
Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home (eng/ser) 

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While the Victorians confronted the challenges of ruling an empire, perhaps the most dangerous environment they faced was in their own homes. Householders lapped up the latest products, gadgets and conveniences, but in an era with no health and safety standards they were unwittingly turning their homes into hazardous death traps.
In a genuine horror story, Dr Suzannah Lipscomb reveals the killers that lurked in every room of the Victorian home and shows how they were unmasked. What new innovation killed thousands of babies? And what turned the domestic haven into a ticking time bomb?
Скривене убице из Викторијанског периода
Викторијанци су били као ми - опчињени технологијом и опседнути материјализмом. У овом документарцу, др Сузана Липскомб истражује како су Викторијанци били наша заморчад тако што су били први који су испробали до тада неиспитане и неиспробане аспекте свакодневног живота који данас узимамо здраво за готово. У Викторијанском дому као бази и лабораторији, Сузана ће истражити убице који се тамо крију. Испитаће како је индустријска револуција ненамерно пустила скривене убице у наше домове, све у име напретка, и како их је наука по први пут разоткрила, а затим тражила начине да их истреби. Експериментисаће са арсеником у тапетама, гајиће бактерије у флашицама за бебе и испробати исцрпљујуће Викторијанске корсете - све то да би разоткрила смртоносне последице свакодневног Викторијанског живота.



8 сен 2024




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@veryangrystorks 6 лет назад
"But even if you hadn't eaten the wallpaper, you weren't safe." Funniest sentence I've heard today.
@dma654 6 лет назад
"Mom I have a cough". "No problem, just go take a tablespoon of Heroin".
@hoopiedoo 8 лет назад
I found a bottle of arsenic to be taken for the complexion in my 1896 home hidden in the basement. I gave it to has mat disposal executive for his collection.
@amylynnhunt55 6 лет назад
Oh my stars! I bet that was disturbing to find. I hope your house has all been checked for safety. I know what it is like to be made ill by one's home. It is beyond awful. Stay safe!!
@jecitivaz3097 8 лет назад
the same type of thing is still going on today when you think about it: aspartame in food, bpa in plastic, chemicals on surfaces that we touch, but it took a bit for companies to advertise against them and for government to regulate
@pennybowers3794 6 лет назад
Jeciti Vaz d
@MsBhappy 5 лет назад
Teflon in non-stick pans too! "The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals - more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century. More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since WW II. Less than 2% of synthetic chemicals have been tested for toxicity, mutagenic, carcinogenic, or birth defects."
@brownedward93 2 года назад
That's exactly right it's still the same way today.im glad I wasn't alive then,I saw another episode where she showed how your toilet would explode and kill you.
@elizabethbennet4791 7 лет назад
my aunt, in her 60s once told me that roughly about half of the items in their medicine cabinet growing up have since been taken off the market due to new health standards.
@strangeaeons9393 8 лет назад
Well, what do you know. The green wallpaper was actually scarier than "The Yellow Wallpaper".
@crowdpleaser54 7 лет назад
ha! cute lit major joke :)
@Goodiesfanful 7 лет назад
Strange Aeons one theory about the death of Napoleon was that green arsenic wallpaper.
@Kite2554 7 лет назад
Very interesting to see how many mistakes they made. Wonder how many mistakes we've made, when people look at us, a hundred years from now...
@JOHN----DOE 4 года назад
PLASTIC everywhere, from the oceans to our bloodstreams
@johnmartin2470 4 года назад
Asbestos, DDT,paraquat,Round Up, formaldehyde used in carpet manufacturing,lead based paints etc etc
@freewilliam93 4 года назад
Brexit and trump, there said it.
@liztrainer895 4 года назад
Kite Crawl why on earth would they put arsenic as an ingredient when making the wallpaper ?
@gypsyrose429 4 года назад
smoking, drugs & alcohol & let's not forget war lords.
@MajimeTV 8 лет назад
When I was in high school (or secondary school for those of you unfamiliar), my History teacher taught us that baby coffins were more popular and more commonly purchased than adult coffins, simply due to the infant and child mortality rates.
@funghoul2199 7 лет назад
so this is why Jane from Tarzan left...
@ObsidianNightFury 6 лет назад
Fun Ghoul i guess it was a good thing
@Goodiesfanful 8 лет назад
The people (poor people who often worked from home) who made the toys were exposed to the lead paint as well, and even eating it from dipping brushes into their mouths to make points. Their kids were exposed as well while they helped to make the dolls.
@raethomas420 5 лет назад
That lead to learning problems and mental problems. Then death
@talosheeg 8 лет назад
this makes me wonder what killers are in our houses without us even knowing
@BombDame 8 лет назад
Food is the worst. Its difficult to find food that's not nutritionally deficient or laden with harmful additives
@Eyepice 8 лет назад
@J de Sade not in the tap water for some ppl. We have the purest water on earth. guess where that is.
@breadstickavenger 7 лет назад
@tdelbruegge 7 лет назад
@Tricob1974 7 лет назад
Cell phones are the worst, as they're most likely to cause cancer (Note how many more babies are born with tumors these days?). But even cord phones are particularly bad as far as carrying bacteria is concerned. They're made of plastic, and many - if not all - plastics aren't so straightforward to try and disinfect.
@aggness860 8 лет назад
Basically, they were HOARDERS!
@hnhkrk 8 лет назад
haha yes!
@darlagoddesshate 4 года назад
A lot of the corset information here I've now learned is terribly inaccurate.
@Cruznick06 8 лет назад
As someone who occasionally wears corsets for costumes, I can say if you wear a traditional Victorian style one you MUST be careful. I only own modified corsets that allow you to actually sit down (and not perch) and much to the dismay of the companies I purchase them from, a size or two bigger than they suggest. My health and safety is far more important than looking perfectly accurate.
@BrittKatSlat 8 лет назад
I appreciate your love for corsets. But I like you how YOU naturally look. I like unique bodies.
@Cruznick06 8 лет назад
+Britt Slater ...they are for period costumes. You kinda have to use a corset.
