
History or the Future? | On The Streets of Spain 🇪🇸 

Mark Wildes MJE
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26 окт 2024




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@GilGatoff 3 месяца назад
No one knows how many people did convert and how many decided to leave. Of those who converted, many kept their Judaism secretly for centuries. You are right that a similar thing is hapenning today, but nowadays the perpetrators are secular and coming from the Left, not from the church.
@tinominelli5606 2 месяца назад
@@GilGatoff from the left?? 🤪
@rafthejaf8789 3 месяца назад
Where the Jews go when they were expelled? The answer is that they were welcomed all over the Islamic world. What do the Jews call their golden age? The centuries of living in (mostly) harmony in Islamic Spain. Both communities were expelled and that golden age was ended but never forgotten.
@jakedark3506 3 месяца назад
Why you need to lie about this? Jews have been seen as enemies of Islam since Islam was founded. They have been expelled, murdered or forced to pay Jizya. Especially after the proclamation of the state of Israel, Jews were no longer safe in Islamic countries. Islam is an oppressive religion that does not belong in a liberal democratic society.
@Bettybaminjerusalem 3 месяца назад
You need to study your own history better, as an arab jew I can tell you jews suffered many years in arab countries but had no where to go. My grandparents are survivers of the Farhud riots in 1941 in Bagdad, read about it, and about the forced muslims jews of Mashad Iran, they were forcfuly converted kept their religion a secret for 120 years until they were brought to Israel, the massacrs in Fez Marocco (6000 jews dead in one day), in iran they are stil considered "nagef", can't drink from the same water fountain muslims drink from, the faith of the jews of Khaybar from the Khaybar battle until they reached Judea ans sameria and were forcfuly converted to Islam in Hevron, the yellow patch they had to wear in Iraq long before Germany had a yellow patch for jews, I can go on and on about this...Israel saved my grandparents lives and is the reason why I am alive.
@Bettybaminjerusalem 3 месяца назад
Please talk about the Farhud riots in 1941 in Bagdad Iraq. It would mean a lot for me, my grandparents are survivers of the riots.
@Rezzzzk 3 месяца назад
Im Morrocan jew🇮🇱 i have eligibility to get Spanish ( EU) cizenship bc they offer it now to Sephardic Jews. I don't even want it.
@rodrigolacal 2 месяца назад
We dont want you either
@oau89f7tq3gru 3 месяца назад
Recognizing Palestine is not the same as hating Judaism. The biggest threat to the future of Israel is how Palestinians are treated. My Jewish brothers and sisters, I applaud everyone and their ancestors for surviving all the genocides perpetrated against Jews. All the genocide that have aimed to eradicate Judaism. But perpetrating a genocide against Palestinians (whether you recognize them as people or not) is not the solution.
@n4049 2 месяца назад
I wonder how you allow yourself to repeat obvious lies about "gen ocide" of Palestinians when the Palestinian population has grown exponentially since 1948. There are about 7 million Palestinians today living in the west bank and gaza. Not including the 2 million Arab Israelis. How is that a genocide?? Go to old Jewish ghettos in Europe and tell me how many Jews you can find there. That's what gen ocide looks like. When people disappear, entire communities whipped. The so called gen ocide of Palestinians is nothing but a modern blood libel against the Jews, same as ever. In Europe, it used to be "Jews k ill Christian children and use their blood for a Maza". In Israel it's "Jews k ill Palestinians children". Lies after lies. When are you going to leave us alone?? I wonder that, too.
@vgrg7841 3 месяца назад
I love Spain and being Christian❤ But i respect Jews. Spanish people in general, are nice and welcoming. I have jewish friends too, And Spain is a different country now from waht it was 500 years agoo. Unfortunately, there is still some discrimination and not just in Spain, but probably worse.in other places. I tell ya what, it may sound wierd but youre probably better off in Spain rather than a Muslim country/community today. That is the problem of having a too far left type of government. And, I am sure not all Spanish people are anti Israel but are for Israel as well. That is the problem if a too far left type government. What is needed is a more center centrist/moderate type government in Spain. I garauntee then it would be different in Spain's attutude towards israel in general. 🇪🇸🇮🇱🇵🇭
@futureenergy5408 3 месяца назад
These facts of history plus the more recent events of 1982 through 1948 MUST be taught to our children and this generation….. because I have spoken to the teenage generation of today only to find out how bankrupt they are of any of this history . Because of this bankruptcy we have young people protesting FOR the Gazans .
