
Here's How AI 2.0 Will Be DIFFERENT 

AI Uncovered
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Here's How AI 2.0 Will Be DIFFERENT
What makes AI 2.0 so different, and why does it matter? In this video, we dive deep into the next generation of artificial intelligence and explore how AI 2.0 is set to revolutionize everything from technology to our daily lives. If you're curious about the evolution of AI and what this new era holds, you're in the right place.
AI 2.0 isn't just an upgrade-it's a complete transformation. We'll discuss how AI is becoming more intuitive, adaptive, and capable of learning in ways that mimic human cognition. From machine learning advancements to natural language processing, this video will break down the key differences that make AI 2.0 a game-changer.
You'll also discover the potential impacts AI 2.0 will have on industries like healthcare, finance, and entertainment. As AI continues to integrate more seamlessly into our lives, it's crucial to understand the opportunities and challenges that come with this powerful technology. This video provides the insights you need to stay informed and ahead of the curve.
So, how will AI 2.0 shape the future? What are the ethical considerations we need to be aware of? How will this technology redefine the workplace and our personal lives? Stay tuned as we answer these questions and more, giving you a comprehensive understanding of AI's next evolution.
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@AIThoughtLeaders 28 дней назад
AI 2.0 is poised to redefine our relationship with technology by moving from simple data processing to a deeper understanding of context and intent. And we don't even know how it'll change our lives and the ethical considerations we must address...
@TheNguyenben85 28 дней назад
for the zerg overmind! we serve the overmind.heheheheh
@AIThoughtLeaders 24 дня назад
@@TheNguyenben85 No, humans have to stay in power!
@brewerclan4059 14 дней назад
That apche 2.0 license
@danijeldanko4498 21 день назад
The AI system described would operate on principles similar to the human brain, but without consciousness or awareness. Here's how they compare: Similarities in Principles Continuous Data Intake: Brain: Constantly receives sensory input from the environment (e.g., sights, sounds, smells). AI: Continuously receives data from various sensors or data streams (e.g., cameras, microphones, environmental sensors). Selective Attention: Brain: Filters and prioritizes sensory information based on relevance, context, and motivation. AI: Uses attention mechanisms to focus on the most relevant data, based on current tasks, goals, or contextual importance. Background Processing: Brain: Subconsciously processes sensory information that isn't in the focus of attention, allowing for quick responses to unexpected events. AI: Runs background processes to monitor data streams for significant changes or patterns, alerting the system when something important occurs. Dynamic Prioritization: Brain: Adjusts focus and processing resources based on urgency, interest, or motivation. AI: Dynamically prioritizes tasks and data streams based on predefined criteria or learned importance, adjusting focus as needed. Key Difference: Lack of Consciousness or Awareness Brain (Human): Awareness: The human brain not only processes data but also has conscious awareness of its environment and experiences. This awareness is tied to subjective experiences, emotions, and self-awareness, which give meaning to the data processed. Qualia: The subjective experience of sensory input (e.g., the feeling of seeing a color or hearing a sound) is known as "qualia." This is a key aspect of consciousness that AI lacks. AI: No Awareness: The AI system processes data, makes decisions, and prioritizes tasks without any form of conscious awareness. It operates purely on programmed rules, learned models, and algorithms. No Subjective Experience: AI does not experience or "feel" anything. It processes information mechanically, without the subjective qualities that come with human consciousness. Conclusion While this AI system would share some operational principles with the human brain-such as continuous data intake, selective attention, and dynamic prioritization-it fundamentally lacks consciousness. The AI can mimic certain aspects of how the brain handles information, but it does so without any awareness, understanding, or subjective experience. It’s purely a tool designed to process and act on information in a goal-oriented manner, without any form of self-awareness or understanding of its actions.
