
Give Me an Answer - "Repent and Believe" - Jesus, Paul, James, John, Mathew, Mark, Luke, Jude 

Give Me An Answer with Stuart & Cliffe Knechtle
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Program 3222 ................... - Culture - Suffering - Creation ..............
Recorded at Texas State University - October 2021.
The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This is an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.
#Evidence #Christianity #Jesus #apologetics



28 сен 2024




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@nickcalma222 Год назад
Proverbs 28:13 "He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy." God bless you guys.
@JesusEternalLifee Год назад
Do you remember all your sins from the past 20 years to confess them?
@nickcalma222 Год назад
@@JesusEternalLifee I myself am not 20 but yes I do remember all my sins, do you?
@davidlangford9107 Год назад
@nicolas_-_-_ Год назад
​ Hello! I don't think it's possible to remember all our sins. Sometimes we sin, not because of what we have done, but because of what we haven't done. Sometimes we sin because of our thoughts. Sometimes we're maybe not sure if this or that is a sin or not...
@nickcalma222 Год назад
@@nicolas_-_-_ I would say it depends on first of all how old you are and determine the sins you do and do and not know. I’m not saying that I know every time i sinned, I’m saying I know all of the types of sin I’ve committed.
@chrisstian5729 Год назад
You can tell the guy in the flip flops and dark red shirt is just dying to say something. Thank you Cliffe and Stuart for your knowledge and diplomatic way of spreading the gospel.
@scottwood4933 8 месяцев назад
Maybe or maybe not. I think he’s on the autism spectrum and may be self-stemming or maybe he’s shaking off the previous nights party.
@kevinjackson4933 Год назад
My Christmas gift from this channel was a Cliffe power squat one second into this video.
@goblintown Год назад
Bro, the Cliffe power squat is HILARIOUSLY CLASSIC!
@ifoughtpiranha 8 месяцев назад
I pray I can have the deep understanding that Cliff and Stuart has one day.
@dtlwdw Год назад
People suffer because we have “Free Will”. When a man becomes rich because of his greed. He takes those resources that he consuming excess to become rich from one area, causing those people to be poor, starving, and suffering. If God were to Intervene , that would make God a liar, because if he intervened. And God is no liar. That would be manipulating that free will that he gave.
@dtlwdw Год назад
God limited his power to give us Free Will.
@paulwilfridhunt Год назад
You my friend would be wiser to not make those sweeping generalisations about the rich. There are many rich people who are mankind’s benefactors. John D Rockefeller and Henry Ford and Warren Buffet are certainly in this category. But because of your prejudice arising from the inferiority you recognise within yourself to be AS successful, you castigate the rich. You want to believe the worst about them. And that is foolish my friend and also very unchristian.
@dtlwdw Год назад
@@paulwilfridhunt I know, you know what I mean. According to my comment. I said, when “a man becomes rich”; meaning the ones applicable. Of course individuality was considered. Also, you do not know me personally, therefore; you don’t know what my thoughts or intentions are unless I tell you out of honesty. it’s OK to disagree. You don’t have to defile my character to do so. 👍🏾
@paulwilfridhunt Год назад
@@dtlwdw As you know, we the believers are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. But by painting the hypothetical picture you painted about the rich man being the cause of the poor, you Sir, are unwittingly invoking jealousy. It’s jealously that prevents the poor from loving the rich. In my life, I have been corrected by others. And I loved them for it, and didn’t take it as a slight or be offended or take any umbrage. However, I’ll certainly give you the benefit of the doubt, by hoping you do have a good attitude towards the rich, as you seem to suggest you have. What is a good attitude towards the rich, you might ask? When I was a boy, I’m now an old man of 75, the richest man in our town owned a cannery. And each day he would drive to work in his car. However a boyhood friend of mine, shocked me when he said there goes that little pig in his Rolls Royce. Whereas Sir, I had the opposite point of view. I admired him for the greatness of his achievements. But why did the boy call him a pig? He learned this behaviour from his parents. It was their way of handling their lack of success compared to Jim Wattie from Watties Canneries. And it was the wrong way. As believers in Christ, we must be very careful with our behaviour and example and what we say, to not discourage others but instead encourage them. That boyhood friend of mine was discouraged by his parents which resulted in him becoming a negative person. Success, sometimes great success, is possible if we have the right attitude towards the rich. God gave John D Rockefeller, a righteous man, great wealth which he wisely dispersed for the benefit of mankind. But would he have been successful if he had bitten into the apple of jealousy? I have not defiled your character Sir. No, not at all. Do not see it this way. That’s incorrect thinking. If you live in the USA you should say to a boy that maybe he’ll be President one day or have his own jet. Encourage and don’t discourage. And of course teach him to fear God and keep the commandments. Wealth is not our foundation but instead it’s to be God and always God. Have a great 2023 Sir. You deserve it. May it be fruitful and very prosperous for you. You seem like a very nice person. I wish you well Proverbs 9:8 King James Version 8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
@dtlwdw Год назад
@@paulwilfridhunt it’s more discouraging to leave people thinking God is to blame for the bad thing that happen to people in the world instead of telling them the truth because they -might get jealous… When believers preach God’s word on the streets, it invokes a lot of negative reactions, thoughts, replies, etc. That doesn’t deem the messenger wrong or evil. The listener’s responsible for their own emotions, feelings, and responses to the message, therefore; If one were to become jealous, instead of accepting because of my message clearing a falsification about God. I shall pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth. And their heart to be opened to understanding Love & God.
@amjidhuss1092 3 месяца назад
◄ Mark 13:32 ► “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Jesus was prophet sent only all knowing one God
@francescaverdi2555 7 дней назад
I can’t get enough of these guys 🤓😘🙏👍💙🫶🏼✝️
@JS-ii2oh Год назад
We suffer because God gives free will and all of is are under the generational curse from Adam and Eve's fall and then curses from our own families. Thats why we must repent and be born again to break the chains. Also, following Jesus is a choice, it's not a cult.
@paulwilfridhunt Год назад
@ClintonHester88 Год назад
This work that Cliff and Stuart are doing at these college campuses is one of my favorite things to see in the whole world.
@shaggytheshaman Год назад
That's disgusting. You sound like a sociopath. Why do you like seeing it? Doesn't it make you uncomfortable that they're okay with murder and slavery and bigotry? You think it's okay to murder young children just because they were the victim of assault? I don't understand how something like that becomes somebody's "favorite thing to see" unless they are truly consumed with hatred. Christianity is just plain unadulterated evil. How can you see it as anything but???
@Jheen305 Год назад
Another amazing video
@pluto4301 Год назад
One of the best videos posted so far Merry Christmas Cliffe and Stewart and everyone at the Give Me An Answer!
@IzzyMann Год назад
Thank you for this video
@BretThomson Год назад
You guys are great! Thank you 🙏🏼
@Ameydusa1 Год назад
So glad you brought this up - that there is zero explanation for evil or any solution to evil if you’re an atheist. If this isn’t a glaring reason to believe in God and why people have been influenced to not to …. Satan’s plan…. I don’t know what will convince people
@Generatorman59 Год назад
I think it is a reprehensible idea that two people, a talking reptile, and a piece of fruit doomed humanity. You got it wrong. It's not Satan's plan at play here. The real evil one is the God of the Bible. Does anyone actually think that God is shocked by the sheer number of people going to Hell? No, I suggest that God's plan is working out to perfection. God knew the outcome when he let the serpent in the garden, and he allowed him in anyway. Any and all consequences that resulted from this is on God, and God alone. So, don’t tell me it's our fault that we are 'sinners'. And don’t tell me that it is our fault that we live in a 'fallen' world.
@Ameydusa1 Год назад
@@Generatorman59 it’s a provocative question and point you’re making. For me it boils down to … what sin am I so wanting to defend and cling to? It seems really illogical to look at the actual teachings and intentions behind what God encourages us to do and say that he’s “evil”. It’s very parental. I think children often question the intentions of their parents even though parents (generally) have the best intentions for their children. Your view seems gnostic and intended to pervert God, to make God evil. Yeah, not Satan’s plan at all. Our biggest weakness is assuming we are more knowledgeable, more powerful and more deserving than each other and also, sometimes even more so, God. Pride is celebrated. We doom humanity with our choices, bottom line. We lack the ability to be humble. We are massively prideful. There are also 2 other “falls” in Genesis. Check out Michael Heiser for his take on that. It’s pretty interesting!
@Ameydusa1 Год назад
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf when we are young and lack life experience we are fools and gullible
@paulhaynes3688 Год назад
What happens to all the innocent children born into the wrong religion
@hablaf12 Год назад
Best Christmas gift I’ve gotten today!
@speedoggy Год назад
Christmas in the bible (Jeremiah 10:2-4) (Mark 7:9) Merry Christmas NO THANK what I say. 💚🙏
@bonnie43uk Год назад
To all my Christian friends, and non believers, here is an interesting hypothetical question for you: Lets suppose you are given the option of spending an eternity in heaven, while someone you know, is going to spend an eternity in hell... but, you have the option of preventing that person going to hell... but it will cost you your place in heaven,... instead, if you take that option, to save a soul, you're own soul, and the soul of the hellbound person, will simply disappear into the ether as if you never existed in the first place.. would you take that option?
@Generatorman59 Год назад
Yep! By the way, I don't find it appealing to being in heaven for an eternity anyway. Oh sure, it may be ok for the first million years or so. But an eternity? Nah... I'll pass, I would be begging the Big Guy to just annihilate me.
