
hello Javascript, oh how I've missed you 

Web Dev Cody
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10 сен 2024




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@pattyolvera4364 27 дней назад
I can’t wait to primagen reacting to this haha
@Kane0123 26 дней назад
Primeagen used to write C#, so he’s obviously a dummy since it’s the best language and he left it.
@iatheman 21 день назад
JS devs really are spoiled with great developer tools that enhance the experience. It becomes hard to move away from that into a dev world that's more raw, lower level, verbose, etc.
@MichaelLazarski 13 дней назад
You could rename this video title to: 10 years of js vs 2 weeks of go
@pokefreak2112 13 дней назад
24:00 I wanted to try this for myself - it took me 10 minutes to make a basic kanban board in html+css - it took another 10 minutes to make a typescript API that generates A kanban board from a config and has an API to add more nodes at runtime - it took 5 minutes to add drag/drop using sortablejs So 25 minutes in total, and I have full control over the design and logic so no risk of needing to fork/vendor/contribute to a third party package later down the line I agree that the modern js ecosystem is undervalued by outsiders, but I think you overvalue the benefit of frameworks and third-party libraries.
@pokefreak2112 13 дней назад
Also this was from scratch after exclusively using tailwind+jsx for the last 2 months. So if I used my stack of choice it would probably take just 15 minutes ;)
@WebDevCody 13 дней назад
yeah, I don't doubt it. There are existing vanilla javascript libraries out there that also achieve that a react module provides (often react modules just import the javascript libraries anyway). Like I said in the video, it could all just be bias talking.
@pokefreak2112 13 дней назад
@@WebDevCody Mhm, Embla is a good example of this. Best carousel library out there. (It's also what shadui uses). I'm a bit bummed that a lot of the innovation going on these days is tied to specific frameworks like react so it's understandable why you stick to it, going vanilla definitely requires more experimentation to get great DX
@evrard90 26 дней назад
The love-hate relationship with JS is the one thing that makes us JS devs
@NizzyABI 28 дней назад
Welcome back to the dark side 😜
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
Let’s go!
@DivinPrince 26 дней назад
can't escape nextjs
@nonefvnfvnjnjnjevjenjvonej3384 25 дней назад
its time for cody to actually come to the real dark side: rust and do even html in rust macros.
@funkijote 13 дней назад
"The light is dark, the dark is dimly lit." - MacBird, a Kennedy-centered McBeth parody by Barbara Garson (1966)
@lucaslevandoski2946 27 дней назад
This is the most mature video I have seen from you in my opinion, not talking techwise but being mature in general and being honest. Thanks man...
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
I grow up so fast don't I
@lucaslevandoski2946 27 дней назад
​@@WebDevCody I struggle when going back on what I say most of the time, that's what I mean, congrats again
@lucaslevandoski2946 27 дней назад
The easy way out would be to keep going with that one for a few more days and start adding javascript back to the main content without anyone noticing
@highercomve 13 дней назад
Instead of the button and the hx-include, you should use a normal HTML and a submit button . In that case it will post everything inside the form.
@highercomve 13 дней назад
That won't solve all the problems for sure. And I like the final take, as an independent developer you need to use the tools that make you faster for the product you are using.
@SeibertSwirl 27 дней назад
Good job babe!!!!….but also howwww embarrassing LOL I’m kidding! Glad you learned and owned up to it and circled back :) one of the best character traits is being receptive to learning and growing and changing your way of doing things :) also, you’re allowed to change your mind don’t let anyone except me tell you otherwise 😊😂 love you!
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
thanks babe! love you!
@damonguzman 27 дней назад
It's weird how she always responds like that on every video. Share your affection at home, it's weird in the comment section.
@oss4maz 27 дней назад
@@damonguzman go be miserable somewhere else.
