
Happiness for Enneagram Type 8 

Josh F.
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My channel contains videos on the enneagram, non-duality and creating our own reality, and to sum up the gist of my perspective: 'Life is a game, remember it and enjoy it'. Since making my channel my focus of attention has shifted to positive psychology, and helping build a happier, freer and more compassionate world. I also love Life Theming (www.theforgottengame.com).
I'm not a certified enneagram expert; making these videos was more of a fun project for me, so I can't promise that everything I say about the types is spot on! I hope they are helpful and enjoyable vids though.
This is part of a sequence of videos that demonstrate a way for each enneagram type to move back towards their natural state of being: joy, freedom and vitality.
A.H. Almaas' book, 'Facets of Unity' makes an appearance in this one which is appropriate because it partially inspired the videos.
Note: since I made these videos I discovered about tritypes (that we all have three main types). So my videos are just a snapshot of each 'main type' but not the whole picture.



16 сен 2024




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@jeremydonah5442 3 года назад
This dude's vibe is hypnotic.
@insightinspiration9922 5 лет назад
I'm an 8 and it is simply crazy how literally everything you say applies to me. I think we eights want to appear big and important because that's where we feel in control and "safe". I am terrified of giving others control over me because I am not sure others will take appropriately care of my needs. I think the main issue with an 8 is that their trust into other people was broken at an early stage and this can't be recovered. That's why financial and professional independence is so important to me. I want to rely on myself and just on myself. If I feel that I rely on someone or need someone else to accomplish something I get nervous and ANGRY. Discovering the eneagram really made a difference to me because it's like looking into a brutally honest mirror. I think the key to release the anger and to regain a certain trust in others is to understand the moments in which the anger first has been created and to feel love and understanding for oneself and everyone involved.
@Shadoessa 9 лет назад
I'm an 8w9 (and an INTJ), but why does everyone think we're terrible people? I was abused as a child so I stood up to be strong and protect people. I've always wanted to help people be stronger and stand up for people. I've never wanted to hurt someone (except for in bouts of extreme anger, but it always passes). I was never a bully; I stood up to bullies. I always thought I had a big heart for people. I'm not a terrible person, but whenever I watch these videos about 8s they say we're terrible and cruel and sadistic. Do you think that stereotype comes from other types not understanding what we're thinking/feeling?
@khodademipropiouniverso839 9 лет назад
Marshmallow Moo I'm an INTJ 8w7 and I actually behaved almost exactly the same way you describe during primary school (!) People used to hate me for it 'cause I got passionately angry so (very) often, which triggered the Fi and made me hate the world and wanted to destroy it ( #INTJgonemad lulz). I actually feel like a balanced person nowadays, I control the rage instead of it controlling me. How has it evolved for you over the years?
@Shadoessa 9 лет назад
Khoda demipropiouniverso I definitely feel more balanced now than I did growing up. I was extremely combative and fiery as a kid, but I thought I had to be, growing up in such a difficult environment. If I didn't fight my abusers, I would've gone crazy. I mostly kept to myself because nobody (and I mean NOBODY) liked me. But when I saw people getting bullied or hurt I'd step in, even if those people weren't my friends. In my teenage years however, I flipped the other direction. My 9 wing really started coming out. After years of being punished and bullied for speaking my mind (and being female. My God, being strong-willed and female is torturous), I thought I was a bad person and so I did the 9 thing and shut up. I let people walk all over me because I actually believed having any sort of anger or emotion about anything was "irrational" and the only way to have control was to not care about anything. I kept things bottled up and "imploded" on myself, so I came to hate myself infernally. Ironically, this is when people liked me the most. But that's a heavy price to pay for being as depressed as I was. So now, as an adult, I'm discovering a nice balance. Be strong, but not overbearing. Be kind, but never a doormat. Speak the truth, but with caution. Stoke the fire, but don't let it consume you. I'm coming to like my anger; it gives me strength. But I'll admit it's still a bit of a struggle knowing where to aim it and how to control it. I'm sure I'll get it eventually. What's your story?