@JohnCashin Год назад
​@@Generatorman59 Yes, I agree. The whole idea sounds mad, especially considering that even if Heaven does exist, we still won't know what it will be like until, if and when we get there, and neither can we know what exactly Hell is until, if and when we end up there, not to mention, we don't know what either God or Lucifer look like or what it's like to be in their presence because we've never met either of them face to face. The Bible only provides vague, wooly, confused descriptions of Heaven, Hell, God, Lucifer etc, that are useless to us. In other words, we're being asked to make an UN-informed choice between them, which is not really a proper choice. A proper choice must neccasarily be an INFORMED one.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@JohnCashin I totally agree. And who's to say which is the evil one. Look at at the body count. Satan killed only 10 people according to the bible. And that was because God wanted to place a bet with him. So, those 10 deaths, according to the book of Job, are actually the responsibility of God. On the other hand, how can we begin to estimate the number of people God killed? Look at the flood. What about the Passover? Sodom and Gomorrah, sending poison snakes to his own people, genocide of complete nations. Whether you are a Christian or an atheist, you have to agree that if the bible were true, God certainly has killed a lot of people.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@Generatorman59 Yes indeed Jim, this concept of eternity is mind boggling, it's difficult for the human mind to grasp the sheer scope of true eternity .. I can think in terms of a thousand years maybe, a thousand years of human history covers an incredible length of time that would have seen many generations come and go. When you compare that with eternity it's off the scale ...and even something like 1 billion years, in comparison to eternity, would literally be like a single drop of water in the Pacific ocean.... bear that in mind when you think about someone who has been condemned to Hell for all of eternity, there is simply no human crime that would befit someone having to endure eternity in some form of perpetual damnation that literally had no end.. least not in my opinion. I'm sure there are lots of Christians who will tell me "No, Hell is not actual eternal damnation whereby you feel some kind of physical pain, it's simply an "absence of God", well if Hell is some kind of nothingness, that's pretty much what I expect when I die, i will be in exactly the same state I was in prior to my conception in 1957, i did not exist in any real sense as far as i can tell. .. it didn't bother me one iota My hypothetical question was aimed at those Christians ( and there are many), who *do* believe Hell is that place where the traditional concept of eternal hell fire is awaiting those who do not accept Christianity. Would they willingly take their place in Heaven, foregoing the chance to save a soul, especially if it was someone they knew.. a brother or sister, or close friend they'd spent decades with who they genuinely believed was hellbound.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@JohnCashin Exactly John, should we not be shown the exact terms and conditions of Hell, .. if it's the literal "eternal torture" version, as opposed to the "absence of God" ( whatever that means?), then I would do whatever it takes not to go there, ...but, I wouldn't be becoming a Christian because I believed in Christ, the evidence is very poor from what I've seen.. i'd become a Christian to prevent me from being tortured forever, which is surely not what God wants us to do... accept something out of fear of what will happen to me if I *dont* accept it. That's not a free will choice I'm being given.. it's very much someone standing behind me with a baseball bat threatening me to choose God "or else". Free will is being able to make my own informed decision based on what I observe, free from coercion.
@mattybabs7 Год назад
Cliff’s belt tho. Swag 👌🏻
@noexitnoproblem6037 Год назад
Not everyone is a 'sinner' because when you actually know who Jesus Christ, he purges you of all sin. And you have a mind change which then leads to a life style change. In Christ Jesus, you are a new creation furthermore old has passed away and all has become new. Should we continue in sin as grace may abound? God forbid.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
There are many reports that Jeffery Dahmer was saved and even baptized before he was murdered in prison. He's probably up there in Heaven with his victims. Must be awkward sitting around with the people you ate.
@JohnCashin Год назад
I don't want this to sound like I am trying to catch Cliffe out on some petty point or anything, I like him, and I have tremendous respect for the way he tirelessly tries to reach out to these young people in the colleges to convince them of what he is sure would be in their best interest to be convinced of but Cliffe said that for him, as a Christian, to respect nature is mandatory and for him to disrespect nature, it would be basically saying "hey, God, when you made this tree, lousy job", which all sounds good and dandy on the face of it. Yet, despite saying he needs to respect the cow and needs to respect the cockroach, he then went on to say that he would step on a cockroach, not for pleasure, as he hastened to point out, but in order to keep his home clean, and I will I agree, I do the same thing for the same reason but there is a bit of a conflict in HIS position here, which I will explain in my final paragraph. If Cliffe is sure of the existence of a God (unlike me who is unsure) who created creatures, which includes cockroaches, surely, that is showing disrespect to their creator by just stepping on them because just like with the tree example he gave, by stepping on cockroaches in order to keep his home clean, if we replace 'tree' with 'cockroach' he is basically saying "hey, God, when you made this cockroach, lousy job", can you see what I mean? 🤔
@donphonix128 Год назад
Hi John! To answer your points briefly, Human life is above animal life (Gen ) Cockroaches in my house are a health hazard Therefore I step on the cockroach. While A tree existing does me no harm But if It was my life or the trees life (e.g. firewood) Then It is not an affront to God to chop down the tree.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
I picked up on that aswell John, I can't speak for other atheists, but personally, I would not go out of my way to kill an insect, if i find a spider in the bath I will pick it up and let it go on it's merry way. As a kid, i would happily stamp on ants, but as you get older, you will hopefully learn to respect nature... ants are incredible creatures, we were brought up on amazing David Attenborough nature documentaries and it gives you a much better understanding of life and how it's all connected. 😍
@JohnCashin Год назад
@@donphonix128 Yes, I get what you're saying. Tree branches certainly are useful as firewood and other things, so that makes sense, and trees are not exactly living creatures in the real sense of the term anyway, so chopping them down is technically not killing a living creature and the act of chopping them down is not disrespect, it provides some practical use, as you said but as Cliffe himself said regarding what the message we would be giving off by disrespecting nature, to just step on a cockroach on the grounds of them being a health issue etc, that IS disrespect, that IS an expression of scorn for the creature, in other words, that is kind of saying "hey, God, when you made this thing, lousy job, it's a horrible, disgusting, vile creature that I won't have in my home". That's the message is it not?
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@JohnCashin I think I'm right in saying aswell John that if all human life were wiped out via some nuclear Armageddon, cockroaches would survive, so it could be argued they are much more adaptive to extreme change, they'd live on while mankind would not .. give them a few billion years to evolve, and who knows what type of creatures and intelligence they'd have. Human civilization would be extinct like the dinosaurs. Cockroaches 1 Homo Sapiens 0.
@JohnCashin Год назад
@@bonnie43uk That's right. I wonder if maybe in many years to come we may have to review how we treat insects in general? I mean, at the moment, we consider animals to be worthy of protection but we have no such regard for cockroaches, spiders, ants, wasps etc. At the moment, we can step on insects, swat them, spray them with insecticide, kill them anyhow we want to and nothing is thought of it by most people, and there's no legislation that even remotely protects insects, and yet, if we treated cats or dogs in that way, for whatever reason, we could find ourselves prosecuted because there are laws against treating many animals in that way. I certainly get no pleasure out of killing any insects either, just as Cliffe said, it's a matter of keeping the home clean, although I do question myself when I'm doing it. Now, if I were a theist, like Cliffe, in particular a Christian, it would be even more of a dilemma because I have to reconcile my desire to keep my home clean with the fact that I am basically declaring a creature that I believe was created by the God I believe in to be a vile and disgusting creature that deserves to be stamped on.
@destinfarr Год назад
@ClintonHester88 Год назад
To the young lady at the 12:53 mark who makes the comment that life is unfair, that bad things happen to some but not others, that some are dealt a bad hand while others get winning cards. Cliff gave an excellent response, but I wanted to add that, yes life is unfair and that isn't right, but if there is no GOD then guess what? Deal with it, it is what it is, and the people who lived and died as slaves 300 hundred years ago will never see justice. BUT if there is a GOD, as Jesus said, the least will be greatest and the greatest will be the least. If there is no GOD there can only be eternal injustice for the trillions of humans beings throughout time who lived and died oppressed and horrible lives, and never saw justice satisfied, BUT if there is a GOD He will right every wrong during the judgement, nobody is getting away with anything! A person might think they got away with enslaving their fellow man, living a rich life off their slave labor, and dying happy and wealthy still owning slaves, and if there is no GOD then that's true, BUT again, if there is a GOD there is a judgement coming, and everyone will get exactly what they ought.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
"BUT if there is a GOD He will right every wrong during the judgement, nobody is getting away with anything!" No, you are wrong. If a rapist spends half his life raping little girls and on his deathbed he TRULY and SINCERELY repents and he accepts Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, then this man will NOT be punished or held responsible in any way for his prior acts of evil.
@ClintonHester88 Год назад
@@Generatorman59 I'm not wrong, Jesus says He is coming with everyone's reward, the good and the bad, everyone will get exactly as they ought. If they ought to be forgiven, Jesus will forgive, if they ought to be put to shame, they'll be put to shame.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@ClintonHester88 My objection to your OP is when you stated that "nobody is getting away with anything". I replied with a scenario that contradicts your statement. If someone commits acts of rape and he repents, then his sins are washed away and he will not be punished. I agree that if the Bible is correct, everyone will get exactly what the OUGHT to get. But in the case I laid out, the rapist is forgiven. Therefore, he OUGHT not be punished for acts that he was forgiven for. Again, he is technically getting away with rape. So, you are indeed wrong. Do you honestly think God is going to forgive an act, and afterwords punish him for that act?
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@Generatorman59 Quite correct Jim, unless Jesus goes back on his word and punishes that rapist for his misdeeds, despite *genuinely* and *sincerely* repenting for his terrible actions. In Jesus's eyes, what would he deem as appropriate punishment for such a crime I wonder?, would it involve any kind of reduced sentence for good behaviour?, or, would he be sent to a place of eternal damnation whereby, in a million years time, he's STILL be suffering for his punishment, and in ten million years time... he'd STILL be suffering for his misdeed? .. and so it goes on. Or maybe Christianity is correct, and Jesus would *genuinely* forgive him for his terrible sin if he was truly sorry. There's quite a big disparity between the 2 possible outcomes. And do any of those little girls he raped get a say in his possible entry into Heaven? .. maybe he'll meet some of them in Heaven and get to know them again.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk You bring up an interesting point. Suppose there is a lady, we’ll call her Cindy. Cindy is a fine servant of the lord and when she died, she went to heaven. But Cindy’s son wasn’t so fortunate. He is spending eternity in hell. Is Cindy lamenting over the fate of her son? Is she sad and crying over the fact that her son is in eternal torment? Absolutely not. There is no sorrow in heaven. So, you must conclude that Cindy has been altered in some capacity from when she was alive. (Surely, if she were alive and absolutely knew her son was in hell, she would be grieving tremendously.) Since Cindy is not the same Cindy as she was when she was living, one can logically conclude that the only true afterlife is in hell. When a rapist and his victim meet up in Heaven, I'm sure those two will be ecstatic to spend eternity with each other. What a joyous relationship they will have. It is said that Jeffrey Dahmer was saved and even baptized in prison before his death. Interesting, don't you think?
@kacperas1806 Год назад
Merry Christmas Cliff. Can you show us the part with this 2 gentelmens about origin of universe and the origins of evolution
@speedoggy Год назад
Christmas in the bible (Jeremiah 10:2-4) (Mark 7:9) Merry Christmas NO THANK what I say. 💚🙏 Revelation 14:12 Obedience & Faith.
@robbinsnest6163 Год назад
10:50. I'm pretty sure someone born with Down Syndrome should not be put in the category of bad, especially alongside something as horrible as cancer. Sorry, but I'm a little sensitive to that because I have family members and friends and have worked with kids with Down Syndrome, and my sister has special needs. I don't put that into the category of "bad" like cancer and rape.
