
God's Provision of Atonement for All 

Soteriology 101 w/ Dr. Leighton Flowers
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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, makes a biblical case for the universal extent of Christ's atonement and confronts the Limited view of 5-Point Calvinists.
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Dr. Flowers’ book, “God’s Provision for All” can be found here: www.amazon.com....
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@Tallinguy 4 года назад
This is a simple yet scholarly presentation of the Extent of the Atonement. As a layman, I so appreciate this and other videos produced by Dr. Flowers, explaining the provisional view of salvation. Thanks you Dr. Flowers.
@rebekahjette6304 3 года назад
It is so sad to me that Calvinism rejects this wonderful gospel truth! Thank you for this verse filled message!
@JC-ny3os 2 года назад
This is so amazing!! Thank you Dr. Flowers!!! Thank you for standing in the gap and providing a logical rebuttal against Calvinism. I praise God that I was able to find you! May your movement be blessed to take hold of this next generation of Christian youth!
@audesigns42 3 года назад
I have been very happy to find this channel. May the Lord give me the grace, eloquence, gentleness, and kindness to speak about this subject with my Calvinist friends as He has given you.😊
@richardcoords1610 3 года назад
5:23: "If you end up under the wrath of God, it is because you've rejected His provision for you, and you are justly punished for your sins." (James White) That's a stunning contradiction to Calvinism's doctrine of a Limited Atonement which excludes most people.
@agentclol 2 года назад
Well that's why Biblical Calvinists reject the Calminian notion of the well meant offer.
@jennythomas3208 4 года назад
Amen brother! God is Love. That's why the Gospel is Good News.
@rubysanchez132 4 года назад
Jenny Thomas Amen!
@williammiles459 9 месяцев назад
The beauty of simplicity.
@rubysanchez132 4 года назад
Just want to say thank you for your video brother. I am of the limited atonement camp but this is starting to make much sense to me now.
@sylviac.6778 4 года назад
Ruby, do you think God is a liar? Do you think God is a promise breaker? Well, 'limited atonement' makes God a promise breaker and a liar. The Bible says it impossible for God to lie and He has never broken a promise. God is "not the author of confusion" but Satan is! Read The Second Epistle of John, verses 9-10-11. 3 very simple and clear verses. The word ALL is in the Bible OVER 517 times...ALL means ALL. The word sovereign is a French word and wad a favorite of John Calvin, actually a French lawyer that got on the Reformation movement. The word sovereign is not mentioned in the original Bible altho some are bringing it in since the New Age Movement and Replacement Theology. Be like a Berean, alert and discerning. Also, realize Satan's main target is the church and above that is the Pastor. Get pastors bringing Calvinism back into this world misleads the sheep and it is defintely the work of Satan with "seducing spirits and doctrines of demons". Read and study. Sola scriptura. The NIV Bible has the word "sovereign" in it 300 times. Buy old Bibles printed before 1970-72.
@brandonmack8573 2 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo we all were children of the devil before being grafted in by the atonement of Christ. How does one become elect? It's by faith in Christ Jesus. How does one come to faith. Romans 10 says 17 So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.
@brandonmack8573 2 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo please explain to me how this parable demonstrates your claim of limited atonement. If God selectively Chooses each individual before they were ever born for salvation then there is no need to specifically claim the enemy planting the tares. It would be God also planting the tears amongst the wheat. He created them for destruction if you read it this way it doesn't make a lot of sense tbh.
@brandonmack8573 2 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo I think you eisegsis is wrong. For one God warned Cain that if he did well he'd be accepted but if not sin is crouching at the door. Pharoah hardened his own heart first. Judas couldn't live with the guilt and hung himself. He didn't think turning Christa in would lead Jesus to his death. That's why when he found out he tried giving the pharasess their money back. Read ephesians 2 from the beggining you will see that the believers Paul addresses were once obedient to the devil. He says also that they used to live in sin just like the rest of the world. 1 John 3:8 says anyone who commits sins belongs to the devil. Please show me chapter verse for your claim
@brandonmack8573 2 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo Jesus explains what he meant in that parable further down. The seed of the enemy is the tares the good seed is planted by the Lord the harvest is the end of the age. The bad seed are unbelievers and the good seed is believers. But what has this parable have to do with the claim that none can repent? It doesn't suggest this. It doesn't say they are incapable from birth. This is a parable about the end of time? I can still be wrong over secondary issues so you can't just throw me out of the kingdom for something I may not fully understand yet. I agree with the close handed doctrines that christ came in the flesh. That He is the son of God. That He died in my place and bore my sins upon the cross. That he died and rose the 3rd day. That He now sits at the right hand of the Father. Waiting for the Father to make His enemies His foot stool. Dude I literally believe in the Gospel my life us not the same as it was before the Lord saved me from my old wicked ways and made me new. Please be careful not to put this notion on other believers. Especially if their faith is wavering. You don't want to be the reason for more doubt.
@genegroover3721 4 года назад
Your Christ like character consistently shines through as you explain these controversies. Your gentle nature is being seen. Praise God for your willingness to tackle these subjects. Yes, Christ died for all! Of which I am the least deserving. Praise God for His everlasting love and faithfulness!
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
Jesus died not just to make salvation possible, but in order to save the world. John 3:17, 12:47 Praise God!
@clarkl4177 7 месяцев назад
😢"is it REALLY good news if it's not for EVERYONE?" Great question. FROM Genesis to Revelation we see a Gracious, Patient, Loving God!
@hepatitis 2 года назад
This is pretty neat. The presentation is clear also. Wonderful work sir!
@32Brandonp 2 месяца назад
Amen! Thank you for your clear teachings of His Word.
@slaphappy18 2 года назад
I see it as a really long train headed to Heaven. Christ paid for everyone's ticket, so every seat is paid for. If people don't board the train, that doesn't mean that Christ didn't pay for their tickets, it only means there will be a lot of empty seats when it arrives
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
One died for all therefore ALL died. - 2 Cor 5:14 I’m so thankful for these truths!
@christhayer5034 4 года назад
All who are in Christ Jesus seems like the logical interpretation. Paul is talking to believers from what I can see because the love of Christ is controlling them. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NASB [14] For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; [15] and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
Chris Thayer, thanks for sharing. From what I can tell, Paul is distinguishing himself from his audience with the “us” and “you” language in verses 13 and 14. He seems to be sharing a universal truth with the Corinthians in v14 that explains why he is beside himself in v13. His trust in Christ’s finished work on behalf of the entire human race is apparently the explanation for God’s control over his life. I pray we both come to have the same experience!