@JessieFroggy1 8 лет назад
You also don't know what she looks like! Insincere compliments are worse than no compliment at all.
@Cruznick06 8 лет назад
+Jessica Aldridge Lol so true. I just don't like to when people are like "don't change you're a perfect snowflake as you are!" But like, what if I want to dye my hair or choose to wear makeup or wear cute earrings? I just don't get it.
@JessieFroggy1 8 лет назад
Cruznick06 Exactly! I've used corsets in the past for special events- not necessarily to produce a smaller waist, but because I like the aesthetic. The current obsession with everyone being perfect the way they are is lovely, but when it starts to impede on me altering my body because I want to, it becomes restrictive and makes people feel even MORE uncomfortable with their bodies because they feel they'll be attacked if they decide to change it.
@mammap927 7 лет назад
one of the worst things we ever did as a society, was discourage breastfeeding.
@LadyWayen 7 лет назад
Admitting that im breastfed for only six months is embarrassing where i live. We take pride is we said we are breastfed for a year or more which means they are smarter as they grow up.
@MsBuggywuggy 7 лет назад
it's sad that because some women do it in a haughty disgusting way just because they can is what's made it frowned upon by many. I see no problem with it as long as it's done modestly. I mean if part of a womans breast is exposed because she's feeding a baby is fine but I've seen women with their tee shirt pulled practically off and nothing discreet at all. Peeing is natural too but we don't just whip it out and do it in public. what's more natural than relieving yourself right?
@Iceechibi 7 лет назад
MsBuggywuggy Are you comparing an external organ designed to feed infants to urethras attached to genitalia? Because the two are not the same. One of these has been categorized as a "sexual organ" by societal standards when biologically its not.
@MsBuggywuggy 7 лет назад
If you could, please reread my comment and respond to the important point I made. Yes I actually am because weather we like it or not, the breast, do sexually excite men. Nudity in general is sexually stimulating to not only men but women also. I would like your opinion on modesty concerning breast feeding please since you joined in on the discussion
@elizabethcamargo5397 7 лет назад
MsBuggywuggy Breastfeeding is not a sexual thing. Society has made it so. because like you said- people are attracted to the breast. I was modest when i breastfed my baby. I always used a nursing cover in public but I've also seen women just 'whip it out'. Its not a sexual thing to feed your child. It really saddens me when i hear people ridicule women for something that isnt there decision to make.
@morganrosentrater4329 7 лет назад
As someone who wears a corset, I know that the biggest thing when getting a corset is to get one that FITS CORRECTLY! A well fitting corset will barely affect your breathing especially after it has been seasoned.
@theoriginalsuzycat 6 лет назад
But many if not most of these women were wearing mass-produced corsets, not custom fitted ones. Think how many women wear ill-fitting bras. It would have been the same with corsets.
@hellomoron 8 лет назад
Anyone else watching this specifically to prep for surviving that time period on the off chance of time travel?
@kindredwolf5518 7 лет назад
hellomoron meeee!!!!
@monkiram 7 лет назад
LOOL this comment has 50 likes, I'm astounded that this many people had that same thought
@brandymcnamee9936 6 лет назад
I think I'd skip this era. Doesn't seem like much fun, tbqh... _especially_ for women. 21st century women (of the Western World) have absolutely _no_ idea what _real_ patriarchal/misogynistic oppression is... they wouldn't last a single _day_ in the stifling, soul-sucking confines of the Victorian era, where "women's rights" meant you had the _"right"_ choose what to serve for dinner, or which day to do the laundry, or, if you're really lucky, you may even have been "awarded" the right to go to the grocery _unchaperoned!_* EGADS! But anyway, there's only one reason I'd choose the Victorian era as my destination: to settle once and for all, the identity of Jack the Freaking Ripper. I'd lurk in the shadows, and when he went in for the kill, I'd be like: *"SURPRISE, MUDDAFUKKA!"*
@2SilverEyes 6 лет назад
@Pcpguy 6 лет назад
@lynnpurcell7583 7 лет назад
When the History Channel was actually about History. Interesting.
@cici3147 3 года назад
it's from Absolute History channel. I've watched so much of it during Quarantine this year
@jeraldinesummers458 3 года назад
@@cici3147 ⁹
@julecaesara482 8 лет назад
Considering the corsets, I think it really depended on you how thight you wore a corset. There is this lady "priorattire" on RU-vid who shows that corsets can be worn without restriction. But again, if you chose to squeeze the air out of your lungs, of course fainting and weakness were present.
@suzys65 8 лет назад
I agree. Most of the women who weren't upper class didn't lace their corsets extremely tight.
@brij5778 7 лет назад
Jule Caesara I know, I watch priorattire and I love her videos.
@sunnypup1971 7 лет назад
Jule Caesara I just found her channel a while ago ! And they're very interning. But she wears safe and comfortable clothing where as these woman did not
@reinamatheny9972 4 года назад
I think this video is trying to demonize femininity~ well demonize is a harsh word but lack of another one I will use it~ if you are a SAHM or wife you are living in victorian times or setting women back centuries. I beg to differ~
@Zeverinsen 3 года назад
It has been well documented that victorians in general *chose* to lace their corsets unnecessarily tight, solely for fashion and societal expectations. Wearing a corset isn't dangerous under the right conditions, but the victorians definitely pushed the limits to the extreme with their corsets, just like they did with a lot of other things. Even if many "regular people" didn't tight lace specifically, they still wore their corsets tightly.
@BHStudios01 8 лет назад
I remember working renn. faire one summer, and we had to wear corsets as part of our costumes. The corsets we wore were made by one of the merchants there at the faire, handmade, with stiff ribbing. Yeah, even when not tightlacing, it was still exhausting, especially in the severe heat and humidity of NJ summer.
@paulagwhyte1720 7 лет назад
Why do people speak so softly these days in television and movies? They don't clear their throats, they don't articulate, they don't speak up, but yet music and sound effects are EXPLOSIVE! nGODAMNIT! SPEAK UP and speak clearly.
