
How America Reacted to 'The Coddling of the American Mind' 

The Atlantic
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Writer Greg Lukianoff sits down with Atlantic editor in chief James Bennet to discuss the response to his cover story, "The Coddling of the American Mind," a critical look at the effects of trigger warnings and microaggressions on college campuses. He had initially expected "to have to deal with a ton of hate mail," he says, but the response has been largely positive. In this conversation, Lukianoff and Bennet discuss the common arguments against the piece and summarize its key points. "A lot of this new speech policing is justified through reference to psychological frailty, and I'm trying to make the point that this is not a positive way to look at people," Lukianoff says. "It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy."
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28 сен 2024




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@DabiTodoroki 6 лет назад
As a centrist who leans toward progressive thinking...I highly enjoyed this. The SJW mentality is stifling and tiring. There’s no room for persuasion or reason, just believe what you’re told. Thank you for being honest about the state of affairs on college campuses. I wish more bipartisanship could occur, but I’m glad most people find that way of thinking to be absurd.
@ThePontificatingAHole 6 лет назад
Future Trunks Even better than bipartisan would be non partisan because the identity politics behind the SJW mentality plays into much of the craziness going on. They have been fed dangerous dogma using Trojan horse techniques that have convinced them that they are waging a holy war against evil, but this is really The Phantom Menace at work: it is Kruschev making good on his vow to conquer Democracy from within.
@petitio_principii 6 лет назад
Ideally one should try to frame "anti-SJW" arguments in ways that don't try to ridicule them and totally dismiss their points, but rather tone down exaggerations and misguided reasoning while acknowledging that there are some fundamental truths. Likewise with right-wing BS. You may probably never be able to convince a conservative that abortion is acceptable by arguing an analogy with "brain death" to the fullest extent, but you possibly can make it more acceptable for very early abortions before there's barely cell differentiation of formation of any nervous system, and, at very least, agree that you'd also like to see less abortions, and the most guaranteed way to promote it is through comprehensive sex ed and more accessible healthcare (contraception), not abstinence-only and making it harder for people to have contraception. For penalties alternative to prison for petty crimes, maybe concessions that alternatives could even have some religious element, plus mentioning it has better results at recidivism and spare state resources that can be invested in capturing and locking really dangerous criminals.
@WiseFidelista 5 лет назад
CENTRIST is not a thing, Don't be embarrassed to call yourself Pro - Status quo.
@dissonantvibe8585 5 лет назад
@Joe Schmoe , the problem is that these children are having a real impact on culture and it's not for the positive
@dissonantvibe8585 5 лет назад
@Joe Schmoe , how many people have been fired just this year because of the outrage culture these SJW children helped enact? How many people have been de-platformed just in the last month? After college, those in "elite" colleges get jobs in the media and influence the public discussion greatly. They also have managed to influence pop culture, especially geek culture, and language in a negative fashion as well. I wish what you were saying is true, but I see the results all around me everyday online, in the media, and in pop culture
@IanHollis 6 лет назад
"Life IS Pain. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something." - Wesley, from The Princess Bride.
@Cyberplayer5 6 лет назад
'Life Without Pain Has No Meaning' I think maybe Schopenhauer said it.
@chuckhirschbine8410 6 лет назад
“Life ist pain. Suicide ist freedom.” -Jurgen Haabermaaster
@Well_hello_there_ 5 лет назад
"The crows kept calling his name, thought caw." - Deep thoughts by Jack Handy
@IgnacioGlezCllo 5 лет назад
Technically it was the Dreaded Pirate Roberts, as Wesley hadn't revealed himself yet by this point.
@MatthewTuthill 8 лет назад
It was a brilliant piece - and this is a great discussion about it. Fingers crossed that school administrators realize how ludicrous these new speech codes are.
@AJ-oc5eh 5 лет назад
yeah, fingers crossed, but think of the mentality of those who become school administrators. In my experience, they are all failed teachers - due mainly to their lack of good judgment and sycophantic personalities.
