
Graham Allison: China-Russia Axis is US’ Big Diplomacy Mistake | Endgame  

Gita Wirjawan
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@rosbelladevy 4 месяца назад
Hi, Endgame's editor here. Stopping by to apologize for some typos in the intro. 1. Atena in the subs is supposed to be "Athena" 2. Theucydides in the epigraph is supposed to be "Thucydides" Pardon me and hope you enjoy the rest of the conversation!🙏🏼
@sinkecil13 4 месяца назад
Nggak apa - apa tante...namanya juga manusia...di maafkan.
@404NotFoundBitch 4 месяца назад
Sapling ngoreksi deh lo
@hukum_muhammadfathurrizqi4665 4 месяца назад
@wowokgg7280 4 месяца назад
@somethingofascientistmyself 4 месяца назад
Alasan Endgame adalah podcast terbaik di Indonesia: 1. Narasumbernya selalu top player dari topik yang dibahas, mulai dari CEO, pemenang Nobel, pejabat publik, hingga dosen dan filsuf. Tidak hanya di level nasional, tapi mumpuni di level global 2. Dimoderatori oleh the one and only Gita Wirjawan yang sudah kenyang mengenyam pendidikan, membaca ribuan judul buku, memberi kuliah mancanegara, hingga menjadi menteri di Indonesia 3. Topiknya selalu relevan dan diskusinya selalu mendalam. Dikemas secara serius penuh substansi, tapi tetap menarik berkat kepiawaian pak Gita dalam menggiring obrolan. 4. Tidak terkendala bahasa. Selalu menyertakan closed caption yang ramah visual, bahkan dapat menjadi sarana belajar bahasa asing bagi penonton. 5. Semua tersedia GRATIS, tanpa embel-embel wajib subscribe, pay to view, kelas berbayar, atau apapun yang membatasi akses penonton terhadap konten utuh. Ini poin terbaik yang semoga dibalas dengan kebaikan tak terbatas untuk seluruh kru Endgame. Terima kasih atas tayangan yang bermutu, pak Gita dan tim.
@syahryaldhy2623 4 месяца назад
Gita wirjawan menteri keuangan di masa sby
@ngateminasmoredjo8351 4 месяца назад
He called Russia a junior partner. Typical american hegemonic thinking: master slave relation. In a multi polar relation an equal relation.
@putra4101 4 месяца назад
He is literally Kissinger students, that should tell you something about his opinion as a neocon.
@MilNORtop10 4 месяца назад
Russia and China can not be considered equals.. China is a rising superpower, meanwhile Russia is in decline
@EliasTsakmakis 4 месяца назад
@@MilNORtop10 Typical western talking points. How is Russia in decline? Compared to what? Itself in the 90s? or the 30s, 50s? Russia has been a major player since the 19th century, and was the main adversary of both Anglo-Saxon empires in the 19th and 20th cent. And its is again in the 21th century. It declined and was back on its feet causing problems for the Imperialists at least once per century, Make no mistake, if the world comes out of this war not completely incinerated, many eyes in Europe will inevitably turn on Russia for an sociopolitical and cultural alternative interpretation of European Civilization. The deeper the West's failures the more benefit to Russia. It has happened before and it will happen again. And here, since you will no doubt call me a Putin whatever, if we make it out of this situation as a species, History will call the first quarter of the 21st cent Russia Putin's Golden Age. So you know.
@WWLooi-js8rl 4 месяца назад
The West likes to put words in other people's mouths because they have been living in the shadow of their own perceived master-slave world.
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
Yes, you can claim this as being hegemonic thinking, yet is is the hard truth. Russia has economically no chance to compete/win against countries like Japan or Germany, but Russia is a global power on the heritage of USSR atomic bombs. Please note Russia is a mere 140 million people and quite some of them being at the status of a developing country, not on the evenly high education level present in Japan and Germany. US is a class of its own. US having a 71% share of NATO spending in military is a very very clear number showing what you can imagine, but rarely get seen (the shoot down of 300 flying attack units from Iran with just a few ships is such kind or rare visibility of US absolute superiority). Look into the fields of technology and then bring up the fields Russia has today more strength than US. At this moment I don't see any technology field where Russia has a dominating position (Russian strenghts are rather oil, gas and other ressources), while the the world strongly changing technology of smarth phone is an american invention (Apple) and the currently strongly discussed new AI technology is also dominated by US with support from its allies (Taiwan is producing all the Semiconductor hardware). For me a real multipolar world is rather a dream The only point where I see at least a bipolar world, is in the field of economy where China is approaching US, but it needs to be seen if China can succeed to surpass US under US containment policy (China did grow incredibly fast, yet you should not underestimate the importance of US positive mood on China for this growth to have occurred, while the result of US negative mood can be seen in countries like Russa, Iran or Venezuela all having in addition to suffering under US/Western sanctions huge internal problems that hinder a fast catch-up as Chinese society in contrast to these 3 countries has not only shown, but does have in my understanding).
@desmondho9567 4 месяца назад
How US can maintain its no. 1 power. But not it's hegemonic power.? 1. US need to change many of its policy 180 degrees both external and internal policies. Starts with external policies. a) start reducing it's hostility towards Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Stop the Ukraine conflicts and Palestine conflicts. b) reduce its military bases overseas that threaten Russia, Iran, China and North Korea. This will saves billions of dollars. Sell those overseas assets and repatriate the Dollars 💰 💵. c) cancel all sanctions against all other countries. d) stop interfere in other countries internal affairs. Stop regime change. e) stop weaponize the dollars and swifts system to maintain as public goods. Built back trust. Honored all agreement's to gain international trust. f) built back US deteriorating socially and economically. Improve all basics necessities and to reduce cost of living. Starts to re educates people on safety and reduce crimes, drugs, guns violence. Reduce homelessness. Eradicate corruption by those corporate and external fundings that control the US politicians and government. Just a few ideas, good luck US otherwise that's the end of American dreams. Period ❤❤❤❤❤
🇺🇸♥️ american dream come true
@Zakaius 4 месяца назад
Highly unlikely for the 🇺🇲 to change for as long as it's Foreign policy is maintained status quo.
