
He's not a BETRAYAL of our Jewish heritage, he's the FULFILLMENT! 

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17 окт 2024




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@aidavelasquez9086 Год назад
I loved Israel and the jewish people the minute I gave my life to Jesus. My lord and my savior, I have been wanting to go to Israel for the past 12 years..I will do it as soon as I can.
@gvangm9334 Год назад
nothing makes me happier than seeing Jews accepting Jesus 🙏🏼
@stephennelson1687 Год назад
All glory to God!
@abyjhnsn 7 лет назад
I have to tell you that, I am gentile christian and I Love Jewish people and Israel and I pray for Israel's salvation, protection & safety everyday.
@michaellohre1470 5 лет назад
Amen, Abe. Amen Amen Amen
@busterbiloxi3833 5 лет назад
Your prayers aren't enough. Join the IDF!
@lillianng3027 5 лет назад
Amen .
@samuelc6787 3 года назад
@Nutka1304 3 года назад
Letter to the Romans 11:17-32 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them, and became partaker with them of the root of the richness of the olive tree; don't boast over the branches. But if you boast, it is not you who bear the root, but the root you. You will say then, "Branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in." True; by their unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by your faith. Don't be conceited, but fear; for if God didn't spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. See then the goodness and severity of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in his goodness; otherwise you also will be cut off. They also, if they don't continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. For if you were cut out of that which is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree, how much more will these, which are the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? For I don't desire, brothers, to have you ignorant of this mystery, so that you won't be wise in your own conceits, that a hardening in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles have come in, and so all Israel will be saved. Even as it is written, "There will come out of Zion the Deliverer, And he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. This is my covenant to them, When I will take away their sins." Concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But concerning the election, they are beloved for the fathers` sake. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For as you in time past were disobedient to God, but now have obtained mercy by their disobedience, even so these also have now been disobedient, that by the mercy shown to you they may also obtain mercy. For God has shut up all to disobedience, that he might have mercy on all. In the Messiah, Savior, Jesus Christ, we are one. Not of the flesh, but of one spirit. I love you through Jesus Christ and I do not respect person, nationality and anything that is of the body, but that of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God the One, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
@SerafEnd 7 лет назад
I was just driving one man (I'm a cab driver), and I was listening to this testimonials so I asked him if he mind, he said absolutely not. He then told me that he is Jewish and his father was a believer in Jesus but he wasn't. He smiled and told me; this is my dad telling me something (his dad passed away).. I smiled back and said; oh, so you do believe that everything happens for a reason... he didn't answered (or I didn't hear it) but for the rest of the ride, we had a very nice conversation and for some reason, I felt so special because I considered myself as an Oracle and incredible happiness just came over me. He thanked me and told me that it was a pleasure of meeting me. Made my day.
@suzannebohlen2570 4 года назад
What a blessing.
@Wolfwolveswolf 4 года назад
@Mad Dog Avraham , Yeshua is Jewish, Apostles Jewish, thousands of people followers were Jewish, always have been Jewish believers, and there are now still Jewish People who believe. Yeshua was not English, not Roman Catholic, not Protestant, nor from Australia, etc. (no offense to those mentioned, instead showing a vital important fact that has greatly been missed by a lot of people on earth. missed for a good number of Centuries now. though now such is greatly changing for a right, proper time, correct reason). Below are Jewish People who know the Torah (the Torah has not been done away with at all). More Power to Israel. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-RBC9O-6GRP4.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KeSpa-arnHk.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-0-V9_cGE1rQ.html www.oneforisrael.org/about-our-ministry/
@qmartinez3034 4 года назад
Read Isaiah 53. Mad dog
@leninha5549 4 года назад
@Mad Dog Avraham Your name already (mad dog) signifies the way you are thinking....Until you open your heart to anybody else's opinion, you will NEVER GET the truth about the SAVIOR of the world...Read Jesaja 53, written by e jew !! However, if you are to ignorant to listen to other people around you, than my dear "MAD DOG", you will NEVER be able to get the real light in your life ! HOWEVER : I wish you all the wisdom (and the luck) you really need, to find that light !!
