God are with him in heaven and because they sacrificed their lives for the sake of God, they enjoy greater rewards than others. God's decisions are always just and perfect.
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
one happy dog you are so narrow minded my friend, Muslims, jehovah's witness and others are hated because they judge others which is wrong, and you also enjoy judging others so don't force others to hate you
@MayonR 11 лет назад
Persian Mithra and Greco-Roman Mithraism isn't even related beyond the name. The parallels came from the Greco-Roman version after Jesus.
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
Cliffe, I love you brother god bless your good works
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
I'm sorry but your logic is so flawed. I'm not saying this because you are catholic but as you said in the above comment to ada2step, "I will correct you when you speak evil which comes from the world." Muslims are hated around the world, does that prove they are right? Jehovah's Witnesses are ridiculed and made fun of all the time, does that prove they are right? So is the Mormon. Rightly divide the word of truth. Hatred alone does not prove Catholicism.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
"no one can carry the name of mother of god but her" in this statement is your error. No one calls her the mother of God but Catholics. She is not the mother of God, she is the mother of Jesus. She is also the mother of other children as recorded in the Bible and not perpetually a virgin as Catholics believe.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
I'm sorry friend but she could have started having children at anytime. She could have been having kids all the way up to when Jesus died. Is that so hard to believe. She was a woman and was married. I can see that you interject a lot of things into the scriptures that is not there.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
I'm sorry brother but you are wrong if you think the gospels were written in Aramaic. Most biblical scholars believe they were written in Greek, Koine Greek to be more specific. They were translated later into other languages.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
No I try not to judge others, with God's help I don't, I do however try my best to speak the truth. So you're saying that all other religions and denominations of Christianity judge people but Catholics don't?
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
You are beginning to sound like the man who said this, and this man also referred to Jesus as being the carpenter's son! does it also mean that Jesus was really Joseph's son?? NO. My friend, my background is Aramaic Christian, from a place which was part of Israel but now is part of Lebanon, and still till today I call my cousins "brothers/sisters" however if i was to go into detail of the exact relationship I share with my cousins then i would say for e.g. The son of my Uncle, e.t.c
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
" καὶ οὐκ ἐγίνωσκεν αὐτὴν ἕως οὗ ἔτεκεν υἱόν" = "and not knew her until that she brought forth a son" Study the original text for YOURSELF and see that it is not translated anywhere as the Catholic Bible translates it, "he had not had intercourse with her when she gave birth to a son" After she had Jesus, Joseph and Mary carried on like a normal married couple and had a family.
@MikeBankz1 11 лет назад
Is asking god for something not referred to as "praying to God"? Then asking Mary to pray for you is the same as asking Mary to ask God for something, therefore asking Mary is actually praying to Mary. God tells us we have our own choice and our own tongue so there is no reason to ask Mary to ask god for something, Mary is human as well, and God loves humans equally.
@kobe88us 11 лет назад
There is a way you can show that the bible is the word of God. By allowing God to work miracles in the sight of men by your faith.
@1godonlyone119 9 лет назад
The Vedas and Upanishads are historical fact and didactic texts, not mythology. They are also not "Hindu."
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
Jesus and all his followers in the early days spoke Aramaic, as a matter of fact from 500 bc the official language of the Jewish people was Aramaic. there are original writings in the language of Aramaic and they can still be found today in many parts of the middle east. however the Greek language was one of three common languages at the time, the others were Aramaic and Latin. now the greeks were the first to put all these manuscripts together and this was done in the city of Byblos......cont
@Melanie-icywynterr1 3 года назад
Cliffs the Bible do say the scriptures are inspired by God. Slow down buddy 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” So our Bible is inspired by God facts😁🥰
@curiousgeorge555 2 года назад
The Koran says it's the word of god but is it?
@stephjh2006 11 лет назад
you missed the point of the guys comment. read it agin
@zeraphking1407 3 года назад
And you're only this because your parents.
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
Mary and the saints are filled with the holy spirit and in essence we do not consider ourselves as praying to a human but to god's spirit and we feel a connection to god's spirit through Mary and the saints. It is showing god much respect, for if I love god fully, with all my heart,soul,mind and strength, then I will also love the ones that he does and we all know how special Mary and the saints are to god. I am not trying to convert anyone, however I love the trinity and respect all of mankind
@-D-I-V-A- Год назад
The Bible says that anybody who's Born Again & filled with the Holy Spirit is a *Saint!* I had received the Holy Spirit on January 1st, 2021! So according to the Bible *I'M A SAINT!* Please don't pray to me! U should only pray towards God The Father, God The Son, & God The Holy Spirit! THAT'S IT!! *MARY IS NOT GOD!*
@KJ9999 3 года назад
This guy literally showed up with his Zeitgeist playbook and started reciting every play.
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
This is why that till today I would not refer to myself as (first name-- last name) but i would have to say e.g Jason son of Peter. This is still common practice in the middle east and other parts of the world. As a matter of fact some Indigenous cultures around the world still use the same methods.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
I believe that Jesus, the Father and the Spirit are one but that does not make Marry the mother of God. Was marry important? Yes. Was she just a sinful, un-perfect human like we are? Yes. Did God show her mercy and grace by choosing her anyway? Yes. If Marry was so important I think her role in the Gospels would have been more. The Qur'an talks about Marry more then the Bible does, that was written more then 600 years after the fact. By then the myth of Marry had grown.
@George040270 5 лет назад
What has grown is your inability to spell proper names correctly.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
The majority doesn't rule, God rules and His word is the authority. No where in the Bible does it say Mary was perfect or that she is perpetually a virgin. If it does please, I'm begging you show me the scripture. Show me the scriptures to backup anything you have said, please.