@christhayer5034 4 года назад
corey david, I had a bit of a response. If his atonement is universal/covers all then all should come but they don’t. And Jesus says my sheep hear my voice and he doesn’t lose one. All that the father gives him and he receives. Here’s some JMac notes that provide better reasoning than I can, I have yet to exegete these passages. They may be helpful. 5:13 beside ourselves. This Gr. phrase usually means to be insane, or out of one’s mind, but here Paul used the expression to describe himself as one dogmatically devoted to truth. In this way, he answered those critics who claimed he was nothing more than an insane fanatic (cf. Jn 8:48; Ac 26:22-24). of sound mind. The original word meant to be moderate, sober minded, and in complete control. Paul also behaved this way among the Corinthians as he defended his integrity and communicated truth to them. 5:14 the love of Christ. Christ’s love for Paul and all believers at the cross (cf. Ro 5:6-8). Christ’s loving, substitutionary death motivated Paul’s service for Him (cf. Gal 2:20; Eph 3:19). controls. This refers to pressure that causes action. Paul emphasized the strength of his desire to offer his life to the Lord. one died for all. This expresses the truth of Christ’s substitutionary death. The preposition “for” indicates He died “in behalf of,” or “in the place of” all (cf. Is 53:4-12; Gal 3:13; Heb 9:11-14). This truth is at the heart of the doctrine of salvation. God’s wrath against sin required death; Jesus took that wrath and died in the sinner’s place. Thus He took away God’s wrath and satisfied God’s justice as a perfect sacrifice (see notes on v. 21; Ro 5:6-11, 18, 19; 1Ti 2:5, 6; cf. Eph 5:2; 1Th 5:10; Titus 2:14; 1Pe 2:24). therefore all died. Everyone who died in Christ receives the benefits of His substitutionary death (see notes on Ro 3:24-26; 6:8). With this short phrase, Paul defined the extent of the atonement and limited its application. This statement logically completes the meaning of the preceding phrase, in effect saying, “Christ died for all who died in Him,” or “One died for all, therefore all died” (see notes on vv. 19-21; cf. Jn 10:11-16; Ac 20:28). Paul was overwhelmed with gratitude that Christ loved him and was so gracious as to make him a part of the “all” who died in Him. 5:15 As he defended his integrity to the Corinthians, Paul wanted them to know that his old, self-centered life was finished and that he had an all-out desire to live righteously. For all genuine believers, their death in Christ is not only a death to sin, but a resurrection to a new life of righteousness (see notes on Ro 6:3, 4, 8, 10; cf. Gal 2:19, 20; Col 3:3).
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
Chris Thayer Hey Brother, thanks for sharing. I agree with you and JMac on the effectual nature of this verse. One died for all and therefore all truly died. The cross had an objective effect on all those Christ died for. However, I disagree on limiting this verse to only some members of the human race. V19 makes it clear that this reconciliation is for the world. Though the effect is objective (verses 14 and 19), the reception of it must still be experienced (vs 20). Hope that helps!
@mynameis......23 Месяц назад
​@@christhayer5034- Lord Jesus died for the World. John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 1 John 2:2 2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. John 6:51 notice world not just elect God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 4:10 For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. Acts 17:30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, Psalm 145:9 The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works. Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, Ezekiel 18:23 Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord GOD, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live? Ezekiel 18:32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live! Romans 11:32 so that God may show mercy to all - God doesn't want anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance 2 Peter 3:9 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. John 12:32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” Matthew 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
@isaiahtusing483 4 года назад
Thank you for what you do, and thank you for staying true to scripture.
@briward1654 4 года назад
A father has 5 children 3 boys and 2 girls. He loves each just the same and has provided a college fund for each of them they do not know this. One day he takes his girls out on a walk and he says to the 2 girls, "you know I love you so much I have worked very hard to provide for you and have been able to provide a college fund for you. Your mom and I want you to think about how you will use that fund...we trust you to make wise choices with it." Now just because the father in this instances has focused on 2 of the 5 while he is talking to them...it does NOT mean he hates his 3 boys and has not provided for them. It is just that at this particular time He is NOT talking about or too the boys He is talking to the girls. The Bible says For God so loved the World and the Bible also says God loves His Sheep. These two statements are not mutually exclusive. They make total sense God LOVES ALL people and God LOVES His Sheep. The one does not annul the other. "God Loves you" and "God loves your neighbor". One does not annul the other. The Calvinist tries to make one cancel out the other. That is a faulty claim by Calvinists. To try and infer that God does not love others because in one context He is focused on the saved when he says He Loves them Does not Annul the words "For God so Loved the World...or He is the Propitiation for the sins of the Whole World." Calvinists do commit a terrible error when they do this.
@djohnson3093 3 года назад
Amen! Your example is one of the main (if not the main) trademarks of a false doctrine. Calvinism is notorious for using the Word of God to discredit the Word of God.
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
Wow 2:20 (2 Peter 2:1) is super powerful and a text I've never really considered in the Atonement debate until now. Thank you Leighton!
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
@@mojo7495 lol. How about providing your supposed genius on this thread... The arrogance...
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
@@mojo7495 HERE IT ISL Mo Jo 4 minutes ago We were not impressed by your quote from Dave Allen at 2.24. "Scripture seems to clearly assert Christ died for everyone". We say, NO! Not when you look deeper into the Text. *The same goes for your quote of 2 Peter 2:1 @ 2.00. You ask us to note that the false teachers mentioned therein were actually bought by the blood of Christ. Yes, it does say they end up denying the Lord who bought them, but like the Allen quote, you just leave it at that. You utterly fail to look deeper and make the biblical distinction between being BOUGHT and REDEEMED, which sweeps your conclusion under the nearest rug. First of all, it is impossible to believe that ANY false teacher was ever born again in the first place, so there must be something deeper to understand concerning the statement that they were bought. I say that "deeper meaning" is your failure to distinguish between "purchase" and "redemption".* While it may be said in a general sense that all people have been purchased (i.e., Christ's death WAS sufficient for them if they availed themselves to it), it may NOT be said that all are redeemed. Specifically, we read that Jesus is pictured as a man who sold all he had to buy a field (Matt 13:44). In verse 38, the field is unambiguously stated to be the world. Thus, by his death on the cross, he BOUGHT the world and all who are in it (again, in the sense that his death would be sufficient for the redemption of all mankind) but he did not REDEEM the whole world, which would only be effective for those whom (we say) God chooses to believe. Much more could be said, but this is just to let you know we are not intimidated by your presentations. We tire of people like you who claim that while God is all powerful and can do anything, the one thing he CANNOT and WILL NOT do is interfere in the free will of man under any circumstances whatsoever. NONSENSE! He does that very thing from Genesis to Revelation! Hence, it's clearly evident you're simply fighting against the one who surely has the ability to take our hearts and turn them whenever and whichever way he wants (Prov 21:1). Just ask the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus!
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
@@mojo7495 Mo Jo M Jo Mo Jo. The point Leighto is making is that *Christ died for ALL men* not whether these false teachers were ever saved or not. Take a breath buddy and actually listen to the point people make! This video is shooting down the 'L' in TULIP... I hope you can relax and channel your energy into a positive discussion rather than being trollish...
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@@mojo7495 you are accusing Flowers of being dishonest? seriously? accusing the brethren is a very serious charge... either bring on the proof that he is intentionally lying or repent! You are way out of line.
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@@omnitheus5442 Mo Jo troll
@JonathanGrandt 4 года назад
Calvinism: God loves the non-elect.... in a “I’m still gonna let you die” sort of way.
@craigjoyner9857 4 года назад
You could also say it as follows. Calvinism: God loves the non-elect....... in a “you’re still going to roast in eternal hell fire for your sin and rejection of me, even though you had no ability to do otherwise” kinda way.
@janeline4936 2 года назад
I praise God for I know listen to Dr Leighton flowers . I've been surrounded by Calvinist friends since 2018, I've become cold and I can't really grasp the love of God, I always see him as wrathful and it isn't good for me.
@agentclol 2 года назад
Or, God does not love the non-elect.
