
How Jehovah's Witnesses Lie 

ExJW Caleb
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My take on how Jehovah's Witnesses lie, even if they think they're being honest.
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21 сен 2024




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@SimplyLore 9 месяцев назад
Lying for God is very common among cults, how strange 🤔
@jadersolano3080 9 месяцев назад
Religions in general
@cultytalk 9 месяцев назад
🙋‍♀️ hi friend
@SimplyLore 9 месяцев назад
Hi @icufool 👋
@mattmurdock2868 9 месяцев назад
All cults lie for THEIR gods.
@SimplyLore 9 месяцев назад
@@Music-saveslives I'll take my chances 🤷🏼‍♀️
@georgecollura5053 9 месяцев назад
I was a JW for 5 years back in the 90s. I be a son of a Bitch, I encountered more liars than the regular people of the world. They always have excuses for everything.
@Michelle-Williams-Melbournite 4 месяца назад
I know right.
@ginavaleriano9894 9 месяцев назад
I now realize one way that I was a bad publisher. I attempt to be a truthful person and could not twist the truth. It used to bewilder and frustrate me when the person accompanying me on a call would often interrupt my presentation and take over the presentation. Now I understand! So glad to be away from those people!
@rasklaat2 4 месяца назад
I was a very bad one as well, for the same reason.
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
You made a very important point when you said 20 minutes into the video that JWs don't answer tough questions hoping to indoctrinate the person more before dealing with tough questions. You, my friend, are on fire spotting [and highlighting] the mechanisms that all JWs employ to convert people into their cult.
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
@@christinesotelo7655 That's exactly what it is - slow indoctrination - all under the guise that you are learning the truths in the Bible. Classic cult behavior!
@bigd213d 9 месяцев назад
Correction: In this video at 8:05 it is said disfellowshipped people "must sit in the back". According to "Questions From Readers" in The Watchtower-Study Edition August 2013 The first sentence says, "There is no reason to be unduly concerned about the seating location of a disfellowshipped person in the Kingdom Hall." When I was disfellowshipped, I printed this article and brought it with me as I continued to sit in my usual seat in the very first row. I intended to give this article to the Elders if they confronted me, but they never did. I understand that some Elders make their own rules, and may harass people about where they sit, but according to this Watchtower article, where a person sits is not dictated. You did a GREAT job and a TON of research on this. Thank you so much for your work. Just don't want you to be accused of "saying twisted things". We are all in this together my friend!
@jwtruth 9 месяцев назад
When they say 'apostates' are 'twisting things' that's the pot calling the kettle black, hypocrisy of the highest order.😂🙄
@ivonnesimilia1380 9 месяцев назад
It’s not a “rule” to sit in the back but since you feel like an outcast so sitting in the back makes sense! Unless you’ve been disfellowshipped you would not understand.
@ExJWCaleb 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, I should've said "they're expected to sit in the back" because it's not a rule but yet that is what happens, even in their own dramas.
@misterdoctor9693 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, I noticed that too. It's a silly thing to trip over, but it's so important to be accurate. Knowing Better did a video about JWs that was super accurate, but he made the exact same mistake and someone I know who was having doubts watched it and then dismissed the entire video because of that one minor mistake. Thankfully they still woke up soon after.
@melyndaduh3501 9 месяцев назад
It must have been a rule at one time. I know the brothers enforced the disfellowshipped ones sitting at the back with a vengeance.
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
What a great point too, when you said that JWs don't even know they are lying. They have been taught to spin the truth. You are killing it my friend!
@ronhansen8471 9 месяцев назад
The truth is that you all have no idea what the bible teaches and therefore have no idea what JWs are talking about.
@CoffeeAddictEvan 9 месяцев назад
​@@ronhansen8471 I've read my Bible, obviously you haven't
@ronhansen8471 9 месяцев назад
@@CoffeeAddictEvan Have you? If so, you would recognize the truth and not run with apostate ideas.
@yvonne3903 9 месяцев назад
​​@@ronhansen8471if your a JW then you don't know your bible because your GB changes the message constantly, always turning the lights on and off. Since your instructed to listen to your GB you can't have two masters, who do you follow?
@CoffeeAddictEvan 9 месяцев назад
@@ronhansen8471 if you think you know the Bible so well, then where does it say to avoid blood transfusions, even to save a life?
@Strutingeagle 9 месяцев назад
The members lie all the time if you ask certain questions. For example, if you ask if their teachings have changed, they will say no.
