
How "Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi" Should Have Ended 

Nicholas Damiani
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Hello there! The Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi series was a mixed bag of great acting, poor visuals, and a sometimes sloppy story. Here is how the series should have ended, and how it should have started -- enjoy!
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@nchldmn 2 года назад
Be sure to subscribe for more Star Wars animations and memes!
@mrsmart6638 2 года назад
yes sir
@nickter745thebold8 2 года назад
After watching both the series and this video, I think I have an inkling of how Kenobi could have gone as a movie: The flashbacks of the prequels go on as usual, showing the dynamic between Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, as well as their time together in the Clone Wars. Then the Jedi Temple is attacked by the 501st legion during Order 66, forcing Reva, a Jedi Padawan, and her fellow Padawans to escape into hiding. After ten years, Kenobi is shown to be hiding out on Tatooine under the guise of a simple worker. When he and the other workers go on break to a tavern in Mos Eisley (did I spell that right?), Kenobi hears an imperial broadcast declaring the victory brought about for the Empire at the hands of a dark lord named Darth Vader, to which Kenobi sighs with grief. He is then forced to sneak his way out when the Inquisitors decide to show up in Mos Eisley looking for rogue Jedi. Reva is one such candidate, who’s methods are considered questionable yet effective nonetheless even to the Grand Inquisitor himself. But even he suspects that Reva is plotting something else… Later, Kenobi is on his way home when he encounters the rogue Jedi who evaded the Inquisitors and pleads for Kenobi’s aide, to which Kenobi tells the young Jedi to bury his lightsaber in the desert and renounce the Jedi Way to save himself. He’d carried his grief since his duel against Anakin on Mustafar, and that day forced him to close in on himself and sever his connection to the Force, especially after being tasked to watch over the twins of his lost brother. On Alderaan, Princess Leia is kidnapped by a daring group of rogue thieves and Marauders from the Black Sun who take her hostage and use that as leverage against Senator Bail Organa and their house. Organa claims that he would arrive there himself, but secretly contacts Kenobi and tells him about the matter. Kenobi initially refuses, insisting that he was tasked with watching over Luke instead. But this only prompts Bail to come to Tatooine and plead with Kenobi in person, to which Kenobi reluctantly refuses and accompanies Bail. On (whatever the planet was called again?) Kenobi and Organa disguise themselves and search through the city following the trail that the gang who kidnapped Leia left for Bail to follow. Obi-wan agreed to linger further back in case he needed to provide support and encounters a homeless veteran Clone Trooper from the 501st, to which he initially feels fear towards, but let’s down his guard when he sees the state the clone was in. He tells the clone that he and his kind deserved better than this before tossing him what credits he could and moving on. The clone smiles, whether from a slight recognition or just from the action of kindness he had received from the stranger in the robe. Obi-wan later encounters a con artist claiming to be a Jedi and exposes his fraudulence before demanding if there was a way into the Black Sun bandit’s hideout, to which the con artist explains another way in for him right away before immediately denouncing every bad deed he had done. Bail turns himself in to the gang, who demands that he fill their pockets in exchange for Leia’s life. Bail plays along but secretly signals Obi-wan to sneak in and grab Leia before setting off a distraction. Unfortunately, this commotion draws the attention of the Empire, who sends the Inquisitors to investigate the matter. Reva, with her tracking skills and her ability to read minds through forceful probing, senses that Obi-wan was there. She had sought to capture him herself ever since she had heard Vader proclaiming that he would stop at nothing to find him. Reva believed that if she found Obi-wan and brought him before Vader, she would gain more recognition and earn a place at his side, then her revenge could begin. But her feelings betray her thoughts to the other Inquisitors, who sneer and mock her for being the least of them, further fueling the flames within Reva’s hatred. Amidst the chaos, Obi-wan and Leia are separated from Bail, who promises that he’ll find a way to them when he could. Obi-wan and Leia are forced to find their way through the crowds until Leia sees a wanted poster of Obi-wan and suspects him to be another criminal trying to kidnap her. She immediately runs away in fear, forcing Obi-wan to chase after her while fending off the bounty hunters as best he could. He is forced to show his true colors and use the Force to save Leia when she almost falls to her death from the rooftops. This action was caught by an imperial probe, which signals the Inquisitors about Obi-wan’s location. Eager to not let this chance slip up, Reva goes to confront Obi-wan, but is stopped by the con artist from before. The con artist puts up quite the distraction, to which Reva immediately grows tired of and Force-probes his mind before picking up Obi-wan’s trail again. Obi-wan tells Leia to hide while he holds off Reva, but he’s forced to stay in his hiding spot when Reva doesn’t see him. She taunts at Obi-wan, saying that he had failed the Jedi Order, that he had disgraced their kind. She then goes on to say that Vader has been looking for him for a long