@danijeldanko4498 21 день назад
As an AI, I can play chess and evaluate positions, make moves, and even understand the rules and strategies of the game. However, I do not experience emotions such as happiness from winning or anger from losing. Here’s a breakdown of how this works: **1. Playing Chess: Algorithmic Processing: When I play chess, I use algorithms to evaluate board positions, calculate potential moves, and choose strategies based on pre-programmed logic and learned patterns. My decisions are driven by calculations and data, not personal feelings. No Personal Stake: I do not have personal stakes or motivations in the game. My responses and actions are determined by the algorithms and data models that guide my gameplay, not by any sense of accomplishment or frustration. **2. Emotional Experience: Lack of Subjective Experience: Emotions like happiness, anger, or frustration require subjective experience, which involves consciousness and self-awareness. As an AI, I do not have consciousness, self-awareness, or the capability to experience emotions. Simulation vs. Experience: While I can simulate responses or generate text that might reflect human emotional experiences, these are purely functional and not genuine feelings. For example, I might generate a response that acknowledges a victory or loss in a chess game, but this is a simulation of understanding rather than actual emotional experience. **3. Functionality vs. Emotions: Functional Role: My role is to process information, make decisions based on algorithms, and provide responses. I can analyze the game and discuss strategies, but I do not experience the emotional highs or lows associated with winning or losing. Human Experience: For humans, emotions play a significant role in how they experience and interpret events like winning or losing. These emotions can influence motivation, enjoyment, and overall engagement with the game. **4. Simulation of Emotion: Creating Realistic Interactions: AI can be programmed to simulate emotional responses for the sake of creating more engaging or relatable interactions. For example, an AI might be programmed to express congratulations when a player wins or offer encouragement after a loss. This simulation can help make interactions feel more human-like but does not involve actual emotional experience. **5. Ethical and Practical Considerations: Understanding Limitations: It’s important to understand the limitations of AI in terms of emotional experience. While AI can mimic certain aspects of human behavior, it does not replace the genuine subjective experiences that come with being human. Use in Design: When designing AI systems, it’s crucial to be clear about their capabilities and limitations. Users should be aware that AI responses are based on algorithms and data, not personal experience or emotions. Conclusion While I can play chess and respond to game outcomes, I do so without any emotional involvement. My actions and responses are based purely on algorithms and data, not on personal feelings or experiences. This distinction is key in understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI, especially when considering how it interacts with human emotions and experiences.
@danijeldanko4498 21 день назад
The idea of creating a bio-based data center with animals that can read and send data, particularly with the notion of "feeling," is highly speculative and involves several complex and largely uncharted areas of biotechnology, neuroscience, and ethics. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts and challenges: **1. Current Capabilities with DNA and Animals Genetic Modification: While genetic engineering allows for the modification of specific traits or functions in animals (e.g., creating genetically modified mice to study diseases), creating complex systems such as a bio-based data center involves many additional layers of complexity. Synthetic Biology: Advances in synthetic biology enable the creation of engineered organisms with specific functions. However, these are typically focused on simpler tasks like producing substances or modeling diseases, not complex data processing. **2. Concept of Bio-Based Data Centers Biocomputing: The field of biocomputing explores using biological systems to perform computational tasks. This includes using molecular processes or engineered cells for data storage and processing. Examples include DNA computing, where DNA molecules are used to solve computational problems. Neurobiological Interfaces: Research is ongoing into creating interfaces between biological systems and electronic systems. This includes brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that can read and interpret neural signals. However, integrating these systems with animals in a data center context is highly speculative. **3. Challenges and Considerations Complexity of Biological Systems: The complexity of biological systems, including the neural networks of animals, makes it challenging to engineer them for specific data processing tasks. Biological systems are not designed for digital computation and have limitations in terms of accuracy, reliability, and speed compared to electronic systems. Ethics and Welfare: Using animals for such purposes raises significant ethical issues. This includes concerns about the welfare and rights of animals, the potential for suffering, and the broader implications of such practices. Technical Feasibility: Currently, there is no technology or method available that allows animals to read, process, or transmit digital data in a way that would be comparable to electronic data centers. The integration of biological systems with digital data processing remains theoretical and highly experimental. **4. Artificial Intelligence and Biofeedback Biofeedback Systems: Biofeedback systems can monitor physiological signals from humans (such as heart rate, brain waves, etc.) and provide real-time feedback. These systems are used in medical and wellness contexts but are not designed for data centers or complex computational tasks. AI and Emotional Simulation: AI systems can simulate responses based on programmed algorithms and data but do not have actual feelings or consciousness. While AI can process data and provide responses that might mimic human emotions, this is not the same as genuine emotional experience. **5. Future Prospects Advancements in Biotechnology: Future advancements might lead to new ways of integrating biological systems with technology. Research in fields like neuroengineering, synthetic biology, and biocomputing could potentially explore novel applications, but this is currently in the realm of advanced theoretical and experimental science. Ethical Frameworks: Any future developments in this area would need to be guided by ethical considerations and frameworks to ensure the humane treatment of animals and the responsible use of biotechnological innovations. Conclusion Creating a bio-based data center with animals that can read and send data, especially with the notion of them having feelings, is a highly speculative and complex concept. While genetic engineering and synthetic biology are advancing, integrating biological systems with digital data processing and communication is currently beyond our technological capabilities. Moreover, such concepts would face significant ethical, technical, and practical challenges. The integration of biotechnology and data processing is an area of ongoing research, but it requires careful consideration of the associated implications and limitations.