@jondoe406 5 месяцев назад
But it wasn't lying if they decided you weren't entitled to the truth lol
@Strutingeagle 5 месяцев назад
They think they aren't lying but in reality they are. Funny how the members are getting lied to and the Governing body must consider them not entitled to the truth.@@jondoe406
@ozstriker22 9 месяцев назад
I hate the video where the DF’d daughter is calling her mom…. The video leaves out the part where she f#cking commits SUICIDE after mom and dad shun her 🤦‍♂️😢 as so many JW kids have tried to do
@EmilySolem-Davis 9 месяцев назад
Love this. JWs are good at weasel words and lying by omission or outright lying. Seems it’s like their bread and butter.
@ingramwright5399 9 месяцев назад
Will lie straight to your face...about anything, and give themselves a pass by deciding you didn't deserve the truth.
@Jame629 9 месяцев назад
Those darn weasels 😂
@lawrencevincent1 8 месяцев назад
@@Jame629 ROFL
@lawrencevincent1 8 месяцев назад
Weasel words using a microphone so no they are pretty loud really.
@lordlucablight 9 месяцев назад
They do this when questioned about shunning as well on their website. “ Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest” It’s very deliberately worded this way to minimise what actually happens in practice.
@MsMeza22 9 месяцев назад
Spanish. Please, please make this video in Spanish whenever you are able to. I understand you are busy, but I would really love for this to be in Spanish. Great video and a fantastic way of showing the underbelly of it all. Keep up the great work!
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
At 30 minutes in, that JW that posted the comment that it isn't lying if someone isn't entitled to know the truth is ridiculous on so many levels and here's the most important level: Geoffrey Jackson had the opportunity to tell the world, through this platform, that they alone are the only channel that God is using to dispense live-saving information. You would think that would be foremost in Geoffrey's mind and in his response. Instead, his answer is so watered down, Geoffrey made is sound like you could find the truth of God's word outside the JW organization, something the WTS has printed, is impossible! The only good thing about the JW post is that the JW saw Geoffrey Jackson's response and someday it may hit him like a ton of bricks that Geoffrey Jackson LIED under oath!
@user-zs4jn4yx3w 9 месяцев назад
Geoffrey lied & was evasive, even non religious people saw through his lies. 8knew that upfront as I know their doctrines pet my extensive research. I avoid them as the predators/ pesos they harbor & protect RUN RUN
@mo2874 8 месяцев назад
*Multiple times in scripture, God's people misdirected enemies away...* Joshua 2:2-7 New Living Translation 2But someone told the king of Jericho, *“Some Israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land.” 3So the king of Jericho sent orders to Rahab: “Bring out the men who have come into your house, for they have come here to spy out the whole land.”* 4Rahab had hidden the two men, but *she replied, “Yes, the men were here earlier, but I didn’t know where they were from. 5They left the town at dusk, as the gates were about to close. I don’t know where they went.* If you hurry, you can probably catch up with them.” *6(Actually, she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them beneath bundles of flax she had laid out.)* 7So the king’s men went looking for the spies along the road leading to the shallow crossings of the Jordan River. And as soon as the king’s men had left, the gate of Jericho was shut. Hebrews 11:31 New Living Translation *It was by faith that Rahab the prostitute was not destroyed with the people in her city* who refused to obey God. *For she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.* 2 Kings 6:6-10, 18-20 New Living Translation Elisha Traps the Arameans 8When the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he would confer with his officers and say, “We will mobilize our forces at such and such a place.” *9But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, “Do not go near that place, for the Arameans are planning to mobilize their troops there.”* 10So the king of Israel would send word to the place indicated by the man of God. *Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he would be on the alert there.* *18As the Aramean army advanced toward him,* Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please make them blind.” So the LORD struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked. *19Then Elisha went out and told them, “You have come the wrong way! This isn’t the right city! Follow me, and I will take you to the man you are looking for.”* And he led them to the city of Samaria. 20As soon as they had entered Samaria, Elisha prayed, “O LORD, now open their eyes and let them see.” *So the LORD opened their eyes, and they discovered that they were in the middle of Samaria.* Then there were times that God's people refused to answer... Daniel 3:16 Amplified Bible 16Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego *answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to answer you on this point.* Luke 20:3-8 New Living Translation 3“Let me ask you a question first,” he replied. 4“Did John’s authority to baptize come from heaven, or was it merely human?” 5They talked it over among themselves. “If we say it was from heaven, he will ask why we didn’t believe John. 6But if we say it was merely human, the people will stone us because they are convinced John was a prophet.” 7So they finally replied that they didn’t know. *8And Jesus responded, “Then I won’t tell you by what authority I do these things.”