@yliang1688 4 месяца назад
@@Zakaius 🤩🤩🤩Highly unlikely for the US to change ..... 😭😭😭
@wowokgg7280 4 месяца назад
@lyq232 3 месяца назад
The US is in this weird path of self destruction
@BestFitSquareChannel 4 месяца назад
Jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, deep learning experience. “Endgame” among the very best of this genre. A privilege to experience. Thank you Professor Graham. Thank you Mr. Wirjawan. 🌞🖖🏼
@HyperionLogic 4 месяца назад
Really enjoyed this interview with Prof. Allison, he views are clear and to the point. Thank you for the interview and sharing his insights.
@mirzairawadi7091 4 месяца назад
One of the most interestingly educational Indonesian podcast there is today. Keep up the goodwork guys👍🏼
@DuniakacongZacky 4 месяца назад
Menunggu manusia-manusia Indonesia ikut serta didalamnya,. Bukan sebatas pendengar / penonton dari Drama Dunia yg semakin seru. Tdkkah orang2 yg dibiyai oleh Negara (Beasiswa, bantuan penelitian, dll) hanya menghabiskan uang Negara tanpa ada bukti2 anda juga duduk bersama satu meja dalam masalah2 dunia saat ini. Semoga orang2 ini(yg dapat fasilitas negara) bisa diperhitungkan oleh negara2 lain. Terkadang sy berfikir Negara memfasilitasi manusia2 ini sampai ke jenjang tinggi dan hasilnya menghasilkan Para Koruptor2 yg cukup mengganggu dan ini tdk bisa terselesaikan.
@intanadnan6285 4 месяца назад
Looks like we go back to the era of Seljuk 1072
@agusfebrian5991 4 месяца назад
Sepertinya para pemimpin dunia harus paham, mengerti dan melaksanakan konsep arrahman & arrahim ( gracious & merciful) agar dunia ini baik2 saja aman dan damai, adil makmur. Barang siapa membunuh seseorang, bukan karena orang itu membunuh orang lain/bukan karena berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi maka seakan2 di telah membunuh semua manusia barang siapa memelihara kehidupan seorang manusia maka seakan2 ia telah memelihar seluruh kehidupan manusia ( qs.almaidah ayat 32).
@MarauderinChief 4 месяца назад
There's an undercurrent of racism and a sense of superiority in this guy, which, despite his attempts to sound eminently reasonable, finds its way out. Recently, in the UN, the whole world saw America find itself all alone defending the indefensible, as the entire Global South and even some from the West voted for Palestine. For this man to still refer to Russia as a pariah state is made possible only through a blinkered worldview, one of hierarchy, conformity, and adherence to the established order, and nothing but.
@tocreatee3585 3 месяца назад
I think you need audio guy,.
@trolllo9729 4 месяца назад
Only the Aliens can send us into a new era of human cooperation and understanding
@dimasmaulana6855 4 месяца назад
Sounds similar to a new serial of Netflix "3 Body Problems"
@Dr._Atom 2 месяца назад
​@@dimasmaulana6855no dude, the book
@WWLooi-js8rl 4 месяца назад
Graham Allison misrepresented Lee Kuan Yew by suggesting that he believed the Chinese to be a superior race. That is not true at all. Lee Kuan Yew, like most Chinese, believed not in racial superiority but in the Chinese people's ability to survive against all odds. The belief is that one should not bet against the Chinese due to their resilience. In contrast, the notion of racial superiority is more commonly found among white people, who often live in the shadow of their own perceived dominance.
@koujhgloup 4 месяца назад
Why do the west including Allison always refer to partnership between countries they dislike as “axis” (negative) while call their relationship to Germany as alliance? A condescending view at least.
@andrean2247 4 месяца назад
Outside western is 2, neutral & bad. The big one always bad.
@raymondwu9483 3 месяца назад
Don't forget "regime" vs "government" or "administration"
@fatafaelasuf7914 3 месяца назад
@indrakamafitra7251 4 месяца назад
Ga ada teksnya.
@jaelanijae139 3 месяца назад
@adisurya7816 3 месяца назад
Kasih translite basa indonesia dong biar ngk terlalu berpikir keas😅
@gmaolauw2665 4 месяца назад
lebay ah judul nya gak gitu jg lah china ni bos SunTzu
@amienbrrnthrhswirawan7776 4 месяца назад
Kalau menurut kenekatan tiongkok dalam beberapa perang baik ketika melawan tentara chiang kai sek dengan melakukan perjalanan kaki sejauh 25000 km dan ketika perang korea 1950- 1955 tentara PLA tiongkok mempertahankan bukit sang kan lin terhadap serangan siang malam dari tentara jagoan AS ditambah 17 negara sekutu nya dan juga selama perang vietnam selama 20 tahun dan dari perang korea dan perang vietnam tersebut AS mengalami kekalahan dan mundur dan sejak perang ukraine tgl 22 februari 2022 sampai sekarang ukraine sudah mengarah kalah perang dan dunia tau ada kekuatan pendukung besar AS dan NATO dalam perang tersebut ini menunjukkan jika AS hanya menyerang negara kecil dan sedang saja dimana kekuatan militer nya berbanding sangat besar dan jauh tetapi terhadap great power lain nya seperti rusia maupun tiongkok tentu AS tidak berani karena tentara nya lebih takut mati dari pada PLA tiongkok jadi jika perang pun pasti hanya terjadi dengan wali negara nya saja misal nya negara ukraine mungkin berikut nya taiwan atau philipina juga bisa dari negara bekas blok pakta warsawa yang kecil dan satu lagi tiongkok lebih tahan terhadap serangan nuklir dari pada AS karena jika kota new york vs shanghai masing masing serang dengan bom nuklir dan satu serangan ke kota new york saja pasti presiden AS harus mundur oleh karena tekanan rakyat AS sendiri
@dancerinmaya6813 4 месяца назад
Japan:Japan is militarily occupied still and its political elites controlled by the US, therefore it doesn't have real independence, how could it be an interlocutor? It's destined to be the US' proxy. Interestingly, the grand strategies and tactics to pivot to Asia to militarily contain China and cutting China off from advanced chips and machineries are alleged by American thinktanks to have been proposed by Japan, i.e., it itself has great hatred and fear towards China (despite it killed 35 million Chinese and committed horrendous atrocities against Chinese during 1931 to 1945).
