
Host is visibly SHOCKED at how black guest was treated in the Jewish Community 

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Rabbi Yossi Kulek on growing up black in the Chabad community
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18 июл 2024




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@carlosa.n5100 2 месяца назад
Hashem will smash racism and He will bring justice! Glory to the Master of All Creations.
@ChelsAly 2 месяца назад
I can relate to this so so so much. I've never heard of anyone with a similar experience to mine growing up as half black in the Jewish community. I went to a private Jewish school and I was bullied mercilessly for being black and was told I wasn't Jewish because of it. I also want to add that Chabad, in my personal experience, has been a lifesaver. I have never been judged or treated as anything other than Jewish. I truly believe if I had gone to Chabad more growing up that I wouldn't have so much trauma surrounding my race to work through. I love this channel and the insightful, educational content that is put out. I can't wait to watch the full interview. 💜✡️
@freemansame8062 2 месяца назад
I am an Israeli Jew, most of my family members are the product of marriages between different ethnicities and different 'colors' and we are all still Jews. Discrimination in Israel is rare and is usually found in an extreme religious minority
@adrianabotello9911 2 месяца назад
So if the land promise was to the children of the children of Abraham, how is it that the real descendants of the ancient Hebrews (the Palestinians) are being disposed of the land?
@freemansame8062 2 месяца назад
@@adrianabotello9911 I knew it would come...now you start talking nonsense, the Palestinians have nothing to do with the Hebrews. No ancient Palestinian coin has ever been found, there is no Palestinian archeology, there was no Palestinian leader, there is no ancient Palestinian book, Palestine does not appear in the Koran once. The Philistines from the Bronze Age are really not Palestinian and there is no connection between them, it is surprising that you do not refer to the fact that they had more than one opportunity to build state and move forward but they don't want to live next to Israel, they want Israel not to exist and that will never happen
@freemansame8062 2 месяца назад
@@adrianabotello9911 It is important that you study a little history of the people of Israel, the Torah (Old Testament) and also the Koran in order to understand who the "Palestinians" are. Here are some "honest words of a Palestinian" just for you... “The Palestinian people do not exist The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity" ('Palestinian leader' Zuheir Mohsen 1977)
@adrianabotello9911 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 we mustn't get in love with ideas that hurt other people. I do not get into word game discussions as the twisted history written by a group of people. In the present, we have different tools that can show that only the Palestinians (or whatever you wish to name them) can prove their presence in the Holy Land for millennia. Their ancestors are the Hebrews who you think of as your ancestors. Those Palestinian ancestors, the ancient Hebrews are the authors of our religions. Palestinians are good people who not too long ago (1940s) were dreaming about life as an independent nation without being under the rule of the Ottoman Empire; Germany and England decided to make them pay for sins committed by Germany and to some extent the rest of Europe.
@freemansame8062 2 месяца назад
@@adrianabotello9911 You don't say... this is already becoming amusing, unfounded nonsense, learn some history about the atrocities the Palestinians did to the Jews who lived in Israel (British Palestine) even before the first and only Jewish state was established, so they could not blame Israel or the IDF who did not yet exist It's a shame that history doesn't interest you and you choose sides according to "strong" and "weak", reminds me of myself as a teenager. I believe that one day you will grow up
@MoshePGuedes 2 месяца назад
I am Sephardic. my parents were from the north of Portugal, practically in Spain. I noticed many Ashkenazi with crooked noses for Sephardic, particularly when it comes to pronunciation and music. It's unbelievable that they left aside the purity of love taught to us in the Torah to segregate among their own cousins. My mother would never accept me mentioning the color of any friend's skin, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim. We are magnificent creatures of HaShem. our bodies are incredibly adaptable. Color is merely protection against excess or lack of sunlight, but whoever lets the yetzer hara "speak" gets lost in prejudice. May HaShem enlighten us with wisdom to overcome this meaningless barrier.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
I thought all Jews were kicked out Portugal. How can you be Sephardic? Are you from a converso family? Did your family recently move to Portugal?
@Lagolop 2 месяца назад
I suggest you take a trip to Israel, and see for yourself that the Ashkenazim and Sephardim, and for that matter, the MIzrahim all intermix and intermarry.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
I am a Jewish senior citizen. When I was growing up, except for Sammy Davis, Jr. I had never heard of a black Jew. My parents raised me to look beyond skin color. Since marrying a black Jew seemed impossible (as I knew of none) I was playing devil's advocate. I asked my mother what should I do if I met the perfect Jewish woman to marry but she is black? My mother answered, "You and your wife may be able to deal with it, but it would not be fair to your children as others will make their life difficult." 2024 is not the same as 1964 but we still are not there yet.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
Viewers are too quick to criticize Jews or Israel. Jews have long been willing to help other Jews, more than any other group or religion. A Jew's responsibility for helping another Jew has been paramount. When Eastern European Jews started to come to the United States in the 1880's, the previously arrived German Jews were embarrassed by their "backward" and too Orthodox brethren but they helped them anyway even if they didn't want these Ostjuden in their Reform Temples. Galicianers and Litvaks made fun of each other's Yiddish and set up separate shuls. The established Orthodox community in the United States did not like the attitudes and philosophy of some of the Holocaust survivors who did not approve of the compromises that American Orthodoxy had made. These Holocaust survivors demanded family purity, married women's covered hair, cholov yisrael, and glatt kosher. These newcomers wanted to keep their Yiddish first names and live apart. In spite of the differences, the Orthodox Jews acknowledged and assisted the newcomers. Jews might be too quick to belittle, bully, separate and call names but they tend to be united where and when it counts.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
"Visibly shocked" is making this completely understandable and realistic story sensational when it should not be. Are people that naive?