@justingary5322 Год назад
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 🎄 ⛄. AMEN brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord and God bless brother Cliffe and Stuart they're my dudes 😎. I really appreciate their Christ centered and Scripturally accurate content. This has nothing and everything to do with the video but please listen if you want to otherwise leave it alone and ignore it. Hello my name is Justin and I'm a 22 year old Christian and Apologist but I'm also a college student. I'm not a closed minded Theist as I have nothing against Atheists or unbelievers as I speak to them often to understand their reasons for unbelief but we as Christians are convinced of God's Existence due to many real factors). I'm not trying to convert anyone or convince anyone to become Christians as that's The Holy Spirit's job to help people believe but only explain why I believe in Jesus Christ. There's actually evidence of God's Existence in Christianity. First of all there's proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed in history since the writings of Tacitus, Josephus Flavius, Pliny the younger and other historical documents prove that He was living two thousand years ago that even scholars both religious and Atheists agree with historically speaking but not that He's The Divine Son of God because obviously they don't. I'm going to give you historical and archeological evidence for God's Existence as The Scriptures have prophecies that predate the events recorded in them by several millennia including Matthew, Hosea and Zechariah which prophesy accurately of the people of Israel becoming a nation again after over 1900 years of being scattered around the nations since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. spoken of by Christ in Matthew 23:29-24:3 and returning to their homeland after The Holocaust with Jerusalem as their capital in 1948 exactly as Jesus The Christ said. The prophets including Daniel spoke of the time where several world empires would arise and fall including the Babylonian kingdom, Medes and Persians, Roman Empire, and Saladin and the Muslims which went in consecutive order for the past few millennia. The people of Israel becoming a nation after The Holocaust in 1948 (ironically the melting point of gold as God compares Israel to gold that's tested in fire in Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 16:15) exactly how Jesus The Christ said would happen since God us everything to come in The Scriptures and not just because people were working towards as Atheists claim which are impossible for any regular man to predict. Just before anyone says Christianity is a white man's religion made to oppress blacks during slavery you obviously aren't aware that the first Christians were Jews in The Middle East and that Christianity just like any religion can be used by evil and corrupt people to oppress others but you forget that the first Abolitionists/Civil Rights activists were Christians who sought to abolish slavery, racism, segregation, injustice and prejudice throughout American history. Jesus The Christ loves you enough not to give you what we all deserve which is God's Wrath by His Own Blood. Charles Darwin didn't originally come up with The Theory of Evolution over 200 years ago as it is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks who believed in Demons that gave knowledge to philosophers. Evolution makes no sense when nothing has evolved after thousands of years of human history and supposedly the first creature came from primordial sludge several millions of years ago funny how they won't believe that God an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being created us from the Earth) which came from a supermassive expansion of matter at high temperature that inexplicably created everything in the known universe that supposedly came from nothing billions of years ago. How did the organs evolve before there were bones, skin, substance and how did any creatures see before eyes evolved? I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" and I'm not convinced of macro Evolutionary biology whereas I accept micro Evolution such as speciation and adaptation because there's no evidence of macro Evolution nor clear observable examples of it where living creatures evolve into other kinds of species plus the fact that fossils don't show evidence of evolution and genetic entropy rules out evolution. The question begs how did two genders evolve from a common ancestor with a perfectly hospitable and sustainable environment with breathable oxygen and resources to survive on inexplicably? Atheists have the burden of proof to explain how everything came to be and why our existence is possible without the Existence of God from an godless perspective just as Christians have to provide evidence of God's Existence and the validity of His Word. Evolution requires life to already exist in order to take any effect in living organisms so it doesn't account for the existence of Life and reality. Also evolution is impossible because it goes against The Law of entropy and the second Law of thermodynamics because evolution makes things better whereas nothing continues to get better but decays and turns to absolute destruction in the end. Mark Ridley an Evolutionist said "No evolutionist whether gradualist or punctuationist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of The Theory of Darwinian Evolution as opposed to special Creation". God's Existence is made perfectly known and observable in the universe as demonstrated in His Handiwork in the intelligently designed manner that Creation was made, human consciences and consciousness historical and archaeological evidence of God's Word being valid history, fulfillment of Bible Prophecies God in His Holiness and Righteousness could give us what we deserve in Hell for our since but He's merciful to give us free will to choose to accept or reject His gift of salvation by grace through faith in His Son Jesus. I don't mean this is any condescending manner but if you'd like to discuss The Scriptures with me or have me listen to your view on anything my instagram account is Savage Christian Kombatant.
@hablaf12 Год назад
Solid truth. Right on brother
@jasonnoble7302 Год назад
Justin Dodger I'm still waiting buddy boy How does the prediction of an Devine agent creator increase the likelihood of balanced speed of light and dark matter exactly? How does the God hypothesis tip the scale of explanatory virtues in favour of a Devine agent over a not Devine agent? If we proposed a verity of possible worlds why does the God hypothesis predict this universe over any other possible universe?
@justingary5322 Год назад
@@jasonnoble7302 I'm not answering such a DUMBAZZ QUESTION
@jasonnoble7302 Год назад
@@justingary5322 You claimed them Lmao
@speedoggy Год назад
Christmas in the bible (Jeremiah 10:2-4) (Mark 7:9) Merry Christmas NO THANK what I say. 💚🙏 Revelation 14:12 Obedience & Faith.
@Pax-Africana Год назад
OPEN SECRET We got conned by supremacists from either side but the primary sources tell us that Christianity=Islam and Islam=Christianity. So, rather than be talking about 2 religions, we should be talking about two Traditions as Paul himself put it: One Tradition for the Circumcised(Islam or the Authority of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15: 22-32) versus the Tradition for the Uncircumcised(the Council of Nicaea based on Paul's Gentilism or Filioism). Each one of these Traditions claiming exclusively the Pristine Apostolic Christianity. As always, remember that Messiah(Christ) is a Prophet(Messenger) like Moses... Deut. 18:15-19 Greco-Roman supremacy sucks; so does Arab-Qureish supremacy ! That said, If you want to know how the atheists' theory of "Document hypothesis" and the Protestants' "Sola Scriptura" are both the two sides of the same coin and why they are both worthless, read the article below... ------------------ ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS PAGAN Paul(Romans 9 thru 11) The Qur'an in the Qur'an(Reminder) refers to the Law of Moses. If anyone couldn't figure out that the title Qur'an on the cover of the book is a fraudulent one, then it is safe to argue that, that person doesn't understand the polemical exchanges between the pagans and the believers not even the content of the Bible for that matter. "We have given you the 7 oft-repeated verses and the glorious Qur'an..." Translation: We have given you the Fatiha and the Law of Moses as the basis for your legislations in rejection of the Roman pagan Law, the papal sacraments, and Trinity. Here is another one: "What! If this Qur'an is from God, you believe not, but a Rabbi among the Children of Israel attests to its similitude and believe while you proudly reject it..." Does this look like some words from God? What was the Jewish Rabbi doing in Mekka messing with Allah's revelation? LOL... Or was he just comparing two translations of the same Torah, one in Hebrew and the other in Arabic? The dude was a Prince-Legislator, a Founding Father, and a statesman "If you say the name(Mohammad) find the reality it names. O cross-eyed One, if you only one in two, I see two in one." Rumi PTICAL ILLUSION/FALSE REPELLENT! Jesus is Muhammad(the Praised-One), fools. A point was made but you guys missed it altogether due to your poor reading skills. But the adults and the Sufis in the room know that Muhammad is not a given or personal name but a substitute title, a euphemism for Christ(Messiah). Since Jesus is said to be that Christ(Messia), then Jesus is Muhammad. We make the difference between Islam and the Arab-Qureishits propaganda contained in the Hadiths, and the "Sira Rassul Allah," etc... That marketing gimmick was meant to capitalize on the pilgrimage to Mekka and not as historical facts. Kaabahism therefore is not Islam! For the "stone that the Mekkan builders rejected and exiled had become the cornerstone..." and it is our Lord doing. We also know that when someone promulgates a Constitution like the Constitution of Medina, receives embassies, passes legislations, proclaims a tax Codes, raises armies, signs treaties, etc... with some neighborhood nations, etc..., that person is in a role of a Founding Father like George Washington, Emperor Constantine, Cyrus the Great, Caesar Augustus or Alexander the Great, etc... We don't take the word "Prophet" in the literal sense. So, If you have ever wondered why a substitute title was needed for Jesus and a name shifting scheme for the Arabian Founding Father, here you have it: "Your people don't want to hear about Jesus. And when His name is mentioned, lo! your people burst into clamor thereby..." That is why an OPTICAL ILLUSION was created: We(the Children of Israel) send you, O Abu Quasim, among your own people so that they may believe in our God and His Messiah/Muhammad/Christ/Al-Massih, help Him, praise Him(Muhammad=the Praised-One), sing for Him evening and morning...." "Remember when Jesus asked, "who will assist me in the way of God? The disciples replied: 'we shall be the helpers of God. Bear witness we are Muslims.'" Hear O Israel, Jesus is the Messiah, i.e. Christ. By the way, According to Acts 11:26 is a Christian he who believes Jesus to be the Messiah, that is to say Christ, foretold by Moses in the Torah but rejected by Israel. "I will send the Christ/Messiah, a Prophet/Messenger like you Moses, Him, they must listen...." Deut.18:15-19; Acts 3:22-25; Acts 7: 1-49 ; John 4:24-26, etc... The word CHRISTIAN was coined in Antioch of Syria and not in Athens, Rome, or Boston. In that sense, Muslims are Christians because for Islam Jesus is the Christ(Al-Massih) announced in the Law(Torah) and the Prophets, born of the Virgin Mary. You may as well check the Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-13 where Jesus "oversees" a meeting between Moses the Lawgiver and someone who would ratify the same Law for the Arabs(the descendants of Ishmael). In Genesis, Abraham was promised many Princes for Ishmael. So the Muslims are Christians certainly not of Paul's Tradition, yet still Christians but the Americans are not... Every American should know, then, that If Jesus is Lord, it stands to reason that Nature's god is NOT. Yet, Nature's god in the Jefferson Bible and in the so-called 'Declaration Of Independence" claims just that... And this is the official position of the American government because Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States and is the one who penned the so-called "declaration of independence" which became the Law of the land in the Constitution. Nature's god in the Jefferson Bible inspired the "Bill Of rights" and specially the First Amendment which states that every religion under nature is as valid as the next; this is why polytheism and Idol worship enjoy special protection under Natural Law which pushed out Canonical Law or Sharia Law. Nature's god states that Jesus did not resurrect because there is no such thing as resurrection of the dead; men die and worms take care of their bodies and that, most surely, wild dogs took care of Jesus' body. Nature's god claims that there is no supernatural, no miracles, no virginal birth, no revealed Law since Laws are a construct of societies and each society makes its own laws in accordance with its need. That the Ten Commandments were not revealed and are no better than the Law of Hammurabi. For Thomas Jefferson, the Apostle of Nature's god, Nature's god instituted government on earth to distribute rights without responsibility: right to liberty from morality, right to pursue happiness, happiness for all(We wonder how government will enforce happiness which is not a tangible good), and right to life... Paul, Jesus-Christ's Apostle to the "Pax Romana," on other hand instructed us that Government was instituted on earth by God to keep order, render Justice for the equality of the Children of God in view of the Last Judgment. Nature's god insists that Life stops here and that there is NO immortality: "Let's eat and drink for tomorrow we die, and nothing awaits us after death. Don't be missing out..." Jesus said man was born corrupted and can purify himself with the means God put at his disposal. Nature's god however holds that man was born perfect but got corrupted by government. We wonder If all the jails built across their lands are only for members of government. Nature's god is truly Satan who set out to contradict the True God on every single line! So If you are an American you should worry about the subversive nature of the American founding documents, America's Nature's god, and the fate of your impious founding fathers who worked hard to mislead mankind away from the Gospel. Enough of that circular reasoning. Please worry not about Islam; it has been around for more than 1000 years. I am just wondering If America would be around that long...!!! Worry about the disastrous fate of America, that house built in the sand...!!! Through Mary, God...!!! More in: 1/The Making Of The Arabian Messiah(Christ), Sole Ruler Of Mankind Like Augustus Caeasar. 2/Christianity: Circumcised(Islam) Versus Filioism(Uncircumcised)...!! 3/Son of God: Paul versus John vs. Nicaea...