@linnyschlamm3310 4 месяца назад
I'm always amazed that President Putin is described as an outlaw and this assessment is not limited to the NATO states. Because it is them first and foremost, and above all, the current governments. The much larger international world does not share these Western assessments. President Putin is a genius of strategy and foresight, his connection with China was a well-considered move precisely because he has studied the "West" well. This deep connection, which has grown over time, will remain.
@harukrentz435 4 месяца назад
Everyone is an outlaw if they dont abide to the western rule.
@koujhgloup 4 месяца назад
Can’t agree more with you. Very good observation and analysis
@wowokgg7280 4 месяца назад
@AntonDev-cw3kc 3 месяца назад
If to see a "president" Putin as a Chineeze agent, he is perfectly right. Si is very glad. Russians are terrified. He has sold a whole country to ensure his own safety. Like Iranians and Noth Korean authorities. China will pay for it ultimately, it will be sanctioned tenfold and Si will be fired. I hope, it can be done without the new Big War.
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
A judgement on President Putin does depend on what kind of facts you like to consider or emphasize in your judgement. Are you aware, that President Putin's goal some 20/25 years ago was to become a member of NATO (and also EU) with the expressed target to contain China? The current alliance between Russia and China is not a genius idea, but a pure necessity to help each other, because US does not only attack Russia (by sanctions and military expansion/support to Ukraine), but also China (by technology containment, trade war and buildung military alliances). This alliance is not really by heart (from both sides), but a result of the hard facts into which the world has changed into in the last 10 years. Are you also aware that one key reason why Russia's invasion has catastrophically failed in the first days is seen as Putin having a completely wrong understanding of the Ukraine mood/situation and the Russian military leaders having having given their soldiers completely wrong information about what to expect (as one part of their equipment Russian soldiers had with them their parade uniform). You know that one fundamental part of Western societies is "free speech" and it is assumed that "free speech" in Russia is not only a little, but strongly contained leading to such wrongly informed Putin as well as Russian soldiers. Another point is the dying of Nowotny in a Russian prison. Such death indicates quite inhuman conditions there, because Nowotny was still a rather young, quite powerful person and it is not only Nowotny, but digging into the details you find a lot of names convicted for something which could not at all cause a conviction in the West. Are you aware about the dying of certain Russian's in Europe. Western police was able to trace in most cases contact with certain Russian's or special poison/klling material that can clearly be traced to USSR. And Russian police is regularty not supporting to clarify detailed request for help by western police, but simply doesn't react. But in the rare case such Russian attacker get caught by Western police, Russia has an interest to free them from Western prison by "political prisoner exchange". You should have heard about such kind of klling of Putin opposing persons in Russia. The last famous such death was that of the leader of the famous Wagner group doing a lot of brutal fighting for Russia, but suddenly running a rebellion against Putin. You can argument if his death in an airplane crash was caused by Russia or was an accident, but the close time relationship to him rebelling against Putin is a strong indication (no proof) that Russian KGB or another institution or specialist at least with the good will of the Kreml has acted this airplane crash to happen. I think overall the judgement outlaw is justified, yet exaggerated. Because Putin is not always wrong in what he is doing, but sometimes acting more rational than the West. The reason for this is the extremely strong Russophobia existing in US, but also Europe bult up a quite negative mood on the development direction Russia has taken under Putin. Yet I side with Putin on Ukraine war against US/NATO claiming that especially US decisions and actions like NATO eastward expansion and stubborn insisting on it when arriving at the Russian border has left Russia no chance than by itself trying to solve the out of this resulting existential threat to Russia. The example of how Israel is acting in Gaza can also easily be interpreted to see in US and Germany blunt outlaws, both substantially supporting Israel while there also existing support on Palestianians has rather face saving intention.
@tariquekhan1118 4 месяца назад
Graham Allison talks a good game, unfortunately for him and those persuaded by his position, many know from experience, US understands ideas differently from everybody else, when he talks of "communicating deeply" , one is left at a disadvantage trying to recall when in the last century the US has internalized the position of another country it assigned the label of "challenger" and changed it's course, without the eventuality of war? The US realize they won't exist as a country in the event of a nuclear war, and yet it's rather comfortable taking the escalation towards nuclear war, consider the use of Ukraine as a proxy to launch attacks into the territiry of Russia, or the instigation of insurrgency in Western and Southern China, or the creation of a nuclear Australia. Managing relations between all states highlights the need for a framework within which States can make sense of these relations, US has offered it's "Rules based order", where in it makes the rules and everybody else gets to comply with these US rules, any mystery why no one trusts the motivation, if not the sanity, of US policy makers? The world is increasing complex and segments of technology that an overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world do not understand or have access to, again we see trends where the public want a more egalitarian, more humane society, and we have technology to help enable that, yet simultaneously, a minority led by the US continues on a divergent path - these trends are not ammenable, there isn''t a framework that can offer humanity a balance in this regard, there is only suppression and it's twin oppression.