@myda9733 3 года назад
@@Wolfwolveswolf everyone knows Jesus is jewish lol.... it says it... right in the Bible....
@LouisFPak 2 года назад
The people you met selling books. Yeah, I can relate to your response. Same here. I went to this 'born-again' 'stupid church picnic' in the mid 90's in my home town and wondered quietly to myself "How can these people be so happy? I have more money than them, I'm healthier and I own my own business...why are they happy and I'm in a depressed dark wasteland day after day...look!!! they're eating hot dogs and drinking soda!!! Augh!!! I eat organic...they're gonna die, but they look so happy!!!" But was me who was in trouble. I had a very antagonistic relationship with Christianity for lots of reasons. Some me and some learned. Anyway, so when I went there I met all these Jewish kids I went to High School with 14 years before. "How can this be?" I asked them "We love Yeshua Louie, we're still Jewish, and Jesus was a Jew. Look at me. Look at my face. Do you not see it? The Holy Spirit is in me. See how I've changed?" I did see. Wow. Yeah I did, see it.... whatever "it" was was profound and deep and ... bright....bright...bright! It was amazing and dynamic...it was powerful alive and living. And it was through those Jews and the gentiles that I started to unpack my hurt, anger, half Jewish family heritage, my grandfathers pogrom horrors back in Hungary, drug abuse, insecurity. I had some very big burdens. It was all just too much for a human being to bear, I had just 'cracked' frankly and I brought it all to be covered by Yeshua's blood. The very very world itself under my feet felt suddenly "shifted" in some odd way. I could literally write for days about the wonders I have experienced since that time. Baruch HaShem Written by my hand...not cut and pasted 06/25/2022 Holy! Holy! Holy!
@motelghost477 7 лет назад
This man speaks the truth, letting the Lord Jesus into your heart is the single most JEWISH thing that a JEWISH person can ever do.
@Calatriste54 3 года назад
Israel, this is your time. "Come and see.."
@xxxyyy5457 3 года назад
I agree! My grandma always said if Jewish people can accept Jesus as a Messiah it will be no war ,happiness and love on the Earth!
@sobieski2234 8 лет назад
Don't think I came to abolish Torah, I came to fulfill it instead -Yeshua.
@sobieski2234 8 лет назад
Leo Leonhardson Well, Torah speaks about the Prophet who will come in Deuteronomy. People need to listen. And it MUST BE fulfilled. And it also includes prophecy about the seed of woman who would crush Satan's head one day. This is the very first prophecy in the Bible. GOD is the 1st to prophecy. I think I know my Bible very well. And you said Christians are 'bad people'. Yes, The people who called themselves 'Christians' did very bad things to the Jewish people. I'm aware of the Crusades and Inquisitions. But it doesn't mean every single Christians hate Israel and the Jewish people. As a Christian, I owe everything to the Jews. I got the Bible from the Jews. I got the messiah from the Jews. I got the ONE TRUE GOD from the Jews. I'm commanded by Yeshua to love everyone including my enemies. Shalom !
