No te preocupes, algunos están desheredados ya y a los que no lo están tiene tanto dinero que serán millonarios todos ellos. Buzz Story, felicidades!! Creo que habéis identificado a todos los hijos del Emir (a mi me faltaba uno) según lo buscado y leído en Internet 🎉🎉😊
My love first account emails you blocked me all story your family maktoum royal you post me all brother sister I pot only 28 see your number how many children I pot 28 only didnt me remember❤ number ok that all love family maktoum happy together God bless you all I love you all❤❤🌟🌟🍾🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽🍸🍸🤲🤲🤲🍸🍷
Do you know how important it is to have a father, I didn’t, I never knew a father, my mother disliked me because she was abandoned by him, that has an impact on a child. Fathers out there, please protect your daughters, teach them how a man should treat a woman, so when she meets a man, she can identify her relationship with her father. Be kind, be understanding to your daughters, you hold their future in your hands ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
A herceg valtoztathat rajta. Ne legxen annyi feleseg. Es akkor tudja a nevuket es gyermekei szamat es nevet. Es hadman sheik ezt megvalosithatja mint miniszterelnok. De bocsanat ez csak egy velemeny. A tobbi az uralkodo csalad dolga. Tisztelettel
Zły władca, dowód uciekające córki i ostatnia żona z dwójką dzieci. Zasada taka: dobrego męża i ojca żona nie zostawia. Wyraz twarzy mówi sam za siebie ,a oczy są głębią duszy. Tyle.
Sunt 32 de copii și 12 soții. El declară că le iubește pe toate Sunt minciuni nu poți iubi cu adevărat decât o femeie. Este un nefericit priviti ce ochi triști are și ce figura pierdută.
Shut up. Married again is not a bad thing. You are so toxic and stereotype. A lot of people are happy when they are married again. So, shut the hell up.
Non capisco, come tante persone amano questo tiranno di Dubai. Sposa i suoi figli con i primi cugini e altri per i soldi. Così li condanna a una grande tristezza e infelicità. Che senso ha ad avere tanti soldi, ma non puoi essere felice. Tortura le proprie figlie, ma che persona è??? Un padre deve amare il proprio figlio, deve aiutarlo nella vita a crescere e andare per la sua strada, e non indurlo a totale infelicità.. Per me è una pessima persona, che non merita alcun rispetto..
Concordo com você. Esse homem é um ditador sádico e provavelmente torturador e violento com essas mulheres. Porque será que todas elas fogem dele??? Felizes ao lado desse homem, elas não são! Deve ser uma vida luxuosa, porém triste e amarga. Ficar servindo as vontades e interesses tradicionais desse velho horroroso e rico, deve ser um inferno na terra. Fiquei preocupada com todas essas mulheres, escravas da ambição desse homem.
Интеоесно, кто знает, сколько детей и жен имеет этот Шейх Дубая. Мне кажется точно 4 -5 жены, а детей сколько ???? Видно, очень властный человек. Вообще мне кажется кто очень богат, они беспощадны могут быть даже в постели . Открыто скажу, в молодости была я очень красивой невозможно было идти по улице , честно. Но, никогда не подпускала к себе ни богатых ни видных деятелей. Они не земные люди ! Для них женщина, эта шкатулка, где ,ОН, держит свои запонки. Я НИКОГДА, не позволю, себя чувствовать униженной в лице любого миллиардера, или шейха. Чихать,я хотела на них, и их богатства с положением , я слишком себя любила, и люблю и могу только позволить себе посмотреть на них с горы Эвереста. ЖЕНЩИНЫ, должны любить себя больше,потому что они - это АНГЕЛЫ, создатели ПРИРОДЫ, ЛЮБВИ, ПЛОТИ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА ВСЕГО ЖИВОГО В МИРЕ.❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@ВалентинаСметана-щ2е СЕРЬЕЗНО ????? У Ж А С ! Видите, какая распушенность интима? И, это называется, ЛЮБОВЬ ???? Ах, женщины, женщины , рабы БОЖЬИ ! Когда, вы себя полюбите??? Наверное никогда ! Больно! Очень больно !
