Golda Meir was absolutely correct, as is this commentary on her intelligent and succinct review of history. Thank you for reminding us all of the truth.
Not a land issue? A group of Europeans arriving on a piece of land that is not theirs, 33% of which are Jews, 90% of which were fleeing Europe, and they are given over 50% of the territory that had already been promised by the British to the Palestinians after World War I if they fought the Ottomans. If you have any doubts, it is not about the land, they have been expelling Arabs from the West Bank for over 7 decades.
But she witnessed defeat in the war 1973 and drank the cup of shame with her own hand when the Egyptians crossed the canal, the sand barrier and the Bar Lev military line within hours...hours, not days...which is something the Israelis ignore. Meir and Meshi Dayan had known that the Arabs would launch the war three days before, but they did not inform the soldiers who were in Bar Lev and the Golan, who were surprised by the Arab attack and suffered casualties and prisoners.
@@ibrahimanan1874 you can convince yourself with fake victories. Since 1948 and Arab nations are losing to Israel. You can hurt Israel with a surprise but Israel crushes you and History witnessed that. If you feel like Arabs are winning ( good for you).
Hullo from Malaysia. I first learnt about this mother of Israel in 1970 when I was 13 from d now defunct Reader's Digest. I have always admired n resonated with her motherly demeanour. A very wise n down to earth woman indeed. Israel is so fortunate.🎉
It is so painful to see some of my fellow Jews not just buying the distortions, but actually expressing disgust at Israel and saying they don't care if Israel exists because "they've become just like the Nazis!" It's like a stab in the heart, especially when it comes from someone you dearly love!
Yes it's painful. They're like the souls who stayed in Egypt at the Exodus or those who sided with Nazis during WWII. They're trying to protect themselves and not be on the wrong side of history. Their painful surprise will be no different than what the others experienced in the very bitter end.
There was always a Jewish population in Israel. The book "Palestina " written in 1695 by Hadriani Rolendi showed that the population of Israel at that time was 90 % Jewish
@@jonathanhosh4459 The Arabs wanted to conquer, not the Jews, but they got beaten up. International law is clear - lands acquired as a result of repelling an attack from an enemy are legitimate, as this acts as a deterrent for acts of aggression. Same is happening in Ukraine - Putin invaded Ukraine and now the Ukrainians are taking lands from Russia. The message is clear - attack at your own peril. Indeed it is very likely that at the end of this war the Gazans will lose part of the Gaza strip as punishment for their relentless and murderous hostility. Get it? Now cope.🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️💪💪
@@jonathanhosh4459 .The Arabs wanted to conquer, not the Jews, but they got beaten up. International law is clear - lands acquired as a result of repelling an attack from an enemy are legitimate, as this acts as a deterrent for acts of aggression. Same is happening in Ukraine - Putin invaded Ukraine and now the Ukrainians are taking lands from Russia. The message is clear - attack at your own peril. Indeed it is very likely that at the end of this war the Gazans will lose part of the Gaza strip. Cope.🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️💪💪
@@jonathanhosh4459 Israel did not attack the Arabs on the first day of Israeli independence. The Arabs attacked Israel with the intention of utterly annihilating the *_legally established_* State of Israel and driving any survivors into he Mediterranean. The UN partition plan offered the *_best_* 45% of the land to the Arabs. They had no more right to the land than the remnant of Jews who never left with the Roman diaspora or the Jews who *_legally immigrated_* to the Ottoman Empire and later to the British Mandate. But the Arabs wanted it all because this is not about the land, it's about there being absolutely no Jews on the land... any of it...
It took the Spanish almost 800 years to reconquer Spain, but they did. So it was possible for them to return after 770 years, so it is possible for the Jews to return after 2000 years.
We are totally ignorant in the West. Since october 7th i am educating myself. But it has cost me a lot of time to do so. But it was worth it. Having got the facts right now!
Indeed. Me too. It was extensive but worth it. I now know the truth. Unfortunately as a minority, can't really talk about it here in South Africa. I think you know why.
@@charmelbhagdath9239 I'm curious, why do you think Africans hate Jews so much? Not all of course, but a large large percentage. However, most people don't know that the only ICJ Judge to always support Israel, happens to be Ugandan women, so that's pretty cool. Julia Sebutinde, I believe is her name. She's quite brilliant.
