
Guarani indigenous people: discover the Amazon Indians living at the edge of Rio de Janeiro 

Kiss From The World
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@corinad404 3 года назад
my dad is gaurani and we live in texas 👍🏻 he is teaching me the language now. he lived in paraguay 🇵🇾 but immigrated to texas at 15. he keeps my brother and I connected to our culture.
@KissFromTheWorld 3 года назад
Hi @corina It's truly inspiring to hear about your personal connection to the Guarani culture through your dad's efforts. Language plays a pivotal role in preserving cultural identity, and the fact that your dad is actively teaching you Guarani reflects a commitment to passing down not just the language but also the rich heritage and traditions of the Guarani people. Living in Texas while maintaining a strong connection to the Guarani culture from Paraguay is a testament to the resilience of cultural identity in the face of geographic and cultural shifts. Your dad's decision to immigrate to Texas at a young age and still prioritize the transmission of the Guarani language and traditions to you and your brother underscores the importance of cultural preservation within the family unit. The ability to bridge the gap between Paraguay and Texas, both physically and culturally, is a powerful way to create a sense of continuity and belonging. It not only enriches your understanding of your cultural heritage but also strengthens family bonds by fostering a shared identity. As you continue to learn and embrace the Guarani language and culture, you are contributing to the living legacy of the Guarani people. Your family's story is a beautiful example of how individuals can actively carry forward their cultural heritage, ensuring that it thrives even in new and diverse environments. Wishing you ongoing success in staying connected to your Guarani roots and the continuation of this enriching cultural journey. 👍🏻 Cheers, Domenico and Giulia.
@jessicagauto277 Год назад
rohayhu paraguay!!!!
@aruacorrea989 5 месяцев назад
I'm trying to learn guarani because it was the most spoken language in Brazil until around 1850
@alocarioca 3 года назад
I’m a proud Carioca and don’t mind my Guarani neighbors across the Bay. We should all live in Peace. This is a beautiful Documentary!
@KissFromTheWorld 3 года назад
Hi @alocarioca, It's truly commendable to see your pride as a Carioca and your openness towards your Guarani neighbors across the Bay. This mindset of welcoming and peacefully coexisting significantly contributes to building inclusive and harmonious communities. Your statement reflects an awareness of the importance of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among diverse communities. Living together in peace is crucial for building strong bonds and fostering an environment where every individual can thrive, regardless of their cultural background. The fact that you enjoyed the documentary about the Guarani tribe further underscores your interest in understanding diverse cultural realities and engaging in intercultural dialogue. Documentaries like these have the power to raise awareness and bring people together through the sharing of meaningful stories. In a world often marked by divisions, your approach of acceptance and respect towards your Guarani neighbors is a positive example of how diversity can enrich daily life and contribute to a more cohesive social fabric. May this spirit of peaceful coexistence continue to inspire others and promote an environment where people can live together in harmony. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia.
@bernardobuffa2391 Год назад
vida longa a todo povo Guarani!
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Claro, com certeza! O seu apoio ao povo Guarani é um sinal de apreço pela sua cultura e um desejo de ver a sua comunidade prosperar. Os Guarani são uma tribo indígena com uma história rica e profunda, caracterizada por uma conexão única com a terra e uma espiritualidade intrínseca. O documentário oferece uma oportunidade valiosa para aumentar a conscientização sobre a situação dos Guarani, incluindo os seus esforços para preservar as suas tradições, defender os seus direitos e proteger o seu ambiente. Através do conhecimento compartilhado, espera-se um maior apoio para iniciativas destinadas a preservar a sua cultura e enfrentar desafios como a ameaça do desmatamento e a luta pela proteção do seu território. Além disso, expressar o desejo de "vida longa" ao povo Guarani é um hino à sua sobrevivência e prosperidade contínuas. O seu comentário reflete uma abordagem positiva, esperando que a cultura Guarani continue a florescer e que a sua comunidade possa enfrentar desafios de forma resiliente. Em conclusão, apoiar e aumentar a conscientização sobre a situação dos Guarani contribui para promover a diversidade cultural e preservar o patrimônio das comunidades indígenas, fomentando um diálogo global e uma compreensão maior dos desafios que enfrentam. Saudações, Domenico e Giulia.
