
He Knows Wine: Port Wine Episode 

Jay Lavely
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Host Topher Reifeiss takes the viewer on a journey thru the history of Port Wine, how to pair it with food, and why you should drink more port wine. Produced by Topher and Jay. Directed and Edited by Jay Lavely



6 сен 2024




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@christwist8455 4 года назад
This video is so well edited and produced, I assumed it was made this year!
@andreasprotos2061 2 года назад
@edgardmata6834 2 года назад
It has a Derrick comedy feel from back in the day
@Petersonmgee 2 года назад
Great camera for back in the day
@milospringer6013 2 года назад
@jaylavely Год назад
Thanks. I tried to make it funny!
@jaylavely 9 лет назад
Topher and I want to thank everyone for watching!! Stay tuned for more episodes!
@SolidroK22 9 лет назад
im so glad that you are going to do some more!
@adnanhamzic2173 9 лет назад
Do you have anymore of them episodes?
@duartelourenzo 9 лет назад
Hey!!! I'm portuguese and LOVED the video. When will the "Sangria" (another portuguese??) video comming out? Keep it up!! Cheers!
@anonharingenamn 9 лет назад
THANK YOU. Thank you for asking him.
@tudvalstone 8 лет назад
+Jay Lavely How much Port do you recommend and for how long to get as funny as Topher?
@franciscoguedes4243 9 лет назад
Hi, i am portuguese, i know the taylor`s wines realy well, and let me tell you, that was the best wine vídeo i ever saw.... just keep doing it
@bikashjagun 3 года назад
@craigcoates6247 6 лет назад
Oh my actual god, I simply searched how to keep port, looking to find a boring video that would teach me, and spent 6 minutes dying of laughter. This guy is a legend. 😂😂😂 and I learnt about port. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT
@DanielGardner 9 лет назад
"If you're still alive....If they remember you at all." Dude, I love this video! I am just now discovering wines and this series will help a ton. Please start a facebook page so we can follow your updates easier (and send questions, etc). Looking forward to the next series. P.S. Don't shave!
@yaugernet 3 года назад
The bourbon I just purchased was matured in a Port Wine barrel. Got curious and here I am! Thanks for the info.
@Patriot-up2td 5 лет назад
This guy’s a riot! Great tutorial.
@mgamalm2010 4 года назад
Thank You 👍🏽I'll try it. I'm 60... time to get on the Port Wagon....
@marlonlopeztheran8951 4 года назад
Gamal Mitchell never is late! 💪🏼
@VictorHenderson 9 лет назад
Thinking I need to run out and get some Port and cheese!
@timothicus Год назад
Excellent video, I just finished a port wine, that is bottled a port wine, that I started in 2017. Your video was perfectly timed. I started with a California Burgundy and aged it three years in glass carbouys, with French oak chips, then racked it off and blended with French brandy, organic cherry, organic chocolate, and organic vanilla flavoring. And aged it for another 3 1/2 years. I’ve been making wine for over 33 years, and this is my first port. Before bottling, I filtered it down to 2 µm, and will be giving it out, and, of course, keeping some to see how it is every 5 to 10 years. I am a certified a septic processing technician, so cleanliness has been adhered to for the entire life of the wine to date. you were video give me some new information and recapped humorously other points I was already aware of, great job!
@Peterowsky 9 лет назад
The addition of aguardente (burning water, aka rudimentary distilled alcohol) made it strong enough to keep over long voyages (not just to Britain, that's quite short, it actually was meant to keep as it travelled to Brazil and the colonies in Africa and India) on casks that weren't quite up to snuff when compared to the french ones. The fact that it is added in early fermentation means it gets to still keep as sweet as it gets while being a wine and not just grapejuice with booze mixed in.
@marlonlopeztheran8951 4 года назад
I just bought my first bottle of Tawny Port! After this wonderful video I will relax and enjoy it 🍷🍷 thanks!
@sidonio72 3 года назад
Good choice ... I prefer tawny to ruby. If you enjoyed it by the fireplace it must have been unforgettable. 🍷🍷🍷 Greetings from Portugal.
@Miserybahamut 9 лет назад
I enjoy learning. But I really enjoy learning with humor. Thank you!
@SuperBaconFishing 4 года назад
I'm enjoying my first Vintage Port Wine from 1999!! This is truly delicious, and I am so glad to have found it! Awesome video!!
