
How the bloody hell do you flirt with men? | AskReddit 

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How the bloody hell do you flirt with men? | AskReddit
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8 июн 2023




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@YourWaywardDestiny Год назад
How to flirt with men? Step 1: Make a friend Step 2: You've made a friend Step 3: Wait, I've just made another friend Step 4: Realize you're not entirely sure what flirting is to begin with Step 5: consult your new friend about this conundrum, he's a smart guy, you'll figure it out together.
@benjamincooper358 Год назад
Seriously as an autistic asexual who compliments a lot of people I’m still completely unsure of the differences of flirting and general friendly compliments on my end.
@YourWaywardDestiny Год назад
@@benjamincooper358 And as soon as you ask, it's like the a disease and not knowing spreads to them. There is no clear answer. It is a forever unanswered question...
@AdiG1 Год назад
How to flirt with men: 1: Say hello. We're simple creatures and a lot of us (not all) are quite sexually driven
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
@@benjamincooper358 Hello, are you me????
@DishyLemon Год назад
We're all discounting the fact that flirting does not imply honesty, or even intent. In that case, there's no wrong way to flirt, just don't get mad when it "fails".
@ResidentMilf Год назад
11:59 They skipped the best part of the story. After Netflix drove Blockbuster out of business, they produced a sitcom called Blockbuster that was about the last remaining (and failing) Blockbuster store. They drove their competitor out of business, then made more money off of them by making fun of them on their own service. That's fucking boss.
@ThatGuyRNA Год назад
It’s still there, I can drive there
0:06 My tip has always been: Be clear about your intentions, not metaphorically clear, LITERALLY clear. A lot of guys these days are either scared of misinterpreting a woman's kindness as advances, or are just plain too stupid to get the mind-games some girls go to, so be VERY clear in how you want to interact with them. Also, subtle yet unmistakable sultry tones added to your voice is a good way to imply your intent if you wish to only imply. Also, don't lie avout yourself to seem more attractive, most guys i've met would think that's rude.
@ACKamikaze Год назад
How to flirt with men (From an old loser's perspective) 1: Say words 2: Be of that man's preferred sexual orientation (Not your fault, it's just how he was born) 3: Come out and tell them how you are interested, because sometimes, they're just as interested and far more scared than you! 4: (Optional) Have your friends tell them for you, for those of you under 18 or are shy 20-somethings in college or in the workforce here in the USlavesOfA
@yobtch7895 Год назад
9:12. My teddy. His name was baltazar. I lost him in Germany when I was 11.
@noodlepoodlegirl Год назад
That hit my heart hard. I'm guessing a new kid is loving him now. Or adult with a story about him.
@yobtch7895 11 месяцев назад
@@noodlepoodlegirl i hope so! Best thing is, my father bought him in Germany 3 years before I was born! I still miss him. But I got a replacement.
13:02 That's the thing; it wasn't _found_ to be an icequake, it was THEORIZED to be an icequake, and the popular opinion just accepted that because it's less terrifying than not knowing. It could have been a pocket of volcanic gas escaping.
25:17 At the movie theatre, one of the closets was ABSOLUTELY STUFFED with our supply candy.
26:38 The Government has never, does not, and will never care about the people's wellbeing unless we force it to.
@Fayanora Год назад
As to solved mysteries: people keep harping on Roanoke being a mystery, but that mystery was never a mystery to begin with. "Croatoan" was the name of a neighboring island, the people who found the colony abandoned went over to Croatoan island, and found blue eyed babies mixed in with the locals. Obviously the colony failed, the survivors went to join the natives on another island, and they had babies with the natives at some point. There was so much time between the colony's founding and the discovery of the failed colony that -- especially back then -- the few survivors left had already lived their lives and died by the time anyone came to check on them. The only mystery is why people keep thinking it's a mystery.
@impishrebel5969 11 месяцев назад
They were only there ten years before the next ship came, not EVERYONE would have died.
6:32 Forcing yourself to do something social.
8:20 "Many things; Depression, Ptsd, the inherent injustices in the world, rude people like you.."
@humbleebumblee Год назад
On the driver's pulling out peeve, for me it's when drivers decide to pull out in front of me... with no traffic behind me like wtf? Do they think the road will disappear if I drive past them?
@AeronHale Год назад
My standard responses to "What is your problem?" Are: "Do you want a list?" Actually listing some of my problems "I have multitudes of mostly unsolvable problems." "All my hopes and dreams are dead & I'm forced to live in this society without my consent."
28:47 The Somersloop, a.k.a. that one cool S we all drew in elementary school. Really though, those guys would explain away or censor a TABLET WITH ENGLISH TEXT SCRAWLED ON IT; I know because they explained away not one but TWO seperate images of a full-on _Spoon_ found on the surface of mars. Ain't no way in HELL that form shows up naturally without a sentient species carving it to drink watery food better.
