
How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview? (Ravi Zacharias response) 

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@dave3657 4 года назад
The perfect t-shirt. "All religions are wrong, all but mine." You could sell it to every religion.
@fabiosanchez7606 4 года назад
Take my money
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
While you're at it, get a few that just say "The Chosen One" and see how that goes.
@munster355 4 года назад
@@stevencurtis7157 A lot further actually, because it isn't just religions that go with that phrase. It could also be a reference to any number of protagonists.
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
@@munster355 That was the idea. Prob already exists tho.
@stylis666 4 года назад
_Religion™: The World's Most Refreshing Snake Oil. Requiring and encouraging people to rely solely on heuristics and logical fallacies to rationalize believing something since 10,000BC_ Put that on a fucking T-shirt and sell it to sane people. You'll get paid and you'll not have to sacrifice your integrity. No one said that sacrifice is a must to achieve something. It's just that people in general are pretty fucking stupid and feel more secure and accomplished if they can brag about how fucking pathetic they are with all of their setbacks that made it more of a challenge to achieve something; in general it gives stupid people a stick to beat other stupid people with.
@manusiabumi7673 4 года назад
Q: How do you know christianity is true? R: Because islam is wrong Me:...wut...
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
If you ask youtube commentors on a typical Christian video, all you'll get is "god is real" usually with accompanying spelling errors and poor grammar.
@mabatch3769 4 года назад
That's how all their arguments go. For whatever reason they think if they can argue against something, say evolution, it suddenly makes their religion true.
@trybunt 4 года назад
@Dan Ryan checkmate atheist.
@Sage-Thyme 4 года назад
It does amaze me how many of these belief systems (including religion, flat earth etc) produce apologists that believe that to prove themselves right they have to only point out how the supposed opposite is wrong without providing any evidence to support their own claims.
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
@Dan Ryan Is it good? Yeah, Israeli good.
@chrisose 4 года назад
The first lesson of apologetics is how to not answer questions.
@oscargr_ 4 года назад
Actually.. lol The first lesson is how to answer questions... In a way that confirms your preconceived believes. It's about as good a definition of apologetics as I can think of.
@dracoargentum9783 4 года назад
dodge and deflect, like a dance...
@eyespy6677 3 года назад
A woman I know, who is very religious had her son ask her, "how can Genesis be true? It just could not of happened the way the bible describes." To which she replied, (thinking she had closed down the discussion entirely with her brilliant response of) "How big is your God David?" What a non-answer.
@FactStorm 3 года назад
They're called apologetics for a reason, yet they think that term is honourable for some fuckin reason.
@seoulkravkali4559 4 года назад
To the question "How do you know it's true?", Just once I'd like to hear a believer say "I don't, I have no idea, I just believe it is." At least it would be honest.
@autonomouscollective2599 4 года назад
Seoul Krav Kali Ravi Zacharias was a presuppositionalist. There was absolutely no way he was going to say “I don’t know.”
@nonbinarypickle 3 года назад
As much as I fervently tried to believe the beliefs of Christianity were true, when I was a Christian, I just couldn't. In the end I began saying that I have no idea whether or not it's true, but I felt better pretending to believe it was true. Eventually, I was honest with myself and realized that it was just making me miserable, and I left Christianity. Now, whether or not "God" exists is irrelevant for me.
@randykuhns4515 3 года назад
read above,..
@patdainel9037 3 года назад
I used to say that when I was a Christian. I never said I knew it was true.
@kumaflamewar6524 3 года назад
I've met plenty of Christians who just point to Luke or Romans and they leave it at that. You won't hear them in many debates but they definitely exist
@tastethejace 4 года назад
"It's OK. I already know that some people will clap anything." - C. Hitchens
@FactStorm 3 года назад
Ha! Classic line by Hitch!
@TheAsaoirc 3 года назад
He would be quite upset to find out you'd circumsized his first name like that.
@matt5726 2 года назад
@@TheAsaoirc omg I really laughed out loud! Nice!
@alph1057 2 года назад
Hard to believe that tomorrow (12/15/21)makes ten yrs without him
@Greyz174 2 года назад
"your boos mean nothing, i've seen what makes you cheer"
@sarinat3101 4 года назад
Ravi was my mother's apologist of choice. After listening to him for a long time, I concluded he's a very sincere man whose stories, tone, and attitude were by far the most convincing thing about him. People LOVED his gentleness and apparent compassion. Otherwise, it was all the same old tricks I've heard from everyone else, he just avoided being as obviously arrogant as people like WLC.
@zenbanjo2533 4 года назад
Ravi was not anywhere close to sincere. I have documented his deceptions for the last five years. Here is a summary. ordinary-times.com/2020/05/20/ravi-zacharias-the-uncomplicated-facts/
@sarinat3101 4 года назад
@@zenbanjo2533 Very interesting. Regardless, his public-facing persona was very well crafted I would say (the soft spoken, foreign accented, humble man of God). Though it doesn't surprise me that there are details like that under the surface.
@sarinat3101 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Very interesting article. Basically summarizes that people who are more interested in logic and feel less pressure to socially conform end up agnostic atheists. Just what I suspected, religion relies on social pressure and irrationality, thanks for the reference :)
@budd2nd 4 года назад
Sarina T That’s a happy by product, for people who are on the autistic spectrum.
@budd2nd 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco That's a very interesting report. Thanks for sharing, it would make sense. I worked with the Special needs students, in our 6th form college and can totally understand, them seeing right through all the BS of religion.
@GodlessGranny 4 года назад
Really enjoyed this. When I was a Christian, I thought Ravi was a genius. Thought no one could dispute Jesus as truth after hearing him. Was surprised after leaving the faith how empty what he said really was.
@michaelbailey4693 4 года назад
I'm not sure that having a predisposition for rationalism is a bad thing.
@michaelbailey4693 4 года назад
I wonder, would people with such cognitive deficiencies receive God's grace and enjoy a Heavenly reward?
@LarryThePhotoGuy 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco This is a quote from the introduction of the paper you cited: "These observations, combined with recent commentaries about the likely religious beliefs of HFA individuals (Delay, 2009; Graetz & Durbin, 2008), suggest that these individuals’ beliefs may be influenced by their intellectual strengths (e.g. emphasis on logic and attraction to systematizing observables) and their social-emotional deficits (e.g. reduced automatic inferences about mental states and decreased orientation to social rewards). " In this context, in what way is this a woe?
@LarryThePhotoGuy 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco So, let me get this straight. Using logic and observation to reach conclusions as opposed to social rewards and emotional influence is somehow NOT preferable? "God's necessary existence?" Please cite your sources.
@ArthKryst 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Just read the What you put and it's absolute nonsense.
@sageohio1864 4 года назад
Not all religions can be right, but they all can be wrong
@think-islam-channel 3 года назад
Or some can be true.
@sbushido5547 4 года назад
I wonder if *_any_* of the stories apologists like to tell about their conversations with people of other beliefs are actually true. It's convenient how they all seem to end with the other guy bowing before the irrefutable Truth eloquently delivered by the apologist telling the story.
@EnglishMike 4 года назад
Even if you accept it really happened as he told it, we don't know how many more times the opposite happened. Perhaps the story is notable only because it was such a rare occurrence, and the other 1,000 times he had that same conversation, it went nowhere. Not so remarkable in that context.
@grahvis 4 года назад
The fact he claims he was referred to as 'professor' when he hasn't earned the title, suggests to me he might have strayed from the truth.
@Scyllax 3 года назад
They seem far more idiotic in writing.
@jeffnarum1373 4 года назад
Thank god everyone is born into the correct religion.
