
History’s Most Brutal Cultures 

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@haggishighways Год назад
Pol Pot was a monster. I used to live in Cambodia and the echoes of his brutality are still very clear. My good friend became an orphan due to her father being made to execute his own father. This fucked him up so bad that he became unable to be a father to her. It truly is horrific and the people still suffer today from the events that occurred there.
@replynotificationsdisabled Год назад
Weak sauce. Abraham killed his son, and lived happily ever after.
@Vaxxedhole Год назад
The horrors of communism are never taught anymore. It's often swept under the rug by neo-leftists.
@starfishandroid Год назад
This is messed up cause I got Cambodian for sex and now I realize the truth behind why they are so poor smh.
@RevShifty Год назад
Generational trauma is a real thing. I grew up near a Cambodian refugee community, and many of them were some of the happiest people I've ever known. Some of them worked as much as they could and lived off cigarettes and pacing just to keep the nightmares away.
@juzoli Год назад
What is frightening is not Pol Pot himself, but the fact that he found enough supporters to carry out his evil plans…
@ozarkscarguy540 Год назад
My boss was lucky enough to escape Cambodia in the late 1970s. His family lived in the western mountains range. When the communist were driven into the mountains, my boss and his family tried to get out. They hiked through the mountains at night and hid during the day because they were being hunted. They made it into Thailand and got a flight to the US. He was 7 and his mom brought her kids to safety after many of the men in the family were killed.
@OneBentMonkey Год назад
I remember hearing of a medical mystery discovered in LA county in the 80s. It was recognized that there were an alarming number of blind Cambodian women (~2,000, iirc). It was determined that most of the cases were actually hysterical blindness caused by the horrific things these women witnessed. I apologize if this was actually an anecdote, exaggeration, urban legend, or misremembered on my part. But the fact that it sounds so completely possible to still stand the test of time, says enough.
@MimiYuYu Год назад
A coworker of ours was a Cambodian refugee. His father was some sort of government official in Cambodia. They fled through the jungle. My friend was about 2 years old and he vividly remembers his dad holding him over his shoulder, while his two older sibling ran along side. He remembers the bullets whizzing by them.
@RevShifty Год назад
My first mentor was a Cambodian man who had to flee when he was still a child. After everyone was brought into the village square, and every child over a certain age was shot in the head with no warning. "You can't straighten a bent tree" was their thinking, so anyone old enough to have started puberty but still too young to physically work hard enough was just killed. It was that simple. Anyway, once him and I became close he started telling me all about his time in the jungle, waking towards Thailand. That lasted a couple years, hours of conversations a day. It took him two years to make it into Thailand on foot, passing mountains of rotting corpses left as a warning the entire time. He didn't even know his father was still alive until they met up in the Thai camp. The things he and other survivors told me still occasionally haunt my dreams. But most of them were some of the happiest people I've ever known. Seeing that kind of contrast at such a young age really made me rethink and reframe my own problems. It's real hard to stress over topical issues when you see how happy people who literally suffered the worst things imaginable can still be.
@nickyn1083 Год назад
@@OneBentMonkeyI believe it. In psychology it’s a version of conversion disorder, which is where physical ailments (from as severe as paralysis to something like hysterically vomiting) present due to no physical medical reason, but psychological ones such as trauma and severely stressful situations. It would make sense that after witnessing terrible things accompanied by the stress of fearing those things happening to you, that your brain would shut off the parts that cause you to see the things causing the stress, aka temporary blindness.
@pauluhliar6838 Год назад
I'm so sorry for them and I hope they can rest peacefully.
@chickenlampbrent Год назад
The reason the sword names sound like they come from Lord of the rings is because Tolkein was a scholar of ancient languages and cultures. He knew all about the sword names and put them in his books.
@amon-crow4414 Год назад
That and he took a lot of influence from Norse lore in his writing so it's possible that he got influence from sword names from viking weapon names. Not saying he did I don't know that but I'm just saying it's a reasonable theory.
@xConoooR1 Год назад
It’s a gay film lol get a life.
@chickenlampbrent Год назад
@@MsMaryPatricia now I haven't seen the whole series but that sounds a lot like the Hound. I saw his battle scarred face and I read it in his voice.
