
How Many of You Actually STILL Run Terror Rifts?? 

Misery Hates Company
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26 сен 2024




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@yodaman5017 4 месяца назад
What's the point of terror equipment? The drop rate is so low and even if you get something the stats as so low they're not worth keeping
@masterEEE 4 месяца назад
Scrap it and complete revamp. Just hop in fight 3-4 bosses in a row and if you die it ends. However many bosses you defeated you get that many chests. Quick and in and out. 13min is too long for a small chance of getting gear that will be replaced on a month.
@MjollnirMox 4 месяца назад
1. Increase drop rate of eternal gear. 2. When you scrap gear with the eternal affix you gain a special random reforge stone for eternal affixes. 3. Collect 8 eternal affix reforge stones to be able to apply a random affix on a targeted piece of gear. Doing this will provide incentive to run the rifts as you will have increased chance of drops. The reforge stones would provide a way for players to grind for stones to apply affixes on gear, while not making it too easy to have everything just handed to you.
@diablolucifer6780 4 месяца назад
Scrap terror rifts and give us more ways to get loot to level our gear up. You have to grind like crazy to get next to nothing when your gear is at 18, and it takes about five days to get one level
@caspercoven 4 месяца назад
Things are supposed to take time..
@jeeoff_ 4 месяца назад
They should let us use terror essences to not only open oblivion pillars and hellslayer bounties, but they should also be used like wisps in crafting. If you say have 5 or 7 or 10 terror essences, you can reroll the eternal piece of gear with those essences (think: pet conversion stones) and get a RNG chance at a better piece/upgraded stats.
@HesNotHuman 4 месяца назад
Yes, this was my thoughts too. use terror essences (5) to reroll gear gets you 2 chances a week
@sgoodman72 4 месяца назад
I would quit the game so fast if they ever implemented seasons, or even a seasonal server like D3 or D4 does it. And im not alone. And im in your alliance on Prime Evils
@Chasen047 4 месяца назад
I would like the idea of getting a terror gear essence or whatever rare item from them that you're able to enhance your legendaries with certain powers from the system
@unsafe_io 4 месяца назад
I only run them when I need to quickly farm normal gems.
@brizzight 4 месяца назад
Yeah, should have guaranteed drop after a certain number of runs like the Random Dungeon.
@elisandre_di 4 месяца назад
To me, this is such a waste. For as long as it takes, I have done more runs where I've gotten absolutely nothing, then runs where I actually got something... And even if I got a Lego, it was junk. They need to fix the drop rates to make it worthwhile. I don't do them unless somebody asks for help at this point, and I won't until they fix them
@91Philly 4 месяца назад
I turned 33 on the 14th. Happy Birthday!
@avarice2801 4 месяца назад
Agree with your assessment.
@luckrequired5382 4 месяца назад
Oh, I for got about this. Yeah, I meant two Eternal pieces that have the same essence perk (like skewer increase crits chance for BK) and all the other stats; CR, attributes, leg. essence, cursed properties, ancestral properties, etc.. are ignored. And then you can meld them and boost the stats by yer basic old role-playing-game's +1. They said it themselves that this was supposed to gear that stays with us, well... make it so. Also, yes, Terror Rifts flopped hard. Harder than Gussy's jokes! 😋
@allaktsa 4 месяца назад
i do,'cause of the daily gem drop rate
@Natocmdr 4 месяца назад
i ran 10 Obsidian Rift runs for 0 drops. I can do 1 Terror Rift run and get 1 drop at each tower inside. however, none of the drops are upgrades
@ChrisGore-ey1yt 4 месяца назад
I 100% gave up on Hellslayer Bounties, and as far as Terror Rifts... I have gotten to where I MIGHT run 1 or 2 a day in a 4-party solely for the normal gem drops. But for Terror Essences and/or Eternal Gear... I will get a Terror essence or 2 day a day if I were to run 2-4 rifts, but for what?... HS Bounties are a joke and the only thing those essences can be used for. As far as Eternal Gear... I'll get 1 here and there, but NEVER once was one worth a snot for me vs just keeping my legacy gear. I'm going to hang onto whatever Terror essences I do happen to get in case Blizz changes something to make them worth better than what they are at present because, at the paltry max price of 400 plat a piece, just doesn't feel worth it to sell them on the Market either vs the potential of them being better useable (fingers crossed) eventually. Oh and by Eternal Gear mentioned aboce... I meant the new gear with class specific magic. What I heard another (Mao I think) say before is that technically what Blizz is calling Eternal Gear is the legacy style lego gear that now can be 3-4 stats (3 attributes and 4 magic) rather than the class specific new gear type. I have only gotten ONE piece that is 3-4, and not a bad one either... but that's just it... ONE... and it came from open world farming, not Terror Rifts nor Hellslayer bounties.
