
Hair Dryer Sound Compilation 36 | Visual ASMR | 2 Hours White Noise to Sleep and Relax 

Al Lullaby ASMR
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22 окт 2024




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@artemis3966 4 года назад
Al! Thank you so much! This has done some help for my sleeping problem that I told you about. I'm chilling on my bed under my blanket with my cat, Fiona, who's laying beside me (she's adorable) Much appreciated Al!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
You are welcome, Beatable! I'm so glad you find this video so helpful, my friend! A big hug and have a lovely day! 😊 (and your adorable pet Fiona as well💗)
@santus7713 4 года назад
Beautiful Sounds my dear friend! Good night😴 Greetings from Germany ❤
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you love it, SANTUS! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@joewipat5452 3 года назад
I love scrolling through your page and discovering new hair dryer sounds!
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
I'm dead happy you do that, Joe Wipat! 🙂 (So do I, to tell the truth😁) Have a beautiful week! 😊
@MrNEILSUPERNAUT 4 года назад
I still say this is your best video ever - more of these please!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I'll work on that, NEIL SUPERNAUT! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@dobromusl 3 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR ІііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііаііііііііііііііаііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііаііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііліііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііаіііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііаіііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііаіііііііііііііііііІіііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііііі
@carlorossi7080 3 года назад
@Alaskizs 4 года назад
I sleep with this chanel for a long time since i have changed house before i stealed my parents hairdryer just to sleep with the soundd and the felling 10 years later now i am 16 and i still love this sound. Good night and tanks for evry thing.
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
My pleasure, FJP_DiogoExtreme06! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@David-kx2ki 4 года назад
I want to appreciate your kindness and that you always reply to comments in a nice way. I really wish you the best so you may find a women/man that likes hairdryers as mich as we all do. Sincerely David
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi davey jones05! Thanks so much for your kind words, my friend! To tell the truth, I don't know if I'll be able to manage to deal with all comments... this channel is growing slowly but steadily... we will see! Have a nice day! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR ....LOLOLOL...there are some weird people out there..😂😂
@zeichnenalshobby5303 3 года назад
I love it❤️I feel this warmth. This sound triggers childhood memories and I feel immediately safe and secure. ❤️More of it💕Good night😊
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi Zeichnenals Hobby and welcome to my channel! I'm dead happy you appreciate it so much! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 💓😊
@benjispj14 4 года назад
Thanks Al Lullaby ASMR for this videos, im so relaxing for your vids, Thanks you much Al Lullaby ASMR!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
My pleasure, Benjispj14! Welcome to my channel and have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
@cristiand778 3 года назад
i Iggy gigi)i xv i=i)i copio g,gg,ggg,g fx g,g cc fx g, fx g, fx g,ig,gfx,gfx fx le
@gabrielcambeiro1472 4 года назад
So helpfull for studying. You helped me pass my exams HAHAHAHAHAHA Good luck and take care . Good night from Galicia... Spain.
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I'm dead happy to hear that, Gabriel Cambeiro! welcome to my channel, thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@NoviMiller 4 года назад
Al Lullaby ASMR jvojibo job oh I Ohio has P.O. I ojibj j out j ugh jI obj oh oh jlord jboj obonaa a. Juo
@NoviMiller 4 года назад
Al Lullaby ASMR bioavailability opvvajvan
@NoviMiller 4 года назад
JabbBjah Has haha John ijajiajjO cig
@MegaMobs123 3 года назад
@@NoviMiller odd
@stefani1071 4 года назад
I hope you're doing well my friend. - Your videos are so helpful, thanks a thousand times. 🥰
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Yuna! It's always great to see you, my dear friend! I'm fine, thanks. I hope you you are doing well too! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend! 💗😊
@ann-brittalm8900 4 года назад
This is one of my favorite video to fall into 😴 at 💙!!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So glad to hear that, Ann-Britt Alm! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@ann-brittalm8900 4 года назад
Al Lullaby ASMR Thank u 😄 sleep well u2 😴
@nicolebooysen1032 4 года назад
Wondering the process behind which hairdryers to select for these compilation vids? Love the mix in tonights! Thank you!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you love it, Nicole! In this case I selected them by the brand: they all are old vintage Moulinex hair dryers, my friend 😉 There is no general rule, anyway.