@granthollandvideos 4 года назад
I see Dustins remark below, I so understand this anger. It took me nearly a week to get my head around the moral question that there would actually be people who called themselves """Jesus followers""", who preached that Jesus made millions to go to hell, without provision, not only, but who personally were ordained by God to not be died for by Jesus.. Surely if the conscience does not awaken by this, is there any hope. Yup,, we believe our Calvinistic friends can simply study for themselves and see, I hope they do.. This is far more important than individual ""models of atonement"". "Jesus became a curse on a tree, because God said, cursed is the one who hangs on a tree. I have changed my model of atonement to the "TREE' model.. Bless you Leighton.
4 года назад
Calvinist followers want to limit God's atonement! Just sad! We Christians know that Jesus died for all, if all came to Him, they would all be saved. Praise Jesus.
@Bill_G 4 года назад
that's a big "if" you got there. Can you explain it?
@JuanRodriguez-jn7zx 3 года назад
Gran trabajo, sería genial que latinoamérica pudiera escuchar esta perspectiva ya que el calvinismo está cogiendo fuerza y hay muy pocas voces corrigiendo está doctrina.
@apologiaromana4123 2 года назад
¡Dios te bendiga!
@webgold3408 11 месяцев назад
A few questions for you: Does Romans 8:34 teach that those for whom Christ died will not be under condemnation ? Did Christ die for the fallen angels ? Did Christ die for those commit the unpardonable sin ? Did Christ die for those who were already in Hell ?
@darrow2381 10 месяцев назад
Christ is the propitiation for everyone’s sins. 1 John 2:2 If they do not accept the propitiation by repenting, and believing then they will burn.
@dannakinnaman7115 Год назад
Excellent teaching, Dr. Flowers! I'm interested to know how a Calvinist understands the unpardonable sin. It seems to me that all the sins of the non-elect are unpardonable. Just wondering.
@ILoveOldTWC 3 года назад
Thank you Dr. Flowers. I read that Jesus cried out "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 that God turned His back on His Son as Jesus was bearing the sins of the elect. It was on R.C. Sproul's website. That's blasphemy!!!!! That Jesus endured the wrath of God for the elect, and not the all of mankind!!!
@hepatitis 2 года назад
That is actually a direct quote of Psalm 22. This Psalm starts with "my God my God why have you forsaken me". It is a Psalm referring to a righteous man being persecuted but who in the end is hopeful of God's help and vindication. Jesus applied this Psalm to himself and also shows that the hope of the dying man in the Psalm was not in vain when applied to Jesus for He was in the end resurrected from the dead.
@DrewMack316 4 года назад
This video is excellent! Will be sharing this every time the accusation of 'universalism' comes up when I suggest a universal extent of the atonement. Also, can you put the Ware article link in the description? You can't click it from the video and would have to search for it or copy it letter by letter into the address bar...
@yvonnedoulos8873 4 года назад
So grateful for this video! Shared to my FB page where my self-proclaimed, Reformed/Calvinistic sister-in-Christ will see it and hopefully be convicted by the biblical truths and logical thinking you have presented.
@09251976100 4 года назад
Leighton, I love this out of 1 John. The writer determines what he means by a word used. The broad context of 1 John does indeed show that "world" means what it means and not how Calvinists go to the argument, "well, the word "all" is used, but sometimes the word "all" doesn't really mean "all." Excellent. I love this!!!!!
@brucemercerblamelessshamel3104 4 года назад
1john 2:2 is not about how many are saved but Who is the Only Savior of sinners
@JonathanGrandt 4 года назад
Calvinism: God loves you..... mmmmaybe.
@PhilGeissler 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Flowers! You have a beautiful family.
@brandone.5106 2 года назад
Aside from all the “whole world” scriptures which are clear, 2 Peter 2:1 is the most convincing.
@jamesjohnson8918 Год назад
Election-method of salvation grace through faith Predestination-two predestinations 1)if anyone is IN HIM they are predestined to go to heaven. 2) if anyone is not IN HIM they are predestined to go to hell
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Since we’ve just witnessed a video citing numerous passages proving that Christ died for all, and since Calvinists reject that Christ died for all, we can safely say that Calvinists reject Gods word where it stands against Calvinism, and therefore we can safely say that Calvinists do not worship the God of the bible nor place their trust in Jesus as He reveals Himself, but rather worship and trust their theological system. Calvinists have a form of godliness, but the truth is far from them.
@sylviac.6778 4 года назад
The word ALL is in the Bible 517 times. The word sovereign used to never be in the Bible but now is the NIV 300 times. God is not "the author of confusion". Only one doctrine should be followed, The doctrine of Christ , no other, just that simple. Keep all confusion out of your Bible study by going totally "Sola Scriptura " not doctrines of man telling you what God really meant, that is Satan trying to confuse you and mislead you. Let scripture interpret scripture.
@Joshtheigbo 4 года назад
That's a hard saying for sure. So do we treat them like brothers or just like we would a Jehovah Witness because it's definitely a twisting of Scripture.
@leviwilliams9601 2 года назад
I was given the gospel from a Calvanist. Really depends on the person.
@christophersnedeker 9 месяцев назад
​@@leviwilliams9601 yeah I've been tempted to say things like "calvinists worship the devil" and while I do find their doctrines satanic I think some may not fully understand the implications of their beliefs.
@dwashington1333 13 дней назад
God's will is not subject to man's will.
@thomasthepromise8430 4 года назад
Once again, so good! I just don't understand how anyone comes to a different conclusion than Provisionalism. How is it disparaging God's character or questioning His sovereignty to conclude that man has the spiritual and moral capacity to respond to his Maker?
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
Jason Piker with all due respect there are many problems in Provisionalism. So, you criticize Calvinism (and you have great points) but don’t seem to have a coherent system either. You have two options: semipelagianism or molinism. The first is just too anti-biblical, and Molinism is more solid but at the end you end up very close to Determinism, but in this case is a “determinism by circumstances”. Also, Molinism in a way denies free will as well because according to that system God’s puts you in a situation in which he knows what are you going to choose, so you don’t really have much choice there, do you?. I think Thomism has a more coherent system that both Calvinism and Provisionalism. Probably when you get to know it you will become a Thomist as well ;)
@rafaelrolino 4 года назад
@@HosannaInExcelsis What is thomism?
@rebirtheternal5922 4 года назад
@@HosannaInExcelsis there r no problems with provisionalism. And the tulip belief system isnt "near" determinism it is literally determinism. What is the biggest most obvious and glaring problem with provisionalism??
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
Rafael Araujo is the whole systematic on Predestination developed by the great philosopher and bible scholar Thomas Aquinas. His main thesis is that God can move the will and lead the creature through a series of graces towards salvation whereas Molina (which created an alternative theory) reject the idea that God can move the will. That’s why provisionalism typically chooses Molinism, because they want to defend free will. Thomism differs from Calvinism in that it rejects irresistible grace (and therefore double presestination). In Thomism free will and efficacious grace can coexist
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
@@HosannaInExcelsis You lost me here with this narrow absolute: "You have two options: semipelagianism or molinism." To start with SemiPelagianism is only a thing for Calvinists. Molonism is only one small faction within the Provisionalist camp. Do better and do your research. That would be like me saying there are only two positions within Determinism: Compatibilism and Hyper-Calvinism. Hardly fair isn't it???
