

Julies WIDM
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Welcome to a new video! And welcome back to my channel😃
I thought I can't let this amazing season of "De Mol" go by without at least a few hints and theories videos.
So, here it is. A short hints and theories summary of episodes 1-4 giving you the opportunity to discuss all you've watched and thought so far in the comments below.
Enjoy! 😃
How do you like the season so far? 😃
And who is your mole?
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30 июл 2024




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@moment7346 3 месяца назад
Really glad that I was able to find subtitles for this season and that you are back to cover it! I have loved all the belgian seasons so far and this one is no exception.
@matildahillstrom3710 3 месяца назад
Were did you find subs?
@H0lyMoley 3 месяца назад
Man, I've been looking forward to this. Thanks to friends in Belgium, I've been able to watch this, and am absolutely loving this season so far. You remember that laundry list of things I didn't like about the last season of WIDM? It's like the producers of De Mol took that list and were like "Ok, this is how to do it right." 1) They make INCREDIBLE use of the locations. The theming of each episode has been immaculate. What a great episode that mafia one was. The sea journey of "Pandora's Box" - that was fantastic. So much great here. 2) There's been exactly one case of money being taken out of the pot, and it was done in such a way that it actually worked for the show. That "punishment"... man. Talking of which, if I'd been at that box, I would've demanded to see the producers, swore at everyone, loudly proclaimed my intention to quit, told the cameraman to get that camera out of my face, and generally been the most obnoxious person imaginable. I would've refused to move until a producer came out. ...Then, as soon as the others had gone to their rooms, shamed, I would've been all over that box like anything. I would not have stopped until I'd found exactly what the name of the Mole is. 3) The challenges have seemed particularly good this year. One can see where the contestants have fallen down and where the Mole's influence has been. (I have a LOT more thoughts on this, primarily because I think I know who it is.) The editing has been top-notch. (Pineapple used as a horror movie monster, together with appropriate scoring... who could've seen that one coming?) I mean... this is exactly what I want from this show. Great cast of characters, great challenges, fantastic editing, loads of suspense, and somehow it still always feels new and fresh. I think the doubler twist is used just the right amount. My favorite player is Lynn. I love what she's doing. I hope that it works out for her, but unfortunately I think she's destined for an episode five or six boot. I think that there are other people who are already on the track of the Mole, and I don't think that Lynn is. I have one suspect at the moment, and that is Senne. I think he, Michael and Stephanie are the most likely final 3 at the moment, and it will be kind of obvious (if it's not already) that it's Senne. I mean, only one of them is not missing a foot / testicle, right? From their actions I'm inclined to rule out all of the women completely, and Bernard as well. That really just leaves Michael and Senne, and of those two: Senne pushed for Charlotte as one of the possible doubler exemption-pushers (she wasn't), he pushed for Michael when Coco was eliminated (Michael wasn't), and he encouraged the group to choose Bernard and Michael's car as the one containing the two liars (it wasn't). Senne put himself in the tower in episode two, where the Mole would be, since the person locked up had ultimate control over when the challenge would end. He then acted annoyed by the group's lack of cooperation to throw suspicion off himself and put himself in a position where, along with Michael, he had a "reason" to take the pasvragen in the chest. He wasted a literal bunch of bananas and then stopped his go-kart a lap early. He held his pizza in such a way that it almost looked planned for it to be hit with pineapple in that exact spot. And in the very first episode, he retrieved a doubler to look good, but also made sure that the maximum to be earned was E4,000, not E10,000. As for the olives - he was in the group that eventually controlled the money. He only pointed out one correct bin - again, a Mole may do this to throw people off initially - but he could've been taking olives out of the right bins and putting them in the wrong ones all day and nobody would've noticed. At this point I'm inclined to say that Senne is as obvious a Mole as Lloyd was in Season 6, or Annelotte in Season 9. And if that doesn't give you confidence, what will? As per the clues: 1) Are they quoting only the candidates (not the Mole)? Has the host said anything to the viewers to indicate this? I'm not sure... 2) Yes, I've absolutely spotted the Wilhelm screams. And no, I have no idea why they're there.
@julieswidm 3 месяца назад
🍍🍍🍍 - haha, I loved that idea too! 😄 1) Not that I can remember ...
@van5832 3 месяца назад
Hi Julia, you're back. We missed you with your Mole theories and hints. Please come back more often. Thank you.