She was an intellectual and a leader, but she was also streetwise. I think what she has said here is absolutely right on target. The biggest problem the Israelis face is that irrespective of what any Arab government says as a matter of policy, the populations of the Arab and Muslim countries that surround Israel want to be “rid” of the Jews. The level of anti semitism in the Middle East is total, and as we have seen in October 7th it is absolutely sadistic in nature.
As if there were no Jews in the 1800s. YERUSHALAYIM, Holiest city of the Jewish people who have been praying towards it for thousands of years, was 80% Jewish in 1864 (Ottoman Turk occupation census) before massive @rob (feudal tribes, nomads etc from all over) came flooding in by the hundreds of thousands after the fall of Ottomans during the British Mandate
That quote says a lot more about the agonizing choices Israeli leaders have been forced to make if you quote it all: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. *We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill **_their_** children.* We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."
You like a quote that is essentially a promise to kill their children if Palestinians don't accept their fate as a colonised and occupied people??? And that's why the whole civilised world is appalled and repulsed by Israel's behaviour. Sickening and depraved.
There will only be peace when every one is born again in Jesus holy name, but the Bible tells a total different story... and the end will come in Revelation 20:15 !!
@@SigalAlon someone that says we will never forgive them for making us k*ll their children is not clever.. just pure evil! ! You ppl don’t like Hitler but you like this witch 😂
She did not precede her time. Those were the times and that was the Zionisz left. The Israeli left today forgot all of these things and moved towards post-Zionism.
Love Golda Meir...she said, after being asked if peace in the middle east was possible, "We shall have have peace when the Arabs love their childten more than they hate us. "
In 1948, five nations of the newly formed regional body took up arms against the state of Israel following its declaration of independence. The conflict marked the first major action of the league and the first of several bloody conflicts between Arab and Israeli forces over the future of Palestine. This Arab League ordered Arabs at these lands in Israel to move from them thus been dislocated ever since and now they refer to them as refugees. They aren't refugees, they are Palestinians and the meaning of such is, "Invaders." And since they aren't of the origin from the Aegean region of Greece or Crete Minoan. They identify themselves as Arabs, therefore, return to your Arab desert life.
Today, 21.1% of the citizens of Israel are Arab. They are mostly the descendances of Arabs who *_trusted_* the Israeli Declaration of Independence read by David Ben Gurion on the evening of 14 May 1948. An excerpt from toward the end of the Israeli Declaration of Independence: "WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months* - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions. "WE EXTEND our hand to all neighboring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighborliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East." * The Arabs launched a civil war as soon as they heard the UN Plan for the Partition of Palestine in November 1947.
They shouldn't be "refugees"; but it was Arab countries that refused to resettle them. The million-or-so Jews who were ejected from their homes in Arab countries -- some of them, descendants of Jews who were there before Islam -- had to resettle elsewhere. No one's inviting them back to their homes. But Israel should? No way.
Actually in 1922 the League of Nations mandate declared that the Jewish people had a right to reconstitute their sovereign homeland: Israel from the river to the sea.
Is not a refugee in Arabs country! They kick out from their country ! The why all Arab immigrants enter in the land of Israel 🇮🇱, then stolen the country and The Roman put name Palestinian because not want to be a citizen Israel 🇮🇱😡
There was and is no reason for the UN to partition the land. It was already partitioned in 1921-1922 when 77 percent of Palestine was given to the Arabs resulting in the creation of Jordan.
So well said, my friend. This land belongs to the Jews, period. No guilt, no shame. It's yours & you deserve every square inch of it in PEACE! God bless the Jews. Jews have always been & continue to be such a blessing to this world! I love you. I stand 100% with Israel ❤
@@modestacattaruzza7400 You stand with imposters How does it feel to know ALL of you have been mistreating God's true chosen and uplifting imposters so called black American right here tribe of JUDAH 🙌🏾
It's not about land. It's about status. This is the most important thing to understand about the conflict. Arabs are resentful of the Jews' status and so they war.