@joimes 2 года назад
I've heard people say that the "world" means Israel in this context. I'd love to know how to confidently rebuke this.
@thm8521 2 года назад
According to Leviticus 16 God commands the high priests to make atonement for ALL the people once a year, in the same way in John 11 it says that the High Priest prophesied that Christ would die and make atonement for ALL the people and the nation; God in the old testament sent the high priest to make atonement for all the people and now he changed his mind and did it only for some? Where in the Bible does it say that? And if we know that Jesus like the high priests of old made atonement for the entire Jewish nation and we know that not all Jews believed and accepted Christ and as a consequence were not saved, then that refutes the limited atonement, since the limited atonement establishes that there can be no people for whom Christ has died and do not become saved. The high priests made atonement for all the people, not for some, this was a command of God himself.
@dustinpaulson1123 4 года назад
The Christ of the Bible did. If your "Christ" didn't, then you have a false Christ.
@SimpleManGuitars1973 2 года назад
AT BEST when the Calvinist holding to Limited Atonement is asked by a sinner "did Jesus die for me" they can say "I don't know..." I do not see how you can believe in Limited Atonement and have the nerve to stand before a congregation of people and tell them Jesus died for the world and knowing the whole time you only believe he really only died for the "elect".
@lauromartinez8948 Год назад
You gotta stop trolling James white for that quote man 😂😂😂
@mariepybus894 2 года назад
I can’t listen to calvinist they think that calvinist are the only one who are God’s chosen and it’s not true he chooses all people to repent
@Tylermichealmusic 2 года назад
@emanuelkournianos7412 10 месяцев назад
Deuteronomy 24:16 Says, "Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin!" So, Jesus did not die and become "a sinner in our place" as Protestants always say which would violate the above law of God! Jesus died "on our behalf" (As 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 using Greek word "uper" and Nicene Creed say) so Jesus could raise again and thereby conquer death, sin, and the devil for everybody as the Bible says. See Hebrews 2:14-15 Acts 3:15-19 So Jesus died for all in the world (See 2 Corinthians 5:14-15; John 6:51), in order to raise everybody from the dead at the last day and be judged! John 5:28-29 Jesus Christ willingly conquered death for all and is not a victim of God's wrath which splits the Trinity! The persons of the Trinity always only love each other! 1 John 4:8 Fact is, "Jesus specifically said" at the last supper that he died for Judas Iscariot who is "not a sheep" so he could be raised at the last day! Luke 22:17-22 John 5:28-29 "God IS love!" 1 John 4:8 The Protestants have God damning and cutting off God His own Son Jesus, thereby splitting the Trinity! Heresy! John 14:10-11; 10:30 Their wrathful God creates people and sends them to be tortured forever because they are born dead in sin through zero fault of their own and they cannot believe! This includes babies who die and go to hell! And their God of wrath does nothing to save them which God has the power to do! Matthew 19:26 Fortunately, the True God in Christ is described in Colossians 1:14-23 and Romans 11:33-36
@travis2267 2 года назад
Best video yet. Awesome stuff
@bobbyadkins6983 2 года назад
If you believe the Bible then you believe He did. If you believe Calvinism, then you don't believe He did.
@Ashum28 4 года назад
I love that they attack you for arguing your position because of what we can find throughout the Bible to support our position as provisionalists but they use the same exact way to prove secessionist position.
@user-qv6pe6go3d 4 года назад
I appreciate this mans view point. If Christ sacrifice was for all and it's completely up to the person then its no longer Grace, because your saying that this person is able to convert from their unbelief and see spiritual things that only God can unveil. Remember we don't start out neutral as the Bible states that we are haters of God, evil, alienated and wicked. Its hard to swallow that but unless something miraculous happens in the heart of a human being i.e. God himself making himself known personally to you, don't expect someone to suddenly follow Jesus or want to. And quite honestly I don't blame someone for being repulsed by Christianity because the bible explains why! Men love darkness and hate the light, because their deeds are evil. So God gets the glory because he's able to do something that cannot be accomplished by blood, nor flesh , nor the human will. We go from being children of wrath to righteous, blameless, holy and free of condemnation all by his grace and it is available to all. Gods wisdom is higher than others these truths should drive you to worship him and consider truly how fortunate you are to be one of the elect. My wife and I are the only believers in both our families. I love Jesus so much and i am so thankful for what he did for us and continues to do. I believe John 3:16 , but the sad reality is that they're will be people that no matter how much i pray for them or preach to them or love them they will reject the message. God executing judgement in the form of eternal hell shouldn't disqualify him from being The God of Love or justice or Righteousness but instead it shows me just how lost , deceived and prideful mankind is and has the propensity to be (including myself). Look at the freedom God gives people to live their lives, that's the only explaination for the evil in this world. He loves us, he feeds the atheist, clothes the terroist and comforts criminals he lets these people who are blatantly antagonist to him and the world experience joy in their lives to certain degree, I could never allow or do that because I don't have the capacity to love or have grace for my enemy in that way or think i could ever do so.He has bestowed us grace upon grace, and i marvel at this and at Him the King of kings.
@user-qv6pe6go3d 4 года назад
Small addition: He so full of grace and mercy and it’s evident not only with the saints but the unbeliever as well
@investfluent4143 2 года назад
Right right. But the church is not the Bride of Christ, it is the Body of Christ. The Bride of the Lamb is the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven. Will you attend the wedding??? If the Church were the Bride, we would not currently be in Christ. What a disaster that would be.
@alanmunch5779 9 месяцев назад
There is another whole area of evidence in the book of Hebrews, which is compelling to me in showing that Limited Atonement is not correct. I wonder if Dr Allen’s book deals with this.
@jilltilghman3027 4 года назад
Also, it was Satan that desired worship from all, slavery, control over peoples actions and delights in evil.
@jessiebelza3811 3 года назад
Thanks brother for this Good News!
@mccaboy 2 года назад
The main reason why I reject Calvinism. Some super theological gymnastics to make void God's call for men to repent n believe
@franciscafazzo3460 Год назад
What's your opinion on the eight volume systematic theology of lsjafer lewisberry chafer
@Obrandoporlaverdad Год назад
@paulcastillo9227 4 года назад
Thanks for all you do to give the non-Calvinistic view to the Church today. You help provide the Scriptural evidence to share with those who think John Calvin's theology is the "grid" necessary to understand the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the true guide to correct understanding of God's Holy Word.
@sarnicm 4 года назад
Thanks Sir Leighton. am using your videos sharing it in my FB account. i have some Calvinistic friends and we are exchanging notes.
@matrixlone 4 года назад
I also made a video on Calvinism it can help you too
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@@matrixlone good, you can share it with your reformed buddies.
@matrixlone 4 года назад
@@Mark-oo3om im not reformed.
@oldmadenewcreations 4 года назад
I'm definitely not Arminian, and I'm not a 5-point Calvinist (so, I guess I'm banned from their group 😉), and it seems as though my understanding of scripture does fall more into the Traditionalist category. That said, here's what I believe the Bible says: the atonement is for all and was paid "once for all" (He is the propitiation for all sins of all people); furthermore, salvation is for them who repent and believe. Opening a can of worms here, the atonement is for propitiation of sin, salvation is for imputed righteousness... hell is where people go because of unbelief (John 3:18), but not the punishment for sins...BECAUSE Jesus atoned for all sin - "it is finished".