@starcapture3040 3 месяца назад
you are mixing things up
@IntelligentAtheism 3 месяца назад
So you now live in Israel, i guess.
@elen68 3 месяца назад
Build your own country on your historical mother land, get legal approval for that from UN and then make it a democratic multicultural state. And protect yourself so no one ever again can force you to be who you are not and don’t want to be. It’s obvious. Thank you for the video.
@marcoomau 3 месяца назад
Steal lnad from Palestininans, bribe UN to sign a paper tahn create an apartheid racist state.
@sgmovies7864 3 месяца назад
G-d gave a portion of the Holy Land to the children of Ishmael. Based on Zohar Shemot 32A ------ [R. Hiyya then says] Woe is to the time that Ishmael was born into the world and was circumcised. What did G‑d do [to appease Ishmael]? He distanced the children of Ishmael from supernal cleaving and gave them [only] a portion below in the Holy Land on account of their circumcision. And in the future, the children of Ishmael are destined to rule over the Holy Land for a long time when it is empty from anything, like their circumcision which is empty and imperfect. And they will prevent the children of Israel from returning to their place until the reward for the merit of the children of Ishmael reaches completion. The children of Ishmael [i.e. the Arab nations] will cause great wars in the world and the children of Edom will gather against them and wage war against them, one on the sea, one on the dry land, and one near Jerusalem. And they [the children of Edom] will rule over them [the children of Ishmael], but the Holy Land will not be given over to the children of Edom. [The children of Edom is the Christian West, for Edom is Rome (see Num. 24:19, Rashi) and Rome signifies Greece-Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, the foundations of Western Civilization] -------------- It had already been prophesied in the Bible that the descendants of Ishmael/Arabs shall administer the Temple Mount/Jerusalem. Isaiah 60:7 "All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory." Kedar is the second son of Ishmael, and founder of the tribe that bore his name (Genesis 25:13). Many Arabs trace their lineage back through Ishmael to Abraham. All the flocks of Kedar - On the word 'Kedar,' see the notes at Isaiah 21:16. The Kedarenians were a wandering tribe that frequently changed their residence, though it is probable they usually dwelt in the south part of Arabia Desert, or the north of Arabia Petraea. They are mentioned as dwelling in beautiful tents Sol 1:5 : 'I am black, but comely as the tents of Kedar,' see Psalm 120:5; compare Isaiah 21:16-17; Isaiah 42:11. The language here also means that that which constituted their principal wealth would come and enrich Jerusalem. The rams of Nebaioth - Nebaioth was also a son of Ishmael Genesis 25:13; 1 Chronicles 1:29, and was the father of the Nabatheans. They were a people of Arabia Petraea, and lived principally by plunder, trade, and the keeping of flocks. The country of Nabathea extended, it is supposed, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea, and embraced Petra, the capital of Arabia Deserts, and also Medaba. It is not possible, however, to fix the exact boundaries of the various tribes of Arabians. The general idea is, that their most valuable possessions would be devoted to God. Dome of the Rock is the Third Temple. There are some interpretations of the Bible that suggest that the construction of the Dome of the Rock is prophesied in the Book of Daniel. Specifically, some people believe that Daniel 12:11 is a prophecy about the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." [Daniel 12:11] It is a heresy/unholy to think that Jews shall administer Temple Mount/Jerusalem as it had been clear in the Holy scripture that descendants of Ishmael/Arabs had been ordained by G-d to administer Jerusalem/Temple Mount. -----------
@NondoPondo 3 месяца назад
My family choose to leave Spain. Though we are Hebrew and Semite by blood, not simply religious affiliation, no person in my family have ever claimed their Right to Return to Spain or Israel. We would never live in the false State of Israel. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
@elkiebeerepoot5829 3 месяца назад
In that time there were only two choice adapt and conform or leave. We left. You are probably a Jew hater now, worse than Finkelstein. I don't live in Israel. but I support Israel, not only the Israeli Jews, but the Israeli Druze, Arabs and others as well.