@julieswidm 3 месяца назад
Aw, thank you! I'll see what I can do 🙂
@thefuzzyoranges 3 месяца назад
I'm so upset. I had such a looooong comment and I got out of the page by accident and it's all deleted. T.T Brief overview instead: 1. I'm SO glad you came back! I've missed you and the rest of our 'regulars.' It's like a bar where everybody knows your name! 2. The doublers this year have been hilarious, because so far it's been utterly pointless. (I haven't watched the new episode yet, so no spoilers for episode 5.) I was initially worried they'd be out at the end of episode 2. Now I'm worried they'll be out episode 7 but have earned no money. (I think it would be quite a clever thing if every episode had a hidden doubler, whether in the prison, Pandora's box secret compartment--how did no one look there???, in the barber shop, in one of the Apes, in the Mario course, etc). 3. Michaël and Senne are my only top suspects at this point. Stephanie and Lynn are in the middle, but I don't really think it's them. If it's either Bernard or Charlotte I'll be incredibly surprised. 4. I have not disliked a contestant in België history like I have Charlotte. Breaking ye olde Covid lockdown protocol for a hook-up and having no remorse for it (as a PHARMACIST) is rather appalling to me. She's had such a strong edit that I'm afraid we're stuck with her for another few weeks unfortunately. I don't know how I'll go on if she's the mole. 5. Love the season so far. Most of the challenges have been top notch and hysterical! 6. Major reasons why I suspect Michaël: The only one to not make a minute speech in task 1.1, didn't have to do anything when Coco knocked the correct barrel over in 1.2, yes caught out Stephanie in a lie in 1.3 BUT he stopped at his own video which felt really odd (plus there's practically no conversation between he and Gilles when the third task is explained, which is also strange), held the group up in the ice cream challenge (2.1) and could've easily had thrown successful ice creams away when alone in the backroom/freezer area, rather under-edited in 2.2 but gets a law wrong and eagerly gets his candle blown out, didn't take a whole lot of convincing to open Pandora's box (2.3), seemed to steer Philippe away from the barber (3.1), in no surprise at all broke the code of silence (3.2) and acted really frantic in the Ape (3.3), and too many moments in episode 4. Didn't lay pipes right. Took forever to put on overalls running his course. Seemed to boost Coco around the corners rather than on straightaways. Bad at counting laps in the tower. HAD CONTROL OF THE WALKIE TALKIE IN THE TOWER. (We see Senne's point of view when Michaël tells him to put his hand in the air if it's been 14 laps, not Michaël's. Could've not held the button down conveniently.) Really pushed Coco to identify either the gorgonzola or sardines to ensure his place in the pizza finale (at the point where they could only have one person in the finale). Led the group down the narrow alleyways in the pizza finale, which seemed to get Stephanie and Senne in bad positions to protect their pizzas. And was so freaking guilty in the Coco elimination challenge that I can't even. 7. Major reasons why I suspect Senne (only slightly less than Michaël at the moment): One of the ones to push Bernard to drop the dead weight of the other contestants in 1.1 (but did get a doubler which the mole does not want), didn't seem to do a whole lot at the olive grove but could be behind-the-scenes of not picking a lot of olives or dropping them or putting them in a bad barrel or something (1.2), was suspicious in 1.3 by not knowing what Gillian was wearing even though he saw that part of the video (and his video of finding out he's on the show...I found pointing at the person talking to him first kinda weird), bad at identifying Italian car brands which was a huge time waste in 2.1, in the prime position in expensive challenge 2.2 as the prisoner (didn't turn the button for the fans enough, didn't relay the info for the prisoners in the second room really, seemed to me he could've reached the keys/iPad with the time but just made it appear like he couldn't, wielded the hammer as a bargaining chip to waste more time), really pushed to open Pandora's box (2.3), kinda less suspicious in 3.1 but still got 1 song wrong, didn't do much in 3.2 either other than swim, was a part of the group in 3.3 to identify the wrong car with the pasta bomb, and then episode 4 it gets...kinda weird. For the counting laps bit, what was he going to do if at lap 14 he was like 'Okay I'm at lap 14' but the people in the tower were like 'No you definitely have 2 laps to go still?' Like he relied on the group in the tower to sabotage him, which is an odd mole tactic. Yes you can rely on the mistakes of others, but he didn't know they were going to mess up the counting and he had such a huge lead on the other driver that he would've easily earned 1k, which the mole certainly doesn't want. Was he going to insist he was done, rather than take an extra lap? That would be a really weird argument to make. 'No I'm definitely done!' 'We've been counting since the start Senne, you have one more lap.' 'NO!' Then just parks all huffy? I'm weird about this one. For the pizza challenge, threw pizzas really well to guarantee he was in the finale, but he didn't really do all that much to sabotage the others? Helped make sure Lynn got in and just got his own pizza out, which is fine, but he wasn't really tactically in a position to mess up anyone else, which doesn't feel really mole-like either. Then did absolutely nothing really of note in the last challenge. Like if you're the mole and know Coco's going out, but Michaël is there acting as guilty as my dog after eating something he shouldn't have, he barley says anything at all? Like he just points to him in one moment but gives it up so quickly. I dunno. Not a great set of two episodes for him if he is the mole.
@H0lyMoley 3 месяца назад
Your top two is my top two. We just have 'em flipped. I genuinely cannot see how the Mole could be any of the women or Bernard at this point. If I'm really stretching plausibility I guess it could be Stephanie - there just seems way too much that makes it not her.
@thefuzzyoranges 3 месяца назад
@@H0lyMoley We rarely agree on these things, so something must be wrong! 😆 Stephanie has had the under-edit they like to give the mole…but I mostly think she’s going out this or next week. Lynn’s been my maybe? It’s the first episode confessional where she said she would INITIALLY not want to be the mole, because she doesn’t like to lie. Then it cuts off. I could easily see her later saying ‘But I’m really good at lying and all my friends say so. And I’m really competitive and could get over not liking it.’ Or something like that. For all her talk of wanting to play for the team she hasn’t really done a lot to earn money. But I get more candidate-vibe from her. It’s confusing 😵‍💫
@windfallsofdreams 3 месяца назад
I agree with you about Senne’s actions during the racing assignment; it’s one of the main reasons I have trouble seeing him as mole. I just don’t know what his plan possibly could have been, being so far in the lead the entire time. Was he going to “accidentally” lose control of his car at the last minute, and let the other guy pass him? That seems unnecessarily dangerous. Maybe he wanted to be in the tower but got stuck driving instead? I can’t really remember how they chose who was going to be in which group. But even if that was the case, it doesn’t really seem right for the mole to say “oh well, I didn’t end up in the position that I wanted, so I might as well win the race now.” Lol.