@ItsYaBoiV Год назад
I'm old as hell and have never successfully flirted with anyone. Somehow I still keep stumbling into crappy relationships though.
@omgtatercat Год назад
I'm sorry man, best luck to ya. :(
@Strawberrytarty Год назад
I somehow do but im ALWAYS just heckin being nice and talkative. Thats all it takes sometimes. And if ur actually interested and they seem to want to talk, ask for their number or "whatever youre comfortable giving giving out". Just saying "hi there" has gotten me into shit
@noodlepoodlegirl Год назад
Long as you truly love you, a relationship with someone else is just extra. And usually as soon as you get comfy with being with you, truly happy, a someone comes along. Life is crazy. I'm waiting on my someone too.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
3:12 - Probs made it more memorable, if anything.
7:28 Stress eating in a desperate attempt to feel better after trauma and the ensuing depression
@Luna-Taxers Год назад
9:12 My custom lego made dragon, I miss my dragon
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
3:55 - And there are so many people who will jump out at anyone "how do you know the kids don't like it??"
@AdiG1 Год назад
"What's a company secret you can share now that you don't work there?" Sainsbury's day shift don't date-rotate chilled stock. That's left to the night shift and it slows them the fuck down because they have to fix day shift's negligence
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
11:00 - One offer was made, but it was declined. It seems like too much money was needed & they were unsure of putting in that much.
@gh0stz404alt Год назад
4:45 i literally paused taking to an ai to watch this tehe 😶
@horseplinko2992 9 месяцев назад
7:27 Falling on my tailbone and not telling anyone. I've been dealing with severe chronic pain in my back for about 7-8 years now... even worse, I'm 19, so I'll be dealing with this for the rest of my life
@denverarnold6210 Год назад
16:59 no, that dress thing was real. Me and my roommate literally looked at the same picture, at the same time, on the same monitor, from similar angles, and saw different colors from each other.
@HajimeHitoshiHideo Год назад
The image is edited tho, the dress is blue and black, but there's an edited version with a lot more exposure (like the brightness) where the yellowish light makes the black look somewhat gold and the blue becomes more light which may look a bit like white (you can find both versions if you search a bit)
@denverarnold6210 Год назад
@@HajimeHitoshiHideo and that contradicts me how?
@HajimeHitoshiHideo Год назад
@@denverarnold6210 wasn't contradicting you, just confirming thoug, you may seen it different the original is black and blue and that there's a modified versión
@denverarnold6210 Год назад
@@HajimeHitoshiHideo literally doesn't matter. Reread what I said. I was as specific as possible.
@HajimeHitoshiHideo Год назад
@@denverarnold6210 i was just saying, wans't saying that you were wrong or smth
@kikicogger2284 11 месяцев назад
7:14 Overusing antibiotics usually refers to people taking antibiotics for illnesses that will not be helped by antibiotics. For example, a person with a cold will not benefit or get better quicker by taking antibiotics. However, MANY people coerce or lie to their primary care provider to give them antibiotics regardless. This is REALLY bad, both for the person (as gut microbes are killed with antibiotics) and for humankind as it increases antibiotic resistance.
@stephaniequernemoen6581 Год назад
Cool looking rocks work for women too. I still have all the cool rocks I’ve been given saved in my keeps sake cupboard. They are on display for the world (at least the ones allowed in my home) to see.
@omgtatercat Год назад
That's because they're cool! Hell, my roommate sometimes comes home to show me some cool rocks she found and we're both over 30.
@MidniteSpectre Год назад
I like giving cool rocks to my husband.
@Fayanora Год назад
I think it would be cool if we could explore tight caves using some kind of little robot with a camera. Something with legs.
@noodlepoodlegirl Год назад
Brilliant. Then people wouldn't get themselves into situations.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
6:00 - Reading. Watching tiktoks. Procrastinating. PUtting off going someplace.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
16:55 - It was lighting. Lighting can make colors look different. Look at a painted room with the sun shining on parts and in shadow in others & you'll see different colors
10:08 "And also with you"
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
6:40 - I mean, it's natural sugar tho. There's a difference between drinking that & just adding sugar to water.
5:58 My parents do this, I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME understand it.
13:20 Untill we run out of gold and are forced to use solar-powered Particle Accelerators to make more for our high-speed wiring.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
4:30 - i have funnko pops for my top 5 characters in OW (Mercy, Mei, Junkrat, Dva & Sym) but that's all. I collect them because I like the characters & the game, not just to collect them.