@yliang1688 4 месяца назад
🤩🤩🤩Exactly Said !!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯
@davidlim5 3 месяца назад
US's 50 States is too many to manage. High time they should split up & GO *INDEPENDENCE* for a better future.
@hongkongchina2048 4 месяца назад
You are part of me; I am part of you; we are part of the bigger world. Therefore, understanding both cultures and languages without the loss in translation is important.
@rolandwong9306 4 месяца назад
Jesus Christ used a similar phrase in John 14.20, referring to his disciples' and followers' togetherness with him. The essence is that they move and act together. China has a similar interpretation. In a speech delivered to Moscow in March 2013, Xi Jinping said that a world where countries are linked with and dependent on one another at a level never seen before. Mankind, by living in the same global village within the same time and space where history and reality meet, has increasingly emerged as a community of common destiny in which everyone has in himself a little bit of others. China's position may resonate with many countries in the Global South, but as a hegemon, the US hears and sings its own tune. An economic war is being waged, but a hot war will come when there is no further communication from a broken political system.
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
@@rolandwong9306 Please note the discrepancy between wording and hard facts/reality. "The essence is that they move and act together" ==> How can you see in the reality, US is fighting against Russia while China is forming an alliance with Russis a "move and act together"? (I do see the contrary) "a world where countries are linked with and dependent on one another at a level never seen before" ==> How can you see in the West having separated from Russia "a level as never seen before"? How can you see in China's strategy to reduce their holding on US Treasuries (reducing the danger of the West stealing China assets as it is doing with Russia) and on the Western strategy to decouple/reduce dependence on China deliveries to a not dangerous level allowing blackmailing etc a "level as never seen before"? (Xi Jinping describes the result of previous Chinese leaders policy, but his own policy is going into the opposite direction) "China's position may resonate with many countries in the Global South" ==> Do you really believe China has a lot of friends by heart? In case of US there is some "by heart" friendship seeable, when you consider US being mainly a spring off of Europe. I think many countries would like to see at least a 2nd power able to contain US on the worst decisions, however an absolute prerequisite of this is China not only working on its own advantage, but China being willing to take global responsibility which I don't see today at all (US took global responsibility latest at WWII creating first a global order that is much better than before WWII and then refining and maintaining such global order for up to now 80 years - China despite a 5000+ past of history has not in a single year shown any global responsibility up to now) I don't believe in hot war by either side will (only chance is by accident), because some stronger level of interdependence will continue to exist and contain such in a few warmongers existing will on both sides. However also the extremely peaceful time between major powers after USSR crash down will not return, we will rather experience a time of permanent and also heavy quarrels between the large powers, each fighting for its own advantage or survival on specific points/actions of adversaries. One good message in this direction is what the US ambassador to China said: "US will continue to issue huge number (200 to 300.000) of student visas to Chinese and the US government would also like to see more Americans (wish would be 8.000 - but how to realize in a country where free will is heralded and mood on China is hostile) to study in China than the mere 800 at present".
@jodoxcjrcjr4489 3 месяца назад
Sebenarnya AS tidak perlu takut dengan China karena China tidak pernah menantang perang kepada Amerika maupun negara lain, China lebih memprioritaskan kasih makan perut rakyatnya yang sebanyak 1.4 miliar agar tidak kelaparan dengan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan kesehatan yang memadai. Pola persaingan Thucydides yang dipakai oleh AS hanya alasan untuk mempertahankan hegemoni AS yang kejam dan tidak kenal kompromi, yang selama ini telah memakan korban puluhan negara di hancurkan, puluhan juta nyawa manusia di korbankan oleh provokasi perang yang dilakukan oleh Amerika di seluruh dunia.
@ecrush5080 4 месяца назад
By just looking at the many-many thousands km of Sino-Russo land border, It's always wise for China & Russia to have close & peaceful relationship. American hegemonic behavior (vis a vis China and Russia) make it more imperative for them to get closer. It's no brainer isn't it? I might want to add that the close cooperation between China & Russia also useful to as deterring factor for further American hegemonic hubris.
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
I fully agree (China and Russia are not only natural allies by their long border, but also by Russia being ressource rich while China has amassed in the last years an incredible production capacity and capability and progressing strongly on education resulting in technology catch up and in some areas even leadership and not at least, US could easily disrupt oil flow into China via sea, yet not really oil flowing over the direct border of China and Russia). However, you need to consider also the cooperation between China & Russia is vice-versa seen/understood by US as a threat and in this sense there is a danger of an escalation spiral in hostility.
@ecrush5080 2 месяца назад
@@friedhelmschroter8124 Agreed but not fully. just for yours last part :D, the cooperation between China & Russia (IMHO) is also serve as a deterrent for further escalation by the US. I mean it would be illogical to push and "fight" your 2 next biggest ( near peer ) rival together at the same time. BUT, I also feel that "logic" is rare commodity in the Murica right now.
