
Guardians of the Galaxy 3 review. Best Luc Besson movie in years. SPOILERS 

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@AtariDad Год назад
Rocket is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, who are now known across the galaxy for their heroic deeds. There was no need to have the High Evolutionary discover that he's still alive because he's pretty much a celebrity at this point.
@WisdomThumbs Год назад
That depends on how often the High Evolutionary pays attention to anything beyond himself and his own work. And considering the industries he represents…
@JoybuzzerX Год назад
Agreed. Rocket and the GotG are real celebs now. I can see him not knowing until that point.
@SplinobiForceLuka Год назад
I agree with this imagine for a moment your the high creator and you hear the galaxy was saved by a talking raccoon and friends. He would know immediately who that is.
@AtariDad Год назад
@@SplinobiForceLuka And the fact that most of the galaxy doesn't know what a raccoon is probably explains why it took so long for him to for him to figure it out.
@moonlambo5229 Год назад
I'm sure this will be a great movie. I just don't feel like giving Disney money right now.
@jflack6 Год назад
They don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt! Great? Psssh, Disney hasn’t made something great since Lion King ‘94
@jchowe07 Год назад
This is pretty much how I feel at the moment. Disney gets no cash. Starve that bloated beast.
@madprophetus Год назад
All we have to do is not buy. Good job!
@drlca6601 Год назад
Hop on the train, buddy. I haven't given Disney money since 2015. You can probably guess why.
@demoniac972 Год назад
Feel the same
@TotalBlackoutPainting Год назад
"I forgot my title"
@charlesratcliff2016 Год назад
I enjoy your insight from a former executive producer. You don't give us the usual ranting. You bring years of expertise dealing with movies into your videos. I will go and Guardians 3 but it is not at the top of my list. Sisu and Covenant are at the top of the list of movies to see.
@turdfurgason8476 Год назад
I shall just rewatch The 5th Element again. 🎉
@Gr1mm4 Год назад
You're totally right about the idea of the High Evolutionary annihilating that planet near the beginning, then sending out Warlock to grab Rocket as a potential fix to his idea of perfecting his planet of creations. I would probably rate the film a 7/10 as it did feel a bit disjointed, and maybe a tad too long and unfocused.
@fatherwilliam7256 Год назад
If you're seeing this, I forgot to care enough about Marvel to come up with a comment. But I enjoy your content enough and respect your opinion enough that I wanted to give you some interaction for the algorithm anyway.
@OpinionFactChecker Год назад
I liked Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
@kaloalex Год назад
So you're the one.
@TheMyrmo Год назад
You're not alone, there's a few of us.
@moonlambo5229 Год назад
I love that movie. Bought the 4K and saw in theatre.
@BillPeschel Год назад
We've seen it a couple of times, and we decided that was enough. But I'll see another LB movie and I loved Fifth Element.
@StreetPreacherr Год назад
Me too. Though consider the fact that I'm ALSO a fan of 'Jupiter Ascending'... Although, both only work in 3D with ATMOS audio ;)
@adamgrey268 Год назад
This channel is underrated.
@CallMeChato Год назад
I think so.
@adampkalb Год назад
I like some Luc Besson films such as The Fifth Element and the Taken trilogy, so...if that is the brand of films into which you think Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 fits, then I am super happy James Gunn made you proud and he did not disappoint you with Peacemaker and the entire Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy. 🙂🥰💯
@wavion2 Год назад
The Fifth Element was my favorite movie until Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy came out (still holds top spot), so if that's the comparison here I'm sold.
@robinhood9128 Год назад
This was very helpful in confusing me further about seeing GOTG3. Thanks, I think.
@TheBrewjo Год назад
Just watched it a hour ago with a mate and a 1/3 full theater. The glaring issue- it got chuckles from teenagers to mature age people. GoG 1 and 2 got roaring laughter. Maybe it's us having seen the beats before or the script not delivering. I would have also liked to see the events reordered/tweaked. The way it is, Rocket has his history explained for him and never has to take a leap of faith and is out of play for most of the film. Change it to the High Evolutionist getting close to Rocket at the beginning, have the device be activated as a slow release toxin. Chase ensues and Rocket has to explain his history to the GoG.
