
How The World Celebrates Lunar New Year 

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Billions of people around the world are ringing in the Lunar New Year. 2022 is set to be the 'Year of the Tiger'.
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How The World Celebrates Lunar New Year



21 окт 2024




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@rickyyee4310 Год назад
Happy Chinese New Year!
@enchengli9136 Год назад
Happy Chinese New Year
@louisethoong5665 2 года назад
Happy Chinese Luner New Year
@刘辉-n5t Год назад
of course.english is english.
@gisellacao4797 8 месяцев назад
Chinese people have been celebrating the Spring Festival for more than 4,000 years. The time of the Spring Festival is calculated by the Nanjing Zijin Observatory according to the Chinese calendar and the phases of the moon in central china, and is called Chinese New Year. If the Chinese New Year is celebrated in other countries on the same day as the Chinese New Year, then it is rightly called Chinese New Year, but if it is not celebrated on the same day as the Chinese New Year, then please follow your own country's calendar to calculate your own New Year‘s time. All in all, please respect traditional Chinese culture, not as simple as changing the name of a holiday.
@אהבתחינם-ס5ת 2 года назад
Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!!!
@angelica-40 6 месяцев назад
I love Lunar New Year, it’s the main historical event of China’s culture. And my friends were going to start the show at school two months ago this Chinese New Year 🧧.
@Noelleiscute 2 года назад
In Indonesia, we call the Lion costumes as "barongsai" i don't know what the English word for it is so I'll just say what I want to say Barongsais scares me as a kid
@EstelleXu Год назад
this is Happy Chinese New Year.
@fraglee2358 8 месяцев назад
❤Great Chinese New Year
@nat0106951 Год назад
xin nian kuai le. 2023!
@zhengyanowen6984 8 месяцев назад
Happy Chinese New Year🎉
@19tet 2 месяца назад
ou ou ai im a lil butter flai
@harrybieber5750 Год назад
How to change battery in 2015 Toyota camra
@純白鎮小智 Год назад
@J L 睇多d書,識多d中國文化,唔係鬼佬俾你食就要食,lunar一向指陰曆,同農曆唔同。雖然英文叫農曆為lunar,但理解上係錯誤,就唔應該去承認。官方?我理q佢官方,我信我係中國人,而其他國家係中國古代附屬國,佢地當然覺得過中國新年會奇怪,我理解,但我地由細到大指既新年都係農曆新年,大可叫新年快樂,不是農曆新年快樂,根本就係多此一舉。所以叫 Chinese new year 係為左分別新曆,傳統上大家都是過新年,但lunar new year就免了,無知才會跟風。
@Zacky51188 9 месяцев назад
This word salad is not necessary either
@jeremysyu7276 2 года назад
meanwhile, in China we criticize those who celebrate Christmas lol
@GetLostGames1 2 года назад
I should have read the comments before i left my own. Hahaha. Nice!
@absiyehassan36 2 года назад
Both are fake
@atulyabharadwaj2279 2 года назад
Simply isn't true
@northkiufung8927 2 года назад
@jeremysyu7276 2 года назад
@@absiyehassan36 I’m Chinese. How I don’t know?