@edsweet2858 Год назад
Some bacteria are becoming resistant/ immune to common antibiotics like penicillin and it’s making it harder to treat things because while there are a ton of antibiotics most doctors normally go straight to penicillin so while we could fight it by doing something like rotating the antibiotics used to make sure the resistance ones die out then switching it out again we aren’t doing that and instead are overusing the basic ones, this is also why if you are taking antibiotics you need to take ALL of them even after the symptoms are gone or some of the bacteria will live on and grow resistant
@reckless6015 Год назад
y is this performing badly yo
@Laoutlawer Год назад
Because it released 20 mins ago💀
@gh0stz404alt Год назад
@@Laoutlawer usually there’s like 20 ppl trying to claim first within the first two minutes tho
@reckless6015 Год назад
@@Laoutlawer only 140 views in an hour tho thats crazy for emkay
@reckless6015 Год назад
well like 600 now
@SunnLikesStuff Год назад
Yo, I don't know
20:52 Any chemical stronger than caffeine. They'll JUST screw you over.
@omgtatercat Год назад
What would I look for in the box of all the stuff I lost? My old Pokemon cards and other TCGs. I miss them so much, but they all got lost in a sudden move like 7 years ago. :( God... My roommate is addicted to TikTok... She has it going pretty much all day long, sometimes while having RU-vid going as well. And we're both over 30. I watch some TikTok after I take a shower while I'm just sitting in a towel and drying off. Then I get dressed and don't open it again.
@Fayanora Год назад
About the overuse of antibiotics: antibiotics are supposed to be used against bacterial infections, but there's millions of morons who get them prescribed for viral infections. They do nothing against viral infections. Also, when you get them prescribed for actual bacterial infections, you need to keep taking them until all the pills have been used, even if you start feeling better before they're all gone, or else you're just going to get sick again, this time with antibiotic-resistant strains. Though the worse thing is the gross misuse of antibiotics in the meat industry, feeding tons of antibiotics to cows and pigs to make them bulk up faster. If it was just used to treat bacterial infections they were having, that would be okay. But that's not what they're doing.
@guess_who_21 Год назад
5:43, As much as I respect not doing a speakerphone conversation, all of y'all would have no problem if that second person in the conversation was there in person
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
34:15 - The difference is a dog is much easier to feed for. You put dry food in a bowl. That's it. Can't really do the same for kids. Plus, you can leave the food out. Can't do thatwith kids.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
5:10 - Same goes for elevators & anything, really. IF people are getting on & off, you let those get off first.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
19:00 - I babysit for 2 kids. they listen to their games at like 30. I listen at 1/2...
3:42 Going Places. My room is just fine, thank you.
14:32 Video Games. Pokemon Heartgold may well have saved my life.
@SplitGaming2542 Год назад
how to flirt with men (bisexual dude's guide to men) 1: meet 2: double checks he like your gender 3: show him your yu-gi-oh card collection 4: watch plastic memories together 5: cry 6: you are now couple
@ElectricLimeade 11 месяцев назад
I was at peace, content and happy... and then you reminded me of Plastic Memories. Cheers 🥹
@SplitGaming2542 11 месяцев назад
@@ElectricLimeade heh heh heh, fuk u, i make you sad now
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
17:10 - It was covid, an excuse to get outside.... and touch grass.
@nabra97 11 месяцев назад
2:35 - I think so? I mean, perhaps there are specific rules in countries where religious marriages are equal to legal marriages, but I guess in general in Western countries you legally just need to-be-spouses' consent and legal registration; you can do whatever you want with your ceremony as long as it's legal and isn't dangerous.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
3:00 - I don't understand why he blamedthe best man & not the bride as well. They both cheated.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
18:05 - At my county fair, they had Jelly Roll tickets for ike 200. AT A FAIR.
32:38 Overworking
@rockgirl6786 11 месяцев назад
24:37 Still healing from the things that caused me to say that. But still fantasizing about having powers because it's fun
@soupsnorter6990 Год назад
4:31 I occasionally buy funko pops of characters I like for example a wallE funko and the vacuum robot from the movie or a blue glutter winnie the pooh from a make a wish edition that I kept in the box just to make it seem like I own something special that no one can get anymore
@evanstevens7918 Год назад
To awnser the question in the title we usually just run away
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
30:40 - And businesses cut staff because of covid...
29:41 Snow Days.
@CentralScotlandBusesYT Год назад
@SunnLikesStuff Год назад
19:25 because I nap a lot, and I naturally do.
27:36 Sitting on a park bench without paying the meter.
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
17:40 - This was true even like 7ish years ago. Sure, people had cell phones but they still weren't quite as common. I didn't have one. It might have been because I kept loosing mine, but still.
@RabblesTheBinx 10 месяцев назад
7 years ago was 2016. Obamaphones were already a thing and full-touchscreen smartphones had been the norm for at least 3-4 years. Even _I_ had a smartphone. Cell phones, in general, have been ubiquitous since the early 2000s.