@MeanBeanComedy 4 года назад
Hey, bud. I'm from the future. They did not.
@kentuky1233 2 года назад
@@MeanBeanComedy I'm from the future's future. They still didn´t.
@MeanBeanComedy 2 года назад
@@kentuky1233 RIP!
@paulw5039 11 месяцев назад
7 years later and with far left students supporting Hamas, I think the penny has finally started to drop for school admins.
@incognitotorpedo42 6 лет назад
Great video. I'm glad the article was well received-- there might be hope for us yet! I'd have liked to hear something about "micro aggressions".
@DavyMcKay 3 года назад
I''m triggered!!!!!!!!!!
@pf4773 2 года назад
Talk to comedians: they know the drill if they want to perform on college campuses: nothing edgy, no swearing, no insults, no nothing. There have been documentaries about the famous audition that comedians have to fly to with the various college reps present---the colleges are picking only "safe" comedians.
@shuumai 5 лет назад
Buddhist philosophy is the exact opposite of what he said. It acknowledges pain, but provides a way of reducing personal pain through mindfulness, acceptance, and non-striving. If I'm not mistaken.
@AJ-oc5eh 5 лет назад
Depends what you read. Pain and suffering are caused (ultimately) by ignorance (or the agglomeration of false ideas on one's ego (or self-perception). When schools teach BS beliefs to kids such as "you're special" or "your opinions matter" the ignorance (or ego) only accumulates. For more on this subject, I would suggest an old classic by Edward Conze (the prajnaparamita texts) perfection of wisdom)
@Shirley-lock 6 лет назад
Thank you
@Threshroge 8 лет назад
What it all comes down to is we want to joke and be serious at the same time. Also, we dont like forced rigid reacting.
@studleyjb3172 11 месяцев назад
I walk by safe spaces and try like hell to pass gas.
@davidwilkie9551 5 лет назад
"It was ever thus"
@dawnemile4974 2 года назад
How America? How SOME Americans is more like it.
@josephshepherd6968 3 года назад
When I was teaching in China, I got reprimanded for traumatising teens with a lecture on slavery. We should not become China.
@richardouvrier3078 6 лет назад
Peanut allergies. Haidt
@grubbymanz3928 5 лет назад
i agree w/ much of this, but actually this concept of exposure, and facilitating unexpected exposures as psychologically good is wrong, period. Exposure for serious mental illnesses has to be done carefully, under supervision, and gradually, or the chance for reactive suicide greatly increases in the short term. What is true is that if one expects the world to bend to the disorder, this is probably an impossible and endless project, that helps consolidate maladaptive neural connections. Stimuli generalize, if you expect the world to play by your rules, it will end w/ isolation or living in your bathroom.
@johngury 8 лет назад
1:50 non response to what we actually wrote... no evidence they are actually helpful..evidence that they actually might be harmful...actually actually actually actually actually actually How about a speech code against saying actually.
@ranndino 4 года назад
I've recently worked with some Millenials. They were nice, smart in terms of their work and hard working. However, mentioning anything that didn't conform to their extremely liberal beliefs resulted in them either getting angry or looking at the floor. They had absolutely no ability to debate or defend their views. In fact, if I tried digging a bit deeper it turned out that their knowledge of topics was very shallow & didn't extend beyond regurgitating woke terminology like members of a religious cult. Moreover, if you continue to press and try making them think a little they just pull away and think you're an asshole. I never thought I'd say this, as I'm quite liberal myself, but many college professors are doing quite a disservice to the country. Instead of teaching their students how to think they teach them the opposite.
@kln9674 4 года назад
Were they actual millennials (in their 30s and upper 20s)? Or just what Boomers call “millennials”, ie teens and college kids?
@grayonthewater 3 года назад
I think you mean gen z which are the kids currently in college
@iobject1421 3 года назад
@@kln9674 I've run into exactly what is referenced and the people are mid to late 20's with a smattering of early 30's.
@JoshFlorii 3 года назад
lets not pass this off on college professors and ignore the years of school that comes before
@hvrtguys 6 лет назад
Trigger warning: Prolonged exposure to life will result in death.