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
Rebecca... you are doing EXACTLY the right thing! Put yourself out there...keep drawing all your conclusions directly from Scriptures.. it won't be easy to eventually draw away from a crowd of peers but read Phil 3:7-21 carefully, when we strive for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, we lose some friends along the way... In fact we might lose everything. It is picking up our cross and leaving the comfort of the wisdom of men... that is EXACTLY what we are supposed to do, that is how you rightly divide the word of truth!! You need not be ashamed sister. And it will not be easy bc our adversary has blinded the minds of a few people we love, but you know what? I read your comment and I am typing w tears in my eyes for seeing the promises of God being fulfilled in His Spirit working in you to do His will... keep up the faith sister! John 8:31-32 keep going disciple! I praise God for you and am praying Phil 1:9-11 for you for sure! :)
@oldmadenewcreations 4 года назад
Thank you for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@@gregb6469 where is it written that unbelief is a sin? Are you lumping disobedience in with unbelief?
@oldmadenewcreations 4 года назад
I think whether or not "unbelief" is 'sin' is irrelevant semantics as far as salvation goes. Unbelief can not be atoned for (John 3:18) and it is the exact thing which condemns man. All men are sinners and, therefore, are separated from Holy God and need to be reconciled to God; all men stand condemned already because of unbelief. The atonement reconciles us but then that still leaves us with our unbelief. What can be done? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved", "Repent and believe", "confess with your mouth... believe in your heart", etc. Atonement and salvation are not the same thing. Atonement provided the way for salvation, it did not provide salvation.
@oldmadenewcreations 4 года назад
@Greg B I'm not sure what you're trying to say or where (it seems) you disagree with what I said. Verse 9, first of all, refers to unbelievers (as indicated by "will convict the world...of sin, because of their unbelief"). Can anyone who doesn't believe be saved? Can anyone be saved without repentance? No - you must repent AND believe. Conviction leads to godly sorrow which leads to repentance which leads to salvation (2 Corinthians 7:10).
@mynameis......23 Месяц назад
8:00 11:00
@aaronfisher3003 4 года назад
Great content Leighton...thank you!
@jilltilghman3027 4 года назад
The whole matter can be summed up in how Calvanists and non calvanists view the character of God. I believe there are a couple of verses in the bible where God shows His anger at those that think He is a cruel hard master. The bible teaches us that God is just and a rewarded of those that do good and hundred more verses. Why would Calvanists pull out of the bible 4 or five verses in the bible and make it a doctrine over the hundreds of verses that say God loves and died for all or verses meaning the same. I think God is angry at all those that believe God creates evil to come to pass. That is the nature and character that describes Satan in the bible. How is there any difference in the character of Satan and God or even the point of satan doing any tempting or evil himself when God has that covered. I think it grieves God to hear Christian's speak of God is the author and predestination of innocent babies being tortured, raped and murder and are completely helpless while God sits back happy in his predeterminism.
@mariepybus3237 3 года назад
@Morris311 4 года назад
Thank you for continuing to uphold this truth in Scripture! Calvinist teachings are in the majority of churches. And these people are adamant in their beliefs. However, re James White, please look more carefully into his teachings.
@suganemmenaul Год назад
But not all (world) crucified with Christ for their sin. Not all rose with Him to live newness of life. Only those the church. How can you explan that i started believing in christ 6 years ago. And im already crucified with Christ when He died on the cross. And rose with Him 2000 years ago? You're mistaken about world. And the church. Thanks for the messages ❤
@kevinsBiblicaldiscussions Год назад
1 Sam 3:14And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever. A Calvinist brought this up to me to prove limited atonement. Not sure what to think about this. Anyone have any thoughts?
@DamonNomad82 Год назад
In a reply to an earlier comment on this video by a Calvinist citing that same verse, among others, Evan U gave a good answer to it (IMHO). "1Sam 3:11 ¶ And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle. 12 👉🏻In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house👈🏻: when I begin, I will also make an end. 13 For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. 14 And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever. God did as He said He would do. No sacrifice would prevent it from happening. He would make them pay for their sins though Eli had been warned many times before about his sons and he did nothing about it. So this was all fulfilled within a few years. It’s not saying that their children would be guilty of sin and are doomed to hell. They went past the point of repentance for what they had done and now they’re going to pay. Judgement was upon them. That’s all this passage is saying."
@christophersnedeker 9 месяцев назад
Olam does not mean forever, else tsunamis would be impossible.
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
*_B_* *_O_* *_O_* *_M_*
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@@mojo7495 *_LIMITED ATONEMENT IS DENYING THE LORD JESUS THAT BOUGHT US_* (2Pet2:1) You aren't even constrained by the love of Christ in judgment on the basic doctrine of the faith: that if one died for all, then were all dead: and that *_HE died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again._* (2 Cor 5:14-15) Dude!!! Repent! You are reprobate concerning the faith to pretend that YOU are some part of some special group of people that God chose before the beginning of the world as if Jesus was lying when He said He came to save sinners... YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, YOU ARE A SINNER... election is a spiritual blessing and ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS are *_IN IN IN IN_* Christ Jesus... not before you believed BUT after... And he (Jesus) is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1John 2:2 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. 1John4:14 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. These things command and teach. 1 Tim 4:9-11
@marcosbatista1029 4 года назад
Very good work !
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
Prof Flowers, when are you going to do a video about what Provisionalist believe about Predestination? Do you believe in Molinism or how do you separate yourselves from semi-pelagianism?. It seems to me that Provisionalists don’t really have a well thought alternative in this regard but I might be wrong. Thanks for your work. Even some Catholics like me watch and enjoy your videos; specially when you kick James White or Matt Slick butt :)
@phillwithskill1364 4 года назад
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
phillwithskill 1 I love Augustine. He’s great. Too bad protestants don’t fully grasp his understanding of grace
@phillwithskill1364 4 года назад
HDM so there’s (1) Pelagianism (2) Semi-Pelagianism (3) Semi-Augustinianism and (4) Augustinianism. Calvinists are Augustinian and Arminians are Semi-Augustinian
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
phillwithskill 1 by leaving aside Thomism you are missing an important category. Same with Molinism and Congruism.
@phillwithskill1364 4 года назад
HDM no these were views discussed in the ancient council of Orange regarding the Pelagian controversy. The four positions mentioned have to do with the ability and depravity of man vs. the necessity of grace either preceding faith or succeeding it. These four positions are NOT suppose to be in the same category as Soteriological systems like Molinism/Congruism and Thomism.
@KingjamesAV1611 4 года назад
@arkrainflood 4 года назад
excellent arguments! how do calvinists attempt to counter them?
@razegaming1686 2 года назад
When punishment starts handing out I just want to be found covred in the blood of christ, a lack of reward is better than paying the price for my own sins in full against a holy and righteous God, I cannot afford that price I honestly can't. My sins where punished at the cross, and I hope that all people would place trust in Christ. Because we all have a dept owed to God. Christ paid it accept it or don't and pay for it yourself
@franciscafazzo3460 Год назад
So does John Goodman who was a Puritan that they rejected he makes a good case for gave his life a ransom for the many not our sins only but the sins of the whole world if you have that work lighting but it's on Kindle
@sgbc5863 4 года назад
Did Jesus die for the sins of Eli's sons? 1 Samuel 3:14, "Therefore I swore to the house of Eli, ‘The guilt of Eli’s house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.’”