@cassandramalfoy 8 лет назад
Does anyone else feel like Mrs. Beton's books she wrote on rules and advice for women of the Victorian times that it's likely she probably never did anything of advice herself in her books, or the author behind the series of those books back then?
@Dominothespotcat 8 лет назад
Mrs Beton actually died of Syphilis she contracted from her cheating husband...
@clearspira 8 лет назад
Although women's rights were (obviously) a million times worse than women have it today, they were far more liberated and outspoken than one might expect. Working-class women in particular did have jobs and a measure of financial independence eg working back-breaking jobs in mills or on the fields for literally pennies an hour. They were also perfectly willing to drink, take drugs, and have sex in huge quantities - again in stark contrast to what we picture their lives being like today. Its interesting to note that the richer a family was, the more ''housewifey'' a woman was due to it being rather frowned upon to be otherwise in the upper classes - which is probably where a lot of the stereotypes we have of women back then came from given how few of the poor could write or had true historical significance. In other words, that is my long-winded way of saying that, yes, it is very likely that those books were scoffed at by a very large portion of contemporary women.
@MonicaVartolomeiFDDLP 8 лет назад
I'm not so sure women's rights really are better today. Back then, women did not have to get jobs unless their family was poor. It was also all right, even expected, to spend fewer years getting an education, although they did not have to be uneducated or illiterate. Nowadays, they have more choices, but also more obligations. A woman who stays home has to justify her choice. Back then, women tended to get pregnant anyway but not doing so wouldn't have meant that she had to get a job and her husband was not stuck supporting her. Try becoming a childless housewife who's not in school or something and see what your husband will say (he'll say "get off your *** and get a job"). Or try moving in with your parents or married siblings and mooching off them instead of getting a job and paying rent (back then, those who could afford it would have accepted this or even proposed it). It is true that supporting a wife or a family on one salary is harder to afford nowadays.
@clearspira 8 лет назад
vartotrad This gets down to my biggest gripe against modern feminism - the idea that if I want to stay at home with my kids I am somehow less valuable or diminished than these ballbusters that go out and work. Um, excuse me? I thought the whole point of women's lib was my right to choose? Too many people seem to translate ''my right to choose'' as ''do what the F*** I find acceptable''. It also pisses me off that people seem to think that men were not also oppressed given how if I lived back then I could sit at home in front of the fire, whilst he would have no choice but to go out and fill his lungs with soot, coal, asbestos etc.
@MonicaVartolomeiFDDLP 8 лет назад
That's the problem with new opportunities. Soon, they become the norm. It was a good thing when education became more available and having just a little, or a little more than others had, would open up better opportunities. Now, it takes a whole bunch to even gain access to the job market. It must have been an advantage for some women, or for a dual-income family, to have a job when that was not the norm. Now, everybody needs a job and a normal salary is no longer meant to be sufficient for the whole family. Opportunities like that may be good, or seem that way, when only a small, or relatively small, proportion of the population enjoys a comparative privilege by taking them. Then, it becomes harder as the minimum requirements for any kind of success or even for the survival level become higher. Some improvement do come, such as all kinds of material things that appear or become more affordable, although some, such as real estate in a good location, actually become less affordable.
@esterelina 6 лет назад
She's my favourite BBC documentary host! Always a delight to listen to her
@kaptainrogers 8 лет назад
oh damn. I thought this was an easy 5 minute video. then I saw the opening... wow what is this. then I saw the time length. oh. this is a video for another time.
@martiwest4341 7 лет назад
Excellent information, and very interesting, but the captioning was exceedingly distracting. Had it been in English, this video would have been perfect... Only my opinion.
@janeeyre5909 7 лет назад
what's of interest here is the thought of what women accomplished wth constraint. It reminds me of Ginger Rodgers "she did it all in heels" also I cannot help but think of Sacagawea, who carried her baby while making every accolade possible for Lewis and Clarke
@theoriginalsuzycat 6 лет назад
I had never heard of this woman before - thank you for alerting me to her story!
@RosenrotRtLiebchen87 Год назад
working class women would not have had the same type of corsets or have them laced so tightly, they needed to breathe as they needed to work. the rich women who only had to order about servants, be social, look fashionable, wore those tightly laced corsets. they also often spent time doing things like playing instruments that weren't labor intensive, such as the pianoforte, or embroidery or knitting
@MissScarlettPotter 8 лет назад
I'm actually watching this video in a corset, as it so happens! Corseting isn't all bad, as long as you stay far away from the tight-lacing extremes. It's actually helped me a lot with back pain and posture. If you're not stick-thin already and you do a 4-6 inch reduction, you're fine. You won't be moving any ribs, and the effects on your organs are not horrifically concerning. Any more than 8 inches, like they did in the Victorian Era, though, and then you're running into trouble.
@aralefay 5 лет назад
51:39 a great example about how influencers are not always worthy of trust and their advices may carry disastrous consequences.
@laizarosemonis7845 8 лет назад
well,im glad I was not born in that era. ewwww the baby bottles.....!
I guess you haven't heard about the bacteria in today's sippy cups. Either way, it's a nightmare to think about.
@samcroangel2311 8 лет назад
I'm honestly wondering, in the next say 2-4 generations will put great great grandchildren talk about how silly teenagers were when they did the silly internet trends like 'Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge' as we do for corsets?
@amylynnhunt55 6 лет назад
I don't think we need to worry about Miss Jenner being remembered in several generations on. :) And corsets were worn by pretty much all women, not a handful of kids joking around. But her sisters have tried to bring back "waist trainers", which are really unhealthy.