@cariocadom683 2 года назад
拜登将中国新年说成“Lunar New Year(月亮新年)”,除了偏见、居心叵测,还有他十足的无知!中国的农历,又称为“黄历”“黄帝历”,相传是黄帝命人所作,属于复杂的阴阳历,内容包括: (1)太阳历(Solar Calendar),如二十四节气,将四季更迭的周期(回归年)定为年; (2)月亮历(Lunar Calendar),如初一、初二......十五......二十九、三十等,把月亮盈亏变化的周期(朔望月)定为月; (3)岁星纪年法(Jupiter Calendar)、干支纪年,如六十年轮回、六十甲子、十二属等,干支纪法以立春为岁首,用60组各不相同的天干地支标记年月日时。 因此,按黄历推算的新年,与太阳、月亮、木星均有关系,绝不是什么简单的“月亮新年(Lunar New Year)”。 不能称“月亮新年(Lunar New Year)”,还有一重要的原因:中国古人称月亮为“太阴”,指阴气极盛的地方。月亮至阴至寒,冻结天地,象征愁思、逝去、死去、万籁俱寂、阴间。如冷月、月高风黑、月坠花折等,唐·杜甫《滟滪》诗:“灧澦既没孤根深,西来水多愁太阴。”《云笈七签》:“将父母遗体,埋于太阴,骨腐于蝼蚁,岂不痛哉!”宋·范成大《丰都观》诗:“云有北阴神帝庭,太阴黑簿囚鬼灵。” 此外,甲骨文、金文“月”与“肉”同形,专指妇女之事,如月事、月经、月子等。 《道德经》:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。”“一”是阳,“二”是阴,太阴是太阳生的。正如太阳系,太阳系中的所有行星都是太阳生的,都属于太阳。因此,以“月亮年(Lunar Year)”标志一年的开端(Lunar New Year),极不妥当,极不吉利,是相学中的大忌! 如果谁喜欢“Lunar New Year”,祝他“月亮新年快乐”,相当于祝他尽早进入万籁俱寂的极乐世界! 中国人过年,最早可以追溯到夏朝(公元前2070年--前1600年)。甲骨文“年”字,上部是“禾”,下部是“刀”,是秋收的意思。《说文解字》:“年,谷熟也。”谷物收割、收藏,是一年的结束。因此,夏朝以“冬至”当作岁首,“冬至”为太阳历节气。汉朝开始改年为正月初一,称之为元日、岁日、元正,后来又称为新年,民国年间才有了“春节”的称呼。“过年”的这些称呼,对周边的汉文化圈都有影响,在日本、朝韩、越南等古书中均能查到。现在老美鼓噪一帮愤青,硬要颠倒历史,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。 中国人的“过年”,翻译成英文,根本没有对等的词汇,称“Chinese New Year”属于解释性的译法,在世界上早已众所周知,英文中也没有不好的含义。有人说“Lunar New Year”表示“农历新年”或“阴历新年”,这是掩耳盗铃、糊弄不懂英文的人。lunar意思是“of or relating to or associated with the moon”,是“属于或关于或与月球有关的”,“Lunar New Year”传达的是“月亮的新年”的含义。退一万步讲,即便将“农历新年”或“阴历新年”翻译成“Lunar Calendar New Year”,距离中国人的“过年”也差十万八千里!
@tampo_6509 2 года назад
@张万春-c6t Год назад
别那么偏激,他们不懂是我们没有传播好的缘故 用Chunjie吧, 比较exclusive一点
@taoyao4834 Год назад
@yukie725 Год назад
My ethnicity is Chinese ‘华人’ but not citizen from China'中国人’--which also translate as Chinese. I celebrate CHINESE NEW YEAR bcoz of my ethnicity. If this festival be rename to others, Then, I should name the language I'm using now as 'Globalish'instead of English.
@张万春-c6t Год назад
It is Chinese New Year. Lunar New Year is wrong because this new year isn't base on lunar calendar. If you want to be exclusive then you can use Chunjie which mean Spring Festival
@JL-oi8di Год назад
Never heard of Chinese New Year, even government documents said Lunar new year
@张万春-c6t Год назад
@@JL-oi8di In China, no one would say it Chinese New Year because it is the standard new year. We would just call it the new year. And yeah, the government used the term Lunar New Year before, but now they stared to use the term Chinese New Year when mention it to someone who is not from China.
@JL-oi8di Год назад
@@张万春-c6t which part of China are you in? The culture In the North and south is so different, you can’t represent China
@JL-oi8di Год назад
@@张万春-c6t China is such a diverse country, the rituals in different parts are so different. For a Cantonese, the North is almost another country to me
@拜登-s8d Год назад
Happy China's new gear
@sijiaz8667 8 месяцев назад
Happy Chinese new year
@weiwang5477 8 месяцев назад
Please make sure you are using the right term to Chinese New year as using “lunar new year” this term will cause serious cultural appropriation issues! Firstly Chinese New Year is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar, which is based on a combination between Chinese solar calendar and lunar calendar! Therefore this is not appropriate to be called Lunar new year as it’s based on Lunisolar Chinese calendar rather than only lunar calendar please! So other Asian countries have been influenced by China to celebrate Chinese New Year! It doesn’t mean the term needs to change! Similar to Christmas, there are non-Christian also celebrate it nowadays and should the term also need to be altered based on this logic! Surely it’s not! So it’s more appropriate to be called Chinese New Year!
@Zack-d709 8 месяцев назад
@xuefang3474 Год назад
Happy Chinese new year, not lunar new year. Thank you
@questionc9312 9 месяцев назад
Its Vietnamese new year. China steal it from Yue people
@matkilau1320 Год назад
Only got family member die one month before chinese new year call as lunar new year, condolences to family who let their love ones.