@sobieski2234 7 лет назад
Leo Leonhardson I think the a Prophet means 'someone who speaks about the things that are yet to come'. David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel were all prophets and they foretold what was going to happen. And what about Joshua? What did Joshua prophecy ? NOTHING ! Muslims believe Adam was a 'Prophet' and he did not foretell anything! If you believe there's no similarity between Jesus and Moses, then you are mistaken my friend. Here we go ! ●Moses - The first mediator Jesus - The final mediator ●Moses was born as a Hebrew Jesus was born as a Hebrew ●Moses was chosen by God to be a leader. Jesus was chosen by God to be a leader. ●Moses was born while his people were suffering under a cruel leader. (Pharaoh) Jesus was born while his people were suffering under a cruel leader. (Herod) ●Moses hid in Egypt as a child. Jesus hid in Egypt as a child. ●The leader of the land that Moses was born into tried to kill all of the babies when he was born. The leader of the land that Jesus was born into tried to kill all of the babies when He was born. ●Moses turned water into blood. Jesus turned water into wine. ●Moses died on a hill. Jesus died on a hill. ●Moses fasted 40 days and faced a spiritual crisis on a mountain. Jesus fasted 40 days and faced a spiritual crisis on a mountain. ●Moses told people about the need for a Passover lamb. Jesus became the Passover lamb. ●Moses communicated directly with God . Jesus communicated directly with God. ●Moses performed miracles. Jesus performed miracles. ●Moses revised an existing religion. Jesus revised an existing religion. ●Moses was a law giver - gave the ten commandments. Jesus was a law giver - gave the great commandment. ●Moses was hated by the ruling party (Egyptians). Jesus was hated by the ruling party (Pharisees). ●Moses had brothers and sisters who misunderstood him. Jesus had brothers and sisters who misunderstood him. ●Moses chose 12 leaders to follow. Jesus chose 12 leaders to follow. ●Moses gave his people a new identity as a people. Jesus gave his people a new identity as a people. ●Moses had followers who strayed from his teachings. Jesus had followers who strayed from his teachings. ●Moses is arguably the lead figure of the Old Testament. Jesus is the lead figure of the New Testament. ●Moses taught his followers how to pray. Jesus taught his followers how to pray. ●Moses chose people to carry on when he was leaving. Jesus chose people to carry on when he was leaving. ●Moses led his people to the promised land. Jesus leads his people to the promised land. ●Moses sent 12 spies to Canaan so he could bring people to the promised land. Jesus sent 12 disciples to the world so he could bring people to the promised land. ●Moses appointed 70 rulers over Israel. Jesus appointed 70 disciples to the nations. ●The people picked up stones to stone Moses but they did not succeed. The people picked up stones to stone Jesus, but they did not succeed. ●Moses controlled the waters of the Red Sea. Jesus controlled the Sea of Galilee. ●Moses brought living water out of the Rock. Jesus brings living water to all of his believers. ●The face of Moses shown with glory on Mount Sinai. The face of Jesus shown with glory on the mount of Transfiguration. ●Moses lifted the brazen serpent up in the wilderness to heal people. Jesus was lifted up on the cross to heal us from our own sins. ●Moses was a shepherd. Jesus was the good shepherd. ●Moses subdued an attacking army by raising his arms high on the top of a hill. (with two other people). Jesus subdued sin and death with arms raised high on a hill. (with two other people). ●Moses said another prophet would come (Jesus). Jesus said another would come (Holy Spirit). ●Those who did not follow Moses died in the wilderness because of their lack of faith. Those who refused to follow Jesus died in the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD. ●Jesus had warned them it was coming, and history shows that the Christians left right before the siege started because of the remembrance of the words of Jesus. Those who did not believe Jesus stayed and were either killed or sold to slavery. ●Moses fed thousands supernaturally with bread. Jesus fed thousands supernaturally with bread. ●Moses took a gentile bride. Jesus took a gentile bride (the church). ●Moses led the Israelites in a victory song after the victory in Egypt. This song will be repeated at the end as a victory song for Jesus. (see Rev. 15:2-3Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) There is a long period of silence in the story of Moses from the time he was a child until adulthood. There is a long period of silence in the story of Jesus from the time he was a child until adulthood. ●Moses showed compassion to a woman getting water at a well. Jesus showed compassion to a woman getting water at a well. ●Moses’ mission was to redeem Israel from slavery to Egypt. Jesus’ mission was to redeem mankind from slavery to sin. ●Moses was loved and supported by his sister Miriam (which is Miryam in Hebrew). Jesus was loved and supported in his ministry by His mother Mary (which is also Miryam in Hebrew). ●Moses gave God’s law on a mountain. Jesus gave the new law from the Mount of the Beatitudes. (sermon on the mount.) ●Moses offered his life for the salvation of his people after the sin of the golden calf. Jesus offered His life for the salvation of the world. ●Moses rejected a lavish, ruling lifestyle in the house of the Pharaoh. Instead, he chose a humble life. Jesus rejected the offers of Satan to be the ruler of this world and instead chose a humble life. ●Moses washed Aaron and his sons with water. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Shalom !
