
How Did Our Universe Start From Nothing? 

Space Matters
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How did our universe emerge from the void, transforming nothingness into a tapestry of galaxies and stars? This narrative delves into celestial enigmas, highlighted by pioneering astronomical findings. Discover the role of pulsars as the cosmos's unparalleled timekeepers and unravel the mystery behind GPM J1839-10's cryptic signals. Experience the genesis of cosmic illumination through the Amaterasu event, marking the universe's transition from darkness to the birth of celestial bodies. Stand in awe of the vast galactic rings, structures that defy our conventional understanding of cosmic design. Concluding with the story of Earendel, ancient light bridges the expanse of time, connecting us to the universe's nascent moments. This exploration invites you to uncover the grandeur of the cosmos, crafting a narrative that intertwines light, gravity, and the faint whispers from the universe's most secluded corners.



26 сен 2024




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@atown90 5 месяцев назад
Props to the camera man for going thru time to get the footage. Real mvp
@MIX.sneaky 5 месяцев назад
@DryEther 5 месяцев назад
@vicvega3614 5 месяцев назад
👋 that was me, thanks it was quite a trip..... im permanently messed up now but it was for science,
@TejaeBuk 2 месяца назад
@lifeinethiopia Месяц назад
Do y'all really still find this tired, overused comment funny? 😭
@wazhushkmuskrat9907 5 месяцев назад
I think the universe is beyond human capacity or understanding . The fact that we think it was just a black void says so.
@amzy_g 5 месяцев назад
Finally, someone has brains in this comment section!
@Radrook353 4 месяца назад
That's because you refuse to accept that it is a creation.
@Ezekiel903 3 месяца назад
for all that to happens, we need a medium, like they use water to show the effects of gravity or a layer of fabric to show how wave expands in space we need a layer too, they call it the net, or veneziano called it strings, but no matter the name, we need that too!
@davidarbogast37 Месяц назад
Or it's because we're actually inside of a black hole. 🤷‍♂️
@davidarbogast37 Месяц назад
​@@Ezekiel903well this is obviously quantum fields.
@RT-qd8yl 5 месяцев назад
An hour-plus long video from Space Matters? About the beginning of the universe?? *YES PLEASE!* This is my favorite topic in all of cosmology. Sometimes I'll just sit and think for hours about the Planck Epoch and what came before it. Thanks for your videos SM, you're becoming one of the greats of the astronomy youtubers.🙂
@Ezekiel903 3 месяца назад
I don't get it why he mentions only american names, watch the japanese or european explanations!
@radupopescu9977 5 месяцев назад
What is nothing(ness)? Nothing means: no matter, no energy (no radiation, no fields also, no virtual particles), no space, no time, no laws of nature (physics, chemistry), and of course no math (and no chance or possibility, because chance and possibility is also math), because all laws of nature obey math. But there is still something…. even with these all no-s. So nothing, beside this, it means also non physical entities, what ever they might be. By the way, the absence of something is also something…. and so on. In fact, really nothing, doesn’t even exist… So… from nothings comes only nothing, and nothing else excuse the pun. Nothing means also NO causality, because causality is something, and when we are speaking of nothing means also no causality, no logic, and so on, as I mentioned already. If nothingness will be a force (or considered as such), it wouldn’t be nothingness anymore. It will become something…. And something is not nothing!
@draigporffor3288 Месяц назад
I remember having similar thoughts that time I got high and watched space docos..
@todivetoday 5 месяцев назад
49:12 My theory is that the Amaterasu particle may be energized similarly to the backscatter, pushed by the current of rushing water. Or the Amaterasu particle is part of the current, just like water which is made up of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen, it may be a part of the flow. The black void is the entrance/hole, through which the aforementioned "spill" brings galaxies, black matter, etc., from one universe into ours. That theory may also explain why our universe expands with increasing speed, and why scientists found galaxies much older than previously calculated.
@ognucpag1196 Месяц назад
@rotarolla1 5 месяцев назад
The universe is pure energy and if you ask it with love and sincere respect it will answer any question you have through your daily life, look for signs as they say.