* Matthew 26:62,63 New Living Translation 62Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Well, aren’t you going to answer these charges? What do you have to say for yourself?” *63But Jesus remained silent.* Then the high priest said to him, “I demand in the name of the living God-tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” What you call a lie is actually withholding information from those not entitled to it... Jehovah’s Witnesses protect each other. They have God's backing scripturally in doing so... *However, Jehovah's Witnesses will not protect members that do wrong according to God's standards - That is what shunning/disfellowshipping proves.* Members who go against bible/God's standards are removed from the organisation... they are then left to be dealt with by whatever authority exists in that location... 1 Corinthians 5:12,13 New Living Translation *12It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders,* but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. *13God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, “You must remove the evil person from among you.”k* Romans 13:1,2, 4 New Living Translation Respect for Authority *1Everyone must submit to governing authorities.* For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. *2So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.* *4The authorities are God’s servants,* sent for your good. *But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you.* They are God’s servants, *sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong.* When there is a conflict between obeying God's laws/ways and what human authorities say....God's laws supercede... Acts 5:27-29 New Living Translation 27Then they brought the apostles before *the high council, where the high priest confronted them. 28“We gave you strict orders never again to teach in this man’s name!”* he said. “Instead, you have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching about him, and you want to make us responsible for his death!” *29But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.* Think about it like an official in an embassy in a country. Though he is in a country his allegiance is not primarily to that country, but rather to his home country that he represents. The ambassador would obey the laws of the country he is in up to the point of it interferring with his ambassadorial work. Christians are ambassadors for Jesus...so they are in the world but no part of its set up... 2 Corinthians 5:19,20 New Living Translation 19For God was in Christ, *reconciling the world to himself,* no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. *20So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us.* We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” John 17:15,16 New Living Translation *15I’m not asking you to take them out of the world,* but to keep them safe from the evil one. *16They do not belong to this world any more than I do.* As no part of the world true Christians do not get involved politics (how the country/world is governed) and therefore they do not owe anyone/authority of the world full allegiance. **They are therefore entitled to withhold any information that would harm other true Christians.** *When the Jews were in captivity Mordecai told his neice not to reveal her nationality.* She became queen to the King. Esther 2:10 New Living Translation *10Esther had not told anyone of her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had directed her not to do so.* Later Mordecai told her to intercede of behalf of the Jews when genocide was threatened. Its seems providential that Esther was in such a high position in the empire just when the Jews were going to be wiped out. Obviously God was behind her being positioned in that way. Esther 4:13,14 New Living Translation 13Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. *14If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”* Mordecai protected his people the Jews... Esther 10:3 New Living Translation *3Mordecai the Jew became the prime minister, with authority next to that of King Xerxes himself.* He was very great among the Jews, who held him in high esteem, *because he continued to work for the good of his people and to speak up for the welfare of all their descendants.* True Christians withhold suitable information to protect each other...
@joepublisher166 8 месяцев назад
@@mo2874 Who was Geoffrey Jackson protecting? It was an opportunity for him to preach to people who are not normally home!
@mo2874 8 месяцев назад
@@joepublisher166 Opportunity you mean? And trust me Brother Jackson gave an outstanding witness for Jehovah... he clearly demonstrated that Jehovah's Witnesses respect God's standards above all else... What was the verdict of the Australian Royal Commission?...Were Jehovah's Witnesses convicted of ANY crimes? 1 Timothy 2:1-4 New Living Translation 1I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. *2Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness* and dignity. *3This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.*
@joepublisher166 8 месяцев назад
@@mo2874 Romans 13:1 ► New International Version Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
@ozstriker22 9 месяцев назад
But the part with Jeffrey Jackson on the Australian interview, at first I was upset “HE’S LYING UNDER OATH!!!” And while I still feel that way, at the same time, if you’ve already woken up and you take the testimony at face value, he’s actually TELLING THE TRUTH… The GB only TRIES to imitate Jesus, and….. IS VERY PRESUMPTUOUS!!! “Let those who have ears, hear and those who have eyes, see”
@ericbulman1752 9 месяцев назад
No he lied because they claim they are Gods sole channel of communication
@Masi.Capone 9 месяцев назад
Person 1: Have you ever committed a crime? Person 2: I've done a lot of work to help people and improve society.