@danielespejo8105 6 лет назад
Eben John Preach brother!!!
@shellyblanchard5788 5 лет назад
You are leaving out the rest of the scripture where it says "till it is fulfilled" it will not pass. The temple being destoryed was the passing of the heaven and earth of the old covenant. End of that age.
@smartin700 5 лет назад
@J,LL Then who is the said Messiah through which God said the world would be blessed? Gentiles were grafted into the true vine (Israel) via Jesus's sacrifice. What changed Paul's mind if it wasn't Jesus? He fervently persecuted "Christians" until he met Jesus. Please open your mind. Your ancestors asked that Christ's blood be on them and their children. You don't have to allow that. Choose the Messiah, choose Jesus.
@terryharris516 7 лет назад
I am from Texas, and I believe in the Jewish messiah.
@michaeldonnawilliams8613 Год назад
I have LOVED, LOVED ONE FOR ISRAEL for a long time. In action as well. I can tell you how HAPPY it makes me to hear everyone of their Testimonies. I can hardly wait to meet them ALL when our Messiah Yeshua Returns. Very Excited.🎇✨🎆🎉🎊🧨🕎✡✝️🐟 Maranatha! ❌⭕❌⭕🙃
@keilana6 2 года назад
As a person who was raised Christian, I am so thrilled with these testimonies. They all want what I desire - a powerful, real relationship with G-d. Thanks to the You Tube teachings by a rabbi raised Orthodix Jew I am learning more about my Jewish roots & loving it. Still yearn for truly intimacy with the Lord. Just want Him. Thank you for your teste,pmoes.
@angier644 5 лет назад
Spot on. What could be more JEWISH than believing in a Jewish Messiah. SHALOM from a Christian 🙏❤
@marciapd10 Год назад
omg i cant believe it! i did the same summer job!
@barrygaynor1025 2 года назад
Well done! Shalom.
@barrygaynor1025 2 года назад
Well said. Shalom.
@sandykissinger8889 3 года назад
Thank you for your testimony 🙏
@kathyw3466 8 лет назад
We have been so Blessed for so long in the west. We take our freedom to be a Christian for granted.We don't realise it is a really tough choice in many parts of the world to say you are a follower of Jesus. God Bless from Australia.
@chellepatino1675 7 лет назад
Kathy W it's also a curse. we take our faith for granted and become lukewarm because of it. others have such passion, will DIE for their Jesus. here, we won't even be uncomfortable for Him
@michaellohre1470 5 лет назад
God bless you too Kathy. When Jesus speaks to the two churches in Revalations, one church has gone cold because of too much prosperity and comfort, if I'm remembering it correctly. It seems to me this is what Satan has fostered inside the Christian church in America, and maybe many more places.
@shawnalLovesJesus 3 года назад
@@chellepatino1675 That might very well change. April 10, 2021: So during my sleep I heard: Prophet. Tell them I am coming soon. A very few minutes after that, at 12:35 AM, our area had a small earthquake registering 3.1. Since April of 2019, I have heard: Tell them I am coming soon! There will be a great shaking. This morning (April 10) I was told to tell them I am coming and then I actually experienced an earthquake. When I didn't do what I was told the first time in 2019, I received a dream about it.
@Trifed 2 года назад
Wonderful testament. Thank you
@susan2861 3 года назад
Thanks for witnessing
@piestaduces 4 года назад
These One For Israel testimonies warm this old Gentile’s heart. Yeshua’s abundant blessings on the Jewish people!
@battlecat7815 4 года назад
The One For Israel testimonies always bring a tear to my old eyes. Like now.
@lalajean2975 Год назад
Once i came to Christ i dont know why i was so drawn to Israel . Now i even listen to hebrew christian song , and want to learn hebrew language 😁😁. If God will let it i want to go to israel and see those biblical places .
