
How to Build a City Around Bikes, Fast 

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@Calum_S 4 года назад
It's not just cycle lanes that are needed, the amount of places to lock bikes up needs to be expanded too.
@avalsirithanawat1772 4 года назад
Seattle has amazing bike parking infrastructure I believe
@arijitpalit2756 4 года назад
They can build underground automated cycle parking in this case.
@jung.k 4 года назад
@KJSvitko 4 года назад
Every bus stop and train station needs places to park and lock bicycles safely.
@MisterGiant 4 года назад
The Netherlands has blueprints for everything. You just have to have the balls to execute them.
@peter1062 4 года назад
Lesson from the Netherlands: when an old city street is too narrow for a bike lane, it is certainly too narrow to have a car lane. Conclusion: make the entire street a bicycle street.
@RandomPlaceHolderName 4 года назад
Another lesson from the Netherlands; have very flat terrain and mild winters and summers.
@peter1062 4 года назад
@@RandomPlaceHolderName We have rain, frost, some snow and no mountains but lots of wind. mostly headwinds. And ever increasing heatwaves.
@RandomPlaceHolderName 4 года назад
@@peter1062 Weirdly, my city gets just as much rain, gets more snow, has colder winters and warmer summers. Pretty much the norm for much of North America but go around the world and try finding places where cycling is as agreeable as the Netherlands, it's very difficult.
@peter1062 4 года назад
@@RandomPlaceHolderName Our main cycle-paths get cleared of snow first thing in the morning. Hundreds of thousands of kids cycle to school every day, no matter the weather. Their parents tell them they're not made of sugar, so toughen up. And I've been on a bicycle in Indonesia, Thailand and the south of Vietnam. No sweat. Well, maybe a little. 😊
@RandomPlaceHolderName 4 года назад
@@peter1062 Agreed. It is possible to cycle in any climate. My point was that it isn't realistic to expect most nations to achieve nearly the same cycling adoption rate as the Netherlands simply due to the weather. And for many places, it's just more realistic to plan a city around public transport. And yeah, I wish more workplaces had shower facilities just to make summer cycling that much easier.
@tOmzz4video 4 года назад
As someone who cycles as my main mode of transport (both short AND long distance -- think city-to-city), I've largely ignored cycling 'infrastructure' here in UK due to how awfuly poor it is. I'm often slowling myself down and putting myself at greater risk by using this 'infrastructure' (i.e., few disconnected and poorly thoughout out road markings) than by simply cycling among motor vehicles... After 5 years of extensive cycling experience and continued interest in the subject here's my personal checklist for ideal cycling infrastructure; - Segragated from motor vehicles (road markings are bare minimum) - Interconnected network to permit long & short, safe journeys for all capabilities - Safe storage locations - Water refill stations - No sharp turns/permanent fixtures that appear out of nowhere - No potholes - Minimal or no stop lights - Direct & easy access to key destinations (i.e., travel hubs, office complexes, markets/shopping centres) PS. Thank you for continuing to keep the spotlight on this wonderful opportunity to VASTLY improve our cities! I'd love to visit London by bike again
@Rotated 4 года назад
I bet cycle lanes would have no problem when it comes to keeping pot-holes out after the path is built or road is converted because there's a lot less weight and traffic traveling on them
@doujinflip 4 года назад
@@Rotated Correct, road wear gets calculated by the _fourth_ power of average vehicle weight. So while trucks cause concrete to want repaving every year or two, the biggest degradation from pure bike and foot traffic would instead come from mere weeds and weathering.
@grummhd3020 4 года назад
As in a bike being a tenth of the weight. Of a car there is an increase in durability by a factor of 10000?
@stijn4771 4 года назад
It sometimes annoys me that so much focus is laid on the amount of kilometres of cycle path, while the quality is maybe even more important. The spanish sociologist was very concious about this. Cycling space should not just be a marked area on the road, but a safe space from which people of all ages can make use.
@idromano 4 года назад
I wonder of they have too many pedestrians walking on the bike path though...
@bradcomis1066 4 года назад
@@idromano Better to have pesky pedestrians in the bike path than no bike path at all.
@LucasFernandez-fk8se 4 года назад
Just keep bikes on the sidewalk where they belong and off the streets where cars belong. And don’t open up new “bike sidewalks” just put them on the people sidewalk. It’s not that hard to swerve and avoid hitting people on a sidewalk
@DougTheSnowMan 4 года назад
I don't want to kill a child or dog riding 25 mph on a sidewalk, I'll ride in the street thanks.
@interfearance3269 4 года назад
yeah, the paint wont save us from cars...
@sjaakdewinter6258 2 года назад
Make safe bikelanes and the bikers will follow.
@ZacharyRodriguez 4 года назад
Got a bike a week ago and kept the pace with work and errands. I live in Japan, so I can take for granted the safety of leaving my bike outside a store among other riders. I love riding here, and I will miss it greatly when I leave. I hope the UK continues to improve and set an example for other western countries.
@keithkool 3 года назад
The biggest obstacle in the UK is the mentatlity from drivers towards cyclists. They would rather run them over instead of sharing a bit of road space.
@zivkovicable 3 года назад
Humans are the same wherever you go. Some countries mitigate this by building decent separate infrastructure for different modes, so it doesn't make any difference if drivers are inconsiderate or not.