@proculusjulius7035 3 года назад
Hahaha and all the other religions are wrong and they're all going to hell.
@FactStorm 3 года назад
Just as a matter of probability, one should be skeptical in that they are doomed according to rival religions.
@johnelliott5859 Год назад
which god?
@jeffnarum1373 Год назад
@@johnelliott5859 "Take your pick"
@tonydarcy1606 4 года назад
I knew Ravi was dishonest when I heard him misrepresent Dawkins' views. But then what else do apologists have to go on ? Hell fire and brimstone is slightly out of fashion these days.
@rgenericson5361 4 года назад
Exactly! The guy is a tool!
@RickReasonnz 4 года назад
Misrepresenting Dawkins is a rite of passage for apologists
@drlegendre 4 года назад
You said a mouthful, Rick.
@t.estable3856 4 года назад
Is Hellfire and Brimstone out of fashion? It seems to be making a comeback in a big way recently...
@angelmendez-rivera351 4 года назад
T. Estable Yes, I find that to be the case. Just three days ago I received a reply to a comment I wrote 5 years ago from a user called "god made big bang atheists denyit." The comment was very aggressive and long winded, but it boiled down to "You are going to burn in hell and suffer for eternity, because you rejected the love of Jesus." I think they really wanted a response from me, because after I responded "Good," they only wrote even longer comments.
@LogicAndReason2025 4 года назад
Since apologetic is a tap dance, Ravi could be seen as the Fred Astaire of apologetic.
@tonydarcy1606 4 года назад
Trump's witch doctor as Ginger Rodgers ?
@quantumrobin4627 4 года назад
Except Fred was entertaining
@autonomouscollective2599 4 года назад
Bubba Tao In this video specifically designed to showcase Ravi’s wit and intelligence, he still tap danced around the question. Incredible...
@IvyLeather13 4 года назад
To quote Stephen A. Smith: "Tap dancing like the late, great Gregory Hines!"
@Locust13 4 года назад
Whether it is Ravi Zacharias, Lee Strobel, Kent hovind, Ray Comfort, William Lane Craig... it's always the same logical fallacy tap dance. Ravi's personal favorite logical fallacy is clearly whataboutism and desperately trying to get out of the burden of proof with hand waving. "How do I know Christianity is true? Look over there at Islam!"
@EliSantana 4 года назад
Ravi Zacharias is the reason I'm an atheist. His book End Of Reason introduced me to Sam Harris' works, which ultimately resulted in my abandoning of religion and faith in general. Thanks Ravi. RIP.
@EliSantana 4 года назад
@dosdude lol
@chrissonofpear1384 4 года назад
@dosdude Well, is there a SINGLE cult of it? like is there a single cult... sorry, creed, of Christianity? Also, yes, he may well have made some mistakes - but what were his most critical points? Also, why was Satan OWED any access, to this world, post exile?
@kinglyzard 4 года назад
@dosdude You have no valid reason to be a theist. In the world of science, here in the 21st Century, your primitive flat Earth world view has been thoroughly debunked. You have been exposed for what you are. A typical human projecting himself into some anthropomorphic creator being. Religion is a false lens on the world. There's no one out there, except for maybe some extraterrestrial life somewhere out there. No one's gonna save us from ourselves. We have to clean our own backyard.
@FirstOfTheYear777 4 года назад
When I was a christian this guy was looked up to like he was some kind of god himself. My family and uncle who is a pastor think he was the greatest apologist ever. As I was leaving the faith, they suggested I watch some of his Q&A's and talks because they figured he would be able to speak to a more intellectually minded/skeptical person like myself and address the questions I had. It frustrated me to no end how often he doesn't actually answer the question he's being asked. During one of the sessions, a man asked almost word for word a question I also had about the problems surrounding free will and how that's supposed to fit with God being all knowing and having a plan and so on. Ravi didn't even attempt an actual answer but instead went on a tangent about how he knows some physicist and he doesn't have any problems with the concept so... that was his answer 🙄And the audience applauded it! 😂🤦‍♂️ Thanks Paulogia for doing what you do and to everyone who has been encouraging to me in the comments before. This channel has been helping me a lot. Growing up I was made to feel like there was something wrong with me because these apologist's answers usually left me unsatisfied and frustrated. It's been such a relief to realize I'm not even close to being alone in that.
@christophervossavant4120 4 года назад
Ryan F of course he doesn’t answer shit no apologetic does , they just use confirmation bias and pandering to an audience that largely Christian with why they praise whatever bullshit they claim. They worship morons like ravi as they worshiped billy graham even thou it’s considered a sin and most will deny how much they worship these fools,
@JamesRichardWiley 4 года назад
Christianity is a control system of eternal punishment and reward that is instilled in a child's memory through repetition using the key words "God", Jesus" and "Satan" that elicit an automated response.
@rylands4289 Год назад
@onedaya_martian1238 2 месяца назад
Listen to Frank Turik's reply on this question. He analogizes how we can have free will with an omnipotent god to being the same as having a recording of a sports match that has already taken place. The crowd he spoke to applauded this answer. Good grief. A much better analogy is comparing this omnipotent abstraction/god to a movie writer/director/creator...George Lucas, for example. An "all knowing" movie producer would already have the characters and the story from beginning to end "mapped out". Do the actors have "free will" ? Perhaps if the actors didn't have the script, but worked within their surroundings they could beLIEve they were working independently. Apologists are like like magicians who want people to want people to really have faith that their magic is real.
@timames2238 4 года назад
I have never seen Ravi give a straight answer to a question from the audience.
@ericpierce3660 4 года назад
Ravi was the Deepak Chopra of Christianity. He always answered in long rambling deepities that didn't make much sense, but were stated with such conviction that the audience always burst into spontaneous applause and went home with their beliefs confirmed.
@mrblackalchemist 4 года назад
@Jim Merrilees Kids are sort of good that way. Answer the question Ravi!
@MrCraigBlake 4 года назад
"Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed." Translation: Reward those who do not seek or find answers. Result: Punish those that have the answers.
@cy-one 4 года назад
I think it's even shorter in translation... Reward those who don't seek answers. Punish those who do.
@quentenwalker1385 4 года назад
I was told by a very intelligent muslim woman, highly westernized, that the reason I was an atheist was because I questioned things instead of accepting. And she was a doctor - OMG
@budd2nd 4 года назад
Quenten Walker That’s worrying.
@soriac2357 4 года назад
@@cy-one or even shorter: gullibility is good, skepticism is bad.
@cy-one 4 года назад
@@soriac2357 You're using too complicated words now.
@chrisfromsouthaus2735 4 года назад
The word, truth, has become somewhat of a paradoxical word, in recent times. The more frequently it is used by someone, the less likely it is that they are speaking it.
@neiloflongbeck5705 4 года назад
It was always thus. Remember what Orwell wrote in 1984....
@Elkator955 4 года назад
@@neiloflongbeck5705 can't tell if trolling or wrong. The perfect context.
@neiloflongbeck5705 4 года назад
@@Elkator955 in 1984 the Ministry of Truth produced lies, etc.
@autonomouscollective2599 4 года назад
Chris From SouthAus Truth is fake news!
@4gegtyreeyuyeddffvyt 4 года назад
Autonomous Collective You Republicans wanna get your ass kicked? I’ve been putting Republicans in the hospital for years
@BeachsideHank Год назад
All their lives, sheep fear the wolf, yet in the end it is the *shepherd* who devours them. I could not find a more fitting epitaph for describing Ravi Z.
@Griexxt 4 года назад
As I said in another recent video about him, I can't help but feel that his Indian accent has done quite a lot of heavy lifting throughout his career. The only thing better than deepities to convince the "spiritual" crowd, are deepities with an Indian accent.