@foxinthebox9903 5 лет назад
I usually avoid "the guy talking away his knowledge", but I gave it a try here, and it was so much fun!! Well done, man!
@rahoulzerohl 5 лет назад
I just came across your channel and love your presentation style! I have just become enamored with Port over the last few years after a group of friends and me spent and evening together with a fine bottle of Porto. I was immediately hooked. I've tried lots of different makes and so far I find Sandeman Ruby Porto my favourite.
@olympiatheodoramanolidou3476 4 года назад
This was hilarious and SO informative, you are amazing, thank you🙏🏼
@Spuishee 4 года назад
This video series is amazing, so funny, informative and all round brilliant!
@anonharingenamn 9 лет назад
Jay, you NEED to get Topher back in front of the camera and film more more wine videos! Everyone is all about that scotch these days. That or hoppy IPA's. I like both but I am clueless when it comes to wine!
@alfitzsimons 8 лет назад
Fantastic coverage! I love an odd glass of Ruby Port but will now venture into other varieties due to looking at this video. You're funny too man
@audreyp1030 9 лет назад
Super funny and educational. I'm French and people usually assume that I know a lot about wine so that helps. Came from reddit and now subscribed. Keep it up, you're great!
@funeralgiggle3771 7 лет назад
I laughed and learned a lot. Thanks!
@chrisswanberg4098 10 лет назад
Excellent! Please do more
@Dnuts82 9 лет назад
You need to bring this show back. I want an episode on why I can't find a Pino Noire that isn't thinner than Kool Aid.
@lesliedeneault4633 3 года назад
Thank you for this bit of education, I also like your sense of humor.
@rukadibags 3 года назад
The way you described .... really osm.. thanks bro
@Jonathansclone 7 лет назад
Possibly the most well crafted video I have ever seen
@mariajuanesta3319 4 года назад
This video is old but I am smashed on that Taylor Fladgate on his left. It's my first bottle, I picked it without any port knowledge and now it will definitely will be my regular evening drink. Fruity, relaxing and deep. So delicious. It is strong and I can't put it down. Is it proper? Probably not. Do I usually have this much... never. But tonight I am a bad girl and I am having a great night so I am just going to poor another glass.... Salute.
@Sam-nb1rm 2 года назад
Love your sense of humour!
@devanman7920 2 года назад
I've always liked Port. I should drink more of it
@AvatarMarxon90 7 лет назад
And to complete a part of the history behind the Porto wine - in the XVIIIth century, to enhance the quality of the wine, the Marquess of Pombal (you could say he was a proto-Prime-Minister) delineated a geographical region (Douro) where it was specifically designed to produce wine. If you bought Porto wine, it was Porto wine you would get - and not a wine made somewhere else, with the same name. As a curious fact - and me being Portuguese, and being of northern Portuguese descent - allow me to add: the Porto wine created an "industry" and some of the richest families up to nowadays - and it's equally satisfying - from a social, economical and historic point of view, that this wine is one of the main reasons that my country is shaped the way it is: the north (Porto) is more conservative, Catholic, Monarchist and rich; the south is more rural, poor, atheist, liberal and Republican.
@greentuga691 7 лет назад
Vocês tripeiros raspam tudo o que têem a vosso favor só para se tentarem comparar à CAPITAL. Muito gostam vocês de vir fazer essa separação entre Norte / Sul. Até já vi tripeiros dizerem que Sagres é bebida do Sul e Super Bock do Norte (sou de Lisboa e a maioria das pessoas que conheço bebe Super Bock). Vocês têem graves problemas de complexo de inferioridade.
@greentuga691 7 лет назад
Mas sim o vinho do Porto é simplesmente fantástico e o melhor vinho do mundo na minha opinião.
@AvatarMarxon90 7 лет назад
Uh... eu sou Lisboeta também (a minha família paterna é que é do norte, mas eu nasci aqui)... não entendo para que é que foi esse comentário, sinceramente. Mas há uma clara separação no nosso país: economicamente e culturalmente: Algarve; sul (Évora e Beja); Centro: com Lisboa e Setúbal; e o próprio Norte também é um entidade (que, sinceramente, só conheço Braga). De qualquer das maneiras, estava a falar de um ponto de vista económico e histórico: e não me retraio do que disse: e afirmo ao mesmo tempo, sou um orgulhoso Alfacinha - e Português até ao fim dos meus dias. Cumprimentos!