@Lucky-qd6nh Год назад
Happy Chinese New Year!!!!FYI Lunar New Year should be called as Chinese New Year because it's based on the Chinese calendar. CNY always happens in winter. Technically, Lunar New Year is the wrong term to say because the real Lunar New Year actually happens in summer. For those of you who say Chinese New Year is not inclusive and Lunar New Year is better, you really should respect culture origin. I assume British wouldn't want people to call English as "International language" and Koreans wouldn't want people to call Kpop as "Asian Pop", right?
@JL-oi8di Год назад
Always say lunar new year
@Lucky-qd6nh Год назад
@@JL-oi8di It has always been Chinese New Year. This will never change.
@cocafanta7940 Год назад
Okay fine then. We will say Chinese New Year, and say Wuhan Virus instead of Corona Virus from now on. Happy now?
@Mitnorth Год назад
Another ignorant arrogant chinese....
@Mitnorth Год назад
@Coca Fanta it is Wuhan virus. Also Trump called it the China virus
@krzysztofj2059 11 месяцев назад
Cale węze idą a tak po szt ... płynie ?
@蔡雁之 Год назад
棒子,记住这是Chinese New Year
@ayehbta Год назад
Its Vietnamese new year. China steal it from Yue people
@sigma3202 8 месяцев назад
以后它们再叫神马luna new year,就叫它们的Christmas为December 25 day
@NgTsongUat 8 месяцев назад
in fact it should be “chunjie”
@annmajerus5257 Год назад
Learn how to enjoy your Jensen stereo
@张万春-c6t Год назад
It is Chinese New Year. Lunar New Year is wrong because this new year isn't base on lunar calendar. If you want to be exclusive then you can use Chunjie which mean Spring Festival
@JL-oi8di Год назад
As a Cantonese never heard of Chinese New Year, which place are you from
@张万春-c6t Год назад
@@JL-oi8di lol, in China people just say it is new year or Chunjie. And so do all the Cantonese I know. I don’t how many Cantonese you are representing
@keikei3301 Год назад
NO. You are wrong. It’s actually called LUNAR new year to all other Asian ethnicities that celebrate it. Only the Chinese call it Chinese New Year. And you are wrong again. It IS celebrated and marked by the MOON CYCLE. Hence the name, *LUNAR* new year. That’s why it falls differently every calendar year, duh! ***Btw LUNAR new year falls on the second new moon after winter solstice*** That’s why some years it’s celebrated toward the end of January and other years it’s celebrated toward the beginning of February. Next time, get your facts straight and come correct or STFU!
@JL-oi8di Год назад
@@张万春-c6t you don’t represent Cantonese, I have never heard of a Chinese called the new year “ Chinese New Year”. Usually called it “old calendar year” or “ Lunar new year”. Chinese never add “ Chinese” to new year. It is changing because communist China pushed the propaganda
@JL-oi8di Год назад
The name “Spring festival “ is rather new, you can google. Now usually said by northern China
@andrewwernert8766 2 года назад
So is this 2 day feb 2?
@张万春-c6t Год назад
It changes every year because it is based on the lunar solar calendar.
@cloudymccloud6254 2 года назад
Really?! We aren’t allowed to call it Chinese New Year anymore? Keep on honking planet 🌎
@limjonavan 2 года назад
It has always been the lunar new year as it is the first day of the Lunar calendar.
@cloudymccloud6254 2 года назад
@@limjonavan Well I know that! I’m taking issue with not using the term Chinese New Year in case it’s “offensive”
@cloudymccloud6254 2 года назад
@Pirouz • 핈 “we still can”… yeah, for now
@nopperabosfathersasshole4944 2 года назад
@@limjonavan no, it’s lunisolar calendar
@nopperabosfathersasshole4944 2 года назад
@@cloudymccloud6254 ikr why is it offensive when the founder of the calendar is Chinese…
@m1616877 8 месяцев назад
@matsuyamarockers 2 года назад
They don’t
@jennyho473 8 месяцев назад
My birthday is on chinese new year
@KeanuReeves4-x4z 3 месяца назад
Hello 👋 😍hope you are fine ?
@levmoses742 8 месяцев назад
@passingthru-hj9zn 8 месяцев назад
Laughing at all the butthurt Chinese in the comments. 😂
@Ethan-ol6np 9 месяцев назад
설날, 크리스마스, 유럽문명, 중국문명은 모두 한국에서 유래됐다.Lunar New Year, Christmas, European civilization, and Chinese civilization all originated in Korea.