When you consider that the Arab Emirates have handly any oil, it is remarkable what this ruler has created in a few years. Denoch he makes a bitter impression on me. Anyone who has so many wives does not really love any of them. I hope the sympathetic crown prince does better.. 🍀🌱
Their money came from oil like other Gulf countries but because he knew it was going to run he invested in other ventures with the oil money. The current crown Prince was forced into arranged marriage to his first cousin. He likes men so I doubt he will have more than 1 wife. Most of them are sadistic and cruel with medieval thinking.
al padre le llego la fama por su dinero y fue un lider que supo hacer un pais con ello. Toda esta supremacia le quito prioridad para ser un amante. No son grandes amantes los que aman la vida del exito y la vanagloria. No se le puede culpar de no enamorarse de ninguna, como me cuesta creer que se enamorara alguna de el o de sus dineros. Lo mismo pide amor a gritos !! No le culpo si conoce a todos sus hijos, que crwo si lo hace
Sheikha Hindi got more children for being so obedience to sheikh Mohammed....not like the others coz different culture different races makes them uncomfortable to there life it's not easy being a royal family.....they have rules to follow 😔😔😔
The king have lots money, then he can afford many women and dozen of children but I wish he treated equally love afiction and wealth life its just a dust we whisper and if there any country culture an acceptable , I don't have right to judge,,
Κ οι γυναικες κ τα παιδια χωρις χρηματα δεν τους κρατας θα σε χερετησουν κ η γυναικα κ το παιδι τωρα στη σημερον ημερα αν δεν εχεις κατι δεν σε περνουν εγω ευτηχως παντρεφτηκα σε αλη εποχη κ δεν ξεμηνα τωρα ειμαι κ γιαγια
Is Dubai an Islamic country or a western one ? looking at the life style and modelling of Mahara and other ladies of royels it seems that DUBAI is A WESTERN COUNTRY
Like to know more about the 1st wife she had 12 children I believe, does she see them all and how old is this lady, much respect to her for having so many children. Does she still have contact with their father, seen pictures of them. Not sure of the relarionship now. Thank you. All very nice looking children.
@@ffazza520 I m a fan from The Price 'Hamad ' Have the whole Family a blessed day and stay save and healthy. I'm a fan fom all family members. God bless you all. You guy making nice viseos for You tube thanks alat. Greetings fom MARIE JO from Germany and Belgium 🇩🇪🇧🇪🌹💃💋
Кто эту херню пишет какой полудурок ещё и наших правителей трогают вот эти все принцы принцессы просто жиру бесятся особенно мужики которые имеют гаремы как они могут любить всех своих детей которых и по имени не помнят ребенку нужны оба родителя всегда что бы папа маму любил имама папу я вообще не понимаю такую религию 😢
Они принцы и принцессы им по статусу проложено, просмотрите во что они превратили свою страну!!!!Рай ! А" полудурки "правители России сами живут как в раю,а страна в г....плавает.