@greentuga691 7 лет назад
Essas separações culturais são muito pouco evidentes, é bem maior a diferença linguistica entre Norte / Centro / Sul que qualquer outra coisa. Não sei onde foste buscar que o norte é mais rico, monárquico, católico e conservador que o sul porque sinceramente isso não é verdade. Portugal é Portugal e somos todos portugueses, obviamente que cada região é como é e há diferenças entre elas sim, mas em coisas mais superficiais como gastronomia, arquitetura, clima, sotaque, etc e não em ideologias. Do ponto de vista económico também não vejo assim tanta diferença quanto isso. Comentei porque estou farto de ver tripeiros a criar divisões onde elas não existem, não sei porquê, parece que não se orgulham do resto do país e querem ser um país à parte.
@AvatarMarxon90 7 лет назад
Pois bem, quando eu falei de diferenças culturais, falo de experiência própria: a minha mãe é Alentejana - de Beja, e tive a minha quota parte de vivência entre os Alentejanos. Vivi um ano no Algarve, e visitei todas as grandes cidades, e até pequenos aglomerados, como Monchique. Conheço mais a realidade Lisboeta, é verdade, mas também conheço a de Setúbal - mais especificamente Almada e Sesimbra. De resto, como já te tinha confidenciado, tenho um costado Minhoto, e tenho também grande vivência com Braga. Dito isto, que não passa de experiências pessoais, posso voltar a dizer-te: há diferenças culturais. Grandes ou pequenas: há. E não são apenas sotaques: isso é minimizar e muito, e desconhecer a realidade do nosso país, muito francamente. Olha, sem mais demoras, digo-te que sou formado em História... e é sempre aquilo que mais lemos, ouvimos e até poderemos testemunhar: os principais centros industriais de Portugal estão no norte, desde o século XVIII. Os polos agrícolas (o Douro) de elevada importância... estão no norte. Aqui vemos as grandes fortunas - em grandes famílias... bem mais organizadas e hierarquizadas que na metrópole. Daí que a Monarquia foi restaurada no norte pelo Paiva Couceiro (porque este sempre foi mais conservador, católico e monárquico que o resto do país); daí que o Estado Novo veio através de um golpe que veio de Braga; daí que o Estado Novo deu uma importância imensa aos grandes industriais (detentores de enormes capitais... logo, influência/ apoio ao regime) do norte; logo que o PSD e o CDS têm mais posicionamento no norte, que no sul. A pobreza do sul, que tens que pôr o Algarve e o Alentejo - é estrutural e vem de muito detrás. Aliás, não é por acaso que se diz que a República se fez por esses lados, por telégrafo: porque ninguém queria saber da República para nada. Queriam era melhorias nas suas condições de vida. Daí que o Estado Novo simplesmente vá promover os programas agrícolas (numa tentativa de atingir auto-suficiência e de manter as grandes fortunas Alentejanas no apoio ao regime) e nada mais. Do Algarve, nem falo... porque foi sempre um pólo de pescadores até à ascensão do turismo, bem tarde no século XX. Foi simplesmente isto que disse... e obrigaste-me a pôr em cima da mesa o meu "canudo" - algo que detesto fazer para justificar qualquer ponto que seja. E antes de concluir, corrijo-te: nunca disse que o norte era mais rico. Fui bem explícito quando disse que o norte ERA rico. Algo que até as próprias estatísticas de analfabetismo poderão ajudar (eu estudei analfabetismo no fim do século XIX, principio de século XX em Braga, em comparação com os meus colegas que tinham outras regiões do país: o Porto e Braga vêm com resultados bem interessantes. Claro, nunca ultrapassam Lisboa - é a capital - mas são o número 2 definitivamente). Concluíndo: sim, o norte é mais Católico (eu, como praticante, observo isso evidentemente), que o sul. Isso nota-se muito na adesão dos fiéis a festas religiosas, ou ao culto - que é bem superior que em Lisboa ou Alentejo. Como monárquico, deixa-me dizer-te que à excepção de Lisboa, o norte é o maior pólo monárquico do país - em número de aderentes à Causa Real. Queres falar sobre casamentos homossexuais, aborto ou eutanásia com malta do norte? Irias ficar bem surpreendido com as respostas: que vão desde uma aceitação ("desde que não seja à minha frente"), até uma clara manifestação de repulsa. Se isso não é pontas de conservadorismo, eu não sou Português. Abraço.