@ohsokarra1057 4 года назад
I think I love them all 😂 I can't possibly pick a favourite just when I think I do have a favourite I click on another video 😂😂😂 so so greatfull for your videos !! They are the best ❤❤❤❤
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I'm dead happy you like my work on this channel so much, OhSo Karra! I have got the gist of it, my dear friend! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely day! 💗😊
@topolina-hn8sv 4 года назад
Bel suono. Molto rilassante. Bravo 👍🤗
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Thank you, topolina86 86! Thanks so much for your support and have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
@Nikkitchaaa 3 года назад
Hi there. I never posted a comment on a video before but I felt that I should só maybe I could help someone else's with the same problem as me. Since I was 15 years old that I suffer from anxiety and I had really bad insomnia and before I knew this channel I searched for many other ways to control and help me fall asleep. I know this channel from many years ago and since I started to listen to hairdryers that I found a way to sleep all night. So I want to thank AL and is channel for helping me with my problem. There is not a single night that I don't listen to one os his videos with hairdryers. It's the only way to keep my anxiety away and fall asleep in peace.
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi vanessa fernandes and welcome to my channel, my friend! I'm so happy you find my videos so helpful! Thanks so much for letting me know that: you have brightened my day! 😊😊😊 I wish you all the best! Have a blessed weekend! 😊😊💗💗😊😊
@TepesVlad31 3 года назад
Thank you !! I felt asleep in my childhood because it was my mum's hair dryer, precisely the same model..... So many memories linked to this noise.... you spread hapiness 😉😊😊
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi Tatami 31! I'm dead happy this video brings you back good childhood memories, my friend! Thanks so much for letting me know that and have a beautiful day! 😊
@Journey.melodiesofficial 4 года назад
Wow this one is awesome!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you love it, Eric! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend, my dear friend! 😊
@Journey.melodiesofficial 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR You too my friend! 😊
@cloverght 4 года назад
Hello friend, I have not written a comment in days, I just wanted to remind you, that I have seen and continue to watch your videos, now more than ever that I have returned to work, this mix of sounds is the most relaxing thing I have ever heard, thanks for your time.Greetings from Barcelona
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Alba! It's always great to see you, my friend! So glad you love my videos so much! Thanks so much for your kind words and have a lovely day! 😊
@naddlzvi4olic33 4 года назад
Your videos help me focus on some unconfortable tasks like study for an exam or doing taxes - feeling cosy all the time :) thank you! Greeting from Switzerland
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I'm dead happy you find my videos so useful, Naddl Zvi4olic! Thanks so much for letting me know that and have a great day! 😊
@pietro7836 Год назад
Una piccola opera d'arte .
@AlLullabyASMR Год назад
You make me blush, Pietro! 😊😊😊Thanks so much for your kind words and have a beautiful day, my friend! 😊😊😊😊😊😊
@florencia000 4 года назад
i knew it since i was a child, i always loved this sound. when my mom dry my hair i almost fall (or fell? well, in the past. i speak spanish😔) sleep all the time! thank so much, you always help me whit this kind of videos🥰 you are amazing💖💖
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Florencia Aedo and welcome to my channel! So glad you appreciate so much my work on this channel, my friend! If you love hair dryer sounds, you have spotted the right place! About you English, do not be worried: it's fine. Fell is OK, it's the past of fall (present: fall; past: fell; past participle: fallen). Thanks so much for your feedback and have a great week! 💓😊
@kolschejung3318 4 года назад
I have subscribed to your channel for a long time now and have to say that the sounds really help me to fall asleep better. Thank you for being RU-vidrs like you! 💪👍
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi KölscheJung33 and welcome to my channel! I'm dead happy you find my videos so useful and thanks so much for letting me know that: you have made my day! Have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@kolschejung3318 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR no Problem Dude 🤗👍
@D.F.L.Henry69 3 года назад
You're the best man!! Thanks!! Love Greece
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
My pleasure, ItsYourBoyHenry TM! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a beautiful day, my Greek friend! 😊
@user-sd6zz2hm2u 4 года назад
Sounds like waves slowly creeping upon the shore love it!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Happy you appreciate it, ////\\\\! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
😂😂😂...i think he/she/ it , was watching a different video 😂😂
@silencerza9108 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR 0l0000
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
@@silencerza9108 What do you mean, my friend?
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
@@graziflorida4377 Maybe you are right... who knows? :)
@tommasocaretti1810 3 года назад
You made me happy.