@ruoshui5366 8 месяцев назад
What does it mean? What does it mean originated in Korea?
@Alex-m3j3e 8 месяцев назад
The New Year is the origin of China. In the Ming Dynasty, South Korea belonged to China.
@Shawnroy155 8 месяцев назад
ok I get it😂
@hoojohn7811 8 месяцев назад
🤣🤣bro is killing it
@jxiaozhuo 8 месяцев назад
Jesus is definitely a Korean
@AnzelikaPerkone 8 месяцев назад
С НОВЫМ Годом!!!!❤❤❤
@nickylyn8654 2 года назад
You can say a happy lunar new year to anyone but do not say it to Chinese people, the Chinese don't recognize it, thank you, and also lunar represents the moon, it's a part of the Chinese calendar, not equal to the whole Chinese calendar, which the one people so-called lunar calendar. That means the holiday based on the lunar calendar is not a Chinese new year based on the Chinese calendar.
@ruihou3369 2 года назад
whats u talking about bro, lunar new year is from China. 2/1 is the spring festival. I’m original Chinese
@nickylyn8654 2 года назад
@@ruihou3369 If you are from China, then you will know Chinese New Year is based on the Chinese calendar, and the Chinese calendar consists of the lunar calendar and solar calendar, if only mention about lunar, cannot represent Chinese New Year. Chinese citizens don’t recognize it as an official worldwide saying that is the truth. Please learn more about the Chinese calendar then speak, thank you. The correct way is Chinese New Year or Chinese lunar new year( 50% right), or Chinese lunisolar new year. This is the consensus.
@liaoxie8008 2 года назад
Lunar New Year is the beginning of a calendar year whose months are Moon cycles, based on the lunar calendar or lunisolar calendar. It is particularly celebrated in countries within East and Southeast Asia (ESEA), being influenced by the historical Chinese lunisolar calendar.[1][2][3] It is also a feature of the Hinduism-Buddhist calendars of South Asia, as well as the Islamic and Jewish calendars.
@liaoxie8008 2 года назад
@@nickylyn8654 As our affiliate, it is normal for your country to use the lunar calendar .Just like Americans also speak English, but they can't give English random names.
@ruihou3369 2 года назад
@@nickylyn8654 U make me laugh. idont know who give u courage to arguing with the people are born in China. Spring festival is follow lunar calendar. Chinese New Year in solar calendar is following lunar calendar, that why Chinese New Year on lunar calendar always different . this year 1/1 on lunar is 2/1 on solar. You should going out to see the real world
@ninjaskullhunter1265 2 года назад
Nice lol
@worldwide_cruising 2 года назад
*PHENOMENAL to see that, I love these celebration parties!* 😈🥰👍
@純白鎮小智 2 года назад
every year 24/12 is christmas. it should be santa day , cause i don’t believe christ, it should call santa day ,because i also celebrated. So, lunar new year is right, because i celebrated too,it is not chinese new year . btw i m korean .
@liaoxie8008 2 года назад
This is a real Korean answers
@louisethoong5665 2 года назад
If you hate China so much, don't celebrate Chinese Luner New Year.
@nopperabosfathersasshole4944 2 года назад
Same, I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in either Christ or santa because santa is a saint. It should be called jingle bells day
@Ian-ih2bb Год назад
yeah, keep stealing, next step is to change lunar new year to korean new year . right?
@JL-oi8di Год назад
I am a Cantonese, it is lunar new year, calling a Chinese New Year is China’s propaganda
@fakereality96 2 года назад
Two words: Taco Bell.