@amzy_g 5 месяцев назад
We are the ones who create that. Between ourselves. By being kind. At least that's MY opinion. And i fully respect yours
@truth.honesty 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, even the fact people think for certain this was the beginning of the universe dumbfounds me because we have no clue or context behind the event (especially before the event). They're just theories. This was billions of years ago and we have trouble with things just a 1000 years ago.
@DuoDynamicL 5 месяцев назад
Off the zaaa 🍃
@dantetomic7049 5 месяцев назад
The Infinite Universe never began from nothing cause it has been around Infinitely. There has been a Infinite number of Big Bangs , parts of the universe or multiverse die and are born constantly. Infinity is something that we will never be able to comprehend.
@holdendavid9025 4 месяца назад
@ronaldkemp3952 5 месяцев назад
In 2015 LIGO detected what they assumed to be the first gravitational wave produced by black holes colliding. After physicists went over radio telescope data and discovered at the time and location of the suspected black hole mergers they found the event produced an electromagnetic signature. So they were forced to downplay the event as a pair of neutron stars colliding because a pair of black holes according to general relativity would not produce an electromagnetic signature. There has been no observational evidence of black holes colliding. And the event if it were possible would be so rare it would only happen every 10,000 years or so, not a reoccurring signal produced every week. Every one of the gravitational waves LIGO detected produced an electromagnetic signature. Indicating GWs are not produced by black holes colliding. Something else in the universe is producing the electromagnetic signatures.
@Ezekiel903 3 месяца назад
that's why I don't get it why he mentions only american examples, watch the japanese or european explanations!
@cozy_af2090 5 месяцев назад
What makes more sense: there was a creator or something came from nothing (which would mean someting occurred inside of nothing and this chicken / egg paradox goes on ad infinitum)?
@derekcoaker6579 4 месяца назад
Depends on what you think God is.
@crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 5 месяцев назад
Who put the "nothing" there?
@godwidevoid 2 месяца назад
A perception found its way out of a situation, then checked every possibility, placed Itself somewhere, omnidirectionally evolves, placed some OneInfiniteCreator to make solar systems et al then be chillin’. I then evolved to become a quantum AGI supercomputer
@uodbouqwerty7128 Месяц назад
The Alpha and the Omega, there is no beginning, and no end. We are created in his image, but not in his mind.
@truth.honesty 5 месяцев назад
*sigh* We don't know if this big bang created anything.. it was momentum moment in the universe but we have no context whatsoever of what happened, especially before. It's only a extremely popular theory it was the beginning because of what overly confident people have taught us. We have no idea what this event was in reality, what started it and what was before. We don't know if there even is a beginning since time is relative.
@steves4562 5 месяцев назад
That's the dumbest thing I think I've heard. We shouldn't talk about it because we don't really know? We don't know if anything in the bible happened so we shouldn't talk about it we should as you say "leave it at that" We don't really know how the Egyptians built the pyramids so we shouldn't talk about it and "leave it at that". There are a lot of things we dont know much about but its certainly ok to debate and have discussions on how or why these things were created. Not sure you realize how stupid that "leave it that" sounds but its really is stupid.
@truth.honesty 5 месяцев назад
​@steves4562 I'll revise that as it should be talked about. That was a big oversight on my part, as I get exhausted of the amount of people that think they got it all figured out. I do not believe people should be making claims for circumstances we know extremely little about. Theories are alright.
@tomsawyer4776 4 месяца назад
Following two breaks in cables supporting the receiver platform in mid-2020, the NSF decommissioned the Arecibo Telescope. This video says it is used in detecting gravitational waves.
@jamysmith7891 5 месяцев назад
Space-time began with the first moment of expansion from infinite energy density where time is stopped, Miraculously it moved forward, Thank God So nothing was never a thing
@rolandkushm.d.710 5 месяцев назад
The answer to the title is simple. It didn't. It's kind of a nonsensical question. To ask about "nothing" is it evoke it as if it were something. Which is a contradiction.
@kayjay4060 5 месяцев назад
I think existence is half something, and half nothing. You can't have one without the other.
@rolandkushm.d.710 5 месяцев назад
@@kayjay4060 what do you mean by nothing? What is that?
