
Hereditary and Midsommar Are Fatally Flawed 

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@tanvicherry4259 Год назад
I think the point of the director wanting us to root for Dani and choose to kill Christian was so we'd really fall for the idea of the cult being good to prove the point of cults in general. We and Dani are so focused on how bad of a person Christian is that it blinds to how terrible the cult is, mimicking the way cults work in real life: they target emotionally vulnerable people because they're the easiest to convert.
@accidiaet Год назад
I mean he didnt deserve to be burned alive he wasnt a terrible person just not a good guy I hated this movie
@samsunggamer6661 Год назад
@@accidiaet That's the point. He didn't deserve to die, but the cult influenced her to act on emotion just like real cults. It amazes me that people think that this movie ends with a happy ending for women. Dani is obviously in the wrong, and the movie ends with a bad ending.
@franciemcfrances9979 Год назад
Damn that's good, well said
@pwabd2784 Год назад
@@samsunggamer6661 the way toxic men relate to characters like The Joker, toxic women miss the point of this movie and enjoy the ending.
@samsunggamer6661 Год назад
@pwabd2784 every side of the argument is correct if they look at the few outliers. There's always going to be people that think the movie ends happily but there are way more people that recognize that she is in an even worse situation than she realizes
@elmfao1824 2 года назад
I viewed Paimon as the physical manifestation of intergenerational trauma/abuse. Annie spends the whole film desperately trying to protect her family from Ellen (and Paimon). She watched how Ellen pushed her brother, Charles, to suic!de. When she was pregnant with Peter, she distanced herself from Elle, but felt guilty and allowed her back after the birth of Charlie. During this time, Ellen puts Paimon into Charlie, resulting in the distancing once again. After Ellen's death, Annie feels confused and unsettled, like people are watching her or plotting against her, but she is resistant to open up about it. Then, Charlie dies suddenly, and Annie is distraught. In her compounded grief (and release of Paimon), she blames Peter and distances herself from her husband, falling deeper into isolation and aggression. She and Peter have repeated nightmares, but instead of explosive moments like Annie, Peter descends into apathy. Steve is desperately trying to hold everything together. Annie tries to get them to believe there is a something happening, but Steve thinks Annie is making it all up. Steve dies after Annie attempts to sacrifice herself to end it, allowing Paimon the final push to take over her to atttack Peter. Upon Peter seeing Annie's gruesome end, he also attempts suic!de, but it was unsuccessful and Paimon takes over him too. Ellen being "secretive" and "manipulative", the consistent suic!des, Peter's affinity for substances, and the cult's beliefs that Paimon will bring them honor, wealth, and knowledge and "bind all men to their will" also fit into this idea. The inescapable nature is hinted at many times, but I feel it is most glaringly obvious when Peter is in English class and they discuss Oedipus Rex, debating whether it is more or less tragic that the characters did not even have a chance to change their fate. Many people that experience trauma, specifically parental abuse, describe it as if they never stood a chance of being a healthy person, as if they inherited a curse they fear they will pass to their own children. Since the movie is bookended with Annie's miniatures, I saw it as her experience of succumbing to and perpetuating the generational curse, regardless of how hard she tried to fight it.
@austinzaff Год назад
Yup, spot on. The number one rule of movies is every time there is a classroom scene, whatever is discussed will always be the central theme of the movie (only half joking). But really, one of the main horrors of the film is that the family never had a chance. The cult was pulling the strings the whole time. There is even a satanic symbol on the telephone pole, that kind of implies the cult always intended that to be where Charlie is killed.
@MoltandMigrate Год назад
Meep even says that Toni Collette's character loses her humanity as a result of her trauma. We see that literally happen with her son.
@MarshmallowEclipse Год назад
This is probably one of the best takes I've heard about Hereditary. Overall it was a subpar movie but the acting and cinematography were so good that it tricked people into thinking the story was amazing when it wasn't. Your description of what it represented was one of the best ways I've heard a rationalization of the ridiculous concepts in the movie.
@MilesUpshur0 Год назад
@@MarshmallowEclipse I'll have to disagree with you, everything they say is actually canon and the story itself was very great and creative
@nikolajignatiev6323 Год назад
What is that about my emergency food?
@thegamejunky7223 Год назад
I watched Hereditary by myself in my house in the dark. By the end I had my mouth agape and never seen a horror movie that made me feel that type of way. Idc if it’s flawed. It was an amazing experience.
@KorenJoy Год назад
Same. I've never seen horror movie that made me curl my toes, tremble, or want to scream out loud. Horrifying. And especially that sweet, sweet twist at the end. Like with midsommar, I almost felt relief at the end. Charlie was back, Peter was "safe", and the assailants had what they wanted. Except what they wanted was for the king of unspeakable suffering to be incarnate on Earth.
@donaldhysa4836 Год назад
Come on dude it wasn't that great lol
@thegamejunky7223 Год назад
@@donaldhysa4836 It just hit at the right time for me I guess
@donaldhysa4836 Год назад
@@thegamejunky7223 Read some Junji Ito mangas
@jannikala2300 Год назад
Same, it was the first time I had to stop a movie ( after Charlie's death) to think about what tf just happened, I was genuinely horrified, especially by the behavior of the brother and the mother discovering her body the next day... It felt soo creepy and real
@auntiefish4192 2 года назад
See I rather like the way Midsommar manipulates you into wanting that ending. How throughout the entire thing you are being made to sympathise with Dani, and being shown what an awful person Christian is, that when she makes the choice at the end you are cheering her on (or at least I was). And then you’re confronted with the reality of what that means like, “yeah, he’s a dick, but did he really deserve this nightmarish fate?”
@SantosAl Год назад
This is why I found the film so interesting, I was completely surprised that people wanted Christian dead. I'm not sure whether it was me being male, my age or my personal experiences with someone with a codependent personality, but I felt kinda bad for Christians situation; even though he handled it horribly. I remember I watched it through that lens afterwards and was completely horrified by how alluring the Cult suddenly became.
@kendallholland6842 Год назад
@@SantosAl It is interesting. Usually in movies I’m kinda tricked into rooting for the protagonist (shut up and dance black mirror episode ruined me lol) so I definitely fell into that my first viewing. At the end I almost felt hopeful for Dani… like that’s not good but I definitely find it interesting that I was manipulated into to thinking that. I really only focused on her throughout the first viewing and kinda emphasized with her but damn yeah once I thought about more critically and watched it multiple times I was like oh no yeah that sooo bad. The whole point was indoctrinate Dani and manipulate make her feel like she’s free from this relationship. Like making her think he cheated on her but really the cult basically SAed him. She’s the perfect target for a cult victim. But yeah I can’t stop feeling bad for Christian at the same time. It’s a really complicated situation like her family is dead that’d be “rude” to leave her 😅 but like they both don’t seem to actually like each other she’s just got no one else. Sorry long comment and lots of run on sentences I wrote this fast lmao
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 Год назад
It was easier for me to sympathize with Christian as someone who has had to break up with someone who was suicidal. If he was a real dick he woulda been done with her sooner. There doesn’t always have to be a badguy. No different than how i have to avoid people who have anxiety as my natural energy and stimulus seeking behavior can trigger their anxiety. Neither of us are bad people, we are just bad for eachother due to being on different extremes.
@pizzapizza6722 Год назад
I never really understood why people wanted Christian to die. The guys a pice of shit imo but in the ending it was clear he was raped but Dani didn’t see it that way which is why I don’t blame her. But we as an audience did so I never really understood why he was SOO hated
@OWlsfordshire Год назад
It really only works on mentally ill female viewers (which there are a lot of). Most normal people can acknowledge that the boyfriend is an asshole without believing he needs to meet that fate.
@loz9324 11 месяцев назад
anyone who says "i didnt like that the ending of hereditary was supernatural" didn't play close attention to the rest of the movie or only watched one time. The supernatural stuff is a BIG part of the WHOLE movie.
@GeneralFang252 7 месяцев назад
I saw all the supernatural elements and ended up calling the twist, but it was so fucking obvious I thought it would fake me out. That’s my bad, but I was still pretty disappointed when it got to the ending. It was like all the momentum and the curiosity crashed into a wall and now we’re watching a demon summoning. Cool. I’m glad other people like it because it was a beautiful catalyst for an evolution of the genre, but I was hoping for something more like the Babadook where the supernatural elements were more of a manifestation of all the tension and turmoil the family was experiencing and it just being real feels like it cheapens the real world experiences and feelings that I just spent the whole movie caring about because it was all being puppeteered by demon worshippers who are horrible at staying hidden. Side note: while I agree with his opinions on Hereditary, I disagree about Midsommar, that shit’s GOATed
@matthewwarner4119 7 месяцев назад
Is the twist that it was supernatural or that the family had 0 agency in the entire film? I look at hereditary as a modern version of a greek tragedy where the character is unable to do anything to their fate and taking steps to run away from it merely brings it into existence.
@Poppy-RoseTaylor 6 месяцев назад
@@GeneralFang252ye but it’s not really a twist, it’s just completing what was set up in the whole movie. i personally think hereditary is far batter than midsomar, the attention to detail in hereditary is just astounding, subtle uses of colour theory and background characters that signify the presence of a demon or cult members is amazing. so you aren’t smart because you saw the “plot twist” coming because it was set up in a way for you to figure it out as you watched it, it all just came to a front at the end. also, i don’t like him saying it’s just rosemary’s baby because so many movie use the demon/cult idea to make a horror movie and it’s unfair to say one is copying another.
@MROJPC 6 месяцев назад
Indeed. Pretty lazy criticism.
@thinkfirst1989 2 года назад
So here's the thing about Dani in Midsommar. We can infer from the conversation with her sister in the opening that Dani grew up being her sister's keeper- loving her sister deeply, expending so much effort to protect and be there for her, and learning how to live with the chaos of her sister's mental illness only for her sister to take everything from Dani, including herself. The fact that Dani's only close relationship seems to be Christian - her bf really suggests that she finds it difficult to relate and feel close with other people, this often happens when people grow up enmeshed in family dysfunction, their family is their whole world and the trauma they've experienced alienates them from others. THIS is why Dani is holding onto Christian so tightly- not because he's so wonderful, but because for whatever reason he is all she has, he is her only real human connection left. And deep down she MUST know this, but instead she looks past his clear uncomfortability in being there to appreciate and cling desperately to the fact that he is there at all. And as for Christian, I think one could say, while I certainly agree with you he's an asshole, that he was very much out of his depth when it came to helping Dani with her grief. Not every relationship works out, he was ready to leave but frightened to- he mentions it early on, what if leaving is the wrong choice? This is a man who isn't really sure what love is, but who knows he DOESN'T want to be an asshole and so he stays with a grieving partner, but can't escape being an asshole, because he isn't in love with her, and he's not very good at faking it. He's damned if he goes and damned if he stays and he's just kind of trapped in this moral conundrum with (apparently) noone around him of any real moral insight to help him figure out what to do. I actually find these characters very believable. We are never meant to root for them to stay together. We are actually meant to root for them to find a way to recognize it isn't working and to find the strength and emotional clarity to break up, so that they can find what they need where it actually exists instead of clinging to each other out of fear. That is the dramatic momentum of the film and that's why when Dani chooses to burn Christian, it feels like a triumph of sorts. Perhaps we learn so little about their relationship because both of them are bad at inhabiting their authentic selves with certainty and communicating from that place. They are co-dependent AF.
@thinkfirst1989 2 года назад
@Iris I'm not a psychologist but I do have family who are mentally ill and I've had significant elements of trauma in my own life because of those situations. So I do have personal experience I suppose you could say. But because of what my family has gone through I've done a lot of reading over the years about the psychology of development, trauma, attachment, motivation etc. I've seen Midsommar at least three times, and watched a number of commentary pieces on it because I found it to be such a compelling film and I'm always interested to hear other people's perspectives and engage in this kind of dialogue.