@kriyadragon 9 лет назад
Marshmallow Moo Weird. I'm an ENTJ 8w9. My 7 wing was more expressive when I was younger and in the entrepreneurial momentum. I think we don't always register how gruff/direct we are perceived to be by others. I'm a total softie (I paint colorful pet portraits for a living now--haha) but over the years I've noticed that different people have different experiences of us. Some people literally can't imagine me ever getting angry and others have commented that I seem intimidating. I agree that the caricature of enneatype 8 are one-dimensional but I think our native sense of gusto can be mistaken for anger many times. Like a few of these commenters, I also feel much more balanced in general but that red hot rage for bullies still flares up when I see it. Haha.
@kriyadragon 9 лет назад
Robert Phelps I'd also add that combinations of neglect and/or abuse really shaped all of our personalities as 8s. Your image of a fire is very accurate. It can harm or heal and it takes a while to learn to master it.
@Shadoessa 9 лет назад
Robert Phelps Exactly! I relate a lot to what you're saying. I also seemed to have more of a connection to my 7 side when I was a kid but as I grew older I settled on my 9 wing. People also have drastically different views of me, depending on who they are. I once had an (abusive) ex who called me "passive" because I never lost my temper with him when he raged at me (but he didn't know I blocked off emotions to remain in control). Some people think I'm a cute cuddly bunny; others have called me "scary," "excessive" and "intimidating." I'll never forget the stranger in the bar who said I had a "commanding presence," which was the best compliment I ever received (haha). It's just one of the wonders of having a wing that conflicts with your core type; we're confusing to people. It's too bad more people don't understand that most of us 8s are extremely kind and caring people. We're mostly misunderstood, I think. That's okay. I'd rather be universally hated and misunderstood than to ever let someone be bullied and mistreated in my presence.
@harmonioushealinginc 7 лет назад
I am an 8 and am totally happy that I have a deeper understanding of me. It has given me a new perspective so I can go deeper in my spiritual practice and deeper into all of life as a truth seeker, protector and above all fabulous 8. Thank you
@triciam6765 10 лет назад
Joshua, you are a real jewel. I am a type 2 who discovered the Enneagram a few months ago when I was having friendship difficulties with a type 8, who had been a complete mystery to me and was causing me a lot of emotional pain. Through learning about type 8, was able to heal our relationship, and he has totally vivified my life. I watched your video about type 2 and type 8 - absolutely wonderful. You have a beautiful sweetness about you and are very enlightening. You recognize the types' shortcoming and gifts, and explain it in a way that the viewer doesn't take offense about what they need to work on, can be joyful about the beautiful aspects of their type, and you inspire us to reach for our higher levels. Thank you. You are a gift and I'm so glad I found your Enneagram type videos.
@fefes2703 10 лет назад
Reconsider your relationship....
@triciam6765 9 лет назад
Fefe S Just happened to revisit this video a year later, and just now saw your comment. Well, you were right. I since learned that my type 8 friend has Narcissist Personality Disorder, and the only thing to do with a true narcissist is to let them be, and move on. They only want to inflict emotional pain on their victims. Now that I know about narcissism, I hopefully will never let another narcissist into my life.
@harmonioushealinginc 7 лет назад
As a healthy 8, I can see how people misunderstand and how they might feel intimidated. By studying all types I know we can exhibit any of the types at times. My journey is one of working through any of the challenges (just like a true 8 lol) and discovering how to warm up to all types so that I can be happier in life regardless of who I around me. I always have choice and my viewpoint as does everyone else. To say any one type is worse than the other is in my viewpoint false. It is always choice and we all have many sides to our "type". Simply my viewpoint. Thank you.
@Persefone94 6 лет назад
By all means, an 8 can be a narcissist. However, I am slightly tired of the vulgar definition of narcissists and psychopaths and every tabloid and women's mag have articles like "Is your partner a narcissist?" or "Is your boss a psychopath?". Its not correct to label anybody who is straight forward, a pusher, want no bull shit, but action and can come across as harsh. Its just not. Likewise, as an 8 I have to steer clear of labelling people as wimps (just did above in another comment), slow, meaningless etc. You know what I mean? (Note that I don't mean that you are wrong about your friend- he or she may very well be a narcissist).