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
@@ecrush5080 I do not understand on which logic+arguments you base your point of view "some kind of cooperation between China and Russia does serve as a deterrent". If your only reason is your thinking that No.1 fighting at same time No.2+No.3 would be a silly thing, I would say your thinking is strongly false. Look to WWII, already 80/90 years ago US did fight at same time against Germany (No.2) and Japan (No.3) (I do not believe that USSR by itself was at that time stronger than Germany or Japan, in my understanding only US support helped Russia not to crash on Germany's fast forwarding, and you should also consider Germany had lost tremendous part of its airforce when trying to defeat UK completely). Now we are 80/90 years later and look into the tremendous advance of US in technology, compare this to Russia and China (trying as an amateur to compare military strength I would say if I set US = 100, then China is 10 to 20 and Russia is max 5 + 30 to 40 on USSR atomic heritage). Seeing this absolutely dominating military power of the US I think the cooperation between China and Russia is absolutely necessary for both to have at least a small chance to survive (if US would be able to "kill" first one, then it could concentrate full ressources on the second, but if No.2+No.3 cooperate US is forced to split its ressources) if it would come to some kind of war between either of them and US and the key reason therefore is increasing the survival chance (protection) rather than deterrence, which means you are on about the same level (100:100), but deterrence when activated/acted does result in 90/95% destruction of both sides (is killing both sides). I am not sure what is ongoing in US. I think you do agree Hegemon = Dictator. And as all dictators when they have never encounterd any real resistance they start to think/act arrogant/bad. I think there is enough/undenyable proof US is thinking/acting arrogant. I believe you will find also sufficient proof that the US hegemonic dictator does increasingly act in bad intention by denying in favor of its Internal Logic BASIC LOGIC thinking. Looking into Ukraine case US has built-up a nice looking Internal Logic that supports it fundamental goal to get Ukraine into NATO and this logic claims/proves that Russia is the agressor, US the high moral actor and how good this Internal Logic is you can see on all Western people fully believing that it is correct, because the Internal Logic supports their goal to get Ukraine into EU/to expand democracy by imperialistic expansion and confirms what they have been trimmed for, to believe the West is superior to Russia in morality. Looking into the BASIC LOGIC you can draw up the US Monroe Doctrine in which US quite well describes how the military approach of an adversary to its borders has to be viewed. Applying this Monroe Doctrine on Russia and Ukraine you have to conclude, Ukraine is not allowed at all to become a NATO member (but I would not see any problem if NATO would like to give Ukraine a security guarantee and anyhow, even without this guarantee issued NATO has by its Internal Logic found a way they can act, as if such guarantee was given). By applying BASIC LOGIC also to the counter-revolution on Maidan in Donbas by the there concentrated Russian part of Ukraine population by asking yourself who was REALLY acting to stop the killing and destruction ongoing there BASIC LOGIC will result overall in US/NATO being THE AGGRESSOR. In my view the West's Internal Logic has clearly proven to be bad, because it resulted in a huge war in Europe and huge harm to all the world when the West prioritizing its well being acted to cut ties with Russia. I believe BASIC LOGIC would have allowed Europe to continue to live in peace, but US stubbornly rejects to apply Basic Logic (Internal Logic results in huge advantages to US). ==> I disagree that rare "logic" is the problem, but THE PROBLEM is "logic is not logic", because complex matters do easily allow you to construct several kind of logics with different results, but as a global hegemon it would be advised out of all the possible logics rather to select the BASIC LOGIC to guarantee peace for everybody or at least the majority if a fight cannot be avoided (but again on majority you can construct as logic 1 West >> Russia, but also logic 2 Rest of World >> West .... and Ukraine is a global, not a European problem)
@jimboindo1516 4 месяца назад
Hebat Pak Gita bisa undang Graham Allison sekali lagi SALUTE
@sanusisanusi9396 4 месяца назад
perang terjadi karena amerika tidak ingin kehilangan kedigdayaannya. apapun kemajuan bangsa lain selalu dianggap amerika adalah acaman bagi negaranya.
@sguntarto 4 месяца назад
Graham Allison discusses the strategic implications of the China-Russia partnership and critiques the U.S.'s diplomatic strategy. He argues that Russia's closer alignment with China was not inevitable but has been exacerbated by U.S. actions. Allison, a scholar of international relations, explains the "Thucydides Trap," where a rising power (China) threatens to displace a ruling power (the U.S.), often leading to conflict. He underscores the importance of avoiding war, especially nuclear, due to its catastrophic consequences. Highlighting the need for effective communication and cooperation between the U.S. and China, Allison points to the recent San Francisco consensus between President Xi Jinping and President Biden as a positive step. He also touches on the challenges and opportunities in managing AI advancements, drawing parallels with nuclear deterrence strategies. Allison emphasizes the necessity for both nations to address global issues like climate change collaboratively and warns of the severe repercussions if the current geopolitical tensions escalate into full-scale conflict.
@Zakaius 4 месяца назад
Allison missed a point there, a point pointed out by China's foreign minister, US say one thing & do exactly the opposite. It's just in November that the leaders of 🇨🇳🇺🇲 meet... Look at What the US leadership is doing against China Now.
@MG-ye1hu 3 месяца назад
Really interesting conversation, thank you.
@ruifenghuang1029 3 месяца назад
US isn't a "ruling" power when it cannot defeat Houthi in the Red Sea
@guaaahhh 4 месяца назад
Izin curhat Pak Gita, sepertinya kami para gen z butuh beberapa motivasi. Melihat beberapa berita yang terjadi seminggu belakangan, sepertinya sangat susah untuk optimis akan Indonesia.
@hitthedeck4115 4 месяца назад
Berita seperti apa yg dimaksud? Berita memang sering dan kebanyakan negatif untuk menarik minat penonton.
@harukrentz435 4 месяца назад
"Bad news is a good news". Mgkn seperti berita "10 juta gen z menganggur" tp klo kamu liat range usia gen z adalah antara 12 smp 27 tahun wajaar saja klo msh bnyk yg menganggur. Gak usah pusing sama berita dari dulu juga bgtu.