@dronesclubhighjinks Год назад
It’s always a learning experience hearing things from your perspective! Thank you!
@keithwoodrome Год назад
Long time watcher...first time commenter. I have enjoyed your insights into the producer / economic side of the film industry and have often wondered why film makers, studios, etc make the decisions they do. Thank you fore shedding some light on it from your experience. I just watched the film this past weekend and I had agreements and diagreements with your review. 1. Peter Quill (Starlord) being depressed and drinking himself into a stupor. Unfortunately, without watching the previous GOTG or Avengers movies, a viewer could be a bit lost. But I think Gunn did the best he could showing and not telling the level of depression Peter was in. He did lose the love of his life and when things started to settle down universe wise, I think his emotions caught up to him. I do agree about the opening scene in the city. I think Gunn was trying to establish that the Guardians have made a home, but it was a bit chaotic. 2. The music. I love the song selection but it was too much and it felt disjointed, like Gunn was throwing the song into a scene just to have it in there instead of it blending and enhancing the scene. And they really missed the mark in not having the Guardians theme in there. The past movies blended orchestral and rock/pop well (example, the opening to GOTG 1 when Peter was finding the stone). This movie's soundtrack was a disjointed mess, which saddens me because I love what music does for a scene as much as visually seeing the scene (the fleet appearance in Empire Strikes Back as an example). 3. I can understand your point about Counter-Earth blowing up, but unfortunately I think it was a character development scene more for Gamora. She had to shaken out of her selfishness because this is not the Gamora of the past, so she needed to see innocents, and a lot of them, die for her to be motivated to change. Was it the best way to do it? That's up for debate. But you notice immediately afterwards her character has switched down another path. I think Gunn should have done more development with Adam Warlock also, instead of the very end when Groot saves him. 4. The High Evolutionary (both the character and the actor) were good, if not comic accurate according to other commenters (never read the Adam Warlock or the GOTG comics, though I know who they are). I prefer the cold, quiet villian versus the bombastic, emotional one (looking at you Kylo Ren). Like the common trope of killing the dog to make you hate the villain, he was established as a cold sociopath who did not care about the lives he wiped out for his goals. His goals were a bit nebulous at the same time, but I did like they finally left a villian who could be still alive. 5. The speaker louder and slower scene on Counter-Earth. I think it added a nice bit of levity into the movie, and again using the common trope, to add to the emotional hit when the humanoid characters are killed. It made the Counter-Earth inhabitants more real. 6. I really thought they were going to do a gut-punch and kill off Starlord. And I had thought it was, in a way, a good send-off for him. He was going to die in the end saving others (specifically his friends) just like his adoptive father Yondu. I also thought, when Peter touched Nebula's arm when he was drunk in the movie's beginning, that he would eventually be with Nebula, which would have gone well with the overarching theme of dealing with loss and moving forward into the future. Overall, the movie was not as good as the first one, but I think it was better than the second in a lot of ways. The first one was more for establishing the characters, the second's theme was about trying to figure out who you are in life along with realizing that family is not always the one you are born into, and the third is dealing with loss, guilt, and learning to move forward with your life and not let the past keep you from enjoying the now or keep you from being better and brighter. You can really see the third movie's theme in almost every hero character.
@Augustus087 Год назад
I have still not forgiven Marvel for attempting to shut down City of Heroes. As I despise Disney as well, they are in good company.
@mrgoober6320 Год назад
I have learned to be generous in my thoughts, now that the CoH community has achieved ultimate victory.
@MoonjumperReviews Год назад
I just saw it and, unlike most of the Marvel offerings on Disney+, I thought it was pretty good. I agree with you on some of the over-the-topness (that’s been typical of Marvel lately; grounded flew out the window several years ago), but I thought this had the best villain Marvel has had in awhile.
@darthlaurel Год назад
I'm giving this a pass because if I wanted death and destruction, I'd watch the evening news (which I haven't done in 45 years). Thanks for taking one for the team.
@apollolux Год назад
Spoiler: ... ... I kinda liked the payoff with the dog, it felt earned. Plus, combined with the pure schmaltz of _what_ the payoff actually was was instantly gratifying. I've not only had pets that I wish were like that dog, I've also had Russian exes that I wish were like that dog.