@jokl9346 2 месяца назад
Sad enough for you
@ManoloAlvarez-pz4lz 2 месяца назад
España tiene deuda pedimos perdón,y siempre podrán volver a esta patria que aveces es madrastra por culpa de sus dirigentes,perdimos más que ganamos españoles todos,Salom
@centenariprimeradiadaalfos6259 3 месяца назад
4:14 Ecija no Ithaca.... and.... Girona and Barcelona is Catalonia not Spain.
@ManoloAlvarez-pz4lz 2 месяца назад
Venga iluminado..... date un baño que sale barato noi
@itseveryday8600 3 месяца назад
Was this part of reconquista? There was a Jewish Golden age of culture in Spain under the Muslim rule, when the muslims ruled Spain, but then, eventually, the Spaniards took the country back and kicked out the muslims, so the Jewish people lost that protection of religious freedom, and was then, forced to make a choice by Spaniards who were Catholic.
@senecafañez2421 3 месяца назад
Not exactly. The Golden Age was ended first by Almoravid invasion (end of the 11th century) then by Almohad invasion (middle of the 12th century). This North African invasions brought a much tougher version of Islam, which involved deportations of Chrsitian and Jewish minorities from what was left of Al Andalus. Some Jews went to more eastern Muslim lands, but most went north to the growing Iberian Christian Kingdoms, where they were welcomed and prospered for about two centuries, even if never achieving the heights of Ummayad Golden Age. Their situation only began to deteriorate in the 1300s, as this video explains. Proof that there was a relative (for that medieval time, of course) Jewish integration in those kingdoms before that time is that Sephardic Jews adopted (and in many cases preserved to this very day) Ladino language (based in medieval Castilian) as their mother tongue. Had they suffered intense discrimination since the very moment they were under Chrsitian rule, they would have preserved Judeo-Arabic dialects they spoke in Al Andalus as their mother tongue, using only Castilian in their interactions with the outside world, but indeed they adopted Castilian and developed Ladino for their most intimate artistic expressions. Don´t get me wrong, I´m not denying the antisemitism displayed by Christians, but some people tend to simplify History and qualify Muslim era as uniformly benevolent and tolerant and Christian era as uniformly malevolent and intolerant. No, it´s not that simple. Both Muslims and Chrisitians had periods of tolerance and intolerance.
@tinominelli5606 3 месяца назад
Nothing was taken back as not such a thing as spain nor spaniards existed. I can be positive on that as a history teacher. And muslims were indeed much more tolerant (depending on the muslim rulers in esch moment) than christians
@ciaoatutti307 3 месяца назад
​@@senecafañez2421exactly and is so important to get specific on it, specifically now becouse muslim trying to turn the table and say that they never done anything to jewish but is totally untrue they done a lot and even more then christians and is even wrote in their book what they should do to jewish so they are total liers, everyone did forget the history and now muslim trying to repeat the history everywhere in the west, the worst mistake the west done is letting muslim in again, im italian and even siculi (sicilians) did kicked out muslim becouse they was trying to islamize Sicilia and what the modern governament do? They let them in in mass again, im not discriminatory against different religions but regarding islam im aware of what islam do and tell and if you know islam you also know they will never change becouse they still the same by old times so letting them in is a suicide for own country and the history the most giant proof itself so discrimination become irrelevant when is about own popolation safety and we don't need them to demonstrate anything becouse they got nothing to demonstrate they didn't change a single bit, in fact they trying to do it again in all the west, best advice to all the world is don't let muslim in, I don't care if they are not all extremists even the "peacefull" peoples will change face as soon the extremests will raise so risking own countrys just becouse some peoples give a smile is not worth it, I really hope we will kick them out again becouse things getting ugly everywhere and im italian but I did grow up with a lot of maroccan and tunisins around me so I know how they behave and what they do and from when I was a kid until now they never changed and some of them even did speak to me about jizya telling me that when the time will come they will have to do it and i better accept it but of course me and my peoples exactly as all the west will never accept it so I already know what will going to happen if we let them stay here, they are sleeping cells waiting for the moment and trying to spread like a virus as much as possible, west better do something before is too late or civil war will start and there will be a lot of dead, even worst the leftist police probably will not understand what's going on so they will go against own popolation exactly as they doing now becouse "you can't attack refugees and minoritys from 3rd world" so it will be a massacre where the stupid leftist will risk to bring own popolations to death gifting the victory to mulsim, left in the west must fall and country must start to kick them out as soon as possible
@rodrigolacal 2 месяца назад
​@@tinominelli5606no, they werent?