@yaniquebeckford1699 3 года назад
Wonderful 👏🏽👏🏽
@lauralane9851 8 лет назад
These Jewish stories bless me sooooo much.💜 Oh my goodness, it touches my heart . 😊😊☺😄
@Aslanreturn 8 лет назад
Laura Lane Mine too! I love sharing these on Facebook.
@Leolioness44 7 лет назад
Laura Lane Laura have you gone to see the movie called the case for Jesus? it came out April 7th 2017. excellent excellent excellent It's the story of a editor for the Chicago Tribune who just happen to be atheist
@duke2311 5 лет назад
Me too Laura. Fewer things are more beautiful in this world than a Jew accepting their True Messiah Yeshua(Jesus)
@susanpelsue2756 5 лет назад
Annette & Oscar Herrera Yes, excellent! Thanks for noting and sharing that with all of us.
@Law9223 5 лет назад
@janedoe3648 3 года назад
@nancygorman 5 лет назад
So good thank you
@josiediaz6452 2 года назад
I am so proud of one who has the opportunity to say the truth, to feel it and be aware that we all are proud to be who we are. Thanks
@jennylowndes6860 2 года назад
Just love these testimonies. 🙌
@palfaypeti 7 лет назад
I love all these testimonies which are uploaded by One For Israel. Wondering how many testimonies are here!! It is amazing. Something is happening in the world, God started to mobilize his people. I am christian (catholic), and feeling really honored that so many jewish people have turned to Jesus. I feel lot of joy when watching these videos, it has a special vibe when a man or woman from the chosen nation finds Jesus. It's clear that who is jewish, should not convert to christianity and vice versa. I think religion is basically okay, but it's not what mostly matters. We, who believe, unite in Jesus Christ, that's the point.
@vimrooamen8844 3 года назад
Ephesians 2
@gloewart9520 8 месяцев назад
Love listening to Jewish testimonies. Such a blessing 🙏🏻🇮🇱❤️
@dodibenabba1378 4 года назад
Beautiful. I can't get enough of Jews finding Jesus. I think I've got something in my eye.... 😓
@bhagyashreekorgavkar4837 3 года назад
I was a hindu before and a gentile but I believe in yeshua the Messiah and I feel that I am a Jew by the spirit by following the Jewish believe and festivals...as a gentile yeshua taught me that each and every Jew ( by heart and by Torah the law) is like big brothers to us born from the same parents. As a gentile I can feel a strong connection between me and the Jewish people through yeshua and that connection is from my heart and spirit. Love Jewish people and Torah. Love from INDIA.❤️
@billbox1916 4 года назад
Great testimony, thank you!
@robaldrich7399 4 года назад
These stories are so pleasing to hear..
@Cheapers-Vac 3 года назад
Just cannot agree more !!!!
@kurilladesign 5 лет назад
@jameshoover3558 2 года назад
What a great share!!
@tl4633 4 года назад
Another Beautiful Story. Thanks for sharing.
@cestmois9959 4 года назад
I prefer "You're Jewish? Great! So's my Saviour."
@joannegopaul9758 4 года назад
Very interesting video, bless you and the ministry, One For Israel 🙏🙏🙏🙏💖
@theonecounttheonecount8477 Год назад
These are extraordinary testimonies, and so important to other Jewish people and the body of Christ. Grafted in again! Hallelujah!
@dianebenker3072 3 года назад
Love this Testimony.
@Nay0633 4 года назад
Wow , so so good !!
@renateduneman2748 2 года назад
Wonderful to hear Matt’s story of coming to know Jesus as the Jewish Messiah! I am so blessed by these testimonies!
@imaginationworkshopstudio 2 года назад
Amen! PRAISE THE LORD! Thank You Jesus Christ! "Yeshua!"
