Handle? There's nothing to handle, this is why it's a review and not your opinion. This should be treated as criminal. Does this mean I'm sleeping and in the middle of the night someone can ask me to leave after paying for the stay? I'm a truck driver and I haven't celebrated Christmas in the past 4 years, glad I'll be working these holidays too. Christmas is marketing and meant for Wall Street.
This is just further proof that some people can’t handle criticism. The manager just destroyed his business all on his own. AND it got removed from the website. Looks like his own overinflated giant ego bit him on his own left asscheek.
Imagine getting the police involved on a grandma and grandkid and have them removed for giving you a AVERAGE review not even a bad one. What a joke😂😂🤦♂️
Soooo…. Now that they’ve been blasted on “Inside Edition “ The hotel didn’t do themselves any justice. Totally insane, who’d want to stay Their now. 😒. Really dumb move on the Hotels part. 🧐
That's the worst hotel manager I've ever seen. Does he not realize that his reaction is the worst publicity he could have asked for? He took one mediocre review and turned it into an internally-run smear campaign that's a surefire way to make sure I would never stay there, even if they paid me to. I hope the internet works its magic and review bombs this place to oblivion.
Well, I guarantee that he's learning that lesson now! No way he expected this to hit national news. I pity him a little, but I'm laughing at his incompetence.
It's because a lot of managers get fired if they get low ratings. It must be stressful but there's no excuse in doing what he did. He could have called to offer to fix some of those things or give a partial refund and an apology. I would have edited my review to increase their rating if they just apologized.
Agreed 😄 The usual answer from a business getting a bad review is something like 'We're sorry your experience wasn't to your liking, please tell us what went wrong so we can improve our service in the future'. That's the way to handle criticism! And she even gave 3 stars lol, I don't see their problem 🤷♀️
3 stars is perfectly average service. 4 stars is making the customer happier than when they arrived. 5 stars is actually impressing the customer with your service. 3 stars is not a bad review.
J Beyond. True, however, this had zero to do with the stars. It was because she chose to “ comment “ WHILE at the motel ! ALWAYS wait until you LEAVE…….if you want to blast them. But, first…….while there, she really should have started by asking for repairs. Use some common sense, before tearing up the internet. The internet and the motel were nasty, but I am afraid that this lady was in the wrong right from the beginning. Honey works better………you know the old adage.
Sadly, on the web, anything less than a perfect 5 star review is considered harsh criticism. Although I’ve never taken it, folks say if you rate a Uber driver poorly, they don’t want to pick you up anymore. The all or nothing society.
@@l.l.i.s.p7032 nope it's not right to just kick someone out of a hotel for giving the site a complaint list that makes me think the hotel didn't do it's job to make sure accommodations were set up properly to negate the complaints
If all the things she posted were true, the hotel manager should’ve refunded some of her money and moved her to a different room to be accommodating… she would’ve likely taken her review down with good service.
@@brucewayne5916 With the way she's reacting, contacting the news; etc etc I'd bet money she hadnt said squat to the manager. I'd have removed her from my property by force too. True or not. You dont go post a review without contacting the management first. I hope she had enough sense to contact management first.
I honestly didn't see anything wrong with her comments. Those issues should've been addressed appropriately. But no, this guy took the knee jerk reaction/approach.
Like the lady said, she actually gave a generous review considering the circumstances. The pool wasn’t open, no big deal, leaky faucet, annoying, but manageable. A toilet that doesn’t flush though? Imagine you have to stay there for more than a day, when you open the seat you have to deal with the smell and sight of what was previously “deposited” I guess we can say. I hope that got fixed immediately.
i would refilled the "flusher" with water so that it has enough pression to swirl the cah-cah down the the pipe, it works as an emergency measure . but they called the police and those only calmed down because it was an older caucasian woman. had she been black they would have used guns
Yeah but who reviews hotels/services negatively while currently using them? Lol, what the hotel manager did was out of line, but at the same time the grandma chose a stupid time to leave a review. Again, it shouldn't have happened, but when someone is still in charge of your food, hotel stay, massage, hair care, and etc, wait for the bad review until you get out of there. That's why I don't get people who yell at servers and food service workers yet still want to be serviced. Then when they get secret ingredients they look shocked lol.