@designerjehovah4453 27 дней назад
@@damonguzman just scroll past if you don't like it
@krisss42 27 дней назад
wholesome couple, love it
@al3030 27 дней назад
Feels like a lot of issues were related to templ/htmx. I’d really encourage you to try Go with a react or svelte front-end. You can also share types with protocol buffers between back and front-end.
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
I don’t need to try go again to agree it’s good for a rest api
@hamm8934 27 дней назад
As for the state in HTMX vs React/Vue, you might have solved that problem by updating the URL to reflect the state. With HTMX, any state change should be reflected in the URL via slugs and params. Also too, then the user has better UX when changing web pages and going back. This is a major problem in many frontend data based solutions. Edit: Of course you can do this with frontend frameworks. But let's not pretend that devs often don't forget/care/agree to do it since the frameworks lean harder into not using the URL outside of page routing.
@TheKayShawn 27 дней назад
You can do all that with React and Next with the gazillion other DX perks.
@harrybarden5438 27 дней назад
Yep, I wish more devs would understand this. This is such an annoying problem most modern web apps have. Client side JavaScript state should be a last resort for things like this. It doesn’t matter what framework you use, the majority of view states can, and should, be represented in the URL. If it can’t then you likely have a design problem. Browsers are designed to work with state in the url. It makes everything so much simpler, both for the devs and for the user.
@hamm8934 27 дней назад
@@harrybarden5438 yup
@lootpigeon 5 дней назад
Thanks for sharing the journey, I'm facing a simliar problem - trying to find a language and stack that fits with my way of working. I appreciate you going through the thought process and what you tried, great video
@anthonygg_ 22 дня назад
1 Million subscribers is programmed for this man.
@WebDevCody 22 дня назад
I got to give the people what they want
@AbdulRehman-pb5od 13 дней назад
anthony it's been a while. I used to regularly watch your content.
@anonAcc575 27 дней назад
Let's hope bunjs, nodejs etc. Are able to solve those memory issues
@yonas6832 27 дней назад
the problem lies deeper Java and c# have similar issues. Go and Rust are compiled languages, they can make heavy use of the stack an are optimizing memory deallocation at compile time.
@TheJubeiam 27 дней назад
Dont be so attached to things. Learn to let go.
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
I let go of go, and I’m ok with that
@TheJubeiam 27 дней назад
@WebDevCody and thats fine. Those are not comparable. But you know more now. Btw I'm working with many different langs at work and switching doesn't take longer than 15min.
@jamesp1389 27 дней назад
​@@TheJubeiam weird flex
@khue8703 13 дней назад
@@TheJubeiam That's not as impressive as you think it is. 15minutes is a really long time vs 0 context switch time.
@ALDUIINN 27 дней назад
I appreciate your honesty i almost got influenced in starting developing in go thanks to you, really liked the first video. It's a relief to know that you published a valuable opinion based on actual experience before i jumped into this.
@spongmoid842 27 дней назад
same, still seems like a good option for pure backend tho
@SogMosee 27 дней назад
@PraiseYeezus 27 дней назад
why not just try it out for yourself and make your own opinion?
@iritesh 27 дней назад
He said nothing about developing in Go Go is far superior backend language, he is talking about htmx + templ which sucks 😅
@cyrus01337 27 дней назад
I've gotten influenced though I've always wanted to learn a simpler, faster language compared to JS, Python. It's certainly... interesting to learn the Go way but the journey is cool.
@echobucket 13 дней назад
If you use parseInt() in JS, it returns NaN, and then you need to be checking it with isNaN, or you WILL have some kind of insane bug in JS at runtime, in production. Handling your errors at the source is better programming. It would be nice if stuff magically handled the errors, but it doesn't and can't, it's part of writing program logic. Just because JS devs often don't pay attention to these kinds of things doesn't make JS better, it makes it worse. Handling errors are part of programming the logic of your application.
@mauriciopiber 25 дней назад
it's friday I'm in love with javascript again.
@txarli 13 дней назад
Hello darkness my old friend...