@pedroares6562 Год назад
Warning: Spoilers about the movie Bad Chato, you don't care about the funny cyborg raccoon that will self destruct ? Why, it's not like we all know he will be saved to join the last fight in Act 3. 🤣
@earlsmith7428 Год назад
Question for those who've seen GOTG 3, when Peter made mention of Nebula's eyes to her, how many of you half-way thought, Peter might develop a relationship with Nebula? Considering Nebula seemed to be more caring (though no less mean) to Peter. For a moment I wondered if they were going to go there. It would have been a surprise.
@robertgriffiths1724 Год назад
That's counter earth sir
@bigkilla2608 Год назад
I was hoping Rocket's Walrus & Sheep spider friends would have been spared by the bad guy & then rescued by Rocket at the end
@clogs4956 Год назад
No Knights of Wundergore, then? Was Man-Beast in it?
@scottn7cy Год назад
I absolutely loved GotG 1 and 2. I'll watch 3 when it comes to a streaming platform I pay for but I'll pass on the theater for this one. I did see Return of the Jedi in theater this week and I hope all the other geeks had a chance to enjoy it as well. My daughter went with me. I never thought I'd have the joy of sharing the original Star Wars with her. Wonderful experience and it reminded me what great movies are and GotG 3 aint it.
@colorin81colorado Год назад
I'm glad you enjoyed Return of the Jedi, just imagen if they had realeased it inore theatres across the country!
@CanKenMakeIt Год назад
Don't deny yourself. It's worth seeing.
@adampkalb 8 месяцев назад
Please do not pass on the movie theater for this one. After I saw Guardians of the Galaxy on DVD in 2015 (I was not invested in the Marvel Universe enough to see this in theaters in 2014), my mom and I decided that Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and Volume 3 were definitely worth our time to see in the movie theaters, and we had a blast watching them on big movie theater screens in 2017 and 2023.
@TheVagolfer Год назад
I've said this for years, even if/when Hollywood tries to make non-woke movies again, they have lost the ability to do so.
@FuzzWoof Год назад
I think the worst part of it for me is the way Gunn treats Rocket like he's a character he made up - he's not, he had a pre-existing really interesting backstory in the 80's comics which I'd loved to have seen at least hinted at on the big screen, but no. Also, I'm putting Lylla down as one of the worst comic-to-movie character interpretations ever.
@tannaeros Год назад
Thank you for speaking my thoughts.
@diemes5463 Год назад
The story read clear as day for me, with a few noticable, but minor, inconsistencies (and one grating song choice, beastie boys ugh). I was impressed by scripts ability to create arcs for EVERY character and mostly give them a conclusive place in the narrative. The attention to detail in the fight choereography was refreshing, with each scene creatively moving the plot forward while also providing opportunities for characterization. The commitment to the more fanciful elements of comic book faire is consistant with what was established in the GotG series; this is not science fiction after all, but a space opera, with the drama superceding physical realites. And, most importantly, this movie didn't try to coerce me into some bizarre social philosophy, it was just solid entertainment. This may be the last Marvel movie I see in theaters, but I'm glad I could end my patronage on a high note.
@workingstiffdiogenes2195 Год назад
Thanks for amplifying my pet peeve: physics-proof characters and vessels. I know it's "just an adventure movie," but to me that makes it all the worse. Because an adventure movie really has just one job, which is to provide thrills, and I can't be thrilled if the characters are in no danger.
@TheNuclearGeek Год назад
Like one last quicky with your ex after you break up and know you won't see each other again, I really wanted Guardians 3 to let me leave Marvel with a bang. Somehow, though, it feels more like a reminder of why I'm breaking up with Marvel. It was an okay ride that might have been fine in between the big bangs of a couple years ago, but now it just makes me realize this is as good as it gets anymore. The music doesn't make me vibe anymore, the feelings are just about gone and they're trying to force me to feel more but it doesn't work and things have gotten so messy with the animals. In the end all it did was remind me how good those rides used to be and really gives some clarity on how bad things have really gotten. Okay, even I'm surprised how well that analogy worked.