@MahasteeMehdizadeh 9 лет назад
Hi Joshua I am an 8 with a 7wing, (social instinctual type), and you basically described the different aspects of me (positive & negative) almost perfectly. Understanding the Enneagram personality types has changed my life. I am actually a licensed psychotherapist and have all my clients take the test before or during the first session, because I think it is pretty accurate, gives me a sense of how I can help them in a way that they would feel safe, and can trust me in order for there to be growth). Being an 8 I can be confrontational and intimidating (although I really don't know why I am only 5'2 and am just really passionate about certain things). I have learned to tone down my intensity with certain people, and still maintain integrity and directness. It is important to discover how we really are and try to be the healthy version of ourselves, rather than trying to be someone else. I think a lot of the unhappiness that people experience is from not knowing self, and therefore not accepting self. I used to try to get people to understand me, or at least see I am not a threat, but am actually coming from love, but my aggressiveness showed otherwise, and I would push people away (still do unfortunately). Most psychotherapists are Type 2's (the helpers), and I wondered why I wasn't as nurturing as the other therapists yet have been very successful in helping my clients. I am moving towards a 2, as I have become more compassionate but am literally allergic to people being dependent on me. Compassion is the key for eights.. Anyways thank you for your videos, you are very good at what you do, and I will share your videos with others.
@Persefone94 6 лет назад
You write "I used to try to get people to understand me, or at least see I am not a threat, but am actually coming from love, but my aggressiveness showed otherwise, and I would push people away (still do unfortunately)." I can SO relate to this!
@karinp2717 5 лет назад
I am also an 8 and dislike people getting dependent on me. Do you know why that is and how to balance that?
@thenickening 7 лет назад
Whoa thanks Joshua French! As an 8, this was like a journey through my own mind. Great stuff :)
@willyb0ne 9 лет назад
Type 8 descriptions always highlight the 'sweet, scared, hurting little child' inside the type and focus on the fierce dictator that manifests... This is too stereotypical... The type 8 exists to deal with all the things the rest of humanity is to scared of. Were it not for type 8's, the rest of humanity would have been consumed by the jungle a long time ago. Everybody has a scared child inside of them - 8's just have legitimate reasons to be scared and extreme depths of courage, energy, optimism and self belief against all the odds. Being that guy gets tiring and we aint got time for little people who do not understand the scarier sides of our existence and are ever preoccupied by their fleeting circumstances and impulses, usually based on social anxieties. Sadly not much room for us in modern western societies... but the girls are so damn fine here.
@zohanjames7793 7 лет назад
willyb0ne Preach!!!
@yukiDewsakuraX 6 лет назад
Type 8w7 myself
@yukiDewsakuraX 6 лет назад
this is why I like to 'play submissive' and find a respectable guy in a romantic relationship. I feel like I can relax for once
@yunusemresahin6430 6 лет назад
"Sadly not much room for us in modern western societies" Exactly what i feel!
@codeN_8 5 лет назад
Blah blah. You sure talk a lot for an 8. 1. Not all 8s are boys. 2. Non 8s aren't little people. 3. Typical to think that humanity escaped the jungle by the sheer strength of the oh so intimidating 8. 8 has its place. But that "i am the only hero" complex is a little funny to behold sometimes. Relax warrior. We know we need ya. Just here to remind you that you need us too.
@Judey_Toons 7 лет назад
Proud ENFJ-Ni 8w7 here. I definitely attribute a lot of it to having complex PTSD due to decades of emotional abuse. This is spot on. The core essence of my personality combination is that I am not afraid to stand up for injustice. I will fearlessly voice myself to protect others.
@sosnow6194 7 лет назад
Yeah sounds pretty negative this portrait. I don't think 8 get nasty for the sake of being nasty. I think it's only fight even nasty fights for tha sake of what's fair :( not for themselves must mostly for protection and a lot for protecting other with a lot of self sacrifice. As in : it needs to be done, noone is taking the risk to do it, then I will just because I can.