@benjaminng8882 27 дней назад
Why not solid start? Would like to see it
@cas818028 27 дней назад
If you want the performance of go with the familiarity of TS/JS then c# is going to probably be your best choice. With that said I still try to just do everything as a monolith in Next.js. Only go n-tier when I absolutely need too
@Qrzychu92 13 дней назад
exactly. While I love C#, for most cases (unless you already know you are creating for tens of thousands of users), start with Next.js, then maybe just proxy some more demanding requests into a faster backed in C# or Go. At some point you can just fully proxy everything except maybe authentication straight to the faster backend, and you should be fine. For me, I will always start with C# backend and JS frontend - I just hate working in JS so much by comparison. Even with TS - it's so easy to break the types in TS, plus it comes with all the JS bullshit like type coersion, truthy values etc. Let that live just in the browser :)
@Jcampz01 27 дней назад
I think go works amazing for things like REST services, microservices, CLI apps, even scripting etc. since don't need to jump into UI templating and the back and forth with your editor not knowing where to jump to. But I agree with you on basically any other language solution for templating/UI. I've yet to encounter anything that comes close to the dev experience you get in the JS ecosystem with JSX. Sure its less performance but theres a reason so many people develop with it - because its that easy and productive.
@ruancampello 27 дней назад
Try new things is really essential for a programmer. Even if you go back to what you were doing before, you learn something new and appreciate the traits of the previous technology more. It wasn't a waste of time. It's about the journey, as they say. Great video.
@MnamesJeff 13 дней назад
What if you use React + Go? Would it be any different? I'm new to coding sorry for the noob question
@jly_dev 24 дня назад
IMO it's good to pick - TS for flexibility and developer speed - Go for runtime performance and memory efficiency
@joshuatye1027 3 дня назад
HTMX for using hypertext (the H in HTTP) instead of JSON
@dandogamer 27 дней назад
I think if you cant save to DB its still better to handle the error rather than panic. Panic should be reserved for when the system reached an unrecoverable internal state. An error on failed db write can be retried, ignored and maybe the write is pushed to some queue to retry later or simply respond with a system error. I dont think you want to panic there. Edit: cody literally says this in the next sentence lol 😂😂😂 fml
@pedroalonsoms 26 дней назад
so accurate. had the same experience with go, the lack of community (and all its implications) is the biggest deal
@bearface8613 27 дней назад
Hello Cody! I've been using and learning golang too, and i wanted to add that in regards to 5:05 in the video (the ParseInt convertion being too verbose) i've been using strconv.Atoi() to use string to integer conversion. Example: scoreQuery := req.URL.Query().Get("score") score, err := strconv.Atoi(scoreQuery) You will still need to handle the error in case the provided Alphabetic letter or character is not valid, but i find Atoi to be more simpler because it defaults to the values of ParseInt that i mostly need in my apps. Hope it helps in case u didnt know and plan to return to use golang in the future 🤣!
@tsykin 27 дней назад
Glad to have you back! Hoping to see more Next.js content from you ❤
@real23lions 20 дней назад
It's great that you're exploring. It gives us a good POV too. I tried Go and I agree that for an individual project or a small team, it's overkill for two languages.
@tusharsnx 27 дней назад
Thank you for being honest. You did a great job explaining that it's not all bells and whistles as they say.
@aprudkohliad 27 дней назад
And wrt the params parsing - there are `c.Params` and `c.BodyParser` functions
@krisss42 27 дней назад
As much as I love Go, I agree with your take. Tried htmx and templ and results in terrible UX (and DX too). But I do think backend performance and static type is really important. That’s why I still use Go + React but no NextJS
@MnamesJeff 13 дней назад
Is it better compared to NextJS? I'm a new programmer and I would really love your input on this
@krisss42 11 дней назад
@@MnamesJeff not a NextJS expert, I only learn it a bit. but I think React is simpler if you don’t realy need server side rendering
@Showmatic 13 дней назад
This is exactly me. I've tried other languages and massively respect some of the strengths that they have over js, but mental comfortability is key with me. My brain just clicks with js. I'm much more productive with it because I enjoy it.