My Jordanian, Muslim professor taught us the same thing the texts books taught. Jordan, Syria and Egypt came up with a plan to try and stop Israel from becoming a state. They wanted to kill two birds with one stone. They all had refuge camps with Arabs, many who came from Bedouins. They hated them and wouldn't give them citizenship. We watched old films in class to show how sparsely populated and under developed Israel was. Those 3 nations hated those refugees who had zero national identity. So they decided to call them Palestinians in order to pretend they had a legal right to the land, not Israel. So they sent thousands of refugees into Israel to claim the land. Israel bought the land they used. Before that happened, the sparse Jewish population that had never left Israel got along well with the previously sparse Arab population in Israel. Then came the refugees and everything changed.
Trouble started when the refugees came. You got it, mate. Look what's happening in all the European countries, refugees step in, and trouble comes. We now know who the problem is!!!! ARABS, Muslims.
Fascinating Fiction. Who was living in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Acre, Hebron, Gaza, Ramleh, Ramallah and all the surrounding cities? Why are there so many distinct Palestinian accents among Palestinians themselves?
@@doyouknoworjustbelieve6694 "Distinct palestinian accent"..?!? ROFL But seriously, it's very simple really! ...because they all came from different muslim nations!!
What's absurd is that nowadays, people don't speak the truth anymore. She spoke the truth, and you know what's even funnier? The Muslims keep quoting her, but they cut parts of what she said to their advantage, taking it out of context.
Not all.of us believe the lies.some of us are old enough to remember quite a bit of the conflict and know how isreal has been constantly attacked by arabs .
I made a video on Golda Meir a couple months ago. Her quotes are so powerful and on point. You would be amazed how few of my college students ever heard of her.
@@HistoryfortheAges should be read in all universities, Golda Meir, she had a hard life too., with 3 children ?. I have her books 📚. She was so strong and a good heart. We Stand with ISRAEL always have always have 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 SHALOM
I’m a Christian woman … an American. I stand with Israel and I was very young but I remember Golda Meir 🌷 Golda was brilliant and knew the truth. Jews MUST stay strong and NEVER forget your enemy wants you to NOT EXIST !
People throughout history have had an inherent problem with hating Jewish people. We are different. People hate what is different. It's not just an Islamic problem. Perhaps it's because while we are very few in number, we tend to be, as a group, very successful, highly innovative, highly intelligent people and we build amazing things like Israel. Look at it from an Islamic perspective, Jews come back home to Israel after thousands of years in exile, and within 100 years surpass all their accomplishments made over thousands of years. I'd be upset too, if I were them. We shine a bright light onto their striking incompetence, we hold up a mirror and show them who they are, as a group, and they don't like what they see. So, they want us dead and gone. This problem will never end, in my humble opinion, because the Muslims will never accept Israel to exist side by side with them and that is why there is no peace.
I think the real reason why most people in the west seems to be on the muslims side right now is because there are so many of them here nowadays and people are scared of them and scared to make them angry.
Jews built the city of Yithrib, now called Medina. Where are the calls to let Jews return to that city? Where are the calls to allow Jews to return to Iraq, to live unoppressed by the Arab colonizers? Where are the calls to their land to all the native peoples, of the Levant, Jews, Kurds, Yazidi, Copts, Maronites, etc., so that they can live unoppressed by the islamic invaders?
The Mizrahim should be allowed to return to the places they were forced to leave. However, the majority of Kurds Copts, and Maronites reside in their native lands and Yazidis have begun to return home.
Pus: LinkedIn is “ALLEGING” that this post is “HATE SPEECH”. Biblical scriptures is being labeled as “HATE SPEECH”. Here is the “WORD” for today, August 9, 2024: Concerning The American Politicians who “sit by idle” as God’s People (YES, Palestinians are “God’s People” like EVERYONE ELSE) are being “Killed by Genocide”, I refer you to the “Book of Galatians”: THE JEW PROCLAIMED: Galatians 2:15 “We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles”THE PROPHETS RESPONSE:Galatians 2:16 “Know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.” ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION:“THE LAW” IS “THE OLD TESTAMENT OF THE HOLY BIBLE” ALSO KNOWN AS “THE TORAH”. IT IS THE “DOCTRINE” THAT IS “ERRONEOUSLY AND DECEPTIVELY” BEING USED BY “ZIONISTS TO JUSTIFY THE KILLING, AND AMERICAN POLITICIANS TO SIT BY IDLE, AS THE KILLING OF INNOCENT PALESTINIANS OCCURS.”“Jesus came to reconcile all mankind back to God, not just the Jews.”May the people who “falsely” believe that this massacre has been about a GOD and HIS LOVE AND PROTECTION for “ONE GROUP” of people at the expense of EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, WAKE UP FROM THEIR “SATANIC INDUCED STUPOR”!!!