@Ashahalasin 4 месяца назад
I was hyped for terror riftd and essence but it sucks. Did it for two weeks and have never touched it since.
@Oueax 4 месяца назад
I hate terror rifts because the game freezes for 5-6 seconds when one opens on the current map.
@vJaxz 4 месяца назад
Terror Rifts in my opinion are specially designed for Mega Whales. I have seen Mega Wales with over 9000res with 4 set of Eternal Gears, they are really strong for PvP. Those Mega Whales can really run Terrors Rifts so fast that it isn't inefficient for them. Hell, even content like Gauntlet 6 are already nothing to these Mega Whales, they have so high Secondary Stats like over 8000Armour/Penetration and extremely high damage around 40k..... Are Eternal Gears necessary for most PvE content ? I am not sure but so far many of us F2P and Low Spenders are still doing ok if we ignore Mega hard contents like Gauntlet and Terror Rifts. I have a feeling that Blizz specially design Gauntlet and Terror Rifts to keep those 10k Res Mega Whales happy, in my server there are lots of Mega Whales of over 8000res with White Furry Wings, with lots of Rank 9~10 Secondary Gems. I can tell Terror Rift is the only way to keep them interested and satisfied, because to Mega Whales even Dungeons are becoming boring for them, a team of 9k~10k Res can easily clear a dungeon in a 1 min or less and I heard it's no longer fun for them, yet Dungeons remains a big challenge for many of us, a team of Low Spenders still takes 5mins on average per dungeon... I am starting to accept Terror Rifts is the new PvE content for Mega Whales... those 10k res... not any ordinary Whales of 7000res as they still take some time to clear. I just accept the fact that Terror Rifts are specially design for Mega Whales, F2P and Low Spenders like me just stay clear of it. Lately Battle Grounds in my servers starting to appear Mega Whales with 4 piece Eternal Gears that provides them Defensive capabilitles for instance Anti-cc, then their Reforge Stopnes are totally revamp to using Offensive and Damage Stones, they are no longer using things like Barrier or Tremor.... These Mega 9k~10k res Whales are wrecking havoc in Battle Grounds with their 4-piece Eternal Gears, even those 7k res and 4000 secondary Stats Whales are finding them too strong... Where F2P and Low Spenders like me find Terror Rifts time consuming, inefficient, and unrewarding, these 9k~10k res Mega Whales are farming Terror Rifts like no tomorrow... Also we notice These 9K~10K Mega Whales are no longer dominating Open World Farming, leaving F2P and Low Spenders like me, able to grind for resources like scraps and dusts in Open World finally in peace.
@25mL 4 месяца назад
I would like to be able to enter a Terror rift at any time, but maybe limit it to 3 times a day. I often forget and end up entering when it's almost over most of the time. Also, please increase the drop rate of essences and make the so-called "eternal gear" more sought after. In its current form, I don't see much benefit for farming for PvP-related gear or open world gear that doesn't make much of a difference. The rewards just don't seem worthwhile.