I stayed at a bad hotel and literally waited about 2 weeks to make sure that my deposit was returned and not pending before writing a negative review. I didn't want them to magically "find" some type of damage that caused them to keep my deposit.
@@shayslay3416 should not matter if the person was still staying or not in fact it was not that bad of a review was in the mid section stating some of the issues and they could use that feed back afterwards to check these things and make it better but no with have some salty dude who can't take feedback and does the most childish thing by kicking them out
It's like a girl getting hated for stealing.She is probably gonna say that she's fine and that stealing is ok.Just bruh my faith in humanity is just gone
The best part is that he asked for her feedback. She didn't go out of her way to post a Yelp review, she probably felt obligated to respond out of courtesy.
Brilliant move the owner made. Now we all know better than to ever stay at his accommodations. I’d have demanded another room right quick if I found my toilet was broken.
One time we went into a hotel room and the toilet was broken. My dad was just like 'frick it' and fixed the toilet. It was quite a minor temporary repair, it was just a leaking issue.
Always wait until you leave to degrade the place write a scathingly bad review! Be SURE to take a bunch of photos to back up your claims. Common Sence People! Hello!
She gave a valid criticism on the shortcomings of the hotel amenities. Unfortunately, the hotel manager got easily offended that he took them personally.
That manager acted like complete trash kicking an elderly woman and a young child out. I'm legit astounded. I'm assuming the customer is not always right in India or wherever he's from bc its not the US! No one from the states does that. They may want to, but they don't because of how immature and bad it makes them look. The dude literally threw a tantrum.
She's a mediocre customer good thing she got kicked out freaking customers like this should always get kicked, could've reported to manager before making her dumb review
Pool not open, sink dripping and toilet not flushing? Her comment was more than reasonable and giving them a 3 stars was extremely generous. I would have given them a 1 star for sure, just for the toilet alone. But yeah being butt hurt over a review and throwing a grandmother and her grandchild out is unreasonable. It’s unheard of for me. Absolutely awful.
Yeah things should be working properly when you paid $100 for a room or more I expect a functioning toilet when I paid for a room to stay in exspliey more than one night
That was a stupid move on the owner's part because now she could post about how she got kicked out. If you don't want people posting bad reviews, then make sure the room is up to par. Something like this happened to me but they didn't kick me out during that stay, when I went to go check out, they informed me that they had put me on their blacklist which means do not rent.
Over a review? I hope they'd blacklist me from ever coming back then, cause that sounds like they're too sensitive. If it was a bad time spent, they should look at the review and see how to do better for next time.
She was kicked out of a room she had paid for! Wtf that should be illegal. As long someone isn’t Violently loud or destroying property customers should have more rights. She paid for a room to stay in so that room they rented out is hers until the service is over. This should be super illegal.
Should’ve handled the complaint better and resolved the issues. Having a mediocre review isn’t as bad as the negative publicity caused by the hotel’s manager.
Right 👍, if he wasn't a partnering owner, and just a manager I'm sure he lost his job. He's probably done things like that before, but this time it made to the News.
She has the right to criticise a hotel. If the manager lazily put things together, she has the right to say “ this is bad, this needs fixing” bit for the manager to just get salty and kick her out
Can you imagine going to a restaurant and you telling the manager that the food was nasty and she kicks you out, This open’s up a whole lot of other doors for other people to act nasty.
@@lucindamendiola8642 that’s different because this is the place where she was staying a few nights and the toilet didn’t even flush so you’d give them 5 stars yea right Mam
@@goulamadejam I don’t agree with the manger if anything I would of gave them a real reason to kick me out if this happened to me , I’m just saying it’s going to give other asshoes Ideas 💡
This is why I don't stay at smaller hotels, unless they get recommended to me. What a moron. He single-handedly brought down his own business because his feelings got hurt. How incredibly eye-opening, even though it's stupid. NOw people know about this place, they won't offer him their business.