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
So glad to hear that, Tommaso Caretti! Have a beautiful day, my friend! 😊
@juanmigueldelarosa6907 4 года назад
Aparte de la variedad de matices sonoros que obtienes con los movimientos de brazo y las obstrucciones de las bocas de entrada y salida de aire con la otra mano, el uso de un gran repertorio de aparatos hace mucho más dinámica y entretenida las dos horas de vídeo. Felicidades también por las transiciones de imagen y sonido para pasar de un secador a otro, es un trabajo muy cuidado y delicado. Un abrazo Al.
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Juan Miguel de la Rosa! Thanks so much for your kind words, my friend! I'm dead happy you appreciate my work on this video so much! Thanks again and have a lovely week, my dear friend! 😊
@MrNEILSUPERNAUT 4 года назад
Your. Best. Video. Ever. Ideal length clips with slow crossfades....more of these please!! I'm converting this to an mp3 so I can have it on CD in the bedroom. Brilliant. :) Also added to my RU-vid 'Morning Coffee' playlist so I'll be waking up to this for a few days....
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi NEIL SUPERNAUT! I'm dead happy you appreciate this video so much, my dear friend! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend!
@arda8280 4 года назад
Who is the Santa when we already have the AI? 😅 Jokes aside thanks for another amazing video my friend. Take care yourself.
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Cheers, Arda! I'm happy you appreciate my work on this channel so much! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
Christmas is in 6 months....😂😂😂😂
@arda8280 4 года назад
​@@graziflorida4377 AI comes twice in a week, while Santa just comes for once in a year :D
@neudiks1732 3 года назад
IHi, I've been watching you for a very long time you have very cool content, thank you for trying for us, I'm sorry for the mistakes I'm just from Russia
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi neudiks and welcome to my channel! Do not be worried for your English: it's fine! 🙂 I'm so glad you enjoy my videos! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely day, my Russian friend! 😊
@neudiks1732 3 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR thanks
@zbigniewpanek7862 4 года назад
this is it !!!
@arcadioos7934 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Zbigniew Panek! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely weekend! 😊
@TH-lo9ei 4 года назад
Dear Al Lullaby, thanks for this great blend of vintage Moulinex hair dryers! Have a nice weekend! Best regards, TH
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
My pleasure, T H! So glad you appreciate it, my friend! Have a nice weekend too! 😊
@djpizza1739 4 года назад
Man i just look everyday at your channel and when I won't to sleep I just watch your videos😴😊 Thanks man I now you now me😂👍
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Michael Lyulchuk! So glad you appreciate my work on this channel so much, my friend! Good night and sweet dreams! 😊
@edward4154 4 года назад
Always so relaxing. Thanks for this👊🏼
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
My pleasure, Edward! Have a nice day, my friend! 😊
@giovannipugliese6670 4 года назад
Bravo Al ! Perfect compilation ! Grazie mille amico mio! 😎
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Prego, Giovanni! So glad you love it, my dear friend! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely day! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
Brilliant 👍🏻👍🏻
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you love it, G F! Have a lovely week, my friend! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Thanks Al , likewise !
@whitenoise2283 4 года назад
Well done. Nice one
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So happy you like it, white noise! Have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
@Rey_Lo 4 года назад
Wow the best fair sounds in the same video. great idea my friend
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So happy you appreciate this idea so much, Mertxe! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend, my dear friend! 💗😊
@iammakingcrap3770 Год назад
indeed it's very nice
@AlLullabyASMR Год назад
Hi IAmMakingCrap! 🙂Glad you enjoy this hair dryer sound compilation, my friend! Have a beautiful day! 😊
@Viviana_howrse 2 года назад
Amazing! I go sleep😎
@AlLullabyASMR 2 года назад
Hi Wiola Szostak! 🙂 Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@Barbara891207 3 года назад
Very relaxing, my dear friend
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
So glad you find it relaxing, Barbara! Have a lovely day, my dear friend! 😊
@stefandragons0890 3 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi Stefandragons 08! So glad you love this hair dryer sound compilation so much, my friend! Thanks so much for letting me know that and have a brilliant day! 😊
@v-g-z3689 3 года назад
I have the orange one, the Moulinex N° 1 ;)
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Glad to hear that, V-G-Z! Do you still use it? Welcome to my channel and have a beautiful day! 😊
@v-g-z3689 3 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Well, to be exact, I don´t have it quite yet, but I bought one this weekend, pretty much in NOS condition, with the box, manual and so forth. I bought it to use it as my regular hairdryer. It´s childhood memories, my grandparents had this model as a backup when I was little in the mid/late 90´s Thanks! :)
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
You are welcome, V-G-Z! Thanks for your reply. Glad this hairdryer brings back your good childhood memories, my friend! 😊😊😊
@Chloe-vw2ty 4 года назад
Hi hun. Carly here Not on mobile till later next week! So can't get into my account! So no profile pic! My legs are now 80% better thank god. So happy with these beautiful sounding hair dryers Hairs are standing on my arms Thats when u know it's hit the spot 👌
@Chloe-vw2ty 4 года назад
On my daughter account. X