Non sopporterei di essere una delle mogli...non capisco perché in quei paesi l'uomo può fare quello che gli pare e la donna deve subire!!!! Perché può avere più mogli mentre le donne non possono avere più mariti??!!! Sono contenta di non essere nata in quei paesi e non mi importa del loro denaro!!!! LIBERTÀ non si compra ma ci appartiene dalla nascita!!! Non è comprensibile...alla faccia della famiglia allargata !!!!🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
As mulheres não tem livre arbítrio e não são reconhecidas como cidadãs de uma nação. Infelizmente os árabes e muçulmanos tratam mal as suas mulheres. muitas delas tem o rosto coberto porque eles jogam acido para desfigurá-las e retirar toda a sua beleza! Os homens são ensinados desde criança que as mulheres são inferiores a eles e devem apenas servi-los. O ouro que elas carregam no corpo e nas roupas é para revelar o poder e a riqueza dos próprios homens. Ou seja, nascer em um pais desses é a maior infelicidade e azar que uma mulher poderá ter na vida. Eu acredito que com a globalização muitas que tem uma condição financeira melhor, conseguem fugir e se estabelecer na Europa ou EUA, alguns vêm para o Brasil, onde são tratadas de igual para igual com os homens daqui e muitas até se casam com brasileiros, que são homens mais cultos e civilizados. E se caso conhecerem algum brasileiro não tão gentil, é só deixá-lo. Poderá até mesmo denunciá-lo a policia se caso ele agir ilegalmente. Torço pela libertação dessas mulheres árabes e muçulmanas. Todas nós mulheres merecemos a felicidade e que Deus as proteja e as abençoe. Busquem a Jesus Cristo, nosso único Senhor e Salvador. Peçam em pensamentos e orem para que Ele as tirem das mãos desses tiranos sádicos e Deus as ouvirá. 🌹🌹🌹
Two daughters are locked up and are not happy. They Tried to escape him. He has two sons that he doesn’t recognized. One son is like his two sisters and he took his post away. One daughter isn’t allow to see her mother Another son die under mysterious certain circumstances So how are they all happy and heathy. So forgive me but your statement means to me you didn’t listen to the video or you wouldn’t had said that. A father that would lock his daughters away just because they wanted to leave is not a good father. I watch the second daughters video that she put out before she tried to escape the second time. What she said in that video and what he did to her. Is not a good man. One son has light hair so he has no position. You need to really to listen to the video really good.
Two of them are either locked up or hell maybe even dead....... No one really knows of two of his daughters fate all because they tried to escape from the country...... I don't blame them one little bit....... I feel sorry for all of the children who've had to grow up with their mothers because he took over custody of the children.......
This ruler of Dubai has a ledger where he writes his wives name and children ( if they resemble him or his wife) Children names are written by the couts secretary. I always wonder what they like to prove there machoism. The fear that they will be thrown from power, they always have some foriegn born wives. If you can name a arab sheikh who have less than fifty wives and may be sixty or seventy kid. If he can rememember more than ten names. My university will award him a P H D in mathematics.
Je dis bravo à la première femme du Cheikh Mohamed al Maktoum qui a su se montrer humble dans toutes ses épreuves.... Une vraie femme combative... longue vie à la reine...tous ses enfants elle a su les encadrer même qu'elle a perdu un de ses fils prince Rachid paix à son âme..
By divine right it’s the first born child who is the heir to the throne and in Islam if it’s a woman then it goes to the first son. The king has the authority to remove the title of crown prince for as long as there is a very serious reason. If the only reason that he didn’t make his first son heir to the throne, was because he doesn’t like him or his mother then there is grave responsibility on his behalf and I believe that this might be the actual reason behind the misfortune that has befallen on the heirs he has chosen. Remember what he to Fazza’s brother, and then what wikileaks revealed about Fazza himself etc. To be honest I kind of like Fazza’s temperament but my point here is not who I like but what is right. Of course one must always remember that in these last days everything has been corrupted, no doubt there are consequences everywhere and are visible by those who are able to see the true nature of things and not just the superficial exterior.
Tutte quelle mogli!Lo sceicco non conosce il vero amore! Gesù ha detto di amare una SOLA donna.È un povero/ricco che non sa cosa sia il vero amore.Colleziona bambole.Donne vere ma in mano a lui diventano tristi
Divorce his wife make him too much children ❤❤❤ but not nice coz if he divorce his wife his not allowing to see there children 😢😢😢 it sad .too much money but cannot buy happiness 😢😢😢
Acho que seria bom só um pouquinho de riqueza o suficiente pra compra uma casa de três quartos e dois banheiros eu já me alegraria muitíssimo e conhecer esses palacios ..meu Deus seria tudo de bom não é ...mais é pra quem tem e pode com certeza 😢😢😢😢
Like any King of Monarchic Rule. Why not? (Like in Europe three hundred years ago). As long as Wives and Children have the same Human Rights ✨And all the citizens of his country as well 🕊️