
God Reveals Hellish Torments for Bad Popes (St. Bridget of Sweden) 

Virgo Potens
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In this mystical revelation to St. Bridget, the Creator of the universe admonishes five men that stand for the human race. The first man signifies the terrible sins of the pope and how he’ll answer for these sins in hell if he doesn’t repent. God also tells her of the harsh judgements that He executes on His enemies.
If you enjoy the meditations and visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, then you may also enjoy this catholic audiobook of this classic. I include religious pictures as well as beautiful 4K video footage to accompany my narration of the text.
The Following Virgo Potens production is a narration of Book 1 Chapters 40-42 of PROPHECIES AND REVELATIONS by St. Bridget of Sweden.



10 сен 2024




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@VirgoPotens1 2 года назад
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@ragejinraver 2 года назад
This Video legit both scared me and gave me alot to think about. Especially when our Lord was condemning the Laity. I literally pictured myself in front of our Lord when he was passing sentence. I need to go to confession on Sunday as soon as I can go . Please pray for me 🙏
@michelleishappy4036 2 года назад
I too am convicted--and now afraid. Prayers for you and prayers for me. We must turn to Our Lady and beg Her to help us. 🙏
@sleepystar1638 Год назад
Stay close to confession, if you can’t get to Heaven by purity do it by penance, if you can’t be a St Cecilia be a St Magdalene.
@linorlineses461 2 года назад
Praying for global conversion and the awakening of all humanity to heed God’s call for repentance and conversion!
@marcihf217 2 года назад
St. Bridget of Sweden please pray for us. Amen
@kristinafinley2394 2 года назад
I love listening to these readings, Tony, thank you so much. Also, someone should send this to Pope Francis... maybe that will cause him to convert to Catholicism.
@jeanmarie4462 2 года назад
The Good Book also says, do not pass judgement, lest ye be judged.
@kristinafinley2394 2 года назад
@@jeanmarie4462 the Councils also said a heretic can't be pope but here we are. We are absolutely allowed to call out error. Only God can judge his soul, but his actions are fair game. Please take the sanctimonious comments elsewhere.
@binyamin3716 2 года назад
@@jeanmarie4462 you think he would not have known this ….he never even believes hell exists or he beleives he too can be a steward there organising hell as Saul Alinsky .. they are blinded by thirst for power…the third temptation of Christ …but there’s is still time for him to repent Ezekiel 18..and those who truly love him must resist and say what he is doing to his very own soul and the souls who follow him blindly by revering his authority or Even misusing his authority ….we all are led accountable for what we do
@PBXVIILY Год назад
Pope Francis quoted Saint Bridget by saying he would not ordain women to the Priest hood knowing Gods condemnation. We must show judgement. Using Judgement to discern right from wrong is not Judgmental.
@sleepystar1638 Год назад
@@jeanmarie4462 1 Corinthians 6 Douay-Rheims 1899 6 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to be judged before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Know you not that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Know you not that we shall judge angels? how much more things of this world? 4 If therefore you have judgments of things pertaining to this world, set them to judge, who are the most despised in the church. 5 I speak to your shame. Is it so that there is not among you any one wise man, that is able to judge between his brethren? You are shameful and uncharitable and God will spit you out.
@nhylinado3347 Год назад
Let us always pray for the holy father Pope Francis, the entire clergy, the Bishops, Cardinal, priest of the Good Lord and all Laity and all those who serve in the church or temple of the Good Lord, also the religious, faithful and unbeliever... May the Good Lord help, bless and keep us, in Jesus name and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, amen.
@albertosartorelli 10 месяцев назад
According to St Francis of Assis: "but at the end of times, I will send them (the church) not a true pastor, but a destroyer" - unfortunaly, I think we're living the fullfilment of his prophecy...pray for the pope, and pray for the priesthood...
@concernedcitizen780 Месяц назад
We need to hear more talks like this. We need priests to talk about judgement heaven and hell
@timohaavisto9224 2 года назад
👍🙏, I have all her books. Whith all her prophecys. I have start to reading them. They are fascinating. The pope should read them. That will make him to change his point of view.
@snarbruce4532 2 года назад
Pray for each other and for conversionof sinners for the minister of the church .Amen
@kittykittycat8379 9 месяцев назад
Thank you very much for the video!
@Eternal_Love_Exists Год назад
Please pray for me
@SarahBaer-wd7iq 8 месяцев назад
I pray for everyone no one deserves hell
@johnmckeron3663 2 года назад
Pope Francis needs to hear this he’s not on a good path
@andreasmandl9744 Год назад
Let us pray for him
@annafranc8081 2 года назад
There’s priests who mislead people aswell 😔 I know because I go to church and hear them saying lies sometimes. Both out loud and in confession. I been praying for them. We must be careful to tell the truth from the lies
@Blondie7904 Год назад
@VirgoPotens1 Год назад
Thank you for your generous support!
@maryannelindenberger6199 Год назад
@henryweaver667 Год назад
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Have Mercy On Me a Sinner....1,000.000x 1,000,000.
@jackmike8Aurita-bb8te Год назад
Thank you Brother!♥️
@VirgoPotens1 2 года назад
SPIRITUAL WARFARE: KNOW THY ENEMY: virgopotens.org/buy-virgo-potens-books
@56Tyskie Год назад
Amen Amen
@VirgoPotens1 2 года назад
VIRGO POTENS ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/join/VirgoPotens
@bruh7670 4 дня назад
Did she name some of the bad pope??
@marywheeler1782 2 года назад
Pope Francis is a wonderful Pope he preaches love and forgiveness .To bad there is so much judgement out there.
@anneglossop9682 2 года назад
Sorry but you are ignorant of the man
@truthfighter3402 2 года назад
His action against TLM mass invites angry of God
@ragejinraver 2 года назад
So participating in pagan ceremonies is what a good Pope does . I would strongly suggest you listen to this video again. And picture Francis when our Lord is talking to and condemning the bad pope
@nildarodriguez3974 Год назад
There is lots he will have to answer for. Wake up.
@mariehoheim3207 Год назад
Pray and do penance for him! God is highly offended by the Pachamomma idol worship.
@angramainyu8423 Год назад
""""I and My Father are One and the same"".........."""They be One even as We are One"""". Each of us are separate entities. So it stands to reason that Father, Son, Holy Ghost are separate entities. ""They be One even as We are One""". If we be One as THEY are One, then, it stands to reason that ,, as we are separate entities, THEY would also be separate entities. Maybe
@annafranc8081 2 года назад
In order to follow Lord God fully we must be grateful to Him. Romans 3:3:”But God is true; and every man a liar.” Without being born again in Holy Ghost as Jesus teached in John 3:5-6 we can’t go to become holy in order to get to heaven. John 3:5-6:”Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into kingdom of God. Take that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” I find Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis to be a holy book. I recommend it to anyone who wants to go to heaven. Just because you go church doesn’t mean you will end up in Heaven. Matthew 7:24-27:”Everyone therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them shall be like a wise man that build his house on the rock and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and they beat upon the house and it fell not for it was founded on the rock. And everyone that heareth these my words and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man who build his house upon a sand, and the rain fell, and the floods came and the winds blew and they beat that house and it fell and great was the fall thereof.”
@geoffwilson9273 2 года назад
@kristinafinley2394 2 года назад