@mia21281 4 месяца назад
I don't do them at all anymore. Not worth it
@claudiuvalentinminut8072 4 месяца назад
No more terror rift drop too low don't deserve the time .I sell all esence and don't do till not modified or add terror stone for can roll the affix like cursed gear. Cheers
@claudiuvalentinminut8072 4 месяца назад
Don't understand me rough the eternal gear ar super but to low drop the afix what I need and every 2 mouths some like 40-50 levels need change for combat rating my gear with afix is on 1700 cr and the drop with critical is 1800 I lose 100 cr for every eternal gear
@adamcaplan956 4 месяца назад
Terror rifts are great for getting your 12 daily gems.
@mTn-top_giver 4 месяца назад
@kelvinmajere 4 месяца назад
All true, and also when you change class all the eternal gear affixes u have collected should be available for you to use. Now only what u have equipped follow u when u class chnage, and the vast inventory other eternal gear and their affixes which may be more relevant to the builds u use for the class u r changing to can't be used/accessed. Waste of time.
@Z3nfu 4 месяца назад
It should have a pity system where every 4-5 pillars completed is guaranteed to drop a piece of gear, and 1 terror essence minimum per rift. And/or all eternal gear should be exceptional automatically. It feels bad to spend 40 minutes on 3 rifts in an evening, and end up with 1 piece of gear that doesn't even have a curse property or invocation on it, let alone 2+ magic affixes, etc. Also, let us reroll the eternal affix like cursed gear, but in this case, which skill it affects. That way, it would be more attainable to do 4 and 4, or 4, 2, 2-like sets. Have to make it a little easier. Between the weekly cap, time invested, the amt of turnover required bc of leveling, and RNG involved, it's a nearly unusable system right now in terms of building an optimized setup like u can with the other systems in place.
@masterEEE 4 месяца назад
If they add seasons I’m out and I’ve played since day 1
@Samsv1 4 месяца назад
Just leave it how it is and work on something else. It's fine.
@avarice2801 4 месяца назад
Stop naming new stuff the essence of this or that.
@JFX33 4 месяца назад
just delete it. the game is already 2hours daily minimum
@Aoupful 4 месяца назад
Yo I have a better question, Who actually plays Diablo Immortal, unless you're a complete whale/Arab prince?? lol
@shockwave6091 4 месяца назад
Don’t even do terra rift worst content in diablo
@Chasen047 4 месяца назад
I would call myself a fairly hardcore grinder and completionist but I have stopped doing these almost completely. The amount of time it takes combined with the chances for a decent drop just doesn't math out
@deko2298 4 месяца назад
Anyone knows where you drop those items with 4 magic effects? :D:D so far didn't got 1
@khai4761 4 месяца назад
So I've been playing the update since day 1 the lag is much better but during update weeks the lag comes back I'm not a fan of the crunching of stats but if its helps to have less update week hiccups then I guess, if you do all 4 spires consistently then you should get terror essences last week I did all ten and 80% made it to 4 spires and I got 9 terror essences, if you cant do all 4 spires then prolly not worth it however I still have no 4 stat eternal gear at this point I have no idea what you're supposed to do to get eternal gear got plenty of leggos with the stats for skills but no eternal gear no 4 arrow gear what are we supposed to do to get it I understand generic answers but I have done all those things and nothing the drop rate needs to be better and if you say do this to get this why people dont got it?????
@puddinManion 4 месяца назад
Since Wednesday iv had nothing no terror essence or legendarys. Not worth the crap u do lol.
@25mL 4 месяца назад
I haven't done it or touched it since launch, lol. The gear is whatever to me.
@Mdomeara1 4 месяца назад
The terrorist suck the drops.I got in are worse than normal
@BlackPriest001 4 месяца назад
@Gintello9 4 месяца назад
Should be able to salvage eternal gear and get the essence of the special stat in a stone or whatever for transfering.
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