@matthewmitchell68 4 года назад
Thank you for finally bringing up a critical need, we need to drastically improve the ability to bike!
@johnbrame3023 2 года назад
I love bikes !!
@agustinvenegas5238 4 года назад
funly enough i'm working on a project on a bike paths network on my uni and, let me tell you the city norms are very pissy about the whole bikes over cars thing, has taken me a whole week to find all the information that norms the one estreet i'm assigned and it insist on parking spaces and freedoms for car traffic, hopefully our teacher will actually present it to the municipality and it will get accepted so we'll have bike paths
@Saucy-ws6jc 2 года назад
Tell them to vacation in the Netherlands
@ligbzd837 2 года назад
So many people WANT to get rid of their cars but we can't because the bike lanes are NOT safe enough...!
@rientsdijkstra4266 Год назад
Clever to use Seville, and not Amsterdam, or some other Dutch city, as an example: what Seville did is much attainable in the short term.
@nik_evdokimov 4 года назад
The situation is much better in Finland though
@stephenverchinski409 4 года назад
We will see. Albuquerque set a goal after putting together a cycle infrastructure of a 5% modal split by 2020.
@mancavestudios8955 3 года назад
The more fundamental problem in places such as North America is the presence of strict zoning laws, which makes biking, walking and public transit less appealing. Also the prospect of practically ending a multibillion dollar industry (automotive) that employs thousands of Americans makes this politically very difficult.
@LLewis-vu9qf 2 года назад
I seriously doubt there will EVER be enough cyclists to make any dent in the car industry barring some catastrophic event. The Covid situation doesn't quite qualify.....yet.
@windmill10 3 года назад
9:30 "The top cycling cities are Amsterdam and Copenhagen", ????? Nope. The top cycling city is probably Groningen. Then after that most other cities in the Netherlans. Then after that Copenhagen. Copenhagen's engineers did some very clever promoting but the city can't hold a candle to almost any Dutch city where bycicle infrastructure is concerned. Edit: not only the cycling infrastructure within cities is on a unique level in the Neterlands but also the regional infrastucture between cities. You can cycle safely through the entire country from north to south and west to east.
@victorc8581 3 года назад
Note that all this cities are flat. I love cycling but I can't get to class sweating and tired every day.
@wimahlers 3 года назад
@Lunavii_Cellest 3 года назад
perth is pretty hilly and towns and cities near the veluwen and southern netherlands are in pretty hilly areas and people still cycle
@conradvancouver7276 4 года назад
Must make flashing lights illegal - as they are in Germany and Holland. They are horrible.
@PendelSteven 3 года назад
And make them illegal in Belgium as well. You can imagine what problems that gives on the border.
@AndreSomers 3 года назад
Why, when you buy a bike to use in the city, do you buy something so unpractical as that? No fenders, no place to carry some baggage, no lights, no chainguard, no coat guard, too much forward riding position... That looks like a bike for sport, not one for commuting in the city.
@otozinclus3593 2 года назад
In the US its sadly near impossible to find a proper commuting bike
@GrigoriFeresin 4 года назад
maybe it would work on some cities, but how about hot climate and mountainous cities?
@joshtipton7417 4 года назад
Electric bikes and plant trees along bike lanes for extra shade
@jaridkeen123 3 года назад
I sold my car over 3 years ago and ride a bike everywhere. I am always slightly made fun of by others because i dont use a car. But i just make fun of them for being poor and owning a depreciating asset. Update: Been 5 years now and i saved over $100,000 not owning a car and I bought a second home in Hawaii :)
@baseendje5763 3 года назад
Non Dutch: "Amsterdam is one of the best cities for cycling in the world". Dutch: "Almost any other city in the Netherlands is a better city for cycling than Amsterdam". =')
@caiofernando 3 года назад
What's the best city for living in the Netherlands in your opinion?
@joshoogervorst 3 года назад
Yeah fellow Dutchie here, couldn't agree more ;) But hey, aparently Amsterdam equals The Netherlands for a lot of foreigners.
@joshoogervorst 3 года назад
@@caiofernando That really depends on your preferences and your budget. Unfortunately housing prices have skyrocketed the last couple of years, I'm guessing mostly in the bigger cities. I myself have lived (or spent a lot of time) in the cities of Delft, Utrecht, Den Haag (The Hague), and Rotterdam. Those cities are all relatively close to one another so I can't really comment on any other cities. Rotterdam is the biggest one out of that list, not only by numbers but also in the way it was rebuilt after WWII. It's known for its modern Architecture which makes it stand out compared to the other cities in the list. It's culturally more diverse and has more of a working class attitude. A bit of a 'harsher' atmosphere for lack of better words. I personally prefer the other cities, for they have retained most of their picturesque city centres and a are a bit more compact. But obviously that comes with a price tag. If you're thinking about moving here, the logical thing to do would obiously be to spend some time here and visit some cities!
@mariadebake5483 2 года назад
Yes absolutely true. Most other cities are way better than Amsterdam. Go see Groningen, Nijmegen, Utrecht....whichever city, they are all better than Amsterdam. And not only the cities, the countryside too. It's the whole of the Netherlands, a country that's unfortunately often equalled to Amsterdam. Which is ridiculous
@enjoyslearningandtravel7957 2 года назад
I was in Amsterdam there are many lanes for bicycles a lot of mopeds take the opportunity to weave in and out of them making it dangerous for bicyclists and even for walkers on the sidewalks.