@KingBasewyn Год назад
The word of naming a weapon with metaphorical way is kenning, and we should bring the concept back as it’s cool af
@SP_3333 11 месяцев назад
@michaelmayhem350 Год назад
It's always a good time when the video has a content warning from youtube
@Bubbaist Год назад
The Khmer Rouge demonstrated that true believers are worse than corrupt regimes. We all know how the Soviet elite didn’t live like communists; they lived the high life. The Khmer Rouge, by contrast, didn’t take the wealth from the central bank, they blew it up. They had the entire city of Phnom Penh to themselves and could have stolen everything in the whole city. But they didn’t. They shot any of their own who stole anything (though that was harder to enforce out in the provinces). They were true believers, and that made their rule more catastrophic than any corrupt regime with a veneer of ideology.
@gingataisen Год назад
@FairbrookWingates Год назад
And yet, they didn't lower themselves to go work the fields and starve. Pol Pot never feared being shot for not producing enough rice without enough knowledge of how to farm. In that regard, neither Soviet nor Cambodian communists lived what they preached. Capitalism sucks, but those who profit by it actually profit by being capitalists. Those who profit from communism aren't those truly living in a communist fashion. That hypocrisy adds something special to leaders like Pol Pot and Stalin.
@darlenefraser3022 Год назад
This. This should be pinned at the top!
@dalebaker9533 Год назад
Khmer Rouge you gotta love Marxism Right😉.
@Kainlarsen Год назад
Pol Pot deserved to suffer the worst torture imaginable, while being kept alive for as long as possible.
@TheMILVSCR Год назад
I read somewhere recently that the blood eagle (if it was actually utilized) may have only three examples in the vikings' entire history. Even if it wasn't true, it's a terribly frightening thing to imagine.
@feldgeist2637 Год назад
three ? only one comes to my mind .......but I know about a whoopin 3 examples of kinda berserker descriptions...... most things we hear about vikings these days are simply exaggerated myths and assumptions (broadly based on myths)
@TheMILVSCR Год назад
@feldgeist2637 I didn't know about berserker until I watched The Northman. So crazy, and such a violent movie, but also so good
@feldgeist2637 Год назад
@@TheMILVSCR I'm from North Frisia and the founding legendof my village states that it was founded by "pirates" who came up the river as a relic hunter I can confirm that the earliest post-bronze age signs of settlement here are dating to the time around 900AD and on the fields of the not too far away ancestrial village of my father's family I found plenty of looted looking stuff from across Europe (England included....or Ireland - "insular"art it's called in archaeology and at least I'd say it's church interior from likely England) so, succesfully looting we clearly did but real berserking (on shrooms, lol ) or infanticiding, rather not .....think there is only one account of this child-offing thing and that comes from Adam von Bremen if I'm not mistaken - a person who maybe saw some reason to paint pre-catholic Northerners as a bit more savage than it was actually true ..... from early viking-age on (mid 8th cent) christian symbolism, crosses and trinity symbols, absolutely dominates indigenous norse art btw
@jtdesverdad Год назад
Even if it's only a tale imagine the fear knowing the vikings were coming and gearing stories about berserker and the blood eagle. Psychological warfare is powerful.
@juzoli Год назад
Can the victim even survive this at all, or they die quick?
@TalosBjorn Год назад
A lot of that Viking stuff is now understood to be completely untrue and mostly the result of Christian propaganda. 1. Vikings almost never "burned cities to the ground" because then they wouldn't be able to return the next year to raid the place again. That one has been definitively disproven. 2. A lot of the women who ended up in Scandinavia as wives went their voluntarily, largely due to the superior hygiene of the Vikings compared to other cultures at the time. This is highly attested especially in the British isles. 3. The norse afterlife of Valhalla being a place of endless combat is also very likely a result of Christian propaganda designed to make the pagan past look silly and barbaric. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that european paganism broadly was very similar to Hinduism, and that the norse actually believed in a form of partial reincarnation in the afterlife along with a place among one's honored ancestors in places like Valhol and Alfheim, depending on one's lineage and which God they worshipped most closely
@calcaleb7041 Год назад
Blame the Christians who now rule the world through propaganda 😂😂
@harter517 10 месяцев назад
Valhalla was one of their places of spirit rebirth. Where their spirits could go in the afterlife to either be with their ancestors for eternity or their spirit could return to earth in another form if they feel they have not gained proper entry for eternity.