@arcellgreen4754 9 месяцев назад
It’s amazing the hypocrisy of this religion. There are stories about parents who stopped talking to their kids because they got disfellowship for decades and when the parents got old and needed help the elders told the parents to seek help from their disfellowship kids the same ones that they stop talking to.
@PokemonRules333 9 месяцев назад
@@christinesotelo7655it is the gb slaves are only useful for their masters once the slaves usefulness has come to an end then the masters throw the slaves out like garbage truly the gb are power hungry money hungry monsters
@ramrod576 9 месяцев назад
Yeah I remember a story about a guy on Reddit who tried to get in touch with his child he shunned for years. The kid punched them InThe face. Shunning is wrong, lying about it EVIL.
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
Your videos and you are killing it and I mean absolutely exposing the religion of JWs to be a cult! I was a JW for decades and I can tell you unequivocally that I lied when I felt the listener wouldn't accept the real or full truth. I suppose I did it because I felt the ends justify the means. But that is horseshit, and I am terrible embarrassed that I did this, although at the time I thought I was earnestly going to save people's lives. You are a very talented young man and I love listening to your videos and observations. Your videos are going to help thousands, if not millions of people, including those now trapped in this religion.
@pamelasloan1664 9 месяцев назад
Never trust a liar, and that's what you are, why would anyone believe any thing you say after admitting you lie no wonder the Jw's gave you to boot
@jeanniejewel2272 9 месяцев назад
Great video exposing the jehovahs witness cult. Thank you ExJW Caleb fpr your activism.
@basketballtv248 9 месяцев назад
What’s crazy is what if she’s calling because she’s being attacked or having some type of medical attention, they just let her die, it’s the opposite of what the actual Bible teaches smh 🤦🏻‍♂️
@victoriagolmehdi8506 9 месяцев назад
Imagine how they would feel if their daughter had died alone when she had been trying to call them for help. If they were to awaken from this nightmare, they would never get over the fact that they failed their child and put a man made cult above natural love and parental instinct.
@philliphawkins3062 9 месяцев назад
So much lying from a religion calling itself THE TRUTH....The irony of it all
@joe-o6v6r 9 месяцев назад
Let me tell you the truth Now that's true
@Jame629 9 месяцев назад
​@@joe-o6v6rthe JWs are comming for you they are going to abduct you and make you sing at their kingdom hall for the rest of your life .
@juliechurley2716 8 месяцев назад
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
Every JW around the world should watch this video - that is, if you want to understand how you are taught to lie as a JW.
@UndercoverScambaiter 9 месяцев назад
I agree but it's "apostate lies"
@joepublisher166 9 месяцев назад
@@UndercoverScambaiter Once you wake, you realize it’s the WTS that has been lying for over 100 years!
@JaesonTannerNMG 9 месяцев назад
It's striking how an organization which calls itself "THE TRUTH" champions a revised or flexible definition of lying
@rasklaat2 4 месяца назад
They use quite an Orwellian language don't they?
@keithcampbell720 9 месяцев назад
Perfect way of describing all of this... And as a former JW I know I had no idea I was doing this
@julieellis2076 9 месяцев назад
I lied, hid the truth ( looking back) 😮 xjw from across the pond. Love your videos that are to the point, like this brother 😂❤
@onesunnyday5699 9 месяцев назад
The poor sister counts her Spiritual Family blessings while sitting alone during the meeting 😢
@mercurydime8152 9 месяцев назад
I played these games myself in the ministry as a Witness - I never even realized I was lying, misleading, & using commonly recognized manipulation tactics until I woke up and left the cult.
@ronhansen8471 9 месяцев назад
Do you all know what the word lie means? Lying means to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. This means a liar would have to know the truth and intentionally twist its meaning as a way of deceiving others. Isn't that what you all are doing? Do you really think JWs when quoting the bible use deception? Is the bible deceptive? While it is true God limits who he allows to understand his word and could sound like a lie to an uninformed person. There is only one God and one truth. God's people who ever they are will know the truth and the truth will set them free.
@CoffeeAddictEvan 9 месяцев назад
​@@ronhansen8471I mean, watch the video, you'll get your answer. And yes, the Bible is full of deception
@nolongerconfused6284 9 месяцев назад
​​@@ronhansen8471not necessarily. It doesn't necessarily have to be with intent. Like, the lies we tell ourselves to feel better. From Webster b : an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker or writer
@ronhansen8471 9 месяцев назад
@@nolongerconfused6284 if you got your info from Webster, you should have seen all definitions for the word lie. But like everything else it depends on your confirmation bias.