@oscargr_ 4 года назад
And if you say anything about his "accent" you get labelled a racist. Isn't it nice how that all works out.😎
@sarinat3101 4 года назад
Exactly. All his white western audience members feel extra special, and no comment gets more likes than "I'm from X foreign country, and used to be a Hindu/Muslim/etc but after listening to Ravi now I love Jesus!"
@Plushiecandie 4 года назад
He has the indian guru voice lol
@RickReasonnz 4 года назад
The Chopra Effect then?
@markhackett2302 4 года назад
@@oscargr_ But only racists would care enough to complain about being called racist, right? That's how that all works out, yes? If someone called someone a non racist, that person would not care: it is of no validity, it is only when there is some validity that scares you being out there that the accusation matters.
@robertmiller9735 4 года назад
That story is just like every apologist's "I met a professor on a plane" tale they teach preachers to tell, and it's as believable as "I used to be a drug addict". I think he made it up.
@QBert904 3 года назад
It wouldn’t be the first thing they made up! GOTEM
@proculusjulius7035 3 года назад
You just want to sin 😂😂😂
@QBert904 3 года назад
@@proculusjulius7035 but yeah, smoking a plant that “god” put here is a sin...
@proculusjulius7035 3 года назад
@@QBert904 hahaha, I tell them that all the time and they change the subject.
@QBert904 3 года назад
@@proculusjulius7035 Oh yeah. They usually tell me something along the lines of "It's still against the law!" and I reply "that's why the founding fathers gave us the ability to CHANGE the law. they understood that progress is a constant in societies like ours (and human nature) and that's why WE THE PEOPLE decide what is law and what isn't." But alas, they continue to vote republican, and those fucks continue to work against the will of the people, and against democracy. When will they learn?
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
Eric Hovind wouldn't know truth if it whipped him with a belt.
@gowdsake7103 4 года назад
Shudders at Hovind
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
@Jim Merrilees Welcome to the truth. Cynicism is optional.
@budd2nd 4 года назад
Joseph Polanco What a happy by product for them. I’ve always thought, that theists need to use a more logical approach to examine their beliefs.
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Your copypasta tastes like metal and acetone. -10/10
@stevencurtis7157 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Are you talking about my comment about your copypasta or are you referencing something else? I guess I'll just assume you're keeping it in this thread. Yeah, I'm honest, your duplicate post assumed "grokking" god was a positive thing the first time I saw it, and it isn't any less subective now.
@VisiblyPinkUnicorn 4 года назад
Origin: God created you Meaning: So you can serve him Morality: By living to his standards (possibly ignoring slavery, child abuse, misogyny, human and animal sacrifices, genocides...) Destiny: And so, serve him forever in Heaven.
@TruthHurtsbutHeal 4 года назад
I think your Bible stops with Deuteronomy😂
@tabularasa0606 4 года назад
So Ravi Zacharias is now also a former Christian!
@rijimon5213 4 года назад
Meet Ravi Zacharias. The former Christian who talked about the claims of Christians.
@tobymartin2137 4 года назад
I'll say this for Ravi - he had a very engaging voice. I envy his oratory skills and I can easily imagine being enraptured by his talks in my younger days.
@tomhools1605 4 года назад
But he's holding glasses in his hand while he talks so he must be right.
@AnyDrug 4 года назад
Once I had a christian girlfriend who just loved to make fun of Mormons and their believes ... until we read the Bibel together... xD Btw..: It is absolutely possible and in fact highly likely for a multitude of things being wrong at the same time, even if they're in some point contradictory.
@noel090909 4 года назад
I used to have that in common with your Christian girlfriend. Felt I got validation from a preacher I used to watch online who did the same thing. What stopped me was a couple years later when someone tried to convert me to Islam and ended up succeeding....in making me an atheist.
@terryfuldsgaming7995 4 года назад
@@noel090909 let me guess. They thought by debunking christianity, they were proving islam? Lol
@noel090909 4 года назад
Terry Fulds I cannot stop laughing. Because yes. Do theists realize how predictable they are? 😂
@AnyDrug 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Just two things..: Jesus Christ was a jew not a christian. And Satanists are indeed just Christians only rooting for the other team.
@AnyDrug 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco All according to the bible. What's yours..?
@1970Phoenix 4 года назад
When I was an evangelical Christian, I used to study Ravi's materials, so I was more familiar with him than any other apologist (other than WLC). He was one of the VERY few Christian apologists who (I thought at the time) provided some intellectual backing to the faith.
@granthoughton769 4 года назад
"Origin, meaning, morality, destiny". Then, you know, he asked me again in like, 15 mins "can you repeat that". And, you know, that's hard, not easy, hard. And I repeated it "Origin..., meaning, morality....... destiny". So I'm cognitive, you know, really cognitive. Super cognitive. Probably the best cognitive ever...
@lnsflare1 4 года назад
As far as I'm aware, the closest thing that Buddhism has to a purpose is to end the eternal cycle of samsara/suffering by attaining Enlightenment and thereby exiting the cycle of reincarnation. I'm not sure if that is usually depicted as Ultimate Happiness, though, as opposed to Ultimate Contentedness/Understanding. Also, as far as I'm aware, the only extra-biblical writings pertaining to Jesus' crucification only affirm that Christians *believed* that their Messiah had been crucified by Pilate, rather than being a record of the actual crucification itself.
@terryriley8963 4 года назад
@thewanderandhiscomp Buddhism is not about escaping pain it is about accepting pain and suffering and how to deal with it from a place of acceptance and understanding and not trying to reject pain and suffering by running away from it by using drink, drugs or other distractions.
@lnsflare1 4 года назад
@thewanderandhiscomp That's not the type of suffering they are talking about, exactly. Samsara's suffering is more suffering that is caused by Earthly desires, and Buddhists seek to avoid causing themselves and others that type of suffering by seeking moderation and personal fulfillment as opposed to gorging themselves on hedonistic pleasures. Enlightenment would be obtained when one loses their attachment to worldly desires altogether, but that isn't really something they would expect to attain in one lifetime (as while the original sect of Buddhism is mostly atheistic - or at least believes that, if Gods exist, they too are awaiting a Buddha to show them how to escape the wheel of samsara - it does still believe in reincarnation, though the goal is essentially to stop reincarnating because that is a symptom that you are still attached to worldly desires).
@lnsflare1 4 года назад
@thewanderandhiscomp As I said, they follow Moderation, which means that you eat until you aren't hungry anymore and avoid gorging yourself excessively. And you escape the cycle of reincarnation because once you attain Enlightenment you won't have any desire to return to the Earthly existence again as you would become one with all of existence and attain the ultimate understanding of reality the next time that you die. Also, if it was me you were talking about, I am not now, nor ever was, a Buddhist, I'm just explaining how I understand Buddhism as opposed to how it was described in this video. For what it's worth, I'm an atheist who was brought up Hindu (and as it's arguably that Atheism is a perfectly valid interpretation of Hinduism, I guess that I might still fall under that umbrella).
@terryriley8963 4 года назад
@thewanderandhiscomp I’m not a Buddhist but I have studied quite a bit of it and I have found it very insightful and helpful for myself and continue to do so. I would not get involved in Buddhism as a religion because just like all religions it can get way to crazy. As far as reincarnation is concerned I don’t know? Nobody does, although some think they do but I wouldn’t believe them anyway. The basic idea about ‘pain’ is how much of your personal pain is created by your own personal beliefs that you have learnt from parents, other people and society which is usually a load of bollocks but unfortunately we usually accept a lot of things as we grow up without questioning these beliefs. This is mainly my reason why I find certain things about Buddhism very useful and insightful. You could call it psychotherapy if you want as it is about facing things instead of running away from them. But just like everything you have keep a good perspective about it all.
