
Goblin Slayer: The Possible Twisted Origin Of Goblins 

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Goblins and Humans can create fertile offspring. This means one of two things, both of which will give Goblin Slayer a bad time.




28 окт 2018




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@vichodeivis1219 5 лет назад
4:26 "Sex is complicated" That phrase has the crazy biologist seal of approval
@vichodeivis1219 5 лет назад
@vichodeivis1219 5 лет назад
7:28 This is funny, if you believe farmers (alias don't know the details and sex is very complicated) when some domesticated species breed with their wild counterparts the offspring resembles more the wild parent than the domesticated one... Humans aren't "livestock" in this setting right? lol
@26th_Primarch 5 лет назад
@@BOOFIRE191 Now are you going to tell us how nekos are born?
@ketlover69xx62 5 лет назад
@Needles Iblis bro there's so much complexity in either gamete and what happens when they collide and shit it's complicated
@lucofparis4819 5 лет назад
If you wanna keep up with a biological explanation, you can consider Goblin breeding as similar to viruses. They use hosts to breed, but they replace the host's DNA with theirs. Kinda like xenomorphs, but without eggs and facehuggers in the cycle.
@moapchan1905 2 месяца назад
I like to think of it like Jurassic Park how they used the amphibian DNA, the goblin DNA takes from the mothers DNA where it needs to and ignores it where it doesnt.
@TheTallGuy1992 5 лет назад
Goblins could breed parasitically. there are several animals that make other animals take care of their children. it could just be that goblins are just the next step. hell even your current theory makes sense since that elves and dwarfs are very similer* to human, they could be a sub-species along side humans and goblins, just a thought
@sefladrone5873 5 лет назад
For example that parasite that makes zombie ants and takes control of them
@HoneyMonsterNava 5 лет назад
@@BOOFIRE191 I looked at it as they are a parasitic species, they hijack the womb of humans, elves, and Dwarves alike, and basically are laying eggs in their bodies that hatch within a week. Some species are capable of giving birth to genetically different offspring although mostly in insects. But why not Goblins too? Still not magic.
@jidk6565 5 лет назад
This what I usually tell people when I talk about them
@olli-pekkaosmala9295 5 лет назад
yeah I also agree that it looks more like they are parasites that uses other species wombs in their reproduction cycle. One thing supporting that is lack of female goblins.
@vichodeivis1219 5 лет назад
@@olli-pekkaosmala9295 Interesting. One way to test it could be to figure out if after a goblin rape (and the expected childbirth) some of the future childs are also goblins, or if there is a decreased fertility afterwards that can't be explained by injuries. Both would suggest the DNA replacement model. Another clue could be if every rape leads to a pregnancy regardless of the menstrual cycle phase of the mother, which would back up the egg implantation model. There is a fairly big overlap of what could happen between the two in less than ideal circumstances. But our tools are limited.
@singletona082 5 лет назад
'This adorable sonovabitch' pfftaaahaha I never thought I'd be laughing in a video discussing goblin reproduction but there ya go.
@bluefable3416 5 лет назад
Literally a sonovabitch
@darthguilder1923 5 лет назад
2:18, in the words of Todd Howard: It just works
@ultragamer4465 5 лет назад
@devinthomas6986 5 лет назад
@RadiantJo 5 лет назад
@RadiantJo 5 лет назад
@Carl Artel Yes, Soldier. Yes, he does....
@phillipkeen223 5 лет назад
@theta682pl 5 лет назад
I wish I could do the armshake meme here with 40K humans and WH fantasy dwarves and the handshake part says “killing greenskins”
@ManicPandaz 5 лет назад
If hypothetically goblin DNA is dominant to all human DNA, when a goblin makes a child, the goblin DNA has a phenotypic advantage in expression. So the child would not take any characteristics of the mother but only the father. There could also be a parasitic effect happening where most of the mother's DNA is purged and only the goblin' DNA get passed down. Kind of like a xneomorph where the parasite takes on aspect of the host with out being a hybrid.
@chickentendies5215 5 лет назад
but they dont take aspects of the host. goblins from elves and humans look the same
@ManicPandaz 5 лет назад
I guess didn't exactly mean the same as a xenomorph's ability to take on traits of their host like in Aliens 3. More like a if a xenomorph infected another type of xenomorph. They both have the same basic body plan and traits. So there wouldn't be any major change in form.