@danettelewis8002 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for doing the research I won't do. I relive sad memories when I try to analyze their crap. Will never see my two daughters nor my grandchildren. I appreciate all the activist's energies.
@BooBooBugalugs 9 месяцев назад
I'm so sorry. So cruel and brutal! Maybe, one day, you will be the one they turn to for unconditional love. You will be their safe place when (hopefully) they wake up. I know that it feels like this will never happen, but I promise you that it is happening more and more. You are the trailblazer, and the light you shine will make their escape easier.
@ingramwright5399 9 месяцев назад
​​@@BooBooBugalugsI was there for my daughter when she tried to commit suicide. Came running from out of town into a snow storm in Ohio to be by her side. She didn't even want to talk to the witnesses about it (we all know why). I was sure she would start waking up after that. But no...somehow, no.
@cultytalk 9 месяцев назад
@cultytalk 9 месяцев назад
@heidijay5902 9 месяцев назад
I’m so sorry you have to go through this heartbreak, sending hugs your way.
@georgeporgy7568 9 месяцев назад
The version of disfellowshipped sounds more like silent reprove where you are not allowed to comment at meetings and in some cases can't go out in service.
@kingofthedots3835 9 месяцев назад
How brutal .....if you used to comment a lot and suddenly ZILCH .......they just made you a subject of gossip ......thanks for nothing Wok Tower 🗼
@Aldeni1551 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for putting into words what I knew innately but couldn't explain when I was de-indoctrinating. The redefining of words was the biggest hurdle for me because I'd literally grown up thinking I understood certain words and believing the re-definitions they created were agreed upon by the rest of the world. I couldn't even explain it to other people because I didn't have the words, or an understanding of what these words were supposed to mean. It's a sick form of abuse, taking someones words and capacity to reason. Anyway, I get kind of emotional writing this. Excellently researched video. Your energy and intensity really kill it. I wish you'd been around when I was 16 but I'm glad you're making these videos now for the next generation.
@georgebrito-dq2yu 9 месяцев назад
You did a fantastic job, to the point . Unlike the Watchtower weasel ways.
@Julescage1 9 месяцев назад
The 2nd shunning video where they basically say her mother can be replaced by someone else is EVIL!
@MarciaHooley-fr7qj 5 месяцев назад
I thought so too
@MarciaHooley-fr7qj 5 месяцев назад
Nobody really cares what they do. Nobody hates them as much as they think people do. Hey JWs, nobody cares; you're NOT special. Jus sayin
@dogsdroolllquinavancepasre6756 9 месяцев назад
This was superbly presented. Great collaboration of content & hard to mistake what the org is really doing. If anyone else in organization would abide by the same rules that the governing body do, chances are, they would be disfellowshipped and called apostates.
@dogsdroolllquinavancepasre6756 9 месяцев назад
@@christinesotelo7655 You got that right? They will keep doing what they’re doing as long as there are compliant people meaning sheeple. Sheep are so innocent they will follow whatever leader they have. We are not sheep . We are human beings that were gifted with free thought. The gods tried stealing our spirit our thought our identity, we cannot comply. We need to find out who we are because we are great. They know that, that’s why they try to steal our soul. 💥✨💕⚡️👍🔥
@bygeorgehemayberite8385 9 месяцев назад
I JUST realized this: Geoffrey Jackson did a Freudian Slip. The ? asked of him by the ARC was “do you see yourselves as JEHOVAH GOD’s SPOKESPEOPLE ON EARTH?” The response was “that would seem, I think, quite presumptuous to say we r the ONLY spokesperson that God is using…” No where did they ask do you think u are “only” God’s spokespeople; the question was do you think you are God’s spokespeople. Jackson interjected the word/phrase “only” b/c that’s what they teach, that they are the only spokespeople for God. Can’t believe I didn’t catch that b4; this entire time I thought the ? was did they think they were “only” God’s spokespeople.
@xjwfurious 9 месяцев назад
Yay! Thanks for reposting it, Danny. 🙂
@lorilee1931 9 месяцев назад
Very well put together, Daniel. Thank you.
@kingofthedots3835 9 месяцев назад
Hello neighbors ...were calling you to be as miserable as us .....that's how you know you have the truth 😂😂😂
@GladuRanchHomested 9 месяцев назад
I’m constantly telling my husband he’s lying and he always says “ JW don’t lie” 🙄
@menacingmistral1271 9 месяцев назад
Great video! One of your best yet. This should be a must watch video for governments and courts around the world so they can grasp exactly what they're hearing from jehovah's witnesses. If they don't comprehend the dialect, they won't be able to make a properly informed decision.
