

Lív Næs
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Whaling in the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic where I live, has been practiced since about the time of the first Norse settlements on the islands.
My grandfather (age 93) Johannes Andreas Næs, formerly known as "Flóvin Flekk" wrote this poem in his earlier years. The poem is descriping our old tradition about whale hunting.
Poem, music and video is not inclined to criticize ore stir up anything. Its witten with verbs in present participle about an old faroese traditión which still is a huge part of our culture.
Director: Lív Næs
Camera, photography and producer: Rani Petersen
Actors: Jákup Dahl, Róar W. Dalsgaard, Bárður johannesen, Fríðbjartur Miðberg, Robert gásadahl, Hálvdan Dalsgaard, Regin Holm Poulsen, Terji Reidarson Jacobsen, Torkil á Kletti, Ari Katrinarson johansen.
Boat owner: felagið Teinæringur.
Speed Boat: Birgir Enni
Speed boat captain: Martin Højgaard
Regin W.Dalsgaard
Thank you!
Kastandi, hvínandi, bóltandi, andandi,
rullandi, sjóðandi, svimjandi, standandi,
gánandi, goysandi, sjórok mót skýum. -
Berandi, pløgandi, skúmandi, rennandi
fram gjøgnum aldurnar spennandi,
langtandi sveima á bárunum fríum.
Sveittandi, hugsandi, ynskjandi,
rógvandi, tigandi, takandi tøkini tógvandi -
fúsir við stimbraðum limum.-
Grýtandi, blámandi, rekandi, verjandi,
forðandi teimum, ið á koma herjandi
- váknið til reiðar í fingrunum fimum.
Bløðandi, blásandi, boltandi, brótandi,
malandi, lúgvandi, søkkandi, flótandi
- drignir við leikandi, læðandi ljómi.-
Tungliga vaðandi, skelvandi, skerandi,
leitandi, lærandi, spyrjandi, berandi
- stremba, til ikki av vørrum er hómi.
From my album "Keldufar" Lív Næs tulkar Flóvin Flekk. You can buy it on Itunes!!!
You can also buy the single "Sveimandi" on Itunes!!!!
Visit me on my facebook music page Lív Næs



8 сен 2024




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@macnosmutano4849 6 лет назад
The Faroese should not let outsiders determine what aspects of their culture they need to abandon or alter. The Grind is an important part of Faroese culture and should be continued for future generations of Faroese.
@Varianna12 4 года назад
Agree, Sir.
@jimyhartley Год назад
Tak for det.
@Bellerophon2200 9 лет назад
This is the history of capable men. We bust our asses to provide for others and then criticized for how we do it by those who feast from our tables.
@wfcoaker1398 6 лет назад
Beautiful song, beautiful video. I figured out it was a list of participles describing the Grindaráp, but I don’t know what they mean. Even so, that’s a great way to structure a poem. And the images are great. The people who comment negatively are just ignorant urbanites who have no idea what i’s like to live interconnected with their environment. Every place they put their feet, all their lives, has been paved or mowed or sodded or somehow interfered with. People raised on a toxic diet of Disney and Pixar who romanticize the natural world while their wasteful urban lives destroy it. They are to be pitied. Put it this way, they are people who speak of the need to “build community”. We rural people don’t need to build community, our communities have existed for centuries. You can’t expect people who are so deprived of contact with the natural world, so devoid of understanding of what communities actually are, to understand the real thing when they see it. Poor things actually think that the mercury in whales is more toxic to humans than their sterile, vacuous urban lives. Don’t give in! The life you have in the Faroes is a rare thing, and ought to be treasured. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect, but it’s better than anything those ignorant cultural imperialists have.
@katchmarik7393 Год назад
Here's what I could find in the first couple search attempts. Not sure of its accuracy, but... Kastandi, hvínandi, bóltandi, andandi, Throwing, whizzing, bouncing, and flying, Rullandi, sjóðandi, svimjandi, standandi, Rolling, boiling, swimming, and standing, Gánandi, goysandi, sjórok mót skýum. - Yearning, enjoying, sea storm against the clouds. - Berandi, pløgandi, skúmandi, rennandi Carrying, plowing, foaming, running Fram gjøgnum aldurnar spennandi, Exciting forward through the ages Langtandi sveima á bárunum fríum. Longing to swing freely on the waves. Sveittandi, hugsandi, ynskjandi, Sweating, thinking, longing, Rógvandi, tigandi, takandi tøkini tógvandi - Calming, pulling, taking opportunities hesitantly - Fúsir við stimbraðum limum.- Eager with trembling limbs.- Grýtandi, blámandi, rekandi, verjandi, Grinding, blowing, tossing, defending, Forðandi teimum, ið á koma herjandi Protecting those who come as raiders Váknið til reiðar í fingrunum fimum. Awaken to anger in our fingertips. Bløðandi, blásandi, boltandi, brótandi, Bleeding, blowing, bouncing, breaking, Malandi, lúgvandi, søkkandi, flótandi Grinding, deceiving, sinking, floating Drignir við leikandi, læðandi ljómi.- Dragging with playful, seductive glow.- Tungliga vaðandi, skelvandi, skerandi, Heavily wading, trembling, cutting, Leitandi, lærandi, spyrjandi, berandi Searching, learning, questioning, carrying Stremba, til ikki av vørrum er hómi. Strive, until no dust remains.