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Carly Weaver! My God, it's great to see again, my dear friend! 💗 I was wondering why you disappeared, fearing that something went wrong with your legs... I'm dead happy you are back again and you have almost recovered from your injury! i know it can sound a litlle selfish, but I really missed your kind support... so glad you still appreciate my work on this channel 😊 I wish you all the best! Have a lovely week! 💗😊💗
@danielefasanari4648 4 года назад
But where do you find these hair dryers .... I am from 1970 and they remind me of a model from when I was little. Compliments
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you appreciate my collection, Daniele! I'm a hair dryer collector, so I buy my beloved hair dryers wherever I find them: flea markets, ebay, other Internet sites and so on... 😉
@danielefasanari4648 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Congratulations on your unique and beautiful collection! I love the sound of the hair dryers. I limit myself to having only one and not collectible, but only for its sound, since not having a hair, I don't need it .. 😅😅😅Congratulations, I envy your beautiful collection.
@mariagiosianapalomba6243 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Mariagiosiana PALOMBA! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@nicolebooysen1032 4 года назад
I'm sooooo glad to see you 🤗
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I'm sooooo glad to see your feedback, Nicole! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@patatabollente9864 4 года назад
I love this
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I'm happy you love it, Lyam Tavolucci! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
@nuclear958 3 года назад
its been a few months sence i watches you and i still love the sounds keep up the good work!
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
I'm so happy to hear that, Nuclear! 🙂 You bet i keep it up, my friend! 😉 Welcome to my channel, thanks so much for your feedback and have a beautiful day! 😊
@gokhanaksaray9068 3 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
So glad you appreciate it, gökhan aksaray! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a beautiful day, my friend! 😊
@rmh79 3 года назад
How do you manage not to fall alsleep yourself with with these pleasant noises?
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi Roman Hribar! That's a problem when I record my videos. Sometimes I'm about to fall asleep, even if I stand up all the time! 😁😁 The relaxing power of hair dryer sound is amazing! Have a beautiful week, my friend! 😊
@rmh79 3 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR : )) have a beautiful week my friend too, thank you!
@navahad1746 3 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR pffe
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
@@navahad1746 what do you mean? 🤔
@Michael12751 4 года назад
This is lit !!!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Kaloyan Hristov! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
google translate did not do a good job here ..😂
@Michael12751 4 года назад
@@graziflorida4377 i dont understand
@magyarkolbaszr6 Год назад
@@Michael12751 L
@vickymuniz8489 3 года назад
Nice !!!
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Glad you enjoy it, Vicky Muniz! Have a blissful weekend, my friend! 😊
@CuiuneDelSud 4 года назад
Hey man stumbled across this and it's pretty cool , I never knew why when I was little I loved the sound of hair dryer or even a hoover it just made me feel safe and so calm , great channel man I'm wondering how long you stand with the hair dryer at a time 🤣👍
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi L _Ta1 and welcome to my channel! I usually stand up for about half an hour in these days. Once I recorded my videos in a single shot, but after having damaged several hair dryers I no longer bear the risk to overheat them... thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely day! 😊
@CuiuneDelSud 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR I see , good idea you too my friend ! ♥️
@koftespie5956 4 года назад
Loved it😍
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So glad you loved it, Köftespieß ! Welcome to my channel and have a great day, my friend! 😊
@vukasinstojic883 4 года назад
Bravo!mnogo mi znace tvoji klipovi,doveo si ih do savrsenstva!hvala na lepim snovima.PUNO POZDRAVA IZ SRBIJE❤😜
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Vukasin Stojic! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@sendarider95 4 года назад
Nice kompilation. Good Sound bro 🤩
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So happy you appreciate it, Pyro Fan! Have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@datmadafaka 4 года назад
Nice mix! My favorites hair dryers at the same video! I feel it personal, haha. Greetings from Argentina!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi David Márquez! I'm dead happy you love this video so much! 😄 Welcome to my channel and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@rmh79 4 года назад
LOL great work man 👌🏻
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So happy you appreciate it, Roman Hribar! Welcome to my channel and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@TheMigoftima 4 года назад
You could also go on Spotify, I would love to be able to hear with my phone closed! For now, goodnight everyone ❤️
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi TheMigoftima and welcome to my channel! I'm working on that, my friend! 😉 Thanks for the suggestion and have a lovely day! 😊
@grant2071 4 года назад
A think a have watched everyone of your videos . Keep up the good work
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So glad to heat that, Grant T! You bet I keep it up! Have a nice weekend, my friend! 😊
@onswesleyy4866 4 года назад
Goodnight ZZZzzzzZzZzz 😴
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Wesleyy and welcome to my channel! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@onswesleyy4866 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Thanks! been watching for a while! love it!