@blueheaven2135 6 лет назад
Amy Lynn Hunt Kardashians will be remembered hundred years from now
@MsBhappy 5 лет назад
@@blueheaven2135 Sadly yes, history books will be talking about social media and reality tv's influence on society and beauty ideals/lifestyle trends. Including the extremes people go to surgically, diet wise, consumerism etc. as their sheep. The change in the marketing of products and what it means to be a celebrity is drastically different because of them. Higher prevalence of body dysmorphia, the vocal fry, eating disorders, depression and lack of self-esteem, etc. can be connected to the K/J family. Maybe there will be historical examples of unethical use of having a platform, like their endorsement and promotion of waist trainers, meal replacement drinks, pills for hair and weight loss, flat tummy lollipops,, detox programs. They both exploit and perpetuate young girls desperation for conformity, social acceptance, and never-ended desire to increase self-esteem.
@Germatti13489 4 года назад
Each generation always talks about what the silly things the previous-generation did. The best part is- We all have cheesy moments!
@Germatti13489 4 года назад
@@amylynnhunt55 True.
@hannahjacobsen9678 8 лет назад
I've got a re print of William Morris bird and pomegranate wallpaper.that means it's the same pattern but no arsenic.
@emmathienes8588 6 лет назад
Anyone else wondering how the poisoned wallpaper wasn't caught sooner? If it was poisoning people just sitting near it what was going on in the factory and with the wallpaperers themselves? How were they not dropping like flies?
@Brianna08051919 8 лет назад
Right, no need idealizing the "good old days". More than anything else, they were dark and dangerous, for men at war and at work, and no less for women / mothers and children at home. Praised be hygiene ("Aaamen!!!") and 21st-century medicine, nourishment and technique - if used with good sense.
@woolenhat5796 8 лет назад
without their mistakes we wouldnt have developed. the good old days are meant - human interaction. talking to one another face to face. playing outside climbing trees and using our imagination. every mark in time has its mistakes and its benefits. when you are a little older youll look back on your childhood with fondness and wonder what the hell is wrong with kids today. (or today in the future, you know what i mean)
@Brianna08051919 8 лет назад
+woollen hat True, of course. Progress is, first of all, learning from mistakes or needs. This is what I am grateful for. On the other hand, as a mother, I also miss the opportunities for outdoor physical activity which were normal for me. I grew up in a house surrounded with a garden and a hen yard, my children in a city. I went out to play, climbed trees and fences, but when my children where small I had to go out to a playground with them. People looked at me down their noses for WALKING with them to kindergarten and primary school, instead of driving them by car straight into the classroom. And for leaving the crusts on their bread and for feeding them cheese and sausage and vegetables - "normal" children don´t eat this stuff! Well, my sons do. Now they are secondary-school sportsmen in their 1,90s, have bikes and shoes their size and know to make good use of them. ;-) I am far from perfect, don´t have to - but being a mother is also constant learning... Best wishes from Northern Germany
@clearspira 8 лет назад
We've gained much, and whilst we have arguably lost less, what we have lost was not all bad. Like you say, the outdoors seems to be a foreign place for many kids now, which is a bad thing judging by their waistlines.
@MartaEzis 7 лет назад
Brianna08051919 Yeah, no need idealizing the "good old days", but... it's more like, every period of time has its pluses and minuses.
@yellow.2909 7 лет назад
listen the everyday life in that era was not dangerous.Like every era,the Victorian era had his pro's and cons.its still much better then nowadays....
@anksunamunbce3668 8 лет назад
excellent documentary about Victorian homes excellent the other day I watched about the dangers in the hidden killers in The Tudor home this is a wonderful set of documentaries BBC good stuff thanks for posting
@BlackMoonCrewFam 8 лет назад
When I was a child still my school had to remove lead paint from the building they closed down part of the school for a while.
@sadonion4378 8 лет назад
yup, lead paint, asbestos... god knows whats in the stuff we use now thats actually doing us harm.
@blackpink-boombayahroadto1884 7 лет назад
J.Sky (Skyler Jung) In my house there were plates painted with a very harmful chemical. My parents would only use them for special events and soup and they were always like "be careful" and I was like "Be careful? How about you don't make me eat from a poisionous plate?" Good thing we don't use them anymore
@drmantistobboggangonzodr3961 7 лет назад
yep. thats true it took the gov a long time to do something to curtail lead poisoning and make people aware of the problem, and it was used commonly until well after many people got sick and died from it. i think into the late 50s? but im not sure. also interesting fact... i think victorian and tudor (?) times their court and wealthy class used to whiten their faces and the makeup they used had lead in it an destroyed their skin and was deadly too. im not sure if they mentioned it in this documentary, maybe most likely because it was before the victorian era? i'm not too sure about the time frame exactly...it was when those frilly clown collars were popular lol there was so much pollution and coal burning too that one night there was a heavy fog that blew in over a town and the wind died and the fog kept the polluted air still sitting over the town and by morning 300 people had suffocated in their sleep.. look it up for year but it was crazy how bad the pollution was before any regulations were put in place.. and this was even before any cars were on the road, it was factories and people burning coal for warmth...
@amylynnhunt55 6 лет назад
I think all this crap explains much of why my parents generation (baby boomer) have dealt with cancer and Alzheimer's, my generation has auto-immune illnesses, and my friends' children ADD, autism, etc. I can't even be around a woman with a fresh manicure without becoming extremely sick. And most of these chemicals and stuff are used for one reason: they are cheap! But the cost in medical bills sort of makes that moot.
@agentcia11 6 лет назад
Companies have and always will be about the $ it doesn't matter if it's 'current year' just make sure that they don't have too much lobbying power, that's when shit really hits the fan
@mequable 8 лет назад
This woman is beautiful and I can't believe how pretty her hair is.
@grcj1480 8 лет назад
+pastichka Suzannah Lipscomb
@williamredfern2683 8 лет назад
@williamredfern2683 8 лет назад
@Cruznick06 8 лет назад
+AnarchoRepublican She likely has naturally curly hair. Its well maintained and healthy looking so I don't think you know healthy hair...
@williamredfern2683 8 лет назад
@thisthateverything7035 8 лет назад
I really wanted to see more of the wallpaper patterns.
@angelicaplummer6127 6 лет назад
@bonniehowell4259 4 года назад
Me too. My parents have a home from the late 1700's. While renovating the walls, they uncovered a white and green floral designed wallpaper from around that time period. Those designs are very interesting!