@lucy-vo2lr Год назад
@@thinkfirst1989 this was like reading my own comment thank you! i feel exactly the same. i have similar insight as i have mentally ill family members as well as a disabled older brother. lots of love
@m.i.n.9000 Год назад
I love this comment. I do have one thing to add Danny does talk to a friend over the phone (and I think she has other friends besides her too) and she does say.. that maybe she's too clingy.. she says she's always roping him into her family crap and her friend says that's what he's there for. that's not what he's there for dude... nobody signs up for family baggage when they go into a relationship, and when this baggage turns out to be huge you can't be blamed it it kills the romance in you. Everyone has their own limit, and some are shorter than others... Danny knows what she weighs on him... and that he's prolly tired of it all. Chris's passion has slowly died because he's burning out trying to be better than he actually is but at least he's trying. Maybe if he went on a vacation alone, and had some time to miss Danny or not miss Danny, he could have at least had some time to recharge and do the most healthy thing for them both...
@kitkat2702 Год назад
Yes, I agree with everything you said! To extend your point, both Dani and Christian are very believable, and that is in part why I have sympathy for them both--because they're both trapped in the relationship, Dani out of grief and a desire to not bear it alone, and Christian out of a desire to avoid making her pain worse (even though he fails to do to that out of a lack of genuine love for her). Both of them have plausible reasons for staying in the relationship, and what makes the horror of the movie so good is that the end of the relationship culminates in their mutual destruction, one of the mind and one of the body. It's a great horror movie because the ending reflected the pain the relationship brought them both the entire time; the relationship inevitably destroys them because they could not bring themselves to destroy it. The cult exploits this and reduces Dani to a mantle for their worship and Christian to a sacrificial animal; making them both victims of the cult as well as each other and their own desires.
@davinkubota Год назад
I think the missing layer is Dani’s lack of agency Agency is a big deal here I think there could be more nuance or a deleted scene where we really see how her sister was a vacuum If we see this scene then we comprehend some strange sense of why she would stay with Christian. I’m not sure how we can add nuance to Christian. To what extent does life in the West celebrate a toxic guy like him? The secret asshole friend isn’t really an asshole. He has empathy. He also has collective agency. Dani doesn’t have that. She might not even have individualized agency. Perhaps the missing chance was the suicide scene. The way Christian reacts seemed naturalistic, but doesn’t necessarily showcase a sense of how any rational person would not have just left right then. But that’s a horror film for you. No one needs to stay at the camp. No one needs to sleep over at the cobweb filled mansion.
@jonathanl9229 2 года назад
I actually loved the ending of Hereditary. I also loved the ending of the Witch- but I’m a huge fan of horror folkelore. I loved the ode to Rosemary’s Baby at the end.
@attitudeproblem6462 2 года назад
I love the ending of The Witch, too.❤
@paulgartner1753 Год назад
Same here I think Hereditary, the Witch and the new Suspiria were really similar as in: they start as just depressing Drama with some supernatural elements and then at the end it’s does a whole 180 and goes super supernatural in a way that doesn’t really fit into the movie and I think a lot of people get upset over it but I just really love the endings of all those three movies Also if you are into folk-horror then watch the original The Wicker Man. It’s pretty different and not sure if you will like it but I loved it (it’s not really disturbing but more of a weird exploration of a tradition)
@mintyfreshest Год назад
I think the reason Dani was clinging onto Christian so tightly despite him being mid was because she needed him while she's grieving. Even though he doesn't actually support her other than like sometimes hugging her or letting her lean against him, she's just so broken by her loss that it would be devastating to lose him too. (maybe before her family died, she was just afraid to be alone because she had no other close friends or something) - to me that actually makes it even more devastating, Dani is out here saying "I know that you don't do anything for me, I know you are completely incapable of helping me through this, but I'm so completely and utterly alone that I still need you."
@rosechapman2734 Год назад
I haven't seen hereditary, but I did want to share my thoughts of Midsommer. I never thought we were supposed to care about Dani and Christians relationship. Her fate was sealed in the first 15 minutes, and we are just watching it play out. Yes, the film is in Danis perspective, but we are seeing her the way the cult does, and also wants Dani to see herself... a blank, hurting, misunderstood woman in need of connection. The tragedy and emotional crux for me was never Danis romantic life, it was her familial one. She brutally looses her family, all she has left of that is a man she KNOWS doesn't care about her anymore. She doesn't care about that right now, she needs and wants connection. The cult signifies that deep heartfelt connection, even in a ritual suicide, It MEANS something there. All it meant back home was that she was going to be alone. Dani choosing to kill Christian is signifying her detachment from her old life, and the willingness to have family agian that she also KNOWS are unhinged, but are there for her. It makes the deaths of her own family look like they mean more then tragedy. We don't see much of Danis relationship with her own family, other then she may have been very protective of her sister, being her rock, and possibly having well meaning but emotionally absent parents.... which sounds like Christian. That is what Dani thinks love is, well meaning, but emotionally absent she knows this isnt the same. But she clings to it as its all she has now. Her other kind of love is being an emotional rock for others, this is what she was trying to get Christian to be, which he tried a little, but in the end neither got what they needed. The cult did provide however. In a sick and twisted way, they became her rock, they gave her families deaths meaning, they lifted and celebrated her when the world burned down around her, literally and figuratively. Danis fate was always sealed. Never because of romance, but becuase of family. We are watching her slip down a steep slope of grief and hoping she can catch herself before she falls and let's it take over. Then, instead of slowing down, she dives into it. Each step we can see certain cult members acting like sisters, brothers, mothers would to her. Reminding her boyfriend of her birthday, in thier room and breaking down without having to say a word, encouraging her to let loose and party a little. All the while we are seeing Danis hallucinations of her family play in the backgrounds, hidden from us, but are apparent in her psyche. Christian was a jerkish character, yes, but also very realistic. He doesn't want this relationship, but he also doesn't want to hurt Dani more then she has, even if it would make him look bad. He's just a guy, with jerky friends, stuck in that cycle many young men get in. He's a normal stereotype of men women deal with constantly in the dating scene. Not ready or willing to grow. The tragedy of Dani is her choosing more and more toxic relationships searching for connection rather then working on herself. The cult takes full advantage of that.
@captainhowlerwilson508 10 месяцев назад
I get what the film is trying to tell, but even with this explanation, it doesn’t make the film any less boring and pretentious for me. There are so many movies that deal with break up better than this one and this one just to me feels like it was just trying to shock me and nothing more.
@rosechapman2734 10 месяцев назад
@captainmarvelwilson508 I don't know if you actually read my comment. But I literally explained how it wasn't about her and Christians relationship. It's not about a breakup. It's about her family. She gets a replacement family, not a replacement boyfriend.
@captainhowlerwilson508 10 месяцев назад
@@rosechapman2734 Yeah. Okay. But regardless, I still can’t stand this movie because of the reasons I just mentioned. It was the most boring and pretentious movie I saw that year and was only made to make me feel uncomfortable. I just don’t see the point of making a 2.5 hours long movie about the dangers of joining a cult and watching her jerky friends just dismiss everything.
@rosechapman2734 10 месяцев назад
@captainmarvelwilson508 Your allowed to have your opinion, man. I wasn't trying to convince anyone to like the movie, I was explaining my pov on it. It's fine you don't like them, don't know why you wanted to comment on my post specifically?
@ariannebrodeur 3 месяца назад
Genuinely love to see your take but I do think the fact that Ari Aster explicitly states the point of the movie is Dani and Christian's relationship kinda proves that at any rate he failed in that department. It's awesome you were able to find so much meaning in the family part but it does show that the movies intended message was lost lmao
@JacksonAndrea97 2 года назад
Lots of comments are making great points. I'd like to add that Dani and Christian were a relationship that began in college. For imperfect people to find each other and date all through college even though their relationship isn't all that meaningful is totally realistic. And Dani's imperfection is not her trauma, it's how she channels her trauma: by ignoring problems. She's all alone, with her only way of ignoring that being someone who doesn't care about her, but they stay together because they are so attached. This is entirely believable to me. I've been through and witnessed relationships that are built on attachment, not love. For me, I don't need to believe that characters love each other for good and honest reasons to understand their attachment, especially characters who started dating when they were teenagers. I think the analysis in this video misses out on how common this type of codependency is.
@bethanywallace8575 7 месяцев назад
I watched Hereditary in theatres. At that car scene I remember hearing others gasp (including me) then complete SILENCE. You could have heard an ant's heartbeat. The theatre wasn't even loud before that scene or anything but it was like everyone just froze, and started holding their breath. Ive never experienced that in a movie theatre before. Was pretty cool
@dummy1221 Год назад
When me and my dad watched Hereditary for the first time, before the paimon stuff was revealed he thought that the movie was about annie. That she actually did kill peter and charlie ( and herself) with the paint thinner and that the she was in hell. I love this concept so much and feel like it could have been a better twist
@sana.4.a Год назад
it would have been so boring
@GeekZone210 7 месяцев назад
I agree, the supernatural stuff should've been ambigious as to whether or not it was actually there.
@oldensad5541 Год назад
First two minutes in, and i get so many conflicted messages... -I love and respect director! -This movies frustrated me! -You know, sometimes you watching bad movies, and deep inside there is a good movie? -This movies are not bad! They good, but they have potential to be great! -Now lets start and i will tell you why they focking terrible! Dude! WTF?! :D
@erikbritz8095 Год назад
Meep you missed one thing, Dani lost her entire family so she only had christian left THAT and her yearning for what once was is the only reason she wants him still but she slowly develops a new family at midsommar and slowly moves on that is why she sacrifices him evem though she actually does not want to.
@kristennelson3190 2 года назад
Well, I don't know if I agree with you. I LIKED that the movie picked up at the end of their relationship. They are at a point where, yes, I'm sure they were in love with each other, but NOW... they're beyond that. There is no spark left. There is really no hint of why you fell in love to begin with left. They can't even realistically fake it at this point, let alone drudge up enough genuine feeling for each other. I've BEEN in a relationship like that. Where you Know there is no future together, you don't even Want a future together, but you are just too comfortable (or lazy, however you want to look at it) to want to go through any big life changes. It's just easier to try not to upset the apple cart. I thought it was smart, and Much more realistic to show their relationship where they are now, as opposed to stuffing in a bunch of hammy scenes of their past love. I certainly wouldn't have wanted flashbacks, for God's sake. Anyway, that's just what I took from the movie.
@jessc5112 Год назад
as someone w c-ptsd midsommar felt so true to the experience of trauma and i felt so deeply for dani's character
@fuel Год назад
Nah, bro. You're missing the point of the ending of Hereditary. It doesn't undercut the events of the film, it reveals what was really underlying the whole time that you couldn't quite put your finger on. It's a magic trick. You saw the signs the whole time, but you didn't really know you saw it. It should become more impressive with every watch. If it gets worse, then you do not adore the movie. You actually didn't get it at all.
@okawesome2746 3 года назад
Really great video! I somewhat disagree with your analysis, especially in regards to the father in Hereditary. I think that he's definitely out of focus compared to the other characters, but he serves as a necessary neutral voice of reason, with little moments (going on medication due to the stress, his small, quiet breakdown while picking up his son) bringing a great deal of pathos to an otherwise utilitarian role. But even then, great work! Keep it going.
@meeptop 3 года назад
I'll admit, "the dad is just kinda there" was just a bit of a tongue in cheek, throw away line. Like you said, his character is the perfect neutral in the story and really works to keep the film grounded. You can really empathize with the guy, even for how minor his role feels. I think that really speaks to how wonderful and nuanced the character writing is in Hereditary. Thanks for watching and commenting, I appreciate you!