@Persefone94 6 лет назад
@missladybug6712 10 месяцев назад
This video was so helpful! Thank you for the hard work and love you put in to your work! ♥️
@thebaroness7276 11 лет назад
I'm a creative 8 (w7) and I absolutely RELISH taking risks. I know I can be seen as confrontational/intimidating but I am so eager to get to the REALITY of things I just get bold and jump right in. In contrast, I also adore breaking open and exploring my vulnerability which I think comes from the fact that so many of us are so passionate but we need to trust the person before us is not out to control/harm us, but is confident and open which are characteristics I find irresistible :)
@Goddeify 8 лет назад
I've really enjoyed listening to your talks on all the types. You can be really funny and i find myself laughing a lot. I am a sx 8 with a strong 9w. I don't relate much anymore to the lower type of 8 except when i was a lot younger but i was never the playground bully. My parents had very strong boundaries and didn't take a lot of nonsense and i feel as a woman that i was nurtured into a 2-ness, initially forced, because i wasn't necessarily integrating to 2, being average. Stopping, coming to stillness, needing solitude, doing regular meditation, following people like Eckhart Tolle and getting in touch with really deep grief are all helping me grow. I do know what you mean when you talk about a different kind of power. By the way, Richard Rohr, one enneagram expert (a healthy 1) says 8's often get a bad deal because we can look angry and express anger but what it really is, is passion. 8's are full of passion (for justice, fairness) but this can be expressed in an anger-like fashion.
@mandyinseattle 5 лет назад
Omg my son and I had a huge fight a few months ago because I yelled out the car window, for the second time, of a car he was driving. I was so insulted that he would try to control me like that because it seemed like a natural thing in to shout at the guy on the motorcycle who's disturbing the peace that he was disturbing the peace because it was loud AF. So I laughed when you said that, and I definitely feel like an 8 and recognize it. This is a wonderful video, thanks.
@Terry_Irvin 9 лет назад
This video made me smile towards the end. Thanks.
@roserivera4087 9 лет назад
Thanks so much for this video! I'm an 8 and what you've said is so correct. My favorite part - Power NOT Force. Wow I will keep this in mind. Although I'm very consciously aware of our interconnectivity, the practice of reminding myself that everything is exactly as it should be - right now - is always incredibly helpful when I feel that stress to ACT and REMEDY the situation. I also want to point out that 8s just have a lot of energy/power rolling around inside naturally and we seem to instinctively know it can be used for either significant positive or negative shifts. I'm pretty sure someone like Hitler was an 8...but then again so was Martin Luther King Jr. It's up to us to choose wisely. ;)
@ghettointellectual1175 6 лет назад
This is awesome! Keeps a lot in perspective for the so-called pushy of us 8s
@perstgaard530 4 года назад
I enjoy your vdeos so much. 😊.
@mandyinseattle 5 лет назад
Meditation is crucial for 8s, yes? Yes... "Power, not force."
@Anita-silver 9 лет назад
As an 8 I wouldn't consider heading into danger just to show I'm not afraid - would never go into a cave in that way. I'm overly cautious and alert to bodily danger. I'm assuming that's where the tri-type comes in. Can relate to most everything else though.
@ToStand2 8 лет назад
yes exactly that's what i said in my comment too, i think he confuses 8s and cp 6s sometimes dickhead bully = cp6 hero = 8
@Persefone94 6 лет назад
I agree! I may LIKE certain things that most people find too dangerous (won't get into that), but I would NEVER go into caves or bungy jump or eat octopus or do other "bragging" things to impress people. I, honestly, don't think real 8s NEED to impress people- why bother? What's the gain?! On the contrary I rather AVOID showing off in those manners since I am actually secure enough in my abilities. I have tons of weaknesses and as an 8 I have found that showing those and being able to admit them has made me stronger, even! Just the thought of showing of by doing silly and meaningless physical stuff makes me disdainful! Such bravado is merely weakness.
@mandyinseattle 5 лет назад
Me too! I might go a lot of places but definitely not into a cave, and like you I'm aware of danger and take steps to avoid it.
@mandyinseattle 5 лет назад
I'll recommend these videos to others, definitely. Thank you.
@HairGlitter 5 лет назад
Your descriptions are so very insightful.. and I like your hair a little longer like this:)
@tiffanym4137 11 лет назад
As a very strong 8 (with 1 tendencies) and INFJ mix, this was unexpectedly helpful in understanding what I considered "dark" qualities of mine. Thank you for posting it!
@Elahalu 10 лет назад
I found this video very helpful and enjoyable, but one of the last things you mention is that 8's aren't likely to "be zooming up the levels of consciousness or spiritual health". That felt like a splash of cold water and I would have liked a little more explanation. What, more so than other healthy types, would hold a healthy 8 back from spiritual development?