@Uncivilize 8 лет назад
Someone should do a documentary on today's home dangers & products. There are similarly many.
@clearspira 8 лет назад
Technically speaking, William, none of those are subjects for a documentary based on the twenty first century as all of those things existed in the twentieth.
@curveyharley7 8 лет назад
my gosh the british government is slow in banning deathly items...now I know not to step foot in a british home unless its after the 1970's
@Suzibird307 8 лет назад
+curveyharley7 Flint, MI. 2016. 'nuff said
@melissabradley4499 8 лет назад
lead paint was the same way in America. my daughter was born in 1997 and had lead poisoning.
@suzieseabee 8 лет назад
our town has lead water pipes
@Hilltop_Stranger 8 лет назад
+Melissa Bradley is she ok?
@TheTylerGrl 8 лет назад
America isn't too better on that. lead paint and the such are still in some older homes but you can't live there with children/pets.
@KB-tg7pf 8 лет назад
Bleach. "how do I kill germs on my baby's toys?" "spray bleach on it. it kills everything."
@vanessawhite8042 8 лет назад
All that glitters is not gold
@stephenclark3230 8 лет назад
+Vanessa White ....But rises again, stronger and harder!
@ayyylmao101 7 лет назад
Spongebob! :D
@indi-go1868 7 лет назад
EEBG bunnygirl No, its originally not from spongebob.
@ayyylmao101 7 лет назад
Indi-go I know that, it came from Merchant of Venice.
@berylhamilton3447 7 лет назад
EEBG bunnygirl Yu. Margaret Margaret. And the hippys
@michaeltowler2632 7 лет назад
I had dozens and dozens of Lead Soldiers and played with them constantly ,the Paint used to come off but I still played on them also Dad was constantly painting and I would be there with my little Brush . Now I know why I'm a Dunce! We still had the old Gas pipes connected to the wall lamps in our Hallway. Also no hot water and Coal fires and I can tell you in real cold they only take the chill out of a Room, you would get as close as you can and then roast at the front and freeze at the back of your body. We lived in a basement and Dad was fighting the rising damp all the time and forever wallpapering with his little helper. About damp one of my sisters died of pneumonia at 2 years old .
@bjones2600 8 лет назад
God, she is so beautiful. The series is amazing and so interesting but I just cannot get over how gorgeous this host is. lol!
@withfootnotes 7 лет назад
B Jones love her hair!
@hardrockjoe2159 7 лет назад
I was looking through the comments trying to see if anyone noticed.
@hardrockjoe2159 7 лет назад
Yes. Her hair is awesome, but so is yours.
@drmantistobboggangonzodr3961 7 лет назад
yes! i noticed that.....shes lovely! i love her soothing voice and beautiful musical accent also. and her hair is awesome too.
@nomadyesmad6773 7 лет назад
B Jones She's beautiful AND intelligent and creative. Ugh, I just love her but I'm so jealous.
@amberalexandrabayleycooke212 8 лет назад
OMG!!! Arsenic in wallpapers.....So scary and dangerous....
@Merryyy203 8 лет назад
Those subtitles in the middle of the screen...
@thinkthensend9228 6 лет назад
The corset testing was very interesting. But I don’t think you can compare a “5 minute” test to that of a Victorian’s vitals whose body became used to the corset. She would have trained her body to have become somewhat more used to the fit. I’m not saying it was good for the Victorian, just more adjusted.
@StaticCling99 7 лет назад
It was amusing watching her speak of the evils of corsetry while tottering around on heels.
@MsPrettypinkpanther8 7 лет назад
StaticCling99 Heels are far less dangerous.
@anjanunnenmacher344 7 лет назад
corsets aren't either if you're not stupid and know how to wear them properly
@strawberries1186 7 лет назад
Anja Pajari In those times you weren't exactly able to wear it any way but dangerously though.
@MartaEzis 7 лет назад
mega omega No, it differed from era to era and from class to class. A young, high society lady in 1895 would wear her corset much tighter than a middle-class middle-aged woman in 1865. There's this lady, "priorattire", here on RU-vid, and she makes great videos on Victorian corsets, I absolutely recommend them :-)
@KimmiMorningstar 7 лет назад
I wear corsets all the time, they are not uncomfortable if they FIT you. The only reason a corset would hurt is if it was too small, does not fit your body, or is not made well. Buy from reputable corset makers. Timeless Trends and Mystic City are great. Anything from Ebay, Amazon, or China will be cheap and uncomfortable. You should never order a corset that is made in small, medium, and large sizing, it goes by the measurements of your body, not a general size. The most important thing is that the measurements of the corset to not be smaller than your bone structure. My underbust measurement is 32" and my hips are 38" so all of my corsets have those measurements when fully closed for my bone structure to not be obstructed. My breathing is not obstructed because again, the corset fits my ribs, it only reduces at the smallest part of my waist where there is naturally a lot of squish.
@elizabethxxpaige 7 лет назад
Kimberly Morningstar This is true, however, this is not how corsets that are mentioned here were fitted. They were meant to restrict and be worn small and tight.
@MartaEzis 7 лет назад
elizabethxxpaige No, not always. It depended on the class of the lady and the era. I recommend watching priorattire's channel here on RU-vid, she has great pieces about Victorian corsets and she sews everything herself.
@carriel6258 6 лет назад
Frighteningly fascinating! Suzannah Lipscomb is an amazing historian! I enjoy every single one of her programs very very much!
@sarahs5340 8 лет назад
@58:30, what I was thinking all along! yikes. What are we oblivious to today!?
@staceykersting461 8 лет назад
+Sarah S Well, for one, bleach is cancer-causing. Deodorant has aluminum in it, which may be linked to cancer, and our cleaning products are not all safe either. Worth looking into!
@blondwiththewind 8 лет назад
+Stacey Kersting Hence the new trend in DIY cleaning and personal care items. Vinegar, coconut oil, baking soda: it seems that if you've got those in your house you can tackle almost anything. :D
@staceykersting461 8 лет назад
+blondwiththewind RIGHT ON!!! I use half each bkg soda and cornstarch baby powder as deodorant. Works for 48 hrs!