@blessdarah1256 24 дня назад
In the same way I have just decided to stay with Laravel because it just works and I am able to achieve speed.
@SyntaxLexx 18 дней назад
@@blessdarah1256 What sucks with Laravel after being in the typescript land for a bit is the intellisense, esp. for Models(read DB columns). Some guy just came up with Laravext, which brings file routing like nextjs, and another guy developed a custom composer command to generate types from barryvdh/ide-helper plugin. I'll be back once those two ideas get smoothed out coz Laravel is just a beast
@meni181818 26 дней назад
this is not a wast of time. learned a lot from your journey. thanks
@vadymchecherinda2858 13 дней назад
Thx for you work, I realy enjoy the video and most of all it helps me understand with what should I use to work.
@jairseedorf 27 дней назад
Go backend + Nextjs frontend is 👌👌
@sama7496 27 дней назад
I don't think that's the best way to use nextjs tho. nextjs works better when you make the backend also with it imo
@thirtykey 27 дней назад
@@sama7496 agreed, though i would love some easy integration whereby i could kick off goroutines from the nextjs endpoint when i have something more intense to do. i hate workers api. sharing the orm would be sick as well, so maybe something like a prisma schema generating both a ts ang go client, which some tech that easily allows me to inline go in my nextjs endpoints when needed. this is what i dream of
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
I don't doubt it, but like I said at this point I'm starting to see more value in just having a single monolithic self contained application in a single language
@hamm8934 27 дней назад
use protobuffers for your backend and frontend types and it's honestly pretty great
@nwylynko 27 дней назад
@@WebDevCodyI can’t live without full stack typesafety. From the db orm to client form and back again through the mutation.
@AdamLeis 26 дней назад
Thanks for your transparency. I think we can take a page from natural selection and apply it to code-life: "live where suffering is sustainable and thriving is ample." Keep learning though. Who knows where weird ideas and insights will drop while learning other languages.
@ShivGamer 13 дней назад
Once you are in JS world, it's hard to get away from it 😂
@sylarfx 27 дней назад
always learning, great stuff! the easiest way to integrate js frontend and non-js backend is to generate client sdk from backend's openapi definition or grpc protobuffers
@Giga1337 13 дней назад
Rails dev that somehow ended up watching hours of t3 today and you were on his latest vid with this one: so kudos to you and gogo 1M subs :D
@KaKi87 13 дней назад
Complex software that uses this stack is the open core Gitea project and its open source fork Forgejo. I don't like this stack either, it's making the UX bar low and making the UI development slow, but yeah that's a real world example.
@oned0t385 27 дней назад
I had been waiting on an update, thx for the video
@bear458ziif-s 10 дней назад
my problem with go is that it's too simple. their vision of simplicity is too extreme. you have to reinvent the wheel every time you use it. i much prefer rust. a lot of typescript developers would enjoy rust if they tried it. i've been building all of my side projects with leptos for close to a year now. it's a simpler version of next.js with a lot of the same capabilities. it has signals like solid js, different rendering modes, progressive enhancement, colocated server functions, islands, and the bundles aren't bad at all.
@benbowers3613 26 дней назад
Regarding being able to create components right in the handler, I don't know about fiber, but echo allows you to return an HTML response from a string using context.HTML(code int, html string). It's a string so you don't get any syntax highlighting, etc., but it works in a pinch.
@samfelton5009 14 дней назад
Web components would DEFINITELY help your frustration with inline js in htmx and weird ids everywhere. The disconnect between event listeners and html is a big pain point for me, but web components make it extremely clear where the behaviour is defined
@joshuatye1027 3 дня назад
Have you tried hyperscript or surreal?
@Guergeiro 27 дней назад
My case, I use Go for everything until I have 1 bit of html+css+js, then I switch to the TS ecosystem. Frontend or fullstack? TS. Everything else? Go.