@Napoleonic_S 4 года назад
Then Buddhism is basically a pessimistic nihilist religion where it reject parts of humanity it deems to be wrong.
@RobinPillage. 4 года назад
I always get excited when a Paulogia video shows up
@timeshark8727 4 года назад
_"How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview?"_ - *This isn't even the real question... It should be something like* "how do you know that _your specific version_ of Christianity is the one true worldview?" They can't get to proving the general idea of Christianity, but even if they could they would only be half way to being able to claim absolute truth.
@timeshark8727 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco lol, you completely missed the point by focusing on Christians verses non-Christians when I was talking about the hundreds of denomination of Christianity. If the line is so clear then why are there so many people, all claiming to be Christians, all equally sincere, all basing their beliefs off of the bible, and all with different beliefs, that all claim the be the 1 true version? There isn't a single Christian worldview, there are hundreds, so you have no way to claim that the Christian worldview is the one true worldview since you can't even point to a single worldview. If you care to reply then try to actually make one that addresses the topics you are replying to... unlike your first attempted reply.
@timeshark8727 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco except that you are still dodging the point... even if 90% of them don't base their beliefs on the bible that still leaves dozens, if not more, competing ideas and factions all sincerely basing their worldviews on the same thing and coming to completely different conclusions. NOT ONE WORLDVIEW
@timeshark8727 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco also, you are playing games with logical fallacies and empty assertions
@bunnylovenuts8680 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Baaaaaahahahahahaha! That's a good one. Thanks for the laugh. Seriously, you made me laugh and I appreciate that. There is also a secret handshake but .. uh oh .. nobody told you about the secret handshake, did they? Oops. Never mind, carry on.
@timeshark8727 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco _"So wholly devoted to this code would these be that all non-Christian world-views/conduct would be effortlessly recognized"_ *cool, so describe it in detail* _"any sincere person can make a distinction between a Christian and an Anti-Christian (Satanist)."_ *And the other several thousand possibilities?*
@liberalinoklahoma1888 4 года назад
I learned that during the time that Moses supposedly did the Exodus from Egypt Ramses 2 ruled Egypt and Israel and all others in Canaan , meaning he had troops on both sides of the Red Sea .
@druidriley3163 4 года назад
I think it's only in the movie "The 10 commandments" that we're to assume Ramses II was the pharaoh of the Exodus.
@liberalinoklahoma1888 4 года назад
@@druidriley3163 Secular history says it , Egyptian history affirms that he was the ruler then but doesn't mention Moses because even scholars admit he never existed . .Egypt has existed longer than your bible .
@jayedgardyson1920 4 года назад
Great video! 👏🏼👍 Each time I have seen a video of Ravi Zacharias trying to ‘prove’ Christianity, I’ve ended up with an earworm by James Brown - “You’re like a dull knife / Just ain’t cutting / You’re just talkin’ loud / And saying nothing.” 🤔😁
@TheCheapPhilosophy 4 года назад
Well, for a religion depending on a supernatural guarantee, it would be nice if the God in charge could answer the consumer's questions and doubts, instead of another senior consumer doing it for Him, right? -Of course, God will answer all of your doubts, you just need to have faith! After you die, all the question will have an answer, guaranteed! -...How convenient, this different religion is just like every other religion!
@stylis666 4 года назад
Religion™: The World's Most Refreshing Snake Oil. Requiring and encouraging people to rely solely on heuristics and logical fallacies to rationalize believing something since 10,000BC
@TheCheapPhilosophy 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco In the real world however, there are thousands of Christian denominations, some are even millennia old, most rejecting the others as true Christians, and still no word from any god a whatsoever settling the matter, somehow. Is like the god is not as interested as their minions in telling other humans what to do. Or maybe, just maybe, each imagined their own god in their heads.
@TheCheapPhilosophy 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco A human repeating the same words, will not make christian denominations disappear, nor will make a god appear, sorry. Nothing happened.
@dracoargentum9783 4 года назад
@@TheCheapPhilosophy he likes repeating that passage to many questions he can't answer. I doubt he has clued in to the fact that the thinking skeptic doesn't take biblical text as divine truth from on high.
@chuckgrigsby9664 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco It's a big stretch to conflate "anti-xtian" with satanist. Your argument not only weakens your claim to truth, it brings into question whether you actually follow Jesus' example.
@timothy8428 4 года назад
If Christianity is the One True Religion, why do people spend their lives apologising for it?
@l0_0l45 4 года назад
(Not a christian myself - an atheist actually - Thank GOD for that 🤣🤣🤣) Apologetics is taken from the older meaning of word apologia which is basically defending ones positions from slander or misrepresentations. It never meant to mean deceiving others for the sake of social status and money. I guess christianity ruins what it touches.
@carogame 4 года назад
Hey my friend. We are not apologizing for it. We are giving a defense for the reason of the hope in us.
@kinglyzard 4 года назад
@@carogame If there is any hope for humanity, it lies within our children, not some special imaginary friend. They are our future, and only they and their offspring can improve the human condition.
@carogame 4 года назад
@@kinglyzard The human condition is depravity. Children do not need to be taught to be sinful. It comes naturally. Look at what is going on in Portland, Oregon right now. The anarchy that is going on is a result of the culture (the younger generation). Where is the hope in that? There is only One hope and that is Jesus. If children were brought up learning the teachings of Christ then that would have a positive effect on culture.
@dwo356 4 года назад
Don't worry, Tim. I got the joke.
@NVRMTmotion 4 года назад
Man, his voice still has a nostalgic quality for me. His program used to play on the radio right at bedtime when I was a kid and I'd fall asleep to it.
@empressoftheknownuniverse 4 года назад
"I do my own homework and fact checking now." As a fellow prairie-dweller (I'm still here, too) that is so well said it should be put on a tee-shirt. 🇨🇦 p.s. black tee-shirt with long sleeves. Love & Smooches from one province over. 🦊
@pauligrossinoz 3 года назад
7:31 - *"I guarantee you"* said every *con-artist* ever ... while showing the greatest sincerity and speaking with the greatest confidence.
@henghistbluetooth7882 4 года назад
The borrowing goes back even further. Judaism took many influences - particularly dualism - from Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism in turn took many aspects of animism e.g. fire worship which of course also emerged into Judaism in the forms of god appearing as fire, smoke etc. So Islam is taken from Christianity (and others e.g. flying horses from Greek), Christianity from Judaism, Judaism from Zoroastrianism, then animism, then presumably whichever beliefs were held by local villages and even smaller social groupings centuries or millennia before that.
@davidlovesyeshua 4 года назад
And further back than the Babylonian captivity, the earlier Hebrew writings were to some extent borrowed from the Caananite pantheon of gods who each ruled over distinct geographic areas. I believe that the leading theory (or at least one of them) among skeptical Biblical scholars (i.e. those who don't have to hold certain religious beliefs to keep their academic position, and whose work is empirical/historical in nature) is that El and another Caananite god were sort of combined into Elohim by some of the Old Testament authors/editors.
@MitzvosGolem1 4 года назад
Judaism does NOT have or use " Dualism"... We only have HaShem everything good and bad light and dark is from HaShem who is Achad" One" 1. This is a common error. Shalom
@MitzvosGolem1 4 года назад
@@davidlovesyeshua The Torah is against Canaanite pagan God's. Not sure how you come to that . Judaism is totally against multiple God's Idolatry etc.