time, sending chills down Obi-wan’s spine. Reva almost finds him when the Grand Inquisitor intervenes, furious that she had dared to go ahead of the others just to get one Jedi, yet he failed to see how important this was to Reva. She surprises the Grand Inquisitor to a duel, and gains the upper hand when she stabs him in one of his stomachs. She used this fight to make the scene look authentic enough to deceive the others that she was going after Obi-wan, who was responsible for the injuring of the Grand Inquisitor. They quickly carry him away and Reva smiles to herself. With the Grand Inquisitor incapacitated, she could move on to gain Vader’s further attention when she captures Obi-wan once and for all… Meanwhile Kenobi feels his dread growing after Reva had told him about Vader. Vader awakens immediately after sensing his master silently call out his name in fear. Vader’s eyes glow amber as his rage is suddenly reignited after so long…
@nickter745thebold8 2 года назад
Part 2: Obi-wan and Leia escaped aboard a transport bound for a mining planet, where Obi-wan begins to feel even more lost than before. He starts to see hallucinations of Anakin, which concerns Leia before she hails an incoming transport carrying imperial Stormtroopers who were off duty at the time. Obi-wan tells Leia how she reminds him of her mother, with her resourcefulness and her somewhat rebellious behavior. They stop at an inspection gate, where Obi-wan is forced to take out the probe droid and the troopers before more arrive, followed by an imperial officer. Obi-wan prepares to turn himself in before the officer suddenly shoots down her own men with stun blasts. She tells Obi-wan that her name was Tia and that she was an agent of the *Path* a group who secretly helped surviving Jedi escape the reach of the Empire. She offered to help Obi-wan get Leia back to Alderaan, to which he obliges her. Later on, as they’re about to head off to the hidden spaceport, Vader suddenly arrives in response to the Stormtrooper patrol going silent. He is followed by three of the Inquisitors, including Reva, who are ordered to aide the Purge Troopers in locking down the town. Vader then proceeds to march through the town, killing innocent bystanders as he went. These actions force Obi-wan to tell Tia and Leia to go without him before heading out to an area where he would confront Vader. But when Vader suddenly shows up, Obi-wan feels his dread creeping back in and realizes he wasn’t quite ready to face Vader head-on, forcing him to run immediately. This action disappoints Vader, who decides to follow him like a dark shadow, taunting Obi-wan with how he was who his master had made him. Vader shows up everywhere Obi-wan tries to run, forcing his former master into a corner near a trail of coal, which he ignites and holds Obi-wan in place with the Force before tossing him into the inferno. Vader extinguishes the flames and a group of Purge Troopers and Shock Troopers arrive to follow Vader’s orders and bring Obi-wan to him. Obi-wan had been badly burnt, with parts of his hair burned off and his robes charred, but he was undoubtedly alive. Tia arrives and snipes the troopers from a hidden distance while her companion the loading droid brings Obi-wan out of the coals. Tia takes this opportunity to fire at the coals and reignite the flames to cover Obi-wan’s escape, which Vader sees that Obi-wan had allies assisting him and lets him go, knowing that if he followed close behind, he would find Obi-wan’s hidden allies. Later, Obi-wan awakens within a bacta tank and panics, to which Tia helps to calm him down and explains to him that he had been out for a week due to the severity of his burns. Obi-wan was even more shocked to see that Leia had stayed. She told him that she chose to stay because she was worried about him and that she had no other choice. Obi-wan felt confused until Tia explained that the Empire had the entire planet on total lockdown, which meant that they couldn’t get a single ship off the surface without doing anything drastic. Obi-wan chooses to help the Path escape with their refugees as long as they promise to help Obi-wan get Leia back to her home. The con artist from before, who is revealed to be a member of the Path, proposes that they launch several transports simultaneously to confuse to Empire, with most of them being empty while one of them would have the refugees on board. They also decided to put devices on the decoy ships to deceive the Empire with false life sign signals to further prevent their capture. It was a risky decision, but one that Obi-wan believed they could pull off. Suddenly, the Empire arrives at the front door of the Base, with Reva leading their forces accompanied by Stormtroopers, Heavies, Flame Troopers, Shock Troopers, Death Troopers and Purge Troopers alike. Obi-wan told everyone to prepare the ships for departure before going to confront Reva himself. He turns himself in and is brought before Reva, who tells Obi-wan that Vader would be there soon. Obi-wan realizes that she was planning on earning Vader’s trust by capturing him in order for her to get close enough to Vader to strike him down herself. Reva’s anger flares and she tells the troopers to bring Obi-wan to her transport to await Vader’s arrival. Obi-wan secretly signals the Path to take this opportunity to escape the hangars, just when Vader arrives and pulls down one of the transports and tears it apart only to find nothing and see many more take off to the skies. He orders the fleet to attempt to intercept them and bring the people in alive. The blockade intercepted many of the transports, but due to their confusion with their captured vessels being empty, that afforded the real transport time to escape the Empire’s