@okawesome2746 3 года назад
Lol my bad taking a throwaway joke seriously. But good stuff! Will keep watching.
@meeptop 3 года назад
@@okawesome2746 Don't sweat it, your comment actually made me think more about how much I appreciate his character!
@spookydoggo_ Год назад
I think this video's analysis of Hereditary is fundamentally flawed, in that it takes the events of the ending at face value. Throughout Hereditary, the narrative element of the family's mental illness is breadcrumb-dropped multiple times. It's even in the name, Hereditary: you could argue the demon is being inherited, but that doesn't really make sense with the plot, as the grandmother was more grooming the grandchildren for possession. The title and the ending make much more sense if you see Hereditary as a story of undiagnosed generational mental illness. Toni Colette's character directly references her mother's schizophrenia, and throughout the movie begins to see things and fall into paranoia and delusion. The same can be said about her son. It is notable that the only character who is completely without paranormal encounter is the father, not a blood relative to the grandmother - apart from his fiery death, which the audience likely sees through Toni Colette's perspective and on rewatch has multiple suspicious elements surrounding it. Through the lens of mental illness, the ending becomes not a generic rehashing of Rosemary's Baby with the attribution of the film's events put onto an unseen external demon, but rather the succumbing of a family to their own delusions, the family having literally torn themselves apart.
@SovereignSoul1717 Год назад
Hereditary to me was always “great actors, great characters, great direction, great dialogue, but absolutely no plot.”
@brothersupreme8844 2 года назад
You missed the point. He hit it on the head. Sometimes when your in a relationship you know it’s not going to work and still stay. Sooo… You saying that the audience knows it’s not goin to work from the beginning… kind of the point.
@rainestorm6029 7 месяцев назад
What is it with people saying stuff as a criticism and it's like a major point to the film's themes, like yeah, the relationship was toxic, no person would stay in that EXCEPT for people who are traumatized, so it resonated with people like us who got stuck in those relationships with an abusive partner but feared losing the one person that maybe could love you at times.
@JohnSmith-do4oe 3 года назад
Nice points, but I think you miss out on something that will make you look at Midsommar's ending completely differently. For me, the reason why Dani struggles so hard at the end to choose between two people to die is never because she cares for Christian. No, she absolutely has no will to save Christian by the end of it and just wants to flee the cult with or without him. So why does she struggle? Like I said, she wants to flee the cult! At that point, to her, there's still a teeny weeny bit of chance to escape, by geting Christian back! Unsound plan? Of course! Dani realizes that too. At the end, it is more than obvious to her that the cult wants her to choose Christian (to save their own blood) and wants her to join the "family" (to bring in new blood). They even explain the whole thing in English for Dani to understand and even say that they will "wait patiently for the fair queen". They planned her struggle too! So at that point she has two options, first, save Christian and gain a slightly more chance on escaping through the number and get a massive chance of getting both killed instantly by the cult. Second, join the cult. Which one sounds more plausible? This also explains her smile at the end. At first she's grieving at the inevitable, i.e. joining a f**king cult! But later she finds the only way to cope with things now is to accept. This is an extreme case of Stockholm Syndrome where the captor is a cult and where the captive doesn't have any choice at all!
@meeptop 3 года назад
I definitely appreciate this insight and point of view! I just feel like the ending's impact, and the resonance of the story in general, entirely depends on how you interpret the central idea of the film. If you feel the film is supposed to portray how emotionally vulnerable people can be enticed and ultimately consumed by cults, then the ending is largely impactful. But to me personally, and supposedly according to Ari Aster from the interviews I've watched, the theme of the film is central to Dani and Christian's relationship. On that level, the ending still doesn't impact me regardless of what Dani or the cult's ultimate intentions were because I do not have any emotional investment in that relationship. But, as always, all art including films are up to interpretation. There's no one right way to view a film, even if the filmmaker explicitly tells you what they were trying to achieve. At the end of the day, I think your interpretation lends itself to feel more emotional than mine does!
@sedi2066 3 года назад
I never thought of it in that way at all... now the smile at the end makes a little more logical and practical sense
@kristalcampbell3650 2 года назад
I agree with you. I don't think the central these is "let go of toxic relationships" it's that life circumstances or dispositions can leave us vulnerable to toxic relationships. She traded one form of emotional abuse for an extreme other form. Every single thing the Harga do is to further facilitate their estrangement the same way granny does in hereditary. Does Christian suck? Yes. He also was drugged and raped and they set it up so that it looked like cheating to her. If he were more sympathetic we would see the Harga for who they are and so would Danny. There'd by no conflict in the viewer everyone would agree "choose the harga guy".
@mischr13 2 года назад
I think she's fully "in" with them once she sees Christian with a child. There's no more thoughts of escape after that moment. It was set up that way by the cult on purpose, there's no forgiveness after that. She smiles because she thinks she's free but in reality she exchanged one toxic relationship for another
@mischr13 2 года назад
P.S. everyone forgets she's a child for some reason? the movies goes out of its way to tell you her age. then everyone defends christian by saying he was drugged, but he literally says "I don't want to have a bad trip" when he's handed the drink, then he looks over at the girl (CHILD) that he KNOWS is set to have sex with him, then decides to get high...in the HOPES of hooking up because he knows the drug is supposed to "lower his inhibitions". I don't know WHY this gets glossed over. he was still taken advantage of by the cult while intoxicated and that's never ok, but his intentions leading up were unforgiveable
@allisonfields3108 3 года назад
Fucking insane that you are under 100 subs. You're gonna blow up soon, and I can't wait to watch it happen. These are well made and very entertaining videos under your belt. Keep it up!
@meeptop 3 года назад
I'm really stoked you're enjoying what I'm making and I immensely appreciate the kind words. I don't know if I'll ever really "blow up," but I'm more than happy with the way things are growing. I'll keep it up and hopefully you keep enjoying the videos!
@yankeedankee Год назад
Man no. H is about questioning reality and M is about rationalization and indoctrination. These movies don’t need Tarantino dialogue because the subject matter is more important. The point was to show the steps between normalcy and depravity. In H you wonder if the thing on screen is actually happening or a delusion caused by grief and guilt. It concludes brilliantly by showing us that unavoidable doom is unavoidable. The story changes according to the ending. M is about vulnerability and how much of a disadvantage it is in the face of evil. Like the audience, she is slowly fed discomforts, each one worse than the last until she embraces her new status quo. These movies would have been terrible with strong characters or different endings. Just because they don’t check a few boxes of conventional filmmaking doesn’t mean they aren’t masterpieces. I would argue that it’s what makes them masterpieces.
@Burnhearts48 Год назад
Thank you SO much for this video because I've had a "problem" with Midsommar ever since I first watched it and I finally realized what that "problem" is. I absolutely love this film for many reasons, however I also felt that something was off with the writing and I never really understood what, but watching your video it made me realize something about Midsommar (and Hereditary too). The endings of these films feel like fairytales or storybook endings, the results of a domino effect that started at the beginning of the movie (Grandma's death/Dani's family death), a result etched in stone, unavoidable. They feel like they're teaching some kind of morals but for adults, like "don't sacrifice the happiness and well-being off your descendants or others for your own gains" and "let people help you when you're stuck in a hurtful mental situation", but they're done in the most brutal, violent and hyperbolic ways possible. When Dani must learn to put her own need before others, the movie literally kills her toxic partner. When the Graham family must pay the debt of their elder, it's to a demonic god who will possess the mother, choose one kid as an avatar and kill the other and also kill the father because he's useless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The problem is that the presentation is very "realistic" and doesn't really "rhyme" or "vibe" with the hyperbolic fate of the characters. It's especially jarring because of the actors' raw performances. The emotional rawness, clashes with what I can only describe as a new modern horror campiness, that either ; - wants a dissonance between what it tells and how it tells it, - or is too afraid to embrace the ridiculous and absurdity of fantastic horror, like "my family owes a soul to Satan :)" I remember Collette's and Pugh's gut wrenching performances, the emotional agony of their characters, portrayed with painful accuracy and when their movies ended I was like "Oh... it's... over...?", there was no climax (not a bad thing) and I felt a bit empty afterwards, even Dani's final smile made me go "Good for her !", then "Good for her ?", and finally "Oh fuck, she's damaged beyond repair", next time I watch the movie I'll probably say to myself something like "Is this what transcendence looks like ?". Dani's ending is initially climactic but when I watched it again, or thought about it, I only had questions concerning the nature of that smile (not a bad thing either but it's debatable if it was intended as questionable). Like for the Graham's, Dani's story arc is out of her hands. The grandmother kinda bequeathed Paymon to her descendants, so Annie, Peter and Charlie were all essentially f*cked ever since birth, and Dani was locked in a undesirable situation by her own neurosis, trauma, emotional turmoil and toxic/uncaring close circle. On paper, the starting point is a perfect recipe for a arduous series of interpersonal back-and-forth and powerful dynamic with a dash of supernatural dangers to spice it all up and to force confrontations (and Hereditary give breadcrumbs of this) but overall story is deadly focused taking these characters' agency away and beating the shit out them, that's frustrating and the worst part is I feel like I can't even criticize the movie for it because \That's the joke/ This tonal dissonance reminds me of probably one of my favorite horror movie The Babadook, where the conflict is started by a literal storybook and the antagonistic force is the character of that storybook. The movie feels itself like a storybook but even though the presentation is serious, realistic and somber, I feel like The Babadook succeeds in navigating the gap between the absurdity of the horrific events and the family drama, making it a fairytale for adults. I think it's thanks to it's cinematography, hopeful ending, the agency of the characters, and the fact that it's aware of its own absurdity (case and point the title of the movie itself). Absurdity is good, it's all around us, and the most impactful pieces of media (for me) are the ones that embrace their own absurdity (prime example being Everything Everywhere All At Once), absurdity as a style has a lot of potential and I'd love to see more creators explore it, especially in horror. I think what I really take out of this video is ; - is having "flat" characters essentially bad ? ; - how can you navigate a tonal dissonance ? ; - how to use absurd events or entities inherent in supernatural horror ? ; - and more importantly, what the f*ck do I emotionally do with Dani's final smile ? Sorry for the tangents and disconnected points, I think that's something I will explore on my own and my brain still hasn't fully process this new perspective but I felt the need to share this because this video opened a door in my brain to a lot of things haha. PS : Christian IS hot and I won't let anyone say otherwise. He is trash, like proper trash, spineless, dickish, abusive on a frustrating and heartbreaking banal way... but he is also hot...........ᶦ'ᵐ ᵈᵃᵐᵃᵍᵉᵈ
@adamdecoder1 Месяц назад
To this day no one has been able to make satanic cults genuinely scary to me. They always come off as comedically evil. As soon as this elderly white woman explained what they were doing it just became funny, which I don't think Ari was going for. Even after understanding that everything that happens is real within the context of the movie, the rational part of my brain still goes "lmfao y'all actually believe this shit?" as soon as they start "hailing Paimon". Hereditary was the most unnerving upsetting horror film I'd ever seen up until that last scene.
@07Dsach 7 месяцев назад
Hereditary's ending was amazing in my opinion. It paid off what we were being sold the entire film. The flip side to this would have been the grandma and her cult worshiping a demon that doesn't actually exist and ultimately would have had no bearing on the outcome of the film. Ultimately that would have just made a massive amount of the film arbitrary and would have made the supernatural occurrences make absolutely no sense. Why would the husband have caught fire? Why would the seance have worked? Why would the lightpole, marked by the cult, have been the exact spot of Charlie's decapitation? A decapitation that, according to the cult, was necessary as the grandmother had given Charlie's physical body over to Paimon as a baby. Charlie needed to die in order for Paimon to be released to a new physical body. All of this would have just been coincidental and arbitrary devil worship if Paimon didn't exist within the world of the film. And if Paimon exists within the world of the film, then he acts as the major driving force behind all the horrendous stuff that happens to this family. I forget exactly what Greek Tragedy they were talking about in Peter's class, but essentially that's what this movie was going for. Paimon and the cult used this family purely as a way to possess a male body, which from the beginning of the film is made incredibly clear as the grandmother's goal (trying to breastfeed Peter, etc.). Having the film's main antagonist never appear would be an insane choice and would have left myself, and I'm sure many others, with a sense of in-completion.