@angelmendez-rivera351 4 года назад
mitzvah golem That's only true according to your personal religious belief and interpretation of what the Canaanites believed, not on what has been historically recorded and what has been researched by scholars.
@michaelvout7813 4 года назад
It is truly bewildering that some people respected Ravi. Rarely have I witnessed such convoluted philosophical gymnastics.
@RedDeadSakharine 4 года назад
11:20 Mystery Men! That movie is hilarious and indeed criminally underrated!
@petercoo9177 4 года назад
This! So much this! "If you cannot control your anger..."
@DingusNate 11 месяцев назад
I bought Ravi’s books when I was in high school at my Christian school. To me (at the time), he argued the firepower proof of Christianity and I held him in utmost regard. He was THE answer to the philosophical and existential questioning of my teenage mind. Now, 12 years later, he seems to be no more than a vapid, yipyapper. Too bad about the sexual misconduct at the end of his life.
@Grokford 3 года назад
I would argue that having a greater possibility for incorrectness doesn’t necessarily make incorrectness more likely. A physics textbook may have more information to be wrong but that doesn’t make it less reliable than a shorter or more basic version. This relates to your point on Buddhism, what Ravi is describing is pure Buddhism as was taught by the Buddha himself which is almost entirely divorced from the practice of Buddhism across the world today. Folk Buddhism is what is primarily practiced across the world today which is focused on many things ranging from reincarnation into a heaven-like realm(pure land Buddhism) or simply a better life or understanding. This similar lily to Abrahamic religions doesn’t make one more or less likely to be true because some claims have different significance in light of the context. ... ... I do think that a Ravi didn’t provide an airtight case but more gave an answer to the question of how he knows. Answer being that Christianity is consistent. Whether that is true or not is for us to determine but I don’t think it’s fair to expect an explanation for the consistency of all scripture with all historical and scientific data in a Q&A session.
@Unsensitive 4 года назад
22 seconds.. never saw such a short time after a video posted. The video alert popped up while i was watching LOL
@petermartin4298 4 года назад
Isn't christian thinker an oxymoron?
@Payne2view 4 года назад
No but you suggesting it is, is an insult.
@Vivi2372 4 года назад
Just because not everyone has engaged in an honest appraisal of their religion does not mean that they're stupid. Everyone has their blind spots and when you suggest they're stupid for theirs you all but guarantee they're going to shut out what you're saying.
@MrCraigBlake 4 года назад
@@Vivi2372 If you can defend your argument, there would be no need to shut people out. You would be able to prove your argument. You shut people out because you lose the argument resulting in being defeated, and instead of admitting defeat and continuing with the discussion - you shut people out. I am not speaking about you personally, I am speaking about people in general. It's important to have discussions, it's how the truth emerges.
@JayMaverick 4 года назад
It's not about "thinking". We all think, and there's some real smart people who believe in really dumb things. Christianity isn't about the lack of thinking. It's thinking in a certain way to protect an established dogma.
@LogicAndReason2025 4 года назад
Pete - By the reactions, I see you found all of the humor impaired viewers.
@stolenalicorn4860 4 года назад
As for the LDS statement of having three points of failure. Well ... it's five. In addition to the Old and New Testaments, there's the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. And while I went to church, the other two were treated with the same reverence as the Book of Mormon itself. I know it's been a week, but I didn't see this in the comments yet. (Then again, I didn't read the comments as thoroughly as those five books.)
@fecxorfecxor768 4 года назад
My Christian parents have often attempted to evangelize to me by recommending Ravi Zacharias. It’s always been kind of baffling as to what I’m supposed to get from him. A lot of emotional appeals and baseless assertions.
@signposts6189 4 года назад
Maybe you should heed your parents efforts to evangelize you. Nothing is more important than to believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. Why wouldn't you want to trust in the one who laid down His life so that your sins could be forgiven if you repented of them? I suspect your parents love you enough to want to see their dearest child spend eternity in heaven's joy with God instead of in everlasting anguish, sorrow and torment. Ravi isn't even the issue man. You are.
@CeramicShot 4 года назад
​@@signposts6189 What evidence do you have, other than the circular reasoning of "The Bible is true because the Bible says the Bible is true" of such things as the persistence of consciousness after death? Fecxor already mentioned that "emotional appeals and baseless assertions" don't really hold sway over him/her. It's funny that your post uses the exact same weak appeals, which amount to, wait for it, you guessed it, emotional appeals, threats, and baseless assertions. Is that really all you got? Again, why do you believe in an afterlife outside of the circular reason of "The Bible is true because The Bible"?
@signposts6189 4 года назад
@@CeramicShot The Good Book consists of independent written accounts documenting a body of facts or information indicating the veracity of the claims about God and His Son Jesus Christ. Your argument about the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true is silly. The Good Book is not one book written by one person from some singular place. If it were, then you'd have a point. Try again. The facts or information in it are testable, reliable, understandable and effective. What "evidence" do you have that the Gospels for instance shouldn't be trusted because of proven falsehoods in them, if you even have them?
@CeramicShot 4 года назад
@@signposts6189 The specific issue in question was of the persistence of consciousness after death. What "testable, reliable, understandable... effective" proof do you have of it? You threatened Fecxor with "everlasting anguish, sorrow and torment" for believing as they do, and I want you to justify your claim of an afterlife with proof. Are you able to?
@signposts6189 4 года назад
@@CeramicShot Jesus Christ died and on the third day He rose again from the dead. And because He lives again as both Lord and Christ, every human being will be brought back from the dead to stand before Him to be judged. If you trusted Him, you will enjoy eternal bliss in heaven. If you rejected Him you experience everlasting anguish, sorrow and torment in hell. The Gospels contain a veritable body of facts or information that indicate that Christ did in fact come back from the dead and ascended into heaven thereby guaranteeing the coming Judgment Day. That is how that claim is justified using the documentary evidence of the Gospel accounts. What's your excuse for not trusting the info? Speculations about the accounts being fictional because the supernatural is just fictional?
@Travisharger 4 года назад
Even as a Christian I never thought Ravi was that interesting.
@oscargr_ 4 года назад
His smugness rubbed me the wrong way. All those politely stated recollections of how he won debates with other greats when nobody was there to see it happen.
@thinboxdictator6720 4 года назад
I would love to hear the version from Sheikh Hussein point of view..
@Paulogia 4 года назад
@timames2238 4 года назад
I would like to know if Sheikh Hussein is a real person.
@major7977 4 года назад
@@timames2238 I've a high feeling he was making this whole story on his own.
@RickReasonnz 4 года назад
@@timames2238 Is it just me, or does the name Sheikh Hussain sound like uh... Pastor... Smith?
@monus782 4 года назад
A debate would've been interesting to say the least.
@psuedozardozz 4 года назад
"...Only historical document that claims Jesus didn't die on the cross" Ummmm....
@davidlovesyeshua 4 года назад
I'm curious, what other historical documents claim Jesus didn't die on the cross? I assume you mean a document from the first few hundred years AD, which assumes Jesus existed but argues (or at least asserts) that he didn't die on the cross.
@psuedozardozz 4 года назад
@@davidlovesyeshua Off hand, I don't think I know of anything pre 200's. The gospel of Barabbas is often cited, but there aren't any copies available predating 1500. The earliest mention of such a document with that title isn't older than 400AD.
@major7977 4 года назад
Ravi is misrepresenting the Islamic Position of Jesus. Qur'an does affirm that it was made to look like Jesus died on the cross, so in one way or the another it's agreeing about a Crucifixion.
@joseph-thewatcher 4 года назад
"No religion required." Sounds good to me. Religion seems to only muddy the waters when simpler explanations make perfect sense.