@Yuruble 10 месяцев назад
​@@RabblesTheBinx Ah, I wasn't aware that I had a conjoined twin. I mean, how else would you be trying to prove my personal experiences wrong?
@RabblesTheBinx 10 месяцев назад
@@Yuruble because your "personal experience" is contrary to statistical data and is a pretty perfect example of why personal anecdotes are not considered valid data points.
@Yuruble 10 месяцев назад
@@RabblesTheBinxIt's not that deep dude. It's just an anecdote I had. And even then , there were still plenty of people who did not have a cellphone.
@NavyNorthStar18 Год назад
Don’t be shaming funko pops. Most people collect them because they bring us happiness.
@JeremyPorcelain 11 месяцев назад
15:11 cry
@Fayanora Год назад
Flirting with men is so easy, you can do it by accident. Just give them any kind of positive attention, and most of them will assume you're flirting whether you are or not.
12:55 What shape the earth is, APPARENTLY.
@SilverSaiyanAce Год назад
Does it count if what I lost isn't mine but something that was a public thing that was gotten rid of like a specific park restaurant or even something like a RU-vid video being deleted because it's something like that
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
17:20 - I thought the birds & australia thing was just a funny ha ha thing, like not something people actually believed...
@TechKnowCat Год назад
you know I never told anyone my eye color changed with my mood, but others told me that LOL turns out if you have hazel eyes in some lighting your eyes look brown and sometimes they look green nothing to do with mood LOL I did spend hours as a kid looking in the mirror trying to see them change LOL i did see them turn black once, because i had the flu and was about to pass out LOL
@j.d.4241 Год назад
They have mistaken you with the Twilight vampires?
9:11 My Happiness.
@selchert Год назад
Miss blockbuster? Hit up your local library.. they free have movies
@the_stray_cat Год назад
1:35 thats about 3.3 pizzas a week. not to bad hehe. also for the 100 bucks in gass a month thats damned amazing! that is far from"not to bad" 100 bucks that can go to anything else. food or rent or heck depending on how well of he can just put that to savings.
@theadhdgoblin 11 месяцев назад
The way you flirt with men is just say hey I like you then boom
@purple-47 Год назад
you give them food.
34:36 A former soviet union citizen once compared it with the u.s., saying; "We all knew it was propaganda, and it was everywhere. But in the USSR, No one Actually Believed It, that's not the case in america" or something along those lines. So I'm gonna say nationalist propaganda
@the_stray_cat Год назад
21:41 it is really fecking sick. like the orgin of them is so sweet and kind of sad .tldr woman who despretly wanted a kid but kept having a miscarage had a party cuse she finaly held one till it was mature enugh to find the gender. then it got in the news and bitches could not help but make it about them .
@ImpossibleEvan Год назад
To flirt with men just adk them out, we are simple folk.
@SplitGaming2542 Год назад
14:33 imma be honest, valorant and cod, while rage inducing like all hell, are quite good at making want to yeet children rather than yeet myself
@vannlogs Год назад
ayo where is everyone
24:02 But I am tho.
@the_stray_cat Год назад
20:35 i know of a pyramid head girl that knows that one lol
@AsianSignGuyCena 8 месяцев назад
For tthe Cash For Life $1000 a week for life, you also have the option to take the lump sum which is about from what I heard aboug 600-700K
@Robo2k_ Год назад
12:18 that’s toy story 2 obviously
@rroes7319 Год назад
I think the shining book is a lot more interesting.
@philosopherkingzant2037 Год назад
Give me the box with everything I ever lost I just want the 1st edition Charizard
@secretly-a-kobold Год назад
For the movie quote one: My name is Anigo Montoya, you killed my father, NOW PREPARE TO DIE!
@andiharper546 Год назад
Thank you, I hate "The Shining". It is BORING!!
@betheguy_posts 11 месяцев назад
"Why did you have to describe it as a 'meat shmear'?" *r/meatcrayon hs entered the chat*
@Idoexist._. Год назад
Where is all comments
@gh0stz404alt Год назад
i dunno
@werdnas1 Год назад
the video was posted not too long ago, that is why.
@gh0stz404alt Год назад
@@werdnas1 usually people try to say “first”
@YourWaywardDestiny Год назад
They'll be along shortly.
@orchidoxs126 Год назад
​@@werdnas1 You comment was posted 3 hours ago.... And there are still barely any comments.
@xyphn3802 Год назад
you can't
@Yuruble 11 месяцев назад
21:40 - The only gender reveals that matter are later on in life.
@orchidoxs126 Год назад
Yo this comment section seems so dead.
@wtry69 Год назад
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