@sidwinus 4 года назад
This is easiest thing govt can do to improve lives of ppl.
@Frisbeeninja2 3 года назад
exactly! Also, exercise helps people's mental state as well as health!
@genius11433 3 года назад
Unfortunately, that ease almost guarantees that it _won't_ happen...at least in America.
@cristiansoutside 4 года назад
This also needs to happen here in America. Cars are so prioritized I have no bike lanes to even get to work. Working on making this issue relevant to the city council
@gerbenvanessen 4 года назад
you want bike infrastructure when you havn't even figured out the basics of street design to discourage speeding and cars driving into buildings?
@LucasFernandez-fk8se 4 года назад
No bikes in america. Think of the commuters, imagine driving 60 miles to downtown on a bike? How would that happen? You can’t super commute efficiently on a bike and also bike lanes steal traffic lanes which are more precious. If they actually took sidewalk space for these bikes I would be fine with it but since they are taking something important and giving it to some rare minority of a commuter group, then it’s not worth it. Also let’s not forget it snows in the US a lot. U can’t ride bikes in the snow dingus. You would freeze to death and bikes are too pathetic to ride in the snow
@Spince28 4 года назад
@@LucasFernandez-fk8se 2 things. 1) people that live 60 miles out of downtown probably wont bike to the city. But if all or most people within 20-30 miles bike it would create a much more pleasant commute for the 60 miles commuter. 2) Cyclist are a minority because use of bikes are currently unsafe to use in most cities. That number has already increased due to Covid and now we should consider accommodating new cyclist. Honestly a win-win, less traffic, less pollution, healthier population, etc.
@NewBlueTrue 4 года назад
Easy Going Quick question. How would a city implement a bike friendly city when it is over 100°F/40°C 3 to 4 months out of the year?
@arthurbttf 4 года назад
@@NewBlueTrue Rio de Janeiro have them.. And we have 35c temperature constantly all year, planting more trees helps the temperature problem as it creates spots of shadow and reduce temperature. But I am no specialist in this
@FinancialShinanigan 4 года назад
Soon people will be yelling at drivers to get off the bike lanes.
@biketoeverything 4 года назад
They already are! It’s time to start listening.
@offwhitemke 4 года назад
Got to make most of the bike paths protected lanes. One option becoming more popular is moving car parking away from the sidewalk and putting the bike lane in that space. That way parked cars protect the bike lane. And it is a very inexpensive change to make.
@Cat_in_Spacetime 4 года назад
Soon fossil fuel cars are stopped from using.
@420greatestqueen 4 года назад
Sean Avery’s, former NHL player, whole Instagram is him doing that in New York
@Gee-xb7rt 4 года назад
haha, cars love using bike lanes for parking, and I love yelling at filthy trogs.
@brandondavidson4085 2 года назад
I don't even want to be a "cyclist". I just think if I'm not going further than 2 miles I should be able to physically bike there safely.
@a.awm4 2 года назад
Yeah people in the Netherlands don't really consider themselves cyclists it's just a method of getting around.
@matkowalewski 4 года назад
As a cyclist in London, I must say that it’s getting better and better and I truely enjoy cycling in the city as my primary way of commuting. That said, potholes and confusing cycle lanes with dangerous switches to the opposite side of the road like in Blackfriars Bridge need to be fixed! NOW!
@lajosnagy4331 4 года назад
Yeah well said! But roads are getting better and more and more people cycling to work.
@wimahlers 4 года назад
As an avid Dutch cyclists seeing cycle videos of London the infrastructure scares the beejezus out of me. Scary points are: 1. A lot, if not most, cycle paths are too narrow. 2. Using bus lanes as cycle lanes. Cheap but dangerous. Definitely not cycle friendly. 3. Wasted and useless painted lines on roads pretending to represent cycle lanes. 4. Cycle infrastructure ending right before you need it at intersections. 5. Ridiculous amount of obstructions. Like road signs on the cycle lanes or blocking visibility on cycle paths and cycle lanes. 6. No plan whatsoever to reduce traffic speeds for automotive traffic within city limits. In other words, a half arsed infrastructure plan. 7. Most cycle lanes and cycle paths are constructed with a total disregard for the infamous "dooring" problem. 8. Overall ridiculous detours for cyclists, despite some through routes, as compared to the ease accomodated for automotive traffic. 9. Ill constructed roundabouts. Or in general, ill constructed intersections. Some subpoints: 10. A lot of road rage between cyclists and drivers. It is a cultural thing, but still ... it does result in some dangerous interactions. 11. No plan or infrastructure for mass cycling parking near offices, schools, railway stations, and the like... 12. No actual commuter bicycles. Everybody (well, most) seem to have a sporty or racing bicycle trying to outrun the automotive traffic.
@z00h 4 года назад
@@wimahlers As an avid non Dutch cyclist I just can't get over how Dutch cyclists have a "holly cow that can't do no wrong" status. Even vs pedestrians.
@wimahlers 4 года назад
@@z00h You said, and I quote you: "As an avid non Dutch cyclist I just can't get over how Dutch cyclists have a "holly cow that can't do no wrong" status. Even vs pedestrians." I have no idea what you mean by that. Can you please explain. Much obliged.