@Cabral0206 9 лет назад
Does Topher make any more wine videos? They're incredibly entertaining, and I'd love to watch more!
@Beery1962 8 лет назад
Came for the tips, love the humor! Liked and subscribed!
@pkfiya 9 лет назад
very entertaining! you made me care about a subject i previously did not, make more!
@mightyone3088 Год назад
Dude last comment was 2 years ago BUT THANK YOU for that vid, i like it while i drink my port!
@kaylaolson3810 7 лет назад
learning where Portugal was on the map reminded me of history class.
@Wayzor_ 3 года назад
@gmedicci3406 7 лет назад
This is the best video i've seen in a long time. Slow down the speed and you won't regret it.
@imlistening1137 3 года назад
They use port wine, a bit watered down, during communion at my church. Yummy!
@Detstorm 3 года назад
It's a shame I only discovered this video today, amazing!
@nshen1221 9 лет назад
Please Start this series back up! I want to learn about more wines other than Port and Rose. You made the front page of Reddit!
@denicevictorious4644 2 года назад
I love ruby port with chocolate covered raisins ❤️
@pieterh6196 9 лет назад
Please continue this series! People need to learn more about wine in a fun and casual way! Start a kickstarter thing if needed. You are frontpaging reddit btw!
@WinetourismportugalEnotourism 5 лет назад
Awesome way to explain our very own Portuguese Port Wine. See you soon, for wine and food pairings, here in Portugal ;)
@jojogarcia2361 3 года назад
The first port I tried was San Sebastian Ruby Port... and I'll never forget it as well !!!!!! :_( (gets choked up) ...good bye my friend.
@gcbwoods Год назад
I enjoyed this so very much
@imlistening1137 3 года назад
What a great video! Where are you? No vids in 2 years!
@CrispyGFX 2 года назад
Fantastic video!
@seasets 2 года назад
Cornish guy over here... all the above is factually correct. Especially the Stilton cheese dreams.
@tophersongs 2 года назад
Right on @Seasets! That’s our kinda’ cheese!
@Tahn 9 лет назад
Great informative video for wine rookies. Look forward to more episodes.
@mikehorton3312 10 лет назад
Awesome! The best wine video I have seen so far! Please do more!!!
@Yohanyothan 3 года назад
Great editing!!
@santiagomayahernandez8386 4 года назад
Great !!!!!!
@victorymansions 5 лет назад
Ahh I love English monks for their fortification process, thus blessing us all with Buckfast.
@codylujan 7 лет назад
i'm drunk asf and i'm drinking port. yay
@octoberride 2 года назад
Awesome video.
@sebastiancuccettini1817 9 лет назад
Great video! You should do one for Malbec!
@rr7firefly 3 года назад
When I took over a friend's apartment I found a bottle of Port in the kitchen. It was the best dang thing I ever tasted. Incredible. I had to make it last because I could not find a source for an exact replacement. Now I am no longer in Berkeley and methinks that a good Port may be harder to find in central Texas. I wonder if you or Topher could make a recommendation. // Enjoyed this video. A friendly suggestion: Maybe hire a musician to write a song with better lyrics?
@ArturLimaasml 9 лет назад
Hello from a portuguese drinking a glass of Vinho do Porto( port wine) right now P.s. The Port wine is not only from porto, it's actually mainly from the rest of the Douro region with a lot of other great wines!
@stelvis1984ify 8 лет назад
port wine is actually from my village in Cyprus. we have been making this for 4000years
@davidhannaaaa 9 лет назад
These are amazing, there need to be more of these
@SkinnyEMedia Год назад
Port is generally an upper class delight while beer and sometimes vodka and bourbons / whiskies is working class even though some beers are more expensive than portos in supermarkets. Porto you can get better price same with sherry/Jerez/Xeres than Talisker, Johnnie Walker, or Jack Daniels. Where does that leave Jagermeister, Bailey's, crème de cassis, or lambic ales from Belgium.