@gabrielacampos9445 4 года назад
Amazing testimony !!! ❤
@mathewmadasamy2531 2 года назад
Thank you brother for your testimony. Yes as Gentile Christians, we become very excited when a zJew comes to know the Lord. Amen and Praise The Lord
@mathewmadasamy2531 2 года назад
Should be Jew and not zJew. Sincere apologies for the error in spelling. Thank you
@SpielbergMichael 2 года назад
Praise God!
@binggamos2084 6 лет назад
Praise God!!!
@bvdelst4133 Год назад
I realized thats christians (including me) in the Netherlands are different than christians in the bible belt. We don't dare to ask people on the door, if they know Jesus! It makes me think. Thank you for sharing the work of God in your life ❤
@imaginationworkshopstudio 2 года назад
@slonekettering25 7 лет назад
He's absolutely right. Christians who love the Lord and His Word, love the Jewish people. Love these testimonies. Subscribed.
@ralphcopas 4 года назад
amen to that
@lovetalks3062 4 года назад
I didn’t know that. I mean, I love all people: because I love people. But... I never did specifically love the Jewish people. Why are Christians said to do so? What about the fact that Israel was meant to be God’s country - and instead, today, what we have there is war (and it takes two sides). How could you chose God and war at the same time? I have love for Israeli culture of the time as Christ as Jesus was a part of that, and I love all the prophets and people who helped along the way, who helped the way along, who were close to God and kept his word and worked in accordance with his word. Is that what is meant? And mind I am not against love, I’m simply asking why it is generalised like that, what have I missed?
@ralphcopas 4 года назад
@@lovetalks3062 not but in here,but thsat does sound like todays works of religon (living Religon) and not living god.More man in there than god .Ye ole bleached out religon.Prophets as you say we Warriors.They them selves we at war and fought in that war their whole lives.They fought against satans influence in this world and all his teachings.They told the Truth of how it sit .Just like christ at the well . Think about Isreals exodus from eygpt God did turn the pharohs army around make them not stop when when they crossed the red sea.. We are in a war ourselves bringing the lost out of darknes. Christians today some are where they need to be .Other christians are not where they need to be.Their Fruit is the key to this and gods spirit within.
@patrickoconnor9700 4 года назад
@Mad Dog Avraham But the movement called "The Way" originated from Jews, believing Jesus is the Messiah. Where in the Christian faith does it ever state that God is three? It says God is one.
@patrickoconnor9700 4 года назад
@Mad Dog Avraham Well the Trinity is a way of explaining God's complexity, His multipersonalities, but within the context of knowing that He is one God.
@TheTriplelman 3 года назад
Love these videos
@paulcapaccio9905 2 года назад
God bless him ! As a Roman Catholic I’m ecstatic
@zxl0004 8 лет назад
Thank YESHUA for allowing us to pray for His Earthly People, The Blessed Jewish People.AMEN.
@DanAnkers 3 года назад
I love love love listening to these Jewish awakenings to the Messiah. It is my new passion just watching these happy faces
@vinapurnamasari984 2 года назад
Last statement is point.
@LilacDaisy2 4 года назад
This was great! The dramatic music though ...
@Hisgal04 3 года назад
These videos make me smile so big!! I absolutely love knowing the Jews are realizing the truth❤
@nmr6988 2 года назад
What I love most is when Jews realize that believing in and following an accepting Yeshua as their savior is the most Jewish thing they could do.
@gigimaxfield4869 4 года назад
@346UNCLEBOB 4 года назад
"God bless you, my brother". Bob, a gentile Christian.
@fiorella1967 4 года назад
Yeahhh bless u brother
@haringgangis6610 7 лет назад
@jesusislord1871 Год назад
Romans 2 28For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
@realjasondaniels 8 лет назад
These testimonials are so amazing. I am sharing them with my Jewish friends and family and hoping they are led to Yeshua through them. May the LORD bless you and keep you...
@ONEFORISRAEL 8 лет назад
@Leolioness44 7 лет назад
Jason Daniels it's critical that you call on the Lord By HIS NAME... YAHWEH YAHSHUA!
@MelodyAMc14 7 лет назад
Jason Daniels; l will remember your comment and pray earnestly for you as you go forth to present the Gospel to the ones you love.