@z00h 4 года назад
@@wimahlers I wrote it in plain English, it's your job to read it with comprehension. Stop smoking pot, maybe that will help.
@danielmwendwa791 4 года назад
In Kenya, Nairobi City is currently providing bike lanes for cyclists There's some backlash but the number of cyclists has gone up slightly and the general pedestrian is appreciating the clean air
@benobaars 3 года назад
When you are in a car you are stuck in traffic in Nairobi.
@HansVerburg 3 года назад
Did they physically separate the bike lanes from the car lanes in Nairobi?
@danielmwendwa791 3 года назад
@@HansVerburg they tried... Some roads were designed well while others need further intervention 😅
@lookingforsomething 3 года назад
I has been two decades since I was last in Nairobi, and I hear that the traffic has gotten terrible. Honestly an extensive bike infrastructure would do wonders to nearly any city, I believe Nairobi would benefit a lot as well. With a well thought out bike network car congestion also lowers considerably and all travel times decrease significantly.
@danielmwendwa791 3 года назад
@@lookingforsomething it is true that the traffic has worsened, but I don't think having bike lanes is enough as we don't quite have that cycling culture. Rather, if the City Council were to employ a better mass transit system as well as a cycling network, then this would surely aid in traffic decongestion. Fortunately, such plans are underway
@emthegem8141 4 года назад
Awww yeah go bikes, there are so many benefits and so few downsides: its healthy, has smaller area than a car or truck, no pollution, no electricity and also one of THE most efficient machines made in history!!! GO BIKES!!!
@MFTQ 4 года назад
And if you need to buy something bigger, than you can have a bike for bigger things. It's common in the Netherlands.
@MrPicklesAndTea 4 года назад
I'm over here looking at $400 monthly car insurance, plus gas, up front/mortgage and repair costs; thinking to myself "Why the hell can't we have decent bike lanes?" Seriously, transportation shouldn't have to take up a quarter of your budget
@nickgennady 3 года назад
I bike is a electric bike so yha electricity is not out of the equation but I get what you mean.
@UzumakiNaruto_ 3 года назад
@@MFTQ What people consider 'bigger things' in Europe probably means small to medium sized in North America. There's a reason why SUV sales in NA are so huge these days because people want the ability to haul large things and lots of stuff on their own which is something bikes can't do even with a trailer.
@TimpBizkit 3 года назад
@@nickgennady electric motors actually have a smaller carbon footprint than human muscles when you compare similar power ratings.
@frogery 3 года назад
after my city added bike lanes to this one road i was able to turn a 30-45 minute drive stuck in traffic into a simple 30 minute bike ride to work. best change ever.
@MrBashem Год назад
Sounds like you there was other issues besides the car there. If you do the same time.
@frogery Год назад
@@MrBashem yes, the problem was every one else with a car 🤣
@MrBashem Год назад
@@frogery or poor city planners
@shr6482 Год назад
@@MrBashem Exactly, because car centric planning is poor city planning.
@MrBashem Год назад
@@shr6482 I don't think most are even planning for roads or they wouldn't do it so badly. Which is why they try fix it by painting over roads. That is the only problem I have with bike lanes.
@5000IU 4 года назад
This video wont get the attention it needs. Go bikes tho.
@offwhitemke 4 года назад
Like and share.
@doubleatheman 4 года назад
@@offwhitemke Absolutely, when I have seen this video has under 1 million views, I got sad. This should be a virial movement right now world wide!
@corbeau-_- 3 года назад
it is a step. We've become very impatient these last decades... Small steps will have to do, in a lot of cases. Stick to it! Don't give up and keep coming up with initiatives. a lot of small steps can equal the giant steps we foresee. We just have to settle, not give up on the small steps. Otherwise, nothing changes.
@5000IU 3 года назад
@@corbeau-_- That's true! I think change is inevitable but one could wish for somethings to change faster. I will still contribute and seek to do more.
@richarddobson4382 3 года назад
@@offwhitemke And comment.
@peachezprogramming 4 года назад
The US totally destroyed most of our cities with the highway I hate it here
@emthegem8141 4 года назад
Come to Canada! Toronto has a decent amount of bike lanes (still could use some work though).
@spiritualanarchist8162 4 года назад
Come to the Netherlands '-))
@drfusioncraft 4 года назад
@@emthegem8141 i live in scarborough and would like to havea word.
@emthegem8141 4 года назад
@@drfusioncraft ooof i felt that hahaa, the bike lanes that do exist there are like only a foot wide, big sad.
@latenightthinker4737 3 года назад
Wrong, not the highway, almost every country needs some form of highway system. Even the Netherlands and Japan. What killed America's dreams is it's extremist zoning laws and culture. The suburbs of America are its downfall in more ways than I can count.
@pokemonfreaky100 4 года назад
Yes! Go for it! Greetings from the Netherlands.
@marcelmoulin3335 3 года назад
Absoluut! Groeten uit Middelburg!
@naruciakk 3 года назад
When the people in your city cycle in helmets and special clothing, you know that your city has already failed :P
@ILovePancakes24 3 года назад
how dare they want to cycle in helmets. You got something against safety bub?
@huahuahua280 2 года назад
it's ok, they're progressing
@scooptm 5 месяцев назад
@@ILovePancakes24 nah, but forexample here in the netherlands, its so safe to cycle, you legally arent required to wear one.
