
Hamsheni Mani 

David Avdalyan
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20 окт 2024




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@Levon9404 4 месяца назад
Big love from Armenia to Hamsheni Armenian people, guys you are the purest Armenian people exist in the world, thank you for preserving our culture
@BashirBotani 14 лет назад
I love Armenia (Hayastan). Warm regards from Kurdistan.
@tothemoonforme66 Год назад
What is it ?
@TheHayasa 14 лет назад
@Romantic797 4 года назад
@unknownanonym3004 4 года назад
TheHayasa thank you 😊
@Kirovskiy 12 лет назад
А с каких это пор амшенский не армянский? Я иногда тоже забываюсь называю свой диалект карабахским языком, но язык у нас у всех один - АРМЯНСКИЙ !!!
@averdiyev85 7 лет назад
Kirovskiy ты разве не бакинцем был?))
@Kirovskiy 7 лет назад
A chto po tvoemu bakinskie armyane na kakom dialekte razgovarivayut ? U nas karabaxskiy dialekt armyanskogo yazika. 90% bakinskix armyan vixodci iz Karabaxa ...
@Kirovskiy 4 года назад
"Бакинские армяне" делятся сейчас на армян с тем же армянским менталитетом, что и остальные армяне и на "нацию бакинцы", которые к армянству уже отношения не имеют.
@unknownanonym3004 3 года назад
Они не много другие
@tigrankirakosyan2695 3 года назад
@marinanelson2631 11 лет назад
Կեցցե Հայրենիք Հայաստանը, երկար ապրի Հայութիւնը ողջ աշխարհում.
@Mithradatesi 11 лет назад
I'm sorry my friend but in regards to this I have to say that the overwhelming majority of the people of Asia minor are of non Turkic origin. Most of them are Turkified Iranian, Armenian, Greek and Semitic people with a recent Circassian and Slavic arrival.
@Makaidonas 3 года назад
You are so right
@hayots_lernashkharh 3 года назад
Asia Minor and the Armenian Highlands have never been turkic. only in recent times it was colonized by turkic ppl.
@huseyindemiral1069 2 года назад
@@hayots_lernashkharh Recent times : 1000 years ago
@MazzisStyler 14 лет назад
@khulyan 14 лет назад
@ДАВИДАРДЗЫНБА 5 лет назад
Слова коренных османских мусульман в Анатолии очень ироничны. Каждая историческая запись показывает, что армяне, курды , ассирийцы, греки и другие, как истинный коренной народ Анатолии с 4000 лет, турки прибыли только 900 лет назад.
@zmey22001 3 года назад
Да ты кто вообще? Ты знаешь историю ? Идиот
@sonahovsepyan3593 3 года назад
@@zmey22001 Բայց Դավիթ ջան, ինչ սխալ բան է գրել, միայն ճշմարտություն, որ թուրքը եկել է 900 տարի առաջ, իսկ Հայը, Հույնը և մյուս ազգերը 4000տարի է ապրում են և տերն են եղել , այս երկրի։
@antonmuzik 2 года назад
Kurds are not at all indigenous to Anatolia
@deanticocombar7529 2 года назад
@@sonahovsepyan3593 but indigenous Anatolian people end by Greek and Armenians not by Turks learn history
@sonahovsepyan3593 2 года назад
@@deanticocombar7529 Բայց թուրքի որ պատմությունից դասերքաղենք, այն որ քոչվոր եղել են ու մնացել են քեչվոր, որ ցեղսսպանելեն մի քանի ազգերի ու զավթելով ուրիշների հողերը, դարձել են պետություն: Կգա հատուցման ժամը, Աստծո առաջ պատասխան են տալու:
@19BenZ57 3 года назад
from PERSIA ArmeniA Israel with Passion
@ДАВИДАРДЗЫНБА 5 лет назад
Карабах-это душа нашего народа, посмотрите на видео, которое я разместил в Тигранкерте древний армянский город или наши Церкви. Мой дорогой друг, мы знаем, что там тоже жили азербайджанцы, турки, татары, монголы-все они пришли и украли наши земли, разрушили наши Церкви, и вы говорите, что мы завоевали? Все, что мы сделали в Карабахе-это приняли участие в небольшой части нашей древней Родины. Пойдите на наши земли в Анатолии, которая теперь Турция, Вист Ани наша древняя столица и Церкви все в руинах, а затем задать субъективные вопросы. Св
Мы все армяни !!! Одна нация одна исконно историческая , Родина ! История!!! 🇦🇲
@BashirBotani 14 лет назад
Yes, we have Kurdistan and you are welcome to visit the Armenian people there; Zaxo city in Iraqi Kurdistan, and they can give you many informations about it. Welcom to Kurdistan to se how the Kurdish people love Armenian.