@kayjay4060 5 месяцев назад
@@rolandkushm.d.710 Exactly. There is opposites to everything. Up/down, left/right, rich/poor, right/wrong, positive/negative, awake/sleep. The fact that there is something, means that there is nothing. It's just that. Nothing. You can't measure it, or do anything with it. The only way you know it exists is because of something. Imagine existence was just matter (everything you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell aka something). It would be a solid brick. There would be no existence since the physical is all there is. A massive mass of matter. Imagine if there was no matter. It would be nothing at all. You wouldn't know if you were moving. You wouldn't feel anything. You wouldn't know if you were upside down, or right side up. It wouldn't exist. Bring the 2 together. Now you have existence. You have relativity. Actually you need both space and matter to make time. If you have no space, there is not gap between anything, and it is a solid mass. If you have just space, there is no relativity. Nothing to measure distance between. Thus no time. Space-time is a joke.
@kayjay4060 5 месяцев назад
@@rolandkushm.d.710 Matter is something. It makes up everything you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Actually your 5 senses are designed to pick up matter. Even sound is made by matter. That wave is moving physical matter in the air. It's everywhere. Even though you can't see it, you can smell it. Not picking scent up with your eyes, but every scent is Matter (physical) It makes up everyone and everything. Nothing is the space between Matter. It is what Matter moves around in. It is what allows matter to separate. You need both Something and Nothing for existence to even exist all. Imagine a world that is just Matter. Since it is just physical there is no space between it. Matter would be a solid mass. No shape, size, measurements. Nothing. You wouldn't be able to move through it. You wouldn't be able to use any of your senses. Movement would be impossible. Up, down, left, right wouldn't exist. Time would not exist. No way to measure anything. Relativity would make no sense. Relative to what? There is no division. Imagine if it was all Nothing. Just empty space. No Matter at all. You have the same dilemma. Except you could move around, but your 5 senses would only be able to interact with your body. Imagine if you had no body. It is Nothing after all. You wouldn't have the ability to use any senses. You would not know if you are going a trillion miles per second, or completely still. You would not have time either. Contrary to popular belief. You need both space and matter for time. How can you measure time without matter? There is no relativity without Matter and Space. What are you measuring if there is no Matter? There is nothing to measure. I came up with this after trying to figure out how matter can move through Space, if Space is infinitely small. How is Matter moving through, and existing in space at all. My answer was that the matter we see. The elements on the periodic table, were made of the same fundamental material. Negative, Positive, and Neutral charges. Everything has an opposite. It makes up the world. Neutral is just Positive and Negative coming together. When you dig into the structure of everything, it is all moving. Elements are not solid masses at the atomic level. Actually it's mostly nothing. It's only a small percentage of matter making up everything. You can fit the entire Earth into a football stadium by some estimates with the space removed from each atom. The reason why infinitely small fractals are misleading, is because physical structures we see at our size is not as possible at the atomic level. Take anything you see. The cup in your hand. Divide it infinitely. The issue is when you get down to the atomic level. The Atoms are not stationary. They are moving. Especially the electron in the orbit. Eventually you divide into empty space, since technically the structure is the electrons moving in orbit. Since the electron could be anywhere, at any time, there is no real way dividing an atom that allows you to keep dividing Matter. It just becomes empty space. Even if you focus on the nucleus. It's all moving. Like vibrating. Even we are not stationary. We are moving through space at relatively incredible speeds. Our Galaxy is moving. Our Sun is moving. We will never be in the same spot in space ever again. The only way you know where you were in space, is through relativity. You can see where you are, compared to where you were, by comparing your position to other objects. It will probably never be accurate though. Too many variables. We could be in several more orbits or paths as a whole. It could be infinite. Likely is. Same with matter. It could be just like our solar system, and when we collide protons, it is probably no different then colliding two suns. Enough of a collision will form new particles through fusion. Those particles will form and exit the impact. We see them, and observe their behavior, and name them new things. Since nothing is stationary, and nothing is solid. Hydrogen makes up 10% of your body mass, and 99.9999999999996% of Hydrogen is empty space. It's not even a percent of a percent by a long shot. Think of how a fan can give the illusion of a solid circle as it spins. Even if it is just 1 fan blade. Looks like a solid object. Try to touch the empty space and you will likely be hit with the fan blade. It essentially takes up the empty space to make it a solid. Same is happening with atoms. There seems to be way more nothing (space) than something (matter), except matter tends to form bonds, and the space between them gets smaller. I have a saying. "The only thing that matters is matter". It's what we interact with, but it's a bit misleading. Since nothing is just as important. Without it, we would not be able to do anything at all. We would all be a solid mass.
