
GIVEAWAY抽奖🎁《解析悄悄话&新公布的糖Decode Whisper&Newly-released Clips》陈情令演唱会糖Untamed Concert Candy2 魏婴&藍湛 肖戰&一博 

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🍬Sweetness overload moments that weren't filmed by official sites. Warm and happy whispers and sneaky candies! 暖心悄悄话和隐藏糖! 没有被官方录下俩的高糖时刻!最后有高糖!
🥺I didn’t include a clip where gg is coughing towards the end of the Q&A section. So this is probably another reason why his face looks less and less lively (he was even sicker the day before). 接近采访环节的后面,有个片段(我没放到这个视频里)哥哥咳嗽并摸脖子。哥哥应该觉得不舒服了(前一天生病更严重),所以脸色看着越来越不好
❤️ I was fortunate to participate in the events in China related to The Untamed. As an overseas fan, I went through so much trouble and even got sick, but when the event started, all the “hardships” disappeared. 我有幸回国观看了《陈情令》演唱会以及相关活动。对于身在海外的我,这几场活动真的耗尽千辛万苦,带着病参加了演唱会,不过当活动开始时,一切烦恼都烟消云散了
❤️I have watched nearly 200 dramas in recent years, but Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are partners with the best chemistry both inside and outside of the show. Their expressions and small actions during the concert represented what they call “genuine caring”. 近几年看了快200部电视剧,肖战王一博不管在戏里还是戏外,都是我见过最有chemistry的搭档。演唱会里的小眼神小动作描述了他俩说的“真情实感”
❤️I filmed the concert with multiple cameras and tripod. If you would like to use some clips, just let me know。我亲自用多个相机和三脚架录的。如果姐妹们想用我录的视频,请跟我说明一下就好
❤️I uploaded similar videos right after the concerts, but the videos accidentally got deleted in RU-vid backend. So now I made some edits and hope to share SWEETNESS OVERLOAD with everyone. 演唱会刚完我就上传了类似视屏但不小心在有关后端被删除了。现在做了些更改,分享高糖给大家
🥰I am beyond excited to be doing my 1st giveaway! Thank you so much for watching, always supporting my channel, and loving The Untamed and XiaoZhan and Wang Yibo
1 of the 3 The Untamed Official Merchandise set (more details about the prize is posted in my channel’s Community section)
1. Comment on my channel’s Community section which 1 of the 3 columns you want
2. Subscribe to my channel (so you can see the Community section)
3. Like this video
4. Share this video to platform that you like to use. Then, comment under this video the link to the place you shared the video to (so I can more easily contact the winner since RU-vid doesn't have message)
5. Comment under this video: (1) why you love The Untamed, or something interesting you newly discovered about The Untamed, Wang Yibo, Xiaozhan. (2) where you are from
1. 在我频道的Community区的抽奖帖子下,评论你想要3个套组里的哪1个
2. 订阅我的频道(便能看到Community区)
3. 点赞这个视频
4. 把这个视频分享到你喜欢的平台上,然后在这个视频下评论你分享视频的帖子的链接(这样我能更容易联系获奖者,因为油管没有私信功能)
5. 在这个视频的评论里分享:(1)你为什么喜欢陈情令,或者新发现的关于陈情令,王一博,肖战的有趣的事。(2)你在什么地方
🎁This giveaway will close on November 20th, 2020 at 11:59pm NYC time. 3 Winners will be chosen at random! I will reach out to the winner soon after the giveaway closes and they will have 48 hours to get back to me. I will post the winners here in my channel’s Community section
抽奖活动将在2020年11月20日 纽约时间晚上11:59结束。3个获奖者会随机被抽到!抽奖结束后很快我就会联系获奖者。获奖者有48小时来回复我。我会将最终的获奖者告知在我频道的Community区里
🎁This is open INTERNATIONALLY! You can enter from anywhere in the world :)
🥰Thanks for participating! Good luck!
This video (and all my videos) is NOT sponsored in anyway. I just want more people to discover and love The Untamed because it deserve it!