Response of competent management: “I am so sorry that your room does not seem to be up to our standards. Allow us to find you a new room.” Response of incompetent management: “You don’t like the leaky faucet and broken toilet? GTFO of our establishment.”
Agree. She was being honest. Pool was closed, sink was dripping and the toilet didn't flush. There was nothing bad about that. All fixable items at the hotel. He could have addressed the review by commenting that we have a plumber scheduled to fix the toilet and sink and the outdoor pool is closed in the winter. People would have read both sides and known none of it was that big a deal and everything is being addressed. Manager flew off the handle and now, hopefully, is losing business for it.
My thoughts exactly! It wasn't even a bad review. She only gave a realistic viewpoint of her experience and shared some valid issues she noticed in her room. The toilets not flushing is a pretty big deal. I'm surprised she didn't ask for another room bc of it but I'm even more surprised the hotel manager didn't show her another room bc of it and explain why the pool was closed instead of taking offense. Un freaking believable.
funny how he literally just singlehandedly destroyed his own business LMAO when he couldve just offered her a discount or free stay to boost her experience
I think what’s scarier is that the reaction that he had towards this makes it seem like he did it before. Like he immediately called the police, then called the grandma, and straight up told her to get out.
I was a hotel night manager prior to covid and my lay off, I would just fix the issue on the spot. Usually I would just move them to a different room or upgrade if I had one available assuming they were nice. Plus the i'm sorry about your issue. You cannot comp rooms on 3rd party bookings. Always book directly since front desk can do more to make your stay better. I did have someone banned from all Hilton properties though but they tried to kill themselves on my property I was in charge of.
A prime example of someone who doesn’t know how to take criticism and putting their pride on full display. I mean it’s not like the lady was going to have the hotel closed. She just wanted to have better conditions for her room, which honestly could have been done quickly and quietly without to much fuss from the manager. Her giving the place three stars is really generous on her part.
Absolutely generous. I looked at the hotel on Google, and it has astonishingly bad reviews going back months. All with similar complaints. It was dirty, appliances weren't working, hair from past occupants, unwashed sheets, etc. A lot of one-stars. Which these lady even gave 3 stars when she probably had the right to give one from what I've read. It's clear this guy took advantage of the fact the she wrote the review while she was still there. Ridiculous. They need new management, that guy should be removed.
@@l.l.i.s.p7032 no he did not it's a childish manager than for kicking people just cuz of a review :/ and she says what was wrong so maybe manager can think about it how to fix it to get 5 star or 4 star review :/ (sorry for bad eng)
I feel sad for the little granddaughter in all this. Should have been a magical festive holiday with happy memories with her Grandmother and this jerk of a hotel manager ruined it. Calling the police to remove them is so undignified. Shame on him
So telling the truth gets you kicked out of that hotel? Well, now everything she said looks 100% accurate based on your reaction so now you've screwed yourself.
Yeah!!! The room that she already fricken paid for! This is why I think Think customers should have more rights then the owners of stuff because they paid. Their rights should be done until the service is over then you can kick them out however you want. This makes me mad.
What the hell! Instead of this manager addressing her concerns, which I’m sure would have had her make a positive follow up review, we now know what a horrible place this is to stay. If that manager wasn’t the owner, he should be fired!
I like how incredulous she is about the whole thing. it’s completely ridiculous and she’s obviously a nice and even keeled lady. Good for her for taking it well
I wouldn't be surprised if this hotel manager is looking for a new job right about now. I know if I were the owner and the manager's actions got my business this kind of publicity, I wouldn't be keeping them around very long!
I love the grandma's lightheartedness...that is unacceptable and what's worse...the granddaughter will never forget that experience ...why would he do that ?