@marinawolf Год назад
Their primary movie poster depicts Peter with an emasculated, deflated body, and Nebula with a de-feminized, teenage boy body. Why do that to these characters?
@MrKrzys01 Год назад
Luc Besson is a great director. But he is a master in filmmaking when compared to James Gunn.
@RaydeusMX Год назад
Ironically my favorite Besson movie (besides Fifth Element) is Wasabi. But it seems I'm one of the 10 people or so around the world who actually enjoyed that one.
@mirceazaharia2094 Год назад
Luc Besson is just a great director. One of my favourites.
@dicedoom7162 Год назад
i enjoyed the movie alot, the characters have so much heart to them
@Hinatachan360 Год назад
Did Nebula have a dad bod in the movie like on the poster?
@allenshepard7992 Год назад
Karen Gillian was surprised at how it came out. Many fans are not happy with it. We have lots of Dr. Who episodes to watch her in.
@The_child-catcher Год назад
​@@allenshepard7992 it didn't just "come out" like that. Someone did some serious Photoshop to her image to make her have a man's body.
@allenshepard7992 Год назад
@@The_child-catcher I think so too but have only heard Mrs. Gillan's (sp?) comments on the poster. Hollywood seems to have an agenda instead of a plan to make movies. The actor Alan Alda wrote some episodes of M*A*S*H that are better than the recent TV shows.
@OpinionFactChecker Год назад
@@allenshepard7992 It's difficult to reconcile the two characters.
@StreetPreacherr Год назад
@@allenshepard7992 And don't forget her navigating that water obstacle in Jumanji!
@dragons_advocate Год назад
I saw something about your title, but I forgot what it was.
@earlsmith7428 Год назад
Thought the sombre tone of the film was ill-timed. Right now, everybody was in the mood for a light GOTG film, and this was way dark. Music was terrible. Movie should have started off with a lighter elements than moved into the heavy stuff involving Rocket. Zoe Saldana did well with convincing this Gamora wasn't the same Gamora that he knew. That one scene where she shrieked at him, nailed it, and really convinced me that it was over. Nebula was fantastic. Ms. Gillian convinced me that Nebula had changed by her angry, but sight concern for the others in the earlier moments. For a moment, I thought something might develop between her and Peter. Think Gunn needed to rein in his artistic instincts and focus on what the audience wanted.
@EverydayMick Год назад
I agree with you about the music, Paul. Vol I was inspired, but Vol III seemed to be a mix of B-sides and Top 40 hit. (I did appreciate The Flaming Lips, though.)
@JoybuzzerX Год назад
I didnt feel Kraglin abused the dog, but the intelligent dog was upset with what she was called. Good jest imo.
@cameltanker1286 Год назад
I'm of the faction that when critics hate a movie, I can't wait to see it. I'll see it when it come out on streaming and like most comic book movies, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
@loganholmberg2295 Год назад
havent sen this yet but I've been enjoying the sandbaggers all week. thankyou so much for the recommendation. what a great show.👍👍
@davidgantenbein9362 Год назад
Funny enough, in the comic where the High Evolutionary murders the population of a planet due to his experiment being a failure, it happens in the beginning. But that was probably done so to make sure he is the villain this time, because they often muddled the water on this character in the past.
@zmani4379 Год назад
I thought it was chaotic and disjointed, with quite a few good moments, and solid character work from the core team - the Rocket flashback seemed to be Gunn pushing some kind of boundary, zeroing in on some cocktail of garish vs sentimental effect that seems distinctive to him - yes, it did feel as if the scenes were out of order, and the suggestions here would have helped a lot - would they have helped the rest of the film fall into place? Not sure
@kalebhazen Год назад
One of the problems for me was it seemed like James Gunn put EVERY joke he could think of in the movie. The audience had no time to enjoy the emotional moments. They were always followed up by a stupid joke. And, a lot of the “comedy” simply relied on the Guardians yelling at each other. It got old. I feel the first two had a better balance of comedy and emotion.
@rensin2 Год назад
What you describe as a physics breaking sequence is practically hard sci-fi compared to every spaceflight sequence.