#陈情令一周年 #UntamedConcertUnreleasedClips #陈情令演唱会未公开的片段 #陈情令唇语 #UntamedLipReading #TheUntamed1stAnniversary #陈情令演唱会一周年 #UntamedConcertAnniversary
#XiaozhanWangYiboFocus #王一博肖战直拍 #肖战王一博focus
#陈情令人生只如初见 #陈情令你不知道的照片里的故事 #陈情令音乐的灵感是爱 #林海灵感是爱 #LinHaiInspirationIsLove #LinhaiUntamed #林海陈情令 #陈情令印象最深的镜头
#战哥嘱咐弟弟 #ZhangeComfortsYibo #SpeicalTreatment #双标 #知己 #soulmate
#王一博肖战雨戏 #肖老师没有装也很帅 #TeacherXiao #TeacherXiaoIsHandsomeWithoutMakeup
#陈情令南京演唱会 #TheUntamedConcertInNanjing #UntamedConcert #UntamedNanjing
#陈情令主题曲 #TheUntamedOST #肖战王一博无羁 #ワンイーボー #シャオジャン
#非夏日限定 #青山不改 #绿水长流 #后会有期 #来日方长 #无尽夏
#TheUntamedGiveaway #陈情令抽奖




3 ноя 2020




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@sushiNbear 3 года назад
💬打开字幕便能看到哥哥弟弟跟对方说了些什么悄悄话👬哥哥弟弟大部分时间都是跟对方说悄悄话,甜甜甜🍬!大多数人都认同这些唇语解析,有更新的话会在字幕里更改! 💬视频里翻译了关于哥哥弟弟互动的一些人说的话(比如姐夫和林海老师说的话令哥哥弟弟有了有趣的互动) 以及一些印象深刻的话(比如林海大粉头和娇娇演员和的话) 💬视频里也有隐藏糖分析 🥺接近采访环节的后面,有个片段(我没放进来)哥哥咳嗽摸脖子。哥哥应该又觉得不舒服了(前一天生病更严重),所以脸色看起不好 ❤️后面有高糖 💬Turn on subtitles to see what ggdd whispered to each other👬Ggdd whispers mostly to each other, so sweet🍬! Most people agree with this lip reading. If there are updates, it will be updated in the subtitle 💬On screen translations are what people said that relate to ggdd’s interactions (like what brother in law and teacher Linhai said made ggdd have interesting interactions) & things people said that made strong impression (like words of Teacher Linhai the big wangxian fan and JiaoJiao’s actor) 💬On screen also have sneaky candy analysis 🥺I didn’t include a clip where gg is coughing towards the end of the Q&A section. So this is probably also why his face doesn’t look very lively because he’s still sick (he was even more sick the day before) ❤️BIG CANDY AT THE END
@sarmstrong8912 3 года назад
No other actor could have performed the part of Weiying like Xiao Zhan. He became the visible manifestation of the written character and perfectly replicated him; his emotions, expressions, his joys, hurts, heartbreaks..love, etc. Yibo was born for the role of a Lanzhan. No other actor combination could have brought to life this story with such force, gravitas, intensity, mesmerizing, soul snatching quality other than the combination of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan alone. Both actors are deserving of all the love and respect they are being shown. I hope, one day, we will have the privilege of seeing them acting together in another drama. God bless and keep them both.😘
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Xiaozhan made XianXian come to life! Some parts deep down weiying’s soul is similar to xiaozhan’s own personality. He made the wish thats hard to come true become true in untamed: wish you walk past half life, return still a boy. Yibo’s own personality is perfect for lanzhan’s role. Lanzhan looks cold on the outside but Weiying introduced him to a world of different emotions. Only yibo was able to create the magic of lanzhan’s microexpressions. Weiying is love at first sight, and lanzhan is love him more as days pass, just like my love for xiaozhan and yibo
@ellaparkinson3726 3 года назад
Even though we’d seen all this before, it still give me a lot pleasure to watch it again and again, it doesn’t matter if its old or new, to see Yizhan happy when they are together is the best feeling ever, I wish them all the happiness in this world because they really deserve it, thank you 🙏 for coming back ❤️💚❤️💚🐰🦁🐰🦁
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Not a lot of videos translated the whispering conversions that xiaozhan and yibo were having and the official recordings didn’t have these angles either, so it seem like they didn’t interact. But in fact there are lots of sweetness! 🍬Other than official recording not giving them shots, they also didn’t want to take away spotlight of other people and didn’t want fans to scream too much when they interact. They were also both very tired and Xiaozhan felt less and less well as the time went on. He coughed when they stood up for photos and rubbed his neck (he was even sicker the day before)
@juneme1081 3 года назад
So love their sweetness, whispering and looking at each other’s card... For 🐰reminding 🦁about not drinking too much showed so much care. Any videos of these two are worth watching. Will support them always. Thank you Inspirit Creative in sharing this happiness to us.❤️💚
@wyt4862 3 года назад
@lucychang6632 3 года назад
同性恋在古代中國就有斷袖之癖! 現在只談感情不論性別!
