
Has The Quality of BJJ Improved in the Last 20 Years? 

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26 сен 2024




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@todd2324 5 месяцев назад
What I would like to see more of is BJJ gyms putting more focus on self-defense and not all sport.
@mxvrdahegaouwu7577 5 месяцев назад
There is always Gracie Brazilian Jiu jitsu
@todd2324 5 месяцев назад
@@mxvrdahegaouwu7577 Yes, but BJJ and GJJ shouldn't be mutually exclusive.
@todd2324 5 месяцев назад
@@mxvrdahegaouwu7577 Yes, but BJJ and GJJ should not be mutually exclusive.
@patrickrichard5948 5 месяцев назад
I guess in the context of Jiu-Jitsu sport fighting, it has unquestionably improved. In terms of Vale Tudo / MMA / self defence, I'm not sure it has improved a lot. But again, depends if you want sport BJJ or self defence/MMA Jiu-Jitsu - those things are not the same...
@Samson789 5 месяцев назад
Great response.
@edouardlorge4059 5 месяцев назад
the main argument of both side to my point of view: 'It has involve as a game' versus 'It has water down as a martial art'. That you like it or not. Still learn it, then complete with what you think should be in.
@downtown991 5 месяцев назад
Great point the accessibility of jui jitsu doesn't mean that the techinques no longer work
@af4396 5 месяцев назад
BJJ has gotten both better and worse, and it all depends on where you train and what you train for. As a sport, conpetitors and their coaches have largely left behind the principles in regard to self-defense, to make their competitors more efficient in a grappling only ruleset. Many people and coaches dont train BJJ with MMA rulesets in mind, let alone general self defence principles. However, as far as PURE grappling goes, BJJ has improved significantly with its open guards, leg locks, and even takedowns. Doesn't mean the traditional "Simple" BJJ doesn't work anymore, but there are many more innovations in the last 10-15 years that expanded the options for practitioners.
@zartic4life 4 месяца назад
A BMW is a more refined car than a Honda but in the end they're still the same thing. The takedowns have improved because BJJ is bringing back stand up it took out. TALENT has improved because millions more people are doing BJJ then before. As an art it really hasn't changed much you can only manipulate the body so many different ways and that was figured out over a century ago in Japan minus Kimura and a few others.
@xkidmidnightx 5 месяцев назад
When I started in 02, we always trained with strikes and worked takedowns against strikes. People were generally much tougher on average. Now people are substantially less tough on average. That said the distribution in BJJ is completely different now. The good guys are much much much better than the good guys in the past. I'd say the average guys that have jobs are worse though. They might have more techniques but they aren't as rough or tough. There has been a "sissification" in a lot of gyms in order to retain the accountants and lawyers that want to look "tough" by doing a real martial art.
@tededo 5 месяцев назад
sissification, lmfao, I love that. Today, if I use some wrestling vs BJJ students, couple get pissed and others complain to the instructor. In the early 2000s, we all used some form of freestyle or greco wrestling to combine with our BJJ.
@devriestown 5 месяцев назад
🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 one gym I was at didn't work any take downs 😒 I asked why they said because people get hurt practicing take downs. I said we'll maybe that's because you don't practice take downs 😅
@wrxstock2820 5 месяцев назад
One of the toughest dudes where I train is lawyer lol. And it’s a tough crowd
@danw4685 5 месяцев назад
Accountants and lawyers keep the lights on. There aren’t enough hard core guys that sign up for gym owners to stay in business. Moreover, the wide range availability of bjj and other combat sports gyms is because of said accountants/lawyers signing up. I think the “sissifaction” mind set is flawed. With that same logic, unless you’re willing to put in the work to get into the NBA, you should never play basketball.
@xkidmidnightx 5 месяцев назад
@@danw4685 you aren’t writing anything profound. Everyone knows why gyms cater to 45 year old accountants these days. It’s the reality of business. When I started almost everyone got into it to fight so classes were more like what you see in mma gyms now. BJJ became more focused on competition with other BJJ gyms and less about fighting. That led to smart gyms catering to casuals with money. There’s a much smaller percentage of guys in the gym with cauliflower ears than there used to be.
@uexkeru 5 месяцев назад
People talk about sport BJJ "losing the self defense aspects" but they should ask "has self defense BJJ improved in the last 20 years?" Most of you guys are doing some "he does this, you do that" scenarios for 20 minutes and then doing normal guard pass and armbar stuff then rolling. Basic standup wrestling done in a competitive game is going to be more useful 90% of the time, and it'll still work when you don't have a jacket lapel to grab.
