
How to control EMOTIONS😌 by zen master. 

Uplifted Minds
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💥How to control EMOTIONS by zen master.💥
In a tranquil Zen monastery high in the mountains, there lived a young monk named Ren who often struggled with controlling his emotions. He would get easily frustrated, sad, or angry, and these emotions disrupted his peace. Seeking help, Ren approached the wise Zen Master Hiroshi.
"Master Hiroshi," Ren began, bowing deeply, "I find it difficult to control my emotions. How can I learn to master them?"
Master Hiroshi smiled gently and said, "Come with me, Ren."
They walked through the serene garden until they reached a bubbling stream. Master Hiroshi pointed to the flowing water. "Emotions are like this stream, Ren. They flow naturally, but if blocked, they can become turbulent. The key to controlling emotions is not to block them but to let them flow freely and calmly."
He handed Ren a small leaf. "Place this leaf in the stream and observe."
Ren did as instructed and watched the leaf float effortlessly along the water, carried by the current. "This is your first lesson: learn to observe your emotions without attachment. Let them come and go, like the leaf on the stream."
The next day, Master Hiroshi took Ren to a vast field of wildflowers. "Each flower represents a different emotion," he said. "Just as these flowers bloom and wither in their own time, so too do emotions. Your task is to accept each one without judgment. This is your second lesson: acceptance."
Ren spent hours in the field, observing the flowers and reflecting on his own emotions. He began to see that his feelings were natural and temporary, like the flowers that bloomed and faded.
One evening, as a storm rolled in, Master Hiroshi led Ren to a sturdy oak tree. "During a storm, this tree bends with the wind but does not break," he said. "You must learn to be like this tree, flexible yet strong. When powerful emotions arise, acknowledge them, but do not let them overwhelm you. This is your third lesson: resilience."
Inspired, Ren practiced these teachings daily. When anger or sadness surfaced, he observed them without attachment, accepted their presence, and remained resilient, letting them pass like the storm around the oak tree.
Months passed, and Ren began to feel a deep sense of peace. His once turbulent emotions now flowed smoothly like the stream, and he felt more balanced and centered.
One day, Master Hiroshi took Ren to a quiet spot in the garden where a small, delicate flower grew. "This flower blooms because it receives both sunlight and rain," he said. "Your emotions are part of what makes you human. Embrace them, learn from them, and let them nourish your growth."
Ren nodded, understanding that true mastery of emotions was not about suppression but about harmony and balance. He felt a profound sense of gratitude for the lessons he had learned.
As the sun set over the mountains, Ren approached Master Hiroshi. "Thank you, Master, for teaching me how to control my emotions."
Master Hiroshi smiled, his eyes filled with wisdom. "Remember, Ren, controlling emotions is about observing them without attachment, accepting them without judgment, and remaining resilient through their storms. Embrace your emotions, and let them guide you to greater understanding and peace."
And so, Ren continued his journey, embodying the principles he had learned. His life became a testament to the power of emotional mastery, showing that with observation, acceptance, and resilience, one can achieve true inner peace and balance, enriching both their own life and the lives of those around them.
1.#InnerPeace 2. #Meditation
4. #Spirituality
5. #Wisdom
6. #SelfDiscovery
7. #zenstory #Enlightenment
8. #Tranquility
9. #Zen Teachings10. #BuddhistWisdom
10. #QuietReflection
11. #LifeLessons
12. #PeacefulMind
13. #StrengthInSilence
14. #ZenPhilosophy
15. #SpiritualGrowth
16. #Serenity
17. #MindfulLiving
18. #ZenStories
20. #silenceandfury



11 сен 2024




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@343-vinaymendhe9 19 дней назад
Really really nice 😊
@juliaberezovaya4336 20 дней назад
It's a good story to teach kinds to cope with their emotions.
@UpliftedMinds3 19 дней назад
Glad you like it 😊
@nat-nik8011 20 дней назад
This is what we need ! Thank you !)) 🌾🥀🍀
@UpliftedMinds3 19 дней назад
You're welcome 😊
@PaganSkye 17 дней назад
This is such a powerful and beautiful lesson I was glued to the screen and listened to every single word thank you so much for sharing this you have no idea how much I needed this today. Keep up this amazing work ppl need to hear this it’s such an inspiration and important message ❤️❤️💜💜💜🦄🦄😂😂🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
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