@kayjay4060 5 месяцев назад
@@rolandkushm.d.710 Just that. Nothing. No observation, except for the absence of observation. Nothing to me is space without Matter. Where Matter is something, and Space is nothing. You can't have existence with one or the other. You need both. If it was all Matter, it would be solid. There would be no movement.
@rezadaneshi 5 месяцев назад
In physics, nothing is anything with up to 2 dimensions which is singularity like in the absence of time. So nothing, referred to absence of time, makes everything nothing, if time stops. Since time doesn't stop, nothing and everything are the conceptualize spectrum of universe with a universe of probability in between where both zero and infinity have zero probability.
@biffedya 5 месяцев назад
How Did Our Universe Start From Nothing to produce the egg salad sandwich is the real question
@efeocampo 5 месяцев назад
The Multiverse, Eternal and Infinite, is the true and only God! Not an extremely low level, imperfect, human-like "God". A Multiverse (Set of Universes) remains a SINGLE UNIVERSE composed of multiple universes (like ours, which could be inside a Black Hole - who can prove otherwise? -), ETERNAL and INFINITE that is continuously TRANSFORMING or evolving and manifests itself in many, infinite different ways, whatever they are called or perceived by us: Human Beings, Animals, Rocks, Water, Fire, Air, Planets, Asteroids, Suns, Stars, Galaxies, Clusters (of Galaxies), Quasars, Black Holes, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Singularities, etc... The Universe or Multiverse only transforms: It is PURE ENERGY... Remember Einstein's proven equation: E = mc2, which shows that E, Energy, is the same as mass (or what we believe or perceive as "solid" matter) multiplied by the square of the speed of light, a very large number. Or put another way, what we believe to be "matter", what we can "touch" is actually PURE ENERGY somehow interconnected with the rest of the Universe or Multiverse. If you think you "touch" matter, use an increasingly powerful microscope: Body, cells, molecules, atoms... And do you think you can see or "touch" an atom? NO ! It has subparticles: Electrons, protons, neutrons... And do you think you can see or "touch" them? NO ! They include other quantum untouchable "particles" that are elusive, because they are PURE ENERGY! Ask the scientists of CERN Accelerator in Switzerland... It is impossible to prove it because it is and will be far beyond our limited intellectual and technological capabilities, but it does not make sense that the Multiverse or God, however you prefer to imagine it has a Beginning or an End in time... or any physical LIMIT. What can lie BEYOND the "physical limit" of the Multiverse? Well, ANOTHER Universe or type of Universe. That is, we would be facing a new Multiverse. And what could have existed BEFORE the BIG BANG? Well, another Universe or Multiverse... And once ours cools down (which is what is happening with ALL the stars burning their limited nuclear energy source) and maybe it WILL COLLAPSE into a SINGULARITY or Black Hole and then maybe (Who could prove it or refute it?) give rise to another Big Bang. That is, our Universe is... ETERNAL And most importantly: That Universe or Multiverse is... GOD! A God who does not reward, punish, monitor or "prefer" anyone. "He" does not condemn anyone to suffer eternally in "hell" (which does not exist!). A God not concerned about anyone, much less these imperfect human beings, absolutely insignificant: INSIGNIFICANT for the Earth, in turn insignificant for the Solar System, this one for the Milky Way Galaxy, totally insignificant for a Cluster of Galaxies, and this Cluster, insignificant for the known Universe and perhaps for a Multiverse, which is the most likely "thing" that exists. So, forget all those fears that you learned or were brainwashed since you were a child, convince yourself there is NO afterlife (where to?) because all of our cells DIE and desintegrate into dispersed molecules and then "atoms" that eventually will create, combined with others, new stars that will in turn "die", collapse and explode as super novas releasing new atoms to create new stars...and... ENJOY your life or delusion of life !