@@AlbaRica-lp5uv bro they use you ppl to clean their bathrooms they won’t even sit next to you they only meant your resources and gunz ! You look weak triying to pander to them
1970 was the year I had my bar-mitzvah at Hechal Shlomo in Jerusalem. A lot was going on in Israel around that time. I felt safe. IDF walking around with their Uzis.
Very very well done Oliver and offcourse the greatest of all female leader/head of a state Golda Meir(my personal role model on many levels). Thank you J-TV, this is very much needed for the younger audience especially Jewish.. 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 And almost forgot Rabbi Manis Friedman always spot on in directing through Torah Wisdom a guideline and blue print for divine Jewish life. Such a delight to listen to this whole video.. Todah Rabbah 🙏
Golda was totally right. But the amazing thing is that the Quran in Sura 5 vs 21-22 God says that the Jews have to take the land. Just real muslims should be in favor of Israel!
@@myrtillesm3532 She had a palestinian passport because the British called everyone who lived in the British Mandate of Palestine a "Palestinian". That included Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, and others! But before 1948 the Arabs denied there had ever been a Palestine before the British Mandate. "It's common knowledge there is no such thing as Palestine in history," - Phillip Hitti, Arab historian, 1946 ""There is no such country as Palestine. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented. Palestine is alien to us." - Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Arab leader, 1937
. That's because Israel are the real Palestinians. The term Palestinians and Palestine was given to Israel by the Romans when they conquered Israel. There is no "P" in the Aradic lanagage.😅 How dumb can these fake Palestinians supporters be😅
Anyone living in that region was considered to be a Palestinian. The name Palestine was originally related to the Philistines. They were located in the vicinity of present day Gaza. Most of the region was composed of the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, the capital of which was Jerusalem. Over several centuries the kingdoms were conquered by the Assyrians, the Babylonians, ruled by the Persians, part of the Seleucid Empire, and finally fell under Roman rule, when the region was called Judea and Samaria. After the Jewish people rebelled against the Romans about 135 CE (not for the first time), the Emperor Hadrian reamed the land Syria Palaestina as punishment for theIr actions.
GOLDER MEIR one of the most incredible woman in the 20th century, Every one should read her history it’s amazing reading. Also very few people don’t realise as well as being Jewish she was Palestinian and became the Prime Minister of ISRAEL 🇮🇱. Times gone by she was my hero to hear her speeches etc She could put fools in their place and was always accurate. I was young when the 6 day war started, Mosha Duran etc. Glued to the tv 📺. SHALOM 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
A great human being. She stood for her own people and in no way presented a threat to anyone else. She helped to make Israel a success and showed by example how good government can work.
" if Arabs lay down their weapons there will be peace if Israel lays down it's weapons there will be no more Israel". Golda Meir Yom kippur war. Golda Meir had to pull the Nuke card to get America to help Israel last two days of Yom kippur war . "Operation Nickel grass" ensued .
I don’t understand how people can say “well Jews were here a long time ago doesn’t count now”. That immediately negates the Arabs claims. The only factor then becomes how much time elapses
A phony-baloney curse of a place with actors playing roles. Long live Persia. Real name: Goldie Mabovich Born: May 3, 1898, Kyiv, Ukraine Died: December 8, 1978 (age 80 years), Jerusalem Spouse: Morris Meyerson (m. 1917-1951) Party: Mapai Cause of death: Lymphoma Children: Menahem Meir, Sarah Meyerson Previous offices: Acting Minister of the Interior of Israel (1970-1970), More Education: Wisconsin State College of Milwaukee (1916-1917), North Division High School (1912-1916
So? The arch-terrorist Arafat wa born in Egypt, spent most of his life in Tunis or Lebanon thinking of ways to kill Israelis, and died in France......his corpse had rotted away in Ramalla...