@GeekZone210 7 месяцев назад
For all we know, the grandma and cult could've just been insane. The ambiguity to whether or not all the events that take place were from a demon is the scary part about it and the best aspect of the film. "Rosemary's Baby" is a movie that does Heriditary's twist ending more effectively. If I wanted to watch a horror movie with that kind of storyline, I would watch that movie. It may seem coincidental and arbitrary, but at least it makes the movie more unqiue than: family is tramatized because of entended family's cult that worships a demon.
@07Dsach 7 месяцев назад
@@GeekZone210 it makes it insanely tragic and bleak that the grandma would knowingly destroy her daughter’s family in order to appease a demon. Not only would a family not expect their matriarch to betray them like that, but to then also be completely and utterly powerless to change their outcome. It was horrifically sad and tragic. Without Paimon existing it would’ve been a series of coincidences that happened to work in the Cult’s favor which is not at all satisfying.
@HeatherHolt Год назад
I didn’t care for Midsommar but… with Hereditary, at what point would you have wanted the movie to end? Before the mom is possessed? before we see the cult members in the background? or just remove all the cult references and the ending from even before she was possessed? I loved it I thought it was great stuff even if the cult stuff could seem like easy cop out, I think it fits for the type of story it’s telling. Midsommar… so much potential, and the ending was ok bc she’s the victim and the perpetrator but it was a little too whiny and man hating for me bc her boyfriend got drugged and raped, and is shown to be the bad guy? He was literally drugged and raped and we saw it, it’s not even ambiguous.
@JeNn0mic0n 4 месяца назад
3:18 Annie didn’t watch Charlie die. She found her headless body in the car the next day. Peter was the only one who witnessed Charlie’s death.
@robderiche Год назад
Bad relationship, and Christian's 2nd-biggest mistake is being too weak-willed to break up when he's clearly not committed. But his biggest mistake is letting Dani invite herself along on the trip. That gets him killed. I dunno, that punishment seems disproportionate. Tedious movie with wildly gyrating moral compass, but at least Ari Aster got to work through his emotions in a purgative ceremony, similar to Burning Man origin story with even some of that same flaming pagan energy.
@crazzinati Год назад
I think that there are a few things that I don't think anyone has been covering about Midsommar. Christian's character is indeed a a**hole. But as individuals watching the movie we can only see that from an outside perspective looking in. We're not seeing just how much he's stuck around and dealt with all of Dani's hardships. And how long it may have took for him to become desensitized and just completely burnt out from the relationship that can never seem to get good no matter what. None of these are Dani's fault of course, and that's why, even though he is so tired of being in the relationship, and just wishes it would go away, he stays because he doesn't want to feel guilty for leaving someone behind that's going through so much. If you ever really had to go through something like that before you could understand just how difficult that situation can be. It's not just so easy to just break up and leave in those circumstances. (Unless you are a cold-hearted bastard haha). We really feel for Dani and sympathize with her of course but maybe we also sympathise with her a little bit different than Christian can because well, we're not actually there dealing with it day-in and day-out for months and even years like Christian has. Her struggle is new to us. And though I don't condone him being so cold, we have no right judging him through a situation we are freshly walking into while he has been at her beck and call for so long. Dani even makes a point to mention that in the beginning of the film and that she was worried that Christian would finally get tired and leave. He never just man's up and leaves because he would feel too guilty to do so because of her situation. So instead he grows cold, to draw her away and maybe in the back of his mind hoping that she would just get upset, tired and begin to hate him and leave him instead. It's definitely a toxic relationship but in this situation, I'm sure many people would accidentally do many of the same actions. I just like everyone else who watches the film (at least I'm assuming) feels more on Dani side and is rooting for Dani throughout the film. But we are actually left with no choice being on the outside looking in. Their relationship and struggles are new to us just like the experience they have going to this odd strange swedish cult. It looks one way on the outside with unseen depths and hidden truths within. Shocking them with realization as they journey through.
@hris164 Год назад
I agree with everything you said, that's exactly how i saw it.
@JelliesOffline Год назад
I always saw Midsommar as a relationship that wasn't dying, but dead. The only thing that kept it together was the death of Dani's family. We are watching as an outside party, looking at a relationship that, from what we can see, needs to end, because its helping neither party. Thats why we feel relieved when she finally makes the decision to kill Christian herself. She found it in her to admit to herself it was dead long ago and doing her no good.
@poisonapleproduction 10 месяцев назад
That ending in hereditary felt like a cop out honestly.
@sAINTDeVille 2 месяца назад
14:29 the lady in white is CLEARLY more interested in whats on her phone then anything coming out of Ari Aster's mouth 🤦🏾‍♀️
@MegaXavi999 Год назад
I couldn't agree more regarding Midsommar's critique. I think it's a very original, memorable, visually striking movie and Florence acting was great. But I can't really recommend it because of how one dimensional the characters are. They were not only uninteresting but also really shallow and their actions weren't believable so I was never really involved in the movie because I was constantly reminded that it was fiction, the characters simply didn't feel real. Plus, it was quite long so I got a bit bored. I always fully recommend Hereditary, which was really good, and say that the director has another horror movie which is fine and even worth the watch even if I don't consider it actually good.
@crazedspam999 Год назад
I think the reason that the characters in Midsommar felt so one dimensional lies within the explanation that Ari Aster gives as the sole theme of the movie. He reflected himself onto Dani through a breakup experience he had and it is hard to view a breakup in a neutral perspective if you were part of that breakup. So, by projecting his experiences through his characters, they come off as one dimensional and flat.
@stefanoraffo5096 11 месяцев назад
Does this serve the story tho
@stefanoraffo5096 11 месяцев назад
Does this serve the story tho
@skipbayless12345 11 месяцев назад
imagine coming after a genius and being so oblivious to his craft. ur meeptop on youtube a position that with no qualifications.
@inferiorinferno8859 10 месяцев назад
Anyways, regarding Midsommar I get what Aster wants, make us hate the victims and be blinded by the cult to make a point about their manipulation. But as a writing student I'm literally taught that you can tell a good story without a complex, deep message, but you cannot turn a message into a good story without characters as props. Even if Dani is dear to you, all the other props are as weak as a thin Made In China plastic headband. Junji Ito's short stories generally has a better developped cast then this 2 hours+ movie.
@AndiCat14 Год назад
The characters in Hereditary were "grounded" but the Dad "was just kinda there"? He was the character trying to hold the family together. Watch it again and try to get a feel for ALL the characters, not just the principles.
I think you make a great point of Dani being the “idealized version of a grieving person.” 19:40 like you said she’s not doing anything “selfish” or “hurtful” without justification. To me that seems like a big cat-cradle dynamic of her similarities with the cult’s culture. She extends herself into the cult in such a similar way to her relationship with her boyfriend. We see off the bat Dani feels she’s in a desperate need to be a people pleaser, that her feelings r being disrespected and swept under the rug right before her sister and parents die. Dani makes no justification for those emotional pitfalls that are expected after loosing her family in a traumatic way. 1. She gives into peer pressure & takes the shrooms thanks to the friend group. 2She is so used to this pattern of consistently being let down/ shut out. Having a barrier of this intimacy with her relationship, which was expressed earlier in the film by Dani’s friend on the phone as she reads her sisters email. I Believe the point of Ari not providing more insight to the twos relationship was to seriously highlight this. , that is progressively turned around as the characters sink further into the Cults Grasp, not in the typical theater way we expect though. The community idolizes Dani, cries with her even after she witnesses the mating ritual. Palae takes a major interest in her, and is togging/ hinting her fate as the storyline persists. Her emotions are progressively validated as the flim goes on, No through her already existing circle of support and love but the foreign, mysterious, utopian external. It’s a pretty accurate depiction of how people get so caught up and devote their lives to cultism. towards the end she is put in a position of power as May queen we finally get that blissful moment of her experiencing emotional fulfillment & validation in the mist of her setting her ex boyfriend on fire. I think in a lot of ways that build up is what’s so enticing & adds to her dimension as a character. She’s placed in a position of power & respect. One that she was Greatly lacking before. Her rage, anger, emotions feel safe enough for her to justify her heavy cut throat decisions. It’s a wonderful development to watch.
I think Aris style of making them “plastic” and “diluted” characters was for the soul purpose of emphasizing the “wonder” & sense of peace / tranquility/ purpose the Cult ultimately brings Danny. The scenery, the color palette, the flowers. It’s meant to portray the cult being a safe heaven & ultimately glorified destination for her. Perhaps we’re supposed to view their lives together as “dull” with both being too afraid to leave each-other on opposite personality - gender spectrums. No sparks between them , no high / happy moments because their relationship was never grounded in such. They were just as foreign to each-other as the Cult was to them in the beginning.
@MichaelCorryFilms Год назад
Got to disagree on Hereditary. There is no Scooby-doo ending. From the very first scenes five minutes in there are hints as to what is going on the whole time. The glyph on the necklace, markings on the floor, visual clues, even the soundtrack all telegraph rather largely what is going on. The music for example uses brass instruments, the demon Paimon's appearance is supposed to be proceeded by the blaring of horns. I happened to be studying demonology at the time (I not a weirdo or a believer, it was just a curiosity) and the movie had me giggling at how clever the hints were every 5 minutes. It was advertising pretty hard in every way. It sort of ruined the "surprise" but I still enjoyed it. When viewed with a little bit of knowledge on the subject you appreciate it in a different way. Rather than an seeming change of direction, the movie is a methodical, inevitable manipulation of circumstances by a subtle power from beyond at the edge of perception. The poor family is clueless while you as an informed viewer sort of revel at how everything aligns perfectly for the demon summoning at the end. The director doesn't get every detail right but a lot of inspiration is taken straight out of "The lesser key of Solomon" or anything by Johann Weyer.
@angiemd8920 Год назад
I feel like we watch totally different movies bc I get exactly what Ari Aster wanted to portray.
The True Horror of Midsommar is that it's about Dani, a girl so vulnerable and alone, that she gets hooked into a Fascist Cult Community that she's now trapped in by the end of the movie.
@Bingb0ngbing 11 месяцев назад
Oh man, this is an L take. There's a great 4 hour long video on the lore of this movie. It's so much more than you're giving it credit 😅
@vincent4112 7 месяцев назад
"And the dad is just- There." considering that i completely forgot the dad was a character, i'd say /barely/ there
@Eyepocampix 10 месяцев назад
How in the world did you show that scene of the girl's head being ripped off three times without getting demonetized? Holy moly
@ilikefatchicks123 Год назад
I think something that's missed in the video is that Dani is a conflict averse personality type by virtue of the trauma she has faced. She is so fearful of being hurt again that she allows Christian to walk all over her because in exchange she receives some level of emotional protection. This is a common personality type in real life that's shown in people who experienced severe trauma. I think the ending is wonderful because she allows herself to inflict pain on the person that inflicted so much additional trauma to her that she starts to realise she is powerful again and can now move on with her life and shed the baggage of the past.
@artmho1987 7 месяцев назад
I think you’re 100% spot on. His films are flawed despite him being a master filmmaker.