@borp6912 5 лет назад
Jared D Pleasure don’t assume my mortality thank you
@eb3279 4 года назад
That's a good one.
@lucipo_ 3 года назад
@@borp6912 I have traumatic experiences with death, this joke is actually offensive to dead people and I will politely ask you to take down your comment for the wellbeing of people who might take offense from traumatic experiences.
@Jack_all 5 лет назад
I went back to college for another degree recently and it absolutely blew my mind!... professors had to give trigger warnings before showing the Statue of David, art professors couldn't even critique students work in fear of complaints, we literally had a "cry closet" on campus for a couple weeks?! Im a left leaning / progressive but what's goin on with this latest generation and academia is really sad/ scary.
@AJ-oc5eh 5 лет назад
really? thi sis incredible. If you don't mind me asking what state (or province are you in? I can't imagine this happening in East Europe or Asia.
@pentacleofvenus 8 лет назад
As a master's student in a clinical mental health counseling program I am surprisingly more affected by this trend than I was even at the number 1 liberal arts university in north carolina...your article in the atlantic really resonated with me. Thank you
@screwmuckduck8905 4 года назад
People need to be triggered way more in order to deal with life.
@petitio_principii 6 лет назад
"Trigger warnings" in and of themselves are not so much the problem, more a correlation. Usually many people will do "trigger warnings" much before there was any sort of polemic. Like if you're about to watch something like children self-mutilating or something, it's only natural to give people some heads up that they're about to see something disturbing. But then that's different from actually censoring content and having maimed courses, like social workers who have never seen classes related with the subject of rape. That's simply imbecile.
@SnarkJacobs 7 лет назад
CBT is what saved my life. I had the opportunity to work with a forensic psychiatrist who normally did not take on private patients. After we finished the course of therapy (normally twice a week for a few months but at $300/hr I did once a week for six months), I was not the same person. It literally changed the way my mind processed information. I am not wealthy and I know that most of us cannot afford such an experience, but I have been a guinea pig of the mental health field most of my life and the six months with that doctor put the prior 20 years to shame, and has (for better or worse) left all those who have followed lacking in the ability to pick up where he left off. I'm no longer a dupe, now I'm simply another product of people with good intentions not sticking around long enough to make sure things worked out. If there are any forensic psychiatrists out there I have some questions.
@grubbymanz3928 5 лет назад
that is wonderful to hear. I am a psychiatrist but not forensic- however forensics dont have anything specific to do with CBT and a forensic fellowship more has to do with how law and psychiatry intersect, and the unique things forensic psychiatrists are positioned to do are things like evaluate competency to stand trial. Any psychiatrist who is trained in it should be equally capable to do CBT, nothing abt forensics really adds to CBT practice.
@nwzz2916 3 года назад
Remember when people (friends) used to playfully call each other vulgarities? How did we become such wimps? Now when anyone is challenged with anything subjectively negative they're so fragile they cry or kill someone over it? Stop this shit.
@WarChest 4 года назад
I'm a left of center Gen-Xer (which makes me a Nazi to anyone younger than the age of 30 in New York City where I live) and I have to say that I have always thought our country was going towards coddling an entire young generation of people and that it was a really really bad idea. And I've been arguing this for almost twenty years now.
@grayonthewater 3 года назад
If you’re genx you’re barely 20 so no you have not been arguing this for 20 years lol 😂
@jj342 3 года назад
Yeh live in nyc as well, we are all nazis if we don't agree with the woke church.
@samobispo1527 2 года назад
@@grayonthewater Gen X were born between 1964 and 1982.
@geezzerboy 2 года назад
Are there "trigger warnings" on Romeo and Juliet? Or has that play been banned?
@01sevensix 5 лет назад
Idiocracy. Am stunned my degree has somehow become worth more simply because of when I took it.