@SonOfTheDawn515 4 года назад
And sometimes the truth isn't simple and easy to understand but it's better to accept that than simple and incorrect conclusions.
@budd2nd 4 года назад
I think that is on for a T-shirt. NO RELIGION REQUIRED. in fact it would be good by the front door as well, except I love it when the JW’s knock. I invite them in and unpack why, as a world view, religion doesn’t work. 2 an a half hours is the longest I’ve kept them.
@standoughope 4 года назад
To be honest, I've been into this topic as a sideline observer for around 12 years now during my "Holy shit, RU-vid is f'in awesome!"* phase from 2006 but mainly in 2007 it became magical. Y!Answers (R&S) was amazing back thentoo. I became interested in Thunderf00t's *"Why Do We Laugh At Creationists?"* series and loved it! I'm beginning to be worn out from this topic... but not yet. *Paulogia* is amazing. He's so calm and direct. Keep it up man! 💓
@grapeshot 3 года назад
He thinks Christianity is the true religion but I'm sure the people that worshipped Mithras thought he was the true religion.
@spike238 4 года назад
Religion .... 99% trying to explain itself, 1% reality
@tonydarcy1606 4 года назад
Religions exist alright, - it's the God claim that remains unproven !
@signposts6189 4 года назад
@@tonydarcy1606 How can that be when the universe and everything in it is evidence of Him and Jesus Christ decisively shows God to us?
@signposts6189 4 года назад
That's quite a claim man. Care to back it up?
@TheOwlman 4 года назад
While he was alive he always puffed up his credentials, I am guessing his use of _professor_ wasn't related to any actual academic post.
@zenbanjo2533 4 года назад
"I am now a professor at Oxford." Direct quote from Ravi. Massive false claims all documented, and he admitted them quietly to a Christian blogger last year. ordinary-times.com/2020/05/20/ravi-zacharias-the-uncomplicated-facts/
@TheOwlman 4 года назад
@@zenbanjo2533 Aha! Thanks.
@mrrolandlawrence 4 года назад
"jesus christ" did not die in real life on a roman cross. in the books he did, but then again such evidence also proves that batman is real too.
@imammurrahsstudent8905 4 года назад
Question: how is Christinty true Ravi: becuz Islam is false Audience: applause Me:wut (Not to stereotype) But Christian apologist are concerned to prove that Islam is false than Christianity is true Ravi: some muslim told me that Islam false so it must be false He didn't even come close to debunking Islam All he likes to do is story telling I met this guy, I met that guy This happened, that happened
@lolygagger5991 4 года назад
This happens a lot between both religions. People who do interfaith claim that the members of the other religion have visions of their true religion or that the other religions followers follow by faith and are ignorant of their religion, despite both religions have such characteristics
@dracoargentum9783 4 года назад
one of the main fallacies is a false dichotomy that if it isn't islam, it must be christianity by default...
@angelmendez-rivera351 4 года назад
The funniest aspect of it all is that Christian apologists and theologians all fail to understand that even if they are correct and do debunk Islam, it does not mean they have also by extension debunked Judaism, Zoroastrianim, Maniqueism, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Shintoism, Rastafarianism, the Baha'i Faith, or any other religion that I am not acquainted with, of which there are ultimately thousands. But even if he did debunk these thousands of religions, it does not prove Christianity is true either. In fact, by disproving Islam, he only helps increase the probability that other religions are true as well.
@peterlefeuvre5886 23 дня назад
One man’s truth can be different from another !! facts, are what is important
@timchambers170 2 года назад
Weird vibe watching this in 2022, after Ravi's full icky story came out
@quantumrobin4627 4 года назад
Another great episode of “Apologist VS APOLOGIST: CamVCam Edition”
@nero3901 4 года назад
Holy shit, I'm pretty sure someone used this exact argument on a Street Epistemology channel to justify their beliefs. Needless to say it failed miserably
@chuckgrigsby9664 4 года назад
This was my first view of Paulogia, and I found it very interesting. I was taken aback at first by the use of an animated character as the narrator, but on reflection, I realized that the information content minus the animation is not different from a book on tape. I have never heard of Ravi Zacharias, and I did enjoy seeing his argument dissected. I am wondering who gave Ravi Zacharias the wand when it came to coming up with the "right" set of criteria for discerning truth: origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. I find it fascinating that Ravi did not appeal to some overwhelming god as the source of all truth. It would have been his strongest argument. When someone pushing a religious world view depends on reasoning for the answer to a fundamental question, he gets into the deep end of the pool without adequate preparation. The parts of Ravi's talk that we saw had about as much to do with knowing some ultimate truth as it would if the question had been "Where am I going to go on my next vacation?". It would have been interesting to see how Zacharias would have dealt with the Paulogia answer to these four criteria. (as an aside, the last time I attended such an event was decades ago when I was in high school. The traveling evangelist in question posed essentially the same question to the local audience - "How do you know xtianity is true?" - but he was more intellectually honest than Ravi in concluding that it was by faith alone that the truth of xtianity could be known.) I prefer questions that do not presuppose the answer. "What can or do I know for certain (i.e., without a doubt)?" - does not presuppose a particular, preferred answer (xtianity). However, the resulting analysis is not the kind of stuff you can stand up on a stage and expound without putting to sleep such a large audience already convinced of the preferred answer. It seems clear that finding truth is a fourth order factor in the continued survival of the bulk of the human species from the seventeenth century to the present time. I suspect that it (finding reliable truth) is rapidly going to become first order within the next decade. If I were given the wand to pose some criteria for answering fundamental questions, I think those criteria would need to include "interest". Whose interests underlie and are being served by the fundamental question and answer? We can safely conclude that religions are largely a tool of those in power to maintain their power by distracting large crowds of the credulous. Edit: I forgot to add key criteria, viz. answers to fundamental questions need to be internally consistent and testable.
@bdf2718 4 года назад
Christian apologist: the New Testament adds to the Old Testament, proving it is more true than the Old Testament. Me; So gawd got it wrong the first time and had to issue a revised edition. Since he's supposedly, perfect, inerrant, and omni-everything, that doesn't make me confident that the revision is any more accurate than the first edition.
@bdf2718 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco That bit about the *new* covenant kinda gives it away. God fucked up with that old covenant, so here's a new one.
@CB66941 19 дней назад
As a Christian, I remember watching him on a video responding to someone in the audience asking him why homosexuality was wrong (at least that is what I remembered). And his response wasn't an in depth explanation like I was expecting, but my takeaway from that video was a "well you have your own morality, I got mine" and it was such a let down. And yet people were praising him in the comments. I think before learning about certain critical thinking terms or before examining Christianity, the only way I could describe the apologetics I was given for the hard questions I had was "unsatisfying". And that seems to continue till this day.
@edgarmatzinger9742 4 года назад
Ravi talked a lot, but never answered a question.
@gowdsake7103 4 года назад
Ahh there you have the skill
@signposts6189 4 года назад
Duh! Ravi did answer the question man. Christianity corresponds to reality. This is why he highlighted things like origin, meaning, morality and destiny.
@gowdsake7103 4 года назад
@@signposts6189 No he talked woo woo bollocks not a single fact all what if s and arguments from ignoranc. Morality really ? name 2 society's that have the same morality. Please do expliin why human sacrifice, murder, rape, slavery and homophobia are fine in your buybull ?