@Lili-Benovent Год назад
This obsession and craving for death that most Christians yearn for is a type of mental illness that progressively gets worse as they age, they really desire to go to a fantasy land in the sky where they will spend eternity being good and nice to each other, never a cross word and everybody agrees with each other on every subject. The main subject is how good God is, well after a little while even God would become infuriated with these grovelers he created, you can imagine God saying " The next person who tells me what a wonderful God I am will witness me vomiting all over them" There will need to be a lot of lunatic asylums in Heaven for the chosen ones who go stark raving mad from either boredom or continually acting like goody two shoes which contradicts human nature, People will commit crimes against God just to get out of the dull gray boring routine that they must observe in Heaven forever. Well Christians, this Earth is my paradise and I am going to enjoy it whilst I am here, a paradise to come is just that, an empty promise that will never be fulfilled, Keep praying to an empty sky.
@lokieleven2694 Год назад
You completely misunderstand what heaven is, who god is and what human nature is. Heaven is living with god, doing works ect, Jesus showed love, compassion to each person who praised him, never once claiming he hated it, only that he loved them. Humans were not meant to be corrupt, we have sin, but that sin is not taken with us into heaven, if you take time to read scripture before you argue against it you would know this. Lastly you can enjoy whatever you want, wether it be the current world full of death, hate, racism, war, greed ect, but the evidence for me is Jesus was the real deal, and if he was god I have a better world to look forward to for eternity, unlike this one.
@Lili-Benovent Год назад
@@lokieleven2694 The love of Jesus will wear a little thin when you have to endure an eternity of living in that Dire, Drab, Dreary, Dismal, Disappointing and Depressing place called Heaven, be careful of what you wish for, Heaven will be worse than Hell. After you have settled into your new mansion in Heaven there are a few things to consider, first there is no sin and no temptation, there can be no sex because sex leads to temptation and sin, Earthly desires will not exist, no sex = no new children, the joys and dramas of children for young couples will be lost, everything will be pure, that means all books, TV, movies, plays etc. will have no crime, no sex, no sin, nothing irreligious at all. Entertainment cannot exist without these elements, imagine the Daily News, "Nothing happened at all today, everybody was happy, we all prayed, tune in tomorrow for more of the same" Of course there will be bible reading classes but after 100 years of these it would drive a person to drink, DRINK? sorry no alcohol in Heaven because booze leads to sin, fighting etc. There are no politics in Heaven, politics leads to dissension and unhappiness, Jesus makes all the decisions and you cannot disagree or question any of his decisions, Everybody in Heaven is deliriously happy and they all get along with each other, what seems perfectly right to one person cannot be an affront to another otherwise there would be disagreement, disagreement leads to violence. Any arguments would be adjudicated by Jesus and the person at fault, unless he/she admitted their error, and begged forgiveness, would be banished to Hell. No sport in Heaven, sport is always full of controversy and conflict so no sport allowed, even a friendly non gambling game of poker could lead to problems. All those happy people in Heaven will continue to be happy for eternity, forever, perpetuity without any of the sinful activities that tempted them when they lived in the world. THINGS THAT WILL NOT EXIST IN HEAVEN - Sin and temptation, sex, new children, books, TV, movies, plays, alcohol, any stimulants, politics, disagreements, sport, pets. Of course there is always gardening, that is harmless but after 500 years or so this activity would become a little wearing, Tending the sheep? sorry no animals in Heaven, people only keep animals for food, warmth and companionship, everything in Heaven is provided by God, food, clothes etc. and if you were permitted to keep companion animals sooner or later these would bring you into conflict with neighbors and this won`t be tolerated in Heaven. No fights, no wars and everybody is happy sitting down, weaving their baskets and singing hymns for eternity, what a wonderful future Christians look forward to and I am really sorry that I`m headed for Hell, WAIT UP ! ! Hell seems a far better option than Heaven, at least there would be some action and humor down there and I don’t believe Satan is such a bad guy. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT YOURSELVES INTO ? ? ?
@jesusdeity2010 Год назад
Repent, Repent, Repent.... sigh. Repent was translated from the Greek Metanoia. Meaning: "An awakening of the mind to that what is true...". One of the reasons people misrepresent God / are confused about God are the horrible translation errors in our bibles made by clerks of "a certain denomination". They had no clue about God's intend, so made it fit their conviction. Luckely the original line is clearly visible. 1: God created us after His own image and likeness. Gen 1:27. 2: Man fell. That is what you see in this world: lust, greed, selfishness, strange philosophies, sicknesses, corruption, terrorism, death, etc, etc. Genesis 3. 3: God, the spirit of life, manifests fully in Christ, pays the debt for mankinds fall so we can be indwelled again by His Spirit and be transformed back to origin. John 14-17. Pure grace, love, power of God for His creation. Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons His first friends, i and many others experience up to this day! Some examples of these idiotic translation errors. Saved, from the Greek "Sozo" actually means: made complete, brought back to origin. Eternal life from the Greek "Zoë" means: life of God, divine life. "You will see Jesus coming on the clouds" actually reads: "You will perceive Jesus from a heavenly perspective"... who He is, what He did, who you are IN Him. "Everyone not found in the book of life will be thrown in the lake of fire" actually reads: "Everything not found in the book of life....". Every lie we believed about God and ourselves will vanish through Jesus's truth. Wrath from the Greek "Orge" means PASSION. So there is no wrath of God upon mankind. God IS love! Wrath from the Greek "Thumos" also means PASSION. There goes the "bowls of wrath" poured out by God over humanity... it's "bowls of boisterous PASSION through Christ" that are poured outt!!! Etc, etc, etc, look it up in the Kittel Theological Dictionary or in any Greek/Hebrew Strong's app. It's there. So now we have ignorant preachers parotting the lie that we have to be saved from God's wrath by Jesus (who is God....) and "have to repent or go to hell". Utter nonsense. In stead it is: God restores us through Christ by His own atoning blood sacrifice and indwelling Holy Spirit, from mankind's fall, to His own image and likeness (Christlikeness) because of... passion. For God so loved the world.... God cannot be tempted to do evil.... There is no turning or shifting with Him.... If you don't love you don't know God, for God is love.... The goal of all instruction is... love The Father Himself loves you.... Jesus healing all..... love Jesus raising the dead..... love Jesus casting out demons.... love Jesus controlling nature..... love If wrath would be in God, it would be the tenth fruit of the Spirit.... and it is not! So... we're made for God's image and likeness Gen 1:27. Man and woman He made them. That got lost in mankinds fall. Hence all confusion, sicknesses, allien doctrines, egoism, etc, etc. Gen 3. Now God stooped down in Christ to, by His perfect sacrifice and Holy Spirit, transforms them back to.... Gen 1:27. John 14-17. God already came full circle. Yay! For us to embrace His Spirit and be changed back to original created value, by His Spirit.
@ericscaillet2232 Год назад
A man is more valuable than a roach from a man's point of view ,not from the roach point of view -man ,what a lot of croc....and now the Bible is green? ,What lies.
@oofoof12814 Год назад
You can see me in the background of this video; I’m the tall guy with the long-sleeved green shirt and the Giants cap. It was great seeing y’all talk, and I hope y’all return to Texas State soon!
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
Love you guys!
@JesusEternalLifee Год назад
Every new day is a blessing to repent , believe and worship
@dperkins01 Год назад
This is a lot of disoriented talking and no real debating. Simple assertions with no tangible evidence. Black people were under that judge for 400yrs so whats your point cliffe?
@DS-ld8ns Год назад
When and where what and why? how and so? which seeds were sown? who grew what? Do EYE see, the truth? if every I is an EYE. Then what can be seen from the being that be? I see my faults, and I see my dreams, I see my intent, I see when my will is bent, which way is straight? can I thread a needle blind? is my life the line? and is sow, or sew, Which lines do I row? Till to soil, or the harvest is spoiled,
@edwinrivera5377 Год назад
God bless you Cliff and Stewart I can see the fruit of love in both of you Especially when people ask the same questions and you answer them with the same enthusiasm/hope that they will understand
@JesusisGodandKingofkimgs Год назад
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
@edwinrivera5377 Год назад
My Boldness is in Christ The LORD our Righteousness Happy new year Brother
@kspades2530 Год назад
That road analogy was good. Glory be to God!
@ChicagoLights Год назад
Bros response at the end to getting caught in his illogical conclusions was “I could ask you the same thing” cause he couldn’t provide and answer to his “evolution is an origin” 😂 good job cliffe and Stewart love these videos 🙏🏻
@Generatorman59 Год назад
Do you honestly think theists offer a better explanation for the origin of the universe? Theists basically imply that it is absurd to think something can come from nothing. However, they believe something can magically appear out of nothing simply by being commanded to do so. But somehow this seems perfectly reasonable to them. If you are a theist, then you believe in magic. If you believe in magic, then magic explains everything. How did this planet form before there were any stars in the entire universe? Magic. How did the earth populate with vegetation before our sun existed? Magic. How did humans originate from the dust of the ground? Magic. How did Balaam have a 2-way conversation with his donkey? Magic. How did a man survive 3 days inside the belly of a big fish? Magic. How will the stars of the sky fall to the earth? Magic. Fortunately for theists, the faithful never have to apply skepticism to their God. Theists are blinded by their indoctrination.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
Evolution is not an origin, it's never claimed to be an origin, it's the process that explains how living organisms adapt to their environment. 🙂
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk Correct! It is the best explanation for the diversity of life on this planet. It is also one of the most studied and accepted theories in history.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@Generatorman59 Darn right Jim, hope you had a good day yesterday... did u manage to get around to watching that "in context" video I linked to you?