grasp. Obi-wan quickly follows them with Reva’s stolen shuttle, which infuriates Reva. She is forced to compose herself when Vader demands what had happened, to which Reva had had enough. As Vader turns, she realizes she’s close enough to strike at him. She positions her blade to ignite in Vader’s back, but it doesn’t turn on. She realizes that Vader was holding the lightsaber off with the Force, slowly turning to her with a look of disappointment. Reva screams out with rage and she engages against Vader, who doesn’t even bother to ignite his saber against her and uses the Force to toy with her before using her own Inquisitor saber against her. He recognized her as one of the younglings who had escaped his carnage and been indoctrinated into the Inquisitor program, to which he proclaims was an utter waste of potential before knocking Reva down and holding both halves of her lightsaber at her neck the same way he had with Dooku when he was Anakin Skywalker. The Grand Inquisitor arrives, after having fully recovered, and gloats at Reva for her failure before Vader beheads her as he had with Dooku. They are then informed of the escaped shuttle and tell the fleet to pursue them until he arrives. Later, the transport, accompanied by several repurposed T-47 snow and sand speeders, are caught up by a Star Destroyer and a battle ensues between the T-47s and the TIEs, who struggle to take down the small and nimble speeders that were repurposed for space combat. Another Star Destroyer arrives with Vader in command just as the Path managed to use their limited ion disrupters to temporarily disable the previous Star Destroyer. Vader orders for the transport to be captured intact via a tractor beam. The transport is caught by Vader’s Destroyer and brought aboard. Obi-wan arrives just in time to see the Path and Leia get captured by the Empire, and he sneaks aboard Vader’s Star Destroyer to release the prisoners and cause havoc as a distraction. Vader sense Kenobi on the ship and says that he will deal with him by himself. As the Empire tries to prevent the Path from escaping again, Vader confronts Obi-wan, who finally gathers his act together, remembers his training, and decides to finally face his fears. Obi-wan and Vader battle in a burning hangar, using their dueling techniques and the burning debris around them to battle each other. Vader seems to gain the upper hand when he brings and AT-DP down on top of Obi-wan, whose mind flashes to his time with Anakin and Ahsoka, before the events of his duel on Mustafar, and then to the twins who were born from a dead mother that they would never get to see. He saw Luke and Leia as the innocent and joyful children he always wanted them to be, and then he hears Qui-gon speak to him after so many years. Qui-gon tells Obi-wan to fight back, else Luka and Leia wouldn’t have anyone else like him to turn to, which inspires Obi-wan to fight back against Vader and turns the tide of the battle. Vader becomes surprised by his former master’s strength and conflicted until Obi-wan cuts open his helmet and reveals Anakin’s damaged face. They have an emotional moment where Vader tells Obi-wan that he wasn’t the one who killed Anakin, but Vader himself. To which Obi-wan accepts that he can’t save Anakin now and leaves the defeated *”Darth”* behind, who yells in anger and fury for being defeated by his former master for yet the second time. Obi-wan goes to aide the Path and protect Leia from the Empire as they finally seize the chance to escape. Unfortunately, Tia and the loading droid sacrifice themselves to help the transport escape the Star Destroyer and exit into hyperspace. Vader returns to Mustafar and reports to the Emperor, who questions him about why he had lost yet again and says that he was going to keep a closer eye on him from then on. Back on Alderaan, Obi-wan takes Leia back to Bail and his wife, who are more than grateful to see them both alive and well. Obi-wan then whispers to Leia that no one can know who he was and she couldn’t show that she knew either, and Leia promises to not let anyone else besides her parents know before hugging him goodbye and seeing him leave with the Path. The Path take Obi-wan back to Tatooine, where he thanks them for everything and tells them to immediately go into hiding until the time was right before saying: “…Oh, and may the Force be with you.” He heads off to the Lars’ Homestead and finally gets permission from Owen, who had some time to think and reflect, to say “hello there” to Luke for the first time. Later, he’s heading off to his hideout when he hears Qui-gon’s voice yet again, who tells him that his training had only just begun, before leading him back to his den to finally begin the training that his master never got to finish himself. And that’s my take on how it could’ve gone as a movie. If there were any mistakes that I made, please let me know. And I apologize for how much space this comment has taken up! I guess when my creative juices get going, they just don’t stop. 😅 But please, let me know what you think!
@mr.crossover6942 2 года назад
Can you make more timelines pls?
@Good_Boy_3000 2 года назад
If the writers had half the talent you put into this video, I would have loved the Obi-Wan Kenobi series.
@autisticshakespearianyo 2 года назад
"Like you *Left* his Father...?" That one had me laughing, especially when Kenobi started letting out a frustrated scream!
@hellstrom4209 2 года назад
Yay! The veteran clone got a better ending!
@kevinyo1169 2 года назад
IKR? I'm surprised no one thought of doing this in the actual show.
@fuladd 2 года назад
I'm surprised that an extremely skilled soldier couldn't find a job in a galaxy that needs bounty hunters, mercenaries or even security guards.