@livewithbrandon764 3 года назад
Beautiful , been watching guarani docs for a while but they are old docs, this was like a treat and glad they’re still thriving!
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Hi @livewithbrandon764 I'm thrilled to hear that you found the documentary beautiful and that it felt like a treat, especially after watching older Guarani documentaries. It's truly heartening to know that the Guarani tribe is still thriving. The preservation and continuation of their culture are essential, and documentaries like this play a crucial role in bringing attention to the current state of indigenous communities. The fact that you've been following Guarani documentaries for a while suggests a genuine interest in their history, traditions, and present circumstances. It's important to celebrate and share stories that showcase the resilience and vibrancy of indigenous cultures, and I'm glad this documentary could provide you with a fresh and updated perspective. May the awareness and appreciation for the Guarani people's rich heritage continue to grow, and may their thriving culture be celebrated for years to come! Cheers, Domenico.
@cambodianfood 3 года назад
Nice video, thank you for sharing. Keep in touch friend
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Thank you all for your kind words! We are delighted that you enjoyed the video on the Guarani tribe. Exploring and sharing diverse cultures is a rewarding journey, and your positive feedback is truly appreciated. If there are specific aspects you found interesting or if you have any questions about the Guarani people, feel free to share. Keeping in touch with such a engaged audience is a pleasure! Cheers, Domenico.
@francovolpe5306 2 года назад
Guarani un popolo meravilioso pacifico dove dobbiamo imparare tanto da loro la loro saggezza e il loro rispetto per la natura un abbraccio di vero cuore dallITALIA se un giorno verrò a RIO verrò a salutarvi per me sarà un onore stingervi colcuore la mano in segno di vero rispetto e fratellanza
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Il tuo commento è davvero toccante e pieno di rispetto per il popolo Guarani. È onorevole riconoscere la loro meravigliosa cultura e il loro approccio pacifico alla vita. La saggezza e il rispetto per la natura dei Guarani sono indubbiamente insegnamenti preziosi che possiamo imparare. Grazie per condividere un abbraccio sincero dall'Italia. La tua promessa di salutare il popolo Guarani quando visiterai Rio mostra un profondo rispetto e un desiderio di connettersi con la loro comunità. È davvero un onore sentire di gesti così sinceri di rispetto e fratellanza. Che il tuo viaggio a Rio, quando avverrà, sia un'esperienza ricca di apprendimento e di scambio culturale. Gli incontri che potrai fare con il popolo Guarani sicuramente saranno arricchenti e significativi. Grazie per la tua apertura e il tuo spirito di rispetto universale! Cheers, Domenico and Giulia.
@spendlessrecipe2022 3 года назад
wonderful, rivals many documentaries, nice upload friend
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
We are delighted to hear that you found the documentary on the Guarani tribe wonderful! The Guarani people have a fascinating and rich cultural heritage. Here are some additional insights into the Guarani tribe: Geographical Distribution: The Guarani are an indigenous people living in South America, with communities in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and parts of Uruguay. They are particularly known for their presence in the region's rainforests. Language: The Guarani people speak Guarani, which is recognized as an official language alongside Spanish in Paraguay. It is a Tupi-Guarani language and holds cultural significance among the Guarani communities. Spirituality: The Guarani have a profound spiritual connection with nature. Their belief system includes a pantheon of deities and spirits, and rituals often involve elements from the natural world. The concept of "Yvoty" (land without evil) is central to their spiritual beliefs. Community Structure: Traditionally, Guarani communities were organized around extended families, and their social structure emphasizes cooperation and communal living. The construction of circular communal houses, known as "tekoas," reflects their emphasis on unity. Challenges: While the Guarani maintain a strong connection to their cultural roots, they face various challenges, including land disputes, deforestation, and pressures from modernization. Efforts are ongoing to address these issues and support the preservation of their way of life. It's heartening to see documentaries shedding light on the Guarani people, their unique way of life, and the challenges they navigate. If you have specific aspects of Guarani culture you'd like to know more about, feel free to ask. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia.