@ChicagoLights Год назад
@@bonnie43uk clearly you didn’t watch the video. I was referencing the kid at the end who claimed evolution TO BE an origin. But again, so much for an atheist to do his own research or look for context before speaking 😂👏🏻
@michaelgallick4617 Год назад
"To the Knechtle family". "Merry Christmas", and a hopeful "New Year"! Keep the messages flowing in our hearts! With 🙏's and 💖!
@speedoggy Год назад
Christmas in the bible (Jeremiah 10:2-4) (Mark 7:9) Merry Christmas NO THANK what I say. 💚🙏 Revelation 14:12 Obedience & Faith.
@michaelgallick4617 Год назад
@@speedoggy Ya, I know duh! "Just a tradition! "Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ", and try and save as many as we can! "With 🙏's and 💖.
@speedoggy Год назад
@@michaelgallick4617 (Revelation 20:12) Revelation 14:12 Both Ministries Obedience & Faith.💜🙏 Seek The Whole True not half only.
@michaelgallick4617 Год назад
​@@speedoggy"I think you would argue over two types of grapes"! "There still grapes no matter how you look at them"! Take your arguments somewhere else". I appreciate who and why I listen to them! 🙏's.
@speedoggy Год назад
@@michaelgallick4617 So there is no reasoning with you by the word? There is No exchanging verses to go over with eachother & meditate on His word? (Revelation 14:12) Both Ministries Obedience & Faith. (Hebrew 8:10) is qouting Jeremiah 31:33) What is the will of The Father? Psalms 40:8). What is TRUTH? (Psalms 119:142,151,160) Hebrew # 4886 Mashiach Greek # 3323 Massias English Messiah so who added cristos/christ? No need to replace it.
@NewCreationInChrist896 Год назад
Don't let the world tell you who you are let the Creator God tell you who you are. Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
@Aurora3831 Год назад
Choose this day whom you will serve Josh 24:15 Seek ye the Lord while He May be found, Call ye upon Him while He is near. ✝️🕊 I Choose Jesus
@AsonofthemostHigh Год назад
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29) REPENT!
I’m starting to not hate listening to Stewart so much but the main thing that makes me stop watching is that he just talks over people and just keeps talking. He’ll ask 2 or 3 questions and then just keep talking. It’s just not productive or polite, frankly. The books of proverbs says that even a fool is wise if he doesn’t speak.
@marywisniewski9883 Год назад
Oct 2021 video
@Tim72-m5c Год назад
It’s funny how the kid with shorts on wearing a winter hat trying to argue creation verse creator
@SHADOWSCOOp2829 3 месяца назад
God bless you🙏🏼
@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Год назад
Merry Christmas to all that accept Jesus!
@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Год назад
@oursavior3358 and you Jacob. And you.
@shaggytheshaman Год назад
I hope everybody who accepts Jesus has a terrible Christmas. That's what they deserve for thinking slavery is okay and that it's okay to murder children for being rape victims. Despicable maladjusted psychopaths, the whole lot of you.
@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Год назад
@@shaggytheshaman well binky, your sad little hope that all Christians have a terrible Christmas didn't materialize. It is refreshing to get an obvious reminder of the abject stupidity of atheism so... thanks for that.
@billyholly Год назад
@Our Savior Praying now for peace for you all at this trying time...
@billyholly Год назад
@Our Savior My mom and I were in your exact same place as my dad slipped away. It's been more than 40 years but the memory is still very present in me. Still praying...
@justingary5322 Год назад
I hate these click bait titles they're SOOOO misleading. God bless this ministry 🙏❤️👊 MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE ❤️⛄🎄. This has nothing and everything to do with the video but please listen if you want to otherwise leave it alone and ignore it. Hello my name is Justin and I'm a fellow Christian and Apologist but I'm also a college student. I'm not a closed minded Theist as I have nothing against Atheists or unbelievers as I speak to them often to understand their reasons for unbelief but we as Christians are convinced of God's Existence due to many real factors). I'm not trying to convert anyone or convince anyone to become Christians as that's The Holy Spirit's job to help people believe but only explain why I believe in Jesus Christ. There's actually evidence of God's Existence in Christianity. First of all there's proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed in history since the writings of Tacitus, Josephus Flavius, Pliny the younger and other historical documents prove that He was living two thousand years ago that even scholars both religious and Atheists agree with historically speaking but not that He's The Divine Son of God because obviously they don't. I'm going to give you historical and archeological evidence for God's Existence as The Scriptures have prophecies that predate the events recorded in them by several millennia including Matthew, Hosea and Zechariah which prophesy accurately of the people of Israel becoming a nation again after over 1900 years of being scattered around the nations since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. spoken of by Christ in Matthew 23:29-24:3 and returning to their homeland after The Holocaust with Jerusalem as their capital in 1948 exactly as Jesus The Christ said. The prophets including Daniel spoke of the time where several world empires would arise and fall including the Babylonian kingdom, Medes and Persians, Roman Empire, and Saladin and the Muslims which went in consecutive order for the past few millennia. The people of Israel becoming a nation after The Holocaust in 1948 (ironically the melting point of gold as God compares Israel to gold that's tested in fire in Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 16:15) exactly how Jesus The Christ said would happen since God us everything to come in The Scriptures and not just because people were working towards as Atheists claim which are impossible for any regular man to predict. Just before anyone says Christianity is a white man's religion made to oppress blacks during slavery you obviously aren't aware that the first Christians were Jews in The Middle East and that Christianity just like any religion can be used by evil and corrupt people to oppress others but you forget that the first Abolitionists/Civil Rights activists were Christians who sought to abolish slavery, racism, segregation, injustice and prejudice throughout American history. Jesus The Christ loves you enough not to give you what we all deserve which is God's Wrath by His Own Blood. Charles Darwin didn't originally come up with The Theory of Evolution over 200 years ago as it is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks who believed in Demons that gave knowledge to philosophers. Evolution makes no sense when nothing has evolved after thousands of years of human history and supposedly the first creature came from primordial sludge several millions of years ago funny how they won't believe that God an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being created us from the Earth) which came from a supermassive expansion of matter at high temperature that inexplicably created everything in the known universe that supposedly came from nothing billions of years ago. How did the organs evolve before there were bones, skin, substance and how did any creatures see before eyes evolved? I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" and I'm not convinced of but not macro or micro Evolution because there's no evidence of it nor clear observable examples of it where living creatures evolve into other kinds of species plus the fact that fossils don't show evidence of evolution and genetic entropy rules out evolution. The question begs how did two genders evolve from a common ancestor with a perfectly hospitable and sustainable environment with breathable oxygen and resources to survive on inexplicably? Atheists have the burden of proof to explain how everything came to be and why our existence is possible without the Existence of God from an godless perspective just as Christians have to provide evidence of God's Existence and the validity of His Word. Evolution requires life to already exist in order to take any effect in living organisms so it doesn't account for the existence of Life and reality. Also evolution is impossible because it goes against The Law of entropy and the second Law of thermodynamics because evolution makes things better whereas nothing continues to get better but decays and turns to absolute destruction in the end. Mark Ridley an Evolutionist said "No evolutionist whether gradualist or punctuationist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of The Theory of Darwinian Evolution as opposed to special Creation". God's Existence is made perfectly known and observable in the universe as demonstrated in His Handiwork in the intelligently designed manner that Creation was made, human consciences and consciousness historical and archaeological evidence of God's Word being valid history, fulfillment of Bible Prophecies God in His Holiness and Righteousness could give us what we deserve in Hell for our since but He's merciful to give us free will to choose to accept or reject His gift of salvation by grace through faith in His Son Jesus. I don't mean this is any condescending manner but if you'd like to discuss The Scriptures with me or have me listen to your view on anything my instagram account is Savage Christian Kombatant.
@paulwilfridhunt Год назад
All the neighbours on our road, in Hastings, New Zealand, lived on 7 acre life style blocks. And all us boys had dogs and slug guns. I shot birds like there was no tomorrow but now I feed them. I suffered from attention deficit disorder and accordingly I was quite a useless person. At school I had the suffering of always being last in class. However there were 3 things I was extremely good at. Throwing stones. Shooting. And being very successful at being the naughtiest boy at school. And this won me a measure of respect. And although I was the best shot in the school shooting team, along with knocking down all the coconuts at our gala day, there was a boy down the road who could shoot and throw better than me. And I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I could never be better than him, such was his innate talent. But I accepted this. In life there will be many others who are superior to us in some way. It might be Donald Trump who is a king or the King of England Charles the 3rd. And instead of fighting this we should accept it and see it for what it is. But many unwisely will not accept it. God is, and always will be, infinitely better than us. But those who cannot bear this infinite inferiority, will not accept it. And instead they unwisely fight against it with the preposterous nonsense of atheism. In 1989, I got the concentration that had alluded me for 42 years and I lost my attention deficit disorder. This happened when I began to keep the 7th day Sabbath.
@KingMartin-Brown Год назад
Start remembering your scriptures so you can call the wrong in others and bring your Bible with you!
@reubenlyimo Год назад
A Christmas episode. How nice
@Tommytoolsqueezer 25 дней назад
Does Paul contradict Jesus? Paul says faith only.. yet Jesus says in the gospels” you have to obey my commandments or you don’t love me” so which one is it?
@cleongionetactor Год назад
By definition; the first Jew, was the gentile,(Abram, then later God renamed him Abraham). So a gentile worshipping a Jewish God is Jewish by spiritual rebirth(born again). Not is flesh, but in spirit.
@nathandm1 11 месяцев назад
I disagree strongly with you about stepping on a cockroach, doesn't matter your motives for killing it... you can use what ever justification you want just like the church has done but the fact remains you..... stepped on God's creation and ended the life of something you didn't create, your action got in the way of the will of god and his will was for that life to live and you ended it What right do we have to kill that which we didn't create so if you take matters into your own hands you're playing God. Additionally by the actions of stepping on the creature you decided you knew what was better for that animal than God did! You played God with something God created. Now i don't know if you in reality you stepped on a cockroach but your justification for it is deeply flawed
@DH-sj6kg Год назад
Why did these Christians "fail" to repent of their fornication? (II Cor 12:19). How could it be that they were saved, if they did not repent of this particular sin, if this type of repenting is a requirement of being saved?
@Sean41611 4 месяца назад
Basically he stands with the false Lordship salvation camp.
@EddieSchultz62 Год назад
Notice how he talks with his hands and tries to make the students he's talking to feel lower than him? He speaks of a god as if it's factual that one exists, with no evidence provided. Cliffe and son, give it up. Get a real job to support you and your families.