@jantoles7637 3 года назад
It seems to me that everything you are talking about is with regard to people who go to college. The majority of people do not go to college. I am 74 years old, and I did not go to college. Being a secretary was what was most available to me when j was in high school, so I took the classes available to me so that I could learn what I would need. I lived in the country outside a town of 4,200. We were 70 miles northwest of Chicago. When I graduated, I was prepared for secretarial work. I worked as a secretary until 1998. From then until I retired in 2014, I worked in IT. I had on-the-job training that made it possible fir me to go directly into IT for my last job, which I held for nine years. I made a satisfactory living, and I supported myself throughout my entire adult life, and continue to do so in retirement. When I hear and read about trigger warnings and all of the other nonsense going on in schools of "higher learning", I laugh and then I want to scream at how ridiculous it is. I think pretty much everyone that did not go on to additional education after high school feel the same.
@dawnemile4974 2 года назад
I started to attend university from the age of 40 in 1995 until 1999. I am again attending University and it is quite different now because of the ultra liberals.
@ReineDeLaSeine14 11 месяцев назад
I’m a trauma survivor and honestly…trigger warnings sometimes make me feel like my trauma is too “extreme” for most people to handle…when I am the one who had to live through it.
@chillijoe8264 3 года назад
when did people become so pathetically weak…?
@MeanBeanComedy 4 года назад
When Trump won the election, my uni had a safe space with dogs and coloring and stuff. It was weird, but I like dogs, so I went to go pet a few. I'm never turning down free dogs! I was volunteering on occasion at the shelter and wanted to let a dog that wasn't trying to bite my arm off for once!
@SawChaser 3 года назад
As an outside that seems extremely bizarre. Like out of a strange movie or a dream.
@vincivedivicilextalionas4036 3 года назад
Thats fking disgusting.
@somix007 5 лет назад
@Metolius9 6 лет назад
I do not self censor, it works for me
@brainxtc2171 5 лет назад
Metolius9 okay moron. Wow no self editing is fun.
@m.burgesszbikowski8049 5 лет назад
BrainXTC. I see you are not afraid to “trigger” some one you disagree with! You go right for the insult. Bravo, welcome to the real world.
@DavyMcKay 3 года назад
Some of us have no choice - if we want to keep our careers.
@Metolius9 3 года назад
@@DavyMcKay seems like a choice then
@Breakbeats92.5 5 лет назад
So let me get this straight, I'm supposed to censor myself to cater to some spoiled little brat that hasn't done a damn thing with their life and has little or experience in the real world. Pa Leeze!
@srincident Год назад
Hard times create strong people. Strong people create easy times. Easy times create weak people. Weak people create hard times. As Bo Burnham sang, "Repeat Stuff, Repeat Stuff."
@ALHat22 8 лет назад
We are talking about this micro aggression in social psychology and psychology. It's an interesting discussion about self concepts, agreement reality and learning. I think that this behavior is being amplified and reinforced by media, colleges and current events. It may be justifying the belief that everyone who is not my race is out to get me, perceiving basis where none has occurred and detracting from theory of minds into more of me verses a external threat that may not be real. Lastly, I think it's a cognitive processing issue not being able to differentiate between what is racism and basis from what is not.
@Gamer1st1 6 лет назад
P H w
@joane.stoltman8381 8 лет назад
What Wendy Kaminer book is he referring to near the end of this video?
@utopiadreamer13 7 лет назад
J. Elizabeth Stoltman I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional: The Recovery Movement and Other Self-Help Fashions
@joane.stoltman8381 7 лет назад
Suzanne thanks!
@glasstumble1677 11 месяцев назад
I find it weird the "old man yells at cloud" is the only criticism that they could get. When the original article got criticism.
@crypticTV 11 месяцев назад
9:00 Buddhism teachings - Life is pain
@TejasM14 3 года назад
Fair points. Just a major correction though. Buddhism doesn't suggest at all that life shouldn't be painful. It teaches that life has suffering. That is infact the first of the four noble truths. But then it goes on to suggest that it doesn't need to be painful. And the way to get there is by working to loosen the grip of desire. The practices enforced by the religion are incredibly psychological in approach, and would be a powerful solution to many of the ills in western societies, such as consumerism, ideological fixation and mood swings. Meditation makes one incredibly anti fragile as it transforms one from being reactive to being one who is analytical and patient.