@KJSvitko 4 года назад
Public officials like mayors, transportation planners, engineers, teachers and Police need to ride bicycles regularly. If they did they could identify what cycling improvements are needed and can implement them quickly.
@Gee-xb7rt 4 года назад
I live in Atlanta and there is a lot of push back from the trogs that want better lanes for their oversized suvs. Trogs have infinitely more say over what gets done, even when they don't live here, they commute from the outer burbs. You want change make boomers useful by turning them into mulch.
@berrybear2465 4 года назад
Walking, Cycling, Electric scooter, Electric Bikes, Electric minicars, Electric golf carts.
@DarkDutch007 3 года назад
@LazicStefan are you made out of sugar? Get on that bicycle!
@KC-ep6sg 4 года назад
I hope the US follows this example- we need more sustainable infrastructure and could benefit from the health aspects of biking as well. The main problem I see us having to overcome though is politics, and making sustainability out to be a partisan issue. It could also be unrealistic in areas where urban sprawl makes biking too impractical, in places where a person's commute to work is already 30 minutes to an hour by car. But in urban areas, we could definitely benefit from more biking
@dannice240 4 года назад
I'd agree with you. With that said, I live in a mid size city, and bought an e-bike in the past year. That has easily allowed me to do a 15-20 mile ride (when I was commuting). My commute is short (about 3 miles) but it's actually quicker on the ebike.
@gamelord12 4 года назад
Installing bike lanes and reducing infrastructure built around cars is how you reduce urban sprawl.
@drdewott9154 4 года назад
I mean it's much more complicated in the US to start with due to most american cities being laid out very differently than the european ones, with massive seperated suburban streets in circles and cul de sacs stretching nearly endlessly. I guess the most effective way to put in bicycle systems in such a place would be to place dedicated bike paths cutting through the winding suburban streets and connecting them to places like shopping malls or commercial districts, where they from there could be connected to bike paths leading further into the city or connecting with public transit. But making such bike paths cut through the sprawl will be difficult as the properties are practically fully filled. Plus how much the Americans prioritize their space so even getting these homeowners to allow a bit of their backyard to be taken so a bike path can be laid will be a massive struggle. It could work but at the same time it'll take a miracle.
@gamelord12 4 года назад
@@drdewott9154 Nah, I don't think it'll take a miracle. We're already seeing cities all over the country take the first steps. We'll get there, slowly but surely.
@KC-ep6sg 4 года назад
DrDewott Unfortunately you're right, maybe I should just leave the US lol
@JustaReadingguy 4 года назад
I have been waiting 50 years for this. Bring it on.
@maxnewts 4 года назад
Sometimes it’s not the cycle lanes that we need more of, we just need some of them to connect with each other and be PROTECTED. I WOULD LIKE ALL OF THE SUBURBAN NEIGHBOURHOODS IN UK TO IMPLEMENT SIGNAGE AND IMPROVE THE PAVEMENTING. WE DONT NEED TO ADD SOMETIMES, WE JUST NEED TO IMPROVE.
@economicsinaction 4 года назад
This is a great moment to convert many cities towards bike friendly cities and I am hopeful change will happen
@Astr0b0y8 4 года назад
Golden age of cycle commuting around the world
@latenightthinker4737 3 года назад
- is coming, we're not there yet
@CoderShare 4 года назад
Society: Gains 72 cents through cycling from healthcare spending Me: Laughs in USA
@Cl0ckcl0ck 3 года назад
Yeah, and coming home or at work relaxed and not annoyed at the world can't be measured in $$$.
@pawernielsbroek3971 3 года назад
@user-ed7et3pb4o 2 года назад
And yet the US government spends more per capita on healthcare than the UK government...
@cornholio777 4 года назад
I have a suggestion for a bike friendly city road sharing plan💡👆🚲🚗.. Every other street should be a bike only street and let's compare the business impact on those changes. I'm very sure it's going to be a positive one because there would be more pedestrian on the bike only streets and that would generate more foot traffic for those businesses
@ILovePancakes24 3 года назад
problem is that american cities got unbuilt from pedestrian traffic to car centric traffic. So even if you did take away those streets, the car users will just have more traffic. And also American cities were rezoned to put places people live far away from places they want to shop in.
@Snowboundless 4 года назад
The benefits of practical cycling literally cannot be overstated. You get aerobic exercise, don't have to stress out driving in traffic, and save lots of money (even if you still own a car). Oh, and it's a lot tougher to swing through the drive thru after work. ;)
@no-lifenoah7861 Год назад
also, your country's entire economy doesn't implode every time some corporate bigwig decides oil can be a little bit more expensive this week
@diedertspijkerboer Год назад
I have a 10 minute commute one way and it's so refreshing to start your work after some medium intensity exercise. I once lived very close to work and was actually happier when I moved and had a commute again.
@de3566 4 года назад
Friends all over the world... let's start the permanent transformation!! 👍🌍 Same world, same problem! Best regards from Germany!
@rusitoexplorador 4 года назад
I really can't understand where the revenue comes from for Bloomberg to make such high quality videos
@r3dp1ll 4 года назад
Selling terminals mostly
@hosank 4 года назад
wait seriously?