@massarr3929 4 месяца назад
Udah 7 th pasca kampus, alhamdullillah my english (listening) still on point... Thanks a lot sir
@wenling3487 4 месяца назад
When US blow up Nordstream II, the ties between China and Russia sealed tightly. Due to Various reasons, China always wants a mutual-respected, solid relationship with Russia (for Foreigners to understand, Russia to China today is like ancient normad empire to ancient China). it is Russia who reluctant to China. The blow-up totally cooled Russian mind toward Europe, now it at least start to think fully embrace Asia! Thanks to Americans.
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
A somehow correct, but at same time also weird view. 1) Up to today it is not clear who placed the bombs for Nordstream blew up (in my understanding Nordstream 1 completely, but on the not having been active new Nordstream 2 one of two pipes got not damaged). German prosecutor/police identified longer time ago as one possible trace a ship hired in Poland by Ukrainians. I have seen no real progress on this investigation (not clear if no will to progress in German prosecutor or no support from Ukrainian side to check on the Ukrainians identified or supposed to be identified. 2) There have been border disputes (military fighting) between China and USSR and Chinese nationalist are not happy that Russia took ownership of several areas they rather see as being historically a part of China. 3) Both, Russia as well as China are under attack of US (Europe plays no real role in these conflicts but needs US atomic deterrence against Russia, but gets harmed when needing to cut ties to Russia and go into a de-risking relation with China). Not one alone being strong enough to withstand US, they are required to support each other. But in doing so China runs into danger to lose its trade surplus/trade income with US and if US plays hard ball also with EU. An incredible complex situation, in my understanding originated in US stubborn will to get Ukraine into NATO, but now in an escalation spiral where the US will to get Ukraine into NATO is so stubborn that US took recently decisions that Russia can only counteract by atomic escalation. In clear words US willfully risking an atomic escation for the nonsense target to get Ukraine into NATO. What kind of mad world (or arrogant Americans not willing to see the truth hanging in front of their eyes put putting their hands over their eyes)!
@wenling3487 2 месяца назад
@@friedhelmschroter8124 lol To whom you are kidding?!
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
@@wenling3487 When you are getting concrete (on which item do you see me kidding, because ...) I can reply you. When you just want to rant by expressing you dissatisfaction I consider you to be arrogantly just intending to crash down communication.
@stevenng5238 4 месяца назад
If I may add some embellishment to Prof. Allison alluring to the Wu and the Yue being forced to work together when facing a greater threat from the Chin. In the beginning, the Wu was stronger than the Yue. The underdog Yue eventually defeated and annexed the entire Wu kingdom. Later , the bigger hegemon, the Chin conquered the enlarged Yue kingdom and other kingdoms to form a united CHIN(A) empayar for the first time in Chinese history.
@Capital-cn4dr 4 месяца назад
Kebangkitan - Ketakutan- kembang,bangkit,takut,kita,aku.Berusaha ,usaha,mencapai, mengembangkan, perlengkapan, perlawanan,melawan - Tersaingi,tertandingi, terkalahkan,terpuruk,terkurung,terpojok,terbelenggu.
@catrojana3694 4 месяца назад
USA sudah bungkus.
@Makuyoko 4 месяца назад
Kok nggak ada Subtitle Indonesianya pak Gita 😁😁😁
@peacenumber1506 3 месяца назад
Oh Bapak Gita Yang saya hormati, Tuhan tidak kekurangan pasukan yang siap menghentikan personal atau manusia yang hendak mencetuskan perang besar sebelum itu terjadi, mereka sedang dalam lingkaran orang orang penting dunia yang menunggu moment tepat untuk menghentikan, karena semua negara raksasa harus belajar terlebih dahulu bagaimana cara bekomunikasi yang dewasa, namun perang besar sudah bukan pilihan lagi di sisa waktu yang sangat pendek menuju air besar dari kutub yang siap melanda dunia, pilihan tepat adalah orang orang super pilihan tuhan akan mengambil alih dunia dalam hitungan hari dan seketika kita semua akan di bawah kendalinya, kita akan Semakin Maju, Peperangan hanya akan melanda negara yang membangkang kehendak Tuhan kedepan, yaitu kehidupan Kasih dan Sayang untuk bertumbuh
@indogen-z2872 4 месяца назад
Waww, narsum yang ditunggu2, saran: sesekali undang dari [erspektif akademia china pak🙏
@Ristantribian 4 месяца назад
Apa sih yang dimau?. "Semakin pintar semakin ingin menguasai". Bukankah hidup sendirian itu membosankan.
@yongchaojiang4364 4 месяца назад
Respect eachother's core interests is the only thing important.
@lukecarroll9823 18 дней назад
These conversations are great, hopefully the leaders of the world re-engage in this type of discussion.
There is no future for the most vulnerable and weakest trough if God's hand does not take action🇺🇸♥️
@YanuarTeja 4 месяца назад
Ternyata dunia yang kita tinggali sudah tidak aman lagi .......😢 Tinggal menunggu peradaban dan kemajuan umat manusia hilang.......