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Paul who else was part of Eli’s house? Was Eli? Was his wife? How about his grandchildren? So according to you Jesus didn’t die for Eli’s sins either, even though he was Gods high priest. Maybe you’re misinterpreting the passage, and need to look at it in the context of the prophecy that the man of God brought to him, and maybe then you’ll realize that verse 14 has nothing to do with Eli’s eternal status.
@ReidRob97 4 года назад
A postmillenialist does not understand those "world" passages in terms of individual people, and that is certainly not what the word means. The word "cosmos" which is translated "world" refers to the entirety of the created order. John in particular likes to take Platonic ideas and turn them on their heads. This is what he does with "logos" in John 1, and this is exactly what he is doing with "cosmos." Even today, the only context in which one would hear the word "world" and think "all people in the world" is when discussing these Bible passages; everywhere else, world means world.
@haark655 4 года назад
Reid Roberson But it’s for the sins of the world, did the earth itself sin, or did people of the world sin?
@ReidRob97 4 года назад
@@haark655 John 3:16 doesn't say that. 1 John 2:2 does DEPENDING on the translation. The Greek just says "also for all the world." You have to do a bit of interpretation to translate that. You'll see that "those of" in the NASB and "the sins of" in the KJV are italicized.
@oracleoftroy 4 года назад
@@haark655 In Gen 3: 17-19, God curses the earth as a result of sin. Rom 8: 20-22 talks about how the earth is subjected to corruption and groans while waiting to be set free. Part of the promise of salvation isn't just the salvation of individuals, but a renewed earth free from the curse of sin, where God dwells with man. It is seen in the last two chapters of Rev.
@Sirach144 3 года назад
Jesus. 1 Tim 2:5. Jesus was an ransom FOR ALL.
@JStevensdk7 4 года назад
If Calvinists would simply just accept scripture, they would no longer be Calvinist. Unfortunately they choose to deny and redefine words rather than repent.
@ipaporod 4 года назад
@@35sralde :Then by Jstevensdk7 view and your own view both Traditionalists and Reformationists need to repent to be saved?. Does believing what Calvin wrote can get you saved?. Does rejecting Calvinism condemns you?.
@brianweaver2672 4 года назад
@@35sralde • Non-Calvinists are not synergists, but Calvinists keep trying to paint them as such. Once Calvinists understand that Faith is not a Work, they will stop mislabelling other believers as synergists.
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
Not a Calvinist or a Provisionalist. But I have many Calvinist friends who are very honest and are very convinced that God is able to move the will in them, and that he has done that and that is how they ended up choosing Christ. I think double predestination is an evil doctrine, but it doesn’t mean that God cannot move the will for us to attain salvation. In fact there are some good verses in scripture that probe this point. But my suggestion is for you to treat your Calvinist brothers with respect and mercy.
@ipaporod 4 года назад
@@35sralde :Jehovah God through His Word/The Gospel (the Holy Bible) brings repentance and is up to man if he chose to repent or not to repent by rejecting Christ and be condemned. Salvation is 100% of God and by Grace and through Faith but the Gospel must be preached for people to know what are they supposed to repent from and who are they to trust to be saved!!.
@HosannaInExcelsis 4 года назад
Brian Weaver what’s the problem with synergism? Paul even uses the word synergeo to denote our cooperation with God: 2 Corinthians 6:1 (NASB) And working together with Him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain. Why do you fear sinergy if that is in scripture?
@mariepybus894 2 года назад
Calvinism is on the rise
@alanmunch5779 9 месяцев назад
That’s true in some parts of the Western world, but it’s important to remember that most Christians in glory will never have heard of Calvin (or other such writers or theologians whom a sub-set of Christians follow at a particular point in history).
@JonathanGrandt 3 года назад
Christ was the sacrifice for Sin.
@JonathanGrandt 3 года назад
I cringe at every mention of “our Calvinistic friends”. 🤦‍♂️ my friends don’t teach false doctrine and they don’t bring destruction on themselves. Not my friends. They went out from us (they the false teachers defected from the ranks of those who taught the truth of the gospel) because they were never with us from the beginning (they, the false teachers never believed or taught the truth from the beginning.)
@joshthompson3088 3 года назад
Lol okay Johnathan Don’t care
@williamhenderson1161 3 года назад
Yes He did!
@TheFinalJigsaw 9 месяцев назад
Blasphemy saying Christ died for all. Christ did not die for his ENEMIES
@oldglory6922 3 года назад
YES & AMEN!!! 🎚🩸📖😇
@0004voltz 4 года назад
Calvinists need to see this video.
@andrewmagana8093 4 года назад
I loved this video up until the point where I saw Leighton wearing a Dallas Cowboys Jersey lol but Leighton made up for it when he trolled james white
@martytu20 4 года назад
Andrew Magana How bout dem Cowboys 🤣🤣
@andrewmagana8093 4 года назад
@@martytu20 they are lucky that their division is so bad that they still are in first place 🤣
@Highfivechurch 4 года назад
That’s good👏
@KISStheSON... 4 года назад
YES! 🤗 Matthew 12 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy [against] the [Holy] Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the [world] to come. Hebrews 10 28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: 29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? Psalms 94:8 “Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?” WISE: RESPONDING sensibly or shrewdly to a particular situation.
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@@mojo7495 WOW. you are out of control... you are satanic troll.
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@Sage of Synergism righteousness is by FAITH not deed, lest anyone should boast!... we are SANCTIFIED by God's word (John 17:17) and born again of incorruptible WORD of God (1Pet1:23)... we sin everyday hence Jesus commanding us to pray "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"... if you are pretending that you no longer fall short of the perfect will of God, you are wrong... we have an advocate in Jesus who ever lives to make intercession for us... we are not perfect yet.