@Juanlescano17 3 года назад
Very interested in the Guaraní people i descend from the Guaraní in Corrientes Argentina
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
That's incredibly interesting! It's wonderful to hear about your connection to the Guarani people, especially in Corrientes, Argentina. The Guarani have a rich cultural heritage, and being a descendant adds a special and personal dimension to the appreciation of their traditions and history. Corrientes, with its diverse cultural influences, holds a unique place in Argentina, and the Guarani presence has significantly shaped the region's cultural landscape. If you feel comfortable, sharing more about your experiences, family traditions, or any aspects of Guarani culture that resonate with you would be truly enriching. The fact that you're actively interested in learning more about the Guarani people demonstrates a genuine curiosity and appreciation for your roots. If there's anything specific you'd like to discuss or if you have questions about Guarani culture, feel free to let me know. Your connection to the Guarani heritage is a valuable part of the cultural mosaic, and it's through stories and shared experiences that we gain a deeper understanding of our own backgrounds. Cheers, Domenico.
@deedeemccue5363 3 года назад
Can you please hell me find this interpreter? This is my tribe and I have to go home
@alyssaschwartz2862 3 года назад
My entire family in Paraguay can speak guarani! If you want to reach out, maybe I can connect you with them to assist!
@AhmedAliNizamani 3 года назад
great work
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Thank you! I'm glad you appreciated the documentary on the Guarani tribe. If there are specific aspects of the documentary or the Guarani culture that stood out to you or if you have any questions, feel free to share. Your positive feedback encourages the continued exploration and celebration of diverse cultures. Cheers, Domenico.
@deedeemccue5363 3 года назад
Can you please help me find this interpreter? This is my tribe and I need to go home. If you find who this interpreter is, please respond to this message.
@shekinahcrystal1011 2 года назад
Guarani descendant here 💞🇺🇾🇨🇦
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
It's truly fascinating to learn that you are a descendant of the Guarani tribe, carrying with you a cultural heritage that spans across Uruguay (🇺🇾) and Canada (🇨🇦). The Guarani people have a profound and intricate history, and being a descendant provides a unique connection to their traditions, language, and way of life. Uruguay and Canada represent different corners of the world, each with its own cultural tapestry. It's particularly interesting to think about how the Guarani heritage has been maintained and adapted across these diverse environments. Your identity as a Guarani descendant adds to the multicultural fabric of both Uruguay and Canada. If you're comfortable, sharing more about your experiences, the aspects of Guarani culture that resonate with you, or how your cultural background has influenced your life in Uruguay and Canada could provide valuable insights. It's through personal stories that we gain a deeper understanding of the richness and diversity that cultural heritage brings to individuals and communities. The fact that you expressed your connection with a heart emoji (💞) adds a beautiful touch, reflecting the love and pride you feel for your Guarani heritage. It's a testament to the enduring significance of cultural roots in shaping our identities. If there's anything specific you'd like to share or discuss further, I'm here to listen and engage in the conversation. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia.
@penelopesablan1906 3 года назад
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
I'm glad to see the heart emoji! 💗 If there's anything specific you enjoyed or if you have thoughts you'd like to share about the Guarani tribe or the documentary, feel free to express them. Emojis often convey a lot in terms of emotion, so it's wonderful to see a positive symbol. If you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to discuss, let me know!
@9dith9 3 года назад
Great video
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the video on the Guarani tribe. If there's anything specific you found interesting or if you have any questions about the Guarani culture or the documentary, feel free to share. Your positive feedback is much appreciated! Cheers, Domenico.