@ChrisPyle 9 месяцев назад
Think about this. A DFd person may feel like they were repentant, and never stop attending meetings, and still, during this time, family MUST NOT have contact with them. They haven’t stopped going to meetings, they’ve repented in their hearts, there is nothing they can “return to”. So please explain how it’s not a punishment? How it’s not a fear tactic? Sick
@gisella1350 9 месяцев назад
You hit the nail on the head. So glad that I am one of the escapees from this tyrant false organization.
@user-zs4jn4yx3w 9 месяцев назад
@robinkish-miller2990 9 месяцев назад
Caleb really has his story straight. He has a good projection of what is really going on with this religion. It pays off to be critical.
@gmandofgod 9 месяцев назад
Does it occur to them that if they have to lie about what the believe that maybe it's not the Truth? I am a Christian pastor, and there is NOTHING about what we teach or practice that any of us have to lie about. We are PROUD about what we believe.
@davidreda1211 9 месяцев назад
Wow! This one hits really close to home with me. I faded in 1987, & while a few of my JW friends tried to encourage me, I experienced shunning from a sister, even though I wasn't disfellowshipped or disassociated. One elder talked with me & asked if I was coming back to the meetings & I said "not at this time & probably not." He then said that I should write a letter of disassociation.
@videoshortmew 9 месяцев назад
I always love your videos. Your haircut is AWESOME!!!! You are very handsome young man.
@catwoman2055 9 месяцев назад
100% true content. Great video!
@thiemhoang2312 9 месяцев назад
Did Jesus and disciples ever say Jehovah or Jehovah god like the watchtower? Governing body is not in the Bible
@veganTongan 9 месяцев назад
thank you for sharing this information. people need to see this video all around the world. hope you guys have a good christmas!!
@kammy6340 9 месяцев назад
Sir! Sir! Sir! Daniel!! I am a single gay man who is trying to not get another internet crush and then you come on here with your leather jacket, sexy haircut, cute face and talking so intelligently. Why are you doing this to me?!?!? You look so good man!!!! If you're in a relationship, she is so lucky!!! But great video by the way. I recall doing this so much as a JW. Not telling people the whole truth and just telling them what they wanna hear...anything to get them into the congregation. And then there are the outright lies and weasel words. Elders have even told me not to tell people certain things on the doorstep. So much for "the truth".
@Des7iny7 9 месяцев назад
@naomi9606 4 месяца назад
I’m so grateful that you’re archiving these shunning videos. It’s so important that people see the truth not what’s hidden when convenient.
@JMadeline 9 месяцев назад
Excellent observations. Thanks for your hard work and tireless research.
@ExJWCaleb 9 месяцев назад
My pleasure!
@crystalholloway2862 9 месяцев назад
Lying is a sin to god and being over weight is also a moral sin. Just as bad as smoking or getting drunk but yet there are thoughts of very fat witnesses I really don’t get it. This org has torn me and my loving family apart to the point when I moved my family 7000 miles across the country to be closer to my family but because we don’t attend the meetings we are left out and the elders told my parents not to talk to me our my family and my mom is 80 now and dying of cancer and I or my wife can’t even talk or see how my mom is doing!! I’m so soooo sick of men following MEN not god but in the end I believe they themselves will be judged by god himself and thrown to the ground and gone! This all really breaks my heart cause I love deeply love my family but me or my family are now dead to my family and the congregation!!
@queen_of_flatulence 9 месяцев назад
Yay you got the video back!!
@billyroland2758 9 месяцев назад
My daughter is shunning me. 😢 It's my fault for bringing her up as a Jehovah's Witness.
@TboneWTF 9 месяцев назад
LOL. Maybe you're just a difficult person?
@billyroland2758 9 месяцев назад
@@TboneWTF It's not funny, the Watchtower organisation destroyed my family. I genuinely believed it was God's organisation. Now through research i know it's not. The "governing body", are manipulative lying charlatans.
@mayfly3030 9 месяцев назад
@ExJWCaleb 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for your support!
@victorbledsoe1227 9 месяцев назад
Watchtower Witnesses Cult
@ingramwright5399 9 месяцев назад
Nothing ever makes sense later. Only more questions??? You just learn to stop addressing them directly.