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
@@fuladd I am surprised our real life war veterans didn't do that too when finding a job after returning from war
@fuladd 2 года назад
@@TheWarmachine375 real life veterans are humans, not clones bred specifically for war
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
@@fuladd Yet they still suffer and are ignored
@lifevest1 2 года назад
I literally said the same thing when Reva asked what Kenobi’s excuse was for not being at the Temple. “B*tch, I just fell like 3 miles then had to hide from 50,000 dudes, give me a break!”
@carsontheknight162 2 года назад
According to some sources, he had an army big enough to conquer 3 star systems
@9and12wholepizzas 2 года назад
Not to mention he just killed grevious lol
@trevargrisham35 Год назад
@@9and12wholepizzas and he lost the high ground on top of that.
@HufflepuffBaseball42313 2 года назад
Okay but no joke Owen should have killed Reva. It would’ve been so satisfying for his character to not be antagonistic and a nice callback to episode 1
@liamphibia 2 года назад
Why didn't Owen blast Reva in the head instead?!
@fuladd 2 года назад
And a callback to the real Tales of the Jedi, where a non-Force-sensitive killed a redeemed Jedi for his past crimes.
@jayzherka4943 2 года назад
How was he a antagonist and call back to episode 1 of what?
@HufflepuffBaseball42313 2 года назад
@@jayzherka4943I meant episode 1 of this show. Owen said that he didn’t like Jedi, that he killed vermin on his farm. I know that wasn’t the truth but the line would still play. It would also be doing something for Obi Wan after telling him to stay away
@haydenfowle7576 2 года назад
At the end Owen made a reference to Ratchet and Clank Life of Pie when Ratchet thanked Quark " saving them from a problem he created"
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
2:13 Hooray, the Veteran Clone will now have a nice warm meal and the Polynesian Spa!
@theprodigalknight7156 2 года назад
I love how Owen is still gripping that bar in the end. 😂
@9and12wholepizzas 2 года назад
He's always grabbing something
@niclaswa5408 9 месяцев назад
It’s a nice bar okay
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
*FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY-* Oh, Nicholas Damiani has finally uploaded the glorious video of How It Should Have Ended for Kenobi tv show.
@jonathanyesbest4616 2 года назад
Bruh get this comment more likes haha!
@HaloPrime212 2 года назад
And now I awaken the very soul your not suppose to awaken
@RockinAllDay 2 года назад
Nice TFS reference!
@coachlombardi9657 Год назад
200th thumbs up and this show is worth waking up to thousands of years into the future.
@frozarburst6350 2 года назад
"We lost Reva!" "Oh well. Anyway, get inside." It's only been a few seconds and we already got one of the most savage lines in the whole video
@ahsokatanofanboy8292 2 года назад
Reva >you
@ampro7418 2 года назад
@@ahsokatanofanboy8292 Oh look the caveman showed up.
@anti-dreamstansunited3391 2 года назад
@@ahsokatanofanboy8292 Garbage > Reva > You
@ahsokatanofanboy8292 2 года назад
@@anti-dreamstansunited3391 reva >me >you
@Arjunawildansyah 2 года назад
Darth Maul: Kenobi… KENOBI!!!! Darth Vader: Obi-Wan… OBI-WAN!!!! This is a different Star Wars of Darth
@mdxque8393 2 года назад
Han: I’m going to marry that kid someday. Background Alien: *WTF!*
@Valken985 2 года назад
Ok now that's pretty good, but if there's 1 thing I would've liked is that when Han said "I'm gonna marry that kid one day." The alien guy should've said "YOU WHAT?!" from SpongeBob.
@sirwindwaker494 2 года назад
Ahhh...missed opportunity.
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
9:55 Oh God, that is so messed up on so many levels.
@nchldmn 2 года назад
I mean, Solo DID take place during the same time as Kenobi, so....
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
@@nchldmn Bet those guys who made SOLO are gonna cringe to death after realizing they done goofed with Unfortunate Implications big time.
@nchldmn 2 года назад
@Ryan Seger That makes it worse lol
@username2323 2 года назад
@Ryan Seger yeah but at that point Han’s a grown man in his 20s while his 10 year old future wife is walking around
@CR-vt4ii 2 года назад
Owen's roasts are the best! Not even Obi-Wan can touch him! And I'm glad that it's not only me with the camera shaking. Lol. But seriously, this was amazing Nick!
@Captain_Cheeeseballs 2 года назад
majority of this how it should've ended episode was just killing Reva, and I don't mind that
@hellstrom4209 2 года назад
Nice detail giving the Grand Inquisitor sharp teeth in the close ups. They really didn't even try with his design in the show.
@extrahighground4138 2 года назад
OMG, this is too good! 4:20 with “The Lawless” audio went perfectly. 9:50 just had me cracking up, too! I look forward to the upcoming animations!