@tatsumiyin1923 3 года назад
@kklaw1310 3 года назад
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
谢谢喜爱❤️ 哈哈我去演唱会的时候都还歪哥哥屁股!!你看我的focus都是完全对着哥哥😂 看完了两场演唱会后我才醒悟到哇弟弟这个男孩也是个宝!现在好后悔没有早点认识弟弟也很优秀😂我对哥哥一见钟情,对弟弟日久生情🥰 就像对魏无羡一见钟情,对蓝忘机日久生情
@kklaw1310 3 года назад
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
@@kklaw1310 并肩与雪山之巅🏔️~一起~走花路🌸
@kklaw1310 3 года назад
@docdeepwater3729 3 года назад
👍 所以美好的时光,终究会逝去,而它们曾经的出现会让我们现在的人生更加的丰满。 希望所有人都好好过吧!😊
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
现在也很美好~ 有些人,一旦遇到了,就算不联系不见面,也会在心里留着那个重要的位子给他!而且我们看到他们两个只有在对方面前漏出过这样的笑容和表情。不管他们是什么关系,他们肯定私底下经常来往的~ 大老师说过,有个能让你坐小朋友的人,是多难得!
@docdeepwater3729 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear 有没有那么一个人,他就算不在你的身边,但是却还活在你的心里。人潮拥挤,人群川流不息,有些人来了走了,什么都没有留下,而有些人,却注定不可磨灭。 姐妹,近日可好?最近工作比较忙,搞得灵感都跑了😂
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
@@docdeepwater3729 我也是还没想好要具体怎样发新的糖~ 最近一直在想从义城篇开始的忘羡感情,有好多细节想讨论!而且重新回味义城篇之前的细节,我又发现了一些新糖🍬而且去做了个小小的眼皮手术😂要过几天左眼才不花
@docdeepwater3729 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear 要好好保重喔!保护好你的眼睛,因为眼睛是灵魂之窗!
@tasnimuddin902 3 года назад
The untamed has probably changed my life since it came out, the whole story is amazing and I'm inspired by the actors and just everything about it in general. I absolutely love your analysis videos on each episodes and how you catch every detail perfectly. Here in the USA, these videos serve as a distraction to everything going on.
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Thank you for loving my videos and analysis 🥰 untamed is our way of destressing. It almost feel like a game! A game that you keep on discovering new interesting things
@nguimbivanessa3195 3 года назад
it's been a while, welcome back and thanks for your hard work, with yizhan, we can't get enough, everyday is everyday be it old or new candies are turtle moto
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Thank you for continuous love☺️ I’m always here~ I still have lots candies to share! I also want to do a giveaway🥰 but when I try to access youtube on my computer to edit the video, the browser says cannot access RU-vid 😢 quite a lot of people encountered this problem before, as I searched the problem up. I’m still figuring out because I tried deleting browser cache but it didn’t work. Will come back with ✨GIVEAWAY✨info soon 😘
@nguimbivanessa3195 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear take your time, and take care
@VIDAH_ 3 года назад
I really appreciate the eng subtitle on all of your videos! I'm having a marathon of watching your content, your videos are really nice, esp that I couldn't find the fan meetings with subtitle, these parts really are enjoyable to watch! You got a new sub too, well done ;)♥
@mwu707 Год назад
@hirokiakinaoko6560 3 года назад
@wangxiandestinyanuanaswara7660 3 года назад
Thank you so much
@RamenAnytime 3 года назад
To this day, new BTS just keeps popping out reminding me BJYXSZD!!! and thats exactly one of the reasons why I love this show, this fandom and these two lovebirds - I mean, the acting skills and the relationship they've develop in that short amount of time? Who wouldnt gush about it. May the world be in their favor. ❤💚 Always praying for you both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo!! from Philippines 🇵🇭
@RamenAnytime 3 года назад
Link to this shared video on twitter: twitter.com/FujoHidden/status/1323962512375648256
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
genuine feelings like what yb said! it's these little eye exchanges, the small gestures, the small details that make untamed unique
@rhey25 3 года назад
They are all such very good actors and all very lovely 😍😍😍
@marsella-1823 3 года назад
You're doing the God's work!! Thank you for this!