@mrtrent100 Год назад
I hated how they manned up nebula . I expected some one to die . I expected Nebula to end up with Quill ,I expected Mantis to say she loved Drax . I expected Drax to say her powers don't work on him .I don't get Quill's moaning over Gamora First film he was interested in her ,she acknowledged him Film 2 seems she was getting interested Then she died .He keeps going o like they had a big romance did they even netflick's and chill???
@wesjackson7437 Год назад
I had a good time watching Guardians 3, but I think your criticisms are fair. At times, there's just so much thrown at you it's a little overwhelming and I think some of that is just bad pacing, bad writing, and/or bad storytelling. But the Guardians cast are great and it's fun to watch them and I think that's what saves this movie from some of the shortcomings.
@RightHereAndNowDLife Год назад
As a fellow Canadian, from the french side, I super enjoy your review.
@yournamehere6002 Год назад
The soundtrack was good, however Flaming Lips, Radiohead and Florence and the Machine didn't really fit a frachise that in past movies leaned heavily on 70's and 80's pop.
@nightbluemage Год назад
Nice subtle dig at the writers strike at the end. 😉
@LuMo1980 Год назад
I 100% agree with you for the music, it was so... out of place? There wasn't any match with the action going on screen. Maybe they wanted to illustrate we went from quality to quantity with the advent of mass storage devices and streaming services but that would give them too much credit. I liked the movie but it was missing some soul.
@jeffagain7516 Год назад
Dang, now you've got me hyped to think what Besson might have brought to the screen with this flik, Chato. :) I LOVED most of what he brought us in the '90s ( Leon [The Professional], Nikita, Fifth Element, The Messenger) and those are just off the cuff memories. Valerian, decades later, was a visual feast but an incoherent script delivered by wrong casting choices, imho. I'll no doubt grab a cheap Blu-ray of GotG 3 but I elected to not watch Disney films in theatres a while back and from the sound of things, I'm in no hurry to change my mind. Now, there's been some argument made, with a modicum of sense, that if we don't support this film, then Disney won't get the message that we WILL go see their films if they provide GOOD ones. I can relate but I look at it this way...if someone kicks me in the balls every day, Monday thru Saturday, then on Sunday gives me an ice cream cone, will I stick around for next Sunday's treat or get the hell away from this person, regardless. Well, since I know other people that sell ice cream, chances are, I'm staying away from Mr Kicky Mc Nuts face. But that's just me.
@davidstair9657 Год назад
Nyeeeeaaaahh… As another commenter stated, “I kind of don’t want to give Disney my money right now…” I know the kid who smells funny says he has awesome toys and keeps inviting me to his house… but he really smells… and do I want to go to the source of the smell just because he says he has cool toys? I speak as a child. I’ll go rewatch Apocalypse Now, ok? You make me want to cry, Disney. Up yours, Disney.
@ctwolfe72 Год назад
I liked the film! Much better than Quantumania or Thor Love & Thunder. Love the Guardians and the bond they share. It is the magic of movie making when numerous digital artists and Bradley Cooper come together to create a performance that audiences invest in. At least, I was invested in it. Rocket's story was tragic and emotionally resonant. Unlike Ant Man or Thor, I may see GOTG3 again in the theatres. Excelsior!
@-C.S.R Год назад
I got a pretty much agree with everything you said! Was also disappointed that Rocket was laid out for pretty much the whole movie :(
@guygadbois3010 Год назад
I'm going to Multi Pass on this movie.
@the_unrepentant_anarchist. Год назад
Surely I can't be the only person who thinks 'Valerian and the city of a thousand planets' is a pretty good film! 😱 🍄
@josesarango3408 Год назад
pretty good is a valid rating for it
@007Thanos007 Год назад
All I needed to hear about, was that they race-swapped yet another iconic Marvel character (the High Evolutionary) and so I'm not watching this film, either. I love Chris Pratt, and I love the Guardians of the Galaxy series but I hope Disney burns to the ground with bankruptcies if they keep this up.