@tesreso5448 5 лет назад
Love that Xenomorphs got brought up XD in the books its alluded they retain about 5% genetic material from their host, thus resulting in genetic variation which is useful when a Queen essentially just uses parthinogenisis to make eggs... point is if the goblins are a parasitic breeding species using a similar route, only no queens and just straight up 'genetic injection' *shudders* then a small percent of the host genetoc material is retained to accomidate some vatiance and shows in the variability of the 'stronger' goblins... Ya know, also like Asari, if we wanna use another parasitic alien species~
@suncrowstotem9878 5 лет назад
Wait so that means that the offspring is just a clone of the father.
@tesreso5448 5 лет назад
@@suncrowstotem9878 effectively with minor variation coming fro. A tiny portion of the mother's genetics just to add variability so they all don't die off from one virus or something~ hooray parasite species~
@cajunghost7387 5 лет назад
Maybe when the goblins were created they became like a parasite, using other organisms to reproduce.
@Ragingkronicbuddiesgaming 5 лет назад
That's the thing, whichs adds to GS's hatred, *Flashback to making baby goblins good* makes sense why he clubbed the s%$# outta em.
@PhillyCh3zSt3ak 5 лет назад
I love that image of the priestess's expression. It's going in my Discord meme dump.
@shoobzy3431 5 лет назад
"You'll get used to it"
@anime-mun 5 лет назад
My guess is considering that the Demon lords probably developed goblins they probably used modified human DNA. I'm taking the Vampire Hunter D approach here. If you've read the books then you know where I'm going with this. I think they would have been developed through alchemy using human blood. That simple.
@linearman0245 5 лет назад
So the goblins were genetically engineered?
@Sorain1 5 лет назад
Essentially. This reproductive strategy is extremely risky and overly specific in it's limits. It seems unlikely that it would be naturally selected for. Be it through specialized DNA writing or something parasitic, this is a ludicrously risky strategy in nature. But as a bio-weapon design it isn't unfeasible, horrifyingly immoral but not entirely idiotic. Control of reproduction of a bio-weapon is key to keeping it under control. Assume some nation state desires disposable troops, and through what we would term genetic engineering makes what we know as Goblins. Provided they have food and population, Goblins can be mass produced with remarkably little infrastructure in ludicrously short amounts of time. Provided you have some way to direct them, this is a potent military weapon. Where that likely went wrong was either failure in the controls on their behavior, or simply the emergence of 'wild' Goblin populations that were not controlled. If the entire basis for controlling them is essentially learned (IE your a new goblin, you are born into the army and the army works for the nation) than the emergence of wild Goblin populations would precipitate a loss of coherency in that force and ultimately leave the setting (or at least that continent) with the legacy of that greed for disposable troops.
@bluefable3416 5 лет назад
Or maybe they a dnd game pice
@commandoonline3763 5 лет назад
Just a small pointer, the case study you put up of subspecies interbreeding with each and creating offspring does not make the offspring sterile. Donkeys and horses arent subspecies, and neither are lions and tigers and that shows that two different species can mate and produce offspring and polar bears and grizzly bears can do the same. But when this does happen the offspring will be sterile with the exception of coyote and wolf hybrids (as far as Im aware). When subspecies do mate (like a bengal tiger and a siberian tiger, or a timber wolf and a arctic wolf because these are subspecies) then they can produce offspring on the off occasion that can also breed and produce their own offspring. However in some cases some sub species cant even breed with the other at all (such as elephants) and can only breed within their own subspecies only. The whole issue of hybrid animals and mating and how it works is still a rather complicated subject and we dont really know how it all works. TL;DR different species of animals can breed together and produce hybrids, some cant, the offspring can be sterile or not, the same thing holds true for some subspecies as well.
@zotaninoron3548 5 лет назад
Servals and domestic short hair cats also produce viable offspring.
@MidnightClip 5 лет назад
Im pretty sure scientist have shoved human dna into animals to create hybrid embryos so they could harvest human stem sells without needing to kill a human baby. Imagine if they let those abominations grow.
@no-thankou282 5 лет назад
Watching it i got the impression that the goblins where more of a parasitic species that feed and reproduce of off other races. Kinda like certain wasps that lay eggs in other insects. There are other things that are missing in the show to really get an exact idea of how they reproduce, dont recall seeing identifiable female goblins at least. Felt more like they where zenomorphs but more rape-y.