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@Sage of Synergism yes!.. I do not disagree with the points you are making. Being born again in 1Pet2:3 of the incorruptible word is not the same as being born of the spirit as in John 3.. (I do not think that someone born of the Spirit of God can end up in hell and I'm not sure if "losing" salvation is the best wording for the themes in Scriptures you are referring to but I definitely know what you are talking about and I do not disagree) There is a balance though, I also see eternal security to those of us who put our faith in Christ and walk after the Spirit and mortify the deeds flesh,-- that is not works, it is faith. I believe Psalm 119, John 8:31-32, 1Pet 1:23 are like a blueprint of our contract with God, that if we receive a love of the truth and pursue God's righteousness and His kingdom in faith in Jesus, He will indwell us with the Holy Spirit and guide us in righteousness, and give us the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ unto to the glory of God. "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John15:5) Basically we are sanctified by God's word and He will be faithful to us, if we are faithful to Him.... As you point out it involves forgiving as we are forgiven (definitely the story of the wicked servant in Matt 18:23-35 demonstrates we can lose our forgiveness!). Our Lord encourages us that the one who endures and perseveres til the end shall be saved (but I hear that as an encouragement to keep going, not a carrot on a stick..) ... and probably the best summary of this is in Paul's admonishing the Philippians: to strive for winning "the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. 16 Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. 17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. 18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) 20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: 21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@Sage of Synergism I agree..Matt 6:15 if you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven. NO doubt that if you are not forgiven, you are not saved. as far as Matt 5:29.. Jesus is telling us it is worth taking drastic measures to avoid sin...but, be careful because if you think that you lose your salvation just because you sin, that means that every believer who sins has lost their salvation and is getting cast into hell... that is NOT what the Scripture says.. Sanctification is the *_process_* of becoming holy. It is a process that happens by us learning the Truth, God's word is truth and conforming ourselves to it... "and this we will do if God permit" We do not know God's word perfectly so we do sins sometimes that we do not even know we are sinning, I promise you, there are many believers out there committing sins they do not even know are sin, hence Psalm 19:12... and Hebrew 6 addresses this in verse 1-3 "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment, and this will we do, if God permit." Before you move on to perfection though, you have to learn the doctrines of Christ... so trust God will sanctify you by His word and sin will NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER you. Faith is like a mustard seed. It takes time to grow. Sinning is not something that stops like a waving of a wand. It takes a while sometimes for someone to get to that point and God will fortify them in meantime. NO one goes to 100% sinlessness in the flesh.. and worry people that they can "lose salvation" because they sin is foolish. They lose salvation because they lose their faith. FAITH is imputed as righteousness not the deeds of the law. Just be careful pushing the idea that someone who has sinned has lost their salvation. I have NEVER EVER EVER met a believer who has stopped sinning 100%... that will not happen until we are in a non-fallen world and in our glorified bodies.. BUT it is possible to cause new believers to stumble by giving them so expectation that they should have stopped sinning if they were saved.... that is NOT the benchmark of salvation.
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
@Sage of Synergism ALL PEOPLE SIN... including believing saved people...so what are trying to argue? That no one is saved? or that you are not a sinner?
@branch9422 4 года назад
Beautiful family Leighton :)
@shaphatyahawadah1373 4 года назад
If you are talking about the Bible then you are speaking of the GOD OF THE ISRAELITES. The Elohyim of Israel NEVER EVER CLAIMED ANY OTHER NATION OF PEOPLE TO BE HIS ! Yes anyone that loves HIS people (the israelites not the Jewish folk) can follow and serve Him through them. HE only gave His laws to ONE people (the ISRAELITES ) no one else. (Read Romans chapter 9 ) so my question to you is...If HE never gave anything to you to be accountable for then WHY do you need salvation ?? If you are not israelite the broken covenant does not APPLY TO YOU ! ..The Messiah of Israel said ..if you try to get into the sheepfold ( the Kingdom of Elohyim ) any other way then YOU are a THIEF and a ROBBER meaning YOU are trying to take something THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU !
@christopherstroud8621 4 года назад
Dr. Flowers I am interested in where you think faith comes from. Do we create it or does God give it do you think?
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Christopher Stroud faith is belief, hope, trust acted out. It is an ability God created humanity with. All mankind has faith, whether in self, science, money, family, a doctrinal system, etc. Where we direct faith is up to us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation and is sufficient for the humble to direct their faith in Christ. Those who seek to serve God, know God, worship God, God will ensure that they are presented with the gospel so as to receive it. Those who truly seek to serve God will receive Christ.
@christopherstroud8621 4 года назад
@@jaygee2187 You say "Where we direct faith is up to us". Fine but we are all different. What makes one of "us" trust God and another not do so? Is it random chance of birth and circumstance or God?
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Christopher Stroud nope...it’s humility that drives us to seek God.
@LilacDaisy2 4 года назад
Doesn't the Bible say that faith is a gift of God?
@christopherstroud8621 4 года назад
@@jaygee2187 If it is humility that drives us to seek God you have still not said where that comes from, it appears to me.
@jackdaw6359 4 года назад
Read the church fathers and use their hermeneutics.
@evanu6579 4 года назад
Church fathers before 400AD or after?
@cabeto821005 4 года назад
@5winder 4 года назад
The Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of all who will repent, accept Him and be saved. Sadly, that excludes most Calvinists.
@suehamblin9652 4 года назад
Good work ... but the piano music in the background is really annoying and distracting.
@chrisamandadeysel5117 4 года назад
If Jesus died only for a select few that will make Him and the Father respecters of the person. ''Act 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: Act 10:35 But in EVERY nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
@oracleoftroy 4 года назад
Only if the condition for that choice is based on the person. Calvinists say salvation is not conditioned on man at all (the U in TULIP), universalist say Christ died for everyone and their salvation is not conditioned on man at all (everyone is saved). But when you have Christ dying for everyone but not everyone is saved - only those displaying some quality like faith are saved - then you run into questions about whether God is partial to particular people based on some quality originating in them.
@chrisamandadeysel5117 4 года назад
@@oracleoftroy everybody has the ability of faith,but here you have to put your faith in Christ for salvation and His finished works,death,burial and resurrection(1 Cor 14:1-4).Although Christ dying on the cross is part of God's redemption for men,it does not save,it is through His life that those who believe are saved. Rom 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Rom 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, MUCH MORE, being reconciled, we shall be SAVED by HIS LIFE.
@oracleoftroy 4 года назад
@@chrisamandadeysel5117 I agree that everyone has the ability of faith, but everyone lacks the will to put our faith in God, and so we rebel and sin against him. That is why God must save us and approach us while we are still enemies, and why the gift of salvation includes faith. Christ authored and finishes it.
@chrisamandadeysel5117 4 года назад
@@oracleoftroy are you leaning towards calvinism or are you a calvinist?How does God save us and then approach us?
@oracleoftroy 4 года назад
@@chrisamandadeysel5117 I am a Calvinist, except I don't hold to the things the anti-Calvinists claim Calvinist believe. I hold to the confessions Calvinists have subscribed to for centuries. So, when Leighton talks total inability, he tends to make it about a physical inability as if God didn't program us to have faith in an exhaustive deterministic way, but when the Westminster Confession discuss man, it says God ordained that man has a free will (3.1, 9) and that we lost the ability of _will_ to do spiritual good in the fall (9.3). When God saves a person, he fixes this problem with our will that we created in the fall by freeing our will from sin, enabling us to do spiritual good and so freely come to him (9.4). This aligns with biblical statements. The Bible puts this as being a slave to sin and to Satan, being dead in our sins, or having a hard heart; and when we are saved, we are purchased from our master by Christ and now slaves of Christ and righteousness, made alive (quickened if you like archaic words) in Christ, and given a heart of flesh. As for your question, salvation isn't just one event happening at one point in time, but the most direct answer to how he saves us would be "in Christ" as Eph 1 puts it. Before the foundations of the earth, he chooses who he will save, in time he actualizes that salvation and brings them into the faith and justifies them, and fills them with his spirit. The spirit works to scantify them through teaching and discipline for the rest of their life. And Central to this is Christ at one particular point in time coming to earth and conquering death on the cross so that he could bring life to God's people. As it all hangs on Christ's death and ressurection, all of salvation is said to be in Christ.
@Steblu74 4 года назад
Yes He did. But only the “election” hath obtained it (Romans 11:7).
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Steblu74 if you care about context, verses 4 &5 tell you who the ‘election’ are, verse 6 & 7a tell you who the ‘rest’ who ‘were blinded’ are, and verse 11 tells you why salvation is therefore come unto the gentiles. If you’re a calvinist context will remain irrelevant to you.