@senecafañez2421 2 месяца назад
@@tinominelli5606 Perhaps there wasn´t a "state" called "Spain", but indeed the Chrsitian Kingdoms were its precursors, its inhabitants were descendants both of northern tribes who resisted the initial invasion and of Mozarabs, that is, Southern Christian refugees fleeing the relative "tolerant" Ummayads, who settled mostly in the Kingdom of León. All of them had their cultural roots on Roman Hispania and the Visigoth Kingdom, plus some Prerroman influences from Celtiberians (practically assimilated by Romans) and Basques (who formed their own Kingdom of Navarre and who greatly influenced Castile). All of them came in different time periods but always before the Muslims, so if they were in the land before, the term "Reconquista" (Reconquest) applies, but I recognize that most Muslims had been living for centuries in the country, and most were also descendants of Premuslim Iberians (except Arab elites and Berber gentry, who actually controlled Al Andalus). About who was more tolerant, generally speaking most Middle Eastern Muslims treated the Jews far better in the Middle Ages than most European Christians, no doubt, but precisely in Iberia you had the exceptions to the rule. Almoravids and specially Almohads treated both Jews and Christians very badly, in fact they were also very harsh towards Iberian Muslims, whom they considered decadent and not pious enough. The Christians I admit they could work as a fifth column, but why attacking the Jews, who had been loyal subjects of the Muslim rulers till then? About the Chrisitan Kingdoms,despite the appaling precedent of the Visigoths, they were indeed far more welcoming to the Jews than the rest of European Christians. In 1212 there was a terrible pogrom in Toledo, but it was carried out not by Castilians but by Ultrapirenean Crusaders (mostly French) who came to fight the renewed Almohad invasion. King Alfonso VIII tried to stop the pogrom but did not punish the rioters, because he need them to fight the Almohads. The fact was that most ultrapireneans left shortly after, they said because of the "summer heat" but in fact because they didn not agree with Alfonso´s conduct the war, which sought peaceful surrender of Muslim held fortresses rather than outright slaughters like it was usual in the Holly Land Crusades. In fact, the Iberian Christian Alliance (Castille, Aragon, Navarre and some volunteers from León, Portugal and the bishop of Narbonne in Occitania) completely defeated the Almohads after most of the Ultrapireneans had left. So yes, like this video describes, Iberian Christian Kingdoms (those who later would form Spain plus Portugal) were indeed quite tolerant towards Jews until the 14th century, when they became increasingly antisemitic, not just by the mentioned internal dinamics but also by increasing Ultrapirenean influence. Just like the North Africans did not consider Iberian Muslims pious enough, so did French, Italians, Germans, etc, consider the Iberians as almost heretical for rejecting the wild antisemitism of the Crusades. Like it would happen so many times, Spaniards (or their precursors, to make you happy) then tried to abide to what was then "the European Standard", which implied mandatory hate toward Muslims, Jews and their respective cultures in order not to be considered a traitor toward "pure" Chrisitianity. Iberians became insecure of their "Europeanness" and began to emulate the hideous traits of their northern correligionists, instead of just saying "This is how we are, we don´t need to be bigots to win our own Crusaders. And no matter we might even have some Mulism or Jewish ancestors, we have won practically alone, while you resort to pogroms out of frustation for having ultimately failed in the Levant, you mighty sons of Charlemagne!" Unfortunately. we didn´t have the courage to speak like that, instead we tried to erase first non Chrisitian culture and even hide non Chrsitian blood, not just to be acepted as equals by less cosmopolitan Europeans but also because our own bigotry, who gave more importance to lineage than outright merit. In fact, many Jews could indeed trace their genealogy to Biblical people much more ilustrious than the obscure Germanic, Celtic or Basque chieftains from whom Royals and Nobles descended.
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