@IByteNL 3 месяца назад
I am thoroughly enjoying this season of De Mol so far (like every year). My prime suspects at the moment are Michaël, Stéphanie and Senne, in that order.
@modzik7 3 месяца назад
Great to see and hear from you! This season has been absolutely wonderful. The participants and assignments are brilliant. This program is at a really high level! At this point I am convinced that Lynn and Stephanie are not moles. I don't see them in that role. The most suspicious are Senne and Michael. After the first episodes I thought Senne, but he was the only one who pointed out the right answer to what Michael is afraid of, a bit strange game for a mole. On the other hand, every time he finds himself in the perfect position to sabotage, he is a little behind. Michael is very suspicious after Coco's elimination. Strange behavior on his part, he looked like he wanted the group to point him out. Bernard and Charlotte have their moments and fit into the pattern that is not very obvious in the Belgian mole. I wonder one thing, in the fourth episode the mole said hello to the three contestants or is this a clue for the final 3?
@windfallsofdreams 3 месяца назад
Hi Julie!! I have been watching De Mol, and so far I am LOVING this season! I actually watched the first half of episode 5 already, but I will not give any spoilers, of course. My main suspects at this point are Charlotte, Michaël, and Lynn. I see Bernard as a potential winner. The verdubbelaars were an interesting idea, but it is starting to seem like they aren’t really going to play a large role. Like you, I was also expecting to see them hidden during the assignments each week, but we haven’t seen that since episode 1. And the candidates haven’t really used them wisely. The assignments have been really enjoyable. It kind of makes me realize how uncreative some of the WIDM assignments are, in comparison. And they are really using their location to their advantage and showing how beautiful Sicily is. The only assignment so far that I haven’t enjoyed was the ice cream one…I couldn’t get past the fact that 4 people were all licking the same popsicles…eww. But episode 4 was just fantastic. The hilarious reveal that the “hidden danger” lurking in the town was pineapple pieces being flung at them from the rooftops. Everything about the Mario assignment (the outfits! The bananas! The epic failure!). It was perfection. Charlotte has been suspicious to me from the very beginning. She was part of the group on the boat that decided to end the assignment early (and she really pushed for them to end it as soon as possible). Then, during the little psychological game that they had before the first elimination, to see who would be responsible for the verdubbelaars, I THINK Charlotte was the one (correct me if I’m wrong, I can’t remember episode 1 too clearly anymore) who acted super suspicious and got herself incorrectly voted out even though she wasn’t one of the three fastest to push the button. She also spoke during the assignment when she was supposed to stay silent, lied really well during the bomb assignment, had a poor performance during the racing assignment, and forgot to bring the verdubbelaars with her when she was responsible for them. Also, she told everyone that her last name was “de Mol.” How funny would it be if the mole introduced themself to the rest of the group as “de Mol” in episode 1? Michaël has been somewhat suspicious as well. He knocked over the wrong colored block in episode 1 (I think?), opened Pandora’s box, and spoke during the assignment when he wasn’t supposed to. His actions during the racing assignment were also really sus. I don’t think it was Senne’s fault that he stopped racing 1 lap too early. Michaël was really making it seem like he was finished. I’m not sure if Michaël has the type of personality to make a good mole, though. I don’t know if he would have the self-control required. The singing mini-assignment with Lynn is kind of a perfect example-he got so excited when she completed the song correctly that he accidentally shouted and broke his silence. Either he is a brilliant actor, and really good at messing up and making it look like an accident, or…he doesn’t have enough self-control to be the mole. Lol. Lynn has me conflicted. On the one hand, I kind of believed her when she said she always wanted to play the game honestly, and go for the money at all times. She does seem like an honest person, and she has resisted opportunities to go for advantages (she was the only person not to press the button at all for a chance to get the verdubbelaars). But at the same time, she has been in important positions and contributed to money being lost. She used a verdubbelaar during the bomb assignment and then pushed for the group to choose the wrong car. She dropped her pizza right after someone told her to be careful not to drop it. She was part of the group with Michaël who incorrectly told Senne to stop racing too early. She has also had some moments that stood out to me as “not quite right.” After the first elimination, when the candidates were shown the video clip about Pandora’s box, when Gilles said “that box behind you” 8 of the candidates whipped their heads around to see if there was a box there. But Lynn didn’t move. She just kept watching the screen. Because she already knew there was no box? After Pandora’s box was opened, Lynn was the one that took the longest to get to the screen to stop the pot from decreasing. She even made one of the other candidates carry her from her room down to the box…because she wasn’t wearing her glasses? Or something? And during the assignment with Michaël when he wasn’t allowed to talk, Lynn figured out VERY quickly what she was supposed to sing. Almost TOO quickly. I’m just saying, if I walked into that room, having no idea what was going on, and had to figure out what to do based on the instructions that Michaël was giving via hand gestures…I never would have been able to complete that task successfully. But she just understood what to do, immediately. Lynn is also a videographer (I think?), so the “scream” hint you mentioned could apply to her. And she was the only person in episode 1 who started the first assignment in the smaller boat, because she was the only one in the group who said that she didn’t want to be the mole. So it would be kind of funny if it was her. Senne and Stephanie have had suspicious actions here and there, but I just don’t really get the impression that either of them is the mole. Bernard was a suspect for me after episode 1, but since then, he has looked more and more like a candidate who really wants to win. Now I am really looking forward to watching the rest of episode 5 tomorrow! I hope that other international viewers have found a way to watch this season as well. Thank you for the video Julie! 🙂
@H0lyMoley 3 месяца назад
So I have more thoughts! Spoilers for episode 6 though. * * * * 1) I have a minor criticism of this show: the challenges seem a little bit too skewed towards "loss". Case in point, the earthquake tower. If the Mole got into the finale, it was all over, because he could easily choose the wrong answer (as he did) with zero counterplay from the other contestants. Shoulda been 2/3 is a win in that one IMO. 2) That aside, it's been a fantastic season. I seem to have underrated Bernard. His last confessional pointed at Michael but he also seems suspicious of Senne. Well, those are the two I'm interested in. I have a feeling that it might be another all-male finale. Charlotte was the one who stood out this week with a low offer that I just don't think the Mole would make. On the other hand, her breakdown in the car points to her being under a lot of stress, and previous Moles have had moments like this. It's still really difficult to point at her as the Mole based on her actions though. 3) I feel like I'm hedging my bets for the sake of caution. Honestly, I think it's Senne. I don't want to rule out Michael, and at this point Charlotte and Bernard have had suspicious moments aplenty. But Senne is the one whose actions I feel are consistently in line with what I'd expect the Mole to do. 4) That last elimination hurts. ☹ Stephanie is definitely someone I wouldn't have minded seeing win, and had pegged as a potential finalist until this episode. There were hints to her going this episode though. Especially during the Mole Book task. It did feel as though she had her own axe hanging above her head at that point. 5) I feel as though everyone might be on the right track at this point, and it could just come down to who knows the least. That may be why Stephanie left. 6) And finally, that last attacker (in the red rope task) had an epic fail. You had one chance to dash for the rope, and ya blew it? This is what happens when you hire cosplayers instead of ninja assassins. There's a moral here. Don't skimp on your hired thugs guys!