@tcmw779 7 лет назад
Jesus is more concerned that you believe in Him and love Him. Spelling variations are not that important. May Jesus the Christ bless you through his Holy Spirit.
@pailakapelian61 7 лет назад
@tedbates1236 5 лет назад
It is an honor to be a Jew. And a Jew who believes in Jesus is a Jewish Jewel.
@NewbirthHannah05 7 лет назад
I love it!! Everyone was talking about Jesus
@007Bokser 4 года назад
@Mad Dog Avraham how to put above when Jesus is God?
@007Bokser 4 года назад
@Mad Dog Avraham Give me accurate Hebrew translation for Tanah on website pls. i got this on and dunno if meet your standards. Chabad.org
@awesomeendeavor1172 6 лет назад
Actually when a Jew believes in Christ, he does abandon their heritage, that is, the traditions of the Talmud, and embrace the true Jewish heritage of the Old Testament. The same goes for the gentiles. When they believe in CHRIST, they have to leave their spiritual pagan traditions and accept the Bible and consider themselves as children of Abraham.
@knockemoutjohnjustjohn2763 4 года назад
Dear Awesome endeavor. I wish that I could have said it that well. You ran a perfect shot string.All bullseye. Bravo!
@vimrooamen8844 3 года назад
Children of the Almighty?
@longinus367 4 года назад
@lourencofernandes9774 4 года назад
One testimony is more beautiful than the other Thank you my God of Israel.
@Calatriste54 3 года назад
"Wise men still seek after Him.."
@jmbennett92 4 года назад
I almost never comment. But this testimony really touched me. Thank you for sharing.
@rianatheron3338 4 года назад
Amen !!!
@ApexArtistX 4 года назад
You may not convert a soul today. But keep spreading the good news God will work on it
@vimrooamen8844 3 года назад
Yeshua completes these Jewish folk! I suppose some Faiths view accepting Yeshua as conversion.
@DannyWBrownJapan 4 года назад
Love this story. I read part of this story orally to my church today. (We are a bilingual English/Japanese church.) People were encouraged to hear his wonderful experiences.
@JabberW00kie 3 года назад
Two things come to mind with this testimony. First, what the apostle Paul said: “But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if somehow I might move to jealousy my fellow countrymen and save some of them.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:13-14‬ Second, that it wasn’t one person preaching the gospel who swayed him, but the Spirit speaking through the voices of many. What a reminder, for those times we might choose not to share the gospel because we assume that our words will do no good anyway. I know that for myself, I sometimes fall prey to pride in thinking that it’s up to me to turn someone’s heart to Jesus. When we all work together, great things are possible.
@annabellebeckwith9283 3 года назад
So true what he said about God wanting more from us than just ritual. I would apply that reasoning to the Catholic Church as well. Wonderful, inspiring testimony! Thank you.
@Cay.Jay.V 4 года назад
Beautiful testimony 😍 I love the Torah and Yahusha and God YHVH and His people.
@brianbennett5887 6 лет назад
Our Precious Brother !
@eddiefigueroa5309 6 лет назад
Good for you God bless
@SteveHewittMusic 4 года назад
I get so much joy in seeing Jews and Muslims come to Jesus/Yeshua. God is so good
@rosalindquinones2791 3 года назад
@frwdwerw1538 4 года назад
Wow this so good 😊
God Bless Jews and Israel!!!
@MyImmaculateQueen 7 лет назад
Why would God bless an illegal state created by the Rothschilds? Over 95% of Jews are Khazars with no genealogy tying them to the middle east. The illegal murderous zionist regime called Israel is not the Israel of the Old Testament. Don't be fooled. May God bless ALL people, Christians, Muslims and Jews.