@neeko4676 3 года назад
This is fun! I wish you had more videos about wine :)
@giottovongola2938 5 лет назад
i just ordered whisky and thought hey ... whisky from port barrels tastes great so lets give it a shot ... bought the cheapest port bottle on the whisky sellers webside happens to be the exact same bottle as shown in the right side of the video (the one without the 10 on it)
@joysabbyiu7230 3 года назад
i love this... porto cruz 1887👌
@martincoleproduction 13 лет назад
Nice job Jay, I did not even see this one, this is great stuff.
@TheWinezen 9 лет назад
GREAT Show guys!
@JungleScene 9 лет назад
Make more videos! these are great and very insightful!
@ericboyd152 9 лет назад
I loved this...you earned a subscriber
@d.walterbernabe849 8 лет назад
Excellent.. !!
@masonryjoe 8 лет назад
I subscribed and liked , love it ,informative with a good chuckle ,I've got to get the store and see if they have my favorite ,Taylor 20 year old ! Keep up the good work!
@smartysolanki 5 лет назад
i like this wine a lot
@TetraDodecaMan 8 лет назад
This is gold!!!! It helps a lot!!!
@jingliu5193 10 лет назад
this is really good! u should do more videos about wine~
@jacktattis143 4 года назад
Here in Australia Try Deetswood Platypus Port from Tenterfield smooth as any Penfold port I have tasted
@jacktattis143 4 года назад
and almost as smooth as Kopke Port
@BigAl2918 4 года назад
This guy is great
@declanroache7280 9 лет назад
Wine is good fine and well, but and old fash? Heaven!
@andrewhouse4498 7 лет назад
This video was good, funny too!
@Nunocesarsa 9 лет назад
Very cool, as a Portuguese from Porto, it is a really good explanation :) Try port win with Avocado, it is also good mix. Don't use your bottle aged though... Enjoy!!
@ktinsley4579 10 лет назад
This video was awesome....
@bikashjagun 3 года назад
I like port wine every week with my personal lifestyle parties ♥️ love from Indian Travel Vlogger
@Creamerb1 11 лет назад
Really good with cherries!
@xcupcakezombiex6381 7 лет назад
Love this!
@thee_OFFline_Jawn 4 года назад
This was EPIC 🥳🙌🏽
@christianjeffress5312 5 лет назад
Maybe I'll try some of the port I just got again, it was a bit to sweet for me. I'll pour a glass, cut a few slices of cheese, and load up my tobacco pipe, I'll see how it goes ha.
@theoriginalonion7545 6 лет назад
I love You’re teaching method
@windyinok 9 лет назад
I love this video!
@LGseeker 5 лет назад
Love this , this guy is very funny
@vitorlopes2064 2 года назад
Very good
@ncooty Год назад
@3:26: What is this screen? You seem to have confused vintage and tawny. Tawny is cask-aged for the periods you listed. Vintage is bottle-aged for as long as it's in the bottle, not for the periods you specified. If you want a gift like you mentioned, you'd want a bottle-aged port (as you mentioned), but it won't have the cask-aging dates you listed. This section seemed completely confused.
@ilustrateddictionary 6 лет назад
Hey man, I know it's been like three years but God damn! you more some great videos!
@leavemebeggl5502 9 лет назад
Loved it
@cingram8168 6 лет назад
very entertaining and informative
@computergrant1 6 лет назад
Lol! I like this guy! Great info too!
@ColeScottPhoto 4 года назад
hahaha.....wonderful review! Next, you need to talk about glass sizes for Port. Small....or go bigger like the English (Of course, they'll need to figure out where the port is coming from after Brexit mess).
@SBBBurney 4 года назад
Just as I'm waiting for my port to arrive (:
@yaqeenhuman8487 5 лет назад
Vihno Porto is my blend of port. That's all I drink actually...
@LHollan 5 лет назад
“Spain is infamous for good wines”, that’s true, maybe because of that they have the cheapest wines in the world hahaha love Porto and Portuguese wines
@Newton240sx 3 года назад
Where has this guy been? Come back man
@theoak64 3 года назад
I fucking love Stilton!!!!!
@AndrewHwee 9 лет назад
I wish you taught all my classes when I was still in school.
@gtmap7 11 лет назад
Hey! Well done. I really enjoyed your video. Although Portugal also has other great wines, one of the best in the world! Supreme quality! You should try them and make videos about them too. And finally, Portugal has a lot and amazing cheese! So try Port wine with Portuguese cheese, for example, Quejo da Serra. I'm sure you will not be disapointed!
Cute kitty gadget 💛💕
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