@GladuRanchHomested 9 месяцев назад
Brilliant example when my husband said it was me who made Steven Letts “babies are enemies of God” talk bad because he didn’t see anything wrong with it …. That’s crazy. But just like you said. he took something totally bad and tried to make it good even though there’s no way he could so it was my fault I’m learning so much from your channel. Thank you thank you thank you for helping me understand how JW think which is so off their fucking rockers. Omg and nothing will wake them up.
@nyilahbreethomas1802 9 месяцев назад
I love this! Thank you!
@LOH__ 9 месяцев назад
Great job. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@lanceinpants22 9 месяцев назад
Great Video Danny!
@ChampyonHampterGaming 5 месяцев назад
1. Non-direct 2. Part-truth 3. Procrastination Of Convo 4. New Definition
@andracadicecrawford4256 4 месяца назад
@asapstan 9 месяцев назад
Excellent video
@chroniclesoflucifer 9 месяцев назад
Holy spirit slap me, was that Caleb's hot older brother???😮 Great video!🎉
@sarcasm6669 9 месяцев назад
Amazing username!
@Des7iny7 9 месяцев назад
@ExJWCaleb 9 месяцев назад
Man that means I look older now? 😂
@UsualOxym 9 месяцев назад
@@ExJWCaleb Well, it happened to me too - they call it 'aging' 😂 But seriously I like the new image
@victoriagolmehdi8506 9 месяцев назад
Have you got some music playing in the background?
@Rupunzelsawake 9 месяцев назад
Great video Daniel. Like your new look too!
@alecfowler157 9 месяцев назад
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT Research !’ & Presentation! .. You are Saving Precious Lives ! WELL DONE
@anall3l3 9 месяцев назад
Bro nice haircut, you look sharp!
@anall3l3 9 месяцев назад
What you mean "JWitnessy"?
@sallyann-watson3588 9 месяцев назад
The governing body are teaching their deciples to how to gaslight the public, because they are masters in narrasisstic perpetrators , amazing
@brandoncornish5295 8 месяцев назад
I myself was a Mormon and I stopped going and I’m sure they look at me differently, but they treat me with , and it’s honestly not any of their business.
@sallyann-watson3588 9 месяцев назад
The day after I left a psychologist answered me that because I had been brought up in this religious dominance, That Is why l stayed inside that capsule of abuse , That For so many years in my upbringing, l had become customised to survival inside. I am so grateful to be OUT!!!!
@sallyann-watson3588 9 месяцев назад
Jworg ride on the coattails of the Vatican as well, just adjusted their abusive manipulation to a new scenario of the narrated story..
@debzvill1 8 месяцев назад
When i was studying the bible I was taught that only the righteous will be resurrected and anyone that died before knowing the truth will be resurrected to give them a chance to get to know the truth, whoever already knew the truth and turned their back will have no hope of resurrection.
@CoffeeAddictEvan 8 месяцев назад
Well, that has all changed. The current teaching is "we just don't know." Which is, at least, honest.
@Camryn52 9 месяцев назад
Hi Caleb, I enjoy your videos very much. I often listen in the car while driving but the sound quality is not 100% for it. Also because you speak very quick! Can you consider using a good microphone instead of an Apple ear piece? Keep up with your good work! 👊
@ExJWCaleb 9 месяцев назад
Yes, sorry, my microphone got broken and my back up needs another cable. I already got another mic but it hasn't arrived. Thanks!
@1TheNews 9 месяцев назад
The problem is that there are good people trying to find other good people in religion not knowing that the kingdom halls and the upper echelons are full of demon-possessed people.
@thehigherevolutionary 9 месяцев назад
Nice haircut! ☝️
@Eric-NI 7 месяцев назад
Excellent summary. Very thorough, a "classic"
@lh1673 9 месяцев назад
Imagine I’m still jw, my jw sister a pioneer who lives in another place will not even call me to ask if I’m doing fine, for years. Even I’m the one to call her, her excuses every time for not wanting to talk even on phone is, I’m busy I got to go out to field service, I got to go meeting, I got to do my personal study, I got to 。。。for my God, for my ORG😅What a JOKE saying we are the only true Christian😅
@ChrisPyle 9 месяцев назад
Here’s another thought. The GB are neither perfect or inspired and can make mistakes right? Then how can “elders” be given the power to know a persons level of repentance and judge them accordingly without question, superseding the opinion of that persons own family. For example, say an 18 year old gets spotted smoking a cigarette in public. Hes warned by the elders to stop. Gets caught again. Is DFd even though he’s not smoking anymore. Never had a smoking addiction, and was just trying to look cool to a Wordly friend. The elders use it as a spotlight example of how dangerous it is to have Wordly friends “bad association”. His family knows he’s quit, but they aren’t allowed to have any contact with them. He also loses ALL his witness friends. So the solution for his smoking two cigarettes and having a “Wordly friend” is force him to associate with ONLY Wordly people and take away his family, because the reason he was drawn away from the truth, will now be the answer to draw him back in? It’s like claiming the cure for poison is more of the same poison. It’s clown world logic, and it’s all about punishment, not keeping the congregation clean.