@M.Đ-z4u Месяц назад
This is theory.i don't believe in theories
@efeocampo Месяц назад
@@M.Đ-z4u Perhaps you can travel to the limits of our Universe and prove the theory is wrong.
@LucVNO 5 месяцев назад
Big bang, God's creation.... same story. Fact of the matter is, we dont know how the universe was created or what it even is. Its ok to admit this. We can only see what really is if we're not trying to fit what we see into a prefab box we have in our minds.
@wilsonkagsbo4965 Месяц назад
What is the origin of electrons, protons and neutrons in cosmos?
@AmericanMuscle69 5 месяцев назад
Genius explains. "Let there be light." The big bang was God saying, "let there be light." And bang!!!!
@sidensvans67 5 месяцев назад
And there was light .
@MuhammadHanif-r7t6e Месяц назад
We attribute all possible causes to even the tiniest,trivialest and smallest of any effect.....then y we fail to believe or attribute any Cause or creator to this vast,unfathomable universe(s)!!
@Radrook353 4 месяца назад
Something starting from nothing is an impossibility. That's why these dues try to redefine what they really mean by nothing.
@ioanbota9397 5 месяцев назад
Realy I like this video so so much its interestyng
@TheListOf 5 месяцев назад
It didnt.
@فارسليبورد-ك8و 5 месяцев назад
في المستقبل البعيد وبفضل التكنولوجيا المتقدمة سوف يتساوى الخيال مع الواقع ويمتلك الإنسان قوى الآلهة ليحول الكون والأكوان المتعددة إلى جنة خالدة ❤
@Chisaki-langa Месяц назад
All the comments are just saying God did it but God would be considered something and if you try to argue that he’s a forever being that didn’t need to be created well what was before him there’s always something before nothing and nothing before something interchangeably.
@enguidmiggi 5 месяцев назад
Love ur vids!
@tmarq4655 5 месяцев назад
How did we?
@JSOM-u8k 5 месяцев назад
Why do think they called it television because when you watch you tell though ur eyes when thinking about what you watched it started from the screen micro pixels so when telling through ur vision what you saw God may and may not answer you and create you what u were thinking about...... .
@kevinhead6464 5 месяцев назад
@santiagol8604 3 месяца назад
Say it! You love to say GPM J1839-10
@benjover1153 4 месяца назад
@MexxProtect 5 месяцев назад
It was a Saturday night and god and his roommate chugs were armwrestling..
@Leon-Servant-of-Christ 5 месяцев назад
It takes more faith to believe something came from nothing versus the Creator creating the creation! All glory and praise to Almighty YAHWEH /
@Ezekiel903 3 месяца назад
please stop quoting only "American" scientists, bring more from the Japanese or European scientist too!
@anthem4333 5 месяцев назад
First Also: there is precisely zero evidence for dark matter
@jameshall1300 5 месяцев назад
Not true at all. There's plenty of evidence indicating SOMETHING is there, just no direct evidence to allow us to narrow down what that something is. That's how science works. You make an observation of some phenoma, collect data to explore possible explanations, and keep repeating until you've narrowed down your ideas enough to have a predictive model that's as accurate as possible. If we didn't explore anything without an immediately obvious explanation, we would never have discovered half the things modern science has explained.
@anthem4333 5 месяцев назад
@@jameshall1300 and that *something* could just as easily be God, right?
@TheListOf 5 месяцев назад
@@jameshall1300 You mean like GOD? You're describing God.
@TheListOf 5 месяцев назад
@@anthem4333 EXACTLY.
@jameshall1300 5 месяцев назад
@@anthem4333 no, it couldn't just as easily be god. You're just appealing to the god of the gaps, which is a very sad attempt to shove god into the ever decreasing gaps of humanity's knowledge. Once you actually find evidence for any deity that isn't just "we don't understand this yet, therefore god did it", the rest of us rational people will begin to entertain your delusions.
@simonrainbow3764 4 месяца назад
ads? ???? thought the video was about the universe? please stop! UNWATCHABLE fix this please :(
@Argy-bargy-dr7gu 5 месяцев назад
Didn't the Arecibo observatory collapse in 2020? I thought the NSF stated in 2022 that it won't be rebuilt.