@CBKDaHottest 5 месяцев назад
I think we as a white belt maybe blue belt focus on just learning because once u hit that ah ha moment then u can go hard asf with ur favorite training partners
@lordad 5 месяцев назад
The good guys nowadays are soo much better than the good guys 20 years ago... its insane. BJJ has evolved. The average BJJ guy in Training however is a lot less "though". Back in 2007 when i first started only crazy guys would do BJJ... now everybody does it. The overall skill of the guys who do competition though has improved so drastically that i think a pruple belt nowadays who does competitions is miles better than most blackbelts in 2007
@alenavideospace9457 5 месяцев назад
Chewy please help! I injured my training partner on accident and now can’t live with myself. I feel like a horrible person who should never touch anyone again ever, what to do?
@Chewjitsu 5 месяцев назад
How did the injury happen?
@alenavideospace9457 5 месяцев назад
@@Chewjitsu We were just practicing back takes, she rolled to the side and I went into a modified side mount then for whatever reason she tried rolling back and I panicked and wanted to remount her, so I pushed her leg out of the way for a remount and we just heard this noise, her face changed and I jumped off of her, but her ankle started to swell up very fast and became huge, so she couldn’t finish class 😓 We know it happened from that push but I don’t know exactly why, I thought I did what I was supposed to so have no idea how this happened.
@prandz420 4 месяца назад
@@alenavideospace9457 sounds like just something unfortunate that happens with inexperienced people. Probably the blame is shared between you. You probably did whatever you were doing too fast and she probably had herself in a weird compromised position. Don’t feel that bad about it Ask your coach about the position and what went wrong it’s hard to say exactly over the internet Key is to do things slowly unless you have practiced it a lot
@MoneyballTV 4 месяца назад
People want mma without CTE and injuries. Pankration rules infused with modern techniques will be a superior product compared to sport bjj.
@tededo 5 месяцев назад
51 here. Began in 2002. I must have visited registered to about a dozen grappling gyms, almost known about 20 something various grappling groups. I've been apart of schools that really easily out-grapple lot of modern-day BJJ schools, I ki you not. And I know actual school that are far from what I've known. The other way around is true as well. I wouldn't say that BJJ academies are better or worst than in the early 2000s, maybe that is your angle of view in the States, keep in mind I live in a heavy rural area and the early 2000s era over was great, comparable to today, whereas today, too many watered down BJJ schools opened by some decent level blue belt student who lack the grappling mileage to be respected by the high level upperbelt visiting em. Where this theory is true is probably in California US. But in many parts of the worlds, its way different.
@furunaki 5 месяцев назад
Hey chewmeister? Ever heard of Do-jime ? Thats answers your question. Granted, I think this is due to safety.
@techniquejiujitsu8832 5 месяцев назад
I’ve been on the mats consistently since 1995. My observations are as follows… The arguments changed, yet they are equally stupid. Reasons as to why the gi is important were proven to be baseless. The things we used to laugh at other martial arts for are the things that are occurring in Jiu Jitsu now. Belts used to mean something, now they don’t.
@danw4685 5 месяцев назад
Can you elaborate on why you feel this way?
@Reflectionmaterial 5 месяцев назад
Nogi yes. But it used to be a niche and now blew up. Gi has devolved into a game that has less to do with fighting than karate point fighting.
@happyhealthyalternativemom4192 5 месяцев назад
I think No Gi stole the integrity.. its an entirely different sport. If you can not even demonstrate half the moves and submissions, how can you even be ranked the same. It's making Gi look "unimportant" and when once you would have to challenge your self to wear that Gi, the discipline of being uncomfortable has gone away.... is No Gi American lol? -female brown belt/ coach
@lovefunbeer 5 месяцев назад
His in denial 😔 sounds like his in a cult and doesn't know it.
@eskimoassasin6764 5 месяцев назад
We're all in the cult, cults are fun.
@davidfereira5354 5 месяцев назад
BJJ technique has gone up. No stand up wrestling is bad. No striking, even slaps is bad.
@1lostinspace 5 месяцев назад
We have lost the Vale Tudo aspects of Jiujitsu, now it’s gay
@sweetchildofnine6677 5 месяцев назад
as it should be
@1lostinspace 5 месяцев назад
@@sweetchildofnine6677 🤦🏻‍♂️
@sweetchildofnine6677 5 месяцев назад
@@1lostinspace no ragrets
@1lostinspace 5 месяцев назад
@@sweetchildofnine6677 At least I am 260 so there is that
@sweetchildofnine6677 5 месяцев назад
@@1lostinspace like Bradley Martin...he's 260 bro
@DavidR-t9d 5 месяцев назад
Danke für deine Tipps Bruder. Du bist der beste
Next do a scissor sweep from the knees👍
@bmstylee 5 месяцев назад
I can't speak to juijtsu 20 years ago but as someone who has played in the weightlifting/powerlifting world for 20+ years there is a vast difference in the knowledge base from 20 years ago. Technique has evolved(not for the better at least for competition) as has programming.
@muysantos2859 5 месяцев назад
yup. lifters are now more knowledgeable. science based lifting produced amass of bang for your buck.
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