@thefuzzyoranges 3 месяца назад
I feel your minor criticism, but will point out they had a lot to contend with when it came to the doublers. The mole has to have a way to meaningfully sabotage a challenge that can potentially be worth a ton of money. Feels a bit of a let down that we didn't have a big win with them, but the opportunity was certainly there. Senne has been such a question mark for me this season. He has that classic under-edit that I could see him being the mole easily. I still think his reaction video in episode 1 was the weirdest (I don't think pointing at the person talking to you first is a natural reaction, as compared to Bernard and Michaël's immediate hands to the face/hair or Charlotte's big cheese). His behavior this week sorta highlights why I have a hard time reconciling him as the mole. He solo earns that money in the first challenge, let's be honest (no offense to Stephanie, but she was dead weight--pun intended). He's a non-factor in the second challenge (not his fault). The third challenge he has the bad luck of losing his mole book and...? There's nothing he really does to sabotage from what I can tell. It's obviously a chaotic challenge, so anything can be going on behind the scenes, but it's not going to be the most satisfying thing to rewatch at the reunion when there's no clues. He's had a lot of bad luck this season in general (ignored in the prisoner's challenge, missed the last lap in Mario Kart, now lost a mole book). I think a more satisfying ending to his story is winning in spite of all that happened to him. Relying on bad luck to sabotage isn't quite as compelling. Possible? Certainly. He remains firmly at #2 because you should always have a backup mole (learned the hard way last year). Bernard has the vibes of the previous two winners (same sort of analytical personality)...and I'm wondering if he might get a surprise elimination next week. They've been laying on his pregnant wife and kid story pretty thick this season, which I thought was a winner edit move...but I'm not so sure now. I don't feel like his sabotages are really sabotages. They feel more like accidents. Could be a stellar mole move, but I just don't really see it that way. Charlotte has been such a big character that she's the one I really think we'll see go home next week as the final red screen. If she's the mole then crocodile tears have worked again on me, but I just don't see her as a mole anymore. She feels like a contestant who has figured out their mole and is gunning to make the prize pot as big as possible now. Michaël remains number 1 in my mole book. Did well in the first task to fly under the radar (although convinced Charlotte to go for only half the money), drained the money in the second task, and amongst the chaos of the third challenge shot off a paintball that were in short supply (only conveniently realizing they were scarce after firing one) and dropped his gun when he was out of ammo right at the end. He's had a bit more of an edit I feel than Senne, but maybe that's just because I've been more focused on him that it feels that way? Or maybe they're just trying to subvert expectations after 9 (updated) seasons.
@H0lyMoley 2 месяца назад
@@thefuzzyoranges I feel like you could absolutely be right, and if it's not Senne, it's got to be Michael at this point. I think all of your points against Senne being the Mole can be turned around on him. One massive red flag for me is his giving the last doubler to Lynn right before her elimination. Senne clearly thinks he knows who the Mole is, if it's not him. So why not give it to one of the two people with pasvragen? If he thinks it's Michael, he can still give it to Stephanie. Massive red flags all over the place there. I have had a lot of suspicions of Michael as well though. I will say that in terms of his edit, Michael seems to fit better than Senne, which bothers me. I'm 60/40 in favour of Senne but I can't definitively rule one of them in / out. My suspicions of Michael started in the very first challenge when he kept getting the timing wrong, ensuring his team wouldn't make it onto the boat. That first episode makes Michael look as or more suspicious than Senne. On the other hand, in the pasvragen / holiday challenge, Senne was the only person to choose a holiday, so unless Michael knew he was going to get it wrong in advance, I don't see Michael as the Mole.
@H0lyMoley 2 месяца назад
@@thefuzzyoranges Two other points: 1) In this last episode, the Mole said: "If it costs the group money, it's worth the risk." Or something like that. That absolutely sounds like a Senne quote. Way more than Michael or any of the others. 2) And to metagame a bit - do they make the guy with one testicle the Mole? This sounds like a setup for a "inspiring winner story" to me. (Same thing with Stephanie and her foot.)