@zotaninoron3548 5 лет назад
@@MidnightClip There is so much wrong with what you said here. First, they managed to create viable stemcells from adult human cells. But I would also take exception to the cultivation and extraction of fetal stem cells from discarded embryos as 'killing human babies' (the cell clusters used in this fashion were dish grown cells embryonic cells intended as backup during the invitro process that was successful and thus the backups were no longer needed). Regarding the adding of DNA from one species to another. This is called creating chimeras. But it doesn't create some manbearpig monstrosity. It is just the splicing of a few instructions to replicate specific protean structures into the DNA of another species. Two examples off the top of my head are they added bio-luminescence of a specific jelly fish to mice. And a more practical application they added the instruction for spidersilk protean to goats. So that the goat milk contained this protean. This allowed them to create an (inferior) version of spidersilk. But the goat is still a goat and the mouse is still a mouse. We also contain injected sequences of other organisms in our own DNA. But it happens because that's how viruses work. We have a multitude of ancient virus DNA left as relics in our sequence. On super rare occasions virus DNA can even transfer sequences between species if it manages to pick up those sequences from a host cell during manufacture.
@azopeopaz3059 5 лет назад
Just for say in biologie a species have a very simple definition : if two living beings can have a descendant and that descendant can have a descendant it the same specie so for be clear with tis definition dog and wolf are the same spiece and donkey is a chimera or a hybried of two close spiece if a goblin + a human make a goblin that can have child with a anoter human == human and goblin are the same spiece
@darkfoxbill9657 5 лет назад
The goblins could also be doing something more like laying eggs in they're victims, and they could just really enjoy the flavor of suffering that human women display. (This would also cover the reproduction with elves and dwarves and why the couplings only ever outupts more goblins)
@colinmasterson666 5 лет назад
Since the goblins in Goblin Slayer can "procreate" with humans, Dwarves and Elves. Since that's the case, I'd say they aren't actually procreate with there captives/later source of food they actually contain all the cells necessary to create a new goblin and that they just use to the captives to incubate more of there own… or there just some unholy amalgamation of Human, Dwarven and Elvish DNA crated by the "Dark God" of the fictional universe so that they can have a near endless supply of foot soldiers/meat shields to throw at the apposition in combat or a war. That's just a theory I got while listening to this video.
@NuniaBiznaz 5 лет назад
it's not procrastinating, it's fornicating.Procrastinating is when you don't do something, like let's say work on a project, and instead indulge in other activities, saying that you'll do it later, then forgetting about it and either making a very rushed version right before a deadline or just not doing it at all until it is too late.
@colinmasterson666 5 лет назад
@Fuck You: the word I used was procreate as in to reproduce not procrastination I.e laziness. Then again my grammar is shit so my bad…
@colinmasterson666 5 лет назад
Fuck You I changed it.
@crozraven 5 лет назад
Pretty much a similar case with the trolls in "Berserk" series. goblins in GS is basically xenomorph/alien species that breeds through sexual perversion (AKA rape, torture, & cannibalistic in this case) on other humanoid organism. The trolls in Berserk also pillage villages, kidnap, & rape female humans to multiply/reproduces. Even more so, female human dying when the litter of infant trolls claw their way out of the womb and eat the host parent's flesh. Parasitical just like xenomorph.
@snipingflute4346 5 лет назад
Nice Decepticon profile.
@merricksilverwolf5366 5 лет назад
Aren't Goblins a parasitic race then? And the origin could always be magic+a failed biological experiment/weapon. Also the "when you do sth. bad you create a Goblin" line is more of a nursey rhyme and shouldn't be taken too serious/literal.
@elhuskyplateado7731 5 лет назад
They come from the green moon
@WeirdTale 5 лет назад
Idea, Goblins are the result of an Alchemist creating a weaponized sexually transmitted plague to effectively take over a large country by producing more potential, low intelligence and easily replaceable canon-fodder soldiers. Meaning Goblins are a fantasy Biological Weapon of Mass Destruction, that went out control. Like African Killer Bees.....
@Babylon4217 5 лет назад
"when you do sth. bad you create a Goblin" even in the anime the priestess said that people say that so that children behave, i wonder why so many people take this "theory" seriously
@bluefable3416 5 лет назад
They a toypice form a table top game of gods (hi manga reader and light novel reader)
@jonuiuc 5 лет назад
They are from the green moon. Goblin slayers sister was never wrong. The green Moon was the wolrd of berserk tho....