@razorionxvii638 2 года назад
Hell yeah, the “Thank You General” I wanted, but never got
@ryanconner6364 2 года назад
Really enjoyed your HISHE of Obi-Wan Kenobi and I love how you fix some of the issues that show had especially camera shaking during action scenes. Also love ending where it shows Anakin was disappointed not having Clone Wars flashbacks but Obi-Wan letting know it will happen in Tales of the Jedi and I have feeling it will happen in Ahsoka series too. By the way, love Owen joke and I also love the addition of Han Solo at the end of him saying he is going to marry Leia one day that was really made me laugh.
@ampro7418 2 года назад
IKR the shaky camera fight scenes are annoying but still decent duel at the end.
@freemakerthings4518 2 года назад
There are multiple things that Disney should've fixed in this show that YOU sir, have proved. The ones I can find are the Inquisitors themselves, who are just lackluster, (but you made them, at least, better), and the FLEET. They should've used a FLEET. If any ship or pod is gonna do a getaway, USE THE FLEET. Also, I really like that Grogu addition in the opening. Nice touch. It's like that Grogu should be in every Star Wars show :)
@adigaw587 2 года назад
6:26 I thought Reva activated her lightsaber, spun it and killed herself with it 😂😂
@kevinyo1169 2 года назад
That would’ve been way better 🤣
@bluebetatroodonstygysmilod6759 2 года назад
"Like you roasted his father ?" That got me soooo good 🤣🐔
@Dread3781 2 года назад
Bro the first 5 seconds should've happened, Reva got stabbed by Anakin during order 66 and then gets stabbed by the same guy in episode 5. Disney just wants to piss us off
@dacianastilean-styles3895 2 года назад
The whole Grievous explanation, and how you pointed out that Reva screaming literally blew away all her chances were great, as well as the LOTR Qui-gon mix over. Great job! Really enjoyed it! Edit: I forgot about the Obi-wan in the lift/ the Lawless comparison. Great work as ever!
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
6:42 Qui-Gon Jinn who died by a lightsaber to the stomach: "Bruh."
@sirwindwaker494 2 года назад
Oh my God! That is so true! When Reva got impaled and she got up and walking just fine but when Oui-Gon got impaled, he DIED! Disney has officially ruined the consequences of being bodily harm by a lightsaber in Star Wars. In the movies, whenever someone got impaled and get stabbed or suffer of loss of limbs, it was treated as a HUGE deal. This greatly upsets me by knowing this. 😠😡
@liamphibia 2 года назад
I laughed & agree with the shakey cam part. How in the galaxy did Deborah Chow go from directing two amazing Mandalorian episodes to directing whatever the hell I'm focusing on!😵‍💫
@Good_Boy_3000 2 года назад
I watched a top and bottom comparison of Ahsoka Mask slash and Obi-Wan mask slash and legit got nauseous watching the difference.
@Marine_Animations 2 года назад
Can we just appreciate the fact that he made the snowspeeders low quality like the show 😂
@liamphibia 2 года назад
Yeah I appreciate that too! The show sorta felt cheap compared to the freaking Prequels.
@ClonedGamer001 2 года назад
I feel like on any given star destroyer there's always a few stormtroopers or low ranking officers that constantly want to make the "We have a fleet" argument but know they'll probably get punished for questioning their CO. Also at 1:39, is that the guy who stole Anakin's arm?
@autisticshakespearianyo 2 года назад
Sure looks like him, doesn't it? Nice to see the Revenge of the Clones Trilogy get some recognition from the community.
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
0:04 Clone Troopers did the right thing by taking out Reva early.
@The7thFleet 2 года назад
4:21 I love how you used the actual dialogue from the Mandalore arc
@arrowghost 2 года назад
Qui Gon's quote, obviously come from Gandalf's. XD
@Superkid33 2 года назад
@cybercorrupter2207 2 года назад
Reva: WHAT--? Grand Inquisitor: plot armor. (Stabs reva)
@DarkWarrior076 2 года назад
I laughed at that “I want an Easter egg” reference from Looney Tunes.
@thechroniclegamer4285 2 года назад
Homeless Clone = Pog Slice of Life
@Willcheetah24 2 года назад
He even fixed the grand inquisitors head!
@faridhaikal6713 7 месяцев назад
In all fairness he doesnt feel like redesign the head so he used the rebel design because its the "headcanon"
@harrisondansie9542 2 года назад
It's good to see your animations again Nicholas! Your skills continue to improve and I hope we'll all be able to see more of them soon. :)
@yuri_the_bomb1223 2 года назад
At least you got the head shape right for the Grand Inqisitor. Unlike Disney XD
@Сайтамен 2 года назад
This Owen definitely would joke about Little Orphan Ani.
@sirwindwaker494 2 года назад
Annnnd that's why Vader had his stormtroopers set Owen and Beru on fire in A New Hope. 🤣
@HongFeiBai 2 года назад
Kinda wish Obi-Wan would recruit some old clones. The chip is no longer working, right? Or he could get it removed. They won't get the jump on him since he knows what to expect.