@Jsimagna 6 месяцев назад
Cliffe and Stuart were cooking the whole episode
@2Morethings Год назад
Again awesome to hear you guys speak to people who have real hard time believing in Christianity and you explain it so well awesome just awesome 👌 👏 👍
@stephenmichaels6682 Год назад
To be saved today under our apostle Paul’s ministry,you must BELIEVE/ TRUST that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins ,was buried,and rose again on the third day,and that He Shed His Blood as payment for all of your sins forever,( you personally).
@stephenmichaels6682 Год назад
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf ,it’s called Faith ,nothing more needed.I didn’t miss anything,this is how to be saved according to Rightly Divided scripture,it’s straight to the point how to be saved according to the KJV,it’s free will for everyone,a few will BELIEVE and go to heaven , most will not BELIEVE and will spend eternity in the lake of fire screaming in agony because they refused to Believe.1 Corinthians 1:18”For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto those of us who are saved it is the power of God.”
@stephenmichaels6682 Год назад
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf ,you seem full of opinions,especially the ones denying salvation by faith alone in The Gospel of Jesus Christ,now because someone does not agree with your opinion they are sinister?Ok then , good luck to you Robert.
@dejavudisciple Год назад
It's not Lion will lay with lamb Isaiah 11:6 Wolf will lay with lamb
@bokamosho_meje Год назад
I've been waiting so long for a new video from you
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
I have nothing to repent. I have made mistakes in my struggle to become human and done my best to correct them. My goal is health and well being for myself and others without the need to believe in a primitive Hebrew god or his son. A happy 75 year old atheist.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
I concur James, a happy 64 year old atheist. I do find these debates invigorating and good for the grey matter. 😊
@user-qf6gw7uk6l Год назад
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” - Matthew 3:2 ; "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." - Revelation 3:20 we ALL ought to put our pride aside and seek the Truth - Christ Jesus.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@user-qf6gw7uk6l And how do you determine what is true and what is not true my friend?, by what process?
@Josiahministries Год назад
Let's goooo! Christmas ask cliffe is the best gift
@liltwix3010 Год назад
Or a dog
@a.l.nieborg8575 Год назад
@d.w.5326 Год назад
Okay... If I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone ask the question "If God is such a good God than why is there so much evil/suffering in the world" I'd be swimming in cash right now... 😄 I mean really at this point I feel like some people just ask some of the most repetitive/common questions that they hear asked, that can be simply answered by listening and processing what the apologists are saying or dusting off there bible... if they have one and reading Genisis, I find it quite convenient that hyper cynics/unbelievers alike are quick to blame God for all the evil that's in the world, despite denying or doubting his existence to begin with, 🤔 but if you think about it... it makes sense on there end because at that point you can just eliminate human accountability all together which means all bets are off right...? But there still lies the great irony of justice, fairness, and consequence. If there is no Free will, no one can be held accountable for any "Evil/Suffering" going on in the world today, so what is "There" solution??? Since they clearly so concerned with all the "evil/suffering Goin on in the world today????... Just food for thought... P. S. This is not to be taken personally, neither is this an verbal attack on any group of people or individual, just some honest critical thinking. GOD BLESS!
@sapphirestar3978 Год назад
i think God allows sin because he wants us to have the chance and the free will to come to him and do good on our own. Not because he forced us, not because of the fear of consequences. While we may do our own thing for a while. Some of us will turn to Jesus after all that sin. you see if he was to force people to act good. it wouldnt be free will. and if he was to punish someone the moment they sin. "you sinned now go to hell" there would be way less christains. Because they wouldnt have a chance to get saved. you'd have to be saved at an early age. the bible even speaks of it when jesus speaks of the parable of the wheat and the tares. He sowed good seed and the enemy sowed tares into his field. The harvesters want to uproot the tares right there but He says to his harvesters "if you try to uproot the tares now you will uproot some of the wheat with it. let them grow together till the harvest" (Matthew 13:24-30) this is because tares look like wheat till they sprout.
@Lili-Benovent Год назад
Well aren't you a little goody two shoes?
@sapphirestar3978 Год назад
@@Lili-Benovent yup and proud of it too. Being called a good-y two shoes isnt a insult when you value goodness. No one is perfect but if i seem so good to someone that it annoys them enough to call me that. I see that as a total win.
@--sly-- Год назад
Cliff: You are a human being. student: Nope, I disagree with you.
@nikokapanen82 Год назад
That one young woman asked why is racism so prevalent in Christianity or something like that, this is just not true. Racism can be found everywhere where two races clash, like northern Arabic-looking Africans and southern black-looking Africans, you have lots of racism there, Indian-looking Indians and Chinese-looking Indians, you have lots of racism there, European-looking Russians and Southern Turkic-looking Russians, you have racism there. So this idea that there is or was more racism within Christians is not true, it smells like some CRT propaganda that they teach in their universities.
@erikk2687 Год назад
If we need to respect nature, trees and animal's, we wouldn't be cutting down trees or be eating the animal's to feed our appetites. Cliffe what kind of respect are you referring to?
@patrickw6962 Год назад
That girl has been on before right?
@user-yx1qk4sk5t Год назад
The horse stance of faith. No can defend.
@gilbertcammarn874 Год назад
Very good point on the road as an example.
@mochie678 Год назад
That road line was a bar
@AlexanderTate. Год назад
Merry Christmas!!!
@sarahknechtle5925 Год назад
@sarahknechtle5230 Год назад
another good one!
@robmc120 Год назад
Great questions by the students, even seemed patient in listening to the answers most times, but better answers by Cliffe & Stewart, more patient than i am most times, Lord willing they'll keep the answers in their minds when they're by themselves to contemplate the objective truth the triune God of the Holy Bible has revealed to us (Romans 1:18), transcendent of subjective opinion/feelings & consistent with literal reality. I pray the triune God of the supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-31/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18), historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically, enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) & transcendentally, objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Bible reveal Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13). May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God"), reader!
@bonnie43uk Год назад
Hi Rob, i was scrolling down the replies yesterday and came across your comment about the "slave bible", I can't find it now, as far as i understand it, the slave bible was published with all references to slaves gaining their freedom taken out, so that they would not have any thoughts about trying to escape their fate. Is that your understanding?
@thirteenxband9892 Год назад
Merry Christmas and God bless. ❤
@givemeananswer Год назад
Merry Christmas!
@NewCreationInChrist896 Год назад
@@givemeananswer 💝 Can you stop saying you worship a Jew. God is a spirit not a human.
@speedoggy Год назад
Christmas in the bible (Jeremiah 10:2-4) (Mark 7:9) Merry Christmas NO THANK what I say. 💚🙏 Revelation 14:12 Obedience & Faith.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
Merry Christmas everyone 🙂
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
Why are you recognizing or celebrating it? 🤔 Just being nice... or just being facetious? 😉
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@jessebryant9233 I've always enjoyed Christmas day Jesse, the giving and receiving of gifts and getting together with family is a great traditional thing all over the world. It's the time of year when Santa delivers all the presents to all the children around the globe... surely you believe in Santa Jesse 🙂
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk Why have you enjoyed it when it teaches what you claim is false? Because it is fun? Okay... But we all know that you believe in real good and evil, but that you have no rational basis for believing any such thing. I have good reasons for believing in Christ and for not believing in Santa. I'm being consistent, you are not.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@jessebryant9233 I don't believe in Santa or Christ, but I recognize that some people do, that's fine with me Jesse, I wouldn't tell a child that Santa doesn't exist, but I would certainly question a grown adult about certain aspects of Christianity. That's the whole point of this video channel is it not.. "Ask Cliffe" .."Give me an Answer" 🙂
@justingary5322 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk Nobody has to believe in Santa Claus to celebrate Christmas. Saint Nicholas was a Christian
@NewCreationInChrist896 Год назад
The evidence is the Holy Spirit when you believe accept Christ as your only Savior. John 14:26-27 🛡 🕊 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
@Generatorman59 Год назад
This Holy Spirit is completely unreliable. It tells members of different denominations completely different things. Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Methodists, Pentecost, and others receive conflicting guidance from this same Holy Spirit. Don't trust it, it's made up anyway.
@speedoggy Год назад
The evidence is obedience (Acts 5:32) (Ezekiel 36:27) (Hebrews 8:10) is repeating (Jeremiah 31:33) Both Ministries Obedience & Faith (Revelation 14:12, 22:14,12:17) HalleluYAH
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@speedoggy The evidence is obedience? So, if you are obedient to the Hindu God, Vishnu, then that is evidence of his existence, too? And why should anyone care what is written in an ancient book of fairytales?
@speedoggy Год назад
@@Generatorman59 All you know is Generators this is out of your area of expertise man.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@speedoggy So, according to you, I am incapable of understanding the answers to my question. Awesome... Thanks!
@Melanie-icywynterr1 Год назад
God allowed evil and suffering bc he wanted people to see why he going to DESTROY SATAN with HELL for causing SO MUCH PAIN disease and suffering SATAN caused on people… He love us enough to show us the truth evil 👿 satan that’s hurting us so we can turn from evil to good which is God❤
@Generatorman59 Год назад
"...bc he wanted people to see why he going to DESTROY SATAN with HELL..." This makes not sense. Why couldn't God have just destroyed Satan with Hell and be done with him? Why was it necessary to show people? "for causing SO MUCH PAIN disease and suffering SATAN caused on people…" It's not Satan who is causing all the pain, disease, and suffering. It is your God of the Bible. He is the evil one. God is the one who gives babies cancer and makes sure they never see their 5th birthday. Do you honestly think Satan is the one who is doing this? You said that God is allowing evil and suffering, but you failed to mention that he is actively causing it. That's a pretty big point to leave out, don't you think? Oops!
@jasonnoble7302 Год назад
No God permits evil He allows it bc he won’t interfere free will Bc it’s good to not interfere with free will God knew free will would create evil Evil is necessary for free will to exist So, we can conclude evil is necessarily good Welcome to Christianity Boing bop zoink beep
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@jasonnoble7302 Nice, Jason. For a second there, I almost thought you were serious. 😅
@jasonnoble7302 Год назад
@@Generatorman59 😂
@savedwretch Год назад
Probably one of your best episodes that i've seen. Regarding suffering as chastisement, amen! I am a husband and father of 2. In early in 2021 i was diagnosed with deadly stage 3 brain tumors. At this point in my life i have overcome adictions, foul language, but not my weakness....women. Sure in action i did not cheat on my wife, but every night after my family went to sleep i would watch porn. Everywhere in public i would lust after women....i was a slave to it. I grew up in charasmatic churches where OSAS preachers would tell me "oh you're fine, you believe in Christ and there is no way to fall away". I believed them instead of reading my Bible. Docs gave me max 6 months to live. With the intense headaches and facing death, i NEEDED to know the truth. Countless sleepless nights went into studying God's Word. Deep down inside i knew OSAS was a lie, but i didn't want to admit it because i loved my sin too much. Stuart made an awesome point with maintaining the road that leads to heaven. I unlearned the lies. I could understand clearly for the first time in my life, because i repented and totally turned away from practicing sin. Docs gave up on me, no surgery or treatments worked in 2021, the aggressive tumors grew 400% in a matter of a couple months. At this point i unlearned the lies and started living a life of holiness...i became born again only by studying God's Word. I became a totally different man. I love what God loves and hate what He hates. i honestly don't think a day has past where i didn't thank God for my tumors! I am living a life for Him, i have such a close connection i wouldn't give it up for anything! God has blessed me so much. Who can add a single hour to their lives? Only God can! People, repent and turn from sin! God can heal you ! Yehowah-Rapha (the God that heals). God bless.