@JohnSmith-rw8uh 10 месяцев назад
But.... there is a lot of wanker norse and viking worship now. ppl think its cool. unfortunately
@barrybarlowe5640 4 месяца назад
You have drunk the Kool-aid, haven't you? It's sad. Was there propaganda? Exaggerations? Certainly. But there was a lot of brutality, as well.
@beaupiotrowski5192 3 месяца назад
@@barrybarlowe5640not nearly as much as everyone thinks
@-Blackberry Год назад
Another great advantage the Assyrians had was having a standing army round the clock ready to fight. one can only imagine the shock and dread of their enemies as they were used to besieging armies having to pack up and go home during the harvest season and realising the Assyrian army was staying there for the long haul.
@MattDeadlifts Год назад
This was also their downfall. A warrior nation with no real government
@-Blackberry Год назад
@@MattDeadlifts And it bred infighting and civil war among sibling claimants for the throne too.
@chrisdiaz4876 Год назад
No doubt men of war, must of been shocking to think that they, just as any other force would surely retreat to tend to their crops, only for them to not retreat at all but rather continue their campaign indefinitely. Must of left those formations with such a superior place in the battlefield. No wonder they conquered so many.
@TheJediCaptain Год назад
Hawkeye: War is war and hell is hell. Of the two, war is a lot worse. Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, father, tell me. Who goes to hell? Mulcahy: Sinners, I suppose. Hawkeye: Right, there are no innocent bystanders in hell. War is chock full of them.
@dalebaker9533 Год назад
War is hell was coined by General William Tecumseh Sherman during the Civil war.
@TheJediCaptain Год назад
This was written by Burt Prelutsky.
@corinnekoladay4392 Год назад
As always, fascinating and intelligent coverage of history which only leaves me wanting more! Time to go find Part 1
@kevinmcqueenie7420 Год назад
Just like the "blood eagle", there is little evidence for berserkers, and this could be another exaggeration based simply on the skill and ferocity of their warriors. They could also be connected to ulfheðinn (wolf warriors) who may have existed and would wear animal skins to try to embody the spirit of the animal, that they may then have acted like on the battlefield.
@djstona5284 Год назад
I'm sure a nicely preserved body will turn up somewhere in Northern Europe of a half naked warrior wearing wolves skins which they can test the hair on to rule out psilocybin use. Test one of the bog bodies I say albeit ritual sacrifice is a far cry from dying in battle... Unless your a Scandinavian pirate that is xD
@BeastOuncelifeian Год назад
​@@djstona5284no psilocin in the Fly Agaric. There IS evidence that Berserkers were real. Blood eagle was written about ,but no body with such damage has been found.
@maddog4u31757 Год назад
Weaponized furries
@richardaubrecht2822 Год назад
@@djstona5284 Bog bodies are mostly pre-viking, usually hundreds or more years older.
@richardaubrecht2822 Год назад
Yep. If I remember correctly, blood eagle is mentioned only once or twice in some sagas and seems to be mostly a mistranslation of the original cryptic and symbolic text. The berserker mushroom thing is also a theory of one guy, and not exactly agreed on. Again, in the sagas sometimes berserkers stop in the middle of a fight to have a nice chat - not exactly a mindless behavior. Lindybeige has a good video about it.
@jessicazaytsoff1494 Год назад
Infanticide was common through several cultures. Rome, greece, and Sparta jump to mind.
@anegaute Год назад
But in comparison there are few records of vikings that paint them in noble or any positive way whatsoever
@GothPaoki Год назад
Spartans did not practice in fact infanticide. Thats a very popular myth that has unfortunately gained a lot of traction. This is a myth pushed by Plutarch ( Athenian historian) that claims Spartans supposedly threw weak children down to a pit called apothetae in mount taygetos. However the area has been thoroughly excavated and though they found a lot of bodies no skeletons of children were actually found. It's speculated that Spartans threw prisoners or criminals there.