@GuileQwerty 7 лет назад
Look at these privileged white males with their rational opinions and intellectual rigor.
@edisonlane6921 6 лет назад
SHUT UP I'M Offended
@Cornerstanding 6 лет назад
@TheJustina102085 2 года назад
Fast forward 6 years.. ya you know the stuff we were concerned about? Umm it got about 1,000 times crazier..
@henrimatisse7481 2 года назад
"triggers" started when some video shown in theaters caused a seizure in some sensitive persons. As I recall the flicker rate was intolerable to their brainwave pattern and they sensitive to it. Something like that. Then is extended to images of graphic violence or other images that might be a memory of violence for an individual.
@jj342 3 года назад
Welcome to 2020 ... probably 2021 as well
@dragons_red 4 года назад
So the point if the interview is "Gen X is the new Boomer"?
@nikolavanzettiteslasacco4991 4 года назад
Very interested.
@andrec7440 2 года назад
@terilooney 5 лет назад
I am intrigued to read both the article and the book. I like this journalist.
@DavyMcKay 3 года назад
Same. I bought the book and am finding it very interesting and thought-provoking.
@Cornerstanding 6 лет назад
No one should ever use political correctness as a defense no one will benefit. No one!
@richardouvrier3078 6 лет назад
No mate, trigger warnings come from Big Brother speech engineers. Darkness. Evil.
@brainxtc2171 5 лет назад
@@m.burgesszbikowski8049 Don't mean to be rude, but can you translate that into english?
@m.burgesszbikowski8049 5 лет назад
BrainXTC . Thank you for your politeness. However, I do not think you will like the fact that I am agreeing with richard ouvrier. “Trigger warnings” are an invention of the Female intellectual class, that is “triggered” by anyone who disagrees with them. They demand the impossible feat of guessing what the dears are thinking and what will send them into shock, And Then warn them we might be about to do all of that. In your experience, how do you guess who needs a “trigger warning”??? I simply wanted to warn you, that this illogical idea, will one day be used against you, too!
@brainxtc2171 5 лет назад
Margaret Burgess Zbikowski again it’s somewhat hard to read your post. The flaws of concepts like “trigger warnings” are overstated in order to preserve white male dominance.
@m.burgesszbikowski8049 5 лет назад
BrainXTC. Are you certain “White Male Dominance” may not be overstated to preserve your world view? You owe yourself a really hard think about the terms you have placed on your fellow human beings, who could be friends.
@iceman4154 5 лет назад
@@brainxtc2171 Found another NPC parroting propaganda, like usual. You're too stupid and illogical to see it but you are the fascists, you are the Nazis... Your defeat will be a glorious victory that will go down in history as the time leftist authoritarians failed to take over the world with their version of the politically correct fascism...
@michaelzimmer1241 8 лет назад
Owen Wilson?
@harlleygurrola8394 8 лет назад
Michael Zimmer NO
@MB-st7be 6 лет назад
Anyone else noticed how often Greg Lukianoff drinks? Man must be followed round by an Evian truck!
@il9043 5 лет назад
BS libertarian propagandists. Greg Lukianoff (/ˌluːkiˈænɒf/) is the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). FIRE was founded by Alan Charles Kors, a libertarian professor Kors co-founded - with civil rights advocate Harvey A. Silverglate - and served from 2000 to 2006[citation needed] as chairman of the board of directors of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). He writes pieces for both libertarian and conservative journals on political matters.
@iceman4154 5 лет назад
You're dumb as hell. The fact you use guilt by association proves what he is saying is true...
@tranquil2706 4 года назад
He's for academic freedom, so let him publish where he will, he's on the right side of this issue. Argue the point, not the person! (ancient logical fallacy: attacking the person doesn't make any point about the opinion).
@tobithetabby6376 3 года назад
Anti-intellectualism at its finest. You're not engaging with the ideas as they are, you're using a red herring argument.
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