@olivercopeland5438 4 месяца назад
So they’re really displaced trolls that evolved into goblins ?
@TheAusar 5 лет назад
"Goes all Doomguy on a bunch of greenskins" Die greenskin! - Now I'll for ever associate DOOM and Goblin Slayer with Warhammer 40k, which I'm oddly okay with.
@roquemainecoon8046 5 лет назад
there should be more metal music in the series
@darlingdeviluke2360 5 лет назад
Don't know why people keep complaining that this Anime is super "dark" there is far worse go read/watch Beserk or Corpse party that is some dark shit
@absolstoryoffiction6615 5 лет назад
Higurashi lol
@Sargonarhes 5 лет назад
It's a different time. Sure there are darker anime than Goblin Slayer, but a group of normies or NPCs likely have not seen those other ones yet just Goblin Slayer and it triggered them. They have now seen an anime that shows them not all anime is kid friendly, these are the same kind of people that criticize anime for fan service now days. These are people that can't live out side of their own bubble and think the world should change for them instead of them learning to avoid things which they find not to their liking.
@manuelmateo3392 5 лет назад
Because it's the stupid kind. Not like the others are any less gratuitous anyway.
@microqueen69 5 лет назад
Normies. Normies everywhere. I have seen more tittilating shit in Kuroinu and Taimanin Asagi.
@lelouchlamperouge4457 5 лет назад
It's because some people have an outgroup bias that leads them to empathise more with the goblins than the humans. Additionally, they can't stand the idea that goblins could be as evil as they're portrayed.
@bsimon4356 5 лет назад
Wasn’t expecting this keep up the great work!
@YukitoOnline 5 лет назад
The Gods in Goblin Slayer world, are playing D&D on that world were everything (the Fate of everyone) is decided on their dice roll..Except Goblin Slayer himself..
@NightmareCourtPictures 4 года назад
nobody noticed the dice like hmmmm...
@peenx6977 4 года назад
This is the first vid I watched from this channel and I loved this vid, thanks!
@Pathologyshortbus 5 лет назад
Do elves have over 100 chromosomes like plants since they love nature so much?
@AroundElvesWatchUrselves96 5 лет назад
Elf purge when?
@Pathologyshortbus 5 лет назад
@@AroundElvesWatchUrselves96 After the demon invasion
@charliedilltarde9881 5 лет назад
no its cuz they are massively retarded
@Pathologyshortbus 5 лет назад
@Pecu Alex Those aren't real plants
@crozraven 5 лет назад
goblins: an spirit/magical aliens in green moon born from corrupted & culmination of darkest thoughts of humanity. just like how "aliens" (xenomorph) reproduced through sexual perversion & forced rape innuendo (face hugger, blasting off the guts, etc), goblins did the similar thing through a dark spirit/magical kinda ways. the series clearly support the case that goblins comes from the green moon/outer space/another dimension possibly astral realm. proofs of case (a bit of spoilers here): - A horde of goblins summoned through a portal linked to a desolated place like a green moon, nothing's there & the goblins in there probably resort into cannibalism just to survive. - a bit of inspiration from "Berserk," the trolls are born in "Qlipoth" from the darkest thoughts of humanity's collective subconscious and thus are as beastly as the thoughts they were spawned from. The trolls have little ability to make weapons, and often steal them from humans. They are also cannibalistic, usually eating their injured. Trolls also eat humans and livestock, usually during raids. They seem to breed by impregnating human women that they drag to their lair, the women later dying when the litter of infant trolls claw their way out of the womb and eat the host parent's flesh. THIS IS SO SIMILAR WITH THE GOBLINS of Goblin Slayer, almost a clear copy paste LOL - Qlipoth in Berserk lore is a a border-realm within the Interstice, between the Human and Astral worlds. curiously, if GS lore give us the green moon supposed to be represent goblins realm, what about the red moon? Is this the demon horde realm??
@psychronia 5 лет назад
Oh god. The picture of Darkness placed in the middle of that scene makes me so glad she doesn't exist in that world and vice versa.
@snipingflute4346 5 лет назад
Psychronia This may sound sadistic but replace Darkness with Aqua in that picture. 😈
@psychronia 5 лет назад
@@snipingflute4346 Even Goblins would choose who they want to attack.