@thefuzzyoranges 2 месяца назад
@@H0lyMoley I’ll actually say that one of the reasons I started tunneling on Michaël in the first place is purely a meta game reason. I just think we’re overdue for a middle aged mole. Like we’ve seen season after season of 20 and 30 year old moles. I want a grandpa mole! With regard to Senne passing off the doublers to Lynn, I have two opinions on that. 1) If he is the mole, what info did he learn from Coco’s elimination challenge? It feels like it would be unfair to see everyone’s test in the same episode you get control of the doublers and know who is or isn’t onto you. 2) If I had to pick passing off the doublers, I’d probably pick Lynn over Stephanie too. No offense to Stephanie, but Lynn is very obviously not the mole and I think a bit savvier a player. As we’ve seen with Philippe, sometimes a pasvragen just isn’t enough to save a player.
@H0lyMoley 2 месяца назад
@@thefuzzyoranges As far as age goes, I've also had that thought. It's one of the main things making me think that maybe it isn't Senne. That said, I've been predicting an older Mole since Season 6, and we haven't had one yet.
@H0lyMoley 2 месяца назад
So here's some final thoughts before the finale. I haven't watched the full Episode 7 yet, but I have seen who's eliminated. So spoilers for that. * * * So, as I thought, it's come down to the three guys. I didn't think, and still don't think, that it's Bernard. I can't make a case against him. He seems to be playing hard as a candidate. Which puts it down to Senne and Michael. Let's take each episode one by one. * In episode 1, I think the Mole is Senne. In the first ship task, I think the Mole could've gone either way - either trying to stop his group from making it onto the yacht (which Michael did) or getting onto the Yacht and making sure the button is pushed early to make sure there's a maximum amount of money earned (which Senne did). (I am, of course, assuming that the Mole is at least partially responsible for the activity that went wrong. It wouldn't be much of a mystery if they showed exactly what the Mole did, unedited, for the entire challenge.) It's difficult to nail down which the Mole would do. Personally I think he may want to look good - and there's indirect confirmation of this. In his quiz interview, Gilliam said that he thought the Mole would do well early on to take suspicion off of him/herself. However Gilliam didn't name a suspect. I think that this mirrors, in a subtle way, Bruno from Season 8 naming Alina in the first episode and then getting cut from the second episode after claiming that the Mole was standing by the cake. However there were two people by the cake, and Bruno didn't suspect Alina - he suspected Laure. I think Gilliam's confession might have been put in to throw viewers off-track early into thinking the Mole didn't get onto the boat, when in actual fact he did. Looking at the second and third tasks, though, it's Senne all the way. Firstly, he suggests one correct answer at the olive challenge - which looks like an anti-Mole action - but may absolutely have done this to gain trust later on so that he could surreptitiously move a few olives into the wrong bucket. At the very least, I cannot see the Mole choosing to dance; and if they did, I cannot see Michael's actions as being Mole-like in that challenge. Finally, we know there was a doubler hidden in the olive grove that wasn't found. That might also be Senne's work. In the third task, Senne does two things of note during the doublers auction. Firstly, he points the finger at Charlotte, and secondly he gives incorrect information about Gilliam's shirt, even though he must have seen what Gilliam was wearing. It does seem as though he's trying to get people to vote anybody other than the actual two candidates here. * Episode 2 is where I caught onto Senne for the first time. But in the first task, he gets Bugatti wrong but suggests the right answer to Bernard (who corrects him - maybe a sign that Bernard was suspecting Senne all along?) He then gets a second question wrong with Philippe. As for Michael, he's more where I'd expect the Mole to be - catching ice-creams - and while he may sabotage my dreams (that image of him licking a popsicle in slow motion is I'm sure burned into all of our brains), his main act of sabotage is dropping a lot of ice-cream. Honestly this could be either of them. In the second challenge, though, everything comes up Senne. Michael is the first to cut Senne off, but then the one who figures out that Senne can turn out the fan. Senne makes a show of being frustrated at his fellow candidates, but why shouldn't he? He can make absolutely certain that he doesn't get out before time is up. Afterwards, he and Michael both go for the pasvragen. Finally, the one person who has said they absolutely won't go for a pasvragen is the one person who isn't offered a spot at the box, giving the Mole the best chance of someone else opening the box if he doesn't get the chance to. Only Senne had any say in that decision. Michael is very easy to persuade to go for the pasvragen, so he can't be ruled out either, but Senne looks like the Mole in this episode. * In episode 3, Michael is one of those who doesn't recognise the eagle (which, to be fair, looks more pigeon-like than eagle-like). But still, that's a really silly guess. Meanwhile, Senne identifies a Dean Martin song as "Italian", and acts completely lost when Charlotte gets an Italian song in the third round. Finally, in the last round, it's Senne who answers the phone, and could have given any information to Charlotte - right or wrong - we don't hear what's said. Honestly, both of them look kinda bad! What's pointing to Senne for me here is that I don't think the Mole would want to be an "investigator". In the "silenced group", Michael is the only one who has an opportunity to do anything, and this is the first challenge where Michael definitely looks more suspect. His squeak of joy when his challenge is completed is such a Mole move. That said, he does a pretty good job getting Lynn to do her task. If the Mole is Senne, this is Mole's time to look less suspect. And in the final task, both Senne and Michael could fail it, but once again, I