@gowdsake7103 4 года назад
@@signposts6189 Reality ? an all powerful invisible omnipotent god ? a bible with talking snakes, giants, angels, demons THATS reality ha ha ha. A bible with not a single creditable description of the universe? that is heliocentric and according to a lot of retards flat ! HMM seems like I will have to take my chance with reality, discover what is right and wrong, explore the planet and the universe and make testable conclusions based on observation and facts sowwy
@signposts6189 4 года назад
@@gowdsake7103 The Good Book doesn't have talking snakes. There's a cunning and crafty serpent in it. But no talking snakes. Read closely, and you will notice the serpent is not representative of snakes but an animal made with individual agency. As for angels and demons, creation consists of not just humans on the third rock from the sun, but extraterrestrial moral agents from the heavens above us with a vested interest on the goings on here for good or bad. Now who is so limited as to think reality is just what he observes and nothing more? The Good Book is draws the mind to be more curious about God and His intentions for the universe and everything in it. Small minds preoccupy themselves with just the little they observe of it until they die never to know anything more since on your worldview you'l be gone beyond recall.
@josephh3993 Год назад
This blew me away back in the day. Ravi made me dismiss Hitchens and Dawkins and Harris outright. I really wish I had never crossed RZIM back then. 😞
@kerishannon775 Год назад
I'm surprised you never mentioned his sordid history. How he used his influence for sexual purposes.
@MichaelIbsenGuitar 3 года назад
This video aged well.
@drlegendre 4 года назад
Paraphrasing, "Jewish, Roman, Pagan and Christian historians affirm Jesus' death on the cross." I'll give you the Christian sources. As for the rest, you're going to need to produce the evidence.
@mrcombustiblelemon2902 4 года назад
Hell, I'm willing to give him the whole thing. There really was a man named Jesus who was crucified by the Romans for political purposes. Now prove he really rose from the dead afterwards. Part of the punishment of crucifixion is to throw the corpse into an unmarked mass grave, so no one can give respect to the dead. Joseph of Arimathea was probably made up for 2 purposes: to fit Jesus into the "buried with the rich" prophecy, and to claim the tomb was empty and prove it using the fact that nobody brought the body to refute it.
@herbertgreen2824 4 года назад
Kayleigh McEnany sure got choked up when she was talking about Billy and Ravi. Exactly the emotional response that christians have when speaking about their religion. Christianity PREYS on human emotions. They need to change the word "PRAY" to "PREY". Been "Preying" on human emotions for Millennia.
@surfk9836 4 года назад
It's the logical fallacy of argument from emotion. It dovetails right into their persecution complex. Very disturbing indeed.
@dematar 4 года назад
I can honestly say, this was the literal question that led me to atheism. having grown up in a very catholic household, as I got older, the stories in the bible made less and less sense, if they were to be taken as literal events. eventually I just started asking people what made christianity true and other religions false, none of the answers I received were sufficient in my opinion for that claim. looking at other religions, I found the same issues.
@zerocooler7 4 года назад
Of course comments are turned off on that video. Because they can make claims all day, but cannot defend them from our questions and criticisms.
@flatulentdragon 4 года назад
I LOVE Mystery Men! Totally underrated.
@michaelmeszaros6982 4 года назад
@sonnyfleming904 6 месяцев назад
8:03 ive noticed this as a pattern when Ravi answers a question during Q and A. The Question is specific. VERY SPECIFIC. His answers often involved poetry quotes, knowledge of other religions, and eloquently stated thoughts on human existance and meaning.....when all he had to say was..."Yes. Here's the salt. Would you like some pepper as well?"
@therealzilch 4 года назад
Nice work as usual. Fascinating stuff, but I must admit that I'm glad I bypassed it all by remaining an atheist my whole life.
@pauligrossinoz 4 года назад
You lucky bastard! 🤣
@therealzilch 4 года назад
@@pauligrossinoz The best part is shilling for the Reptilians. They pay well and I get invited to their annual Baby Barbecues. Yum.
@pauligrossinoz 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco ... oh .. well ... anyone can play your stupid game: _You chose a _*_lame study_*_ comparing a 100 psychology undergrads from a single US university with 61 self-identified "high functioning autistics"._ So what?!?! So ... here is study showing that *religious people with schizophrenia* are the worst patients requiring the most amount of medication to control: _"It is concluded that religious delusions are commonly found in schizophrenia and that by comparison with other patients who have schizophrenia, those patients with religious delusions appear to be more severely ill."_ link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s001270200005
@pauligrossinoz 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco - and it's funny how your attempt to throw shade at atheists backfired so badly ... and for the usual reason: *You didn't check your own reference!!* All I had to do was read the study to see immediately that it was fatally flawed. How can anyone infer population metrics about "high-functioning autistics" when *there was absolutely no attempt in the study to use a clinical diagnosis.* The study admits that these were "self-identified" high-functioning autistics. That's the exact opposite of the clinical definition. No medical professional was involved in their diagnosis. _What a joke of a study!_ Basically, you linked to a study that used a survey of individuals that were prepared to just tick a box calling themselves "high-functioning autistics", and then they found 61 people who actually ticked that box, no doubt including some trolls just having a laugh ... and then they published the results as if it suggested anything at all about the real world. That's ignoring the fact that 61 people is far too small a sample-size to have any statistical significance, even if they had gone to the trouble of getting an actual clinical diagnosis of high-functioning autism for all 61 individuals. This tells me that you are either ignorant of actual science, stupid, or even both ignorant and stupid. Have a nice day.
@pauligrossinoz 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The only thing your ridiculous study "tracks" with is your arrogant stupidity. Have a nice day! 😁
@victorvelie3980 2 года назад
It's like watching a movie where they cut away for an important action action scene ending. He just implies that the Muslim cleric was won over to Christianity's side by this one conversation in order to wow the audience into thinking he made a point
@HuxtableK Год назад
Ravi Zacharias? Wasn't he the one who had the sex scandal and crimes? ...sorry that didn't narrow it down that much.
@piesho 4 года назад
Providing non-answers to direct questions was perhaps Zacharias' greatest talent.
@Paulogia 4 года назад
@tommcdonald4014 4 года назад
The apologists' apocryphal stories of besting a well-qualified opponent with some bit of trite rhetoric or logical trap are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me after 20+ years of hearing them. Zacharias' stories are some of the worst. I'm glad Paul unpacked this one, and interestingly it's on the same morning that a video by Viced Rhino took up this subject of how apologists dishonestly frame many of their most important stories. I feel blessed! :-) Viced Rhino's video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WWRhZ7Rz4qw.html
@dalex60 Год назад
With an estimated 3,000 distinct and 45,000 sub brands of Christianity, it's technically not a single worldview. There are brands with differing worldviews.
@o.t.2473 4 года назад
I was a Ravi lover during my last attempt at being saved. I thought he was so eloquent and deep. Back when my heart would bleed for the unsaved humans. Then I started watching his debates and more debates and more.... so began my trip down the youtube activist athiest worldview rabbit hole of knowledge and delight. Make sense?
@sulas548 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco You left Yahweh of the list, he 'was' also an oppressive, sadistic, demoniacal atheist who, collectively, murdered hundreds of millions of helpless men, women and little children? Read the Bible if you think I am wrong.
@sulas548 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco If you are asking the question then you clearly have not read the Old Testament. In the OT god kills 2,821,364 people and that does not include the total eradication of the human race other that Noah and his family, just the direct deaths he caused himself. The estimate for total deaths by god is near 25 Million The Devil on the other hand only killed 10 and that was in a bet with god. Also an Atheist is someone that does not believe in a god and since your god does not believe in a god then he is an Atheist Now of course your god did not really kill anyone because he is totally fictitious. Unless of course you have some evidence to the contrary. Here is a list for you, is this enough evidence? dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html
@sulas548 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco He threatens the innocent who spares the guilty, none of that makes any sense. How does killing a bunch of kids because they made fun of a bald guy fit in with that?