@nikilk 26 дней назад
Welcome back.. What I been hearing from you this entire video is that the JS eco system has had time to mature and evolve into what it is today. It's had a ton of extremely smart companies / individuals innovate over that time. And it has been the base language for the browser since the beginning.
@radekkojtych7675 27 дней назад
Literally after watching your video about performance in JS I decided to give it a try with GO and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. So thank you anyway hah😀!
@theuser384 12 дней назад
The problem is that HTMX is like AJAX made easy, but Alpine is like a client-side interactions made easy. In the case of the kanban, in alpinejs there is a way you can achieve that drag-and-drop functionality like many others, i see has chrome devtools extension, even theres a plugin Alpine-AJAX.
@theuser384 12 дней назад
If you still demand low memory usage, with C# AOT, you can try blazor which is a readable frontend framework. It has a great comunity and tooling for components like sort, tables, counter, etc.
@marcoio8742 13 дней назад
Good call mate! I have tried HTMX as well and honestly I didn't like it, it just didn't click for me. The issue with state is spot on, like not having the various components have a shared state is so weird, and the concept of HTM is probably that all your state should derive from your server, but for something like a loading button or some dynamic text it really sounds silly. And the introduction of some random vanilla JS scripts makes so much weirder. Don't feel bad about being a NextJS developer, you are a very good one so no shame from me 👍
@WebDevCody 13 дней назад
thanks man! yeah next.js is pretty nice I won't lie
@MrFadingback 27 дней назад
Elixir/Phoenix ❤
@karserasl 13 дней назад
Maybe i dont understand because im a backend developer, but, in my mind, frontend and backend is always separated. What is all of these templates? Why not use your frontend and leave the backend only to go?
@WebDevCody 13 дней назад
Next allows you to write your backend endpoints as RPC. Nothing new, it’s just much easier to code using imo compared to a separated backend api
@KonradGM 11 дней назад
It seems less as issues with Go + Templ and more like you can't think in JS with that stack...
@dandogamer 27 дней назад
Appreciate you gave it a good go, most people dont even try it without expressing their opinions and if they do it then i doubt they would invest 2 weeks :)
@naranyala_dev 27 дней назад
bun, bun, bun
@LucasFariaDev 18 дней назад
welcome back Cody, i missed the JS content
@OsMinOsM 23 дня назад
i'm tending towards using Go in the backend next or plain react in the front. i usually prototype my features in next, there i get to basically ship something to get feedback, if it becomes important, i just extract the backend stuff in a golang api, i keep next just for whats its for (front + bff)
@Lykkos29 27 дней назад
yep, that's how it is, coming back fresh from burnout to use your favorite tool again is life!
@dandogamer 27 дней назад
You would typically put things inside an internal directory to prevent outside users importing anything within that
@saherekearney3449 25 дней назад
We definitely not angry I went on that journey to and it really allowed me to appreciate JavaScript, my main language are JavaScript ,C++, and csharp. I use JavaScript for web, c++ for memory projects, and csharp for game modding. I tried to replace JavaScript with go, and was not a good experience
@westpoint7942 27 дней назад
Thank you, Cody !
@Justjames283 28 дней назад
Will you make this public? Your original video was shared with me so I'd like to update my colleague with the latest
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
Yes at 9am
@parlor3115 27 дней назад
If you want both performance and devx, then .NET Core is the way
@ripple123 27 дней назад
if you're into OOP then sure...
@MegaMage79 27 дней назад
This. Why do people try PHP before dotnet lol
@ianharcourtsmith 27 дней назад
Perhaps there is a case to try out .NET as your last thing to try!
@statuschannel8572 27 дней назад
DX from microsoft? .NET devs begging microsoft to stop adding new features to language every 2 years
@Manix-balu 13 дней назад
I am using astro with htmx. I do use react component when it is nedded. Dailsy ui helps me to write astro server components . productivity increased 2x as i am writting less js compared to my previous Next js project. I develop my apis using c# which i am familiar with.