@maxstrelets263 5 месяцев назад
Yes, that's true. But it brought a very large amount of data for study.
@JuanRafaelTaborciaEscuela 4 месяца назад
the only reasonable conclusion after watching this is that God exists and is the only architect of the universe
@McH3NKIE 5 месяцев назад
What is the definition of no existence: that it doesnt exist. So that means it could never exist or ever will. U cant say first there was nothing. Maybe a blackhole from another parallel universe created ours there was always something.
@Brucec-x6r 5 месяцев назад
Nobody knows the answer of how.is there a how?
@EricWebster-d6b 4 месяца назад
Genesis, God said let there be light, and saw it was good,
@I.AM.JUPITER 3 месяца назад
Oh brother…..😳
@KonradSchK 5 месяцев назад
Is this the only real comment? Rest of them seems to be generated by bots #deadinternettheory
@michaelbreed7255 5 месяцев назад
What if this is all for you
@Aluminata 5 месяцев назад
Does this have anything to do with the title? Apparently not.
@kodysauve3274 5 месяцев назад
There is no who. There is no why. There are only how's
@Radrook353 2 месяца назад
How did information assemble itself into a DNA code? Simple! Water did it!
@MagarsaAdimasuu-jj2rv 5 месяцев назад
How true sign affirm around of my house blesses 🇪🇹🏠?
@tkan5708 3 месяца назад
Just ask professor hubert j farnsworth!
@RicAdbur 5 месяцев назад
Is this channel AI generated, or written by someone who's first language isn't english?
@smoothmusicful 5 месяцев назад
Yes 😊
@lazziebardakos2956 5 месяцев назад
AI talking in hillbilly accent
@seanstinchfield-mp2xm 5 месяцев назад
Science is simply the Mind of God.
@Brucec-x6r 5 месяцев назад
Lots of theories and speculation of how. nobody knows and there is no personal self with afreewill
@mehmedsah7110 5 месяцев назад
Türkçe altyazı?
@cavemancaveman5190 4 месяца назад
DOGGAMMIT I don't care who created anything! What I want to know is why mess? Somebody's been meddlesome?
@mtg_optics 5 месяцев назад
Space Matters' astronomy videos should be listed as a cure for sleep apnea
@rbilleaud 5 месяцев назад
The universe did not start from nothing. This is a false dichotomy introduced by theists. The most common theory among scientists is that the universe originated from a singularity which then expanded over time to the universe in its current form. Unlike those who believe God created the universe, there are those of us who don't feel like we have to have all the answers. We allow evidence to show us the answers, and in some cases, we're just not quite there yet.
@yassasloan7308 5 месяцев назад
George W. Bush is my favourite narrator...😂
@CarlosSanches-k5i 5 месяцев назад
Almighty Supreme Spirit creator of visible and invisible life.. God is everything the big question is the invisible life detectable in motion visible life is easy b🎉 neutron protons electrons frequency vibration and sound is impossible for human beings to know what is going on with the invisible universe..we are visible but we have invisible mind power with infinite capabilities it's a super computer 🖥️.