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Thank you 🥰 will have more candies soon! Would you guys want to see my footages of xiaozhan yibo focus of buwang, qujinchenqing, Wuji on concert day 2? Or day 1 footages where I filmed the big screen in the concert hall which is what the untamed production team filmed but didn’t release video for it?
@user-ir6xi4jh3b 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear I would love to see both at some point but first, day 1 footage :D Thank you 🥺
@marsella-1823 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear day 1 footage pls or maybe both??? Lol anything's ok! Thank you by the way!
@VIDAH_ 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear oh dear please release them all !! we're here waiting for you, give us this joy pleaseeee 🥺
@GunnyEleven 3 года назад
thank you for sharing ❤
@smileyyface_ 3 года назад
Yeeeees, I was waiting for this 😭❤️❤️
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
happy 1 year anniversary of nanjing concert!! even after a year, untamed is still my favorite drama out of 200+! like what they said in this video: untamed is worthy of everyone's love and passion ❤️
@smileyyface_ 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear I fully agree, The Untamed deserves all love as well as the actors, staff, etc. This will be my favorite drama forever, honestly And happy 1 year of the nanjing concert to you too! Stay safe ❤️
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
@@smileyyface_ I went to both days untamed concert because I love the drama and xiaozhan (the focus is mainly on xiaozhan because at that time I didn’t understand how amazing wangyibo and other actors are too😂). But after the concert I realized more how amazing Wang yibo is and understood more how much effort everyone in the production team put in to create this masterpiece
@smileyyface_ 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear that's so cool! I wish I could see Xiao Zhan and Yibo in person, like, in concerts. But I live sooo far away from them, which make it even more difficult. I love the other actors too and I wish I could see them too, but again it's really difficult to me ):
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
@@smileyyface_ It’s ok I got you! Balancing concert videos and untamed videos 😄 the official site didn’t have shots from these angles so I really wanted to share the candies in the footages I filmed
@krn0707 3 года назад
Arggggggh....😭 this concert. Thanks for translating both the event and the lip readings
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Thank you 😊 I love untamed as well as xiaozhan and yibo. Every member in the untamed put in so much thought and they deserve more people to discover and love them❤️I have more clips to translate but I thought to first focus on the parts about xiaozhan and yibo and some really memorable lines said by other actors, so the video has more of a focus 😊
@krn0707 3 года назад
@@sushiNbear I love wang xiao but then I found your amazing analysis videos and I am now also on wang xian world 😂 waiting patiently for you to finish the remaining episodes’ analysis 😊😍
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
@@krn0707 yes I’m always here! Even after a year, untamed is still my fav drama out of 200+ dramas
@arissahahn 3 года назад
I love your videos and analysis
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
Thank you for your love 🥰 still making more untamed and xiaozhan yibo videos
@chongpc1841 3 года назад
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
@rhey25 3 года назад
With Chinese censorship, they are going to jail for those giggles and shouting 😍🥰
@roseroserose2667 3 года назад
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
没有稍纵即逝啊~ 只是现在大家都太关注他们了,在镜头前互动的机会就少了。但是如果我们把对阿令和对他俩的爱传播开来,金主爸爸们一定能看到的!现在也有很多糖~ 哥哥喜欢用照片和画画来代表重要的东西,最近有不少照片和画画糖
@marivicdelarma1667 3 года назад
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
🚦🥰 and your profile pic is beyond cute
@蔡博宇-r6d 3 года назад
@sushiNbear 3 года назад
这里的糖懂的人懂~ 因为也想保护他们,不能解释的太详细🤭 主要是看看他们怎样克制不在镜头前互动但其实私底下很甜
نترس تو برق نبود😅😅
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