@JoshuaForgottenGame 10 лет назад
Hi there. I didn't mean it's harder for 8s; maybe it sounded like that. For 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, letting go of patterns of thought that cause suffering usually takes a bit of time, until more helpful patterns of thought become habitual. It's no harder for 8s at all.
@karinp2717 5 лет назад
@@JoshuaForgottenGame As a truthseeker as 8 is, I feel the spiritual growth goes very fast.
@mandyinseattle 5 лет назад
@@JoshuaForgottenGame What caught my ear at the end was when you said 8s are hard to be friends with and that would explain a lot, and I would love to know what I can do to be a better friend and not so strident or intimidating. I have been meditating for a few years and I feel more calm and centered and compassionate but I still have a hard time making friends or being the kind of friend that people call when there's fun going on or they just want to take a walk or get lunch. I'm alone a lot and I don't want to be but I also don't want to hang out just to hang out. There needs to be a connection. That's the part that I'd love to hear more about. I love this video thanks
@ToStand2 8 лет назад
some parts are counter phobic 6, 8s will not jump into danger if they can't handle it, cp 6s will
@KendrixTermina 8 лет назад
Once again your acting skills anstound me. That's the face. And what it feels and looks like. One of my sisters is one of these, and it was none too easy on me, the kindergarten she went to, our brother, and least of all our other sister, or her elementary school untill she was a lil bit more mature and reined in. So we kinda saw her go from imperious and to... well, now she's a mature sucessful well-adjusted young lady with many friends and and, ironically exceptional older sister to the youngest kid, she loves playing teacher and helping the little one with her schoolwork... But the early childhood developement was spot on, she was a very determined, imperious kid who wasn't shy to beat up her older siblings (our brother comanded some respect over her tho) or threated to rat us out to our parents, she wanted an explanation for everything and if she decided to dress completely in purple for the day, there was no talking her out of it XD And the go-getter rebellious attitude, too. "I'll tell mom to give you trouble~, I've been practicing my cutest looks right in front of the mirror", never afraid to use an ellbow, and there was that one time she straight-up decapitated my avorite Barbie because I wouldn't play with her. At this point it's all just funny stories we tell at family meetings. As you pointed out it served her well in school and she's very protective of her friends. I'm not sure if I ever noticed that "counterphobic" behaviour about her but I'll watch out for it. I do think she would do something like that tho, she's Isabel. She's loud, too. It's amazing how accurate this is. I do recall that as a young girl she struggled with that very issue of recognizing when force is not necessary like there would be a conflict and she would hit, or hit back when it wasn't productive because "Well I have to avenge myself!"/ she couldn't just take an insult or hit or even repproach lying down or recognize good oportunities to end fruitless arguments (That still happens to her sometimes but not often) but by now she's very much aquired that "natural" coolness and aura/presence. * proud big sis * But I'm also looking at this from a different perspective than just that because lately I've come to realize that there might be a little bit of 8 in me to somewhere, like, tritype wise, because while the "instinctual/gut" type is my least used it sure as hell isn't 9 or 1... at all, and, with this being my least used bit of the triad it's not a side of me that's well developed or that I was well in touch with, something that always seemed a bit alien and stormy to me I guess, as an INTP I sorta conflated this with this inferior-Fe related undeferientiated blunt childish anger (in my case that probably I have a rather shorter fuse than your average INTP (and/or core 5) mostly it's been a source of embarassment but it might not always have to be. Come to think of it I think it's flown into some of my finest creations in terms of fictional characters already), but actually I can have quite a hard, primal wrath sometimes, too, the nonchalant "It's not pretty but it's true" attitude with a self-preservation slant to it because, I'm not gonna extend my hand to someone who's gonna bite it. Maybe that's why I admired it in Isabel, maybe it's part of why we both have an affinity for cartoon villains and certain music., maybe it's time I started looking as that as a source of strenght too as long as I don't go overboard. You give me reason, I am perfectly capable of hating your guts and I guess going forward if nothing else keeps me? I think used to be way more direct and strong-willed as a kid sometimes in some ways bore lots of shit happened, I still am I guess, in a blunt way. Some of these... "early childhood memories" do kind of hit some button of kind of feeling wronged and scared/indignant and the strong feeling of "the other person must not win, I'm not scared of you" So, quite a bit of self-discovery here, even if it's not that big a part of me as for a core 8 person. Besides I guess I myself have also had a few moments where I could stand to shelf the pissed-off ness (as my wise little brother actually told me a long long time ago)
@ligiamarinaenachioiu175 8 лет назад
Very helpful, thank you very much!