@bkahlerventer 4 года назад
@@jaygee2187 the time of the gentiles in Rom 11 is also just for a period, then the gospel will return to the jews, as the time of the gentiles will come to an end when the fullness of the gentiles have come in... v.25+
@MarkRidlen 4 года назад
Wow, I need to read up on logical fallacies
@jeffreybailey2442 4 года назад
Here's a way to square predestination and free will because both are true at the same time. The only difference is the direction of travel....past (predestination) or future (free will), where the assertion about either is given at the present moment. Note: YOU Learned this in grade school...tense matters. Ok, here is the example: Three people are in a room. Two are Christians, one is not. Christian 1 reads Romans 8:28-30 aloud. Christian 1 and 2 agree, nonChristian doesn't understand and probably doesn't care. Fast forward one week and the same three are back together, but this time the nonChristian from last week has some good news. He tells Christian 1 and 2 that he found Christ, asked Christ to forgive him of his sins, asked Christ into his heart and placed his faith in Christ. Christian 1 again reads Romans 8:28-30 and all three, Christian 1, 2 and now 3, agree. The end. So what happened here. One week before Christian 3 was a nonbeliever and Christan 1 and 2 were predestined and elect. Your fourth grade teacher can help you, because the words refer to the past. Of course everything that has happened in the past has made you what you are in the PRESENT, but your future is not the past and predestination cannot answer questions about the future....remember Christian 3. He had free will to decide his future and he chose rightly. So, in the second meeting with Christian 1 and 2 he was able to claim Roman's 8: 28-30 as true, because looking back over the past, specifically the past week, he was predestined in the present. Get it. So, what this proposes is that God knows all possible futures regardless of what choices you make and it shows that God is even greater than the God we have put into semantic boxes where only one future is possible. This puts man at even a lesser of a status than we previously thought, because no matter what we decide to do or not do, God's will doesn't depend on man's choices.
@christhayer5034 4 года назад
So if salvation is up to us wouldn’t it be considered a work? If salvation is purely up to man than we would never obtain it bc there is none righteous not even one which is why God has to intercede for us. Isnt faith a gift from God? Here some scriptures that jcame to mind that causes me to question this Semi-Pelagianism type of interpretation...also read this somewhere (a heresy derived from Pelagius who lived in the 5th century A.D. and was a teacher in Rome). I may be off topic with all this but I would think Gods will is perfect and we aren’t in any position to negotiate or reason with our creator like clay to the potter or creation to its creator. We are just dust. John 6:37,39,44,65 NASB [37] All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. [39] This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. [44] No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. [65] And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father." John 10:26-29 NASB [26] But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. [27] My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; [28] and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. [29] My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. Ephesians 2:8-10 NASB [8] For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; [9] not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. [10] For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Romans 8:28-30 NASB [28] And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. [29] For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; [30] and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
@Soteriology101 4 года назад
Chris Thayer Salvation is up to God. He decided to save those who humbly repent in faith. Repentance in faith is up to us in response to God’s appeals and provision.
@christhayer5034 4 года назад
@Soteriology101 I understand. But if Christ atonement is universal then in theory his death on the cross is potentially for everybody or nobody and that obviously cant be true. Then what are we to say about the elect who God foreknew, predestined etc.. and what about John 15:16 where Jesus says how the disciples didn't choose him but that he chose them. Atonement is received by faith (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8-9) thus making it limited for those whom the Lord came to redeem ( his sheep). I do not think this makes God any less loving but rather highlights Him as holy, righteous, and merciful. Our knowledge is limited and He works all things for the greater good of His kingdom. Shouldn't we rejoice in Gods Glory rather than our own. Any fruit we bear isn't our own but its the work of the Holy Spirit within so why should the act of coming to faith be any different? Always learning of course and looking for insight, Thanks for your time and response.
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@@christhayer5034 faith is not a work, accepting The Gift, is not a work. Israel practiced a works based Law and this is what the problem was. By faith, not by works. "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, attained righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith; but Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone," Romans 9:30‭-‬32 NASB It just cannot be any clearer then that. Until you understand the issues facing Israel, you cannot understand the context of these scriptures. " I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel?" Romans 11:1‭-‬2 NASB The people that God forknew, the elect, His Chosen people is Israel.
@christhayer5034 4 года назад
Mark Mark Hey brother I appreciate you taking time and sharing your insight. Clearly salvation is by Gods grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Biblical faith will persevere and the born again believer will bear fruit, no question about it. Once sealed with the Holy Spirit at the point of genuine faith we are justified, sanctified, then eventually glorified. I don’t believe in works based salvation (Catholics ex...). Aren’t the community of believers in the Church also considered the elect?...you lost me there. Faith is a gift that is activated by a divine calling, if the Lord Almighty didn’t call me then I would still be headed down the path to destruction. We are incapable of accepting the gift in our fallen nature, we have to be called or quickened to do so and if we could lose our salvation we would but scripture clearly teaches us otherwise, praise the Lord for that. If it’s up to mankind to accept the free gift and the ball is in our court we could technically not respond and Christ would have died for nothing. But that’s not the case, he died for his sheep, those who hear his voice, whom God foreknew. Ephesians 1:4-5 NASB [4] just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love [5] He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@@christhayer5034 have you ever tracked the pronouns used in Ephesians 1? Have you also considered that it states IN Him, numerous times? God draws all men, hence the Gospel and the great commission. You can read it in Acts 7:51, also in Acts 18:6, the parable of the wedding feast is also proof. His calling is VERY resistable, the Word clearly shows it here. Everyone is accountable. Jesus said " If I be lifted up, will draw all men to myself". Don't try to tell me that He was just referring to people groups. Anybody who accepts the free gift is saved IN HIM and THROUGH HIM. If somebody is irrisistably chosen, then is it really THEIR belief? Does the Word say "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, BUT ONLY IF GOD CHOOSES YOU TO FIRST?" What is the definition of believe? Can anybody MAKE you believe something? I can talk to you till I'm blue in the face, that Calvinism is a false doctrine, but I can't force you to believe that. You make that decision yourself, based on what you perceive to be true or not. Do you believe that man causes climate change?
@JohnQPublic11 4 года назад
Hmm, @5:19 It appears James White has either abandoned Calvinism or he doesn't know what reformed theology teaches!
@dustinpaulson1123 4 года назад
God must have foreordained White's inconsistency
@enonknives5449 4 года назад
Calvinists always claim that anyone who rejects Calvinism doesn't really understand it. It's pretty clear that even Calvinists don't understand it.
@chrisamandadeysel5117 4 года назад
@The Gooberment-Sucks Calvinism moto:''I am not always right,but I am never wrong''
@oracleoftroy 4 года назад
Yeah, it sounds like James White holds to the so called 'Calvinism' that has been confessed for centuries in the London Baptist Confession, and not the unique understanding of Calvinism that only you have. James White isn't a Calvinist according to your definition, and never has been.
@Sam-bb1tp 4 года назад
@@oracleoftroy Most Calvinists will actually pretend like the sinner had a choice in the matter, even though it was ultimately determined by God. I don't think White is being inconsistent with Calvinism. He's just being inconsistent.
@nyamyaphilemon4929 10 месяцев назад
It's easy to say Christ died for all. But Explain it.
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