@staceykersting461 8 лет назад
+blondwiththewind RIGHT ON!!! I use half each bkg soda and cornstarch baby powder as deodorant. Works for 48 hrs!
@blondwiththewind 8 лет назад
Stacey Kersting A little coconut oil helps a bit, too...and it has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help fight odor as well.
@Tsiri09 7 лет назад
It's amazing anyone survived the different ages and what insane things they did for beauty and "fashionable." Wonder what future generations will think about us?
@Itsachapel 7 лет назад
I wonder what our hidden killers are gonna be when our descendants look upon our history.
@live2diedie2liveagain78 4 года назад
@cloverbird5785 4 года назад
Freemasons. Including Trump and Obama. Watch In The Shadow of Hermes and The Greatest Story Never Told by Dennis Wise.
@RJsermon 3 года назад
@lesliehyde 2 года назад
Corsets are not inherently dangerous in their design. When (should) one properly consider the back braces for scoliosis treatment (rigid, non-adjustable and can leave marks on the skin) corsets are an absolute haven. They are quite comfortable and easily adjustable by loosening the lacing at the back yet they are very supportive to the back and if an overbust style, then one can get better bust support and in turn back support due to the design of the corset. This isn’t to say that all corsets are equal in design and build as properly boned and properly fitted corsets are better in every way while tubular "corsets" boned with subpar plastic boning (not all plastic boning is equal- synthetic whalebone gives similar structural support to how real whalebone gives as opposed to cheaply made plastic that are common for use in zip ties) while corsets from Timeless Trends, Mystic City, Orchard Corset and true corsets from Shaperx on Amazon are made with flat and spiral steel give quite impressive back support for just their underbust lines while overbust models from the first three companies provide wonderful bust support and in turn additional back support by supporting the bust by a garment that spreads the weight of the bust over the body by how the corset is patterned and sewed together. Also, a word to note- corsets should NEVER be worn against bare skin. Additionally, tightlacing of corsets during the Victorian and Edwardian Era was rarely done while the silhouette of the times was created through the heavy use of padding at the bust, hips and rear-end. The portrayal of corsets in this show along with many "doctor" shows gives a false portrayal of corsets and only serves to give a fear of a garment that is comfortable and gives support when properly made and worn.
@hollyrose-farquharson9118 7 лет назад
Victorian styled corsets may have lost there popularity but structured under garments were still a part of ladies fashion for many centuries. With the rise of the 60's structural under garments became unpopular with the sexual revolution.
@woolenhat5796 8 лет назад
@46:38 the face i pull when the irish guy gets his poison detection gun out. he loves that thing.
@cathycat4989 2 года назад
Corsets themselves were not to blame. Tight lacing wasn't possible until metal eyelets were invented in the Victorian era. Doctors at the time warned against it, and it was considered immodest. Some still did, like extreme beauty trends today that are bad for health. Luckily, it wasn't really common. Unluckily, cartoons from the era depicting the practice are thought of as the norm today. It's sort of like if a historian looked at Kimm Kardashian and said 'yup, every 21st century woman did all the things she did to look how she did' against all evidence. Corsets are great, can help with posture and breathing. Like bra burning is mocked today, because some ladies just need the extra support to avoid back pain, hopefully some day raging against corsets will be seen as propaganda and unnecessary moral panic (corsets help with my scoliosis while keeping fashionable, so I am biased).
@truthmatters-jt5up 4 года назад
Dr Spock in the 1950's was THE baby expert to follow, and he did a LOT OF DAMAGE.
@Kitsune1989 8 лет назад
I live in a house that was built when my great grandparents were still young (and my landlord is a tight pursed ass). The basement sweet was never used because the wall paper contained arsenic. Up until last year the house still ran on a coal furnace. It's creepy because the basement hasn't been touched almost since it was built so there's all these old wooden toys and one of those creepy porcelain dolls.
@RosenrotRtLiebchen87 Год назад
it's spelled "suite" in that context btw. not judging your spelling though, just thought I'd let you know
@RosenrotRtLiebchen87 Год назад
also, i hope your situation with your place and landlord has since improved
@amberkelly3187 5 лет назад
They always show the wealthy homes from the Victorian times. Most people did not live that way.
@honeychurchgipsy6 6 лет назад
on the surprise that William Morris - who advocated going back to nature/basics - was a miner of Arsenic: Arsenic IS natural.
@VanillaSlash 7 лет назад
Very interesting documentary.
@AnxiousTrap 7 лет назад
Tight laced corset look so amazing, I love those old pictures of the corset it's so fascinating.
@paularoehl-johnson9991 8 лет назад
So, the "poor" were healthier?
@sailorstarfairy1 8 лет назад
Well...not necessarily - they were still exposed to some of the same dangers as the rich people were. Think of the maids who were working in the houses with the paint, wallpaper, ovens, and yeah they had to help take care of the children, which means they had contact with those lead painted toys too. Added to that, the poor would have had less sanitary conditions at their own homes owing to the fact that they couldn't afford "the good quality" things that were avaliable.
@MowjiSukisyo-TheOneAndOnly 4 года назад
My grandmother was one of those women who refused to wear a corset. She told me that she had tried it, because well.. as a woman you wore a corset. But she noticed that she couldn't do her normal daily things properly, so it had to come off. " I was leaning over the bed and gasping for air while making the bed." My mom was a nurse and took care of the elderly. She told me that people who had worn a corset all their lives, couldn't live without them. She had to put the corsets on many of those old ladies. And yes, you sometimes had to use a foot to get those things right. It was comon practice in those days of the corset, that a man would stand behind a woman before she would receive bad news. In general women fainted when they heard bad news. My gran told me that.
@craigcrawford6595 4 года назад
The problem back then is the same problem today- greed...only profit, ones capital, mattered...