@EzequielFerrari22 Год назад
My biggest issue with Hereditary, even tho I liked it, was that... you know, a little girl was beheaded, and the family continued their lives just like that... like... Shouldn't there be investigators or attorneys trying to find out what happened with that girl? Why didn't they go for the head of the girl? Why didn't Peter go to therapy having a father who was a specialist in mental health? ... Like, why don't they call the police about the events surrounding the family? How did this cult manage to achieve their goal of having this girl killed in a car accident that wasn't even intentional? Like... DUDE! When it comes to Midsommar... It was too long, and I feel a lot of scenes were actually fillers... like, for no reasons. When Mark, Simon and Connie's dead bodies were shown, I didn't recognize them, so I didnt' know what was going on... PLUS, you can see one of the camera tracks while they're taking Mark and Connie's bodies to that yellow piramid to be burnt. XOXO PLUS, it was highly predictable and boring. XOXO
@Barakon Год назад
@FAYZER0 7 месяцев назад
Late to the party here but I felt the same way. I was thinking that maybe all the supernatural stuff wasn't real and it was just the mental breakdown of guilt and trauma and then it was an actual cult and I enjoyed the ride, but I was just kinda "oh, cult, okay."
@mrtriffid Год назад
What's strange about this revue is that it dwells almost EXCLUSIVELY with the character development and personal relationships in both movies, and virtually ignores the 'horror' aspects. It FAULTS 'Midsomer' for this lack. It praises 'Hereditary' for this characteristic, but pillories its cliched denouement. In my book, this means that neither is worth watching. It's precisely the gratuitous horror aspects shared by both which draws the paying audiences. The secret to Aster's success: the ratio between small production/development costs and large ticket revenues.
@sadie2490 Год назад
i was with you until you called dani one dimentional. i think a lot of women who watched this film can understand dani in a way that makes her feel like she IS us. dani is the product of christian's emotional abuse. ive never had a movie put me into a character's perspective more. you see and feel these awful, awful things happen to her, and you and her are forced to *not* feel it. everything is brushed over and you and dani aren't given a chance to process these soul crushing events. everyone around her is conditioning her to accept awful things, and they just keep getting worse, and she just keeps having to act like its normal. what wins dani over, finally, and what makes us think for a moment, while watching it, that we would stay with the cult and kill christian, is when they let dani feel. they let her scream and cry, and they scream and cry with her, and dani's and our emotions are collectively acknowledged for the first time in the film. we're given time to process and grieve with dani, and all the other women like her, living in this cult. the people around dani are one dimensional in a way. we see them how they show themselves to dani. we don't get to, or need to see more. we get a limited view of them, so we can accept them being killed. our limited knowledge of these other characters mirrors the way a cult will justify their actions by turning you against people you know. they all sucked, but none objectively deserved the deaths they got. none of us were particularily heartbroken when they died in horrifying ways, because dani wasn't attached to them, or she had complex feelings about them. the people dani loved, her family, were the only deaths that were truly haunting and worthy of grief to the viewer. we never even saw them alive on screen, and we were only told bad things about her sister. yet, because dani is us, those deaths were the only ones which felt that heartbreaking.
@sadboijokes Год назад
So I personally didn’t mind the whole Paimon portion of the movie. I actually quite enjoyed it. To me, Paimon (while yes, a demonic force) also was representative of Annie’s (Toni Collette) generational trauma passed to her by her mother. She literally inherited the curse of both a demonic pact, as well as possibly mental diseases. And I also find it interesting that Toni Collette is the only character in the movie that commits suicide. Almost as if it’s a warning of what happens when trauma and disease can lead to if untreated, avoided and isolated. The whole part at the end then can almost be seen as Peter (Nat Wolff i think?) now having to live in a world where, yes he’s cared for by the people around him, but he himself is an empty shell after the several traumatic events that have taken place throughout the past few months. That’s a really short amount of time to lose your entire family one by one. I think there’s also something interesting about the fact that the only thing we hear from Peter at the end is the infamous clicking noise his sister (Milly Shapiro) used to make. I can’t quite verbalize what I think it means, but I think there’s something super significant about that, aside from the “oh my sister is part of this twisted parody of the trinity.” I think we would really lose something if the demonic cult throughout this film was lost. Deep levels of grief can lead to an absolutely horrifying life, especially when survivor’s guilt comes into the picture.
@faggysock2395 Год назад
as for the end where peter (paimon) makes the clicking noise. Someone made a connection to the Hebrew language with this word פעמון (pa'amon) meaning bell which could be described as a tinkling noise similar to the clicking. The other theory is that Paimon sees himself as a bird making a clucking/clicking noise as many birds do. Charlie draws a pigeon with a crown similar to the crown Paimon wears at the end of the film. Charlie uses a decapitated bird's head for a doll and there are framed paintings of birds in her room.
@chefyanayano Год назад
Hereditary is dark af. Midsommar is much more optimistic, if you will.
@rosvlinds Год назад
Hereditary for me has a very solid first half and meh second part. Midsommar is less powerful than that first half but overall more cohesive and works better for me.
@JeNn0mic0n 4 месяца назад
I felt Hereditary’s ending undermined the rest of the movie for me 🤷‍♀️
@HappyTeeth. Год назад
hereditary. Nothing like those wild parties teens have with the drinking, the making out, the puking and let's not forget the cookies? That's when I dipped out. I watched the whole thing but, C'mon man, cookies? "Are those weed cookies?" "No, they are an old recipe called Plot convenience cookies."
@ShaneMichealCupp Год назад
What got me about the movies is that people seem to overlook the fact that Hereditary is essentially a reskin of Rosemarys Baby and Midsommer is a ripoff of The Wicker Man
@Max-jz6gj Год назад
Funny how someone who dont know shit bout moviemaking, wants to rewrite masterpieces. Its ok to not to love a movie. But imagine walking into the Louvre and saying mona lisa is missing something cause YOU dont like it
@mayhit Год назад
I find this video really interesting, I think you make some good points here, and I respect the validity of your opinions. But personally I don't view Dani as one-note or "too perfect" at all. IMO her flaws are heavily rooted in the very core of the film. She's insecure, she lacks the confidence to act decisively on her own, and she can be overly emotionally dependent on others. The fact that she's so selfless and empathetic is just the flipside of her flaws, and if anything, I would say that in Midsommar we're seeing the "flaw" side of her selflessness more than the "virtue" side. We literally begin the movie with a scene in which who she is and why she is that way is illustrated to us in the most horrifying and devastating way possible: She has received a deeply troubling message from her notoriously unstable sister, and her parents aren't picking up the phone, but she remains frozen in indecision. She doesn't want to make trouble or inconvenience anyone unnecessarily or come off as too histrionic by demanding that her fears be taken seriously when they may turn out to be nothing. She feels in her gut that she should act, but instead she calls her friend, and then her boyfriend, to soothe herself with their presence, to get their perspective, and on some level, to seek validation for not acting. She's the "good" child in the family, the one who doesn't make trouble, the one who helps smooth over all the turmoil and damage her emotionally taxing and profoundly unstable sister creates. So she remains frozen in indecision...and then the cops come. I am in no way saying Dani bears ANY responsibility for her parents' deaths; she doesn't. And frankly, I find Dani's dread and inaction in the opening scene incredibly relatable. My point is merely that as an opening scene it very clearly established her character, her flaws and weaknesses as well as her strengths, and even the conditions under which those traits developed. The rest of the film, and the dynamic she has with Christian, is just an extension of that, except that where in the opening scene we are seeing a Dani who has always worked hard to keep her feelings of neediness and insecurity as concealed as possible, after the events of the opening scene her ability to do that begins to fail. She's always been afraid to be alone, but in the wake of the opening scene the thought of being alone with all her grief and horror has become unbearable. So we see a Dani whose need to self-minimize (in order to not give Christian any reason to leave) is immense, but whose underlying emotional dependency (i.e. desperation for any scraps of emotional connection she can get) has become impossible to conceal. There's no question that Christian is a crappy boyfriend, and an immature, selfish person. But I also never question why Dani is with him. Nor do I think she is 100% the wronged party in their relationship. (She's like 90% the wronged party.) I think she is far, FAR more sympathetic than Christian is, but I think it's also fairly apparent that she is aware, on some level, that Christian doesn't really want to be there (in the relationship) but feels obligated to stay. And yet she clings to their relationship all the tighter, because she's terrified to be alone--which is it's own kind of selfishness, albeit a far more complicated and sympathetic kind of selfishness than Christian's IMO. I have my own issues with Midsommar, and my own reasons for feeling it is flawed, but none of them are Dani and Christian's characterizations, or the way their relationship dynamic is written--all of which feels quite nuanced and realistic to me, albeit in a very unhappy and mundane kind of way.
@ashleyschaefferkia2734 11 месяцев назад
People are shining shit and calling it Gold... To be fair, both movies are not completely terrible but just complete "I want to live in an era of something special" overrated. Midsommar is a glorified Wicker man. Predictable and very shallow. It's an adolescent slasher dressed up - that's the level of dramatic depth and plot complexity really. Wanna see a good horror movie look east.
@mattiasorre1718 Год назад
Speaking as a Swede, none of this is remotely related to Swedish Midsommar, it wasnt even filmed in Sweden.
@ginapayne744 Год назад
You're right this hereditary scares tf out of me. The grief is palatable. The little model homes that Toni Collette's character makes was creepy asf. Knocking Charley's had off was freaking terrible.
@devyas 8 месяцев назад
Few things about this video: all over the place and keep repeating and you love and respect but also trash it - completely up and down
@AmIinhellWhoknows Год назад
I stopped this video halfway through to actually go watch Midsummer for the first time and as a film student I can't agree with you more. The visuals are incredible and it's overall an amazing movie but it has so much more potential
@cicihoustonsudholt1452 Год назад
Midsummer - yes. To build on that thought, the ill- explained relationship makes me like Dani less. How are we supposed to see her as a victim- turned triumphant when she's not a victim? She can choose to simply leave the relationship, as he would prefer, instead of ignoring the red flag and forcing a square peg into a round hole. She's not a victim, so the ending isn't satisfying.
@BRUH10155 Год назад
I think an interesting idea that kind of changes things a bit with the ending of Hereditary is that it might not be directly Paimon's doing. If you look into the eyes of Peter at the end after Paimon has possessed him you see nothing but fear. Why would Paimon, an interdimensional being beyond human comprehension want to be stuffed into the limiting sack of meat that is a human? What if he was just as terrified as Peter was before he got possessed? If you look at things from that angle the movie isn't just summed up as "lol Satan I mean Paimon did it." But a cult of people worshipping him were antagonists not only to the main family, but of the very demon they were worshipping as well.
@WhiteChocolate74 Год назад
I never saw a demon in a boy's body at the end. I just saw a scared teenager. I don't think he was ever possessed
@peblezQ Год назад
I enjoyed your analysis, but I'll have to disagree with you. Without the demon cult shit, Hereditary wouldn't even be a horror film. They're metaphors for mental illnesses and generatonal trauma. And Midsommar is more about the desperation Dani feels, like all she has left is her shitty boyfriend so she clings to him in her grief because without him, shell be alone -- and thats how she gets converted into joining the cult. Without these aspects of the stories, they just wouldn’t hit the spot. I feel like these tropes make the stories more palatable. Otyerwise, it would feel too real, and I dont want to like actually feel fear and dread.i just want an adrenaline rush with a compelling story
@lisaleone2296 Год назад
In Midsomar, I don't think you have to buy their relationship, you have to buy that she "needed" him only because she lost her family.
@leobellevue3848 Год назад
Exactly ! The fact the she keeps trying to stick the pieces back together in this weird relationship, despite him not caring at all, Show us that she would do anything to not be alone at that moment in her life.