@kikodimovski9187 4 года назад
Bro im listening to your hair dryers since you had like 3k subs and congrats on 18.5😁😎
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Thanks so much, Kiko Dimovski! Welcome to my channel, thanks again for your feedback and have a lovely day, my friend! 😊
@MasterChris666 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you like it, Christian Stoleski! Have a lovely day! 😊
@ben-san120 3 года назад
thankyou al
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
My pleasure, Ben Egypt! 🙂 Have a blissful day, my friend! 😊😊😊
@Davide-kc2vb 4 года назад
Great videos man! , glad to have discovered your channel
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Riluberto Rumualdo and welcome to my channel! So glad you appreciate my videos, my friend! Thanks so much for letting me know that and have a lovely day! 😊
@danielefasanari4648 4 года назад
But it's fantastic! At 18:29 this model seems identical to what I remember when I was a child! Even the same color! Is it a model from the 70s?
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Daniel! All of them should be from the seventies...
@danielefasanari4648 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR I'd like to find and buy the model that I told you at 18:39 would be great to have it. What good memories
@paixsolo8296 4 года назад
Moulinex compilation? Another mazZzterpiece.
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So happy you love it, Paix Solo! Thanks so much for your support and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 😊
@arcadioos7934 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Arek Skwarek! Glad you appreciate it! 😄 Have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
4 года назад
Video idea 60 dryers in 60 minutes I know you can do that!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Thanks for the suggestion, Pan Parówa! Maybe I can start with a 20 hair dryers in 20 minutes LoL! 😄 Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend! 😊
4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR still good
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
@srforever1618 4 года назад
~ T H I S I S E P I C ~
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
So glad you appreciate it so much, Raphaelia Agelaki! Thanks so much for your support and have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
@NIKPRODUCED 4 года назад
Would you show yourself in a video, when you hit 25k or 50k subscribers? 🤔
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi NV Beats! Maybe when this channel hits 1,000,000 subs, my friend! 😉😄
@kikodimovski9187 4 года назад
Than lets go for a 1m
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
@@kikodimovski9187 ;D
@The_KBE 4 года назад
absolutely love the sounds you make with your collection ^^ do you think youll ever try to use one of those 3DIO devices and blow them into the ears?
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Kahri! Glad you appreciate my work on this channel, my friend! About the 3DIO, I think it's a fad, that kind of mics are really expensive and - for the kind of video I usually record - my usual equipment is more than sufficient. Of course, never say never! 😉 Have a nice day! 😊
@The_KBE 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Thats understandable! Keep doing you, your videos are unique and always lovely to listen and relax to!
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
@@The_KBE You bet I keep doing it, my friend! ;)
@leszekbiesaga 2 года назад
Masz fajne pomysły :)
@AlLullabyASMR 2 года назад
So glad you appreciate my videos, Leszek Biesaga! 😁Thanks so much for your feedback and have a beautiful day, my Polish friend! 😊
@kamilr5143 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi kamilo YT! Good night and sweet dreams, my dear friend! 😊
@bobbygray3862 4 года назад
As i was wondering where the hero in white suite is ♥ i hope you are doin alright ♥ ♥ ♥
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi bobby gray! Here am I, my friend! 😉😄 I'm fine, thanks. thanks so much for your feedback and have a great weekend! 😊
@nicoleferrell11 3 года назад
What blow dryer sound video do you have that is loud like an old school 90s hair dryer !! Kind of rattley that is what im looking for !!