@lovedrakexx 7 лет назад
the first time I saw this woman, the first thing I thought was "wow she is so beautiful!" I wish I were as pretty as she tbh, im jealous
@christinaify 6 лет назад
She is pretty! She also has a doctorate in history and philosophy from Oxford University and writes most of the programs she appears in :D
@janjISMYname 6 лет назад
Don't be jealous. You are beautiful, too.
@christinaify 6 лет назад
not as beautiful as you are um...Hidden Killer? IDK how to make friends on the interwebs.
@insearchof9903 6 лет назад
grapejuice She is indeed but her teeth are so messed up that it looks like she's talking out the side of her mouth.
@amandaoconnell3923 3 года назад
@@insearchof9903 She has lovely teeth, they look very healthy, I'm just wondering if you are from the US? Where teeth are beyond perfect, nothing wrong with that but it's not fair to be demeaning of good but not perfect teeth and insulting on how a persons mouth moves as they speak. The comment just annoyed me
@naheleshiriki5496 5 лет назад
Uhhhh. No, in actuality the women who tight-laced corsets to dangerous standards were very few and considered to be vain. As for all the papers and pamphlets that had pictures of women with tiny waists it's the same with today and photoshopping in magazines. Also because I wear a corset on a daily basis my cardio has actually improved as my body has adapted in the same way that people in higher altitudes adapt to having less oxygen. I spend maybe less than a minute lacing up my corset. I can do pretty much any kind of physical activity in it. This has a lot of misinformation for a seemingly reputable source.
@MaraD1234 8 лет назад
sounds a lot like what's happening with fluoride in drinking water, pesticides in GMO's and many "medicines" today...more money and better cover ups though...
@Itried20takennames 4 года назад
Marina Dobrescu what? Cancer rates have never been lower and fewer people are dying when they do occur - even in the past 25 years childhood cancer deaths have dropped hugely thanks to “medicines” to the point that now the majority of children live, whereas before the majority died. Humans have been genetically modifying their food for centuries by selective breeding, take a look at what wild chickens and bananas used to look like. Fluorides have been a huge benefit, and pesticides...well, yeah, those aren’t great. There IS a Victorian tie-in to your fears in that people used to have health concerns about indoor bathrooms and porcelain toilets. They are, of course, much safer than an outhouse, but people were still convinced they were bad - just look at how many people who die in a house are in the bathroom? (Or it’s just a correlation, because when people feel sick or nauseous they often head to their bathroom to avoid mess elsewhere.). Same with the radio boom in the 1920s - tons of fear mongering around radio waves passing thru people’s bodies, as with all new tech. If scared of genetic modification and medicines, there are great stories about how there are now some genetic diseases with a single gene loss that are treatable, and what that means to kids who before would never reach adulthood.
Odličan reupload, vrlo korisne informacije
@1SpicyMeataball 4 года назад
Judging by the comments, more than a few people have chewed lead paint in thier lifetime.
@JoeyArmstrong2800 7 лет назад
Unfortunately, working class children were factory fodder, no childhood.
@julecaesara482 8 лет назад
I like the show itself, but sometimes they are over-dramatic.
@thunderchief7 8 лет назад
Only sometimes?
@julecaesara482 7 лет назад
Joe Rock I wanted to be polite.
@ayyylmao101 7 лет назад
@evewhoo 7 лет назад
Jule Caesara Well, better to be over dramatic than under dramatic. Nothing more boring than a monotone narrator.
@michaela9967 4 года назад
"these are silent killers in our office ..." Michael: "You are a silent killer"
@yahoo.com07 6 лет назад
Chilling eye opener! Thank you so much for sharing this. I love the science they use to measure the damaging effects of arsenic gas, lead and the corset. My Gps always had the old steam piped heat in their home and to this day, I always loved it. My first apartment had steamed heat and I just love it. I hated central heating, it's dry and caused a great deal of havoc with my respiratory problem. It always made the house so warm and I could lay my clothes on the water heaters and have toasty warm clothes to put on with out burning them. Our home was built in the 1940's, we tested every room and every room has lead. It sucks. We repainted over most of it. But I seriously am still in shock the fact that we import everything from China and it's filled with lead. Other countries will not have anything to do with importing from China because of that and other health and child labor problems. Knowing all that we do about how dangerous and toxic things are, we still turn a blind eye to it. it's sad, it's really hard to get away from because everything in the U.S (Well not everything but a majority including our flag) says "Made In China" and they use lead unfortunately. It's a wonder we are not all lead poisoned ,alcoholic, arsenic ingested, wall paper eating corset wearing, ADHD effected, zombies.....
@RosenrotRtLiebchen87 Год назад
none of that has to do with ADHD... it's a genetic neurological condition, as is autism
@eunicestone6532 Год назад
Probably not enough lead to make you sick it's been on there so long. Asbestos is very dangerous.
@karatecorgi7685 9 месяцев назад
yeah I was kinda put off by the inclusion of ADHD, having ADHD myself 😅
@KellyfromMemphis 11 дней назад
Appreciate the early technology consumers, who suffered and died, before we learned about safety! 😢
@cmmc3400 6 лет назад
Amazing documentary! I ran it back a few times to make sure I heard everything correctly. I was aware of some of these things because of my background. I sent the link to a friend so I could warn her about her own particular era for collecting. Did you hear that Missy? Arsenic!
@anthonyfox585 7 лет назад
corsets look nice but not when they're tied so tight that you have a 12 inch waist that just looks ridiculous
@renatacantore-gross8842 4 года назад
Thank you for this most informative video. That lifestyle was horrifying.
@phabbiola 7 лет назад
And after he washes his hands, that arsenic goes down the drain into the water AHHHHH
@Zeverinsen 3 года назад
Every era is a part of our evolution. The only thing we can hope for, is that we learn from previous mistakes.
@danischeel4846 4 года назад
The Victorian era is my favorite! I never realized how dangerous it was. I'd still go back if it was possible!
@jamiepan7650 4 года назад
This is so great to know. I had no idea about all of this . Great work.
@ananyalal7950 7 лет назад
Now days feeding bottles are made out of plastic, wonder how good that is for your baby!