@harukrentz435 4 месяца назад
Looh km gak liat sejak tahun 2020 itu masalah global datang trus tanpa henti?? Itu Setiap tahun loh. Khusus utk Indonesia, tahun 2023 kmrn malah dapat bingkisan El Nino separah El Nino 97. Mantep tokh?? 😅
@AlphaCookies 3 месяца назад
Indonesia couldn't make someone like Lee Kuan Yeuw to lead Indonesia.. Indonesia is still a very primordial based instead of merit base.. u don't need to look far, just look at ahok and anies contestation..😂
@MiniKuantum 4 месяца назад
INGIN RAKYAT & NEGARA MAKMUR DI SEGANI? MARI BUAT INDUSTRI NUKLIR FUSI SECARA MASIF! Langkah awal dalam rangka menolong umat Islam di Palestina adalah menyatukan dahulu seluruh umat Islam Dunia dalam hal penentuan hari raya yaitu dengan cara memusnahkan kalender pagan masehi dan teori pagan heliosentris(teori pemuja api bangsa Yunani bernama Philolaus). Setelah itu umat Islam wajib membentuk industri senjata nuklir secara masif dengan hak "solus populi suprema lex esto". Pancanomics mengajak asosiasi industri yang minat fabrikasi produk reaktor fusi untuk menunjang perkembangan pesat kendaraan listrik, IT dan industri senjata. RAB singkat: 1. Biaya membuat pasal UU. untuk mendukung proyek nuklir estimasi perpasal 500 juta rupiah(total 300 miliar IDR). 2. Pembentukan lab. Inovasi(10 miliar IDR). 3. Fabrikasi reaktor(dua kali lipat mahar mesin pencetak prosesor teknologi 7 nm atau setara 7 triliun IDR). Estimasi "revenue" perdekade dari proyek sebesar 50 triliun USD.
@mingouczjcz3800 3 месяца назад
Sorry to say Graham Allison is not a straight shooter, so he made alot of BS here.
@harukrentz435 4 месяца назад
Waduh2 perang russo - ukraine aja dunia udah ngos2an apalagi perang US - China? Bisa mati berdiri kita. 😢
@jackreacher8858 2 месяца назад
Wars in the past is explainable but in the internet age ? Some evil people WANT war for greed ! GREED IS EVIL !
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
Which reasons let you assume that internet has changed anything on the will to exercise the power you have or to bring some clarification when previous negotiations have failed for example by unwillingness of one side to clear the problem the other side has. Greed is essential part of Capitalism and only in extremely exaggerated way devil. To contain greed you need to contain Capitalism. The strong containment on Capitalism applied in USSR resulted in few progress and ultimately catastrophic crash down. In contrast to your thinking greed is evil, I think greed is an essential driver for fast progress.
@MarauderinChief 4 месяца назад
There's an undercurrent of racism and a sense of superiority in this guy, which, despite his attempts to sound eminently reasonable, finds its way out. Recently, in the UN, the whole world saw America find itself all alone defending the indefensible, as the entire Global South and even some from the West voted for Palestine. For this man to still refer to Russia as a pariah state is made possible only through a blinkered worldview, one of hierarchy, conformity, and adherence to the established order, and nothing but.
@BlackwaterEl1te 4 месяца назад
Those western aligned elites only have one script and they are not really allowed to deviate from it.
@anthonyluhulima3412 3 месяца назад
Endgame acara yang sangat berkualitas di Indonesia baik host maupun narasumber menampilkan sajian terbaik dan telah memberikan keteladanan berdialog berkelas dunia. Semoga para RU-vidr di Tanah Air dapat belajar dan mencontohi Endgame, tinggalkan sajian murahan penuh sensasi yang hanya mencari subscriber semata. Terimakasih Pak Gita telah mencerahkan kami Anak Indonesia 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@userngo09.02bmo 17 дней назад
He is still a 100% American...
@ears9506 4 месяца назад
The only way to save the US Democracy is to change the type of happiness we seek i.e. switch from hedonic happiness (the feel-good happiness used to fuel consumerism: joy, excitement, pride, gratitude) to eudemonic happiness (Plato's 4 being-good virtues. Plato's 4 virtues are the same virtues our founding fathers used to build our US Constitution: justice, forbearance (over time, forbearance has been broken into courage and optimism), temperance, prudence (different search engines lists wisdom and some leave wisdom as a natural outcome of the other 4: so, readers' choice). The above would automatically rebuild the importance of honor and good character in both individual lives and in dealing with others. Add God, citizenship, and the pledge of allegiance back into schools and lives. Eudemonic happiness would grow us, the people, to be proud of ourselves and our country by each and everyone of us being the example of the "good person" and the feel-good happiness would be a byproduct of who we are.
@jacksonyap7196 3 месяца назад
Pa Gita, as a member of yours, I want to share my point of view. I see your latest podcast some of those are luminaries come from expert/professor from abroad. I feel that the poscast is not kicking as yours few months ago. As AI comes where all the RU-vid oould be translated as well and we also actually find the 'same' in another RU-vid account. I think if you maintain well the discussion with Indonesians and maintain the knowledge as your topic, it will increase your viewer. I know that your object is to leverage the knowledge of Indonesians, but the lesser the viewer, the lesser the knowledge could be contributed. I like the discussion of Bagus, Pa Emil, Bu Retno, Bu Sri Mulyadi, KADIN Chairman (forget the name), bhante, Fahrudin Faiz. This discussions and the persons are rarely found in another RU-vid. Initially I think it is only my ppint of view, but as I see the number of viewer in these abroad lists and Indonesian lists, then maybe it is not only my point of view. The reason I still see these abroad lists are because I am your big fan, but my interest is not as high as before Hope this comment will help to leverage your RU-vid as well as to leverage Indonesia people to better level Thank you
@mistman5640 2 месяца назад
1:02:00 About taiwan and footnotes, I agree with the premise, but what would the footnote say?
@friedhelmschroter8124 2 месяца назад
Which footnote? (just checked but could not see anything) I also do not understand what you agree to as premise on Taiwan (I understand the situation is highly complex and only small changes in wording can cause huge problems).
@PantaiBatam 4 месяца назад
Solusinya apa ni bos
@itloads 4 месяца назад
Guys, the room format of this interview is terrible. Are you in the same room or remote from zoom? It's confusing and uncomfortable to watch.