@Ivan1989SB 5 лет назад
You are crazy man but I'm glad you are here and make this videos 👍👍👍
@BuIIette 5 лет назад
I enjoyed this video very much for both the subject matter and simply the background music cuz Fable is my childhood
@caleblenhardt9837 5 лет назад
Well nice to see you branching out. Keep up the good work!
@caleblenhardt9837 5 лет назад
Somewhat strange topic but hey I'll run with it
@majortughjedi9813 5 лет назад
Lol I'm used to your star wars videos. Now this is an interesting change of pace
@singletona082 5 лет назад
Glad to see you doing something new Boofire.
@funivids1995 5 лет назад
Great video thank you for the effort.
@abduxcooper4089 5 лет назад
I like the fact in the beginning he was trying to say if this video isn't for you, don't watch. I don't remember one video i don't like coming from this guy, so ill stay thanks
@dennistay3173 5 лет назад
Actually, we can explain it this way: Assuming that all the human-like beings (humans, elves, halflings and dwarves) are somehow vastly different breeds of a single species, goblins can be considered as one such breed. As for why goblins can only produce more goblins, consider the Y-chromosome found in human men. Assuming that the XY rule applies to the goblins as well, then it is perfectly possible for a human victim to produce more males which happen to be goblins. Admittedly, it does not explain why the victims seemingly never produce any female offspring but considering the way goblins are in that setting, it is possible that any female non-goblin offspring that are somehow produced would be killed/eaten. After all, the goblins in that setting are sadistic cowardly bastards to the core and could care less about other goblins let alone other races, including their own offspring.
@thefeleapz4144 5 лет назад
Nice use of Bower Lake theme from Fable 2. Haven't heard it in a while. Very nice :)
@DredgeX97 5 лет назад
8:04 "... dominate.." Too soon, man. But in all seriousness, I like your thinking on this matter, makes sense, well, as much sense as you can get from a fantasy story... Great job! 😀
@pyeitme508 5 лет назад
Great video! All we need next is a Earth in Star Wars crossover! Also first to comment!
@jasper8285 5 лет назад
Buddy he's done with Earth in Star Wars.
@vichodeivis1219 5 лет назад
If you are going to insist with this at least make it fun and interesting. Something like: _Hey Boofire! Inmagine the terran fleet taking out the Eclipse at the sound of BS Galactica's war drums_ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-so10dKbhorI.html
@pyeitme508 5 лет назад
@@vichodeivis1219 ok
@TheGenXGeek 5 лет назад
Just watched the first two eps yesterday and enjoyed it. Level 1 adventurers beware!
@tetzujin 5 лет назад
i'm super glad there are finally some GS theory videos on yt....
@Tezunegari 5 лет назад
What's worse about the world of Goblin Slayer is the apparent indifference towards the goblin problem by higher ranking adventurers. The only Silver-level adventurer who regularly (or only) takes up Goblin related quests is Goblin Slayer. The only time other Silver-level adventurers take on a mission to defend the farm of Goblin Slayers friend (the busty Farm Girl) is when they are offered a gold coin per killed Goblin. (And even then they moan when they killed Goblin champions and only got 1 Gold coin because they thought they would be better compensated for that) As it is portrait the goblins are such a common problem that everyone knows what happens to you if you get caught to the point of being used to control children. But the extermination of the goblins or the protection of a village from them is considered a low-paying menial task that is relegated to beginner adventurers. With the mortallity rate being so high that a single goblin quest can take up to 3 consecutive beginner groups. And that's not even taking into account that with the first group send after the goblins the humans actually give them food and breeding stock until a second/third group finally kills them all. And the depicted fact that some adventurers let small goblins escape - escpecially female adventureres?! Nani, le fuck? This world should be full of people showing no mercy to goblins as they are only a pest. And why are adventurers not prepared for those missions? The first group Priestess joined was arrogant enough to think goblins are no threat and didn't have good equipment to fight in confined spaces. Result: Fighter gets beaten to death. Magic Girl gets mortally poisoned (and mercy killed by Goblin Slayer) Fist Girl... you heard the internet what happened to her... And this group is considered lucky with a 75% attrition rate for a failed mission (Goblin Slayer finished their mission and saved Priestess).