@toniownez 8 лет назад
Proud half Faroese. I love it, I'm seriously considering moving there later in life.
@lullikalla 8 лет назад
+Nordic Countries are the best það vita allir hvar hevur þu verið.
@Cosmic_Code 7 лет назад
Then why dont you live there? It seems all people from there have to fucking move to Denmark or Norway or other places and yet be so proud. Makes me sick. Im not moving from my country am I? i STAY RIGHT? you all move around and bitch about how cool it is up there. Well it must suck since most of the population has migrated haha. Yea its nothing personal with you. Its Just that I met some other people who had to lecture me for ten hours to 100 hours about how great it was and yet they sit with their ass in some other country, But then again your only half. So might be legit reasons for that. But you see my point? Its about sticking to your roots and not talk about it. Too many does that and that is why we got this globalist fucked up world and people are running from their own countries since its not enough, Makes me sad. And then on top of that I have to hear how great it is. And yet most people could barely survive in boredom there could they? only the ones who stayed i bet. My challenge to you and others are that its essential to stick with your own kind and cultivate that and try survive like that? is that bad advice? perhaps, because i bet you people dont like to be told anything you dont to hear. Then its all evil and bad. But its the truth. Look at LATVIA also. population around 2,2 - 2,4 million people. Half of them lives in Riga. OK. then half of the country is almost Russian. SO we are dealing with a population speaking Latvian of around 1 Million or so? Then 800 000 of them has worked abroad. I mean? that is as many as there is young people there, typical England or Ireland or Sweden? But again, then dont stick to the countryside, you can buy Okay wooden farm house with 40 hector land for around 40 000 Euro highest. And then Have your own shooting range and basements and do whatever you want? But LATVIANS flee to Riga the big city and they all live in depravity mostly or shallow surroundings and think they are cool for leaving their little village. I dont get it? what happened to pride for your country and being there and stick around through the hard times. I dont expect no one to understand me here. Its just too much if you think about it and put it into realistic patterns., Since people will destroy their DNA and they will destroy their tribes and people will in the end die out. And im not just talking about your country and other countries, but my own also. So its important people stick up for their fucking country man. HAILSA.
@hdlnrjk9805 5 лет назад
+Cosmic Code so, because my parents had to move to another country before I was even born I’m not allowed to be proud of my heritage? Of my ethnicity? Cool. Try telling that to any POC American, why don’t you?
@TheLiechti 8 лет назад
I visited the Faroe Islands last summer. I'm in love with the culture and language. Maybe one day I can live there.
@alanbay 10 лет назад
Awesome, Lív!!!
@inface777 10 лет назад
Heilt alvorliga merkja Føroyskt ;) Totalt gásarhold!
@MrFelis1 6 лет назад
Beautiful Lyrics, song and voice. Greetings from Switzerland.
@LiveNaes 6 лет назад
Takk fyri :) Thank you!
@MrFelis1 6 лет назад
My pleasure ;)
@charlesmcbride4315 8 лет назад
That just give me goose bumps.....a must buy from iTunes
@nonnsk 4 года назад
My first time hearing this and I was about to sail of my chair. This was beautiful, I felt some ancient vibes in my heart. Got to play it again, Now. Thanks.
@LiveNaes 4 года назад
Thank you :) Welcome to listen as many time you like!
@HroduuulfSonOfHrodger 3 года назад
Do you listen to Wardruna at all? I can also recommend 100 other similar artists who base their music on the ancient times of our ancestors. They mostly all use traditional instruments and nothing modern. I'm not into the metal scene much as I get older. But Wardruna are certainly the best and a highly recommended starting point.
@joaoribeiro774 8 лет назад
Here in Brazil we hear you and find beautiful
@RTMarx 9 лет назад
"The poem is written with adjectives only". Actually, it's written with verbs in present participle. (running, breathing etc) Yrkingin hevur allarflest sagnorð í 1. lýsingarhátti, hatta eru ikki lýsingarorð, hóast tey hátta seg lýsandi.
@LiveNaes 4 года назад
Ja, i have changed that - I think. Thank you.
@Palpumpinki 10 лет назад
eg má siga, at hetter er ein sera góður sangur.
