
How on Earth did it all begin? History of the Exclusive Brethren | Cult Escape - Chapter 2 

John Spinks
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How on Earth did it all begin? To get the context of how men's cults spiral out of control, have a listen to How on Earth did it all begin?
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Thumbnail photo taken of the ruins of The Forum in Rome. JS



15 окт 2024




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@01515483932 3 года назад
You are so loved, John xxx
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
Thanks Trish, all unconditionally loved! How's that for good news :) xxx
@sue5061 3 года назад
went to Ireland quite a few years ago, loved it, went to the older pub in Dublin great guinness
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
Can't wait to go back Sue, can't beat the craic, the Guinness has a peaty taste deosn't it , unlike canned Guinness.
@NZealand 3 года назад
Can I ask how brethren kids learn about sex these days? Speaking to people who went to school with them in the 70s they had to leave the class during sex education, is it still like that now?
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
Apparently they have their own private schools now, so I don't know what they teach although I have an idea. Anyone know??
@juliefreeman2 3 года назад
Please John...give up on the Irish accent....😜 Luvsya xxx
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
Do you mean the Welsh accent Julie? 🤓🤣
@juliefreeman2 3 года назад
@@johnspinks3851 both my darling lol xxx
@juliefreeman2 3 года назад
So sad to hear you and family disintegrated by this cult. The same story with all cults...nobody needs to belong to any church....just read the bible and do your own research and the Holy Spirit will guide you. That’s just my personal feelings of course. It’s good to see you smiling my friend xxx
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
I bet God is smiling at all antics too, little tinkers, he’s probably thinking :) xxx
@juliefreeman2 3 года назад
@@johnspinks3851 Just be happy :) xxx
@juliefreeman2 3 года назад
@Julio Carrancho no one had to tell me Julio, it’s something I feel myself. When I left the JW cult I decided not to join another church. I decided to study the Bible without help from anyone else. But I did pray for Gods help to guide me in the right direction. I feel inside me that I’m on the right road to the real truth. To remind you though...this is my own personal feelings, please read my comments again
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
"Who exactly told you that the holy spirit will guide you?" Jesus, by faith.
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
"Why is it that students guided by the same holy spirit arrived at so many different interpretations? You will win $20 if you explain this situation with logic." Logically it is surely because their interpretations are all filtered?
@keithpetersen8114 3 года назад
John -- as you know, I love you and have also read your book. I have profound empathy for all those who have suffered under what have been and are horrendous misapplications of Scripture -- and even of common, human standards of decency. This has, as you so state, been a result of what has become for many years a sect -- now generally referred to as the Exclusive Brethren Christian Church. I have, myself, suffered -- perhaps in a different way -- from these circumstances in which there is much of "call evil good, and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20). I would just like to make a few comments in the way of fairness and to balance some of your original statements as to the inception of this sect. First and foremost, Mr. JN Darby didn't "start" and become the leader of a Christian movement that commenced in the early 19th century. He was instrumental, of course, in this movement; but, there were many others who were instrumental, as well. There was indeed at that time a movement in which Christians all over the world -- initially independent from each other -- were clearly and distinctly moved by the Holy Spirit to not only recognize, according to Scripture, that the confusion, the disunity and the prevalent hierarchal clerical systems in Christendom were unscriptural; but, that God had provided for the exercised Christian who recognized these realities that, in 2 Timothy 2, a Biblical principle was clearly set out of separating from what was wrong so as to be in the gain of righteousness. Over some recent six decades or more -- the gross misuse of this simple, Biblical principle (along with misuse of a great number of other Scriptures) by those in power in what became a sect as noted above has caused, and, continues to cause, much abuse and suffering to many caught up in the dark evil of the sect. However, the misuse does not alter the clear principle that literally runs throughout the Bible which is, simply, that to maintain proper (Christian) joy and righteousness in a relationship both with Divine Persons and others here who are maintaining righteousness, it is necessary to be separate from any attempts by Satan to hinder the same joy and righteousness. This is even common sense. You mention, "Where is the love [i.e., in separating]?"; but, you ignore that you and any number of others have left/separated from this sect due to the evil therein. Staying in evil condones the evil -- there is no love in that. My statements above are to this simple end: JN Darby and others are simply not in any way responsible for the great declension among "brethren" (the term "brethren", of course, has suffered a misuse as if it immediately connotes something wrong -- Matthew 23:8 shows that, "But ye, be not ye called Rabbi; for one is your instructor, and all ye are brethren -- i.e., all genuine Christians are brethren) which markedly commenced in the mid 1950's. As a matter of fact, they wrote with great concern as to the fact that such a departure could devolve into a sect. Mr. Darby's writings are distinctive and definitive as to the need for any Christian to maintain individual ties of integrity, faithfulness and affection for the Lord so as to preclude Christian failure and shipwreck. The Lord says "by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned" (Matthew 12:37). JN Darby's words, if fairly read, cannot be used to condemn him -- and he has been greatly and unfairly condemned, along with others, for many years. I"ve often thought, if any doubt his spirituality and Christian worth -- read his hymns. Much else could be said; but, this is more than long enough. It is ironic, as touched upon above, that the very Scripture that God has provided for the Christian to extricate themselves from iniquity and evil, although being followed, in practice, by many, is now being disparaged as being evil and separatist writings from a man who, himself, simply elucidated in his writings as to the place and import of the same scripture. As you can see, I feel somewhat strongly as to all the above.
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