@佯谬 3 месяца назад
普京总统的反击是很正常的事情,对于任何一个国家当危险逐步逼进都会做出反击一样正常。 美国说要和平,可是换取和平的手段是暴力,就像一个向往和平的国家选出一个好战的领袖一样荒唐。
@musofaibrahim3805 4 месяца назад
aku yang gak terlalu paham bahasa inggris berharap semoga podcast bang gita bisa di kasih translate bahasa indonesia
@arjadjaja001 4 месяца назад
One thing i enjoyed the discussion is the angle. Prof. Graham was right. Mr. Gita is kind of a wonderful interviewer :) Thanks to you brother. May God Blessed you and endgame team.
@al-gornature6766 3 месяца назад
Alasan selalu asik buat nonton pdcast endgame.. nambah wawasan plus perdalam bahasa asing.
@lebanbo55 4 месяца назад
“我中有你,你中有我”,是一个非常常见的中文表达,但翻译是 “I was in you, you were in me”是完全错误的翻译,会给人产生错误的理解 与 不好的感觉。仿佛一方被另一方吃掉成为另一方的一部分,或者更糟糕的联想。
@lebanbo55 4 месяца назад
翻译存在着严重的问题,有时候不能直译,因为不同文化 与 语境的原因。
@hongkongchina2048 4 месяца назад
You are part of me; I am part of you; we are part of the bigger world. Therefore, understanding both cultures and languages without the loss in translation is important.
@abahyusufkabuyutan7146 3 месяца назад
@syahryaldhy2623 4 месяца назад
Are you sure that this big boss gitawirjawan will happen in the next decade?
@purbudiyono7066 3 месяца назад
Terima kasih pak gita... Banyak hal yang sudah saya dapat dari endgame...
@henovresky8463 3 месяца назад
Pak Gita kapan ngundang Jose Mourinho?😅
@AlphaCookies 3 месяца назад
Wih mantap, Graham Allison 👍 Thucydides trap
@hengkyfairuzbusthomy5112 4 месяца назад
Mohon maaf Pak Gita, kenapa tidak disertakan terjemahan seperti biasa?
@PipoHargiyanto 3 месяца назад
Luar biasa 🔥
@에밀리-u3w 3 месяца назад
pak gita i’m really curious about your view on tapera
@parttimethinker7611 4 месяца назад
Excellent quality interviews Gita. Love your videos.
@peacenumber1506 3 месяца назад
Before we are Fight for Peace What should we do?
@TUHANbukanorangARAB 4 месяца назад
The Terminator, "It is inevitable."
@三斤石 4 месяца назад
@parsidimuhamad7113 4 месяца назад
Kasih terjemahan indo nya pak
@calvinagasta96 4 месяца назад
Good Topic , thank you pak Gita !
@JohnzionKennedy 4 месяца назад
Russia has always looking west. Trying to get western prove
@andrean2247 4 месяца назад
And it end with destruction of NS2 pipe
@reynardonainggolan1298 3 месяца назад
@nona2068 3 месяца назад
Best mr. Gita
@Newmind591 4 месяца назад
Berikan subtitle dong pk
@arifinilham5800 4 месяца назад
Bisa diaktifkan dgn tekan tombol subtitle di pojok kanan atas
@JACK..BORNEO 4 месяца назад
Kalau China , Rusia ,Amerika perang nuklir.. negara ga punya nuklir akan di jajah termasuk Indonesia. Kalau Uda perang nuklir manusia pasti tambah jahat dan egois, kelaparan dimana2.. si politikus kok jahat banget ya...
@harukrentz435 4 месяца назад
Kmu gak usah khawatir dijajah krn klo negara2 itu perang nuklir kamu akan mati (well saya juga 😅)
@ronomedjo 4 месяца назад
​@@harukrentz435 lebih baik mati daripada jadi survivor pasca perang nuklir 😬😬
@JACK..BORNEO 4 месяца назад
@@ronomedjoKalau langsung nuklir matinya ga berasa wkwkkw
@ronomedjo 4 месяца назад
@@JACK..BORNEO kalopun berasa setidaknya berlalu dengan cepat 😅😅
@JACK..BORNEO 4 месяца назад
@dedyarya2560 3 месяца назад
assalmualaikum bang " Gita Wirjawan " ?? Bang sesekali undang syech Imron husein ( Dari trinidad)
@fauzymohammad2680 4 месяца назад
enggak ada subtitles :(
America has been good with supporting the Uighurs, when it was the greatest crime after the Nazi era, they were blackmailed mentally and physically and should not wish a drop to the future with sweat and blood😭🇺🇸♥️
@putra4101 4 месяца назад
Hello? Gaza somehow ignored 😂
@tonywyli 4 месяца назад
Uyghur persecution is a lie fabricate by CIA!
@therminust4 4 месяца назад
BS prop4ganda, they are separ4tist proxy tools, just like KKB in Indo, - KKB leader Benny Wenda used & stay in UK - ETlM leader Rebiya Kadeer used & stay in US
@rogertay8184 4 месяца назад
Due to US a party to the genocides
@JesusisGod-no3bi 4 месяца назад
Bicara apa loe
@AntonDev-cw3kc 4 месяца назад
You, guys, underestimate the difference between autocratic leaders' wishes and their's countries aims. For an example, the majority of Russian elite was not interested in current war. Additionally, most of the Chineese also would not like to cut ties with USA. But, when the leader became to be a lifetime ruler, and he will not be responsible for any circumstances of his mistakes, his intentions will be different significantly. As to me, we have to do anything with Russia and China urgently and separately. If the USA is too much vulnerable and can be deterred , the world must proceed. The required steps are obvious to me, since I am sure that military balance and national sovereignty as concepts must be abolished today and from now on. Military balance and Detente Strategy Do Not work nowadays.
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