@simplyminimalist6302 5 лет назад
Adventures underestimate gobs, they also mainly are a problem for frontier villages, while most adventures focus on high tier monsters. It's like termites, seem weak and insignificant but over time can destroy a home if left unchecked
@Tezunegari 5 лет назад
@@simplyminimalist6302They are not just a problem in frontier villages. Goblin Slayer and his group go to the a big citiy (capitol even I think) to investigate a suspected "death by goblins" and find goblins in the sewers (and ruins of an older city underneath the current one). The city guards: "Not our job to hunt goblins. It's just goblins and beneath us."
@LimitPro1 5 лет назад
@@Tezunegari and when goblin slayer mentioned that he experienced once that a city/villiage was attacked in broad daylight and people start looking at him with odd faces.
@Marveryn 5 лет назад
goblin in city are not common. they were place there by the demon lord minion. I would guess cause in a city with such a large population tend to kill off wanderer before they infest. In rural and less populated area goblin nest is where the real trouble can be found. goblin themselves are a weak. I mean a group of adventurers number 5 to 4 people can wipe them out. The only issue is when a nest gain a champion, hobgoblin or a Shaunman then the nest has a bit more orgranize and is more dangerous.
@tesreso5448 5 лет назад
Seems like a perpetuated ignorance, or the true face of the dark gods plans~ they can amass an army cause no one thinks theyre worth it, and like rape in itself, it perpetuates cause no one wants to admit they were raped or nearly killed by /goblins/ (look at Sword Maiden) its the perfect cover to amass a dark army cause pride... no wonder the dark god is still dicking around doing as it pleases and brings about an unholy event every 10yrs or so, its got a buffer of goblins to do its bidding~
@jameszito8317 5 лет назад
I literally had a super trolled comment typed up, until I saw the "darkness" picture
@TheZBillDyl 5 лет назад
Nice vid logan
@Aristocratic13 5 лет назад
Thanks for the beginning
@AXL5221 5 лет назад
Right or wrong idc this was interesting to watch... granted it is 3am but still interesting. Also I appreciate the fable background music as well nice touch
@Heyhoo-qi5kw 5 лет назад
The world of Goblin Slayer is basically DnD but Goblin Slayer does not let others roll the dice.
@hughmanatee7626 5 лет назад
Left a like as soon as I noticed the "Fable: The Lost Chapters" menu music.
@tannerbruning868 5 лет назад
The manga had a few theories, goblinslayer himself said goblins are born when a person feels envious
@jessicaberry5596 5 лет назад
It's not that you've yet to remember a name for the characters, it's that the characters actually don't have names. They are referred to by titles if anything.
@Ragingkronicbuddiesgaming 5 лет назад
@@BOOFIRE191 It's actually a inside joke between D&D players, most of the time player refer to your Race/class ....i'm not joking like "Hey Elf Rogue can you check for traps?" to which buddy would reply "MY NAME IS F%$#ING MOONBEAM!!!", i wish i was pulling your chainmail.
@rainynight02 5 лет назад
That Fable music! From the guild! Took me way too long (4 minutes) for that to register.
@pajamapantsjack5874 5 лет назад
Ew I don’t like em I don’t like goblins euugghhhhhh
@kaitokobayashi8002 5 лет назад
idk if ur serious or joking but it seems it goes yo the joke side so here's my seal of approval. (/°∆°\)
@AroundElvesWatchUrselves96 5 лет назад
@orbaitv5991 5 лет назад
@VChong1991 5 лет назад
@donovandavis6301 5 лет назад
I love the JonTron reference lol
@crisr.8280 5 лет назад
Yeah man. Thank you for the logical breakdown of the premise and points of the show. There is a bit about the lore that all humanoid races are a subspecies of being that the gods made. A bit of the intro says "the gods were tired of playing dice and they decided to make new pieces on the board to 'play' with." And going by the source, the light novel, that the whole world is a game and the gods simply choose avatars for them to pit against one another as a means of entertainment and our boy, Goblin Slayer/Orcbolg, is a piece that they couldn't control and treat like a random element which spices up the game. Great work and I like the theory on how humans and goblins are related. There's also still a whole hell of a lot of intregue in the story too and sadly all of the characters have 'job' names, no proper names. I.e. Goblin Slayer's childhood friend is actually called "cow girl" for uhhm practical reasons. Anyway, thanks again and I will subscribe and will watch through more of your videos.