@josesarango3408 Год назад
seriously they could cast whatever ethnicity they liked as long as he wears his iconic mask, which from what I've seen in the trailers, he doesn't. Sucks
@josesarango3408 Год назад
also what's with this MCU fetish of casting black guys as alien villains? LOL
@007Thanos007 Год назад
@@josesarango3408 They're symbolically punishing white people for the sins of their fathers. This is a form of anti-racism: politically motivated reverse discrimination against white people. Bringing in existing POC comic book characters isn't good enough, they need to specifically erase and replace white people in order to show how dedicated they are to the cause. This goes on to a lesser extent in terms of replacing male characters with female characters, and changing the orientation of straight characters to gay; the more "evil" an existing character is according to their warped ideology, the higher the likelihood that the character will be replaced. They have a particular hard-on against redheads. My only guess is that they consider redheads the whitest of the white.
@noneed4me2n7 Год назад
As a fellow nerd of the same generation, I wanted your take on the last MCU film I’m mildly interested in still. James Gunn seem to fit the material and his picks for the soundtracks mirror my own.
@CanKenMakeIt Год назад
I really enjoyed it. And I am apparently the one person who liked the music. It is, however, strange that the last two movies I saw featured both Chris Pratt and "No Sleep 'till Brooklyn".
@toadsmoothy Год назад
I actually enjoyed the Valerian movie. It wasn't nearly as good as 'The Fifth Element' but I still had a good time with it.
@qus123 Год назад
OK now I can't wait to see Chato's video entitled "____ is the best Jeunet + Caro movie in years".
@emmajade9507 Год назад
The movie wasn’t bad, but not the best GotG movie either. I’d say your review is spot on, my family loves the Marvel movies, I can’t remember what the the last one was before this. I’d say it’s about an 7/10…I liked it plus I didn’t fall a sleep like I have done since every Marvel movie after Infinity War lol.
@mikestanmore2614 Год назад
The past few years of cinema and streaming has ensured I've read more books.
@LordAtrocities Год назад
This movie was written by the same generation of writers that gave us Motorcycles in space, and rock music that destroyed an entire attacking alien fleet. Go Beastie Boys!
@jamesmaybrick2001 Год назад
To be fair, that was the best bit of Trek for decades (at that point), and "that generation" of writers gave us Sean of the Dead (and the rest of the Cornetto Trilogy) and of course Spaced. So you have not made the point you think you made. Oh and motocycles in space? Lobo wants to know if you have a problem with that!
@drlca6601 Год назад
@@jamesmaybrick2001 lmao nothing about Star Trek Beyond is good except for the opening monologue. NuTrek is fantastically garbage, though I head Picard3 was decent. Too bad that's too little, too late for me. Remember when they made Picard a cyborg and then never mentioned it again? I miss good sci-fi.
@jamesmaybrick2001 Год назад
@@drlca6601 Are you responding to my post? You are certainly responding to things I never said. Also you are just showing your ignorance, while avoiding the actual point I DID make. Well done, so be so wrong took effort.
@Saikotic Год назад
I would love your rake on Ari Aster's Beau Is Afraid
@vincentbrown4926 Год назад
Thank you sir. Everyone, I mean everyone hates the music.(the one thing they all agree on). Weird because it's the one thing everyone agreed was great about the first Guardians. Is this some sort of code from JG? A final FU to the MCU without torpedoing the movie? Maybe a directors cut with better music later? (There must be a reason.)
@NotTomS Год назад
Always appreciate your insights Chato... Yep, agree mostly with you on this one... Saw it for $3.50... (not in the US)... It was worth... $3.50... Zero reviewing value... Disappointing, uneven, suffered from the Disney method of multiple reshoots, and alternative story paths shooting (to prevent or identify leaks/leakers)... Obvious story elements cut and weird jumps in the story flow... Hugely better than anything else that Disney has released recently... but the ad campaign/trailers really ruin the viewing experience... Obvious woke influences, but meh, not as bad as TLM, etc... 2 end credit scenes... all the way to the end... This is the last time I will be giving Disney ANY more movie money... Next up, "The Marvels???" I'm out... Marvel died w/Endgame... No need to see anymore "Disney Marvel" products... it's dead... Yes, animal torture is a thing in the film... It is extreme (even for me)... KNOW THIS if you take your kids...