@stefanoraffo5096 11 месяцев назад
​@@leobellevue3848the problem is that she herself doesn't do anything on her end at any point. She just exists with him, even when he does a bad attempt at helping
@leobellevue3848 11 месяцев назад
​@@stefanoraffo5096 Isn't that what happens when you feel like you have no options. She just lost both her parents and her sister. So at this point Christian is like her last piece of family. You don't see how traumatizing that is ? And add to that the fact that she is far from home, stuck in a strange cult where they do everything in their power to endoctrinate her (they even kill people who try to leave). Acting coherently in this situation is way harder then you think.
@cc-gx8hr 10 месяцев назад
Yeah exactly I think it's about Dani's loneliness & lack of any community or support system. She's reliant on him bc she has literally nobody else, and later she believes her only hope of finding people who care about her is by joining the cult.
@captainhowlerwilson508 9 месяцев назад
No one said you should buy the relationship, I just think the movie was not very good and communicated its message in such a contrived and pretentious way. Marriage Story was so much better in how it portrayed a break up and how both sides have their own merits and flaws. Bringing in this cult was just adding in so much unneeded shock and discomfort to the story and it just felt unnecessary.
@emmytheshadow Год назад
With midsommar, I always believed we were supposed to hold on to the point the Dani has no one else. As much as you hate the relationship, it would completely destroy Dani one last time if the only person she had left dumped her. It’s the feeling of wanting it to stay together until Dani can move on from her grief enough to find new people to hold on to.
@saramaccormack5475 Год назад
yup ive been there
@silashurd3597 Год назад
It’s ashamed that the cult made her think that Christian stopped being with her because they drugged him and R worded him. He might’ve been a jerk, but cmon, man didn’t deserve the fare he got
@yourbabytee Год назад
That would make sense but she has friends. She was on the phone with one in the beginning of the movie
@JTonyArts Год назад
@@yourbabytee I think it is pretty clear that in her depression after the fmdeaths of her family, her friends deserted her, unable to take the intensity, just as Christian and his friends were won’t to do.
@mathiasschneider7690 Год назад
yes! and it was a good film. that ending which is shocking somehow makes sense.
@KrashyKharma 2 года назад
I think you're missing something important about Midsommar, which is that, yes, their relationship is garbage and that's clear the whole time, but *people do stay in relationships like this*. You spend the whole movie waiting for one of them to just accept and admit that it needs to be over, and at the end you're in the fucked up position of having the catharsis of it finally ending being the result of her seeing over his immolation and her absorption into a cult as her being "free" from it. Their terrible relationship is the (well, one of, and the primary remaining) reason she gets pulled in. She goes from being absolutely disgusted by these people to presiding over their ritual because she sees sacrificing him as her freedom. It's about how hard it is (for some people) to let themselves get out of abusive and toxic relationships; until she was sucked into a cult she was never able to finally escape that cycle of accepting that shitty relationship over and over, and maybe she never would have. I have a lot of women friends who repeatedly dive into cycles of abuse like this and have so much self loathing and disconnection that they keep staying until it's unbearable, so to me, the fact that it took being crowned in a death cult to finally give her the strength to move on from that obviously horrible relationship is extremely poignant. I see now I'm not the only person who's made this point lol
@DrGregoryHouseIT 2 года назад
Sadly, she didn't even move on. She just exchanged one abuser for another.
@KleeAvery 2 года назад
People who only knew how to be in a toxic environment do not know how it is to be out of it. It's sad but it's true that this had become their comfort blanket.
@cim6205 Год назад
Absolutely agree. I bet a lot of us have dated someone like Christian. Being with someone who is manipulative and gaslights you is very confusing. It's hard to leave
@docsaico Год назад
PERFECTLY said! 👏🏻🔥
@dionysusyphus Год назад
Damn both ya'll just articulated exactly the two (rather unconscious still as I've seen Midsomer twice n intially was using it for aesthetic inspiration/demostration for work) most poyaint intuitions about this, regardless, conceptually brilliant film. I'm there are so many others who still appreciate film on all the subtle levels the artist very idiosyncratically and even unconscious-Archetypally birthed into these transcendent experiences they so tediously poured themselmselves into.
@Magnumscrotus Год назад
Im not understanding why the occult reveal at the end of hereditary is just bad. Its woven through out the movie and the real pleasure of rewatching is seeing how he plots all of the details perfectly along the way.
@CPNTT 10 месяцев назад
Exactly. It's deeply rooted in demonology right from the start. I recognized the necklaces at the grandmother's funeral, knew they were demonic sigils of some kind and I loved seeing all the signs throughout the movie. The demon does not diminish in any way the family's grief and general dynamic. It amplifies it: they're all grieving dolls in a dollhouse, fighting meaninglessly against an inevitable doom. I really don't get most of the criticism in this video.
@fidelkva4810 8 месяцев назад
I also think it’s disturbing how, at the end, the family members were pretty much «lost» and they were perhaps starting to realize it. it has a depressing feel, it’s different to rosemary’s baby. i don’t fully agree with this video.
@tihollis 7 месяцев назад
@@CPNTTagree. I like the occult stuff, made it actually interesting. Watching a movie about family grief can be good ig but this makes it 10x more interesting. He acts like he used the demon as a cop out or something. I guess I’m confused, how would you even end it otherwise to make it all have a point or mean anything?
@cesiluzherrera5342 7 месяцев назад
I guess it has to do with people not being up for rewatching movies and expecting the experience to be complete after only one view, when a lot of movies benefit from being watched more than once. Hereditary specially is the type of movie that one can't fully comprehend unless they rewatched it, but apparently that's something a bunch of the audience isn't keen on doing.
@idontsm0ke 7 месяцев назад
​@@cesiluzherrera5342 rewatching hereditary is so rewarding cuz u see many details that you didn't even see the first time
@castroh8r Год назад
Honestly your criticisms are the strengths of these movies in my opinion. As far as midsommar goes, the tension of knowing the relationship is doomed from the start is depicting exactly what it’s like to look back at your failed relationship.
@surrcram Год назад
Well he did drop out of film school sooo
@anaruz4818 11 месяцев назад
@evey0259 10 месяцев назад
Agreed. It reads like someone who simply didn't pay attention to the movie.
@inferiorinferno8859 10 месяцев назад
​@@surrcram Dropping out of film school says nothing, did you even go to film school? I study writing and personally I agree with a lot of his criticism like how the men are jerks to a cartoonish degree. They were flat characters who were simply cannonfodder to be killed off, even my mom noticed it and was annoyed by their existence. I get what Aster wants, make us hate the victims and be blinded by the cult to make a point about their manipulation. You can tell a good story without a huge message, but you cannot turn a message into a good story without characters as props. Even if Dani is dear to you, all the other props are as weak as a thin Made In China plastic headband. That's bad storytelling.
@UltraAporia 10 месяцев назад
I feel similarly about Hereditary The knowledge that Joan raised her family just as sacrifices is horrific. All their pain and trauma was hopeless and predetermined
@mischr13 2 года назад
I grew up in a cult and lost my brother to suicide (when we were both still kids). I've never seen a more accurate depiction of what those experiences were like than Midsommar...let alone in one movie
@smarti1144 Год назад
I hope you're doing OK.
@ladya3302 Год назад
Damn, girl. I’m sorry.
@Nirax3 Год назад
I hope you can find real love and slowly leave this behind you
@HeatherHolt Год назад
Holy shit… I’m so sorry. I hope you’ve gotten some helpful therapy bc I can’t imagine having to go thru one or the other but both is completely fucking heavy. I wish you all the good things in life ❤❤❤
@samsung4360 Год назад
Never thought this would be the selling point for me to finally watch that movie, but hey the Fate is always twisted.
@Bonpu 3 года назад
I did not miss any multilayeredness in Christian's character, quite the opposite: I doubt the film would even work with him being overly sympathyzable. He isn't even a true villain, he is just a mediocre selfish coward. Yet he grabs our attention and disdain so fully, that we consider the only true villain in the movie - the serene, cunning, wire-pulling Pelle - a worthwhile alternative or even a saviour. And we even consider siding with Dani and her bloodthirsty "family" when Christian is immolated as a literal scapegoat (scapebear?) for the community's unfathomable evil. We consider Dani "liberated" when she has irreversibly sacrificed her only true need: genuine self-love, independence and the power to stand up for herself. To me Midsommar is a masterpiece on how the avoidance of ambiguity, moral uncertainty and genuine independence make us susceptible to ideological (including fascist) indoctrination. We want the darkness contained while we hallucinate purity - just like the sun never sets on Hårga.
@meeptop 3 года назад
I definitely think this is an incredibly thoughtful analysis and this is what I wish I could've taken away from the film. I think I'd be more receptive to this interpretation if Ari Aster presented the film with more character depth and layers toward the beginning of the film, then have it boil down to the simplistic as we make our way to the tragic ending. It's entirely a personal thing, obviously, but the way the film is presented just doesn't equate my emotional experience to this viewpoint. Either way though, I think this is an excellent take and I'm genuinely glad you were able to have that experience!
@Bonpu 3 года назад
​@@meeptopThank you. I don't think there is just one interpretation or a clear message to the movie. And I wouldn't consider mine the most important. Of course it makes sense to look at it as a breakup drama, a personal growth story, a surreal phantasy or maybe even a sarcastic teenage horror parody. What makes the film so disturbing is someone trying to do the right thing in an environment where literally everybody and everything is clearly wrong or pretense - a mere conspiracy. We might cling to shallow feelings of justice, revenge and liberation but in the end they are just as delusional as the main character's views.
@berby2068 2 года назад
Exactly! This movie to me is about white supremacy and the banality of evil as much as it’s about the catharsis and grief of a codependent relationship ending. I also think the characters are flat because it’s really meant to be a fable/fairy tale.
@strawberriefire 2 года назад
I don't think I picked up on Pelle's manipulation the first time I watched midsommar, it wasn't until I watched it a second time a few years later with more life experience to sus that kind of thing out. It's so heart wrenching and scary to see a person so vulnerable and in need of genuine support like Dani go through what she does knowing that no one there has her best interest in mind, yet are able to manipulate her into believing they do for their own desires
@JC-yy8iv 2 года назад
@@Bonpu this comment kind of makes me wonder if perhaps he shouldn’t have tried combining his “anatomy of a breakup” movie and his “the mechanisms of fascist indoctrination” movie. I wonder what we’d have gotten if he hadn’t
@Gideon.schwerter Год назад
I like that she is flat. Trauma does that to you. You're 24/7 living in between worlds (the present and the PTSD symptoms) and you lose yourself, your personality, everything. You're just sad and jumpy and scared all the time and unable to make any kind of decision because you know you're not in a place to make life altering moves, even if you hate where you are. You're miserable but miserable Is "safe".
@oof2073 Год назад
wait. why are you so good at explaining my situation.
@hello3-e6j Год назад
She's relatable lol
@error-try-again-later Год назад
...well, that's scarily reminiscent.
@emmi7883 Год назад
But does that make for a good film? Toni Collette was certainly traumatized and she was anything but flat.
@alim.9801 Год назад
"Miserable is safe" good lord, with that one statement i think you've captured a lot of peoples' experiences my friend
@Adventuresabroad_sa Год назад
I totally get a lot of what you're saying about Midsommar, but I also feel like you're missing a few things. When watching Midsommar, I felt like Dani had a fear of being alone, especially after what she went through. I don't think she wanted to go through that alone. It's made evident that Dani wants someone to lean on, and while she recognizes that Christian might not be that, she's been so gaslit into thinking that her emotions are too much and that she shouldn't lean as much as she does. I also felt like the story was more of a comparison between her relationship with Christian and her relationship with the cult. Dani is emotionally vulnerable, and the cult gave her the support she craved. It's obvious manipulation to us, but to Dani, it's like family; they support each other, lean on each other, and acknowledge her emotions. I think the ending was also a bit misinterpreted. I don't think it's so much about just getting out of a toxic relationship. I think it's more about how susceptible you become to manipulation when grieving and finding the support you longed for after you didn't have it for a long time. In the end, she traded in one toxic relationship for another one, and that's what really hit hard for me.