@YAHSHAYA777 6 лет назад
Al-Masih- JannatgaYagonaYol. Judaism is a RELIGION a cult.. JESUS WAS AN ISRAELITE BY BLOOD from the tribe of judah.. there are 12 TRIBES and those are the so called blacks and latiinos.. east and north africans are hamites not shemitic. Not semitic.. the BLACKS and Latinos are the only that fulfilled the PROPHECY. All the so called Jews are CONVERTS IT HAS BEEN PROVEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN! RESEARCH PEOPLE
@YAHSHAYA777 6 лет назад
MyImmaculateQueen thank you!
@Hlafdige1 3 года назад
@@MyImmaculateQueen It isn't the Israel of the Bible, no. But it's made up of Jews, and Paul in Romans says that God still considers them the chosen people. Separately, the Khazar-descent claim is one of the silliest things some modern people believe. Jews came to the Rhine Valley with Roman troops to start viticulture and were part of that civilization until they were driven out by murderous persecution. Many Jews in Poland at the time of Hitler were descended from the original German Jews who arrived at Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in the first century. Many other Jews in Europe came through the huge Jewish settlement in Roman Hispania that remained in place, descended from the original Roman Jews, until Ferdinand and Isabella's edict of eviction. Some went to Genoa, and these Genoese Jews later moved into France and England when it was safe.
@argeliocornejo3262 3 года назад
@@MyImmaculateQueen 🤣🤣🤣u tell that to the lord when u die sr may the lord bless Israel forever their God is the real God simple nobody can't change that and never will
@jungleboots769 4 года назад
I love the way he is amused by his experience...then, to then felt a deep love...and his gift of examining his heart was he found the Messiah
@IrorunOluwa 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing. I wish there is a separate option for people who give thumps down to write the reason why.
@hansbongartz7030 4 года назад
You couldn’t do it better then what you did brother,HALLELUYAH 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️.
@spanellaful 3 года назад
The last sentence sums up the whole thing
@alandouglasrandall9961 8 лет назад
"Do you want to please God or do you want to please man?" - that was so powerful. "What can be more Jewish than a Jew believing in the Jewish Messiah?" - just like Yeshua, this brother used simple language to convey powerful truths. What a blessing this testimony.
@harryshasho9643 6 лет назад
This man was obviously not practicing Judaism the way it was supposed to be. He didn’t keep Shabbat or keep kosher. He didn’t do much to try to be Jewish. He fell into his own trap. He will pay terribly for this sin. This is idol worship. I hope he finds his way back and repents.
@susanpelsue2756 5 лет назад
Harry Shasho Your statement is so wrong on every level. Don’t be a white washed tomb. Read the New Testament and stop resisting the Lord that King David spoke of in Psalm 22 and Isaiah in chapter 53. He will find you in the New Covenant.
@ategems Год назад
I love this ❤ thanks Lord 🙏
@davidbenner2289 3 года назад
I was a pagan. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, it split my family. Fifty-two years later, I'm still a Christian. A Christian loves the Jewish People and Jerusalem. The same nominal "Christians" that dislike or hate Jews, the Jewish People and Israel, dislike or hate real, practicing Christians. Christians follow the words, the teachings of a Jew, a Jewish man, Jesus Christ, Yeshua. The Son of God, God the Son. Amen.
@mrv1271 5 лет назад
Bless the Christ.
@awfelia 8 лет назад
Once the heart is changed and the longing sets in then there's no turning back ♡
@margaritakleinman5701 3 года назад
Like the song says, "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back."
@chisaraawazie8162 5 лет назад
@jg1177 5 лет назад
Glory to God
@fenderrlee 3 года назад
I cry out of happiness when I meet Jewish people... more over ..Jewish Christians like this Great witness.. The Fulfillment..Hic Est Enim Calix Sanguinis Mei...Dominus Non Sum Dignus
@liriogalvan9131 4 года назад
@djquiz6425 4 года назад
I keep looking for new ones. How come you guys stopped making these videos? More please! Such a blessing!! These testimonies are so powerful and encouraging! Very few other videos make the Holy Spirit stir my heart like these testimonials. It often leads to tears of joy. For some reason nothing makes me feel joy as much as seeing God draw his people to his son.
@easttexan2933 3 года назад
powerful testimony. god bless you sir.
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