@Certago 3 года назад
Adding ebikes into the mix makes cycling far more accessible to more people. My commute is a 34 mile round trip, I ain't doing that on a normal bicycle because I'll be exhausted by the time I reach the office or get home and I'd stay home / use the motorcycle whenever the weather isn't great. On my ebike none of that matters, I can gear up for rain and cycle with relative ease.
@jung.k 4 года назад
I just started biking again after almost 20 years! Its fun and i feel healthier especially with not many cars around to hit you i feel like it can be considered an option
@fercfrm 4 года назад
I ride my bike for a lot of reasons here in Bogotá. Always choose to ride in the road with the cars because of two main reasons. 1. Security issues: everyday cyclists get robbed and often stabbed when using the bike lanes located in the sidewalk (like in Seville) and those kind of bike lanes are the majority of the bike system for the city. 2. Those bike lanes are full of pot holes. Or the concrete is really rough with too much grip. Or the tree roots lift the concrete and put you in an MTB situation in seconds. Or the ramps used to conect the bike lane in a crossing are not well built and you have to sometimes get off the bike to pass them. Our politicians are always making publicity about the bike system of Bogotá but for the cyclists there are more flaws than positive elements. Cycling parking is also really limited, specially in the night. Our best bike experience is on sundays and holydays when several lanes of several avenues in the city transform from car to bike lanes. This system connects a lot of the city and it is more enjoyable than riding in those narrow bike lanes in the sidewalks.
@EdwardJWhiting 3 года назад
In Sydney, the Sydney City Council puts in bike lanes, and the NSW State Government rips them up and puts in car parking spaces.
@aidenkornic9464 3 года назад
That sucks.
@stereotype.6377 4 года назад
Lmao why don't they just copy the Dutch. There solved your problem, Will!
@crytocc 4 года назад
As a Dutch person: no, I don't think they should. I believe this is also mentioned in the video, but it's been a long process here in NL, that would take too long to replicate in London; Seville seems to have a much better, more efficient approach when the goal is "fix this issue, fast". The biggest risk here is in losing the momentum of fighting for better cycling infrastructure. Even *if* the infrastructure in NL is better than in Seville (and I don't know whether that is the case), it is far more important to get it rolled out *fast* to get people on bikes, and then once the widespread public support is there, it can be improved further over time.
@bencrystalofficial 4 года назад
Honestly if London becomes a cycling central I'd consider moving there!
@Bflo23 3 года назад
I live in the U.S. suburbs and I have nothing when it comes to legit bike lanes. It is a shame as there are rarely any bikers around and I am sharing the road with cars speeding near me, shoulder or riding on the sidewalk. Dangerous. I also ride the shoulder lane of a highway.
@Sergio_Loureiro 4 года назад
6:28 Where did he get the costs proportion of 1 highway km = 100 km cycle lane? I've seen a study from Canada where they say the costs proportion is 1 highway km = 300 km cycle lane!
@Rotated 4 года назад
well that depends. It might just be 3 times more expensive to build cycling lanes in cities like London
@doge.inDaBay 4 года назад
Was completely expecting this comment to turn negative. Turned out to be 3x as positive!!
@crytocc 4 года назад
North America seems to generally be even more car-centric than the car-centric European countries. Because of that, it's quite possible that Canada's comparison involved higher-quality highways, lower-quality cycle lanes, or both - and that that explains the difference in cost proportion.
@DarkDutch007 3 года назад
North American car lanes are wider than car lanes in Europe, most of their cars are wider than what you would see in Europe anyways and bigger cars are usually heavier, and North American highways might also have more lanes compared to European highways? Going to guess it all depends on what they compare to what in the end.
@polskiszkot21 4 года назад
Seems like London could learn a lot from Warsaw. Over the last 10 years, the change and development has been impressive. There is now a road separate network all across the city with more routes being built every year. Plus a hugely popular city rent bike scheme.
@pedroSilesia 4 года назад
Warsaw has wide 3 even 4 lane one direction streets whereas London doesn't even have too many proper 2 lane. London is just too narrow and filled with supply/city infrastructure vehicles. White vans, trucks, delivery or taxis make roads uncomfortable to ride. All of this added to a huge demand on cycling and you have traffic jams on bikes lanes during rush hours. City built major superhighways which are similar to the ones in Sevilla but of course more needs to be done.
@DeadTalkLive 4 года назад
Nice clip ♥♥! As a fellow RU-vidr, I am on the lookout for fresh ideas! Great Job!
@AWriterWandering 4 года назад
Unfortunately this is much harder to do in America, just because the very structure of our cities has been built around cars. Many businesses are spread out, designed to cover very large areas that a car can traverse fairly quickly.
@MichaelSalo Год назад
American cities were not built for cars. They were bulldozed in the 20th century to make room for cars.
@chistinelane 4 года назад
I live in a town with ZERO cycling infrastructure whatsoever. Ssidewalkers are your only option and they are terrible. I'm in the US. Europe seems so sane. People aren't fighting over meaningless stupidly vague "rights" and focus on improving the lives of all.m
@stephenverchinski409 4 года назад
Find me. I spearheaded with 5 other folks the Greater Albuquerque Bike Plan and I-40 bikeway.
@markknoop6283 3 года назад
In Amsterdam cars don't own the road. If there's a accident between car and a bike the car is always in the wrong. You need to start whit the transformation.