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi nicole! Hard question, my friend... maybe you should leafing trough my hair dryer sounds playlist to find out what's the best hair dryer sound for you... have a beautiful week! 😊
@CerliS_69 4 года назад
let's go to bed :)
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi tomogelka! Good night and sweet dreams, my friend! 😊
@CerliS_69 3 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR sorry I didn't answer. Thanks a lot. I wish you millions of subscribers. After all, these sounds are really beautiful.
@عبدالرحمان-ز6ر7د 4 года назад
Goooooood في عرب؟
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Glad you appreciate it, عبد الرحمان• 13 ! Have a great weekend, my friend! 😊
@devrancan4758 Год назад
Sevgili dostum all seviliyorsun Türkiye istanbuldan selamlar sevgiler 🇹🇷
@AlLullabyASMR Год назад
Thanks so much, Devran Can! 🙂Have a blissful day (or night), my dear Turkish friend! 😊
@yokatta-f 4 года назад
lmao the thumbnail looks like that John Wick poster
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
You are right, Jimmy Two-Times! I haven't thought about that... welcome to my channel and have a lovely day, my friend! 😊
@GreyFoxGaming. 4 года назад
Hi Al been subscribed to you since nearly the beginning of your channel. I love the effort you put into these videos and how it's always a different hair dryer every time! I got 2 questions to ask you my friend. 1. What microphone do you use to record? 2. Have you ever tried doing a video where she air hits the kinda like wind rushes past in a fast car? Keep up the great work! Stay safe😁
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Alcoholic ZeD and welcome to my channel! So glad you still appreciate my work on this channel, my friend! About your questions: 1. I usually use (for the "normal" hair dryer sound videos) Roland CS-10EM Binaural Mics, inserted in a self-made dummy head. 2. I do not think to have understood what are you asking, sorry. If you want the air to hit the mics, it's NOT a good idea: there will be distortion galore, my friend! (not for nothing mics usually have windscrees) 😉 Have a nice day! 😊
@MrLeery-po2qj 4 года назад
Hello,my friend! How are you today????
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hello, Mr. Rtyhm! A little bit busy, but I'm fine, thanks. I hope you are going well too, my friend! Have a nice day! 😊
@MrLeery-po2qj 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Thanks dude have a nice day!
@darioisaia2264 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Hi Dario Isaia and welcome to my channel! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a great week, my friend! 🙂
@palomarechoncha369 4 года назад
looks like john wick the movie photo but is john hair dryer photo >:3
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
You have a lot of imagination, my friend! 😁
@RicardoLestayo 4 года назад
please do this one with 9 hours and black screen
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
It's likely that this'll happen, Ricardo! Welcome to my channel and have a lovely day! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR ...Al, i really don't know how you are able to respond in a nice way to some comments without losing your patient!! I assume and hope that some individuals must be 7 or 8 years old....
@cherifbouyahia6770 3 года назад
انا اشعر باريحية تامة اشكرك
@AlLullabyASMR 3 года назад
Hi Cherif Bouyahia and welcome to my channel! Glad you appropriate this video, my friend! Have a lovely day! 😊
@lucianicristiano 4 года назад
More time
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
This video is a good candidate for an extended version, lucianicristiano! 😉 Thanks so much for your feedback and have a lovely day, my friend! 😊
@salfety579 2 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 2 года назад
Glad you like it, Salfety5! Thanks so much for your feedback and have a beautiful day (or night)! 😊😊😊
@yerayhernandez133 4 года назад
Estaria mui bien probar varios a la bez aver que sonido sale
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Thanks for the suggestion, Yeray Hernández! Welcome to my channel and have a nice day! 😊
@pixeldaze7269 4 года назад
1:48:23 pause it at the exact same moment and AI is gonna look like a thug with a gun
@MrLeery-po2qj 4 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
Do not forget I'm a skilled serial killer, LoL! 😄 Have a nice day, Мартин! 😊
@pixeldaze7269 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR Beware of the white phantom😈😈... Lol 😂
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
@@pixeldaze7269 I will, my friend! 😄
@powderedphantom5765 4 года назад
How bigs ur electric bill? 😂
@AlLullabyASMR 4 года назад
I can afford it, Powdered Phantom! 😉😄 Welcome to my channel and have a fantastic weekend! 😊
@graziflorida4377 4 года назад
@@AlLullabyASMR ....this is definitely the most original comment !! 😂😂
@قرانكريم-ش3خ 2 года назад
@AlLullabyASMR 2 года назад
Happy New Year, ABOD عبود 🙂
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