@kanchanwadhwani7381 27 дней назад
Started Watching your videos again after this 😂
@jakethis3355 8 дней назад
I never understood these holy wars that developers get into when it comes to languages, frameworks, and tech stacks. These are not your identify as an engineer. They are just tools and each of those tools have tradeoffs. Pick the tools that have the tradeoffs you need for the project you are working on.
@WebDevCody 8 дней назад
Right but when you hear people saying how awesome something is, you kind of want to try it, but then you find it’s actually not that great so basically you learn everyone just sucks
@gungun974 27 дней назад
I got the same issue with my lsp go to definition that just keep me opening the generated templ go files. I solved this issue by hijacking in neovim my lsp go definition to look if the result file is a templ generated file to instead open the original file but I know this solution is not as easy as pressing a button. But I don’t know how you could easily solve that without that kind of middleware since go lsp to definition is made to open golang file and templ file are not go files… Anyway I understand your decision, nobody here is here to say to don’t quit golang. You didn’t feel confortable, that’s right. I feel confortable in Golang, I always find C sprintf good. I have created my own micro framework with tools to helps like form validation. I hope your future project to success ❤
@Mylordkaz 24 дня назад
you sound a bit picky 😅 experience talking I suppose, after 10y into something difficult to get out, you became really confi in your stack. understandable. I agree on many point, and it is maybe a specificity of Htmx, to use Tmpl in Go... sound very weird to me, first I would never think to use Go for something else than the backend... having this htmx frontend stuff incorporate in it feel wrong and over complicated. Htmx / Go is probably not the right tech stack. I don't think I will give it a try. If I need to build a frontend I simply use JS/react and it work very well with my Go backend. I will give a look at your JS content, good continuation 👍
@bobbyboxer2664 27 дней назад
It was fun and informative to see someone else explore go and htmx. I heard good things about it too but when I watched you try it and said nah from the first video. Not because of a specific reason, it just didn’t look appealing to me. Strange looking syntax maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️. Thank you for trying those things for us. I’m glad I picked react and next… made me realize how good we have it on this side. The videos were really helpful to bring that to light.
@hugodsa89 27 дней назад
Mate, you are fine, dont put yourself down for shit like this. You are learning, glad you are more relieved. Its a normal learning path.
@aprudkohliad 27 дней назад
Hey Cody, regadring the interpolation - I think this pain is mostly related to not using a logging library, e.g. uber-go/zap, which might simplify writing logs by removing the need to do an interpolation in the first place.
@AlekseyRazbakov 14 дней назад
What about Nuxt and Vue?
@patolorde 27 дней назад
thank god!
@JohnSmith-pd8kd 13 дней назад
You know with HTMX, you aren't limited to HTML IDs. Any HTML selector will do.
@WebDevCody 13 дней назад
I don't think that helps the argument of it's feels chaotic trying to find what is connected to what
@JohnSmith-pd8kd 12 дней назад
@@WebDevCody Not saying that that's not how you feel. Using class names that are not connected to styles is the way I do things. That way you can name the object or the group of objects anything you want that makes sense to me.
@Cdaprod 15 дней назад
I have also found myself saying hello javascript it’s not bad but I need to like get some of this straightened out
@abdulmustapha532 27 дней назад
What library did you use for the Kanban board and Drag and drop?
@antidegenerates7449 26 дней назад
Thank you for being honest
@mauriciopiber 25 дней назад
a few libraries and tools seems wonderful and revolutionary at first glance, but over the time you realize one day you realize that everything becomes ugly at the highest levels, with the added complexity intrinsic that comes with real problems maybe this is how the life works, there's no way around, let's embrace complexity as a requirement to win.
@trontrontrontron4 27 дней назад
today i implemented a pick, extend, omit for a custom code generator that can create types from other types. you can only really do this in ts all fully typed and checked. cant beat it.