@adamodeo9320 2 месяца назад
being a Sephardic jew i also experienced a lot of discrimination --- much more than that
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
What do you mean much more? Were you put in a concentration camp? Did they kill you but you resurrected?
@gabrielleangelica1977 2 месяца назад
​@@stephenfisher3721the Inquisition? Northern Europeans do not consider Mediterranean people as white.
@abrahamortiz7134 2 месяца назад
Of course they are that's normal to them
@halimj7 2 месяца назад
Every religion has its struggles among its adherents - racism is the struggle in Judaism
@adrianabotello9911 2 месяца назад
And the weird thing is they think of themselves as Semitic (we know that genetically they are not Semitic).
@freemansame8062 2 месяца назад
@@adrianabotello9911 "we know that genetically they are not Semitic"...we know? naaa...you "know"🙃 Do you know that the majority of Jews living in Israel today are members of the Mizrahi ethnic group and the majority today are the product of marriages between different ethnic groups? Israel has a rare cultural diversity that you will not find anywhere else. I wish everyone pluralism like the one that exists in Israel. Judaism is poly-ethnic, a fact that cannot be refuted
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 The Jews that are indigenous to Palestine are either African or Arab. Ashkenazi Jewish converts are European. Why do you think they don’t share the same dna as the Arab or African Jews who have lived in Palestine for thousands of years?!?!?!
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 we see how you treat African and Yemenite Jews like 2nd class citizens. Let’s not forget your government forced contraceptive shots on only the African women! How’s that not racist?!?!?
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 Says the European colonizer🙄 STOP WHITEWASHING MIDDLE EASTERN HISTORY AND HERITAGE
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
Ask the Yemenite and Ethiopian Jews how racist it is over there!! They’re treated as second class citizens
@freemansame8062 2 месяца назад
I am a 'white' Jew from Israel, I have two lovely adopted Ethiopian sisters who arrived in Operation Solomon in the nineties, most Jewish Israelis today are the product of mixed marriages between different ethnicities, sometimes it is a Russian with a Yemeni, a European with a Moroccan and so on, we are all Jews. It seems that your response is motivated by ignorance or some other reason.
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 No, I come from a Yemenite family and yes they’re treated differently. I don’t see israel forcing contraceptive shots on the European citizens?!
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 why did they force those needles into the arms of African and Yemenite women without their consent or knowledge ???!?! How’s that not racist?!?!
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 does your adopted Ethiopian sisters know the unfair treatment their mothers were given? Do they know their people were forced to take these contraceptive shot against their will??? I highly doubt that
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@freemansame8062 1 simple YT search will uncover hundreds of videos of racism in that country. Not just racism towards the Yemenite peoples but to the African Jews as well. You can deny the truth but facts are facts…..
@KimLongsine 2 месяца назад
Messianic Jews are not that way. They have the love of Yeshua in their hearts.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
Southern Baptists supported slavery. Jews for Jesus was started by Moishe Rosen, a Baptist minister.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
Some of the biggest racists come from the Bible Belt.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
Blacks were brought to America as slaves and forced to become Christian. Why would any Black person want to be a Christian?
@gabrielleangelica1977 2 месяца назад
Except for being a slave to Islamophobia and cheerleading the slaughter of thousands of Palestinian children!
@jamesr8584 2 месяца назад
Many Christians are that way and they have Yeshua. Reform and Conservative Jews are not that way and they don't believe in Yeshua.
@pesach613 2 месяца назад
It's sad that most of this comes from the Ashkenazi community and especially Chabad. When it happens to them, they are the first to start whining about antisemitism. Middah keneged middah.
@stephenfisher3721 2 месяца назад
Most American Jews are Ashkenazic. Do you really find that American Jews descended from Jews from the Ottoman Empire or North Africa are different towards Black Jews? Have you even met American Jews who are not Ashkenazic? Perhaps you meant to say Hasidic instead of Ashkenazi?
@pesach613 2 месяца назад
@@stephenfisher3721 I'll been to Israel and have family there. I know the culture very well. There's a problem in America and at times in Israel towards darker Jews. It's absurd and that's one reason why Israel is under attack because of lack of unity.
@jamesr8584 2 месяца назад
Ashkenazi were at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Maybe this is a problem in the Orthodox, but not the Jewish community in general.
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@jamesr8584 Bruhhhh you just made a racist remark towards me in your last comment because I was Arab. You never stopped to think maybe I was Jewish you automatically showed ignorance. More proof of a taught hatred towards Arabs. Btw my family are Yemenites, we’ve practiced Judaism for thousands of years. Who taught you to hate us? Most of my family are fleeing your racist nation because of inequality.
@progressiveprofits9376 2 месяца назад
@@jamesr8584 oh and btw my family was forced contraceptive shots without their knowledge in that racist state of yours! Along with the Ethiopian Jews who were also lied to and forced this shot on them. Now why would you only apply this shot to the only these two groups if you aren’t racist?!?!?!?!