@RDJ2 3 года назад
Don't reinvent the wheel, just copy what the Dutch do. A cycling lane is not enough, traffic needs to be separated as much as possible. A curb between the road and the cycling lane is a first step. Just visit any Dutch city and see how it's done. Also important are intelligent traffic lights that optimize throughput. Drivers need to understand that it's also better for them, you can't get annoyed by a cyclist if it isn't on your road. It'll be better for everyone.
@ericn7975 4 года назад
I've decided to dedicate my life to cycling as an activist
@biketoeverything 4 года назад
It’s time to bike to everything.
@lyneabaudino7097 4 года назад
It’s also important to have sufficient affordable housing so that more people can live within biking distance from their work - looking at you California 🙄
@CarthagoMike 4 года назад
The most important thing is to have a _safe_ cycling lane, where the cyclist either rules alone or has priority over any other kind of traffic (like cars).
@latenightthinker4737 3 года назад
The ideal safe bicycle infrastructure is it's own system separate from cars. meaning you can get to places in two ways and never have to cross paths with the other commuters.
@matthewparker9276 3 года назад
@@latenightthinker4737 that's not really realistic, and not necessary. While cyclists should be offered routes that cars can't take, particularly shorter routes that might go through parks or extend dead end roads, well designed protected bike lanes, and priority considerations at crossings means bikes can happily travel the same routes vehicles do.
@anubizz3 Год назад
Yeah more important than pedestrian ..... typical Cyclist greedy mentality.
@DougGrinbergs 4 года назад
6:39 Mikael Colville-Anderson (Copenhagenize) rails against adjacent bi-directional bike lane traffic. Notice how bike lane also next to oncoming vehicle traffic with no physical separation. (:-( Paint physical separation: paint < bollards/cones < curb < fence < Jersey barrier.
@oscarsalcedocastaneda9205 4 года назад
In my city they were building a cycle path and got backlash for it. Hope they could understand the benefits of these kinds of Infrastructure.
@ClayShentrup 3 года назад
Ban cars.
@georgeemil3618 3 года назад
Any city can be a bike-friendly city. The excuses by drivers are all the same and have been proven to be wrong by all the cities that have installed them. I've been to hilly cities where the network of bike lanes are installed near the city centres where that part of the city is flat. I've been to snowy cities where the bike lanes are plowed. I've been on freeways where there are no traffic lights, pedestrians, cyclists or buses. They should be a driver's dream but they are full of congestion.
@psocretes8183 3 года назад
As for storing bikes, folding bikes are very useful and shouldn't be overlooked. They can be taken indoors at your destination so theft isn't as much as an issue. I recently got a Brompton (folding bike) which I can take on a bus/plane it folds up so small. I also have an electric bike for shopping. As a cyclist I have a different map of the world to most people because I want to keep off main roads and use back streets as they are much quieter safer and often prettier. Cycling requires a different mindset.
@diedertspijkerboer Год назад
Amazingly enough, the way that cycling infrastructure is designed is still evolving. I live in the town of Wageningen, the Netherlands. A recent addition here is a cycle first road. The idea is that bicycles have orecence and cars are guests. They have to adapt. The way this is done is that the entire road is coloured a pinkish red, the standard colour for cycle lanes, with signs that say that cars are allowed. Another one is a waiting time indicator at the traffic lights for bicycles, using a ring of leds that go out one at a time and are all off when the light turns green. I expect that it enhances reaction speed.
@lelucheking7420 4 года назад
I really wish some of these techniques would be used in the US. Many suburban areas are well developed for them to have bike paths everywhere, but yet we still prioritize the cars. Very happy to see other countries taking a different approach though.
@jasvinsinghrehal 2 года назад
Logic never works when profits of car manufacturers and oil lobby are at stake. Putting forward logic is futile. Try some other approach.
@slendii366 2 года назад
I just love biking so i would like this because it can make the day to day
@latenightthinker4737 3 года назад
This video missed one important mark and that'd be zoning. This is all possible in many Asian and European countries given their close proximity living. But this would be much harder to implement in an American city because of the separation between amenities and housing. American suburbs make it impossible for cycling to a viable form of daily transportation because you'd spend so much time just getting out of the suburbs. Along with adding bicycle infrastructure and safety measures, start reorganizing cities and towns and start changing zoning laws
@caelan8819 4 года назад
I like how you filmed a lot of this is Peckham and Dulwich.
@frankhooper7871 4 года назад
Things are changing - here in Ipswich, some of our existing cycle lanes have had bollards installed, which means the cars aren't driving right on the lines; some streets have been closed to through motorized traffic; and yesterday, I spotted a public tyre pump complete with pressure gauge. I also feel car drivers [on the whole] are more courteous towards cyclists than they were a few years back. Cycle racks are still poor though; they are often badly located - not in clear view, ideal for thieves - not near where cyclists want to be.
@zivkovicable 4 года назад
East Anglia is flat. it should be a cycling paradise on a par with the Netherlands just over the water.
@MrDePlam 4 года назад
I live in Greater London and commute to central. I must say I only start to see cycle infrastructure once I enter the city. It shouldn’t be like this and you can’t have a cycle lane just meters before a set of traffic lights to just disappear afterwards. London needs to pick, either expand on the car or expand on the cycle you can’t be on a standstill for both.....