@sulas548 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco You are the one making the claim that your god exists so it is your job to prove it and provide evidence, I cant believe you are still asking that question in 2020 it was laughed off the debate floor decades if not centuries ago. Can you provide proof that I, SulaS, did not create the universe? Here are three questions for you to see if you can answer; 1. How certain are you that the things that you believe to be true, about your god, are actually factually true? Answer on a scale of 1-100 where 1= "I have all doubt and no certainty" and 100 = " "I am totally convinced that the things that I believe to be true are actually objectively true" 2. How important is it to you, in your life, that what you believe to be true is actually factually true? Again 1-100 where 1 = "I don't care if what I believe to be true is actually true I just want (need) to believe it" and 100 = "It is vitally important to me that everything that I believe to be true is actually factually true" 3. What method did you personally use to verify that the things that you claim to be true are actually factually true? Don't bother answering question 3 if you are brutally honest with yourself and give a score for question two of below 10 as you would have already lost the argument but if you answered 100 for question two then you better have a damned good answer to question three.
@sulas548 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco Maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit
@TheDizzleHawke 3 года назад
It’s like a circular firing squad. All or at least most religions claim that other religions are false. They all disprove each other.
@davepugh2519 4 года назад
Ravi Zacharias was a great speaker - even if everything he said was nonsense.
@EnglishMike 4 года назад
I never found him particularly interesting. I've listened to a lot of Christian radio over the years (as a Christian and atheist) and always found my attention drifting when Zacharias came on.
@think-islam-channel 3 года назад
Great speaker? Annoying perhaps
@stocktonjoans 4 года назад
outside of holy texts, what proof is there for the existance or crucifiction of jesus? i've been told the romans had no record of it at all, is this true?
@pauligrossinoz 4 года назад
Nobody who was a contemporary of Jesus wrote about him. Jesus supposedly lived circa 5 BCE to 28 CE. The Romans have plenty of written records for this period of time, including those concerning Pontius Pilate. But not a single mention of Jesus. Incidentally, Pilate was documented to have been summoned to Rome by the Emperor, to be reprimanded for his arbitrary killing of too many Jews. The idea that Pilate killed Jesus, even though never specifically mentioned in any documents, seems totally plausible to me. Jesus would have been just one of Pilate's many victims. But ... the supposed _resurrection_ of this Jesus ... sounds like *bovine faeces* to me.
@tonydarcy1606 4 года назад
There's very little evidence either of the life, death, or resurrection of Jesus. Paul is the nearest and he was writing about 20 years after the resurrection.
@pauligrossinoz 4 года назад
@@tonydarcy1606 ... after the _claimed_ resurrection.
@GameAGuy 4 года назад
It is the one true view because they want your money more then any of the other religions.
@Pooknottin Год назад
A sure sign of dishonesty is when a person is asked a simple question and takes a rambling ten minutes not to actually answer it.
@rayceeya8659 4 года назад
I know this is going to be a good video when you're starting with a clip of Dollar Store Paris Hilton.
@neiloflongbeck5705 4 года назад
Gosh, is that expensive?
@tejasgreen1717 4 года назад
More like bargain bin Barbie!
@BFDT-4 Год назад
Origin: We all come from East Africa and those progenitors from there. Meaning: We make meaning, whether for good, bad or indifference. Morality: We make morality, whether for good, bad or indifference. Destiny: Death, which is nothing to us. When you are dead, you exist no differently than before you were conceived. QED every day.
@Tyranastrasza 4 года назад
Ravi's imaginary friends are numerous. God is not the only one in is mind. A great number of his so called "gentlemen he had a discussion with" feels utterly bullshit to me.
@TheSmithDorian 4 года назад
Damn right .
@Tyranastrasza 4 года назад
@Joseph Polanco If you talk about a generic god that pouffed the Big Bang and then let things run on their own : none. If you talk about YHWH, well, there's plenty of evidence that what is described in the Bible did not happened.
@MikeOfKorea 6 месяцев назад
Foreign accents seem to enthrall American evangelicals.
@tastethejace 4 года назад
Midichlorians ugh That's how you know there is no god.
@_matthewmoseley 4 года назад
One other complexity, and point of failure to the Jenga model, is that between the OT and NT the jews adopted theology and philosophy from the Egyptians and Persians (and pagans) during times of captivity. It explains many of the differences between beliefs in the OT and what the Catholic church believes today. So, the rest is built on more points of failure than just the OT. But, that doesn’t add to coherence, rather it detracts from it.
@Marconius6 4 года назад
"The Republican and Democratic parties are fundamentally different" Two right-wing, patriotic, heavily Christian parties? Oh yeah, got the whole spectrum covered here, boys.
@angelmendez-rivera351 4 года назад
Jakeeyy1009 It's funny, but true. Both parties are highly capitalistic. This is a fact. As such, they are by definition right-wing parties. Both parties' dominant adherent population is Christian with politicians that assert Christian values. So both parties are Christian. There is nothing unfactual about these claims.
@angelmendez-rivera351 4 года назад
Jakeeyy1009 So saying the USA is a Christian country equates to saying it's a theocracy? You're a massive idiot. So I guess that's why you find it funny. Oh well.
@JamesRichardWiley 3 года назад
It says so in the Judeo/Christian Bible written by Judeo/Christians.
@brendandmcmunniii269 4 года назад
Another bs merchant Strewth
@sandakureva 4 года назад
This was a good video, since I grew up listening to this dude. Hearing his deal dissected is pretty cool. Edit: After watching the video, it kinda just feels like Dr. Zacharias just tells a bunch of stories that end on emotional notes and I don't know why I used to enjoy his talks as a teen.
@sonnyfleming904 6 месяцев назад
8:17 Paul. Ravi was a student of Geisler (as was Bill Craig, Frank, and a host of others). This is actually part of his method. In part, it is a "win by default" approach. In Geislers text book titled Christian Apologetics, it is "Justification through the self destructive nature of the contrary." The logic is that in a distinctive stlogism, you must negate (not affirm) one. It is a formal fallacy to affirm in a distinctive syllogism. The criteria for denial is either 1) contradiction (not internally consistent) or Reductio ad absurdum. In the Geisler method, right or wrong, He goes through all the options and shows that only Theism survives analysis by not being one of these two. This worldview test is intentionally relatively general and on a broad scale (pantheism, panenthisn, polytheism, agnosticism, etc). So, thats why Ravi approaches it this way. To be fair to Geisler, he is not justifying christianity by default with no ther points to make. He, by his method, is using a negative test for truth (logical consistency) to vote the other worldviews off his island. Leaving Theism as the last man standing as a worldview....then builds a case for the christian version of that. If Ravi does it right....he'll get to it eventually....maybe.
@sonnyfleming904 6 месяцев назад
0:41 That's interesting you say that. While Ravi had his moments, I was surprised that Dr. Geisler held Ravi up as the top living apologist in the world. I even took a class he taught at SES. But when i really listen to his points and argumts and tried to brak them down or summarize them, there was not alot there. Ive heard some say how great he is. They cant tell you what he said, but it was great. He dealt mostly with the existential questions of meaning. Here's the bottom line. He was mesmerizing... through and through.
@krzyszwojciech 4 года назад
9:46 - According to some Christian apologists I've seen, Quran doesn't necessarily deny that Jesus was crucified and died and the current widespread Muslim belief is based on misinterpretation. [I just watched it on David Wood's channel.]
@SilentAddle 2 года назад
Shout out for the Msyerty Men reference, still one of my favourite early-2000's superhero flicks.
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