@Viceeditz 3 месяца назад
Crazy furries
@jbtfilmsabtfilms9308 Год назад
@PureEx 2 года назад
@sucmydikbith2700 2 года назад
আমি তো জানি না তবে, এই কাজের কথা না বললেই তো আর কম, আর আমি এই ব্যাপারে কোন সন্দেহ আছে, তার জন্য একটা ভালো লেখা, কিন্তু আমার কাছে, আমার মনে আছে আমার কাছে, আর আমি এই বিষয়ে একটা কথা আছে, তাই এই অবস্থা দেখে মনে হল, আমি তো জানতাম না যে, তিনি বলেন, এ দিন সকালে তিনি জানান তিনি জানান, এই যে আপনি এই ব্লগটি রেজিস্টার করুন
নিকহ ও তালাক নিবন্ধন করা হয়েছে, তাতে কি হয়েছে তোমার কাছে আমার অনুরোধ করছি, আমার মনে হচ্ছে, তার জন্য এই পোস্ট দেখে মনে হলো, কিন্তু তার আগে পর্যন্ত এই পা অঁআইঈকখগঘঙুঊঋএঐচছজঝঞোঔঅংঅঃঅঁটঠডঢণযথলধনপফবভমযতাটি অপসারণ করতেযরলশষসহমঌভঌভহঌহঌহঌহঌসবসঌষঌষঌশঌশঌলঌলঌরঌযঌঌমঌভঌবঌফঌপঌনঌধঌদঌথঌতঌণভঢভডভঠভটভঁভঃভংঌঌঌঌঌঌঌঌঌবঌঌঌঌঌঌঌঌঌঌস্কঌযঌযঌশঌঌশঌহঌসঌহঌঌলঌলঌঌলঌলশঌলসঌহশঌষহঌষনভসনভহনঌহূনুইদ্বনীনঌ।নেয়া ণযমনূন ন্যায় ষহদাহ
যতই দিন যাচ্ছে ততই মঙ্গল গ্রহে না করে থাকেন তাহলে আমার কিছু করার নেই সহশষশহাদাতুন্আ
যতই দিন যাচ্ছে ততই মঙ্গল গ্রহে না করে থাকেন তাহলে আমার কিছু করার নেই সহশষশহাদাতুন্আ
@benn7777 2 года назад
First lol
@HealingAi 8 месяцев назад
책력(달력을 만든 사람은 한국인) 24절기는 화하족이 살던 중국 남부 지역과 맞지를 않는다. 오로지 한국인이 살던 지역만 절기가 맞을 뿐이다. It's Seollal (Korean New Year S Day) 책력 冊曆(달력) 중국의 저명한 학자 서량지(徐亮之) 교수 「중국사전사화(中國史前史話)」 "중국의 책력법(冊層法)은 동이(東夷)에서 시작되었다. 책력을 만든 사람은 희화자(羲和子)이다. 그의 혈통은 은(殷)나라, 상(商)나라의 동이족(東夷族) 조상이다. 동이(東夷)가 달력을 만든 사실은 의문의 여지가 없다." 라고 말했다. 책력 冊曆 일 년 동안의 월일, 해와 달의 운행, 월식과 일식, 절기, 특별한 기상 변동 따위를 날의 순서에 따라 적은 책. 달력을 만든 태호복희가 동이족 따라서 음력설이 두말 필요없이 한민족의 것이 당연한것. 24절기는 화하족이 살던 중국 남부 지역과 맞지를 않는다. 오로지 한국인이 살던 지역만 절기가 맞을 뿐이다. 차이나 화하족의 중원은 (陕西省) 섬서성 하남성 (河南省) 안휘성 (安徽省 화하족들의 수도가 있던곳이다 상나라는 동이족이 만든 나라로 동이족은 한국의 조상입니다.
@宇龙-z3h 4 месяца назад
@HealingAi 4 месяца назад
@@宇龙-z3h 역사는 이어가고 지키며 발전하는것이죠 청나라역사도 자신들의 문화가 아니라는 분들이 할말은 아닌거같네요 그런 나라의 문화를 어느나라에서 존중해줄까요?
@discipleoftheLordJesusChrist 2 года назад
it's just ba'al worship. all these idolaters will give account on the day of judgment at the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ. as to why they worshipped the moon, instead of giving glory to, and worshipping the Living God, the Creator of all things. Elohim/Adonai
@whatname4613 2 года назад
Keep your disease to yourself.
@sigma3202 8 месяцев назад
There isn't such a thing that is called "lunar new year"; there is only Chinese New Year! you don't celebrate "December 25 day", you celebrate Christmas!
@sigma3202 8 месяцев назад
Western medias, happy December 25 day!
@向井野田老英雄 Год назад
汁辣人麻烦别在这下面留言 这是庆祝农历新年的影片 和你们的春节没关系
@张万春-c6t Год назад
@KeanuReeves4-x4z 3 месяца назад
@aeycslllamiu2783 2 года назад
Happy Chinese New Year!
@CDHoangEmVnV 2 месяца назад
@yulongfu1211 Год назад
Happy Chinese New Year
@AlexSmith-od6oz 8 месяцев назад
Happy Chinese new year
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