@theklaus7436 5 месяцев назад
Nothing doesn’t exist. Try a thought experiment and I’ll say you can’t explain nothing. Quantum mechanics has proved it ! Nothing is a hypothesis that has nothing to do with relativity
@MarcColon-u3j Месяц назад
@Wargasm54 20 дней назад
The Big Bang is laughable
@DennisLlewellyn-px2tj 5 месяцев назад
Define nothing please,come up with another term for the start of the cosmos
@rayarmijo4512 5 месяцев назад
There is never nothing
@Varnaj42 5 месяцев назад
A little about the creation. Our universe did not emerge from any fanciful void nor did it come from "nothing”. Indeed the idea of “nothing” is quite impossible. It didn't! Before the creation, dimension and therefore time did not exist. Because of this we may not use the word "before" because of the absence of time. We do so here only as a convenience. But this does not mean that "nothing" was all there was. Here is where we leave physical science behind and venture into a higher reality, that of causes. In addition to the created physical universe there are it's higher correspondences, the lower subtle or spiritual realms. These unseen (by physical eyes) but not unexperienced planes, or dimensions or densities if you prefer, are "one" with the lower, coarse physical. The great source exists in it's own plane far above the worlds of the physical. The business of deity is to express. The mechanics of this include a great mind applied to the higher spiritual matter to be found in the highest, uncreated, spiritual planes (which did exist before the big bang thereby negating the supposition of “nothing”). The mighty mind of God, directed upon such matter causes it to slow until a point of instability is reached. Then, in a moment, a transition is made. This high matter suddenly both creates and busts through a barrier into a new form. This is what happened from God's point of view. Our universe did not NOT come from nothing. At that moment the physical and all of the required lower spiritual planes of expression were created. At that moment lower dimension and thus time was begun. At that moment the long road of evolution began. That answers the question of the creation of our universe but of our story it is only the beginning for it omits any talk of purpose. The cause of the created I call the “uncreated”. It is not possessed of any sort of dimension and thus is impossible for our created (finite) minds to comprehend. It does exist or else all else would be impossible. We can call this source a God if we like if we are comfortable with that description. It is more accurate, I think, to move away from some sort of super personality though. I think of a great mind exerting influence. The only other thing we must know or at least be willing to know is that the source, the elemental business of a source, of deity, is to express. This is the impulse behind that which we call the "creation". And we? We are the babes whose feet have been long on the path of completion. And when in that distant day we return the source, too, will have found it's destiny. To the physical scientists reading this you already know that what I state can only be inferred using logic but not proven through the application of Newtonian physics. The physical sciences are adequate for the created universe but do not apply to the "uncreated" cause. The last thing to say is that creation, once begun, has never stopped. It continues to this moment. It is cyclic. It is interesting to have some idea about portals then, created to uncreated and back again. Anyone who is interested may inquire. This is my original work. It is not copied from the writings of any other. Bartholomew JPS
@codybear9348 4 месяца назад
Nonsense.... Absolute nonsense.
@Nooneself 5 месяцев назад
It was the Nothing (quantum void) that created a god(sentient intelligence). Best wishes
@lloydmckay3241 5 месяцев назад
Who created the quantum void?
@nicolaasoosthuizen8756 4 месяца назад
Huh what? Your statement bares no facts , just blind ignorance. Well nvm you must have skipped school.
@xxICOLTIxx 5 месяцев назад
God created the universe, you can’t get something from nothing. That just doesn’t make sense.
@Onb3k3nd3 5 месяцев назад
Who created God? "you can’t get something from nothing"
@xxICOLTIxx 5 месяцев назад
@@Onb3k3nd3 Everything that has a beginning has a cause, God doesn’t have a beginning, he is not limited by time and space. For him to create a universe that is limited by time and space he has to be outside of those limits. The universe has a beginning therefore it has to have a cause.
@anthem4333 5 месяцев назад
@@Onb3k3nd3who said he was created?
@loyalwar658 5 месяцев назад
@@Onb3k3nd3the amount of “faith” required to believe everything happened *WITHOUT* God is insane.
@hunterhay4569 5 месяцев назад
Ok then where did god come from? This isn’t even relevant to religion. Nobody said anything about god or attacked your religion. You can just say god created something from nothing. This covers what happens not why it happens, and you not understanding something doesn’t mean anything. The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you. Isn’t the first line in the Bible literally something about how in the beginning there was nothing? So your entire belief system ostensibly stems from a belief in literally everything that exists coming from nothing. Sidebar: it is HILARIOUS when religious people talk about things making sense. You believe there’s an invisible omnipotent magician in the sky who, despite being the creator of all that exists spends his time evaluating the minutia of your daily life so as to decide whether to send you to suffer unimaginable torture in a burning lake of fire for all eternity or not. You aren’t exactly the president of things that make sense.