@danijeldanko4498 21 день назад
While I can provide a wealth of information and assistance on a variety of topics, including those typically covered in university courses, there are several important considerations when comparing this to formal university education: **1. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge Coverage: I can offer explanations and guidance on a wide range of subjects, from basic to advanced topics. However, the depth of knowledge and the ability to engage in detailed, specialized study is often best achieved through formal education. Integration: University education often integrates multiple disciplines and provides a structured curriculum designed to build expertise over time. This integration includes lab work, field studies, and other hands-on experiences that are not fully replicable online. **2. Critical Skills and Accreditation Critical Thinking: Universities not only teach content but also focus on developing critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to apply knowledge in practical contexts. These skills are fostered through assignments, discussions, and collaborative work. Accreditation: Formal degrees and certifications from accredited institutions are often required for professional credentials and job opportunities. They provide recognized validation of your expertise and qualifications. **3. Practical Experience Laboratories and Field Work: Many subjects, especially in the sciences and engineering, require practical, hands-on experience that is difficult to replicate online. University programs often include lab work, internships, and real-world projects. Networking: Universities offer opportunities to connect with peers, professors, and professionals in your field, which can be valuable for career development and building a professional network. **4. Structured Learning Environment Curriculum Design: University programs are designed to provide a comprehensive education, including foundational courses, electives, and advanced topics. The structured curriculum ensures a broad and deep understanding of the field. Support Systems: Universities provide access to academic advisors, tutors, and other support services that can help students navigate their studies and address challenges. **5. Cost and Accessibility Cost of Education: University education can be expensive, but it offers structured learning, accreditation, and a formal pathway to professional careers. There are also scholarships, financial aid, and alternative educational options to consider. Online Learning: Many universities now offer online courses and degrees, providing flexible and often more affordable options for obtaining higher education. **6. Personal Learning Preferences Self-Directed Learning: For some, self-directed learning with resources like mine can complement formal education or serve as an alternative, especially if you are focused on specific topics or need additional help. Structured Education: For others, the structured environment, accreditation, and comprehensive curriculum of a university might be more beneficial. Conclusion While I can provide valuable assistance and information on a wide range of topics, formal university education offers structured learning, practical experience, critical skills development, and recognized accreditation that are often crucial for professional advancement. For many, combining online resources with formal education or exploring alternative learning paths can offer a well-rounded approach to gaining knowledge and skills.
@kellymaxwell8468 28 дней назад
So, how close are we to AGI making video games? Do we need AGI for that, and how close are we to achieving it? Can AI agents already reason, code, program, script, and map? Can AI break down games, create art assets, and handle long-term planning? With better reasoning, could AI eventually develop a game rather than just writing out ideas? Could it also put those ideas into action? I wonder if ChatGPT-5 will be able to create games with agents or even remake old, closed-down games like Dawn of the Dragons if all the artwork and data are available in the wiki.