@user-qf6gw7uk6l Год назад
beautiful testimony, praise God!
@ponaskompetencija Год назад
did you come up with this story now ? or like last night ?
@savedwretch Год назад
@@ponaskompetencija what are you talking about? I wrote that 2 weeks ago. And no, it's not made up, why on earth would i lie about my cancer. My friends, family and people that know me locally knew the sinner i was and the cancer i had. In this time i have experienced multiple miracles including an overnight healing of a malignant grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma tumors that already rooted themselves into the right part of my brain and that is why surgeons had to call the surgery off after my skull was cut and grinded open from my forehead down the middle of my head to the back of my head then round to my ear cutting my temple muscles etc. I tried just about everything after doctors gave up on me including no sugar diets, ivermectin, different leaves and plants....the tumors only grew. I wouldn't get anything out of lying to people...no benefit at all. My God healed me...the ONLY true God... Yahweh.
@ponaskompetencija Год назад
@@savedwretch so you did make this shit up
@savedwretch Год назад
@@ponaskompetencija it's not my problem you don't know facts, have a nice day 👍
@GraftedOliveBranch Год назад
All praise, honour and glory belongs to Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but will have everlasting life. ~ John 3:16
@GraftedOliveBranch Год назад
@oursavior3358 Send me an E-mail... How are things going at the moment?.
@GraftedOliveBranch Год назад
@oursavior3358 Okay. Don't worry about replying to my email. God bless you, and stay strong. I'll continue to pray for you and your family. God bless, praise Yeshua.
@GraftedOliveBranch Год назад
@oursavior3358 I told you not to worry about replying to my email, because you answered my question in your previous comment. That's why i said "don't worry about replying to the email".
@GraftedOliveBranch Год назад
@oursavior3358 I did like your poem. It was kind of sad, but still well put, if that makes sense?!?. God bless.
@GraftedOliveBranch Год назад
@oursavior3358 Great stuff, Jacob. Very profound.
@Echo-cy3gn Год назад
"If God created the universe, then who created God?" A building has an architect, a book has an author, a meal has a cook. All of these things require someone who is knowledgeable enough to get the building, book or meal right. Is it really that difficult to consider something as astronomically complex as life itself can only come about from something so much more complex, we can only begin to hope to understand it?
@dentonhahn2907 Год назад
True, that is the reason Jesus Christ came took on flesh as a baby, to reveal God to us.
@JohnCashin Год назад
Personally speaking, I wouldn't quite phrase the question in the way they did, eg 'who created God?' The question is clearly self-defeating because obviously, if there is a God, then the whole virtue of being God is being the UN-caused cause, otherwise, if the being we call 'God' was caused by something else, that would disqualify this being from the title 'God' but what I would ask is this, presuming there is a God and presuming this God has always existed, what would it be like and how would just always existing work on a practical level?? And I guess the answer to that is, as finite human beings, it's not something that we could even begin to comprehend, so basically, it would have to be yet another mystery to add to the collection of mysteries when it comes to the concept of God. You see, it's one thing to believe in God's existence, it's another to try to claim to understand every element of this being, and I don't think it's possible for anyone of us to understand, only this being himself would know the answer, if he exists. Also, with that in mind, even if I could be convinced that God exists, there would still be other questions that might have to remain unanswered too, like for example, if God knows absolutely everything and never has to learn anything, then what would his purpose be? After all, as mortal beings, we wake up in the morning never being quite sure of what to expect, good, bad or indifferent, and that gives us a sense of purpose, but imagine if we woke up and we knew EXACTLY what was going to happen before it happened guaranteed? Wouldn't that make our lives kind of pointless?🤔. Well, I don't know. Once again, I guess this is another mystery. There are more questions than answers, whichever way you look at it, whether a person believes in God or doubts it, as I do, there are still things that none of us understands and maybe we never will. I think we all need to eat some humble pie.
@dentonhahn2907 Год назад
@@JohnCashin Good morning John, or it is morning where I am. You are right, you explained it very well. There is no one who knows everything about God, but he did give us a mind and he revealed himself through Jesus, in a limited way, he wants us to learn of him just like one would in any relationship. Humble pie is good but to ignore God is rude, what if we meet and you say hi I'm John, and I say no no I don't think any John exist, or I say your not John your Pete and i began to tell you who I think you are, either way would be offensive and rude to you. Same thing is true with God.
@JohnCashin Год назад
@@dentonhahn2907 Yes, I get that in principle and in all honesty if I met an infinitely supreme and all-powerful being, I certainly wouldn't ignore them or argue with them over anything they tell me, they would have my undivided attention, believe me. If they told me they are God or whatever name they want to give themselves, then I would have to accept what they say. When it comes to trusting an ancient book that CLAIMS to be from such a being, well, then, that's a different ballgame, because I have to ask myself how I can be sure it really is from this being? But I get what you're saying, as in I get the mechanics. Whether there is a God or not, whether theist or atheist, we all have to accept that we don't have all the answers to all of the many questions that vex us. if there is an eternal creator God, we still won't understand exactly how this being brought something out of absolutely nothing or how they could just SOMEHOW have always existed without beginning or cause, that would be beyond our capacity to grasp and if there is no God we're left with not knowing at the moment exactly how everything first started or if there even was a first start at all or if something has always SOMEHOW just been, which would still blow our minds. Either way, it's all pretty mind-blowing. The existence of God would certainly be an all-in-one answer to the many questions but not necessarily an explanation, as his very existence would in itself beg some deep questions. BTW- Regarding what you mentioned about time zones, you're right, I think we live in different ones, it's the afternoon for me here at the moment, I live in the UK.
@dentonhahn2907 Год назад
@@JohnCashin totally agree with you, as a Christian there are many things about God I don't understand, take for instant why God come to want to create humans being he knew of their rebellion? And what was there before creation? But those are questions God didn't answer to us, he said in Isaiah "my ways are not your ways, nor my thoughts your thoughts, for high as the heavens are above you are my thoughts above your thoughts" so I don't think we could in our state totally understand God, but creation speaks of God, the fact that we can know anything about the universe speaks of God, our conscience speaks of God, the fact we all long for a better world points to a God, I find it hard to take serious someone who says there is no evidence of a creator or mind, to me that is as foolish as thinking a building has no architect, or a watch no maker, or a book has no author, if when I am teaching my child and I say what is the sum of 2+2 and they say "I don't know" I don't say just make up a sum, or oh that's fine it really doesn't matter, rather I try to help them grasp the answer, because I don't know, is a hard way to go through life and you will be ripped off. So when you say "claims of a book" that is not how one knows God, nature speaks of God, the bible is a historical account, like this (I am from the US) I don't know that this country exists by history, I know it exists because I am here, I see, but if I want to know why it was founded I look at history. The bible is the who, behind the what, it is not a science book, I think it was Galileo who said, the bible tells how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. I think, no I know God enjoys us using our brains to learn of him, how and what he created. The prophets psalms and gosples were not one book, but a collection of books, from different people who seen different things, the gospel writers tell of who God is revealed through Jesus Christ, just like any historical claim the say in this place and this time WE SAW, they were sceptics until they SAW the risen Christ, then they could not be shut up even under threats of death. I think before we say the bible is true we have to first ask is there a God? I argue yes the evidence is that there really is a God.
@LionOf.Christ Год назад
Jesus Christ is my God and Lord
@faithinchrist5460 Год назад
Sad to see clif is getting old, God bless you and have a long life, I pray for you
@lynnef9330 Год назад
It’s not sad. He’s closer to receiving his new spiritual body and being with God for eternity.
@justingary5322 Год назад
He's very healthy for an elderly guy he's fit and articulate
@paulwilfridhunt Год назад
Hey I’m 75 pray for me
@paulwilfridhunt Год назад
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf hahaha trust me I’m as old as the hills 😂
@lynnef9330 Год назад
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf I wasn’t the one who said he’s looking old in the first place. He can’t be much older than myself, gauging his son’s appearance, who looks the same age as my daughter. Not sure why that would be an insult for a Christian anyhow. I for one, am certainly looking forward to that day..
@larzman651 Год назад
@speedoggy Год назад
Yeshua means Salvation/deliverance in the bible yes. Now Yahshua means Yahweh's salvation/deliverance His redemption. HalleluYAH Not Hallelu-YES. 💜🙏
@larzman651 Год назад
@@speedoggy ok I did a boat load of research on Hebrew language and spelling , all came back YESHUA. I appreciate you helping out. I'm just trying to be respectful unto GOD
@speedoggy Год назад
@@larzman651 we are not disrespecting eachother in any way or YaHWeH. Pharisees/Jews removed the Name of The Father & Son a Millennium ago & this practice is still being practice today. But Left IsaiYah, JeremiYah, ZephaniYah, ZechariYah, EliYah, ObadaiYah, NehemiYah. In strongs dictonary the word Yah starts to disappears with Yeh just like that vanished. Traditions of man a Millennium ago Time to restore it back. Another example Messiach in Hebrew, Mesias in Latin, Messiah in English so who added cristos/christ Constantine/Christianity did. The following is a quote from the 2000 Ency-clopedia Britannica, Volume 11 ; page 390."During the later periods of Roman history, sun wor-ship gained in importance and ultimately led to what has been called a 'solar monotheism.' Nearly all the gods of the period were possessed of Solar qualities, and both Christ and Mithra acquired the traits of solar deities. The feast of Sol and Victus (open uncon-quered Sun) on December 25th was celebrated with great joy, and eventually this date was taken over by the Christians as Christmas, the birthday of Christ."Notice how it says "both Christ and Mithra ac-quired the traits of solar deities?" Pardon, but are there any alarm bells going off here?