@@anegaute Because there are few records of vikings BY the cultures they came from.
@CuongQuoc-rx9zm 4 месяца назад
​@@GothPaokisomewhere I read that while the Spartans did indeed check the newborn babies. It is less about killing them but to check if they're fit to become future soldiers. The unfit children just became regular civilians, rather than conscripted into the army
@barryhill2836 Год назад
The video is titles histories most brutal cultures but the Comanche weren't mentioned that's nuts to me. They were an incredibly brutal raiding culture.
@leedehart3225 Год назад
That ending though... Gotta appreciate realism every now and then 👍
@Shoelessjoe78 Год назад
If you want to hear the full version of the ancient ones on this list I strongly recommend The Fall of Civilizations
@adamconner9302 Год назад
Fall of Civilizations podcast is one of my favs, good shout out. There aren't many of them but they are absolutely at the top in terms of quality
@TheWinterySummer Год назад
People forget that Humaity climbed its way to the top of the food chain, and even today, even though we claim to be civilized we can still be savages when we are pushed enough. And yes a lot of people have ponted out a lot to me and yes I acknowledge some of the points made below to me, such as: there are poeple that like violence for violence sake but we mucst not forget the fact that it took a great deal of violence for us to get where we are today, that we are should be puched to being civil (wich is a work in progress from what I've seen and expirienced) and that there is a differenfe between hunters and soldiers, and in my opinion hunters and soldiers are different from the mindless violent people.
@donHooligan Год назад
@vonries Год назад
Those people aren't the problem. If you're pushed into something then there is a reason to fight. It may be a bad reason, but it's a reason. It sounds like these guys don't need a reason to fight, they just fight because they like it. "I love the smell of gasoline in the morning. It smells like victory." But I agree with your point, we're still not as civilized as we like to think we are.
@TheWinterySummer Год назад
@@vonries I agree with the points you made as well. Becoming as civilized as we are now took a long time, and the reasons some poeple chose to propagate violence or too do violence well some reasons do leave a lot to be desired i agree there as well. And its a shame that history is being "lost" , i.e., not taught well enough in schools now adays. I love history and the grand majority of what I know is self study and i left high schol close to a decade ago so I really dont want to know how little is taught now.
@Timbo6669 Год назад
Well, yeah because we had to climb the food chain. We had to rise against lions, tigers, bears and other human species. We had to be savage to reach the top.
@billwheeler1213 Год назад
True, but I would say we don't need to be pushed to be savage but pushed to be civil. (Not kind, just civil)
@TheNerdstalgicPodcast Год назад
Really new fan as of this morning! And so far im loving the show ❤🎉
@jeffjohnson1966 Год назад
This is where the cool kids hang out. Welcome friend.
@TheNerdstalgicPodcast Год назад
@@jeffjohnson1966 thank you! Its a pleasure to be here 😊
@FindTheTruthBeforeTheEnd Год назад
Have you seen any of Simon’s other channels? He has like 2000 of them😂.
@TheNerdstalgicPodcast Год назад
@@FindTheTruthBeforeTheEnd I've just looked and dam! I thought running one podcast was stressful enough running so many channels! Well I take my headphones off to you sure, but as im new i think im going to digest this channels content first and then move over to his mega channel 😀
@FindTheTruthBeforeTheEnd Год назад
@@TheNerdstalgicPodcast Good idea.
@philipcallicoat3147 Год назад
A common prayer of the monks who were living in cloisters near the north sea was" Lord,protect us from the Northman and their dogs!"🙏
@owenlong4176 Год назад
The Assyrian's greatest advantage is those awesome beards! Am I Right, Simon?
@Felled-angel Год назад
How the little piggies will grunt when they hear how the old boar suffered. Ragnar Lothbrok.
I am ukrainian, and I think that our ancestors - sarmatians, were the most brutal in history. Because without the skulls of enemies killed in battle boys were not allowed to drink alcohol, and girls - were not allowed to marry. although perhaps a representative of each nation wants to see their ancestors as the most brutal in history.