@TheLallarock 10 лет назад
nice Lív
@user-mo8ds6pg7l 6 лет назад
@Mensa989 9 лет назад
Flott :)
@Skopuningurin 9 лет назад
Ótrúliga vakurt. :)
@terjibeder6871 10 лет назад
For kul Lív :)
@johnolsen2742 10 лет назад
koyr á hetta er mega gott :)
@pattylhc 3 года назад
TRADUZIONE La caccia alle balene nelle Isole Faroe nel Nord Atlantico dove vivo, è stata praticata sin dai tempi dei primi insediamenti nordici sulle isole. Mio nonno (93 anni) Johannes Andreas Næs, precedentemente noto come "Flóvin Flekk", scrisse questa poesia nei suoi primi anni. La poesia descrive la nostra vecchia tradizione sulla caccia alle balene. Poesia, musica e video non sono inclini a criticare o suscitare nulla. È scritto con verbi al participio presente su un'antica tradizione faroese che è ancora una parte enorme della nostra cultura. Testo della cornice: lancio, fischio, palpitante, respiro, rotolamento, ebollizione, vertigini, in piedi, gorgoglio, zampillo, vento di mare che forma nuvole. Portare, arare, schiumare, scorrere attraverso i secoli, emozionare, librarsi prolisso sulle sbarre spoglie. Sudato, premuroso, pensieroso, calunnioso, provocatorio, tiro alla fune, tiro alla fune - con arti di pietra. Sanguinando, soffiando, schiacciando, rompendo, macinando, soffice, affondando, fluttuando - annegando con brillantezza giocosa ed effervescente.- La lingua guada, tremando, spaccando, cercando, imparando, interrogando, portando - stremba, til ikki av vørrum er hómi. Dal mio album "Keldufar" Lív Næs interpreta Flóvin Flekk. Puoi acquistarlo su Itunes !!! Puoi anche acquistare il singolo "Sveimandi" su Itunes !!!! Venite a trovarmi sulla mia pagina musicale di Facebook Lív Næs
@ame43332 4 года назад
I remember there being an English translation somewhere around the comments but can't find it. I wanted to study it haha
@mariahvalsrtt8473 8 лет назад
Elski hendan sang
@lullikalla 8 лет назад
eg veit að hvæþið er gamalt en það a erindi við okkur i dag sem höfum litið þurft að hafa fyrir lifinu. eg vil þakka þer fyrir frabæran flutning a þessu gamla ljoði .islandari.
@Mensa989 7 лет назад
Hið ljósa man.
@HroduuulfSonOfHrodger 3 года назад
I would like to learn more about this song. How can I connect with you? I see you reply on here. Not sure if this is the best way. I have some questions for you. Thank you! - from the USA
@LiveNaes 3 года назад
Yes yes i am here :) Ask away!
@HroduuulfSonOfHrodger 3 года назад
@@LiveNaes Thank you for replying. Sorry it took so long to write back. I was going to ask about the purpose of "the grind" but I've found another video that I believe explains what your song might be about. I haven't had time to watch it yet though. I've been busy with college. I retired from the US military after 20 years. I am Germanic and am learning about the northern European cultures. I love the music. Especially the traditional groups like Wardruna. I hope you know of them! I will write more when I have time. I do have more questions. Glad we can chat here.
@user-zw3hm1wn3t 7 лет назад
what's about this song?
@PsychicIsaacs 4 года назад
Faroese have always hunted whales. They stop the Eskimoes and Alaskans from hunting whales and seals and White Australians from hunting kangaroos as well. What they hate is people who can look after themselves, who can hunt and are not reliant on the system. People have always hunted and hunting requires the shedding of blood. Get over it.
@lordslashingtonsmoments6125 4 года назад
im pretty sure whales are still hunted in Alaska and i also think its still going on in Greenland so not completely stopped yet, whales are also being hunted in Iceland and Norway to this day, people like Sea Shepherd arent really after them though because they know they are a much harder target to take down, go for the small "easy" targets for the brainless people to hand the organisation money. It's a shame those people dont have bigger brains but thats what happens when people grow up without being in touch with reality and live in a fantasy world brought to them by their society.
@heather9398 6 лет назад
Eg elski mítt land
@alveringh 10 лет назад
its like a cat crying. Ohh no that are the whale that shout from the pain they have by brutal getting murdered.
@Skopuningurin 9 лет назад
Whales shouting? They don't have vocal cords, so they can't shout. :)
@asbjrnpoulsen9205 9 лет назад
go and halal butcer some kow I Raven
@asbjrnpoulsen9205 9 лет назад
you kill more people fore fun and its youer country ther halal butcher and and the only ting you can come with abouth my country are the wales fore its the moust peace full and clean country in the world noth like youer and youer frends from sea shepperds you wanth to rule and tell other wath to do buth take care of all the brutallety in youer country drugs sale of women killings and poisoning of the land and sea ther are much work ther to clean upp buth you only wanth other to do tings you tink are right buth i dont tink you are right if you was you had the best country in the world buth its noth I Raven
@alveringh 9 лет назад
We don't kill for fun. We are not the USA. But I don't mind to kill some Japanese or Faroe people just for research.Maybe i can understand you better...........We have clean sea and land. Every country there are drugs and women that sell there body. Nothing wrong with it. In you're country there are drugs and hookers too. Ohh yes, I think my country is a lot better than yours.
@asbjrnpoulsen9205 9 лет назад
we do noth kill wales fore reacearch and ther you go with killings you enjoy it buth we kill fore food i wud never think like that i do noth hate you fore youer belives or living i only think you are wrong and you do noth now abouth my country and the peacefull loving people we have noth been in anny war since viking time and we do noth kill more wales than we need fore food and ther have been 4 murders in 100 years the last in 2012 done of a forigner I Raven