She rated them a 3/5 that is generous when people give 1 (or if they could 0 stars) for the problems. They either should have fixed the problem and/or ignored the review and thank their lucky stars she gave them 3/5
Lol, her review wasn’t even really that critical to begin with. It’s not like she said, this property is filthy or anything. Anyhow, with my own experiences, I usually review hotels and sites after I see them.
Ikr! Like asking for reviews while the customer is still staying is actually a good move since you could immediately go and fix the problem that the customer is experiencing and as such enabling them to edit the review. Like if they're using that good of a business tactic like this it's pretty disappointing. If the review is unreasonable then they could just leave them alone...
Being a GA resident, I’m so sorry you had that experience! I would have done the exact same thing! Me going to Helen and having friends stay at that same hotel! They said it was not well kept and it should have had a lower rating then it did!
@@josephhodges9819and... Quality service is not something you should have to request. The fact that she would have to ask for a flushing toilet is more than enough reason to not give it an above average review. She gave 3 stars which is average. Not bad, but not exceptional
@@Bradley_Warren That is not the point. If you gave bad or mediocre service for something then you would want to chance to fix or correct the problem and this is a fact.
@@josephhodges9819 It doesn't matter what the business owner wants. A business that delivers quality service without having to request it should and will be rated higher then a place that has to be asked for basic decency. They deserve a lower rating for the conditions she had. Much like any restaurant. If you have to send your food back then you already had a worse time then if you did not have to regardless of if they do fix it.
If that's his reaction to a 3/5 I'm worried about his reaction to a 1/5. I'm almost afraid to think of him banging on the door with an axe going "Here's Johnny!"
ikr? I was like what could the review have been? But pointing out some really basic stuff like 'pls fix ur sink/toilet'?? Imagine if there had been anything personal involved.
She had every right to post a review...but here's a caveat. Wait until after you're already home to make a review, and don't use your real name if you want to avoid crazy managers kicking you out.
This is why I never do reviews until I leave a property. The manager was trying to be a jerk by kicking her out for the bad review and being petty but now the whole world knows that your hotel is💩
Management is completely disgusting. How dare he behave that way just because she was honest?? I will never, ever stay there!!! I would be afraid to get kicked out for telling the truth.
These people should not be able to run a lodging business. I had my American Express card charged twice for a one night stay and it took me dozens and dozens of communications with AE to have them credit back the fraudulent second night charge. I was a bulldog because too many times people run businesses with scummy and down right dirty ethics. Like you, I will never stay there.
I can see the pool closed due to covid restrictions would be reasonable. But, the not working toilet and the sink keeping dripping would be something that should have been fixed before guests check-in or reported by guests. It was a reasonable 3-star rating to be fair. The manager on the other hand is in the wrong by harassing the guest about it and getting the police involved is not the right response to a 3-star rating.
I bet the pool was closed because it needs to have extra heat in the winter. He can't even bother to do regular maintenance or spring for washer or Teflon tape. Sounds like a pigsty from some of the other comments. IMO
I wrote a bad review to a dental place after I was treated like garbage, called and edited my review updating the abuse. Got an email with everything I had asked a few minutes after I posted the reviews. If something isn’t right, you’re allowed to write a review on your experience. This will only escalate the issues and make them look even worse lol
Think of all the times cops told a woman being harrassed that they, "Could do nothing...." But a grandma leaving a bad hotel review?? Better send another unit.. 😪
She’s getting the ultimate payback… The manager will be fired, and the owner will regret ever being involved with this poor grandma and her granddaughter! I can’t believe that’s a law, that a hotel can just kick you out if they want. And I mean, it’s not like she gave them a one star, she gave them three stars! I agree with her, it was very generous
I'm not faulting the grandma at all, the hotel manager had no right to kick them out for her feedback. But as word of caution, I review businesses after I've left them, not during, because who knows what they could in retribution these days.
the fact that this dude couldn’t take a bad review, just means you really shouldn’t have a business if you can’t take one bad thing lmao, or you’re just a little baby with anger issues..