@335chr Год назад
thats the problem her emotions are too much and she wasn't and still isn't doing anything to address them
@bubullibooooo9928 10 месяцев назад
​@@335chrThere is no way to address grief.
@335chr 10 месяцев назад
@@bubullibooooo9928 bullshit There are plenty of ways to address grief. There is no time table to deal with grief
@bubullibooooo9928 10 месяцев назад
@@335chr You couldn't even name one! 🤣
@335chr 10 месяцев назад
@@bubullibooooo9928 you didn't ask me to name one
@hanna4918 Год назад
For me, the supernatural plot in Hereditary is still a metaphor for mental illness, how it can consume you and make you a different person, essentialy just like Paimon controlling the family members
@thisdamnguyagain4450 Год назад
i think the most terrifying thing is that mental illness and true supernatural experiences are identical to the observer who was not present. like those cases where people say they saw a lizard person like 99,99 percent you know they’re effin crazy but what if that ,0001 percent is true and they really did
@jingleballs9935 Год назад
@alim.9801 Год назад
That reading of it rings the most true at least for me
@alexxx4434 10 месяцев назад
Or about the horrors of hereditary in general, inheriting all the terrible shit from the ancestors, starting from bad genes, traumas and traits, ending with societal systemic issues at large. The film lets you feel it through the fictional lens.
@bethanywallace8575 7 месяцев назад
Generational trauma ?
@violeternstberger7959 2 года назад
I think the point of their relationship in midsommar is that you shouldn’t be rooting for the relationship at all, Dani should not be with him, he has no redeeming qualities he’s an ass and she should hate him, but he’s the only person she has left so she just can’t let it go. It’s less she wants to be with him and more she has to been with him. She can’t lose him because she’s lose EVERYTHING else, so she’s gonna overlook every single thing he does. She doesn’t love him she doesn’t like him, she needs him to not leave her and because of that she can’t fully state or recognize his shitty behavior. I think as a viewer it’s good to completely hate him and not see a single redeeming quality because it makes you question why she’s with him and then realize it’s because she needs him and cannot even imagine being alone, and when she has a “family” in the end she finally realizes she no longer needs to be with him.
@lillietheoneandonly 2 года назад
@shrutiwayne7440 2 года назад
Excuse me but those problems are her own with him, she could leave him too? Why kill him? He was totally manipulated, assaulted and then paralyzed and he was the best guy but didn't deserve to be killed the way he got.
@Zarastro54 2 года назад
@@shrutiwayne7440 She killed him because she too was manipulated and drugged up to the point of a mental break. Under normal circumstances, the break up would have been normal, but due to the machinations of the cult, she opted for an extreme.
@kazunabe4288 2 года назад
Honestly I empathize more with the dude than Dani. Just think about it from another perspective. She really shouldn't be dating anyone in her state. It's far too draining. You even said she "needs him not to leave her." He wants to leave her, but he SYMPATHIZES with her situation and feels some obligation to "not leave her." Isn't that relatable at all to people? IDK it can be very difficult to keep the spark going when someone is so extremely emotionally draining.
@cidevant002 2 года назад
@@kazunabe4288 Yeah, having someone depending their whole mental health stability on your it was always going to be unhealthy for everyone involved. It was never fair for Chris to be put on that situation, but he was and the movie makes it seem like he had it coming for not breaking up sooner with the girl who literally had her whole family killed. Chris at worst was kind of a douche, he didn't deserved that kind of ending just like he didn't deserved to be raped, brainwashed and treated like that.
@davil.5608 2 года назад
I'll be honest and overshare a little, but Hereditary absolutely speaks to me in a horrifying way. If it were just a movie about family issues then it wouldn't creep me out as much, and the reason for this is that I always suffered from heavy depression and bpd, but... I grew up thinking those things were results from demonic influences, since my family was always christian. I always have this fear of it really being a demon tormenting me, even if I'm currently agnostic, since having your entire life being controlled by an evil entity is a pretty despair inducing concept. This movie shows us this, and it's not just a case of possession, this prince of hell is literally manipulating the entire lives of this family, and it's so hopeless that one could almost say it's cosmic horror. You just feel so small.
@mamberroi0935 Год назад
Agree, I think If you took the supernatural element out of hereditary it wouldn’t really be horror anymore, I’m not saying there has to be monsters or something paranormal for a movie to be horror, but in this case without it I feel it would just be a really dark drama
@_grapefruit Год назад
To me the demonic element is a metaphor for the trauma inflicted on the family
@isaiahromero9861 Год назад
Yep, gives me the same sense of dread as the show Dark, something about the concept of ordinary people being used and sacrificed like pawns is fucking terrifying to me, especially when it's all part of some bigger picture the characters can't grasp or influence, when they can't escape their fate no matter how hard they try
@t.7124 Год назад
Exactly, I adore this movie for how it creates a feeling of hopelessness insignificance and I really wish more movies would tap into that. It's like existential in a way, because this greater being is controlling their fate and making their lives hell, it's terrifying to me but so fucking cool
@rickwrites2612 Год назад
Yes, this is what I imagine a demon would really be like, truly terrifying, not like some monster like is usually in supernatural horror demon films.
@abbyc403 Год назад
I will say that I don't think Dani's character fell flat. As someone who has experienced a traumatic, sudden loss, and been sucked into religion to fix that, she was deeply relatable. She suffers countless dissociations, and seems flat, or empty, because of this, but so did I! So I'd make the argument that she is a much deeper character than you would think. Dani's struggles are accurate to the experience of losing a massive part of you.
@gwencatz2483 Год назад
You took the words right out of my mouth. Midsommar was horrifying because it illustrated how cults worked through the perspective of Dani, the *heavily traumatized individual* that they were actively targeting.
@anaruz4818 11 месяцев назад
No, she and people like her are just people with no self-worth and dignity. It's not as deep as you want it to be
@bubullibooooo9928 10 месяцев назад
@zerochocolatemilk 6 месяцев назад
I completely disagree being around someone who is going through trauma you seem flat but you aren’t everyone around you can see it you were something before that happened to you and that contrasts is contrary to being flat like the video states
@barrycline6374 Год назад
If the supernatural elements weren’t in hereditary. It’d be a dramatic tragedy. It really wouldn’t be horror anymore
@perryjones7771 Год назад
And Toni would have won that Oscar
@skaughtsmith Год назад
Exactly what I was thinking. It would just be really depressing. Without the ending there isn’t any horror element.
@dylangintherofficial Год назад
Depends how you see horror as a definition
@zd91 Год назад
The supernatural elements were awful and comical.
@Beardymanlol Год назад
​@@zd91what kinda take is this? Unless you're just a hater of supernatural plots
@bascal133 3 года назад
I was ready to totally dismiss this as like “I’m not like the other girls” ari aster hate, but you made a lot of really great points 😁👍🏾. I don’t think Dani is a Mary Sue though, she’s clearly very anxious, clingy and codependent, I feel like dating her would be exhausting even before her parents were killed by her sister.
@meeptop 3 года назад
Appreciate this comment a lot! Really try my hardest to come with good points and give credit where it's due when I make videos like this. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Ari Aster and I hate when somebody's a contrarian just for the sake of it, so I'm stoked to hear this video is coming across how I intended. I can agree with the last part to an extent, but we really can't get to know the full extent of Dani's personality since the film just wants to show it on the surface level. Given what we see the film, trying to defend Christian's side just feels like playing devil's advocate haha.
@Shadi092986 3 года назад
THIS. The ending is also clearly Dani getting out of a toxic relationship and into a cult collective, and aggregate sites flooded with videos about how this is "empowering" without viewing the dire implications. Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
@MrSqueamishJam 2 года назад
He could have dumped her earlier then but ok
@eatyourbrainss 2 года назад
i dont think she was meant to be seen as clingy, Christian is a horrible boyfriend and she was still tolerant of his manipulative behavior
@mysticalturtle9889 Год назад
@@Shadi092986 ironic how the conditioning worked on the audience too
@bekleedee Год назад
the loss of a child, especially a daughter, that hereditary deals with is something that hits way to close to home for me. I've been told by so many people to watch it and from the bits I've seen, it looks brilliant but watching another mother mourn the loss of her daughter is something that I can't do.
@checkouijuliet Год назад
My own mother doesn't give a shit about movies, let alone horror films. She thinks they're funny at best and childish at worst. Then my brother and I watched hereditary in the living room while she was sitting on the couch browsing on her laptop. She wasn't even paying attention or anything, had no idea what it was about, but the scene where Toni Collette is on the floor grieving her child literally made her stood up and walk away, she actually said "yeah, I'm leaving , and if anything happened to you guys that'd be me, so I can't listen to this". That movie floored me like no other
@paidendenae Год назад
that's very understandable
@thisdamnguyagain4450 Год назад
nah i wouldn’t recommend watching this then. its too close to home and even for someone with no kids or even the fact i have never lost anyone yet that scene rips me apart from my inside the shit is powerful
@laughingstock7638 Год назад
do not watch hereditary lol. its not the movie for you if its that personal.
@Respect2theFallen Год назад
​@checkouijuliet man really, her cry while the son was in bed wide eyed and she discovered what happened was super depressing that shit was insane you could really hear the pain in her that was great acting for sure
@TheDutchessOfCornville Год назад
3:13 The scene where she’s on the floor, screaming over the discovery of her daughter’s body, was gut-wrenching. As a mom, her wails of pain hurt my heart.
@karlakirby2302 Год назад
A relationship doesn’t need to prove it’s worth when you’re so immersed in your own trauma and grief. You can cling to a relationship that’s clearly terrible for years and years because you are not processing the trauma that caused you to cling to that relationship in the first place. A relationship can also be super shitty, and you can still grieve it immensely. If your parent was super abusive to you and they pass away, you can still grieve the person you lost because despite how they valued you, you valued them.
@captainhowlerwilson508 10 месяцев назад
The problem is, I found Midsommar super pretentious and boring. Almost nothing happens, and when something happens it just felt contrived and just made to shock me rather than have a good time.
@nickbrowning3270 7 месяцев назад
Comments like this is why I avoid women. PSYCHOPATH
@CajunReaper95 7 месяцев назад
Yeah he had a bad take here, after seeing how my mom was after the abuse she suffered at the hands of her now ex husband he dropped the fucking ball on this one!
@CajunReaper95 7 месяцев назад
@@captainhowlerwilson508it’s more so about the influence that cult brainwashing has on one, literally they try to spin it at no one has your best interest at heart but us!
@ariannebrodeur 3 месяца назад
Okay but nowhere did he say any of what you said is false. He is talking about narratively, how to get your audience invested in your characters. I grew up with parents who hate each other. They never have good moments. I know exactly what it looks like when people cling to misery for the sake of comfortable knowing. It's extremely common. I don't think meep is wrong to say that when writing a STORY, you need to emotionally invest your audience. Hereditary is a perfect example. We rarely have moments in that movie where any of the family are good to each other. Most of the film is comprised of pretty toxic and abusive and unhealthy behavior on all sides. But you still get emotionally invested in the characters bc we spend time with them and understand them deeply as characters. That's the issue with Dani and Christian. It's not that they didn't "prove their worth", it's that we as audience members don't get deeper than surface level understanding of them as people or of their relationship and it results in zero emotional response at the climax of this film that is SUPPOSED TO by its directors own words, reflect the cataclysmic pain of a break up. I think yall are getting way too personally invested and forgetting were talking about a film and not a real couples relationship.
@Oxcymoron Год назад
I’m not going to lie, I still get chills when I hear the horns from hereditary. It’s still one of my top 5 favorite horror films and really top 5 films in general.