think the Mole would want to be in the team choosing the liars, not in the bomb cars. Senne encourages the wrong answer from the back, for the second time this season. So he's my pick for episode 3. * Episode 4! In which both of our candidates look super-suspicious. Senne wastes all but one bananas and stops a lap short. Michael gives him the wrong information and does a horrible job laying pipe. (Oo-er missus.) Honestly, if I were the Mole, I'd probably want to be karting here, but I could see a case being made for Michael looking like the most suspect. This one's a toss-up. At pizza though, Michael earns E500 unnecessarily, Senne gets hit by pineapple in a way that looks REALLY staged. Point to Senne. Finally, Michael looks seriously shady, which could've been deliberate, but only Senne points him out. All the women suspect Coco instead. This one could go either way. It's interesting that the Mole tells Senne "I would be stressed in your position" but asks the others questions or discusses their test. However it's also interesting that Michael is the only one NOT to vote Coco. A deliberate attempt to look suspicion, or a clue pointing at the actual Mole? Hmmmm... * Episode five, and the columns of doom! Twelve minutes seems... short. On the other hand, I would prefer as the Mole to be in the position Michael was in, so I could drop the columns in the nick of time. Michael looks very, very suspicious here. Bernard gets his dish wrong, meaning that Senne has no choice but to pick the wrong one. So I can't hold this against him. And in the earthquake challenge, Senne is the only one to fail, losing them money. Michael makes it to the final and selects the same answer as his mother. Again, Senne. Finally, Senne has the option to give someone the doublers... and he chooses Lynn, an episode after seeing her quiz answers and knowing which way she's voting (if he's the Mole). Lynn ends up getting cut, and the last doubler is out of the game. Yeah, once again I'd go with Senne. * Episode 6! I've already talked about how much like Senne the Mole message at the start of this episode sounds. In the first challenge, Michael does absolutely nothing wrong, and Senne brings in a bit of money despite Charlotte providing basically no help whatsoever. Honestly, if there's any challenge where I'd be more tempted to go Bernard, it'd be this one. Then Michael gets the decision on whether to spend an extra E400 to hear the voices again, and picks it. Obviously. I think anybody would in that position. Can't really make a judgement on who the Mole is as it really depends on who gets that second-place bid. Finally, it's hard to tell who's shooting well in the last challenge. It seems like Senne is getting less shots than the others, but that could just be editing. I don't know about this one. Yeah, this episode is very little help in deciding which of the two of them it is. Dead heat? I think so. So that's five episodes where Senne looks more suspicious, and one where I can't separate them. What's making me hesitate with Senne more than anything else is the edit. His personality hasn't come out that much, which is typically a trait of male winners (think Axel or Sven) or finalists (Toos) rather than Moles. Michael has a very much more "Mole-like" edit. But I can't make a case for him based on his actions. In episodes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Senne has actions that I think definitely point to him as the Mole over Michael; and in episodes 5, 3, and arguably 4 with the go-kart, Michael has actions that make him look more suspicious. Yeah, this could go either way. But I'm going to stick with my suspect of Senne until I've watched episode seven fully.
@thefuzzyoranges 2 месяца назад
I'll be curious to see your follow-up with episode 7. Can't say I've had much of a change in suspicions, but I've a few thoughts: 0) Michaël has never seen his screen at an elimination. (Or at least not officially.) SUS. First image we get in the whole season? A tree. (Michaël is a tree surgeon). SUS. Episode 4 has mom's spaghetti. Who uses the lyrics 'mom's spaghetti'? Eminem. Michaël's full name? Michaël Moens. M&M. SUS. 1) Agreed on episode 1 for the most part. Michaël directly kept 4k out of the pot in the first challenge. Having done that, I think he could lie low in the second challenge (or even if he didn't want to, Coco still sabotaged before he could do anything anyway, which isn't his fault.). But Senne could lie low first task, earn a little money in the second, and he was certainly far more suspicious in the third task. And his pointing fingers video still seems less authentic than the other two. I would be a bit closer to 50/50 this episode, but I would give Senne the nudge just because of the video. 2) This is where I think Senne became way too obvious too fast. Like he gives bad answers in the first task with the cars, then takes up the main character position in the second? AND opens Pandora's box?? I really think he was stuck up in that tower and it messed with his head, because he all but sat out that entire challenge when everyone else was together. Of course he's going to chomp at the bit for a chance at pasvragen. Michaël could have done anything in that ice cream challenge (I still think he may have just been chucking ice cream scoops when in that freezer room, away from everyone's prying eyes. He also is the one to hold the group up when the cars eventually come). We see him make a silly mistake with the candle, and there's a lot of time he's unaccounted for otherwise. We see him argue to talk to Senne, but who knows what point in the challenge that was for real. Maybe past the point of it really mattering. Or maybe to look good, because he knows Pandora's box is coming up next? Reason I give it to Senne is that I don't like that tactic, but there could be things we aren't seeing. 