@Сайтамен 2 года назад
Screw this series. Vader orders the entire ship to turn around for Obi-Wan, letting the rebels go, (instead of using a magnetic beam, or sending tie-fighters, or just keep firing...)... but ends up getting into his shuttle and flying after it himself , thus missing out on the rebels for no reason at all. Obi-Wan trusts Leia to some random rogue who has already seeded his transmitter... The duel with Vader is miserable. They wave their swords like baseball bats in episode 9, and the Force has generally turned into an anime - they crush rocks and make craters in the ground, but they can’t break each other’s bones in the same way ... they can withstand the blows of multi-ton boulders ... Obi-Wan, without jokes, becomes a god thanks to the power of friendship and lifts weight much more than Yoda ... at some point he hits Vader with the HILT of the sword ... cuts his back, but that doesn’t paralyse him ... and most importantly, he doesn’t finish him off for the second time, although he himself said his friend is dead... Vader does not call the cruiser to shoot down Obi-Wan's ship, but it turns out that he has a hyperdrive, which makes the whole last episode even more pointless, since he and Leia could fly to Alderaan on it all this time already at the end of episode 4 .. . Owen and Beru do not set any traps for Reva in the doors, they only shoot her one at the time, do not catch up with her on a speeder, do not evacuate on the speeder, do not call the local police, the same Jabba the Hutt (with the promise of money), and Luke is advised to run on foot into the desert, to the Tuskens... Reva with a hole in her HEART can easily fight, run and carry weights ... And finally, she, who cuts off the hands of all those who disagree, throws knives at people, kills everyone in her path, hunts the Jedi trying to kill them, tortures a 10-year-old child , suddenly cannot kill Luke, because he sees himself in him (but not in Leah) ... by the way, why? Does she know he's Vader's son? How? And Obi-Wan forgives her, although he saw what she was doing and Tala died because of her... Now the whole Empire knows that Bail Organa communicates with Obi-Wan, they are looking for him all over the galaxy, but at the same time Obi-Wan quietly flies to Alderaan to chat with Leia... Obi-Wan communicates with Luke, although Owen told him in A New Hope that he died at the same time as his father ... Qui-gon, it turns out, can appear without any meditation, but the whole series did not do this ... As a result - Obi-Wan, Owen, Beru, Bale failed their missions to protect children, and they are only alive because the Empire and Vader are even more incompetent, and Reva suddenly became kind ... and now we are waiting for a series about her ... Thank you Disney, now you've ruined every single character in the original trilogy. Star Wars is long dead, and there's no more room for nails in the coffin.
@fm_0523 2 года назад
How it should have really ended: "Please, Obi Wan, we need your help, Leia has been kidnapped. Will you rescue her?" "No, I can't abandon Luke for any reason" *Written and directed by Debora Chow*
@HasanKhan-db9zi 2 года назад
all the jokes and references, the elevator one especially made this even funnier
@darksideorseid0066 2 года назад
Thank God for Owen.
@simonfrancis9009 2 года назад
Oh my God. The joke at the end of the video. That was so good🤣 Bro this video is prime content, well done 👌🏽
@nchldmn 2 года назад
Thank you 😊
@simonfrancis9009 2 года назад
@@nchldmn honestly everything about this video was perfect 🤣👌🏽 thank you man
@edi.1399 2 года назад
This was awesome, absolutely loved it Nicholas 😂 my favorite part was definitely the HISHE reference from phantom menace CD
@nchldmn 2 года назад
Thank you!
@5o1stFilms 2 года назад
2:15 YES HELP THE CLONE VETERAN!!! This was incredibly funny!! Great work!!
@richieosborn2639 2 года назад
As much as I dislike Uncle Owen, his roasts towards the Inquisitors really got me grinning!
@Lukastar1 2 года назад
I can't tell if this was just a good parody or unironically better than the show. Also am I the only one who didn't notice the shaky camera until people pointed it out? I must have ADHD or something
@memegamer1258 2 года назад
I have not expected that you've actually teased about that there are no clone wars flashbacks, and you've used the maul joke from hishe! (I know its not the first time you've used this joke already I've watched a lot of your videos and has become a fan of yours.) Oh and that Owen's roasts are the best in this hishe episode, good job Nicholas!😄
@Superkid33 Год назад
I just came back from HISHE “how Kenobi should have ended” and not going to lie, yours is far superior!
@kevinyo1169 2 года назад
I was right not to watch this series, considering this proves how utterly lacking it was in common sense and good writing. Also, it's so good to see You-Know-Who stripped of all plot armor. "What, no Clone Wars flashbacks?" "Soon, Anakin... In a better show."
@jamezzz0035 2 года назад
Owen is the true MVP!
@frozarburst6350 2 года назад
You missed an easy opportunity to have Obi-Wan say "Maybe if your character was written better, your actress would stop getting in hot water and people would try to find something to enjoy for once...Revaaaaaaaa."
