Thank you so much for explaining the seals of Solomon. Lately, my conscience has had my mindset to understand the seals and their purpose. Recently I went to confession to atone for my sins; releasing all my negative energy. Since my confession my Psalmic magic has flourished and I believe I'm ready to invoke some of Solomon's magic. I will research more of the seals and their meanings through your teachings and videos. Blessed Be.
Hi. I found a talisman pendant at a thrift store. I bought it not knowing what it was. I got home n looked it up and its a Solomon Pentacle of Mercury Talisman Pendant. Interesting find considering where I am on my spiritual journey. I'm on an accelerated pace of learning to say the least. I've grown so much in just a years time. So researching n discovering that the pendant is a talisman of wisdom sparked my interest to actually learn more and see if I should actually wear it. I bought it already so I guess I'm its owner. I think I need to cleanse it, recharge it? This is my first of any kind of jewelry w meaning. So im clueless and would very much like your wisdom on how to handle. Care for and wear. Ty for taking the time to read.
Hello, would you be so kind and help me with explaining the Secret Seal of Solomon, but the one from the lesser key, not the one with the hexagram, bu the one with hmmm tower, face, lines? It really speaks to me. And I can't find any explanation of the symbols used. I would be very thnakfull!
Please Im new to your channel can you upload a video pictures about the seals of key Solomon please i need it to vanished and for protection from all of the black magic doers if it is ok?
Because you will evoke them with no protection, no commands, and no proper dismissal so they will be tethered to you and definitely bothered and ready to leave.
Don't listen to the guy that told you to activate many. Whenever you fo any type if magick that effects change in your subtle body, or personal life it is smart to only use one practice, or ritual at a time for a few reasons: to observe the effect and how it makes you feel and to take note of changes (even the most subtle, scent, sounds, feelings of clarity, the way people react towards you). Another reason would be that mixing energies isn't always smart... Think mixing drugs, or medication; there can be unforeseen issues (some not so fun). When you are calling on an intelligence to ask it to preform something for you, you can work with more than one in certain circumstances: say you have made and consecrated a sun talisman that makes the suns planetary intelligences obey your commands, then you wear it on your chest to unveil it after evoking another intelligence with say a venus seal to preform a specific action. But as the lady stated in her video (regardless of what the rest of the people on the internet say) doing any kind of magick can have positive, or negative actions in the world at large that you didn't anticipate, so one of the old rosecrucian adages is that you shouldn't prefirm magick on effecting others in the real world and only work on your own soul, body, health, wealth ect., until your reach a certain stage of enlightenement.
Your missing it. They don’t just start working if you wear it. You must remove all attachment to this form and incarnation. The symbol is a reminder at best of what your already capable of. It holds no real power other than what the wearer already has access to. The ego/mind always will try to disrupt the ascent of your vibrational awareness. The point of the symbols is to remind the wearer of the truths of consciousness and therefore reality itself. Manifestation is the real power that you’ll want to look into.
@@R3l3ntl3sssSo I found this solomon seal for protection against evil eye. So me wearing it wouldn’t actually aid in protection but the symbols will remind me to be aware of it therefore creating a manifestation of blocking the evil eye out?
We have a book on our channel called The Testament of Solomon which explains the seal, how it came to be and how it works, the names of the demons it imprisons and what each demon does. Check it out if you're interested.
@@31PearlsHappy Monday 😊 I know this is old but I had to comment. I have searching for a book on demonology. I'm hoping that this book will have what I need in it although it's not a book of demonology. Thanks for posting this. Have a great rest of week. Shalom 🙏🏾
If you go to lala sells a candle with specific instructions. I havent used that one but Ive used Halo and Healing so far and have more and they work. You have to read her book with the instructions free on her website. Some people on her forum have used it and had results with family members.
Ya see. I’m having enemies stealing my seals. So. Kinda difficult to comprehend that someone would be so jealous about my Solomonic practice. I had 40 now I have 32. Most of Jupiter including the 1st. The 5th of mercury. And almost all of the Saturn seals. They even came on here and tick tok and demanded I stop practicing the craft. It continues to be a Bain on my life. Because the ignorant are not initiated.
You have no enemies. To have an enemy is to maintain an illusion of the ego/mind. You’ve created every “enemy” with your mind and perspective. Thoughts are the source of all suffering
Excuse me Orna but the seals of King Solomon weren't designed by him they were given to him already made by Angel Homadiel, these are divine artifacts also called the Gates of Heaven, and playing with these instruments irresponsibly can bring you problems because they have a curse for those that desecrate and pervert these objects
The description given by the author of the video is contrary to the description given in the Key of Solomon. In my opinion, the person in the video is a charlatan. Don't be misled
@@melanindevine I don't know where you get the extra explanations for the pentacles, the Key clearly states the purpose of each of the pentacles but you have added words that are not in the Key, where did you get that? Show me where you got it and I will believe you. Under no authority, you can tag your own opinions to the seals. If you're just making the pentacles appear' more dramatic for "marketing" purposes I want to remind you that the Key addresses people like you very clearly when misusing these seals, they weren't made to be sold like potatoes in the market so you can put a couple of dollars in your pocket. This is written in the Key for those that think it's ok and harmless to display the seal in a fleamarket fashion and/or to use them for evil purposes "ACCURSED BE HE WHO TAKETH THE NAME OF ALMIGHTY GOD IN VAIN"