@Kushguy10121 2 года назад
Pureeete 🇵🇾 😎
@Happy_HIbiscus 3 года назад
dude, this is cool
@christianquintili 2 года назад
Bravi 🙏
@KissFromTheWorld 10 месяцев назад
Grazie mille! Siamo felici che tu abbia trovato interessante il documentario sulla tribù Guarani. Questo antico popolo indigeno è noto per la sua cultura vibrante e unica, diffusa principalmente in Paraguay, ma presente anche in Argentina, Brasile e Uruguay. I Guarani sono conosciuti per la loro connessione profonda con la natura. La loro spiritualità è intrinsecamente legata all'ambiente circostante, e spesso praticano rituali che riflettono il rispetto per la terra e gli elementi naturali. La lingua Guarani è una parte fondamentale della loro identità culturale e continua a essere parlata nella vita quotidiana di molte comunità. La comunità Guarani tradizionalmente viveva in tekoas, villaggi circolari, e la vita era organizzata attorno a valori di cooperazione e condivisione. Tuttavia, come molte comunità indigene, i Guarani affrontano sfide legate ai diritti sulla terra e alle pressioni della modernizzazione. Il documentario ha cercato di catturare la bellezza e la complessità della loro cultura, e ci auguriamo che abbia contribuito a diffondere una maggiore consapevolezza su questo straordinario popolo indigeno. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia.
@lberylanne4169 7 месяцев назад
Je souhaite une longue vie dans leurs traditions à ces merveilleuses personnes qui peuplaient l'Amérique du Sud bien avant JC et qui malheureusement sont encore invisibles sur leurs terres pour tellement de blancs ou de noirs. Ne nous leurrons pas, leur imposer notre civilisation ne va pas les rendre plus intelligents, meilleurs ou plus riches car ils le sont déjà depuis toujours mais ça va, je l'espère, les aider à ne plus se faire duper par les descendants des colons et à préserver leurs droits bafoués depuis quelques 400 ans. J'ai été heureuse de parler et partager avec les peuples des premières nations tant du Nord que du Sud. J'espère pouvoir un jour vous rencontrer chez vous et partager votre vie comme je la partage depuis presque 6 ans dans une réserve des premières nations au Canada. 🕊💕
@KissFromTheWorld 7 месяцев назад
Merci infiniment pour vos paroles inspirantes et votre soutien envers les peuples autochtones, en particulier les Guaraní du Brésil. Il est vraiment touchant de voir quelqu'un reconnaître la richesse de leurs traditions séculaires et exprimer le désir de préserver leur mode de vie. Les Guaraní, qui peuplent l'Amérique du Sud depuis des temps immémoriaux, ont en effet une histoire et une culture profondément ancrées. Votre compréhension de la nécessité de respecter leurs traditions plutôt que de leur imposer une civilisation extérieure est très appréciée. Il est essentiel de reconnaître et de protéger les droits des peuples autochtones, souvent négligés au fil des siècles. Votre expérience de partage avec les peuples des premières nations, que ce soit dans le Nord ou le Sud, reflète un engagement authentique envers la compréhension interculturelle et la préservation des modes de vie autochtones. Nous partageons votre espoir que ces échanges contribuent à renforcer la conscience et le respect mutuels entre les différentes communautés. Nous vous remercions sincèrement pour votre ouverture d'esprit et votre volonté de comprendre et de partager la vie des peuples autochtones. Puissent ces échanges continuer à édifier des ponts entre les cultures et favoriser une coexistence respectueuse et harmonieuse. 🌍🤝 Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@alioth7403 3 года назад
They're not Indians. They're not from India. This is so disrespectful. Change your title.