@George040270 5 лет назад
How is it that the early Church and the Reformers upheld Mary's perpetual virginity, and you cannot?
@aznprodigy17 11 лет назад
Isis? What are you talking about m'am?
@robfield-n7v 2 месяца назад
Numbers 6:24-26, Deute. 28, Joshua 1:7-8 Matthew 6:9-15 & 12:31-32, John 10:30, 11 Timothy 3:16-17,
@rkish1969 11 лет назад
MTV dude what else
@JoshuaHults 11 лет назад
Wow very well said, i always wondered if Jesus on cross in church was wrong, i always felt it was but never knew why, now i know why, thanks man for the comment.
@George040270 5 лет назад
Paul preached Christ crucified. Was that also wrong?
@stephjh2006 11 лет назад
what about him???
@jasonkaram8060 11 лет назад
the word Byblos means book, also known for the papyrus trade. the city of Byblos is in modern day Lebanon, and at the time it was a city of trade and commerce and the people of this city were multi linguistics. so what does this mean? the bible was put together in the language of greek which was translated from the language of Aramaic. research it for your self.
@wkliskey 11 лет назад
Bart Ehrman
@Echo-cy3gn Год назад
I think the one guy kind of has a point. If you practice justice, kindness, mercy and compassion and God is the source of all those things, aren't you following Christ whether you know it or not? If you don't know where the water you drink comes from, that doesn't change the location of where it comes from. I don't think he was saying you get into heaven by your own merit.
@onehappydawg 11 лет назад
In the Bible, most of the time the majority are the ones in the wrong. But God always has a remnant that holds to truth and does not bow down and worship idols made with hands, like bowing in front of a statue of Mary or Jesus hanging on a cross. Jesus is alive sitting on the right hand of the Father, not hanging on a piece of wood.
@tonyputman3398 11 месяцев назад
Unfortunately the story of Mo is not historically accurate. There is no evidence of Mo in Mecca at the time he was claimed to be there. He probably was a Sassanid.
@rkish1969 11 лет назад
@7:22 they are
@almightygi4924 3 года назад
@PropheSAY 11 лет назад
I was wondering when I'd hear a bleep. LBS. I was like "Are these REAL college students?"
@rkish1969 11 лет назад
With out bias .?? Yeah okay hes against everything and everyone
@nancygerke1648 3 года назад
I wish he would warn people about HELL 🥵🙏
@johnj1566 2 года назад
It's not always about that... it could be a narrow minded approach in certain situations. For ex. Liberal Universities, where most students love to debate/argue.
@-D-I-V-A- Год назад
They need some Ray Comfort type of preaching! I wish he'd mention how we all do change because we all receive the Holy Spirit into our Mind, Body, & Soul...
@timothychichetti347 5 лет назад
Cliffs the mang
9 лет назад
There are some things I disagree with Cliff on since I'm Lutheran, but all in all I love Cliff.
@Rostos1978 11 лет назад
The guy in the green shirt is appealing to the genetic fallacy when he is talking about the origination of the belief.
@ocolotav1 10 лет назад
If God or Jesus Christ are real wtf they need Cliffe talking crap?
@1godonlyone119 10 лет назад
Glorifying the Lord is for our benefit, not for God's benefit.
@ocolotav1 10 лет назад
***** You’re right God doesn’t need us, why harass other with the issue.
@1godonlyone119 10 лет назад
***** I don't know why you are harassing others -- you tell me! However, glorifying the Lord is for our benefit, not for God's benefit.
@ocolotav1 10 лет назад
***** Looks like you’re talking one thing and I'm talking something else, no understanding here. we'll just leave it as that.
@1godonlyone119 10 лет назад
The conclusion is that glorifying God is for our benefit, not for God's benefit.
@SudorracMechEng 11 лет назад
It is so good to be an Atheist, and get constant laughs over christians :D intellectually challenged christians... Logically, rationally challenged christians.
@George040270 5 лет назад
Anybody who claims that Mary was a great sinner who had many children must refute the early Church fathers as well as the Reformers who upheld Mary's virginity.
@jelly7310 3 года назад
So all of her children were immaculate conceptions? Or was Jesus her only child? Mary was a sinner. Jesus was the only sinless person to ever live. If Mary was sinless why didn't God just use her as the sacrifice for sin? Because no one knew her as sinless and the Bible never says she was sinless. If so, where?
@-D-I-V-A- Год назад
So Joseph married Mary, and after Jesus Christ was born, Joseph never made love ever to his Wife the whole rest of their Marriage? So Joseph & Mary both stayed Virgins? *WRONG!*
@-D-I-V-A- Год назад
Catholics are not Christians! Mormons are not Christians! Jehovah Witnesses are not Christians! *CHRISTIANS ARE CHRISTIANS!* Catholic is a FAKE Religion! Mormon is a FAKE Religion! Jehovah Witnesses is a FAKE Religion! *CHRISTIAN IS A RELATIONSHIP!*
@-D-I-V-A- Год назад
*Why don't Catholics teach alot about* JOHN 3:3 Jesus says, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be Born Again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." WHY DON'T BASICALLY ALL CATHOLICS, MORMONS, OR JEHOVAH WITNESSES RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT? WHY DON'T ANY OF OF THESE FAKE RELIGIONS GO BY EXACTLY WHAT THE BIBLE TRULY SAYS?
@patricks488 Год назад
8:50 as dummy who used to think this, i cringe so hard. My friends still think this lol
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