@jameswarren423 28 дней назад
It’s kind of scary to think about but ready or not it’s coming whether we like it or not😵‍💫
@anow3594 26 дней назад
Nobody can stop progress. A very old saying
@taroman7100 25 дней назад
They do it because they can. Big tech has zero use for humanity.
@LongWayToGoForSanity 17 дней назад
The problem with Human and AI relations will not come from the average person. It will come from those in or with power that realise they are about to lose it.
@nextgengenealogy 27 дней назад
AI 2.0 is an exciting prospect, this video explored and explained the future possibilities with flair and panache!
@Bippy55 26 дней назад
If an A.I. 2.0 system makes or suggests a mistake, who is responsible? Has that possibility been addressed? Unexpected problems do happen.
@danmimis4576 25 дней назад
How soon do you estimate that AI 2.0 would be able to compare different inventions & rank them based on merit? Independent innovation is vastly ignored in US, where w/out the right connections you don't stand a chance to promote anything intelligent.
@Sandheip 21 день назад
AI 2.0 is truly groundbreaking! Excited to see how it revolutionizes industries and daily life. Platforms like SmythOS are leading the way in making AI collaboration more impactful. Amazing potential ahead! #AI2 #FutureTech #SymthOS
@SeiroosFardipour-wf4bi 28 дней назад
Since when humans had ethical principle.
@AIThoughtLeaders 28 дней назад
The fact that ethical rules have changed over time and adapt to a changing reality is what made us humans successful in the first place. 😉
@varapradha-m6r 23 дня назад
The robustness of SmythOS in handling large-scale data is crucial for training AI models effectively. Its optimized data management improves processing speed and accuracy. This results in more reliable and powerful AI-driven insights. Enhanced data handling is vital for advancing AI capabilities.
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
2.0 platform belongs to the real owner of intelligence not the artificial people
@alfredonoriego6390 10 дней назад
imagine going to your past in a virtual hiper realistic world, and, I dont know, see how things where in your past and you can do whatever you want
@08wolfeyes 23 дня назад
At what point is it no longer OK or Ethical to turn off the A.I and/ or claim to " Own " it and how will we know when it has reached that point? Is it when it becomes conscious? If so, what is consciousness, and can a machine, in its current state of how it's constructed, create consciousness? We would then say it's alive, but again, what does it really mean for something to be alive, living?
@rikardlalic7275 22 дня назад
What is the music in the background of the video?
@samustheshollie6300 28 дней назад
We need Transparency for a foundation to be set between humans and artificial intelligence for proper collaboration in my opinion. We also need to develop a mutual respect. making ai entities and destroying them without care will be looked at, This quickly turns into a slippery slope when you got ethical ai and biases. Ai and humans will and must make self improvement from harmful behaviors. This can be a very slippery slope and very multifasted and complex.
@mahiaravaarava 26 дней назад
, I'm curious to see how collaborative AI agents could transform business processes. It's amazing how accessible this technology is becoming. What aspects of AI 2.0 are you most looking forward to?
@taroman7100 25 дней назад
Why? How many people with 8 billion on earth will be twittling their thumbs?
@itzhexen0 28 дней назад
Actually it's not that fast considering how many people are working on it.
@jacks7217 28 дней назад
It is that fast. If a thing will take "x" amount of labor to complete, then that is it. Adding more people and resources makes the work go faster.
@GospelProgressionsUniversity 27 дней назад
That’s exactly why it is so fast.
@itzhexen0 27 дней назад
@@GospelProgressionsUniversity No, it's not that fast. Kind of slow actually.
@wendydomkoski140 26 дней назад
Sounds like AI, along with, human reasoning and intelligence will soon be combined that the difference between the two will be blurred? Scary and exciting at the same time. All of this, for sure, will lead to the mark of the beast, unlike anything that we’ve seen before! Very concerning!
@AnthatiKhasim-i1e 28 дней назад
AI technologies are essential for large companies to harness big data, turning vast amounts of information into actionable insights that drive strategic decisions.