@jheryc.aguilar4636 2 года назад
The force is strong in this one, Thanks Nicholas😎
@TheWarmachine375 2 года назад
0:59 Owen, the God of Epic Roasts, has entered the Battle!
@brandonvortex995 2 года назад
now thats an insult to darth maul my friend
@sirwindwaker494 2 года назад
Obi-Wan "The Troll Master" Kenobi: "Ah, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary."
@gregmirtenns9430 2 года назад
Honestly I too was kinda disappointed that Qui-Gon only showed up at the very end.
@fuladd 2 года назад
And without even a motivational speech
@drakakaka306 2 года назад
Owen was such a giga chad in this, i love it!
@christinejorgens6577 2 года назад
Quinlan Vos: *senses everything happen through his Force Psychometry* “Come, We Must Help Master Kenobi!” Jedi Knight Rachi Sitra: *ignites her lightsaber* “Right You are, Master Vos!” T’ra Saa: “May the Force guide us in helping Master Kenobi!” Quinlan Vos: *turns to the reader* “…and I’m so disappointed that I didn’t get to reunite with Kenobi after Order 66….” K’Kruhk: *turns to Padawan Chase Piru* “Piru, Prepare the Ship! We must come to Master Kenobi’s aid, and make sure the Younglings are delivered safely to the Path” Padawan Chase Piru: *nods* “On it, Master!” Petro: *looks to Chase* “Chase, are we going to be alright?” Gungi: *growls with an unsure expression* Chase Piru: “Don’t worry, Petro. One day the Jedi Order May yet arise again!” Katooni: “I sure hope so” Zatt: *nods* “I’m in on this agreement!” Ganodi: “As am I” Byph: *nods his head*
@haydenfowle7576 2 года назад
I think Byph, Zatt and Petro would be killed by Anakin Gungi survives and Katooni went to Florrum to live among Hondos Pirate Stronghold or whats left of it
@christinejorgens6577 2 года назад
@@haydenfowle7576 You forgot Ganodi, Hayden! I wonder what became of Jinx, O-Mer, Farn Klin, Sora Bulq and Ran Deezy in canon? I’d say for Sora Bulq, at some time during the purge he touched the dark side and proceeded to use it getting the empire’s attention and recruited him into the Inquisitorius; becoming one of its brutal enforcers! Thongla Jur was probably Killed. Jinx and O-Mer would escape into hiding by going back into the wilds of Trandosha! Eekar Oki might’ve escaped for a while before being taken down by the empire’s forces. Farn Klin and Ran Deezy were either killed or likely forced into hiding! As for Rig Nema, her fate is unclear but could be on a priority list for Jedi who are yet to be captured!
@haydenfowle7576 2 года назад
@@christinejorgens6577 Rig Nema was on Kamino during Order 66 she was that Jedi on the Gurney whos lightsaber fell from it in the first Bad Batch episode
@christinejorgens6577 2 года назад
@@haydenfowle7576 I’ve heard that was a theory! however the creators and producers of the Bad Batch haven’t said anything about that. However in my own personal Headcanon, That dead Jedi was another member of Rig Nema’s species the Halaisi; At which point from my self canon, Nema became one with the force at some point during the middle reign of the Galactic Empire!
@haydenfowle7576 2 года назад
@@christinejorgens6577 i feel bad for the Jedi stationed on The Clones homeworld during Order 66
@621Chopsuey 2 года назад
Yeah, this show had so much potential and just as many poor writing choices. Thank you for bringing back your comedic spin, kind sir!
@nchldmn 2 года назад
You're welcome!
@danielemaggio6999 2 года назад
9:34 literally me for the whole series
@АндрейКиселёв-н2г 2 года назад
9:42 For this moment respect!
@yuri_the_bomb1223 2 года назад
Finally! I missed these animations.
@matthewfarmer9500 2 года назад
9:55 Worse than Leia kissing her brother
@predatorbricks1467 2 года назад
Thats better than the Kenobi Show
@sintzu8936 2 года назад
1:33 Owen needs to stop roasting everyone because he’s gonna get roasted at the end 2:09 the poor clone finally gonna relax I think it’s best to leave the kenobi show like that don’t want to have a another one anyhow u did a good work Nicholas
@Cdachille 2 года назад
8:57 no dead ass who ever wrote that didn’t made any sense, “where were you when the clones attack the temple”?
@Good_Boy_3000 2 года назад
6:28 Headshot of the millennia.
@CloneTrooper584 2 года назад
This was amazing bro, I really liked this one :D
@mdxque8393 2 года назад
Could have been just Owen roasting everyone. ;)
@sirwindwaker494 2 года назад
I would like to see that in a series. (Much better idea than a "Reva" 'series'.) Sadly a Owen series can't happened as the world isn't ready to handle for the full power of Owen's roasts.