Hi Keith, many of the 40,000 denominational leaders and their hierachy feel strongly and very protective over their doctrines which they all can see are 'right.' Although they are so divided, they think they are right simply because they are looking through the lens that only shows them what they can see. What i can see re JN Darby's teaching of 'separtion from evil, God's principle of unity,' is that he saw it through the lens of law, the law of sin and death, the eye for eye tooth for a tooth law hence it's all about separation and our attempts to self-maintain righteousness. Jesus ate with 'sinners' prostitutes, all manner of people with different behaviours and he rejected none but included them all in his love. A church that can't handle such people probably just has a form of godliness about them, they can quote scripture till the cows come home, but haven't discovered the power of love that never fails but is patient and endures forever, so they resort to eye for an eye judgements and rejection because that's their lens. Love isn't contained in words, not unconditional love anyway. Just my personal journey insights of course, we've all a lot to learn. Every best to all!
@keithpetersen8114 3 года назад
@Julio Carrancho Hi -- I'm saying neither of those things. The Lord said that "when he is come, the Spirit of truth, he shall guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13). If we all, as genuine Christians, are amenable to the guide of "the Spirit of truth", He will always guide each of us into "all" the truth. We would then all hold, declare and agree on "all" the truth. This would result in unity - which is what the Bible shows is God's desire for His people. In contrast, disunity shows that the spiritual realm of Christianity has been affected by natural suppositions, etc. which cannot fit. The Lord said that "God [is] a spirit; and they who worship him must worship [him] in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). The Bible shows that "[the] truth is in Jesus" -- He is the Word of John 1. If we vary from the truth, it is because there has been an effort to incorporate natural suppositions, reasonings, etc. into Chrisitianity. I hope this helps.
@keithpetersen8114 3 года назад
@@johnspinks3851 Hi John -- thanks for your thoughts. As you likely know, I entirely agree that the law itself cannot save; nor can any attempts to keep the law, by themselves, bring a soul into peace and joy. You may be unaware; but, JN Darby wrote an extremely brief piece on this very reality -- I ask you, on the basis of being equitable, to read it -- it is only two paragraphs long -- here is the link: www.bible-ministry.com/ecumenical-righteousness-without-grace When you read this you will recognize that JN Darby entirely understood that the "whip" of the law is not the answer to winning and securing souls -- and, I trust it will serve to help you re-evaluate what you think as to Mr. Darby's doctrinal approach to Christian righteousness. We are in total agreement as to the necessity for love in our relationships with God and man. Love and grace is foundational. The Bible distinctly says that "God is love" (1 John 4:8). That is His Nature and attitude towards men. However, there is no Scripture anywhere that says either that `God is unconditional love' nor that `God loves unconditionally'. Does God love Satan? You have come from a difficult background in which you and others were whipped with the law and purported righteousness -- and, you then found that God loved you and accepted you fully in Christ. As a result, due to the reality of God's infinite and unyielding love in your life, you have derived the thought that God is unconditional love. The result of this notion is that it inherently and immediately dispels realities as to righteousness -- which is to say, that we can engage in unrighteousness because, well, you know, God is unconditional love. But, the Bible doesn't say that. It says in Hebrews 1:9, "Thou hast loved righteousness and hast hated lawlessness". You are mixing up God's abiding love for the Christian to the result that you are throwing out the responsibilities to maintain righteousness -- which responsibilities all that JN Darby showed, in accord with Scripture, in his writings as to separation from evil. If God loves unconditionally -- how do you explain the Lake of Fire? Come now -- be honest -- give an acceptable, logical explanation. The Bible, from beginning to end, insists on righteousness. The righteousness of the redeemed soul is based on the finished work of the Cross -- "Him who knew not sin he has made sin for us, that we might become God's righteousness in him" (2 Corinthians 5:21) and then, linked to that, "For with [the] heart is believed to righteousness; and with [the] mouth confession made to salvation" (Romans 10:10). You and I agree as to that. But, God evaluates and judges everything here in righteousness. If we, even as redeemed Christians, go on in unrighteousness -- God equitably evaluates that as unrighteousness. If we are found walking in unrighteousness -- how do we adjust that to God's satisfaction? We stop doing it -- we separate from the unrighteousness. Does God say that in the Bible? Yes, He does -- read 2 Timothy 2. I hope this is all agreeable.
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
Hi Keith, i read your link but we are talking about two different applications of law. I was referring to the law mindset/lens which only sees God as an eye for eye Old Testament judge still, as opposed to the God of Unconditional Love. I see thta JND interprets his 2 timothy 2 direct from the law of sin and death lens hence separation wheras love leads only to unity. Yes, I absolutely see that God is unconditionally loving, always has been.Man's religion has turned him into a God of conditions, laws, hence the divisions and family destructions. There's no point in playing scripture ping pong, it gets nowhere. Let's just share what we can see and what's revelation will stand, what's just scripture searching will fall. The lake of fire I see is a metaphor for what will happen to the law of sin and death, the knowlegde of good and evil in the end. It is a wonderful picture showing that it will be gone for ever and ever and will never return. That's good news. Have a great weekend :)
@keithpetersen8114 3 года назад
@@johnspinks3851 Hi John -- You say that you regard the Lake of Fire as a metaphor and not a reality -- that immediately would mean that there is no final judgment for any who deny God and Christ. If that were true; then, we don't need the Cross of Christ since God somehow -- through a supposed, unconditional love -- would never enact any final judgments. The Bible tells us that Christ was "made sin" on the Cross to pay for the sins of mankind -- John Spinks says -- "Not needed -- God is a God of unconditional love -- judgment is a myth and so is the Lake of Fire for those who are unrepentant." The Bible, of course, says the exact opposite. I find it hard to read what you say, my friend.
@malcomflibbleghast8140 3 года назад
is it a by product of ex brethren inbreeding that makes them very gassy.....? :P
@johnspinks3851 3 года назад
You could have a point there Malcolm!
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