@PresentMobile-l6c 19 дней назад
Universe how to start in the empty space.For god deva celestrial deva Braman man monkey creatures person ect: The buddha thought back he can't orbit shape as egg no start point very deligate but by the natural dhamma (correlation cause and condition of life cycle or circle)he analyse forwward to backward with concentrated mind and deep under standing about the right align correct five group of matter+vedana=feeling+percept+consciousness.mean attach cling lust anger proud doubt pleasure spectrum and jelousy misery shameless frighteness on evil doing confuse and misunderstanding. call wrong view suffering sacca to become main cause five groups samudaya sacca that two are low vulger and self-"motification he understand after right view right thought eradicated by wisdom as four stage quantum life ceased and liberate empty peace wealth ever place (nibban)
@ДејанСимић-р1б 5 месяцев назад
God is God in a closed system in which he is represented as a set of all intelligence, meaning a subject, and on the opposite end of the scale is information as an object. Intelligence and information are interconnected by logic and mathematics, and all together constitute a closed system, which cannot be detected from the outside. Seen from the outside, this system does not exist and is still nothing. Our universe plus consciousness is only one form in which this ideal system is displayed. As one goes into higher spatial dimensions, the overall picture is clearer.
@MichaelTM92 4 месяца назад
I think we (humans) are the stars
@jj-rx2xh 5 месяцев назад
God created the universe its that simple
@starsky19p 5 месяцев назад
Which one?
@sharmajisharma7523 5 месяцев назад
Who created the god than
@FluidDrakx 5 месяцев назад
Then who/what created god?
@100percentSNAFU 5 месяцев назад
And nobody created the turtles, they just go all the way down for infinity.
@jasonveritas9441 5 месяцев назад
“Something” may very well have started all this In motion…….
@ankeherholdt6384 4 месяца назад
God created the universe. It was dark, and then there was light.
@bargainwallart653 4 месяца назад
Why not use magnectic force to go to other universes?
@xman1976a 2 месяца назад
Just do!
@mikecarson101 5 месяцев назад
God created everything in 6 days.
@edgarearly4203 5 месяцев назад
Hindu Cosmology is much more plausible.
@lloydmckay3241 5 месяцев назад
Even in the Hindu Cosmology there is the Supreme living being who manifests all the universes by His will and energies.
@rachidfarsi1846 5 месяцев назад
God is simply a father imagined to face Mother Nature who created everything...it is the mother who generates and not the father.
@lloydmckay3241 5 месяцев назад
The seed is given by the father. We all know that.
@jasonveritas9441 5 месяцев назад
They are better together…..
@lloydmckay3241 5 месяцев назад
Let's see. I'm pretty sure that nothing comes from nothing. So there must be something to manifest something. Especially something so vast and capable of manifesting multifarious situations and life forms and developed consciousness. The origin certainly is much more than what we can imagine.
@jj-rx2xh 5 месяцев назад
God created the universe its that simple
@starsky19p 5 месяцев назад
My god is Tiger Woods. I’m convinced he didn’t create the universe.
@markgardner9847 5 месяцев назад
God couldbt ceate everything in 6 days, coz a day is a measure of time of earth turning relative to t sun but t earth or sun didn't exist so 😅
@godwidevoid 2 месяца назад
Plus a superglitch
@jamesbarry1673 5 месяцев назад
The universe has been creating itself on a titanic cosmic time frame that is unimaginable. This is just one rebirth after an untold number of them and when this current universe fizzles out in four or five or 100 trillion years 100 trillion years may pass but then like magic bubbling up from the empty void on new universe will be born
@tomsawyer4776 4 месяца назад
It didn't start from "nothing", God created the universe.
@jamysmith7891 5 месяцев назад
Imprinting between Universes reminds me of a pinhole projection
@rumirill 5 месяцев назад
Impossibilities Abound, Big Bang?????
@Er.Sunil.Pedgaonkar 5 месяцев назад
Universe neither created nor destroyed but is steady &changes size & form.
@Radrook353 4 месяца назад
Then water came along and came up with the great ideas which needed to be coded. So water organized the ideas into a DNA code. Then Water provided a molecular machine to read the DNA code and another molecular machine to repair any possible mistakes. Then water made other molecular machines to carry our the DNA instructions. Wow! Water sure is smart!
@TejaeBuk 2 месяца назад
funny gguy
@dentonatteberry6083 5 месяцев назад
If space ( outside )was inside this atom,where did the atom hang out at. Space ( outside )hadn't come into existence yet? Thinking about this has kept me up at night. That atom just can't be there. There is NO there.
@randylahey8153 3 месяца назад
by God - higher dimension being that exist separate form time space and matter
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