3) Senne is so under the radar this episode that if he's moling he's just not really doing anything. Gives one bad song. Maybe gives a wrong answer under Charlotte's nose. Does nothing in the silence task. Is just a part of the group think in the third task. Like he could have been entirely missing from this whole episode and the outcome would have been the exact same. This episode I give the point to Michaël. In the prime position to mole the first challenge if it would've earned too much money (it's only worth 1k so he can allow it to succeed...but not without misidentifying the 'eagle' and making sure a number gets shaved into the back of Philippe's head). Breaks the code of silence second task. Acts a bit erratic (with I grant an even more erratic Bernard next to him). But in the Ape he positions himself with Bernard, neither of whom do a lot of their own cooking. And make sure they win against Charlotte and Philippe, who know a lot more than they do. It already makes them look suspicious without even having to do anything. 4) I give this episode to Michaël as well. Bad at laying pipe (oy vey) and is in control of the walkie talkie in the tower! A very important position, being the main communicator with the drivers (which is how Senne misses a lap in the first place: poor counting and poor communication). The tower boosts Coco around a corner, which leads to her demise as she spins out. I just don't understand, if Senne is the mole, what his tactic was. Only get 1 banana, sure...but then he just races so well that he hopes the tower messes up his number of laps? That just doesn't seem like a great strategy to take into the assignment as the mole. Then the pizza challenge...Senne does so well he earns both himself and Lynn a position in the pizza finale. I don't think the mole would want to help earn two seats there, because that's just another chance at an extra 500 euro you don't want in the pot. Michaël and Coco needed 2 of 4 toppings correct for one of them to go to the finale, and at least 3 of 4 toppings for both, and when they fail with the eggplant, Michaël pushes hard for both gorgonzola and anchovies...almost like he really wants to get into the pizza finale. Then he seems to lead the pack down those narrow hallways, which I think is a perfect place for the mole to sit. Because then you can hold up everyone behind you, potentially in a bad spot to get the dreaded pineapple. Then Michaël is the most suspicious at the elimination...even more than Coco, who of course had every right to be nervous. 5) This is a tougher week, and I would borderline draw it, but I might have Michaël a bit on top. He moles the bejesus out of that first challenge. Only Bernard sabotages the second challenge. I know Senne was sus in the third challenge...but I notice the only time Michaël matches with his mom is in the final dolci round. He earned absolutely no money at all. Like maybe Senne not matching his mom is a painfully obvious sabotage...but I like Michaël's more subtle sabotage here, after going big at the Hercules task. That's more subjective but I give this episode to Michaël. 6) Both Senne and Michaël lay low this first task. Like Senne earned ALL the money in those coffins. Stephanie was dead weight. I think Michaël going for a guaranteed half amount is a decent sabotage though, especially with how last week went. Michaël is obviously suspicious in the second task, but I don't know if that challenge was going to go any other way (unless Charlotte somehow found her way in the car). Senne just isn't highlighted in the third task. Could be a way to hide mole-y behavior, but that feels a bit cheap. Michaël dropping his gun near the end of the challenge felt like the subtle bit of sabotaging that could've had a big payoff if the attackers had realized in time they were all out of ammo. I give Michaël the nudge this episode. 7) I know you haven't watched yet, but Senne I think played a decent game in the first round. He let Bernard pick the first answer (which hell I was never going to know), and knew the answers I did (Tom Hanks and Monstro). I knew those so well that as soon as they didn't find the right puppet I knew Manipulator Bernard had struck again. Then he counts the steps correctly, and makes sure Bernard hears him correctly. I'd say between him and Bernard, Bernard was far more sus. Charlotte says they only earn 800 euro while she and Michaël earn 2000k, but she's certainly not taking Pinocchio into account. That extra 500 was only earned because it was brought on time by the boys. Meanwhile we've got Michaël who keeps 1k out of the pot by not doing what he was easily able to do in practice (which looked insanely fiddly...almost like he had practice). I think the ones he helped earn money on were the ones that would look suspicious if he didn't earn...like making the sword work and having all 9 puppets out. Charlotte earns the easiest money to date with the conch and Pinocchio. Then you have the most hilarious adventures that I can't even. You could say that both Michaël and Senne are equally suspicious this challenge...but I give a slight nudge to Michaël because he lies and he lies so well. Like Senne called him out on it! I'm pretty sure he knows Michaël is the mole. Then Michaël is the deciding vote on if Senne is lying or not...and of course makes the wrong choice. I've gotta give this episode to Michaël too. I'm making my final prediction: Bernard winner, Michaël mole, Senne runner up. Although with the way the final challenge played out this week...I wonder if Senne might win it after all. (The ultimate own: first get into a bathtub with your competition's mom, then win the final prize pot.)
@H0lyMoley 2 месяца назад
@@thefuzzyoranges I love "the ultimate own". I will say this for you: your case on Michael is almost as convincing as your case on Yens was in Season 10! I'm interested to see what my two suspects do in episode 7. The point about Michael's name not being shown at elimination is interesting - that's been used as a clue for many International seasons of the Mole (Australia, US, Holland) but never to my recollection in Belgium. I also like the "grandpa Mole" theory. It does feel as though we've had a lot of younger males as Mole. It does feel like it's time for an older one. Again, if it came down to the edit and metagaming, I might pick Michael over Senne here. I'm by no means certain of my Mole. Well, one week left...
@thefuzzyoranges 2 месяца назад
@@H0lyMoley You say it that way and I feel like the leader of the lemmings! Follow me down the Michaël tunnel (cliff)!