@adamconner9302 Год назад
I would push back on that and say that while there must certainly be many people who might look at history in this context this would likely not even occur to many if not most people. It's the first time i've ever considered the prospect myself
@goosenotmaverick1156 Год назад
Boy this one comes with a warning, im down!
@stephdegoede8316 Год назад
One of the most harrowing and frankly puzzling films I have ever seen is “First they killed my father.”
@asianmanfromasia Год назад
I’m Cambodian and my parents had to go through stuff similar to what happened in the film. My dad in particular teared up watching it, and he rarely ever cries… It’s hard for him to watch due to how accurate it is
@FuncleB Год назад
I've heard countless times the blood angel is a myth. Great video all the same.
@cesaravegah3787 Год назад
Not sure about the blood angel, the blood eagle on the other hand seems to has been real enough
@damiencouturee6240 Год назад
@lovelyangelicslime1594 10 месяцев назад
I am so happy you have a billion channels and you upload so often ure the best utuber on the planet
@GeorgieB1965 Год назад
Fun factoid: The Dead Kennedys released a song called, innocently called, "Holiday In Cambodia".
@Staggs2200 Год назад
Damn this video got age restricted immediately
@TheDragon-v7d Год назад
A lot of pictures of dead people from genocide and graphic descriptions of executions .
@gomahklawm4446 Год назад
Sad. This isn't youtube kids....
@nbarnes6225 Год назад
Advisor: "So what are you thinking about doing for your dissertation?" Student: "Proving the Blood Eagle was possible." Advisor: "Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool....."
@TheGilgameshLore Год назад
We just watched the massacre at McDonald's without much warning but it warns us about this video
@danelynch7171 Год назад
Ohhhh!!! Had a "graphic content" warning before this one! You know it's going be good!
@garywatson3778 Год назад
Imagine walking into the lab and seeing 'recreate the bloody eagle' written on the whiteboard.
@SpankyK Год назад
@brendakrieger7000 Год назад
@justingoodman9352 Год назад
This says it's a "part 2" but I can't find part 1. Why didn't you link part 1 in the description, Simon??? 😢
@TheWinterySummer Год назад
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that went looking for part I
@franklinkz2451 Год назад
Haaa!!!! You joking?
@franklinkz2451 Год назад
I legit just searched it and found it easily
@gimlisonofgloin3341 Год назад
I don’t see part two anywhere so they must’ve sorted it.
@vortex_1336 Год назад
The Aztecs. It's not even close. They outclass every other culture in brutality by a wide margin.
@gordonmacdowell8117 Год назад
Early iron weapons were generally no better than bronze weapons, but the abundance of iron was certainly a plus, compared to copper and especially tin. They used arsenic in a process for iron that was similar to what was already being done to harden copper and baked the iron in a cast. Given the arsenic poisoning that these smiths would be subjected to, you'd probably be able to tell a smith's bones from an ancient burial by doing a toxicology analysis. Egyptians used iron for jewelry and novelty items, because they lacked the forges or techniques to make tools and weapons from it.
@timsearle5837 Год назад
Can u cite some sources for this please? I think u have confused Bronze made with Arsenic.
@ignitionfrn2223 Год назад
0:45 - Chapter 1 - The viking 5:20 - Chapter 2 - Khmer rouge 10:35 - Chapter 3 - The assyrians - Chapter 4 - - Chapter 5 - - Chapter 6 -
@pensepf49 Год назад
I honestly don't know what I would do the last 6 years on RU-vid with if you weren't on here
@donHooligan Год назад
4:00 plot twist....the arrogant, condescending dude is actually wrong. that would ultimately be hilarious, in the end. like he grows old and dies and wakes up in a paralyzed vegetative state where he remains for decades.....because he knows that is for the best!
@ValkyrieofNOLA 10 месяцев назад
Learning about the Khmer Rouge in high school was one of the most impactful lessons in history. I was an AP student and had a college level world history class. Half of the year we learned about the most brutal and deadly regimes in modern history and the Khmer Rouge’s brutality and murderous atrocities against their own people stood out as a major cause of human suffering in the last century outside of the holocaust…
@youtubecreators384 Год назад
Vikings were warriors. But they weren't exactly a standard military. And yet, they wrecked havoc wherever they went, losing very few battles. Just imagine if they were a more well trained army with proper battle formations, tactics and strategy. They could've outperformed the Spartans in the field.