@KET0NES 13 дней назад
This feels more like a comparison of go vs next, I mean did you try hono or so? it lets you write straight jsx. if you find htmx limiting, I'm on team alpine. you mention it too, have you tried it properly? seems to me there are plenty of things in between htmx - next
@WebDevCody 13 дней назад
I tried it with hono as well. Idk when you use next long enough you start appreciating all the little features it has
@benasmockus6988 25 дней назад
Thats why I basically SSR sveltejs using go backend instead of html templates.
@trontrontrontron4 27 дней назад
welcome back, our high memory usage, slow performance and high convenience welcome you with open arms :D
@EditsByShobhit 27 дней назад
Once you go JS, there's no going back
@nwylynko 27 дней назад
Until you use TS
@webspaceadam 26 дней назад
thats not true at all... I got tired of it. atm still the language that pays the bills for me alongside kotlin, but not for long.
@kaas99 27 дней назад
Htmx reminds of Django and it's templating, how we used to build stuff using jQuery, "swapping out stuff"
@deezydoezeet 27 дней назад
JS/TS DX honestly, can't be beat at this time.
@RogerDearly 27 дней назад
Btw about error handling in Go. Yeah it's verbose. But instead of panicking you can just return errors in your route handlers. Whatever library you use usually have top error handler and it will return 500 to the end user. So no need to panic errors actually. But yeah at the end, you need verbosely return error in every function under handler so it goes up. In that sense js is easier cuz if you use async functions and something throws you don't need to push error up in the tree.
@K3vvlr 27 дней назад
Haters gonna hate and never ship :) If you like next and TS on the backend, just do it. Most of the apps we, as developers, are building are simple web apps that TS on the backend can easily handle, and if you know it, it gives you tons of productivity.
@SaifurRahmanAkash 27 дней назад
I would love to see you trying Astro, mostly the new server island stuff.
@omega_sine 27 дней назад
Top 10 saddest anime endings 😢. Well at least you gave it a shot.
@Frexuz 13 дней назад
Literally all frameworks with a controller have a separate template file, wtf :P
@WebDevCody 13 дней назад
right, use next RSC or remix and you'll see what I mean
@ryanrobbins3846 13 дней назад
Nice take 👌. Go and HTMX are on the road map for some side projects.
@RyanDsouza-be2qx 27 дней назад
Amazing vid! What were your thoughts on URL's as imports instead of a separate package.json?
@aghileslounis 27 дней назад
Pretty much same for me, I tried htmx + Templ, it's good and for sure in the right direction. But it's not at the same level of polish as Next.js, the tooling around Templ and htmx is not quite there. The lack of good autocomplete and small things makes it very hard to work with, especially when refactoring or updating the code. I find Go itself an excellent language, but for now, I think I would only use it if I need performance. I'll build a robust API with it and consume it in React/Next. Or building a performant CLI, a special service or something like that. For productivity stuff I think nothing beats TypeScript/Next.js/Convex or some stack like that.
@ThePandaGuitar 27 дней назад
look, it's not that hard, if you're building sites or web apps, stick to php or js go is for servers and networking (think consul, docker, kubernetes) if you are building drivers, games, audio, cad, trading systems, then other languages are for you
@c_g_stewart 27 дней назад
Mane you need to use neovim/LazyVim distro and read the keymaps lol. Add lazygit and some other typescript stuff. It’s weird seeing you use the mouse lol. e to open and close the menu, w to switch windows, gg to do git stuff, ft to open floating terminal, at the min. ask AI to write the configs to add in whatever vscode shortcuts you like
@WebDevCody 27 дней назад
I use my trackpad, only simps use a mouse
@FlintBits 25 дней назад
Java or bust.
@kito4525 27 дней назад
You don't need "htmx libraries", you just include script tags to include JS or JS libs. There's everything available.
@WebDevCody 26 дней назад
Include a couple script tags, pollute your global namespace, profit
@oxnullbyte-u2q 27 дней назад
This could be up for a really good meme!
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