@BrennySpain 2 года назад
I love the models you did for obi-wan and leia. So cool I think!!
@bustinsabermetrics7767 2 года назад
9:57 Chris Hansen: How about you have a set right over there!
@Chosen_one_501 2 года назад
I’m curious as to why Anakin has short hair in the tales of the Jedi trailer. Because by the time he met Ahsoka, he already had the hairstyle from clone wars season 1.
@nchldmn 2 года назад
I think they are just updating the animation -- same with Obi-Wan having a mullet.
@Chosen_one_501 2 года назад
@@nchldmn yeah, but I think with Obi wan, that’s a pre clone wars movie scene. But who knows. I’m just glad to see them again. This is a time period of Star Wars I never thought they’d return to. The early clone wars is so nostalgic for me.
@jamestrainor4293 2 года назад
Miles better than anything Disney puts out
@bobisuncanny2760 2 года назад
6:45 Qui Gon : Am I a Joke to You ? 8:33 Also an ending where she Hara-Kiri, for her mistakes, would be even better
@Hogan231 2 года назад
Thank you for taking my request.
@richardwhite8276 2 года назад
7:37 lmao this is so true 🤣
@memeboyr6177 2 года назад
This is hilarious, it just shows the absolute lack of logic and common sense that the writers have, it's ridiculous.
@hellstrom4209 4 месяца назад
As I did with BOBF, I have an idea for a rewrite of Kenobi. Plot: Obi-Wan stays on Tatooine and doesn't fight Vader. Instead, he speaks to Qui-Gon's spirit to learn how to become a force ghost. Like Yoda in TCW. Flashbacks: The series will have a variety of flashbacks of Obi-Wan's past that he will have to reflect on. His past romance with Satine and his apprenticeship with Qui-Gon as he reflects on his rivalry with Maul. Learning to let go of any hate he had for him(which will tie in with their final encounter in Rebels). His friendship with Anakin. Coping with his believed failure in training him. Will include a scene from the Utapau arc where they discuss Ahsoka leaving and foreshadowing Anakin failing Obi-Wan. Luke: Instead of Leia, Luke will be the main child focus. Show how he was compared to his father growing up. Show signs of him using the force without knowing. Have Obi-Wan interact with Luke for a bit, saying how Luke reminds him of a 'good friend' of his. Darth Vader: Even though he won't face Obi-Wan in this, he will be trying to find him and obsess over him. Wasting imperial resource to try finding him and interrogating jedi survivors to find Obi-Wan. Eventually, Palpatine makes Vader give up the search. Claiming that Obi-Wan has to be dead if they haven't heard from him in so long.
@s.w.a7609 2 года назад
Star Wars what if? Season 2 tease... I loved The show despite its flaws.
@The7thFleet 2 года назад
this is too good bruh
@nchldmn 2 года назад
Thank you :)
@haydenfowle7576 2 года назад
That Jedi should of deflect The Clones blaster fire to their knees to avoid killing Clones
@thebegleyshow3320 2 года назад
Love it and all the Ratchet and Clank references.
@nchldmn 2 года назад
Ah, a man of culture :)
@Halt938 2 года назад
Great job! Especially loved the shaky camera joke 😅
@xxcaptninjaxx4301 2 года назад
This video was hilarious and today was my birthday 🎂 XD
@Straswa 2 года назад
4:23 I love that part. Nice work Nicholas!
@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 2 года назад
Yeah, the tomb of amber thing was really fucked up and super jarring. Like, what's the point in just keeping their preserved corpses?
@memegamer1258 2 года назад
Wait is that grogu there? 0:27
@HasanKhan-db9zi 2 года назад
HISHEs usually require the characters to have a bit of prior knowledge of the circumstance, but for kenobi, it was ALL things that would just be common sense. like actually using the tie fighters...
@arcinvert 2 года назад
That ending was awesome hahaha cannot wait for tales of the jedi soon :))
@tengkudita3665 2 года назад
the first 10 seconds was hilarious 😂😂🤣🤣
@samuraijedi1669 2 года назад
Another happy ending!! Awesome content.
@starcabal2006 2 года назад
Nicholas, youve saved the show brotha
@Good_Boy_3000 2 года назад
It pains me how all of this is astronomically better written then the show.
That clone one was wholesome :D
@nchldmn Год назад
Thank you :)
@rapscallionsnipe 2 года назад
Han solo at the end 🤣🤣🤣
@helghastmajor3471 2 года назад
the voiced parts are still my favouite
@akatsuki0652 2 года назад
9:06: I understood that reference
@thomas13598 2 года назад
Really looking forward to star wars tales of the Jedi i'm hoping There is more than just 6 épisode There is so Much to Tell in Many era we know we Will see Dooku as a Jedi and Ahsoka life but There is so Much more to Tell
@anderariastamayo5003 2 года назад
Owen did what no Sith Lord could hope to accomplish: Turn Obi-wan to the Dark Side.
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