@mostlyharmless9616 Год назад
My comments/review: They took the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (God like being who is obsessed with creating the universe in their image) and mixed in a touch of Deadpool 2 (I Otter be with you in the afterlife but not yet). So, from a plot perspective, not very original. Some plot holes that bother me intensely, how/why is Gamora with the Ravagers when we first meet her (never explained), and why does Adam kill his "Mother" because... she had nothing to do with the explosions he is blaming her for when he destroys her. The characters are enjoyable and played well by all involved. It's got a heart warming touch. Most importantly, it remains consistent with the previous movies in it's look, tone, feel and character behaviour. I enjoyed it for what it is and they gave the characters and the story a good ending.
@jeremycaufield8605 Год назад
For all it’s flaws, I still enjoyed it, even teared up a little.
@humanwarnings1 Год назад
I hated it, but I hated all of the guardians movies. Jokes always fall flat, violence is excessive, often depressing... story is cookie-cutter. Cuteness isn't especially cute. I kept thinking "Thank God I'm not watching this in the theater."
@kevinintheusa8984 Год назад
I loved the first GOTG, I liked the second GOTG, but I will miss the last GOTG movie. Great review and it is as I expected. Not good, again.
@hormelchavez5451 Год назад
I stopped watching these crappy 'Pod People' versions Marvel films when I learned that Marvel killed of their premier characters in favor of race and gender swapping their 4th and 5th tier leftovers.While I am done supporting anything from Disney, I am happy to watch the train wreck! I didn't even bother with Endgame since I had a feeling they were already making a mess. I would also mention that getting rid of Cap and Ironman was done because they were white males and had to go, not because of any dramatic effect to garnered from sacrificing their top box office draws. This was not daring film making, this was Marvel killing their own baby. I will always treasure the memory of the old Marvel and DC Comics before the woke cult took over and turned them to ashes, and seeing their latest attempts at garnering their new and improved audience of non-penis carriers and misandrist gives me much entertainment. I advise longtime fans like myself to imagine Marvel and DC have stopped publishing new comics and look to the back issues bin, as well as other publishers still worthy of our time and money.
@Draconisrex1 Год назад
True story: The wife of one of the Post-Docs in my wife's lab did that "Ugly American Speak Slowly; thing to the parents of a Chinese graduate student that were visiting. Here's the kicker -- SHE (and her husband) WAS CANADIAN!
@CallMeChato Год назад
Hey, my Hungarian grandmother did it to a store clerk in slow Hungarian. He didn’t understand it any better.
@tygerstripes3752 Год назад
Just saw Guardians 3 today. It wasn't what I'd hoped for -- not as good as the first two by a long shot. I found it disjointed and not cohesive. Most of GotG3 was a lot of McGuffin chasing, while the first two films each had a well-defined central plot. That otter and Rocket and the other two, though, brought tears. Their friendship was wot the other characters' relationships were missing. I have to object -- the first season of Scooby Doo is absolutely worth watching. But points for saying Chukwudi Iwuji. So many 'u's. And I completely agree about the music in GotG3 being all wrong! It stings a bit more because the music in the first two films was so *chef's kiss* perfect!
@markc6571 Год назад
Fair points, but I loved GotG3 Despite its flaws, including Adam Warlock's overall role, I felt connected to the story and its characters.
@lucarocks7866 Год назад
I understand the criticisms against the movie but me and my friends were balling our eyes out constantly when we watched it. We agreed that it wasn't perfect and was a real downer in parts but to have a film cause such emotions in all of us meant there was something special there. It had so much heart. Much more than anything else Disney or Marvel have done for a long, long time.
@rickharris4339 Год назад
I definitely agree regarding the music. The previous films had a better soundtrack.
@Jus7aguy Год назад
Yep. You missed something. Also the explanation for all of those mystery box comments comes pretty fast on the tail of all of that. For the Peter near death moment. I think we were mostly expecting Gamora to be the one to save him, in a reverse of the exact situation in Guardians 1. Of course that's not how it went down.
@RRTNZ Год назад
Thanks Paul. I was very on the fence about this one- I loved the first Guardians film, and I would give this one a miss, rather than be disappointed by a mediocre ending for my favourite MCU team. After listening to your review I will give this one a look after all. Cheers.