@sana.4.a Год назад
same, the ending song was stuck in my head :(
@ariannebrodeur 3 месяца назад
Hereditary didn't really do anything for me personally but even I can't deny that theme is literally haunting. It's so good. Genuinely one of the best pieces of music in horror I've ever heard hands down
@PlanetMondo 2 года назад
The Paimon part/ending was actually my favorite portion of it. That statue at the end made me more uncomfortable than I've felt in a LONG time watching a movie.
@alinapolat7336 Год назад
I literally felt nauseous the whole night after seeing it.
@alliemandleni5846 Год назад
@@alinapolat7336 I got nightmares. I never get nightmares.
@alinapolat7336 Год назад
@@alliemandleni5846 i feel you lol, I laid awake the whole night and couldn’t close my eyes without seeing that fuckinf scene at the end
@littleblueby7748 Год назад
No literally the ending was so gruseome and just uncomfortable...thats what really made it work imo
@PlanetMondo Год назад
@@littleblueby7748 100% agree. The ending was the best part.
@leedlebeatle8286 2 года назад
I don't mind that the characters in Midsommar feel one dimensional. With the emotional turmoil that Dani is going through between her family dying and her bad relationship, EVERYTHING feels one dimension. When you're going through that much crap, life is hollow and lost. It seems fitting that, at least the characters, seems empty and one note in that movie. Maybe I'm giving too much credit, but I thought it was great that it all felt weird and out of place, because that's what life feels like in those situations. The end of this movie almost felt like "this is what SHOULD happen" and it feels like you have no choice but to go with it, almost helplessly, but that's what life feels like when you're that emotionally tapped out.
@MilesUpshur0 Год назад
You're totally right, and no, I don't think you are giving it too much credit
@q0dis Год назад
Besides Dani literally had no option to do anything about it cuz if she did she was going to be killed lol. I will add that in her position of literal helplessness and putting it in the context she is in, feeling ''relieved'' is totally understandable
@amyswallow742 2 года назад
I'm wondering what direction you would have rather had Hereditary go in? I get that cults and demons are a major trope in horror at this point. However, I think it's what a movie does with these familiar territories that redefines the dilemma and gives it a fresh perspective. To me, I don't think the use of demonic forces in this movie is a cop out or crutch but a glue that holds all the layers and complexity together.
@MilesUpshur0 Год назад
I totally agree with you :)
@Watchful049 Год назад
Same, I wish he would've gone more in depth as to why he didn't like the cult/supernatural elements. Seems more like a bias than actual criticism imo. The supernatural stuff is baked deep in the movie's beginning so removing the cult and the ending wouldn't make sense in context to the rest of the film.
@faggysock2395 Год назад
fr! ive also heard that ari wanted to have these elements of cliche
@Nexol13 Год назад
@@Watchful049 I believe he disliked it so much because the execution of the supernatural elements was so similar to the climax of Rosemary’s Baby that it came off as lazy. Having all of these tense elements laced throughout the film all for it to end with the lead character being a vessel for a demon, especially with the cult exposition-dumping in the last few minutes, is what brings it just a tad too close to the other film. Plus, the cult do it for personal gain and riches, as did the cult in Rosemary’s Baby (that’s the whole reason Guy let himself get cucked by the devil).
@Watchful049 Год назад
@@Nexol13 ill admit, I've never seen Rosemary's baby. Whats wrong with it being similar to another film if the other film is good though? Without comparing another movie, why does the cult and supernatural elements not work in this? The Joker and Taxi Driver get compared to each other too but people usually state why Joker being too similar to Taxi Driver doesn't work as well. One criticism I have of Joker is that Arthur (joker)he seems way too sympathetic compared to Travis (taxi driver). In the Joker, it feels like people are mean for the sake of it and as a result, Arthur is alienated from society. In comparison, Travis is a weird, anti social perv because he's lost his purpose. Being a soldier gave him purpose but he doesn't know what to live for anymore so he tries to buy a gun to kill someone for attention. So while both depict social outcasts, Joker doesn't is too sympathetic so you'll always root for him but Travis isn't so innocent so you're challenged to side with him or not.
@quavodelnegro8304 Год назад
Feels like complaining for the sake of complaining. What is the alternative ending for Hereditary you would have preferred? Obviously it was a demon, i don’t see how that is disappointing. What else could have possibly been the explanation for all the weird shit going on? The execution and the twist of it being a set up from the start was great.
@captainhowlerwilson508 10 месяцев назад
Hereditary is a great movie, but Midsommar is not.
@GeekZone210 7 месяцев назад
In my opinion, I feel that it should've been ambigious as to whether or not all the events and trama that take place was the fault of the supernatural, or the insanity brought upon onto the family.
@boianko Год назад
This movie made me have a full blown psychotic episode. It just struck way too many cords with me. My family has a bloody history and my abusive father always had occultist beliefs of which he was pretty secretive. For me Hereditary was about the despair and suffering one individual can cause to their loved ones for their own gain, and the horrific aftermath they leave behind, haunting their family even after death. I saw the mother breaking down and being possessed as a clear expression of one of the greatest fears many people from abusive homes have - becoming like their parents. It's even in the title - Hereditary. I don't agree that the film is about the effects of grief alone, but the fact that often that grief is caused by the people meant to be the closest to you, and it takes a horrific journey of self-discovery and sleuthing to reach that realization. A lot of people don't make it through, they succumb to their trauma and perpetuate it to later generations.
@kavlara Год назад
I’m glad someone else said it, I have ptsd and a history of psychosis, so it hit home. I started getting paranoid and delusional just watching it, someone should’ve warned me 😂😅 same with midsommar when I first watched it.
@boianko Год назад
@@kavlara I did freak out a bit at the start of Midsommar, but definitely nothing like Hereditary. The rest of the movie was just uncomfortable to watch but not really that scary.
@maxverstappen7160 Год назад
nice larp
@Hilz28 Год назад
Definitely staying away from content like this would be my professional opinion (Therapist, here). No need to put yourself through a full blown psychotic episode (unless you're able to get some catharsis through it?) You shouldn't have to sacrifice great movies/media, but unless you're in a good place mentally (or at least stable) don't do that to yourself. I think it's really brave and wise you shared that experience, here. It helps de-stigmatize mental illness. Hope you've recovered!!
@britbrat1127 10 месяцев назад
I’m so sick of people 😂😂🙄🙄 over a fictitious movie? Grow up and get a life. Omg
@kat8559 2 года назад
The ending of midsommar is perfect. You want dani out of her awful relationship but she wont let it go bc hes all that she has left. But you also see her easily manipulated by and brought further and further into the cult, until they have completely replaced christian in dani's mind as her family. So the ending is meant to elicit the contradictory emotions of "oh yay kill him" and "oh no shes in a cult now!!"
@kat8559 2 года назад
It's imo the climax and the essence of the horror of midsommar: the dawning realization that dani has replaced one toxic relationship for another, and that in the end she got what she wanted. She found a new family.
@mischr13 2 года назад
@@kat8559 EXACTLY I don't know how people miss this 😭
@Itza-Me 2 года назад
But why is it a good thing he's killed? He literally didn't do a thing wrong apart from being a bit of a dick sometimes.
@tally3067 2 года назад
I’m surprised so many people actually thought about the relationship in that movie. I’m just scarred from granny’s hands on his ass.
@gggallin8279 Год назад
I mean he’s an asshole but he definitely didn’t deserve to be burned alive sewn into a bear corpse 💀
@alexandragabitto2573 2 года назад
I may be wrong, but my hot take on both movies was that we are seeing the events of the two films from the point of view of the main leads. This is why we get highly opinionated depictions of people because the protagonist sees them as such; if the main character hates someone, then we only see the bad and NONE of the good in that person. On top of that, neither believes they’re in the wrong…so we never see them in that light, even when pieces of the darker parts of their personalities manage to seep through. Again, this is just my interpretation however.
@andyscott5277 Год назад
I completely agree with you about Midsommar, but less so about Hereditary. I liked the ending of the latter, which was so bizarre to me that it was legitimately terrifying. Not so much a fear of "the devil," but with cults that have members completely convinced that horrific acts are justified, even joyous.
@DestinyCorton Год назад
i feel like if you’ve never been in such a toxic relationship with somebody, the movie won’t impact you as much; the level at which i related with Danny was so scary that i couldn’t stop feeling anxious throughout the whole movie; also, there is this absolutely terrifying feeling of not being understood and supported that is extremely soul crushing when it’s coming from someone who you love this much and the emptiness and loneliness throughout the various scenes between the two really brought up my darkest memories; this movie completely destroyed me and i never want to see it again - THAT is why it’s absolutely perfect and it did its job
@sarah-vw9ty Год назад
same. I think the way the movie was acted just made it so much more relatable to women as well. I had just been out of a toxic relationship followed by a death in the family when I watched this and I truly felt everything. Especially Dani didn't need any more depth imo
@sarah-vw9ty Год назад
and he totally missed the aspect of the movie that is about fascism and white supremacy, and said on the comments that Ari Aster didnt present the movie in that way, but he actually totally did. It's just that white people still easily fall for fascist ideology or never notice it being shoved down their throats because they don't care...
@q0dis Год назад
Sameeee, i had broken up with my ex who treated me poorly and my codependent ass was unable to leave him or see the redflags. Christian reminded me so much of him and my name is also Dani so i also was anxious and relating way too much hahha
@mrelephant3462 Год назад
Hey Kate reply but I’m wondering what you thought of midsommers ending, did you think it was a happy ending for Dani?
@typicaldigicamenjoyer Год назад
@@sarah-vw9ty dani is her relationship lmao no depth whatsoever. which is accurate to women in real life because they claim they lose themselves in toxic relationships and they become nothing. quite pathetic
@haleybffe 2 года назад
I wanted to address the scene you were talking about at 16:21. I don’t even think he was “standing in solidarity with her” from my memory, Christian was like “oh I’m not going to do it if she isn’t”, so everyone automatically blamed Dani for not taking the shrooms because Christian wouldn’t which only elevated her anxiety into saying yes. I feel like Christian’s intentions were to place blame on her because he himself didn’t really want to take it. Idk that would align w his character more
@SantosAl Год назад
I feel like this scene exemplifies their relationship, Christian knows or at least thinks he knows what the correct thing to do is; but doesn't really want to do it. So he wants to take the shrooms, but feels obligated - and annoyed by it - to support Dani, and Dani senses this and gives in since he is her last/only emotional support. It feels like a lot of people who watched the film put a lot of malice on Christians actions, when the truth is that he is just completely over the relationship and feels imprisoned by Dani's situation. Which makes him act like a douche. But I'll admit that it might just me that is projecting, I've had a friend that has been totally dependent on me for their emotional wellbeing, and it can be so draining.
@THX-uo9dm Год назад
I think he stood in fake solidarity with her because he knew she would cave. How she is, is exactly what he created and he knows his creation very well. He accomplished being understanding in her eyes and the "here we go again" myrtr to his friends all in one motion. It was by design. Her theme is to compromise herself in every way for his benefit. I really don't believe he was ever going to break up with her. He was too selfish to. He liked to complain about her which always got him a pay off. It got him sympathy and attention which all manipulative narcissists thrive on.
@kayreb Год назад
The ending of Midsommar was interesting to me because it felt like we were manipulated into smiling with Dani at watching her boyfriend burn. It's like we were drawn into the cult and indoctrinated right alongside Dani. Something that should have been horrifying to both Dani and us as the audience, leaves us feeling satisfied and relieved. For me, it was deeply unsettling to realise I felt the exact way that the cult would have wanted...I had been manipulated into wanting this.
@Beardymanlol Год назад
Nevermind the fact that she was so traumatized by the Attestupa scene just a few days prior. Now fully (for the time being at least) in control of everyone's fate
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