@petko-0969 9 месяцев назад
My mom's father became bery abusive after joining this cult. (this was in the 90's after the Fall of the hungarian communist party, when religions became practised again) My dad's brother became part of the cult after marrying his wife. They both separated themselfs from us. My grandpa literally blocked my mother when she send him a picture of me in a cadet uniform. I hate this cult.
@4dojo 8 месяцев назад
I've noticed this so many times speaking with Jehovah's witnesses. If you ask them a question that would make their organization look bad, they have an amazing ability to hop around the truth and do mental gymnastics that make the facts seem like they mean something completely different. I can't think of any other group of people that is so good at lying without "technically" lying. They remind me of when Prince Charming is interrogating Pinocchio in Shrek 2. 😅
@misterauctor7353 6 месяцев назад
Was it Sherk 3.
@4dojo 6 месяцев назад
@@misterauctor7353 Quite possibly. I have seen the films in a very long time.
@StefWokeUp 9 месяцев назад
This is great!
@carmenjohnson6232 9 месяцев назад
Armageddon Is a place not a war rev, 16:16😊
@Loveloveloveloveu 2 месяца назад
I just had a Jehovah's witness knock on my door telling me that he was selling cookbooks I gave him $10 walked away open the book and there's nothing about cooking in these books I just know from now on not to open up my door for anyone who knocks
@victorlegret9036 9 месяцев назад
very quality and logical research, thank you and congrats ;)
@haan3549 9 месяцев назад
Great job ❤
@toddhayes3506 9 месяцев назад
Happy Holidays
@Cindy-yq1cy 9 месяцев назад
Loving this look🤗❤!
@shonaford250 9 месяцев назад
I could never understand this double speak when we were told we were serving the god who cannot lie.
@oneghost1257 4 месяца назад
The wording of their response to the question "Is this a cult?" Was a fascinating example of muddying the waters. I know for a certainty that I've heard that exact wording of "A new or unorthodox religous group" used by a cult expert as an example of the kinds of groups *erroneously called cults*. So not only are they lying about not being one but they also took the example of what isn't a cult but might be called one, and used that as the definition for what *is* a cult. I'm all but certain they found that same quote.
@96t5wagon 9 месяцев назад
Great video!!!!
@fauxstrider4018 9 месяцев назад
4:10 what a liar. That's disgusting. It doesn't matter if you call shunning disfellowshipping and disfellowshipping shunning or pooping. It conveys not only the idea behind it but also the course of action taken against a member.
@NaiaHickey-Niblett 9 месяцев назад
I walked away from the J.w.s on my own at age 38.
@sherrellsabree50 9 месяцев назад
They lie so much - they are like their father.
@Xoxo-mh9zr 9 месяцев назад
He's reading off of something....not even his OWN merit
@ChrisPyle 9 месяцев назад
They’re allowed to come into the KH, just not their families home once they turn 18. This is sick
@joe-o6v6r 9 месяцев назад
They call themselves JW'S by twisting Isaiah 43:10 if they would read 43:1 they could see that this was told to the Jews the nation of Israel and Jacob not the gentiles, when Paul says, Ephesians 2:11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)- 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13. ( Acts 1:8 Jesus ) this is something I see that they have twisted out of many other things ( the proper name is the twisted witnesses )
@MarciaHooley-fr7qj 5 месяцев назад
When ya first talk to them, they'll swear, "oh yes, we use different Bible translations" and "Sure you can study out of the KJV or NKJV" But that only lasts for about 10 seconds; they WILL pressure ya to use THEIR NWT... and pressure ya
@juancromero86 9 месяцев назад
The new look fits you well, I like it.
@ramrod576 9 месяцев назад
Is this the Video that got restricted? Curious about those details. Is the borg hunting you? What a compliment.
@misterauctor7353 9 месяцев назад
4:43 No, they don't continue.
@CrackBeaver 9 месяцев назад
They lie because they lie. 'Nuff said.
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