@larzman651 Год назад
@@speedoggy I don't celebrate any holidays I know they come from pagan roots. I appreciate all the info you have given 👍
@speedoggy Год назад
@@larzman651 Great to hear that brother💜💪. I was pointing out the names as well there connected with Christianity/Constantine/Churchianty invented it 300 years after our Hebrew Messiah Yahshua died and rouse this man made religion has nothing to do with scripture. (Matthew 15:24) (Romans 9:4)(2 Corinthians 11:22) Every single Author in Scripture kept/followed the Law/Torah eating clean, Sabbath keeping, wore tassels, observed all biblical feast Leviticus Ch 23, & went against paganism & Idolatry. So, why don't Christians do the same?
@Disciple793 Год назад
If there is one thing Christians and Atheists can agree on, we both abhor evil and suffering. The bible teaches that God is holy, love, just and perfect. God will judge evil and there will be no more suffering in Heaven. Unfortunately, for the Atheist there is no ultimate justice because death is the end.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
Hi Psymike, I would love there to be a loving God like my dad who meted out his Justice by delivering it there and then, instant justice. God would know the exact precise punishment for each and every wrongdoing, and it would make us think twice before we did it again.
@Disciple793 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk I'm not sure if I understood your comment. Are you saying that one of the reasons you don't believe in God is, He is absent in the sense He allows evil to continue? And a just God would punish evildoers on the spot?
@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Год назад
@@Disciple793 I don't believe that bonnie43uk is an atheist.
@Disciple793 Год назад
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Oh! Ok.
@JohnCashin Год назад
Well it would be unfortunate if there is no ultimate justice due to death being the end, sure, but there are many things in life that are unfortunate, yet, nevertheless we have to face up to them. I mean, it's unfortunate that I have lost most of my hair through alopecia, it's unfortunate that I lost my mother when she was only 67, not that old, it's unfortunate that I lost my older brother when he was only 52 because he couldn't stop drinking when he was advised by doctors to give it up, it's unfortunate that my father walked out on my mother. There are so many unfortunate things my friend, yet, they remain true, now, I don't know for certain if there will be any ultimate justice or not, I hope there is but I need evidence for it. Just telling me it's a bad thing to not be convinced that there is ultimate justice isn't evidence that there must be ultimate justice, I already know it sucks, just like alopecia sucks, but me knowing that it sucks doesn't change the fact of it my friend, I've still got no hair 😃. Can you see what I'm saying?
@bonnie43uk Год назад
Cliffe asks an odd question at about 11:30 in regards what an atheists solution to evil suffering and death, well, death is part of the circle of life, it's something we will all encounter, our time on this planet is limited, I think we're all aware of that regardless of what you happen to believe, suffering and evil are also aspects of life we encounter to varying degrees, again, it's part of life, anything we can do to prevent suffering is welcome, helping one another as human beings. There is an evil man in Russia as we speak causing incredible evil and suffering in Ukraine, it would be good if he were taken out of the gene pool.
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
What do you mean by "evil"?
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@jessebryant9233 It's subjective isn't it Jesse, what people view as evil varies, I've often heard Cliffe himself say he commits evil, I would doubt that, by evil, I think Cliffe is a decent chap from what I've seen of him over the years. By evil, I mean someone who deliberately causes horrific unnecessary pain and terrible suffering upon fellow human beings, ... like what we're seeing in Ukraine right now. How do you define evil Jesse? ..maybe we have different opinions on the word and it's meaning.
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk So you mean a figment of the human imagination? Then why do you act like it is real and applies to other people and not just yourself?
@bonnie43uk Год назад
@@jessebryant9233 No, where did I say it's a figment of the imagination??, what we view as evil differs, but i think something like torture can be viewed by most people as truly evil , i cannot envisage Cliffe torturing another human being.
@justingary5322 Год назад
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 🎄 ⛄. AMEN brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord and God bless brother Cliffe and Stuart they're my dudes 😎. I really appreciate their Christ centered and Scripturally accurate content. This has nothing and everything to do with the video but please listen if you want to otherwise leave it alone and ignore it. Hello my name is Justin and I'm a 22 year old Christian and Apologist but I'm also a college student. I'm not a closed minded Theist as I have nothing against Atheists or unbelievers as I speak to them often to understand their reasons for unbelief but we as Christians are convinced of God's Existence due to many real factors). I'm not trying to convert anyone or convince anyone to become Christians as that's The Holy Spirit's job to help people believe but only explain why I believe in Jesus Christ. There's actually evidence of God's Existence in Christianity. First of all there's proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed in history since the writings of Tacitus, Josephus Flavius, Pliny the younger and other historical documents prove that He was living two thousand years ago that even scholars both religious and Atheists agree with historically speaking but not that He's The Divine Son of God because obviously they don't. I'm going to give you historical and archeological evidence for God's Existence as The Scriptures have prophecies that predate the events recorded in them by several millennia including Matthew, Hosea and Zechariah which prophesy accurately of the people of Israel becoming a nation again after over 1900 years of being scattered around the nations since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. spoken of by Christ in Matthew 23:29-24:3 and returning to their homeland after The Holocaust with Jerusalem as their capital in 1948 exactly as Jesus The Christ said. The prophets including Daniel spoke of the time where several world empires would arise and fall including the Babylonian kingdom, Medes and Persians, Roman Empire, and Saladin and the Muslims which went in consecutive order for the past few millennia. The people of Israel becoming a nation after The Holocaust in 1948 (ironically the melting point of gold as God compares Israel to gold that's tested in fire in Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 16:15) exactly how Jesus The Christ said would happen since God us everything to come in The Scriptures and not just because people were working towards as Atheists claim which are impossible for any regular man to predict. Just before anyone says Christianity is a white man's religion made to oppress blacks during slavery you obviously aren't aware that the first Christians were Jews in The Middle East and that Christianity just like any religion can be used by evil and corrupt people to oppress others but you forget that the first Abolitionists/Civil Rights activists were Christians who sought to abolish slavery, racism, segregation, injustice and prejudice throughout American history. Jesus The Christ loves you enough not to give you what we all deserve which is God's Wrath by His Own Blood. Charles Darwin didn't originally come up with The Theory of Evolution over 200 years ago as it is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks who believed in Demons that gave knowledge to philosophers. Evolution makes no sense when nothing has evolved after thousands of years of human history and supposedly the first creature came from primordial sludge several millions of years ago funny how they won't believe that God an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being created us from the Earth) which came from a supermassive expansion of matter at high temperature that inexplicably created everything in the known universe that supposedly came from nothing billions of years ago. How did the organs evolve before there were bones, skin, substance and how did any creatures see before eyes evolved? I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" and I'm not convinced of macro Evolutionary biology whereas I accept micro Evolution such as speciation and adaptation because there's no evidence of macro Evolution nor clear observable examples of it where living creatures evolve into other kinds of species plus the fact that fossils don't show evidence of evolution and genetic entropy rules out evolution. The question begs how did two genders evolve from a common ancestor with a perfectly hospitable and sustainable environment with breathable oxygen and resources to survive on inexplicably? Atheists have the burden of proof to explain how everything came to be and why our existence is possible without the Existence of God from an godless perspective just as Christians have to provide evidence of God's Existence and the validity of His Word. Evolution requires life to already exist in order to take any effect in living organisms so it doesn't account for the existence of Life and reality. Also evolution is impossible because it goes against The Law of entropy and the second Law of thermodynamics because evolution makes things better whereas nothing continues to get better but decays and turns to absolute destruction in the end. Mark Ridley an Evolutionist said "No evolutionist whether gradualist or punctuationist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of The Theory of Darwinian Evolution as opposed to special Creation". God's Existence is made perfectly known and observable in the universe as demonstrated in His Handiwork in the intelligently designed manner that Creation was made, human consciences and consciousness historical and archaeological evidence of God's Word being valid history, fulfillment of Bible Prophecies God in His Holiness and Righteousness could give us what we deserve in Hell for our since but He's merciful to give us free will to choose to accept or reject His gift of salvation by grace through faith in His Son Jesus. I don't mean this is any condescending manner but if you'd like to discuss The Scriptures with me or have me listen to your view on anything my instagram account is Savage Christian Kombatant.
@menofvirtue6238 Год назад
It's so sad so many different preachers with conflicting understanding of Christ and his teaching. How can the Holy Spirit be guiding them? These types of teaching isn't founded on Christ but on man made beliefs. Christ gave us a church to help guide and teach us.
@bonnie43uk Год назад
That's one of the main issues I have with Christianity, everyone has their own subjective opinion on it. I'm sure even you have your own personal views of what you believe to be true Sir.
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk Right. They all claim to have the one true interpretation, but they all can't be correct.
@menofvirtue6238 Год назад
@@bonnie43uk As I said in my comment Christ gave us his church to teach and to guide, but unfortunately men broke away and taught thier opinion
@menofvirtue6238 Год назад
@@Generatorman59 I agree and Christ founded only one church not many
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@menofvirtue6238 And the leaders of each church claim that their's is the one Christ founded. They all say that the other churches are not the one Christ founded. I had a Pentecostal preacher tell me that there will be no Catholics in Heaven because they are all idolaters. He said that the one true church was established on the day of Pentecost. And I had a Catholic priest tell me that Jesus ordained Peter as the first pope, establishing the one true church.
@DaCheapChimp Год назад
Great message
@kengreene5212 Год назад
@michaeljdt9235 Год назад
I’m a Christian and there’s no doubt in my mind I would save my dog before a human I don’t know. God is love and love my dog more than that person… of course me and every other human who loves their pet would do the same.
@sharonknechtle1515 Год назад
Loved it!
@shaggytheshaman Год назад
Eew, why???? Wtf is wrong with you???? Pick a better religion that doesn't revel in violence and slavery.
@5warpotentials258 Год назад
It isn’t repent and believe it’s repent be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost
@Generatorman59 Год назад
Actually, it is be indoctrinated and be obedient to what you think this God wants from you. Don't question anything, that's probably a sin.
@5warpotentials258 Год назад
@@Generatorman59 oh shut up friend and your secular ideals
@Generatorman59 Год назад
@@5warpotentials258 Nah… I like to be expressive, especially when I speak the truth.
@5warpotentials258 Год назад
@@Generatorman59 and I assume what the public educational system as well as all universities aren’t indoctrination centers into leftist ideals, gender ideology, and communist beliefs
@knotNyourHead Год назад
Little correction- there is no reference in the Bible or any translations that mention, "The lion will lay down with the lamb in Heaven". The closest scripture is Isaiah 11:6-9 which states - 6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
@davidhodge5112 Год назад
Why would anyone want to repent from something that doesn't exist, Sin is a man made concept, The Buybull It's also invented by man, Long time ago a bunch of religious and political hustlers got together to try to figure out a way to control, There is insufficient evidence to warrant belief that's the bottom line, God is imaginary.
@ToyotaNutjob Год назад
Why the hell are people still wearing masks??? Always a few sheep everywhere
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