@babimangab7436 4 года назад
No masks.. i see
@skyearthocean5815 10 месяцев назад
“Public transit usage will no-longer be possible at the level it is now” Actually after a certain point they just packed people in as normal and told them their magic face diaper would protect them. Has much of this new-found momentum for cycling continued on after COVID?
@eindhoven2503 2 года назад
And this video is 'produced' by Bloomberg. One of the largest donors of the Tories in the UK. Basically it is a con job because the underlying sentiment is 'don't take my car away, we will make it impossible for you to cycle'. And those Tories now tell cyclists to register all push bikes, including all kids bikes, next they will be taxed. Bloomberg doesn't care, they once again, they only care about money.
@Bramfly 4 месяца назад
Cities are for the inhabitants and their transportation needs. Pedestrians first then people on bicycles or mobility scooters etc, and then cars and delivery trucks. Neighborhoods without through roads only access roads and lots of traffic calming.
@iamstartower Год назад
world needs more v8 engines...
@charlesduzzie9811 4 года назад
I bet most of the bike friendly cities are college towns...... (Pardon me, when I saw the post I was thinking of towns here in America).
@paolocruz8392 4 года назад
With the advent of the brompton electric bike, it makes it a lot more convenient to use bikes
@dashric 4 года назад
You also would need to put laws in place that can protect cyclists. Yes Amsterdam doesn't have more dedicated than you think for such a cycling city, but cars are also not the boss in the small roads, unlike the USA or Brittain
@weekdaycycling 3 года назад
My place is probably a bicycle-antagonized city. Car drivers are considered Omega. Cyclists are treated as Beta.
@niecha6332 4 года назад
WHEN they implement this it wont be because of the reasons they gave but because of over population .
@snowlover71 4 года назад
Now make a US version
@Babyadultskater 3 года назад
No. Not everything is about the US.
@zensenpai6669 2 года назад
Just ride on the road and pray that you're fast enough to not get hit.
@richiericher9084 4 года назад
Bikes should have madatory safety features as cars do. Since bikers are very vulnerable to crashes, the number one priority should be to avoid those in the first place. And you do that by improving visibility: obligatory reflectors in the wheels (side view) and front/back. obligatory working lighting. obligatory working bell. In Germany this is mandatory, in the UK apparently not (or the journalist just doesn't care) Please also enforce it. Happy and safe cycling to everyone
@joshtipton7417 4 года назад
Obligatory bell in Germany is actually great. I visited Hannover from the US (where people rarely use bells), and passing and communicating with riders/pedestrians is so much easier. I think the vulnerability of bikes is a bit misleading, since bikes are very vulnerable to crashes with CARS, which is usually caused by infrastructure/driver error. Removing cars and offering training in cycling safety would go a long way towards making bikes less vulnerable.
@haiphan2916 8 месяцев назад
I come from Vietnam and I have high hopes for the future of bicycle cities in my homeland
@Paul_C 2 года назад
London bike friendly HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you gotta be kidding!
@diedertspijkerboer Год назад
Depends on where you compare it with. It also depends on your route, but yeah, I'd be very scared to cycle in some places.
@LuxuriantCarrot 3 месяца назад
Shoutout to the cameraman riding backwards for the shot
@Fly0High 4 года назад
Actually cycle lanes to the level of the pavement are not the best idea. It does not separate physically what is space for pedestrians, what is for bikes. And so the tendency is for both to intermingle. Instead the bike lane should be to the level of the roadway, because bikes are a vehicle, and segregated with a physical or planted divider.
@petermcgreevy6386 3 года назад
Brisbane Sydney and Hobart in Australia are installing new bike lanes which are on trial for 12 months which is great....
@persebra 4 года назад
there should be parking lots with attendants for bicycles and not just for cars.
@PaulHo 4 года назад
I was always very pro-bike, having longed for the romantic scenes of Amsterdam and Copenhagen, and living in Southern California. It could never adopt here though, way too dangerous with no clear paths, and nonexistent incentives. Now, as a permanently disabled person with a whole slew of belongings that have to come with on every trip, I have had to bid a farewell to that dream once and for all. An electric cargo bike would be a fleeting fantasy.
@PaulHo 4 года назад
@@eiypo there is no winning that fight. We can't even prevent police brutality and bias, convincing the real monsters that are politicians is a losing battle. It doesn't stand to profit any of them.
@carfreeneoliberalgeorgisty5102 3 года назад
Ironically southern California was the site of the first bike highway but it was abandoned after the car became king in America.
@PaulHo 3 года назад
@@carfreeneoliberalgeorgisty5102 yikes
@richarddobson4382 3 года назад
I'm watching this 8 months late, but it's a great video. More biking equals higher quality of life.
@evancox9824 4 года назад
in addition to highlighting how bikes can improve our cities, can you make a video about improving natural spaces to provide ecosystem services?
@f0real9 4 года назад
Surprised you didn't go to the Netherlands....
@maxduncan7090 3 года назад
That fact about cars and bikes in Amsterdam is absolutely hogwash. Cycles have dedicated cycle paths in any place where cars have dominion. And anywhere else bikes have control. My grandma used to call bikes the fiets mafia
@jamesrafael6794 4 года назад
In this crisis, a great oppurtunity for change arises. ie, urban planning, transportation and well being for commuters. Let's get it going, asap. ( If you like this video, please send this in a barrage to your city council now! )
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