@ukmediawarrior Год назад
I haven't seen it yet but I hear its a lot darker than the other two movies and has a big tonal change from them. Will this work or not we need to wait and see.
@StreetPreacherr Год назад
It definitely had some fairly disturbing imagery! I just wonder how well it'll go over with 'general' MCU audiences? I guess the last Doctor Strange had the reanimated corpse fight, but that was almost 'comical' in its presentation. While the Dr. Moreau stuff in this was portrayed more 'realistically', which some people might actually find difficult to look at! I can't remember if it was mostly 'off screen', but even the 'knife extraction' seemed extremely gory for an MCU 'family' movie. lol But don't listen to Paul, just "get in the fucking cinema!'
@Tyler_W Год назад
Well, suffice it to say that it delves into Rocket's backstory, and if you remember what he's said about his history that made him who and what he is, then I'm sure you can infer that it wasn't very pleasant.
@daishikaze3986 Год назад
As a fan of Bill Mantlo's original Rocket Raccoon Comics, I can't bring myself to watch this, I don't want to see Rocket's Origin or what happens to his friends, I loved the origin Bill gave him and I loved his friends in the comics, they were fun. I don't want to see them come to a bad end
@kyleolson8977 Год назад
"If you're seeing this, it's because the title I enter when I add a new video gets saved in users' notifications even after I change the video title."
I liked it a lot, but I like the points you're making.
@dariusq8894 Год назад
The High Evolutionary learned about Rocket's existence & whereabouts from Ayesha (Warlocks mother, see GotG2). If GotG3 did anything well it tied off loose ends, some with more satisfactory results than others.
@carlpeters8690 Год назад
Thanks, I'll wait for streaming.
@daveleevicks8749 Год назад
Guessing they couldn't clear the level of music they had in 1 and 2. Some songs were flat, and other while classic didn't fit the scene. All in all it's a fun flick!
@jackuber7358 Год назад
Isn't disappointment now a mandatory component of anything Pedowood produces now. The only thing that can truly help the U.S. film industry is a 10.0 earthquake.
@RyanMcCarthy826 Год назад
This is a pretest for the DC universe movie Madness going forward..thanks Chato
@kirbymarchbarcena Год назад
Thanks, Juancho, for the correction. You're really the great guardian of the great former network executive
@michaellane5381 Год назад
I feel like this movie was about as good as the first 2, but certain elements just didn't mesh like the others, for example the music/action, which was amusingly tied together, but didn't quite feel as necessary or perfectly flow one song to another.
@Dr.Cosmar Год назад
"She looka-like-a man..." (far right on the cover)
@markiangooley Год назад
I always think Rocket J. Squirrel but I would prefer a movie about him instead, even without June Foray to provide his voice.
@Brian_Boru Год назад
The poster alone is reason enough to give this junk a total pass. Someone actually got paid to design that. 😂
@meltedcopper9247 Год назад
For second I thought Chavo had a Pantera shirt on
@FartlebySockchuckerThe4th Год назад
Plot Twist: Juanjo just off-camera is the name of his dog or something lol
@StreetPreacherr Год назад
Damn, I had almost forgotten about Peter's 'slow talking' scene... I think I was just happy that he'd finally stopped being a COMPLETE 'SimpLord' and constantly pining over Gamora!
@jeremycaufield8605 Год назад
The music selection in the first two movies was much better.
@davidpetruzzi4173 Год назад
I wonder if the quality and performance of Guardians 3 will have any bearing on Gunn’s DCU?
@ZakJames Год назад
Groot being a Sonic Swiss Army Screwdriver was stupid.
@peace-yv4qd Год назад
Hollywood has pretty much lost me. If it's free on RU-vid I'll give it a try. But once the movie starts with the woke nonsense I turn it off. Seeing an empowered Woman in evening dress and high heels take down three guys twice her size and then pivoting with an assault rifle in each hand to take the down the other 20 bad guys bearing down her. I'm outta there.
@Haterator Год назад
Question: How much do you think Vin Diesel got paid for that "new" Groot line at the end?
@DocsChannel Год назад
I love Luc Besson. He makes movies that don't appeal to everyone, he is a pop star to Lars Von Trier's Punk Band
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