@H0lyMoley 2 месяца назад
@@thefuzzyoranges I'm very nervous after that last episode. There are still things that point to Senne (delaying the Pinocchio discovery to waste a bunch of money on dice was probably the single biggest money loss that episode) but man, Michael either REALLY wants people to think he's the Mole, choked massively in the puppet show, or is the Mole. And I'm not sure which. I don't even know if I can make a prediction going into the finale. I'm going to stick with Senne, but I could absolutely be wrong. I do agree about the "older Mole" thing and the editing. There are a lot of moments with Michael, and things that he's done, that don't seem to fit the "Mole", but then I thought that about season 6's Mole as well. Would the real Mole be so blatant as to lie about seeing the footballer Bernard was with on the television? Again, in one US season, it happened... although in that case it concerned a rock shaped like a penis. (That's not just my thoughts on it, by the way. That's basically the entire challenge. Oh, US Mole. You are precious.) The funny thing is that my pre-season pick was also Michael. So there's that. Here's the thing. I do think there are parts of the editing that point towards Senne. I think that, at the final four, everyone knew who it was. So it's really interesting when, immediately after Senne picks Michael as the liar, Charlotte and Bernard both say he's telling the truth. Reminds me of a certain moment in Season 3 when Marc got Shadia eliminated by doing basically the exact same thing in a trivia task to throw her off his tail... or in Season 11, when Commy picked yellow, Reuben picked green, and Toos (who suspected Commy) went with Reuben and got it wrong. Man, I'm not usually this divided this late into a season. I think I'm going to stick with Senne just because of the staged-looking pizza moment (which Michael unnecessarily won E500 for by the way) and the fact that, after single-handedly tanking the "pasvragen or holiday" task, he promptly and nonsensically gave the doubler to Lyn (I'll be really interested in what his resoning for that one was if he isn't the Mole) thereby taking it out of the game. I also cannot get episode 2 out of my mind. The Mole knew that Bernard hadn't used a doubler in the first challenge. He absolutely needed to tank the second challenge in case Bernard used it there, as he predictably did. There was only one person guaranteed to be able to do that, and that was the "prisoner". I also can't see the Mole being an "investigator" in the man-shaped-village challenge (a position that gives you almost no influence) or a "dancer" in the olive challenge. Finally, in every "group decision", Senne has been on the wrong side - and he's the only person who has. Talking of the wrong side, I think the pizza challenge points to Senne - and not just because Michael got E500 unnecessarily. The Mole doesn't want to be in front where he's under scrutiny, as Michael was. He wants to be in the back where stuff can happen without the others noticing. Like signalling hidden pineapple-throwers for example. So that's my case. But it's extraordinarily close, and I do agree that you can make a very good case for Michael based on his actions in mario kart, colosseum pillars, and of course puppetry and that Bernard liar test. So that's my final guess. I've picked Senne since round two, might as well go with it. There's nothing that 100% tells me I'm wrong. But I'm not confident at all. This one could go either way. And how stupid will we look (after we've both pointed out many things Bernard has done that are suspicious) if it turns out to be him! EDIT: Michael not getting a green screen is also frightening to a Senne Mole-fancier! But here's the thing though... the red screen has appeared first in FOUR out of seven total eliminations. Gilliam, Lyn, Coco and Charlotte were all eliminated first without a single green screen appearing. That leaves only three eliminations where green screens were shown. Not at all sure what to make of this; just pointing it out.
@modzik7 2 месяца назад
@@H0lyMoley throughout the whole season I was hestitating between Sene and Michael. There are reasons for both of them. But after last episode I am almost certain that Michael is the mole. Even the puppet looked like Michael 😅 Only his story was a lie and he voted wrong on 2 out of 3 stories. However from the inscription from Pandora’s box you can form the name „Sene” but from everything we can make a theory. I think it is Michael. Whoever is the mole I really like this season.
@H0lyMoley 3 месяца назад
Spoiler for ep 5 here: * * * * So I say "Lynn is my favorite player, I hope she makes it far." Then next episode, exactly what I thought would happen did happen. I swear I've got a curse on me...
@windfallsofdreams 3 месяца назад
As soon as Senne handed Lynn the verdubbelaar, I said “if she goes home now, then it’s him.” I do admit he was looking very suspicious this week. Could it really be that straightforward though?
@julieswidm 3 месяца назад
I liked her a lot too 😟
@H0lyMoley 3 месяца назад
@@windfallsofdreams I'll go further. As soon as he handed Lynn the doubler, I was like "Oh well, there goes my favorite candidate." I may be suffering from confirmation bias here, because there's been a couple of things that have had me doubting Senne as the Mole. Like him highlighting the correct box in the olive task (although to be fair, I think every Mole since Season 4 has had a moment when they've appeared to help the candidates in an early episode.) But the thing is, if it's not him, who is it? There's nobody else who even comes close in terms of Mole activities except possibly Michael. I wouldn't be shocked if it were him. I would be stunned if it were anybody else at this point.
@modzik7 3 месяца назад
@@H0lyMoley I have a very similar problem. At this stage I am convinced that it is Sene. On the other hand, as in Belgian series, the moles are not that obvious. Previous seasons have shown this, the moles act far more subtly. I also have a problem with the first episode, and I don't understand why he pointed out as the only correct answer. All the time I hesitate between Sene and Michael. But the problem with Michael is that he pointed out Stephanie in the first episode. If he is the mole then why he did it...I have no idea. After the fifth episode it occurred to me that maybe it is Bernard. But I don't know anymore.
@thefuzzyoranges 3 месяца назад
@@modzik7 There's a few different thoughts you can have about that first episode challenge (warning: I'm pretty deep in the Michaël tunnel). Before he points the finger at Stephanie, Bernard lies and it is painfully obvious. I don't know what the mole knew that challenge (did the mole know by that point that both Stephanie and Bernard were the ones with the chance to earn the doublers?). But if the mole didn't know, certainly pointing the finger at anyone other than the obviously lying Bernard is the right strategy. If the mole did know, then you earn a little bit of money and trust, while steering away the vote from Bernard (who probably would've been the next vote off anyway). Next episode if you're trusted enough, you get a good position at Pandora's box and wreak havoc (and maybe even find a way to win the doublers). I find it stranger earlier in the challenge that Senne is called out for not remembering what kind of shirt Gillian was wearing, and yet everyone drops suspicions on him without any real reason. He kinda weaseled his way out of contention and we don't really see how. This could be suspicious, but if Senne's the mole and the heat was on him in that moment he did a little too good of a job talking his way out of it.
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