@Darkflowerchyld718 Год назад
You could make a wholw channel talking about the atrocities different civilizations have caused... Oh wait... That's pretty much half of Into The Shadows 😅
@jonragnarsson Год назад
What is that? You piqued my interest.
@daviddevlogger Год назад
To everyone reading this Keep going. No matter how stuck you feel, no matter how bad things are right now, no matter how hopeless & depressed you feel, no matter how many days you have spent wishing things were different. I promise you won't feel this way forever. Keep going..🙏Bless my day with a follow🤲🏼 it mean a lot
@dalebaker9533 Год назад
War is hell was coined by General William Tecumseh Sherman during the Civil war.
@belakovdoj Год назад
In Chukchi culture, which is a nation in Northeast Siberia, there is a folklore tale about a hero who embarks on a long and adventurous journey to obtain a magical deer. However, upon reaching the settlement, he encounters a formidable bully who unjustly takes the deer from him. Surprisingly, in this particular Chukchi tale, the bully becomes the protagonist, confirming the brutal nature of Chukchi culture.
@tawandajerry1 Год назад
Glad this series is back
@TheOutlawProphet Год назад
Muredered? Maybe i missed the explanation or acknowledgement, but has nobody noticed this misspelling on the thumbnail?
@FindTheTruthBeforeTheEnd Год назад
Fun fact: The Bluetooth symbol is named after Harald Bluetooth and is a combination of two runes. I may have actually learned that from one of Simon’s channels.
@chitlitlah Год назад
I'm not sure why he didn't mention that in this video about brutal cultures. When he was talking about the Assyrians crucifying their enemies and putting their heads on pikes, I couldn't help but wonder where the Bluetooth symbol came from.
@joebalser9921 Год назад
Know how he got the name "Bluetooth"? Because he ate so many blueberries that his teeth were stained blue.
@MegaKat Год назад
It was also mentioned in the second Kingsman movie
@ladythalia227 Год назад
@@joebalser9921the word blue referred to dark or black in the Viking age. Africans were referred to as blåmenn i.e. blue men. Naturally, Vikings didn’t refer to them as blue, but merely dark.
@pmcollectorboy2929 11 месяцев назад
Muredered is my new favorite wordederded.
@niclaslinton5001 Год назад
How do you spell Murdered? The Thumbnail says Muredered 😅
@trixx9652 Год назад
You can kinda understand the infanticide. Life is already brutal and harder than anything any of us can imagine. Caring for a sick, weak baby that’s only gonna remain sick and weak it’s whole entire life. Is just going to make it that much harder.
@Uzair_Of_Babylon465 Год назад
Great video keep it up you're doing amazing things 😁👍
The Comanche were absolutely brutal.
@GDTRFB Год назад
Love it!
The blood eagle is only mentioned in the sagas. There are no contemporary accounts or other evidence of it being performed. RU-vid “history” videos like this aren’t concerned with history, only views and subs. People lap it up though, because it’s easily digestible and they can’t be bothered to read a book.
@misskate3815 Год назад
It’s less obnoxious than the blood eagle thing, but they also get the “babies left to die” thing wrong. It wasn’t unheard of, but it also wasn’t a regular occurrence. The “history” channel’s idiot show has thrown a lot of nonsense at people and they lap it up.
@calcaleb7041 Год назад
So when it was used on King Alle in 867 that was lie and the great heathen army was another lie by the Christian pedos 😂😂
@nickname855 Год назад
Really RU-vid 23 minutes on platform and you lock it . Thanks for denying myself and kids another entertaining and educational video!!
@schism2k9 Год назад
The video shows Communism aka socialism in a bad light. Gotta shut it down!
@FairbrookWingates Год назад
Lock the video? I had to click something along the lines of "yes, I understand this topic could be bloody" but then it played just fine.
@Millersmedias 11 месяцев назад
Gotta give it to jarl borg for not making any sound and therefore got to enter valhalla.
@ceresbane Год назад
"I understand and wish to proceed" *kicks me off the video. wtf youtube.