I heard about this story reading it on the news less than 2 weeks ago. I mean, the honest review is ok for improving customer satisfaction- but kicking them out while they're in their hotel room...too much for me.
This is actually crazy! I stayed here with my family around this time last year and I agree that this hotel deserves a 1/5 star rating. The rooms were dirty, thr bathroom smelled, and the receptionist was the same guy that spoke in this video and he is awful. The worst part about this trip was that one of our kids Airpods got stolen after room service came in and they denied giving us access to the security tapes so we called the cops giving them evidence that it was at the hotel when we left (using find my showing the last time the airpods appeared) Nevertheless we never found them and we got refunded 3 nights of our stay if we dont press charges but we never got the airpods back.
The Whole point of a review is to give your Honest Opinion and that is exactly what she did. If the manger is gonna get mad if someone doesn't like there hotel as much then DON'T PUT THE OPTION TO GIVING A REVIEW
I waited until after i left to make my review at a hotel, because i was afraid they may do something crazy while i was there. I was already paranoid because every time i would leave my key card would lock and i would have to go back to front office to get reactivated. I would check right when i shut the door/it worked but when i came back it was deactivated. So i left a review about how that was a safety concern because if you're trying to run from someone, your card won't work. The hotel's website was down after that, which was even more weirder.
oh wow , sounds like my experience at a Motel 6 I was staying at untill my house was ready , they did that and worse , this story reminds me to go back and rate them lol
I mean I’m glad they at least refunded them, but the hotel’s , specifically the manager’s, reaction to criticism was overdramatic. When you have a business or something you’re giving to the public, expect all different types of feedback. Hopefully the grandmother and granddaughter can or if not already go stay somewhere else with their refund money.
The fact that the Manager kicked her out for giving a 3 star rating and having a opinion on the review just blows my mind, she said what she said and it's true, everyone can be entitled to their "opinions". Although that she gave a review about it, still never gives a right to kick them out for that, just pathetic.
The story from the Hotel was that she called the service desk repeatedly complaining to their staff (in their belief, angling for a discount or something), then went to the lobby and made a scene , and other guests complained that when she was in her room on the phone with hotel staff, her voice was raised to the point of creating a disturbance. I'm not sure I buy that, she left a 3-star review, which to most consumers means "adequate", and the typical outraged "Karen" they portrayed her as would probably have left a much more negative review. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but leaning heavily toward her side. If her room has a non-functional toilet, it makes sense she would call the desk and ask for another room or prompt repair service, and if that accommodation wasn't made promptly, it's understandable she would be a bit irate. But I don't think we're in public freak-out territory as the hotel was claiming. Surely they would record calls to the desk and have video in the lobby, so if what they said is true, when this hit the media a couple weeks ago, you'd think they'd share at least some of that (although it's possible they cannot share it publicly while being investigated). Still, you'd think there'd be a formal press-release or something. I suspect she did complain, and the person she complained to, simply over-reacted. Her reasonable requests would have inconvenienced them, and they snapped when she wouldn't be ignored. That's the story that makes sense to me, but for now we've herd a lot form one side and very little from the other.
The fact that the claim of the hotel staff wasn't publicly available together with any evidence to support it is rather suspecious. It's either they were lying or worse, they probably have faulty security system and probably didn't have any recording of the matter. (you'd be surprised how of common establishment has non-functional CCTV) I'm not sure about the recording of the calls but usually there is always a service log for costumer interaction like that. For example at December 1, 20:00 a costumer called complaining about a broken item. Something like that. I've worked on a lot of establishment and there is always a service log for things like that.
The funny thing is, her points of complaint would all be fixed really easy. I think most people wouldnt have thought that much of the review. But the way the manager handeled it really launched his buisness down the toilet that aint flushing.
Better being honest than lie. At least you know what you need to fix when she's being honest instead of kicked her out. Now, you have to deal with bigger problem.