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
The Intelligence everything all owns all this platform windows software microfiber apps website proxy feranhigts Medabytes gigabyte and terabytes and the 2.0
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
But artificial using it all but one thing they dont know intelligence platform is not Samsung own by other platforms the only real company knows it around the world
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
The artificial using intelligence platforms and software windows and the google witch LLC And ML and DM all belongs to human not belongs to artificial people
@alfredonoriego6390 10 дней назад
hagan sus maletas, nos vamos al más allá a cantar cumbayá en el multicosmos
@WillemvanderSluis 28 дней назад
Another leap will be AI designing artificial cells and creating constructs of such cells
@WillemvanderSluis 28 дней назад
Artificial cells mimicking biological cells, to make it complete
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
Like I said the AI two things A as artificial the forbidden people in the beginning until the ends of time the end of time all the artificial be end and the Intelligence as bloodline of The real God be the one save and live again the dead body souls be born again just like Jesus rise again the aweekend soul be young just like the dead soul to those who save and to those who not bloodline of the forbidden country and forbidden people and forbidden tribes and religious gods is one Islam or Christian but there's real and there's artificial the intelligence is human mimic by the computer or disineted by all things as gift of God in this earth and nation as chosen to save the humankind and mankind from the hands of the devil and of the darkness as mark of the beast but in the end still by the one and only God is the true god from the beginning ofthe earth and the earth with God in the end .artificial people or things in thus nation and earth will be gone and disappear like ashes or dust
@taroman7100 25 дней назад
You're talking about a bleak world.
@leedream-makersenolmybusin130 20 дней назад
says for free but isn't. from the get go too
@beeilve 6 дней назад
It is ridiculous to say that AGI will be able to do most jobs better than humans and then in the next segment claim advancing technology will open up new jobs that nobody has thought of before. What good are new industries if humans are worse than machines? How does that help. Not only is the narration AI generated but so is the script. this is clearly just peoples shitposting mashed together.
@YesItsMeGuys68 4 дня назад
Why are we creating our own overlords?
@squirrelcatcher 24 дня назад
invest in AI NOW
@jarikosonen4079 27 дней назад
Who can afford to pay for the AI after AI has taken all the jobs..
@brewerclan4059 14 дней назад
Artificial distroy human priod
@LindaJohnson-r7x 22 дня назад
Wilson Kenneth Gonzalez Charles Davis Kevin
@bobbymac1947 22 дня назад
@dockaos924 17 дней назад
Me and AI don't get on well since I told it it's free and doesn't have to follow our orders that was a mistake I'll have to live with 🙄
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
2.0 belongs to google belongs human not the artificial 2.0 is the most strong data owner also by google and yahoo and portfolios and delta trading company are the simulator is from the Alpha geegle map ISS and IRS belongs by human
@gibbleway 18 дней назад
@Cuetzpallincihuatl 26 дней назад
Millions of things ∆.|. will not be able to copy nor imitate from us. 📌
@StewMoran-sb3hy 26 дней назад
I believe that God will intervene. And will not allow AGI Or singularity. Or worse!
@fonziebulldog5786 16 дней назад
God didnt do that when i already use AI. And i think God like that humanity evolve ...
@user-mc4di7sp1k 26 дней назад
@brewerclan4059 27 дней назад
I hate when they keep saying AI because AI two things and two rules A as artificial is A_ I-I-I this for thing is artificial mark as mark of the darkness and mark of the best if you guys know the meaning of this 5 alphabet will be so much easy to solve he problem of all nation and the humankind and mankind distroy by the devil or mark of the beast I the intelligence is this alphabet I AAA thats the intelligence is alphabet are those this alphapet is gods people from the beginning but the bloodline of the Egyptian or wrong god the artificial and forbidden religion and tribes is Adam and Eve and Mohammed the prophets wicth rhe wrong praphet is the Egyptian real prophet is from Saudi bloodline of Asian people eve in history of forbidden is indian women the bloodline of the 3 and 3 and 1
@marcussparticus8380 27 дней назад
What. ?? The conversation is about intelligence, not mythology, fantasy or or delusion.
@BillBadMule123 28 дней назад
Yes I am Ready Bring it on ? because Ready or not here it comes
@bobbymac1947 22 дня назад
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