@Beetmonster 10 лет назад
I'm a 9w8 INTP female who's fallen pretty hard for one I think is an 8 ENTJ male. Not sure his wing yet. As an 8 he's fairly spiritually evolved; I'm frustratingly average. I trust you with direction & insight re: enneagram completely, as so far the videos I've seen resonate deeply with what I know of myself, others, & their types. Wish I knew a magic spell to charm this one. :-)
@kriyadragon 9 лет назад
Megan C Just curious how things worked out with your ENTJ/8 (that is my type). Did you find the magic formula to charm him? . Food should somehow be involved. haha
@Beetmonster 9 лет назад
Yes!!! I found the magic formula. What worked on him was apparently a winning combination of humor, lots & lots of devotion and dedication, modesty (I'm pretty shy), sex, cuddling, and yes...food. Food was crucial. We created an ultra private escape from the world through each other. So it was quite an "introverted" relationship. Lots of time spent in bed, away from the noisy world. Unfortunately, as an ENTJ 8 he still had an aggressive, extroverted nature that I couldn't match, and he found it in a second relationship (perhaps an E_FJ/3). So between the two he got a complete woman, but it didn't work out so well for him in the end. Back to the drawing board :(
@kriyadragon 9 лет назад
Wow--that is very interesting! My girlfriend and I have that same sort of scenario. I'm very bookish so the extroverted needs are not as apparent but I have always loved having an intimate enclave like that. The good news for you is that you got great feedback into some of the crucial elements that you like in a relationship. Possibly a more mature version of that guy would fit the bill. Keep at it! You are on the right track!
@Beetmonster 9 лет назад
Wise words, thank you! I hadn't taken that perspective. Much appreciated.
@kriyadragon 9 лет назад
:-) Thanks!
@mygrinningcat 9 лет назад
Thanks a million. I laughed and cried through this :)
@elbenfrau33 11 лет назад
compelling, inspiring... might be words you were looking for... such fun
@marcaurel9322 9 лет назад
Ich sehe mir gerne diese Enneagramm Videos von Joshua French an, hab jedoch festgestellt, dass ich mich durch die Darstellung jeweils eines Typs überall wiederfinde. In dem Buch "Wer du wirklich bist" von D. Rathmer sind Übersichten, wo ich auf einen Blick alle 9 Typen vergleichen kann. Das hat mir letzendlich den Durchbruch gebracht und Klarheit verschafft.
@daniawania 8 лет назад
The thing is that's not how I handled things as a child. I think 8w9 is very very different from 8w7 and I think when people describe type 8 they attribute all the 8w7 qualities to all type 8's :/
@ToStand2 8 лет назад
@mariannedelege211 11 лет назад
Inspiring other people you are a 4 at it s best love too watch
@Immigratesmarter 7 лет назад
the description of the young person eating an octopus sounds more like a counter phobic 6 than an 8s. 8s don't move counterphobicly toward things they are scared of, they are more numb about being fearful however, and do move forward without worrying about things other people worry about. Other things do fit.
@KibouKunny 6 лет назад
Maria Marty, Marty & Ellis LLP ggggy
@ramonapiercesalvatore5917 7 лет назад
gosh im not a bully at all wtf
@Persefone94 6 лет назад
Oh, dear. I DO like your video... But you give a lot of examples that, even though you claim this and that "could be a good thing" are quite horrible. Also, Trump and that other dude... I would NEVER shout out someone I don't know and I wouldn't use verbal attacks like you're describing (I would, though, in public situations if someone behaved badly and I would with my close ones... ). I would, however, make my point of view perfectly clear and then I would walk away, often never to come back. But thinking about it- maybe that's kind of like the same thing as you're describing just done in a more restrained way. Also, I have a tendency (I am trying to stop it, though!) to suppress my personality because I cannot scare people, intimidate them. I feel that even when I am positive and creative people get scared and uncomfortable. People basically are wimps, followers and eager to conform. Oh, dear- here I go, right? I think for a while I have been disintegrating towards a number 5. I am unhappy at work and the situation won't change since it's not a private business, but a communal school and it's got to do with budgets that come from higher up. Anyway, I am quitting and I am feeling isolated, angry, even scared. But I won't go back. There are aspects of feeling disempowered and I cannot live like that.