@ИванОсипов-г6ъ Год назад
ЭТО шутка
@antero243 13 лет назад
For me something new and interesting. Folk music and dance tells a lot when one does not understand the language. Very good.
@vanS808 12 лет назад
The words Indigenious Ottoman Muslims in Anatolia is very ironic. Every hsitorical record shows the Armenians, Kurds, Assyrians , Greeks & others as the true indigenious people of Anatolia since 4000 years, Turks arrived only 900 yeras ago.
@heythere366 2 года назад
no kurds also came after the turko-islamic invasions. anyway, turkish state policy united these people under the turkish meta-ethnicity and ended their sufferings and the war which has been going on for decades in anatolia. saying this as an mixed ethnic background.
@ИванОсипов-г6ъ Год назад
Да согласен но не турция и не стамбул А КОНСТАНТИНОПОЛЬ если КТО по забыл
@vanS808 12 лет назад
Karabagh is an the soul of our nation, look at a video I posted Tigrankert an ancient Armenian city, or our Churches. My dear fellow, we know Azeris lived there as well, Turks ,Tartars, Mongols all came through and stole our lands, destroyed our Churches and you say we Conqured? All we did in Karabagh is take part an small part of our ancient homeland. Go to our lands in Anatolia which is now Turkey, Vist Ani our ancient capital city & Churches all in ruins and then ask subjective questions.
@HopefulInterventions 4 года назад
Very true. Turks live on our stolen lands.
@vanS808 12 лет назад
My dear whoever you are, we are talking about almost 3M Chrsitains that vanished from Western Armenia & Anatolia, Armenians , Greeks & Assyrians. The 3 groups have provided detailed historical infoprmation & eyewitness accounts which is corrobrated by the Ottoman Archives and is labelled as " relocation" I ams sure when you relocate 1.5M Armenians via the Syrian desert without any food or water was not accidental but planned.
@narekserobyan9002 2 года назад
Long live are orthodox brethren☦️
@vanS808 12 лет назад
If you could be more specific please, we have throught history always fought defensive wars to save our nation & our right to our Christian religion We have been under occupation by or another empire, so your question is very puzzling. Who have we conqured with the Russians help? If you are speaking about Karabagh, then please show one single piece of evidence that shows Russians fighting for us. On the contraray google russian piolts in karabagh and you will see they fought for the azeris.
@TRABZONSKIY 13 лет назад
Shat hazgenim isu erkma!!!!!!!
@QQQWWW1985 12 лет назад
one part of Armenians left the western Armenia what to keep Christian religion and to be Armenians, other part remained on the earth accepted Islam and became Turks. Anybody doesn't judge you, the main thing that all of us Armenians are uniform in one people it is our force.
@dalilaheath6043 2 года назад
I love this song. Any chance of the lyrics in Armenian?
@vanS808 12 лет назад
Today modern turks origins are not Anatolian, they are decendants of migrating Turkic tribes that inavded the region, look at the conflicts, all of them because they lost their homeland to Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Lezgins, ... and more.. Your arguments are well practised lines that I read everrwhere trying to justify the actions of the Ottomans that have gone down in history as the most barbaric.