@terrynewsome6698 5 лет назад
You are amazing at making videos, keep up the great work. Though I have wandered this my self, what if one of these little grody bastardizes was born with more human traits like size and intelligents do to a genetic corruption of the father's DNA, say the local shamon, and emptised more with his mother taking on a human like personal. Yet one day seeing her death at the hands of his father of he goes mad and kills his whole clan, then Dawn's set of human armour and tags from a adventurer's Bones and sets out to hunt down the other clans to insure these horrors never happens again, maybe even join the goblin slayers party without telling him his true origin. I really want to see if you could make a story as good as you doom Slayer seires out of this one? Ps call this new Branch of the specie's a ganoblare, grot, or snotling to keep the Warhammer theme.keep up the good work!
@backyardtinkerer4951 5 лет назад
On the subject of magic within this world, it could simply be a curse from cannibalism like a Wendigo etc. Most cultures around the world have taboos or boogeymen based around magical curses that result in a physical transformationor other negative magical outcomes from consuming human flesh. It's fair to assume that such a transformation that's based on a very dark and negative act, could easily turn anyone mad. This theory fits with most of what you said, as well as what I've gleaned from the Manga and Anime
@giovannavongola3073 5 лет назад
I like the Fable music. It's been a while since I've played it.... Otherwise, nice video.
@takumifujiwara8639 5 лет назад
Love the Fable background music Xd
@honeydroptheunicorn6557 5 лет назад
You made some good points
@XainArchives 3 года назад
Does anyone know what happened to the goblin discussion video? The one where he talks about breeding goblins for war.
@matthewearnesty7990 5 лет назад
Yep, it does make sense now.
@majora320 5 лет назад
Okay first, this was an interesting look into goblins and how the hell these bastards are able to reproduce. Second, I really appreciate the Fable music you had in the background
@ArantyrDarkhand 5 лет назад
Wait for the Meat Shield demonstration in 2 episodes.
@TBoneTony 5 лет назад
Now that is proper Analysis of a series like Goblin Slayer. You understand that this is a fantasy series and you don't take things too seriously. And I am thankful you kept a level head over this as Anime especially Hentai have been doing this same thing over the past 30 years so the only people getting outraged are people who either have short term memories or who only pretend to be Anime fans for the sake of being outraged for it. Good to know you put in a bit of science of sex biology within a fictional story. Love it even if other people don't understand that Anime medium is just fantasy.
@johndane9754 5 лет назад
So the goblins in this could be some forgotten sorcerers pet soldier project without an off switch.
@LordEmperorBoss 5 лет назад
I hope we get to learn more about the world of GS. I’m particularly interested in checking out the Green Moon. 🤔
@zephyrwolf2830 5 лет назад
Great video, either they be corrupted or cursed.
@johngilbert7983 5 лет назад
Goblin Slayer said the Green Moon = GM, game master.
@michaeldmingo9454 5 лет назад
Red Moon = ?
@MVimah 5 лет назад
You didn't forget names. They didn't give them. They are known as Priestess Priest (lizardman) Shaman (Dwarf) Ranger (High elf) Goblin Slayer/Orcbolg/Beardcutter
@devilcwesker5980 5 лет назад
that segment should of been longer
@klopapierben 5 лет назад
didnt watch GS, but starting to get interested in it. can anyone tell me what to do with the strange impression i get, that the goblinslayercaracter, the one that only kills goblins and always wears full armor... might be a goblin? What i wanna know: has his skin been shown in the manga or light novel or so?
@clayellis9359 3 года назад
"Life, uh, finds a way"
@TristenGRrrather 5 лет назад
now i wanna start a Darkspawn Slayer playthrough
@Megatron_95 5 лет назад
I have been debating of watching this or reading the manga series
@qliphalpuzzle5453 5 лет назад
Dayton Pfeifer neither
@Horacio_Poggi 5 лет назад
Read the prequel manga Goblin Slayer: Year One and then watch the anime.
@almalone3282 5 лет назад
I hear the manga is in a pretty boring spot right now
@qliphalpuzzle5453 5 лет назад
Al Malone yeah it’s become kinda stale in later chapters
@simplyminimalist6302 5 лет назад
@occultninja4 5 лет назад
This is actually a common thing in fantasy that a lot of the fantasy races would most definitely have to be related to humans in some way. For example, in my idea of fantasy races, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves must all be related to some common ancestor of humans. In some settings Half Elves are sterile but w/e. How I mentally make sense of it is that Orcs are essentially fantasy neanderthals and Dwarves are essentially fantasy Hobits (tiny dwarf humanoids). I remember reading an interesting biological breakdown of this that proposed a way of for it to work.