@mazamonty710 Год назад
Me 2 Had to refresh
@burgersbeansandchips 11 месяцев назад
That misplaced E in the thumbnail makes an entirely new word
@MainesOwn Год назад
5:31 I knew Paul Potts was up to no good the minute I saw him in that BGT-audition
@chadfanton9994 Год назад
If it’s the legend Simon and a click through of understanding it has to be good!
@matthewlawlis2421 6 месяцев назад
As a history teacher, Ive always taught students that the Blood Eagle is as fake as horns on a Viking helmet.
@Karhedron Год назад
Only here to learn if there's some context to the thumbnail spelling 'murdered' as 'muredered'...
@SirDBee Год назад
I have scrolled for 2 mins hoping to see this comment just to confirm I wasn’t going mad. Thank you!
@christophernix5695 Год назад
The imposing minor chord when the whale corpse was revealed were dark comic genius.
@ashleybrown4754 Год назад
I’m sorry but Muredered? How has nobody fixed this yet?
@aon02b Год назад
Funnily enough, vikings were extremely feminist when compared to other cultures in the same period. Viking women were still housewives, but they weren't considered the property of men like women elsewhere. They were free to choose whatever husband they wished, and they even had the right to divorce for various reasons. For instance, if a man struck his wife three times she could demand a divorce. Pretty crazy how a culture that's considered to have been so savage had better rights for women than some cultures still existing today
@Paulafan5 Год назад
Both things can be true. They were brutal to their enemies but "civilized" towards their own. Genghis Khan was the same way, but it doesn't make him any less of a brutal, savage conqueror.
@duncancurtis5971 Год назад
We learned of the boat people of Cambodia via John Cravens Newsround appeals in 1979.
@AaronVriesman Год назад
Cruelty is as old as humanity 11:44
@DannyGottawa Год назад
What a murederederer! Disappointed there's not more comments about the 'muredered' in the thumbnail
@RazVanPaulOfficial Год назад
The Vikings, Vikingr did write their sagas and songs and we know a lot of their culture from those.
@adelaide3274 Год назад
It sounds like they're disregarding anything Snorri wrote because he was christian.
@AuTo69420 Год назад
An age restricted factboi video? Dis gon be good
@Jerekul Год назад
With as much as RU-vidrs tend to change their titles and thumbnails for videos, I'm surprised you guys left such a large, glaring typo in the eye catching word at the top of the thumbnail. "Muredered" isn't a word.
@MojaveMoron 11 месяцев назад
It gets engagement People comment to point it out thus boosting the video in the algorithm because "people must like this look at how many comments it's getting"
@DevenDeCoste Год назад
Last I checked the blood eagle was just folklore and there's no historical evidence it ever occurred
@GothPaoki Год назад
Simon likes his sensationalism a little too much.
@micahsean8664 Год назад
Its wild to think that we are still these people. I know we like to think we're covilized, and to a certain degree we are, but we've got it in us.
@simondoAF Год назад
Looks like they murdered the spelling of murdered instead
@levilandes1719 Год назад
I'm probably wrong, but my understanding is that the blood eagle wasn't common, used only in extreme circumstances. And it was the lungs pulled out and stretched over the bones not the skin.
@noname2490 Год назад
Yes!! Graphic content warning!! You know our man Fact Boy is going to send the facts!!
@TheGilgameshLore Год назад
RU-vid? Warning me about violent videos? HA!
@akashsebastianxyz Год назад
Since the video I am watching is interrupted by this background score, could you please get rid of this background music?
@murphyslaw5150 Год назад
A fair few inaccuracies on Viking culture, history and belief systems.
@cerboris521 Год назад
Bit harsh on the Vikings. Foremost they were traders. Secondly they were pirates.
@FairbrookWingates Год назад
From what I understood, it's more they started as pirates but became traders over time. So later in history they were foremost traders and settlers, but early on they were were primarily pirates.
@mzmegazone Год назад
Muredered? (thumbnail)
@wanderer3004 Год назад
Isn't it funny how many of the same brutal, sadistic monsters have been canonized in the modern consciousness as a divine antihero. Pretty sick.
@wanderer3004 Год назад
@@thatoneguybones8036 Or is it that even in a brutal world, their savagery still stood out? It all depends on how you look at it.