@mon-xv4ef Год назад
Амшенцы, настоящий, древний Армяни
@romadezigur1462 3 года назад
@ANICETVS 14 лет назад
@BashirSB kurdistan ??? is there a state like that
@xDarkNicotine 12 лет назад
@hokishemshen :) you dont know anything about this music.. this music name was hamçökelek and it origin belong to 500 years ago.. all the turkish hemşins know it :) this is nomadic turkic people music :) you must speak with your turkish hemsins about this song :)) lol then you learn fact :) yes we use many farsi words because we turks ruled iran and present day iran half population were turk.. so farsi people use many turkish words :)
@maximus98769 Год назад
Это западный диалект армянского языка. На нем разговаривают жители Карской области и других областей Западной Армении. А так же жители Цалкского и Ахалкалакского муниципалитетов Грузии, куда они переселялись с конца 19 века.
@roseaghchikian9881 Год назад
@xDarkNicotine 12 лет назад
@hokishemshen brother .. you say true yes all the people influnces each other in the region.. but i said you this music has nothing with black sea region.. and sarı gelin is our common song armenians and turks but not iranians
@aniavetisyan6561 2 года назад
@xDarkNicotine 12 лет назад
@hokishemshen why your family go to gorgan ? gorgan turkmen city in iran and we love our hemşin brothers ;) but not other armenians
@noitnettaattention 13 лет назад
@xDarkNicotine it is NOT turkish music my nomad friend,it is Hamsheni music!!!!!!!!
@NuridinYumer Год назад
@noitnettaattention++maybe you are a little nomad too.
@akasp5999 2 года назад
No matter what, we survived (yev shad urkh em) and I am very happy. For hundreds of years our women were raped and made to marry Turks. Turks have Armenian grand mothers.
@gayanpetros7435 Месяц назад
Ցավում եմ որ այս պարը և տարազը թուրքերն են վերցրել😰
@TheWillystyla 4 года назад
That's not the traditional dress of the hemşinlis
@bloggermood 2 года назад
It’s Christian Hamshenis traditional dress
@kutkinderen 11 лет назад
Sumgait 1988
@SadieMirsade 12 лет назад
@hokishemshen No offense, but if you've read Armenian history, it's clear that they themselves were settlers and conquerors, (albeit much earlier) just like the Turks later on. They also assimilated nations and cultures. Armenian culture reflects all those heterogeneous influences. Nationalistic (Turkish) amnesia, annoys me just as much as Armenian myopia and bigotry.
@noitnettaattention 11 лет назад
Why you speak in a name of Romania when in reality you are Georgian???
@XapogeTurk 11 лет назад
If you knew your history you would not say that.
@XapogeTurk 13 лет назад
@xDarkNicotine whatever you say, now go away your smell & presence is offensive.
@arordi1 13 лет назад
parq mer CEXiN PARQ MER GENIN ev parq ayn serundin vor vaxne galu ev ankax ir kronakan patkaneliutyunic hastatelu e ir astvacayin skizb@
@vanS808 11 лет назад
That is also true, but most are classified as as as Turks
@vanS808 11 лет назад
Just like you dismissed the suffering of blacks for centuriries as you do now
@xDarkNicotine 13 лет назад
omg antother stolen turkish folk song :O
@ArmenNazarbekyan 4 года назад
@SadieMirsade 12 лет назад
I am not asking this question because I wish to trivialize any one's pain and tragedy. I just don't want to spend hours in the library researching the subject. I myself am a descendant of survivors of several ethnic cleansings and quasi-annihilation, thus I'm curious, how the Armenian nationalists intended to deal with the majority, non-Armenian population they conquered with the Russians. Russians aren't exactly famous for their mercy and tolerance. Ask the Ukranians and Circassians!
@ИванОсипов-г6ъ Год назад
А ты кто?? Что Так говаришь
@tothemoonforme66 Год назад
You dumb??
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