@randomlurker 5 лет назад
bruh the fable music my man :')
@LoneMyth 5 лет назад
Do you know the name
@theHedgex1 4 года назад
main thing said off the bat...... ok, you got my attention.
@eobardthawne3333 5 лет назад
Okay this is the opposite of Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
@darkdarkis1995 5 лет назад
in the light novel is it explain the goblin ability to breed with any race with the pregnancy always resulting in goblin children. so it not just human it can be any type of race
@Fargoth_Ur 5 лет назад
2:47 The reason most people don't think about this is, by all appearances, elves and dwarves just seem like other people. We, as a species, aren't used to interacting with any other kind of sentient beings in real life, and when we create fantasy races, they generally look and act like we do with some physical and cultural variations. Because of that, many people tend to _subconsciously_ view alien species in media as some form of other human, even if we know they're actually a whole other species, and we assume what would work for us normally (like breeding) would apply to them as well.
@GetsugaTensho85 5 лет назад
Hmm Very interesting analysis there lad! Still though..... *HEAVY METAL STARTS* .....RIP AND TEAR!
@bloodgazm8891 5 лет назад
I came to the conclusion the goblins were an Ogre/Human hybrid. The ogre in ep 4 says he will either use the Priestess girl as food, or as a play thing as he needed more goblins. It could be a translation issue but to me that hints at goblins being the hybrids of Ogres and Humans
@r322cgaming 11 месяцев назад
Hmm most stories goblins can adapt to any surrounding that is in given time. it might be a stretch maybe because they was raised around other goblins they came out, well, goblins.
@greatestgamer00 5 лет назад
hahahaha doom guy. Suprised I never noticed the similarity but yea thas spot on.
@lelandholmquist2467 3 месяца назад
My cousin and I started watching this show recently and we made it a game to call out whenever Goblin Slayer goes 3D out of nowhere while everything else stayed 2D.
@fanboygamer3e 5 лет назад
So this is basically the “Titans are Humans” reveal from attack on Titan
@patricksonjoseph1475 5 лет назад
Thank boofire 191 you open my mind
@helvarstark4282 5 лет назад
I liked the parallel you made to dragon age. I think if you factor in the theory that the evanuris accidentally created the blight by defeating a titan than the taint being stuck in the black city it would be a suitable explanation for the goblins.
@KingMoon110 5 лет назад
The most likely possibilty is that they were created as disposeable gons by the demon lorde, since in the last chapter they revealed Goblins can be mindslaved by evil Magic.
@LoneMyth 5 лет назад
What is the background music
@LegatusLucius1994 5 лет назад
All right you lost me all the way up into the last 10 seconds of the video where I completely agreed with you cuz the logic make sense
@Pastafari4 5 лет назад
"Humans are a breed of goblin" *Goblin slayer's eyes light up*
@SoulofSummer 5 лет назад
Liked for acknowledging the term Pupper.
@blablubb4553 5 лет назад
This video is a prime example of what happens when one tries to apply real life rules to a fantasy setting that is based on fantastical exceptions to said rules.
@Adamwofford 2 года назад
hey Boofire191, you haven't post a new video for while, I hope everything ok on your life, I hope nothing bad has happen, just got busy with life
@keeponliving3585 5 лет назад
Your theory reminded me of the origin of orcs in World of Warcraft. Maybe because they became green after they got corrupted by an evil entity, hehe
@MultiArtartart 5 лет назад
what'w with his red eye, is this just estetic choise when he is in "doom mode"?
@yourneighbour5738 5 лет назад
Oi where is the mek control those gretchins
@lloydgush 5 лет назад
@zycane 5 лет назад
Read the Manga, it's pretty dope. And also answers some of the question you present in the video.
@TheSpencermacdougall 5 лет назад
the theory that they are in some why a sub species of human makes the whole "naughty/jealous children turn into goblins" seem more real
@fruithat2756 5 лет назад
What if they are some new form of parasite not taking nutrition of needing them to live but to a species that rely on other for offspring a lot like viruses
@eliandervalderen5849 5 лет назад
one thing you may not realize is that there are several instances of hybrids like mules pennies and wherever you called the sheep goat hybrid being able to have Offspring is usually the females that are able to have Offspring rather than the males
@matthiuskoenig3378 5 лет назад
to be fair at 2:22 the example you used is from Tolkien, he stated that humans and elves were just breeds/races or perhapps subspecies of the same species.
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