@shadmanhasan4205 Год назад
Yup. But Vikings (especially the Danes) weren't as hostile as Anglo-Saxons. No, not trying to offend the English, but damn did they did the poor Celts, only "sparing" the Scots, Irish and the Welsh.
@ulfvinr9364 Год назад
Oh, Factboy.... your segment on the Vikings was factually wrong on so many points...
@Diaz6911 Год назад
Where else can i see your content out of RU-vid?
@joshmajor8662 Год назад
An age restriction?? Lol 😂
@blueyedevil3479 Год назад
I guess there’s a few varying descriptions of The Blood Eagle, if it was indeed used… The most common description though, was where the victim was alive while they had their rib cage separated from their spine, the rib cage pulled away far enough to get to the lungs, and then the lungs pulled out and left connected to the victim while they hung outside the ribcage
@jbear3478 Год назад
Wouldn't someone die of shock nearly immediately?
@Paulafan5 Год назад
@@jbear3478 The English had a horrific punishment for people that were guilty of treason, and they were usually still alive right to the end (ie what happened to William Wallace).
@Ass_of_Amalek Год назад
2:50 ABSOLUTELY false! the norse successfully fought major battles against all sorts of kingdoms. they weren't pirates, they were armies travelling by ship, with the ships as well as the weapons and tactics being top notch by the standards of their times, due to their very far travels and great riches that enabled them to collect goods and knowledge relevant to warfare from a larger expanse of europe than most other european powers (probably all but the byzantine empire). they conquered and settled major territories in france (normandy, called such because of it) and britain, founded the kievan rus empire in ukraine that held more territory than ukraine from the baltic to the black sea, and they formed the royal guard of the byzantine emperor for 400 years. there also is no basis for translating "viking" as "pirate", since nobody used those words interchangeably, and what the norse meant by it wasn't at all the attacking of ships, which is piracy - it was coastal raiding. this is another one of those trashy scripts where I know it wasn't written by daven, because daven knows things and doesn't make total BS claims by just winging it.
@Ass_of_Amalek Год назад
@@thatoneguybones8036 the norse-gaels were a small collection of nobodies in buttf**k nowhere. the proper norse were the ones doing the conquering.
@ОксанаТульпа Год назад
They had lived in that period of time when brutality was the only chance to survive
@JohnSuave Год назад
"Muredered" 😂😂😂
@hewcarroll Год назад
The Old Norse peoples wrote many many sagas and stories. To say the runic inscriptions were the only things they wrote is factually incorrect. While many of the stories and sagas were written down after the Viking age they were composed much earlier.
@aks13v35 10 месяцев назад
Soooo, I am not seeing the USA and the UK!?
@CorbinEmslie Год назад
Real ones know the Romans should be on here too.
@IrishMike22 6 месяцев назад
Did anyone else catch the word "Murdered" spelled wrong in the thumbnail? It reads "MUREDURED"
@believeinmatter Год назад
Woah a content warning? What am I about to see 😂
@TheDragon-v7d Год назад
A lot
@kremepye3613 Год назад
Bog tech Censorship in action
@beagleissleeping5359 Год назад
Got a suicide warning on the Jeffrey Dahmer one. No warning was given about the included necropheilia, though......🤢🫢
@briantimmons4615 Год назад
Got a graphic warning for this video? First time iv had it on RU-vid, must be new to there site.
@josephricci7391 Год назад
How do I get the video to start? It has a warning I can’t get rid of.
@xneurianx Год назад
What is mureder? Is getting muredered good or bad? I have glasses and need to know.
@doncarlin9081 Год назад
Years ago I finally caved in and bought my first pair of reading glasses, in Cambodia, a country that once shot people for wearing glasses.
@pyingst Год назад
@Svartalf14 8 месяцев назад
You know that the infamous blood eagle, while attested from texts, is not known with certainty to have ever been actually inflicted on anybody, right? Siilarly, while the existence of berserkers is generally acknowledged, their actual practices are still a major source of debates between historians interested in the matter. Not to mention that, given who described them, the general depredations of the vikings are likely inflated far beyond their reality.