@kkatherinee9609 7 лет назад
Ananya Lal believe me, babies fed with plastic bottles are absolutely fine
@janjISMYname 6 лет назад
I was about to make mention "would have been a wonderful time to start an interior design firm". Not so much it seems😷 Love your work. I used to watch you on, I believe the travel channel, or, History channel?! Always intrigued by the history, research, footwork. Thank you. Good stuff. #CE Next up for me 'Hidden killers Of The Edwardian Home'. I think I'll snuggle in and spend the evening w you, and on the eve of "The bachelor" finale.
@janeedginton8736 4 года назад
My grandmother born in January 1885 considered the colour green was bad luck. She refused to wear green clothes and did not like anything like curtains, sheets, towels etc being green. We never asked her about the wallpaper. Having watched this video, I wonder if this was the reason.
@tomorrowsroses 8 лет назад
I really liked this it was interesting!
@glasslinger 4 года назад
Outstanding video! Stuff we never learned in school history lessons!
@lamoon1525 4 года назад
My grandmum and mum often spoke of the bad things like gas, wall paper and other things. And joyfully partook of laudanum. They dosed me with it as well. The stuff was instantly addicting. It was opium. As for breast feeding...no decent woman would do so.
@jerryjohnson8485 8 лет назад
leaded gasoline anyone?lead&tin in canned goods. copper lined cooking pots.
You forgot Teflon. That's why we are supposed to discard Teflon products for the "newer" & supposedly "safer" red copper type. I went back to my grandmother's iron skillets. Been around forever & the only problem she had with them was getting fat. Her words; not mine.
@tara.b4776 7 лет назад
Thank you! This was so informative and really helped me out alot with my studies ^^ amazing 🌟
@TomLaios 8 лет назад
The presenter is a goddess.
@blondwiththewind 8 лет назад
+laiosto She is OK....but I got tired of the overbite with the slight lisp...the phony pale blue contact lenses....and all the time wasted with those redundant shots of her orange manicure. Ugh.
@TomLaios 8 лет назад
blondwiththewind Let me guess.You're either female or gay,because no straight man would ever consider the "faults" you pointed out as faults.If she spoke to me I'd be "Duhhh.you pretty" and would be sporting a huge boner.
@YesJellyfish 8 лет назад
+laiosto More like, a salty female or a guy who just got dumped :P Would fit right in with those Victorian upper class women..
@retroshark 8 лет назад
+laiosto very charming too
@retroshark 8 лет назад
So she smells like my kinda girl then.
@janjISMYname 6 лет назад
So, this is why women fainted so often during the corset era! My mom was Victorian in another time. lol. She doesn't wear a corset, but a lot of layers, even in the summertime.
@christinad4432 4 года назад
I love this series!! I wish their were more then just these few episodes
@itsjustnopinionok 7 лет назад
17:00 from arsenic walpaper to lead wall paint.
@odiesmum2012 8 лет назад
Corsets were precursors of the girdle.
@shanemoore8055 3 года назад
The Victorian era is interesting, because it`s a time when society was emerging from ignorance about the world into a science explained world.
@sweetbeeluvera1450 4 года назад
In one of the papers that said four died of gas poisoning and then they put it's an extraordinary occurrence like it didnt happen often? it happened all the time! a lot of these people were misled to believe that all these items were safe when they weren't! SMH
@ZachSethEliZed 6 лет назад
After all the wars and chaos; the world seems to have not fully gained peace still. I hope that humanity's effort to better life in the future will not be diminished by humans themselves.
@jacquiscottagelife7746 8 лет назад
About the corsets ... they state in this program that there are cases where the rib broke and pierced the lung. OK, lets think about this. While a corset does have steel boning in it, it is still basically a bit of fabric. If there was enough force to break a rib, the fabric would give way long before the rib broke. And when they say the "rib" broke, are they talking about a rib (or bone) inside the chest or are they talking about the boning (the steel rib) in the corset breaking because the steel (or the whale bone in original corsets) broke. That's not very clear to me at all. Now I do historical reenacting and I have a corset that I wear during reenactments or for an afternoon at the historic village. I can guarantee you that it is not possible to tighten my corset tight enough to break anything other than the seams of the fabric.This kind of mis-information really, *really* annoys me!!
@NatySpaghetti 8 лет назад
Well maybe it could break due to how much they were worn for long periods of time, thus slowly weakening the bones. I kinda of think of it as an overuse injury, if you dont know what that is, its when you slowly weaken the area from long periods of time, for example, jumpers knee.
@auroramayfall2364 8 лет назад
They are talking about long term effects
@shilohsaum3361 8 лет назад
Jacqui B they had just introduced the long term injuries, specifically of ladies who wore them overnight. For the ones whose ribs broke, they probably tightened them much tighter than you do for reenactments, & that kind of pressure over an essentially continuous proud of time would definitely break ribs.
@shilohsaum3361 8 лет назад
Jacqui B they had just introduced the long term injuries, specifically of ladies who wore them overnight. For the ones whose ribs broke, they probably tightened them much tighter than you do for reenactments, & that kind of pressure over an essentially continuous proud of time would definitely break ribs.
@goldaria9228 7 лет назад
You don't know anything about corsets. They are rods of steel with fabric in between to hold the rods of steel together an for decoration. The rods are small enough to be somewhat flexible but it's not as if you break your rib after wearing it once. You wear it all day. Have you heard of stress fractures. There is a constant force exerted on the ribs from the corsets so your ribs must either bend or break.
@Cruznick06 8 лет назад
It wasn't until around when Britain banned lead in paint that the USA bothered to ban it as well.
@nevillemason6791 4 года назад
But unbelievably the USA still allows the use of products containing asbestos. 60+ countries have a TOTAL ban on any use of asbestos. Exposure to asbestos can lead to symptoms appearing 20+ years on.
@danielgardner394 5 лет назад
And in our time, asbestos, saccharine, lead and the release of greenhouse gases. In 100 years it will be written how ignorant we were.
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