@KissFromTheWorld 3 года назад
Hi @Alioth. Thanks for letting us know your doubt. The word INDIANS - depending on how it is used - takes on different meanings. 1- Adjective INDIAN means belonging or relating to India, or to its people or culture. 2-Countable noun An INDIAN is an Indian citizen, or a person of Indian origin. 3-Countable noun INDIANS are the people who lived in North, South, or Central America before Europeans arrived, or people related to them. The usual name for them now is Native Americans. Cheers, Domenico.
@alioth7403 3 года назад
@@KissFromTheWorld As someone with indigenous ancestry in the Americas, I am telling you, it's offensive. You can simply just change it to Indigenous People and avoid pissing a lot of people off.
@guib6055 2 года назад
@@alioth7403 I understand where you are coming from. Quite literally as I would suspect you’re North American where it has become customary to say native Americans or original people or something like that. But please understand that in Brazil it is not considered offensive to use the word indian. The legal code that protects natives is called the indian estatute. It’s like their legal name. I know it’s silly to just keep using such a ‘misguided’ word but there is no intention to offend. He probably could have translated “indio” into native or something like that, but just chalk it up to a bad translation and try to be less offended.
@lberylanne4169 7 месяцев назад
​​@@alioth7403Les appeler "autochtone" ou "indigène" est encore plus insultant car ces noms proviennent de la colonisation avec une connotation de racisme. Ils faudrait peut-être demander aux premiers concernés comment ils souhaitent qu'on les appelle. Au nord, tous ceux que j'ai interrogés souhaitent être appelés "natifs américains" ou "natifs des premières nations". Ceux du sud que j'ai interrogé à ce sujet préfèrent qu'on les appelle par le nom de leur peuple soit les Guaranis, Guayaquis ou Guaykurus. 🕊💕
@hectorm.beniteza.4408 Месяц назад
Karaja does not speak in Guaraní, he only invents words, the other does speak in Guaraní. I know this because I am Paraguayan.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Thank you for your observation. It's important to clarify that Karaja is not speaking randomly or inventing words, but rather using a different dialect or language that may not be widely recognized. The Guarani people, like many indigenous groups, have diverse linguistic and cultural expressions that vary across regions. Karaja may be using a specific regional dialect or a related language that differs from the mainstream Guarani spoken in Paraguay. These variations can sometimes make it seem like someone is not speaking "pure" Guarani when, in fact, they are using a legitimate form of communication within their community. We understand that as a Paraguayan, you have a deep connection to the Guarani language, and your feedback is invaluable. However, it's also important to recognize the linguistic diversity within the Guarani-speaking communities, which can include different dialects or even other indigenous languages that coexist with Guarani. We appreciate your insight and will take it into account to ensure that the documentary reflects this linguistic richness and diversity more clearly. Thank you for helping us honor the authenticity and complexity of indigenous cultures. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@hectorm.beniteza.4408 Месяц назад
@@KissFromTheWorld That is not Guaraní, it is not a dialect. Any Paraguayan can recognize the other dialects of the language, such as that of the Chiriguanos (Bolivia); Tupi in Brazil and what the Karaja speak is not Guaraní, that is a fact.
@satanshameer690 2 года назад
Amerindians are a mixture of Paleo Siberians and Neo Siberians
@jolantakasmeski9957 3 года назад
Make sure those reach p.never ever gonna think about stolen their land.
@KissFromTheWorld 3 года назад
Hi @JolantaKasmeski unfortunately the Guarani tribe had to leave their land. Cheers, Domenico
@jolantakasmeski9957 3 года назад
@@KissFromTheWorld WHY?? I meant I think i know - why- Those reach houses took over. Where they go? This have to STOP NOW!!
@KissFromTheWorld 3 года назад
@@jolantakasmeski9957 I don't know where they went. If you check on Google Earth their village no longer exists. (You can find the GPS coordinates at the end of the video description).
@jolantakasmeski9957 3 года назад
@@KissFromTheWorld Thank you.
@ksaorganization6100 2 года назад
They look chino
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