@iamlight1 8 лет назад
I find it helpful to look at the eneagram symbol; it show the direction of integration for each personality type as well as the direction of disintegration; if I remember well, eight's direction of integration is when they begin to behave more like a two personality type; service to others. So, perhaps, if they serve the people they seek to dominate, they might develop that much needed compassion. I'd like to guess that you're a nine but I could be off, am I?
@ToStand2 8 лет назад
i think he's a 4w3, he said it in of his videos and yes are loving people when they are in a good environment
@iamlight1 8 лет назад
Thank you. I think I found it later after I had already commented :)
@ToStand2 8 лет назад
iamlight1 glad i helped =)
@fefes2703 10 лет назад
as a type 7, I never accept type 8 to be close to me. Once I was done with the project, I left them because they never understand my individuality & always tend to be bossy and pushy around me so much! Also, I could see the cruelty in their eyes although they're respectful.
@coopersmith6977 9 лет назад
We're not cruel, we just tend to look cruel.
@sophieoshaughnessy9469 3 года назад
Maybe it’s my eight that had me eat a tarantula and go shark diving
@asexybutterfly8024 6 лет назад
I am a mix of 7 wing and 9 wing in diff ways I dont hold in anger I say it right away. I am definatly fight or flight type. At 30 I've developed into a well balanced woman but my younger years I was a bit of a wildcard in many ways. The introverted thinking as an INTP make others not understand why it is definatly INTP with stong 8 tendencies. This confuses many and I am fine with that.
@sosnow6194 7 лет назад
Im an 8... SP and INTJ too
@nenaddrakulic9873 5 лет назад
Thank you for the video. It is very insightful and practical. Please could you give me any suggestion how to help my wife who is a 6 to deal with our daughter who is 8. You could save us!
@h3arty 7 лет назад
You are incredibly attractive and engaging.
@ramonapiercesalvatore5917 7 лет назад
like I gotta know when its worth it and when its not
@ramonapiercesalvatore5917 7 лет назад
yeah well you got that right sometimes i just wanna push my limits so hard it hurts me
@Hartmuth77 7 лет назад
Thanks a lot it was soooooo good for me!!!!! Kiss you direktly, brotherlike on your mouth! Thanks! Hartmuth from Germany
@suzanneklein7004 7 лет назад
You are not a all objective but paint a very negative picture about this type because of your own personal feelings (fear). I don't think you're really doing a good job in this vid. Maybe you should work on building more confidence and more of a spine so that these people don't threaten you as much as they do..
@ramonapiercesalvatore5917 7 лет назад
you gotta show ne someone positive i thought of katherine pierce from tvd
@level2689 7 лет назад
I'm an ENFP 8 8w7 whats your view on that?
@Gr33nsn33k 7 лет назад
Live Right my sister is too i guess. you're rare and interesting. usually really assertive about justice
@level2689 7 лет назад
Apparently tupac was one too
@MonicaNietzsche88 11 лет назад
...apparently I need to relax. Hmph. Thanks. :)
@ramonapiercesalvatore5917 7 лет назад
you remind me a bit of michael fassbender
@Koffe1010 11 лет назад
This young guy you talk about sound a bit cp6 maybe?
@devilboy9931 9 лет назад
@ToStand2 8 лет назад
no decent 8 would go into that cave
@GyroLamb 8 лет назад
are you a 7?
@Gr33nsn33k 7 лет назад
GyroLamb he's a 4 (not a speculation)
@martinkorben 3 года назад
I want to give you a passionate, friendly and loving kiss on the lips.
@daniawania 8 лет назад
And I'm definitely a Sigma, not an Alpha. Ew.
@Beetmonster 10 лет назад
I'm a 9w8 INTP female who's fallen pretty hard for one I think is an 8 ENTJ male. Not sure his wing yet. As an 8 he's fairly spiritually evolved; I'm frustratingly average. I trust you with direction & insight re: enneagram completely, as so far the videos I've seen resonate deeply with what I know of myself, others, & their types. Wish I knew a magic spell to charm this one. :-)
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